Unseen Spectacle – Necromancer
[FATE] – Ehmry Bay
DR guys… don’t know what is up with you guys but possibly helps explain what we saw last night. Anyone on the DR side care to help us understand what we experienced?
We ninja’d your garrison and were more than willing to stick around to defend to the death. You started trebbing from NE tower almost immediately. We built a counter treb at the supply camp and took it out. We were going to just farm your tower but there was too many of you there for us to setup.
Around the same time we noticed you had 3 catas on the west wall of garrison. On each wall you stopped one hit before they were down and ran off. (To resupply I guess.) We took advantage of that to destroy your catas. Eventually your group came back. What ensued was an hour of sheer boredom. Groups would approach the break in the wall only to not push the advantage. Even with us flinging cows at you from the east supply hut no one came to take it out for at least 20-30 minutes. Half-hearted attacks on the water gate were repelled but eventually you got that outer gate down. (Once again, no one would go in to the inner!!!)
Finally the group streams in and masses at the north inner gate. Then you guys just sat there for what seemed like an eternity. By this point we were really starting to get bored but figured we’d stick it out 5 minutes and see if you’d press the attack. (It was a wooden garrison with paper gates after all!!!) The group then started to build three ballistas… understandable but still no rams or catas on the gate. The final straw for our guild group was when your group started to attack the gate with a ballista and just mill about. We decided that it was better to go somewhere else than to wait for you guys to get your kitten together.
Hopefully you regained your garrison from that whole thing because it was certainly the first time I was literally bored out of a borderland.
If the assault had been more decisive, you should have cleared us in under 30 minutes. We literally had no supply, little siege, paper gates, and small group of defenders. Hopefully you get that stuff sorted out because you could have been easily wiped had we felt it important enough to call in reinforcements from other maps.
I’m not questioning your skill or your honor so no need to get offended. I’m just telling you what we saw from our side of the battle.
First off lets get one thing straight. If you can’t say it directly to us why say it at all? Don’t linger over something JUST one member said. I have nothing against SoCo nor does most of my guild.
I did in TS. : ) so now that is one thing that is straight. It was two things members said. That’s another thing we have straight. What’s the second thing? why don’t you go get that information straight on that
It shouldn’t be too hard, considering you were the second person to pipe up before you remembered we could hear you. Let’s not pretend you are trying to get me to say something directly, when it was you who tried to pretend you didn’t come off as a punk before it dawned on you your words were heard.
You should have apologized but you didn’t, instead you wiped your zerg twice. good job btw. glad we all fell in line for that show of skill.
Hm I don’t ever recall myself saying anything towards SoCo. We all switched up in channels when it happened. I didn’t want any fights breaking out, so I piped up.
Going towards that comment of skill. Why don’t you take a shot at commanding WvW each day. I’m pretty sure you’d get wiped too a few times.
Confront me next time you bash us on forums.
hmmm More straightening yea?
I confronted in the TS channel when I made a first comment asking for clarity, that’s when you all shut up. Then I made a second comment to which I also received no comment. You have a funny memory.
And your wipes were nothing short of ignorant. you pulled everyone out of a tower, to go north to get supply to run back to the tower they were in in the first place. to run them into a zerg. literally face first. people in the tower had supply, but you need everyone to rally, rally rally. .rally. on me. everyone. everyone. everyone rally. at mid. on me. rally. rally. on me.
splendid skills. the vastness of your vocabulary and play book boggled my mind.
Then you portal bombed the zerg to its death right after. I would like to point out that while you were admitting defeat saying, “there are two many of them, we cant get in there” 5 SoCo (myself included) had mad it in with one of your members. so, Bravo again for your skills in adaption. I was there with you.
My highlight of the night before I stopped was when you just had everyone in vent sitting there with thumb in butt. some ported to middle, most dead from your second failed zerg attempt and a handful of players who actually were able to make it inside despite your mediocre efforts. That’s the point where I needed to tell you to do something. remember? “What’s your plan?”, “Well, get to it, we are standing here doing nothing” – I’m sure that escapes you too.
It was an interesting time having to deal with you. I can’t speak for the rest of SoCo cause I speak for only me. but of the last few weeks in RvR my time spent listening to you was by far the most dismal of interactions. Give me TRON, TBE, ADQQsty, wD, Harry Hellspawn, ewok, . they aren’t socially kitten and can actually play without streaming excuses for failure to achieve.
