Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
Not really. There are some builds that just aren’t made for 1v1.
I wouldn’t dream of dueling with my glamor mesmer, staff ele, or condition necro because all of those builds are built around being in a specific team environment.
Hell, even bringing them to a 5v5 would be ill-advised. Too easy to focus down. Would have to change the specs around at the very least.
Lol personally i have friends who duel on most of those and get by, if not with good success too.
As far as builds… I only optimize to fit my play style, i dont see the point of switching builds just to duel… I run 1 build, in WvW, in Spvp, and in PvE. Whether im guardian or elementalist.
Switching builds just for a 1v1 seems petty. Just build something balanced so it doesnt matter if its 1v1 or 3v1. Seems too… 1 trick pony too me switching builds, changing into zerk armor and claiming skill.
Low population DR!? Yupyup, but i’m – we are enjoying WvW.
I had good fights with Ehmry Bay finest.
(edited by namkaeng.8452)
Lol personally i have friends who duel on most of those and get by, if not with good success too.
As far as builds… I only optimize to fit my play style, i dont see the point of switching builds just to duel… I run 1 build, in WvW, in Spvp, and in PvE. Whether im guardian or elementalist.
Switching builds just for a 1v1 seems petty. Just build something balanced so it doesnt matter if its 1v1 or 3v1. Seems too… 1 trick pony too me switching builds, changing into zerk armor and claiming skill.
I always expect people to show up for duels in dueling builds because that’s how it plays out in most games in my experience.
Knowing that most of the people who come out for duels are using builds specifically tuned for dueling (or at least, are not significantly disadvantaged) I personally don’t see much of a point in being at a disadvantage for no real reason.
I’d must rather have an interesting fight than have my prior knowledge reaffirmed (Basilisk Venom, Mug, and C&D/Backstab spam beats my 1300 toughness necro? What a surprise.) If the price of having that good fight is swapping traits/utilities/weapons/armor around and maybe paying 3.5s to change spec I will gladly pay.
I like fighting them all, the try-hard duelists, the casuals, the pvp-avid, doesn’t make a difference to me.
Dueling is a learning experience. It offer you uninterrupted and respected combat in which you feel like you can push the limits and skill of your own playstyle against those of others.
I understand that some players, just dont build or feel confident to need to push that urge to duel. I also understand some players build solely for that, and they’ll use whatever cookie cutter, fotm, or cheap tactic to win (Beating these guys are the best)
Personally its all experience in my book. You win some, you lose some. But you’ll always learn.
To my way of thinking, if you aren’t changing your play to deal with known issues you’re being silly.
For example, I’d have to be an utter fool to fight your ele with my necro without at the very least swapping in some boon stripping abilities and a focus, stuff I typically don’t run because condition spreading is better in a group environment. Likewise, it would be foolish of me to fight a thief or a warrior without Well of Darkness for the blind spam to augment my somewhat anemic survivability.
I know you know all this man. When you fought my mesmer last week (or maybe it was two weeks ago, I can’t recall exactly) you swapped out your main hand dagger for a scepter and stayed in Air, presumably so you wouldn’t be constantly hitting yourself in the face with confusion.
Adjusting your play on a per opponent basis is a good thing when you can get away with it, and with duels you can.
I might not change my entire build if I 1v1 but I might swap utilities and maybe change up weapons depending on who I fight.
but my traits will almost always stay the same.
wait wait wait.
You fought me with a scepter??? But i dont use scepter, and if i was, then i most definitely wasnt serious. (I suck at scepter, too slow for intense pvp, reaction time with D/D is much better) Was it a purple ele with a hood and human tier 3?
I understand your point when you fight specific classes you might alter things. Utilities or some Major Traits. But gear is built around your spec (atleast it is to me). And i always go for Balanced Builds. Im a heavy theorycrafter and number cruncher, i did alot of research into the individual stat values of each piece of armor and tried alot of different ways to mix and match. In the end i made a % comparison of armor stats vs traits vs accessories vs weapons vs sigils to try and find a good maximizing of stats.