At least I’m willing to say it directly, Darkestshadows. not in a misstell. So again, spare the pretend direct talk kittenick. I’m talking to you right now.
please respond with a third post that sounds like the second post, that reminded me of the first post..
I’d personally like to find out where you get off starting immature forum flame wars like you are a middle school girl in her first relationship. You say the problem arose on TS, then why is it even being mentioned here? By doing this and making a personal problem public you degrade our community and the efforts of everyone in it who try to make it successful and enjoyable. If you can’t deal with the personal problem directly, ask around until you find someone willing to help mediate it. You don’t resort to calling out an entire guild on a public forum, most of whose members don’t even use the DR TS. Stop being immature and causing drama for no reason, and instead be proactive and useful in fixing the problem. If that can’t be done then I would please ask that you do not associate yourself with those of us who are putting forth every effort to make this an enjoyable success.
If you respond to this post with more flame I will not read it, if you wish to discuss this with me, do so privately either in game whispers or on TS.
You just bashed him for responding to this thread on an open forum and then in the next breath stated you will not read what he has to say on the same forum. You will only talk to him him in whispers or TS but could you not have done the same thing?
Good fights in our drbl today EB. Will be sad to see you go.
There were a lot of you in drbl tonight though, training?
FTF, thank you for the schooling by your confusion small team and the thief roaming group. Thats some insane cc on you guys.
So you saw our Thief Squad. They’re pretty good aren’t they? That’s our Delta squad. They are one of our best squads along with Echo Squad
Good fights in our drbl today EB. Will be sad to see you go.
There were a lot of you in drbl tonight though, training?
That was some good defense you did on your borderlands tonight. You defended that garrison well. Yes it could be training coz we tried out different stuff tonight. Some work some didn’t. Good portal bombs btw.
-FTF Guild Leader
(edited by Noice.8730)
DR guys… don’t know what is up with you guys but possibly helps explain what we saw last night. Anyone on the DR side care to help us understand what we experienced?
We ninja’d your garrison…
… call in reinforcements from other maps.
I’m not questioning your skill or your honor so no need to get offended. I’m just telling you what we saw from our side of the battle.
If you’re talking about around 8 or 9pm EST, it was because you guys were set up to farm, and we were outmanned. Although I may be thinking about the NE tower instead. But if you guys were set up to farm, it’s probably still the same reason if the same people were in the map.
-Fidgets nervously in the circle of chairs- My name is Yumi, and I shank Dolyaks… I think I have a problem. -Sniffles-
My new mes just learned to port. Been seeing what kind of trouble I can stir up with that. Certainly has made me more popular on the field, lol. (Sarcasm)
You just bashed him for responding to this thread on an open forum and then in the next breath stated you will not read what he has to say on the same forum. You will only talk to him him in whispers or TS but could you not have done the same thing?
I feel that this is a logical fallacy of at least either inconsistent or incomplete comparison. In this case, the extremely public and vitriolic nature of whoever this Yorgy was somewhat demands to be responded to. The bottom line is can we have the responsible parties that have upset each other to please take a breather and handle their issues separately.
While I recognize that immaturity on some level will be ever present in online gaming (as will back seat commanding in wvw, I suppose), I also would like it if we could try to self-police these kinds of outbursts and disagreements when they can be a negative force for a server in a game that requires some level of cooperation. We don’t need that immaturity “poisoning the well” so to speak. This is the main thrust of his argument, I think, and it is one that is still valid regardless of this counter claim of “pot calling the kettle”. It is by far the more important issue. Please keep your spats private. The other servers don’t really care, and we don’t want to have our server represented in this way.
Phatal One.8069 ! it’s for u LOL
So funny Comments i c , can u please vizunah drop discussion u are not smart u are not good no game play nothing especail .
550 + Incom 7 Am !! whole map = Green , it shows u are not from EU 100% many canadian or na players u have arena should change WvW ranking .
U are cowards during guild events you didnt wipe us !! EVEN !! once we killed all of u even we were outmanned) =)) Come on u are not good even So stop it !! dont proud :O
The way u are playing it’s like Hi VIZ ! VIZ ! we are playing in different time zone we have high Pt :O high income :O I saw 40 vizu tried to kill 1 guy in WvW at 7 Am
U captured tower
oh u guys are really cowards dont say anything about ninja stuff because u cant play even against Any server
Phatal One.8069 ! it’s for u LOL
So funny Comments i c , can u please vizunah drop discussion u are not smart u are not good no game play nothing especail .