But it could just be profession difference. Im not familiar with Necro or Mesmers.
Maybe im just a person who builds a bit more balanced. I tried to consider the fact that if you cant put up a good fight in 1v1 then how much use are you going to be in a team fight without some other purpose like boon support or combo field placement.
But this is all in my own opinion and can very well differ from Profession to Profession. I just would hate to see dueling become something where you switch to your copy/paste cookie cutter build and armor set and ONLY use that for dueling.
That to me seems pointless. Defeats the point of experimentation and skill development.
Btw Attic, tell me a bit more about the time dueling that ele (me??) and a what guild/server your on? Because the last confusion mesmer i fought that won was a mesmer from Maguuma named Zastari.
It just doesnt seem like me to switch from D/D to scepter if im apparently losing (atleast thats what it souneded like? an ele dying to confusion?)
Plus if i see confusion stack up more then 2-3 stacks. I take my hand off my keyboard and wait.
Yesterday, I ran into that Sylvari Mesmer in [RED] that just smashed me with confusion/invis but I kept coming back for more on my knight’s set Mesmer.
I didn’t change out of my gear/spec/utilities because I wanted to practice against them with my normal set up. I could’ve retraited to get condition removal on heal or gear for more hp or swap in Arcane Thievery too. But to me personally, that’s the easy route and I want to give myself a challenge.
I understand where Wizardauz is coming from though with a more balanced build and cbf retraiting for every 1v1/situation. But I also like duels/fight club where you are fighting a lot of specialized specs and gear. It makes those fights much more intense. Just a different point of view is all. They both have their places.
I think it still comes down to timing and gameplay and correct use of cooldowns more so than anything else.
Ps. When is fight club with AD/BSty/NoQQ?
Ps. When is fight club with AD/BSty/NoQQ?
Most all of us have no interest in fight club, we usually only do it to be nice. Dueling and pre-planned fights aren’t really fun, what is fun is outsmarting and outmaneuvering your opponents when you’re going into a fight that you should lose if you just stood there and traded blows with the enemy.
For example, I was running around solo in WvW last night just trying to do daily stuff and was winning 1v3 and 1v4 not because I’m amazing or overpowered, but because I outsmarted them and lured them into situations that gave me an advantage. A lot of it was just pure stupidity on their part in my opinion, but if I just stood there and tried to fight them all I would have been stomped.
Oh, I’m also not a thief, elementalist, or mesmer.
wait wait wait.
You fought me with a scepter??? But i dont use scepter, and if i was, then i most definitely wasnt serious. (I suck at scepter, too slow for intense pvp, reaction time with D/D is much better) Was it a purple ele with a hood and human tier 3?
I understand your point when you fight specific classes you might alter things. Utilities or some Major Traits. But gear is built around your spec (atleast it is to me). And i always go for Balanced Builds. Im a heavy theorycrafter and number cruncher, i did alot of research into the individual stat values of each piece of armor and tried alot of different ways to mix and match. In the end i made a % comparison of armor stats vs traits vs accessories vs weapons vs sigils to try and find a good maximizing of stats.
But it could just be profession difference. Im not familiar with Necro or Mesmers.
Maybe im just a person who builds a bit more balanced. I tried to consider the fact that if you cant put up a good fight in 1v1 then how much use are you going to be in a team fight without some other purpose like boon support or combo field placement.
But this is all in my own opinion and can very well differ from Profession to Profession. I just would hate to see dueling become something where you switch to your copy/paste cookie cutter build and armor set and ONLY use that for dueling.
That to me seems pointless. Defeats the point of experimentation and skill development.
Btw Attic, tell me a bit more about the time dueling that ele (me??) and a what guild/server your on? Because the last confusion mesmer i fought that won was a mesmer from Maguuma named Zastari.
It just doesnt seem like me to switch from D/D to scepter if im apparently losing (atleast thats what it souneded like? an ele dying to confusion?)
Plus if i see confusion stack up more then 2-3 stacks. I take my hand off my keyboard and wait.
I thought it was you, though I must express some doubt now. It seems likely that my memory may be faulty.
I definitely remember that I lost to a scepter/dagger ele because he caught me entirely by surprise and I didn’t adapt successfully.
As for build philosophy, I always build with a specific group role in mind and I always play for the group. Which I can get away with because I have 5 geared 80s.
For example, my my necro is balls out condition damage. My only concession is using a mix of runes of the lich and runes of lyssa instead of undead runes to hit 100% condition duration so I get my extra fear tics. I also have a good amount of power so that I can be flexible with well and DS usage and not get totally screwed by removal. And while I have enough toughness and HP to not instantly fold to any errant thief or kill shot, I’m pretty reliant on them either giving up quickly or one of my team mates turning them into paste.
Which is why I never solo or duel on my necro without respeccing to my power build, which is a hell of a lot tougher but oh so useless in a group setting. And these days I’d sooner use my thief or mesmer in those settings honestly.
Spec build gear dont change
I just try to react faster
Lol, IOJ Garrison. Couldn’t even activate my skills and hardly saw any enemies in that giant zerg. Well played anet…
kitten it, this culling is out of hand. Enemies appearing and vanishing at random, teammates doing the same (especially when one is down). Be back next week.
Be back next month.
Fixed that for ya Dyndyn.
Touche’ salesman…
It was unusally bad tonight for some reason. I’m guessing EB were running larger groups than usual (instead of topping out around 30 it seemed more like 50).
Dying because of a bad decision or being outpositioned or outmanuevered is one thing. Dying because you are engaging far more enemy than you think you are sux. It triple dog dare sux if you are melee.
idk about any 50 man zergs on this server lol, must of been one hell of a gathering of pugs/guilds.
But i did notice Eternal to be extrememly difficult to operate on for the beginning of the Pacific Primetime. Culling was pretty heavy for most of the time and before long just had to move to borderlands to escape.
culling isnt just bad lol, its getting worse.
Good fights tho.
Welp finally got on NA primetime or so.
Got some good fights in until finally a 20 man IoJ zerg tried to kill me. That was funny
Either way it wasn’t bad and had some nice conversation w/ some IoJ fellas.
idk about any 50 man zergs on this server lol, must of been one hell of a gathering of pugs/guilds.
But i did notice Eternal to be extrememly difficult to operate on for the beginning of the Pacific Primetime. Culling was pretty heavy for most of the time and before long just had to move to borderlands to escape.
culling isnt just bad lol, its getting worse.
Good fights tho.
Yeah, mixed guild tags. They just seemed a bit more concentrated near the objectives than usual. DR had some sizable groups as well adding to the problem.
The culling did get pretty bad, but it probably was a combination of us and EBay. We definitely had a lot more on the map than usual it seemed. Still lots of fun though :]
The culling did get pretty bad, but it probably was a combination of us and EBay. We definitely had a lot more on the map than usual it seemed. Still lots of fun though :]
I like killing your guild.
The culling did get pretty bad, but it probably was a combination of us and EBay. We definitely had a lot more on the map than usual it seemed. Still lots of fun though :]
I like killing your guild.
What?! Me too! OMG we have so much in common, we could be BFFs!! So crazy.
Low population DR!? Yupyup, but i’m – we are enjoying WvW.
I had good fights with Ehmry Bay finest.
Lol, I’m such a dunce… I hadn’t realized the opposing sides all appear as kind of blah, all uniform in color, figures until watching your vid. Here all this time I thought you all were just aesthetically bland naturally… There more you know, I guess. XP
On the other hand, sucks for you guys. I look amazing. Lmao!
Low population DR!? Yupyup, but i’m – we are enjoying WvW.
I had good fights with Ehmry Bay finest.
“Wow” is all I can say lol.
Mad props, winning against those numbers is extremely hard if only due to the ability they have to res people so easily.
“Wow” is all I can say lol.