550 + Incom 7 Am !! whole map = Green , it shows u are not from EU 100% many canadian or na players u have arena should change WvW ranking .U are cowards during guild events you didnt wipe us !! EVEN !! once we killed all of u even we were outmanned
) =)) Come on u are not good even So stop it !! dont proud :O
The way u are playing it’s like Hi VIZ ! VIZ ! we are playing in different time zone
we have high Pt :O high income :O I saw 40 vizu tried to kill 1 guy in WvW at 7 Am
U captured tower
oh u guys are really cowards dont say anything about ninja stuff because u cant play even against Any server
It’s unfortunate that there isn’t some minimum age for playing this game …
oh oh cactus I’m older than u Dont worry !! And Dont be so funny next times , i became online and saw 50 Vizu attacked 1 guys to get 1 badges please stfu and drop discussion play like BR not like crwds ..
It’s time to sleep goodnight Cactus) Oh i forgot to say smt u are not good for T1 Even T2
gn Caci
(edited by Mehrdad.9074)
The amount of smiley faces this guy uses is absurd…
Also, did I miss something? Why is an EU server being brought up?
IoJ and DR will miss us ebayers when we are gone.
Well It’s about Vizuna Server :P I’m Sorry Some player ! they like to be funny like " Cactus.2710 " For example Elona they played hard to achieve smt ! but Vizu have many Na or i dont know canadian maybe players !! They will recap all the stuff at night i mean like 3/4 Am + up to the end of etc … because i believe it even if they are zombies they need to sleep + work etc !!
We need fair ranking system not like it , Deso Elo are playing in same time zone i mean same guild event etc but vizu cant play against Deso Elo so they will do somthing funny to make pt to be in Tier 1 , The way they are playing it shows they are cowards or lab lab lab Arena should do smt about it
jikns Stfu plz) What is the point X Vizu vs 1 Elona or Deso What time is it over there ?
U dont fight u are playing like Cowards because u know Elona Desolation Seafer etc they will kick ur … hard I hope they fix it soon we need new WvW ranking System
Phatal One.8069 ! it’s for u LOL
So funny Comments i c , can u please vizunah drop discussion u are not smart u are not good no game play nothing especail .
550 + Incom 7 Am !! whole map = Green , it shows u are not from EU 100% many canadian or na players u have arena should change WvW ranking .U are cowards during guild events you didnt wipe us !! EVEN !! once we killed all of u even we were outmanned
) =)) Come on u are not good even So stop it !! dont proud :O
The way u are playing it’s like Hi VIZ ! VIZ ! we are playing in different time zone
we have high Pt :O high income :O I saw 40 vizu tried to kill 1 guy in WvW at 7 Am
U captured tower
oh u guys are really cowards dont say anything about ninja stuff because u cant play even against Any server
I guess we have started outsourcing our forum warriors now. This thread does need some drama in it.
(edited by Gorefiend.9675)
It should be funny drma , Oozo.7856 I have lots of Youtube or Ye tob Dont link funny stuff , Vizu = Weak Time to sleep gn Oziii
u have to sleep now
Is it Friday yet?!?!
Jaaded.1870 , Check ur NT u will see if it’s wed or not
It should be funny drma , Oozo.7856 I have lots of Youtube or Ye tob
Dont link funny stuff , Vizu = Weak Time to sleep gn Oziii
u have to sleep now
Ebay no sleep. Why u hate an bring drma? Forum luvs u! u awake now, go get coffee, watch ye tob.
Befor forget…
…I feel so dirty now. Shower time.
stfu Time to sleep , Say gn to papa then slp Sn , Dont be so funny here
u will make me laughing alot more and more oh i forgot french ! they are selling HORSE MEAT :O :O insteed of bf meat hahaaa
night night sleep well drama)
IoJ and DR will miss us ebayers when we are gone.
Eh, I don’t think we’ll miss you as much as you’ll miss IoJ and us. Say hi to Maguuma for us. (You poor unfortunate souls…)
IoJ and DR will miss us ebayers when we are gone.
Eh, I don’t think we’ll miss you as much as you’ll miss IoJ and us. Say hi to Maguuma for us. (You poor unfortunate souls…)
The ratings show they will probably get Yaks if the trends continue.
stfu Time to sleep , Say gn to papa then slp Sn , Dont be so funny here
u will make me laughing alot more and more oh i forgot french ! they are selling HORSE MEAT :O :O insteed of bf meat
night night sleep well drama
And now, for an english translation:
I would request silence as the hour draws late. Speak only of dreams and rest to one’s father, and do so quickly. I would recommend to you to restrain making hilarious quips. My face stretches with a smile so wide it causes me to suffer the worst kind of vision impairment, for I see my reflected visage has multiplied.