Mad props, winning against those numbers is extremely hard if only due to the ability they have to res people so easily.
Gab, I happened across a few of your EU Vs NA posts. I was amazing to see how much more emphasis EU puts on technique over zerging. it’s too bad Americans will follow any idiot who is willing to talk really loud. I met a few of those this weekend
It’s great to play with these guys. It really is. They are good people to have fighting on your side. They kick butt, and they don’t actually need to tell anyone how good they are, they just go do it. Something I think a lot of DR could learn. I’m more and more happy to have the QQ gang settle with us and jive so well with existing talented gamers.
“Wow” is all I can say lol.
Mad props, winning against those numbers is extremely hard if only due to the ability they have to res people so easily.
Gab, I happened across a few of your EU Vs NA posts. I was amazing to see how much more emphasis EU puts on technique over zerging. it’s too bad Americans will follow any idiot who is willing to talk really loud. I met a few of those this weekend
It’s great to play with these guys. It really is. They are good people to have fighting on your side. They kick butt, and they don’t actually need to tell anyone how good they are, they just go do it. Something I think a lot of DR could learn. I’m more and more happy to have the QQ gang settle with us and jive so well with existing talented gamers.
Well I’d say the best part of the EU server I play on currently is that there is a massive TS where EVERY guild is. I have been pushing AD a little to go on DRTS, and I know Dynnen went there last weekend, because of how much easier it is for you to communicate with us, so that we can focus our efforts accordingly instead of picking a map and then running around trying to find the enemy, when someone else could do that so easily for us.
It is ridiculously easy to shift the focus from one map to another on my EU server, because everyone is just a channel change away. That, and the open weekly meetings where anyone is free to join, plus the many guilds dedicated to coordinating WvW players, such as one for people who play in the night / early morning server time go a long way towards achieving the level of coordination I was talking about in that thread .
“Wow” is all I can say lol.
Mad props, winning against those numbers is extremely hard if only due to the ability they have to res people so easily.
Gab, I happened across a few of your EU Vs NA posts. I was amazing to see how much more emphasis EU puts on technique over zerging. it’s too bad Americans will follow any idiot who is willing to talk really loud. I met a few of those this weekend
It’s great to play with these guys. It really is. They are good people to have fighting on your side. They kick butt, and they don’t actually need to tell anyone how good they are, they just go do it. Something I think a lot of DR could learn. I’m more and more happy to have the QQ gang settle with us and jive so well with existing talented gamers.
Well I’d say the best part of the EU server I play on currently is that there is a massive TS where EVERY guild is. I have been pushing AD a little to go on DRTS, and I know Dynnen went there last weekend, because of how much easier it is for you to communicate with us, so that we can focus our efforts accordingly instead of picking a map and then running around trying to find the enemy, when someone else could do that so easily for us.
It is ridiculously easy to shift the focus from one map to another on my EU server, because everyone is just a channel change away. That, and the open weekly meetings where anyone is free to join, plus the many guilds dedicated to coordinating WvW players, such as one for people who play in the night / early morning server time go a long way towards achieving the level of coordination I was talking about in that thread
You know, I just posted instructions on how to listen in on a TS while talking in another. It may not be a bad idea to have a few of the ADQQsty team just listen in. while jamming in your own channel/server.
Just be smart enough to switch to the right channel before you take shots at an entire guild
.. aint that right DDLG?
It’s probably because we beat everyone and they attempt to kill us and end up getting owned in the process.. thus starting an all out war.
Is that what happened with Kaineng then… huh.
It’s probably because we beat everyone and they attempt to kill us and end up getting owned in the process.. thus starting an all out war.
Is that what happened with Kaineng then… huh.
Yeah I admit that was Maguumas fault
You know, I just posted instructions on how to listen in on a TS while talking in another. It may not be a bad idea to have a few of the ADQQsty team just listen in. while jamming in your own channel/server.
Just be smart enough to switch to the right channel before you take shots at an entire guild
.. aint that right DDLG?
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
You know, I just posted instructions on how to listen in on a TS while talking in another. It may not be a bad idea to have a few of the ADQQsty team just listen in. while jamming in your own channel/server.
Just be smart enough to switch to the right channel before you take shots at an entire guild
.. aint that right DDLG?
Lol! While I admire your willingness to go all out for your side, must point out that ya’ll are dirty lil cheaters! Lmao! XD
(edited by KStudios.2850)
kittening Ehmry Bay Zerg, they’re too OP.
Anet, please nerf us please.
kittening Ehmry Bay Zerg, they’re too OP.
Anet, please nerf us please.
Not all of Ebay are frothing at the mouth zerg-hoard, believe it or not. I have my personal team, or often go it solo. A ranger is perfectly capable in the right hands to cap supply camps and such all alone, or with simple NPC help. Capped a supply post yesterday with the help of the Hyleks. It also only takes a minmum of three people to cap an outpost if done quietly. I imagine every server has legit folks.
I’ll never use server based TS, for the above reasons though. Folks be shiesty, lol.
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
I did in TS. : ) so now that is one thing that is straight. It was two things members said. That’s another thing we have straight. What’s the second thing? why don’t you go get that information straight on that
It shouldn’t be too hard, considering you were the second person to pipe up before you remembered we could hear you. Let’s not pretend you are trying to get me to say something directly, when it was you who tried to pretend you didn’t come off as a punk before it dawned on you your words were heard.
You should have apologized but you didn’t, instead you wiped your zerg twice. good job btw. glad we all fell in line for that show of skill.
(edited by Sumwun.3846)
You know, I just posted instructions on how to listen in on a TS while talking in another. It may not be a bad idea to have a few of the ADQQsty team just listen in. while jamming in your own channel/server.
Just be smart enough to switch to the right channel before you take shots at an entire guild
.. aint that right DDLG?
Lol! While I admire your willingness to go all out for your side, must point out that ya’ll are dirty lil cheaters! Lmao! XD
Just because we know how to have a player log into the game in Hills when it is taken is not cheating. its taking extreme advantage of game mechanics.
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
I did in TS. : ) so now that is one thing that is straight. It was two things members said. That’s another thing we have straight. What’s the second thing? why don’t you go get that information straight on that
It shouldn’t be too hard, considering you were the second person to pipe up before you remembered we could hear you. Let’s not pretend you are trying to get me to say something directly, when it was you who tried to pretend you didn’t come off as a punk before it dawned on you your words were heard.
You should have apologized but you didn’t, instead you wiped your zerg twice. good job btw. glad we all fell in line for that show of skill.
Hm I don’t ever recall myself saying anything towards SoCo. We all switched up in channels when it happened. I didn’t want any fights breaking out, so I piped up.
Going towards that comment of skill. Why don’t you take a shot at commanding WvW each day. I’m pretty sure you’d get wiped too a few times.
Confront me next time you bash us on forums.
Well this thread finally got a little drama…bout time!!! I am going to stick with what I always say in game less talk and kill moar!!!!!!
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
I did in TS. : ) so now that is one thing that is straight. It was two things members said. That’s another thing we have straight. What’s the second thing? why don’t you go get that information straight on that
It shouldn’t be too hard, considering you were the second person to pipe up before you remembered we could hear you. Let’s not pretend you are trying to get me to say something directly, when it was you who tried to pretend you didn’t come off as a punk before it dawned on you your words were heard.
You should have apologized but you didn’t, instead you wiped your zerg twice. good job btw. glad we all fell in line for that show of skill.
Hm I don’t ever recall myself saying anything towards SoCo. We all switched up in channels when it happened. I didn’t want any fights breaking out, so I piped up.
Going towards that comment of skill. Why don’t you take a shot at commanding WvW each day. I’m pretty sure you’d get wiped too a few times.
Confront me next time you bash us on forums.
hmmm More straightening yea?
I confronted in the TS channel when I made a first comment asking for clarity, that’s when you all shut up. Then I made a second comment to which I also received no comment. You have a funny memory.