Because of you, I have been feeling especially mirthful of late, but hark! Shall we speak of the French? They have slipped from my mind! and more oh i forgot french ! I am doubly shocked that they sell the flesh of a horse, instead of my boyfriend’s meat! What fun! Again, I bid you good night, and do not observe my daemonic ability to grow multiple faces like a hideous hydra being tickled by feathers.
Oh oh Maybe it’s frog meat :O Do u always cheat like it ?
GMT – 9 / GMT – 5
IoJ and DR will miss us ebayers when we are gone.
Eh, I don’t think we’ll miss you as much as you’ll miss IoJ and us. Say hi to Maguuma for us. (You poor unfortunate souls…)
Eh, their dolyaks shall no doubt prove just as fluffy and yet ultimately squishy as that of any other server… and if they’re anything like Kaineng was, so shall their lone skittering solo cappers. Well, hopefully minus so much fluffiness.
stfu Time to sleep , Say gn to papa then slp Sn , Dont be so funny here
u will make me laughing alot more and more oh i forgot french ! they are selling HORSE MEAT :O :O insteed of bf meat
night night sleep well drama
And now, for an english translation:
I would request silence as the hour draws late. Speak only of dreams and rest to one’s father, and do so quickly. I would recommend to you to restrain making hilarious quips. My face stretches with a smile so wide it causes me to suffer the worst kind of vision impairment, for I see my reflected visage has multiplied.
Because of you, I have been feeling especially mirthful of late, but hark! Shall we speak of the French? They have slipped from my mind! and more oh i forgot french ! I am doubly shocked that they sell the flesh of a horse, instead of my boyfriend’s meat! What fun! Again, I bid you good night, and do not observe my daemonic ability to grow multiple faces like a hideous hydra being tickled by feathers.
I straight rolled, thank you. I may yet miss you guys after all. =3
Had a nice bit of fight club with Ebay a little while ago. Will certainly miss you guys as you travel up a tier. Even though you destroyed our score, you always had the best fighters to go against and I’ll miss that. Hopefully stormbluff can entertain me, but good luck moving up, guys.
I wouldn’t say they destroyed our score, After the three weeks of Mag and Kain, EBay felt like a fair fight. …if you ignore two of four of the maps, anyways. :b
The bottom line is can we have the responsible parties that have upset each other to please take a breather and handle their issues separately.
Please keep your spats private.
Without doubt I reacted in poor judgement. There are a lot of points directed towards me that are right, some mistaken. The most glaring is that I have a skinned knee, not a broken heart.
I am sorry to all you strangers that I may have upset? Let down? PO’d?
jikns Stfu plz
) What is the point X Vizu vs 1 Elona or Deso What time is it over there ?
U dont fight u are playing like Cowards because u know Elona Desolation Seafer etc they will kick ur … hard
I hope they fix it soon we need new WvW ranking System
WTF is this mess?
Please elaborate on this one…..
jikns Stfu plz
IoJ and DR will miss us ebayers when we are gone.
Whatever. we will be finding stray FTF for 3 weeks after you are gone.
Just last night, I was out at dinner and I saw 3 FTF guys come out of a salt shaker.
I leave this thread for a few hours and the shear amount of “WAT” in me has built to the critical point of me asking… wtf is going on in here?
and also…
FTF coming out of salt shakers?
srsly this thread makes no sense to me. Atleast maguuma flames me in what i can understand…
kittening Ehmry Bay Zerg, they’re too OP.
Anet, please nerf us please.
Not all of Ebay are frothing at the mouth zerg-hoard, believe it or not. I have my personal team, or often go it solo. A ranger is perfectly capable in the right hands to cap supply camps and such all alone, or with simple NPC help. Capped a supply post yesterday with the help of the Hyleks. It also only takes a minmum of three people to cap an outpost if done quietly. I imagine every server has legit folks.
I’ll never use server based TS, for the above reasons though. Folks be shiesty, lol.
Cool story bro, but that paragraph isn’t relevant at all to my post.