And your wipes were nothing short of ignorant. you pulled everyone out of a tower, to go north to get supply to run back to the tower they were in in the first place. to run them into a zerg. literally face first. people in the tower had supply, but you need everyone to rally, rally rally. .rally. on me. everyone. everyone. everyone rally. at mid. on me. rally. rally. on me.
splendid skills. the vastness of your vocabulary and play book boggled my mind.
Then you portal bombed the zerg to its death right after. I would like to point out that while you were admitting defeat saying, “there are two many of them, we cant get in there” 5 SoCo (myself included) had mad it in with one of your members. so, Bravo again for your skills in adaption. I was there with you.
My highlight of the night before I stopped was when you just had everyone in vent sitting there with thumb in butt. some ported to middle, most dead from your second failed zerg attempt and a handful of players who actually were able to make it inside despite your mediocre efforts. That’s the point where I needed to tell you to do something. remember? “What’s your plan?”, “Well, get to it, we are standing here doing nothing” – I’m sure that escapes you too.
It was an interesting time having to deal with you. I can’t speak for the rest of SoCo cause I speak for only me. but of the last few weeks in RvR my time spent listening to you was by far the most dismal of interactions. Give me TRON, TBE, ADQQsty, wD, Harry Hellspawn, ewok, . they aren’t socially kitten and can actually play without streaming excuses for failure to achieve.
At least I’m willing to say it directly, Darkestshadows. not in a misstell. So again, spare the pretend direct talk kittenick. I’m talking to you right now.
please respond with a third post that sounds like the second post, that reminded me of the first post..
okay, guys, you’re all beautiful. but let’s chill, it has been a nice forum thus far. let’s keep it that way and stay on topic! :]
CHARRCAT thanks FTF and EB for impromptu-ing’s Fight Clubs. Much fighting. Much training learnings. Good time. Then game update.
Cat nap sleep.
(edited by Sage.5843)
okay, guys, you’re all beautiful. but let’s chill, it has been a nice forum thus far. let’s keep it that way and stay on topic! :]
You mean it’s been boring. I welcome this attempt to put the DR back in drama.
Dark and Prizz, great fun at Garrison yesterday and ty for the save on Cliff. Was next to you on the ballista in gar outer.
But ugh, watch what you say, and please let people know what you are planning so they can decide to join or not to join you. Prizz is a great open filed commander, but
please less qq. Every time you rage at the “randoms” they stop joining your squad.
FTF, thank you for the schooling by your confusion small team and the thief roaming group. Thats some insane cc on you guys.
CHARRCAT thanks FTF and EB for impromptu-ing’s Fight Clubs. Much fighting. Much training learnings. Good time. Then game update.
Cat nap sleep.
Good fights!
okay, guys, you’re all beautiful. but let’s chill, it has been a nice forum thus far. let’s keep it that way and stay on topic! :]
As much as i agree… It keeps me entertained at work :P
Hows the battlefield right now?, im wishing i was roaming it right now >.<
CHARRCAT thanks FTF and EB for impromptu-ing’s Fight Clubs. Much fighting. Much training learnings. Good time. Then game update.
Cat nap sleep.
Thanks for putting up with us yo. It was a great learning experience. I am also impressed by your tactics vs confusion. You should teach it to the baddies in the nerf confusion thread =) (Im trying to say you were really good imo).
CHARRCAT thanks FTF and EB for impromptu-ing’s Fight Clubs. Much fighting. Much training learnings. Good time. Then game update.
Cat nap sleep.
Thanks for putting up with us yo. It was a great learning experience. I am also impressed by your tactics vs confusion. You should teach it to the baddies in the nerf confusion thread =) (Im trying to say you were really good imo).
Must remember to ask CHARRCAT about this tonight.
Thanks for putting up with us yo. It was a great learning experience. I am also impressed by your tactics vs confusion. You should teach it to the baddies in the nerf confusion thread =) (Im trying to say you were really good imo).
That fight was awesome, the teamspeak was in a constant uproar during that all.
Just a bunch of hoots and hollers for CHARRCAT as he comes within inches of his life multiple times and still keeps up, it was definitely one awesome fight.
I was just happy I got to take my shiney new legendary out for a spin against the CHARRCAT
Nice Vid. Good gameplay. Loved the music.
Got me all upidy up to go smash ya’lls faces again! in a good way! woot woot
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
I did in TS. : ) so now that is one thing that is straight. It was two things members said. That’s another thing we have straight. What’s the second thing? why don’t you go get that information straight on that
It shouldn’t be too hard, considering you were the second person to pipe up before you remembered we could hear you. Let’s not pretend you are trying to get me to say something directly, when it was you who tried to pretend you didn’t come off as a punk before it dawned on you your words were heard.
You should have apologized but you didn’t, instead you wiped your zerg twice. good job btw. glad we all fell in line for that show of skill.
Hm I don’t ever recall myself saying anything towards SoCo. We all switched up in channels when it happened. I didn’t want any fights breaking out, so I piped up.
Going towards that comment of skill. Why don’t you take a shot at commanding WvW each day. I’m pretty sure you’d get wiped too a few times.
Confront me next time you bash us on forums.
hmmm More straightening yea?
I confronted in the TS channel when I made a first comment asking for clarity, that’s when you all shut up. Then I made a second comment to which I also received no comment. You have a funny memory.
And your wipes were nothing short of ignorant. you pulled everyone out of a tower, to go north to get supply to run back to the tower they were in in the first place. to run them into a zerg. literally face first. people in the tower had supply, but you need everyone to rally, rally rally. .rally. on me. everyone. everyone. everyone rally. at mid. on me. rally. rally. on me.
splendid skills. the vastness of your vocabulary and play book boggled my mind.
Then you portal bombed the zerg to its death right after. I would like to point out that while you were admitting defeat saying, “there are two many of them, we cant get in there” 5 SoCo (myself included) had mad it in with one of your members. so, Bravo again for your skills in adaption. I was there with you.
My highlight of the night before I stopped was when you just had everyone in vent sitting there with thumb in butt. some ported to middle, most dead from your second failed zerg attempt and a handful of players who actually were able to make it inside despite your mediocre efforts. That’s the point where I needed to tell you to do something. remember? “What’s your plan?”, “Well, get to it, we are standing here doing nothing” – I’m sure that escapes you too.
It was an interesting time having to deal with you. I can’t speak for the rest of SoCo cause I speak for only me. but of the last few weeks in RvR my time spent listening to you was by far the most dismal of interactions. Give me TRON, TBE, ADQQsty, wD, Harry Hellspawn, ewok, . they aren’t socially kitten and can actually play without streaming excuses for failure to achieve.
At least I’m willing to say it directly, Darkestshadows. not in a misstell. So again, spare the pretend direct talk kittenick. I’m talking to you right now.
please respond with a third post that sounds like the second post, that reminded me of the first post..
I’d personally like to find out where you get off starting immature forum flame wars like you are a middle school girl in her first relationship. You say the problem arose on TS, then why is it even being mentioned here? By doing this and making a personal problem public you degrade our community and the efforts of everyone in it who try to make it successful and enjoyable. If you can’t deal with the personal problem directly, ask around until you find someone willing to help mediate it. You don’t resort to calling out an entire guild on a public forum, most of whose members don’t even use the DR TS. Stop being immature and causing drama for no reason, and instead be proactive and useful in fixing the problem. If that can’t be done then I would please ask that you do not associate yourself with those of us who are putting forth every effort to make this an enjoyable success.
If you respond to this post with more flame I will not read it, if you wish to discuss this with me, do so privately either in game whispers or on TS.
(edited by CrazyCanuck.4265)
Nice Vid. Good gameplay. Loved the music.
Got me all upidy up to go smash ya’lls faces again! in a good way! woot woot
Where have you been Amins?! You missed out the last couple days
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