FTF coming out of salt shakers?
srsly this thread makes no sense to me. Atleast maguuma flames me in what i can understand…
I know, it’s pretty ridiculous. “Three FTF”? He must’ve been suffering from some serious culling, FTF never travel in groups of less than ten, even if it’s just to increase their sodium intake.
FTF coming out of salt shakers?
srsly this thread makes no sense to me. Atleast maguuma flames me in what i can understand…
I know, it’s pretty ridiculous. “Three FTF”? He must’ve been suffering from some serious culling, FTF never travel in groups of less than ten, even if it’s just to increase their sodium intake.
Lol we’re just all over the place.
but there are often times we’re roaming or separated, and my squad usually runs 5-12 people, but FTF is a squad based guild so there are a bunch of groups running around.
Another montage (which I believe is French for “deception”)
Another montage (which I believe is French for “deception”)
Love the vids, keep them coming! Different pov’s was great.
Awesome vid! i liked the background battle chat
I used to be a Salt Shaker.
Nice vid as allway Oozo. I got a chance to fight next to you guys tonight in drbl and it was fun seeing you do your thing. Tried to not get in the way too much:) Good job at Longview. If you remember a war from SoCo(or RgTg ) running around screaming like a little girl, that was me. Salute AD and Bsty.
Ebay, as always an education to fight you guys. First there was confusion, and now the infernall pull. Don’t your mesmers ever sleep?:P
Lion of The Wind RgTg/SoCo
Feh! Missed out on the glorious DR retaking the Stonemist castle from the evil EBay (they eat yak babies), but I was around to help keep the castle in our rightful hands. They were being pretty frelling persistent over it, the moment I got there the outer gates were down, and a desperate back and forth struggle for the Castle Lord’s poorly decorated living room soon began, with the only thing keeping the horde at bay was a fairly sufficient number of ballistas. (I managed to get a small carpet worth of glowing bags at my feet as we desperately shot bolts repeatedly outside the door.)
We push you back, fix the doors, and of course you break them down again, and it’s back to the ballista. You had me a bit worried when you brought up those great many golems again (a familiar strategy for ebay), but… well, ballistas.
Sadly dinner soon interrupted my fun, but personally I think it was one of our best Thursdays ever.
Feh! Missed out on the glorious DR retaking the Stonemist castle from the evil EBay (they eat yak babies), but I was around to help keep the castle in our rightful hands. They were being pretty frelling persistent over it, the moment I got there the outer gates were down, and a desperate back and forth struggle for the Castle Lord’s poorly decorated living room soon began, with the only thing keeping the horde at bay was a fairly sufficient number of ballistas. (I managed to get a small carpet worth of glowing bags at my feet as we desperately shot bolts repeatedly outside the door.)
We push you back, fix the doors, and of course you break them down again, and it’s back to the ballista. You had me a bit worried when you brought up those great many golems again (a familiar strategy for ebay), but… well, ballistas.
Sadly dinner soon interrupted my fun, but personally I think it was one of our best Thursdays ever.
Took you guys that long? Gone is the Devona’s of last week, that used to cap SM almost on a nightly basis while I’m away at work? We’ve been anticipating you guys putting up a good show of force for a while now. Here lately the instances some of your boys did show up we didn’t even bother responding. Was so bad yesterday morning we were in the middle of sacking Quentin from IoJ, who had completely dug in proper, that when you guys started trebbing SM from Anz, all we inquired of our spotter was, “is Anz still made of wood?” The forthcoming anwser to this seemingly simple, yet very telling, question being that it was, we all went back to what we were doing. To your credit though, you guys usually do a pretty good job of keeping the Overlook. Though we like stealing it from you and then abandoning it every now and again, just to give you guys something to rebuild.
I’ll be back around 7 AM central time, we’ll see if we can’t entertain you all.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Feh! Missed out on the glorious DR retaking the Stonemist castle from the evil EBay (they eat yak babies), but I was around to help keep the castle in our rightful hands. They were being pretty frelling persistent over it, the moment I got there the outer gates were down, and a desperate back and forth struggle for the Castle Lord’s poorly decorated living room soon began, with the only thing keeping the horde at bay was a fairly sufficient number of ballistas. (I managed to get a small carpet worth of glowing bags at my feet as we desperately shot bolts repeatedly outside the door.)
We push you back, fix the doors, and of course you break them down again, and it’s back to the ballista. You had me a bit worried when you brought up those great many golems again (a familiar strategy for ebay), but… well, ballistas.
Sadly dinner soon interrupted my fun, but personally I think it was one of our best Thursdays ever.
Took you guys that long? Gone is the Devona’s of last week, that used to cap SM almost on a nightly basis while I’m away at work? We’ve been anticipating you guys putting up a good show of force for a while now. Here lately the instances some of your boys did show up we didn’t even bother responding. Was so bad yesterday morning we were in the middle of sacking Quentin from IoJ, who had completely dug in proper, that when you guys started trebbing SM from Anz, all we inquired of our spotter was, “is Anz still made of wood?” The forthcoming anwser to this seemingly simple, yet very telling, question being that it was, we all went back to what we were doing. To your credit though, you guys usually do a pretty good job of keeping the Overlook. Though we like stealing it from you and then abandoning it every now and again, just to give you guys something to rebuild.
I’ll be back around 7 AM central time, we’ll see if we can’t entertain you all.
Not exactly sure what time frame you are talking about but I did throw up a treb to counter yours after we captured Anzalias. It’s pretty much the only way to get it upgraded. It was never intended to siege SM with. Once we had secured our own parts of EB taking SM was pretty quick. 5 trebs at Overlook and 6 Golems, and it took us just about 30min to take if after some epic action from one of my favorite mesmers.
What happened 1h after we had captured it though, was just a sad showing of how much DR has to learn. I left for DRBL and when I came back, multiple trebs sat in SM doing absolutely nothing while you freely upgraded Klovan and Wildcreek.
It was by far the most fun day in this match up however, so kudos to everyone in EB and DR who made it happen.
Well, I’m not going to blame our militias about why things are different from last week…
…so I’ll blame that guild of shifty eyed weasels, prancing wannabe princesses, and daring swashbucklers, RegA. More specifically, I blame Rahge. See, he repecced this week, and whereas last week he was the Charr version of Clint Eastwood, terrorizing EBay everywhere with his flamethrower and pistols, and basically singlehandedly fighting off your hordes with a cutting one liner, now he’s, I don’t know, some sort of kitty with toys, hardly fearful, and clearly the only reason why your server had the remotest chance of winning this week.
Did I mention there’s that Lunar Week thing going on? No, no, nothing to do with us having a bunch of East Asian guilds on vacation, it actually has to do with half of our server being lycanthropes, and have been spending the majority of nights growing facial hair and howling away for some kitten reason.
(edited by pixieish.9627)
You just bashed him for responding to this thread on an open forum and then in the next breath stated you will not read what he has to say on the same forum. You will only talk to him him in whispers or TS but could you not have done the same thing?
I feel that this is a logical fallacy of at least either inconsistent or incomplete comparison. In this case, the extremely public and vitriolic nature of whoever this Yorgy was somewhat demands to be responded to. The bottom line is can we have the responsible parties that have upset each other to please take a breather and handle their issues separately.
While I recognize that immaturity on some level will be ever present in online gaming (as will back seat commanding in wvw, I suppose), I also would like it if we could try to self-police these kinds of outbursts and disagreements when they can be a negative force for a server in a game that requires some level of cooperation. We don’t need that immaturity “poisoning the well” so to speak. This is the main thrust of his argument, I think, and it is one that is still valid regardless of this counter claim of “pot calling the kettle”. It is by far the more important issue. Please keep your spats private. The other servers don’t really care, and we don’t want to have our server represented in this way.[/quote]
I know that username! Fancy seeing you here :p
Well, I’m not going to blame our militias about why things are different from last week…
…so I’ll blame that guild of shifty eyed weasels, prancing wannabe princesses, and daring swashbucklers, RegA. More specifically, I blame Rahge. See, he repecced this week, and whereas last week he was the Charr version of Clint Eastwood, terrorizing EBay everywhere with his flamethrower and pistols, and basically singlehandedly fighting off your hordes with a cutting one liner, now he’s, I don’t know, some sort of kitty with toys, hardly fearful, and clearly the only reason why your server had the remotest chance of winning this week.
Did I mention there’s that Lunar Week thing going on? No, no, nothing to do with us having a bunch of East Asian guilds on vacation, it actually has to do with half of our server being lycanthropes, and have been spending the majority of nights growing facial hair and howling away for some kitten reason.
…what did I do?
Well, hopefully the switch actually occurs this time. As I type this, it’s 11:50 AM Central time USA. DR is at present on a zerg-froth induced rampage across the Eternal Battlegrounds. You guys just took our main keep. Enjoy fighting the six of us that haven’t already left guys, it has been a fun run. =P
My corpse is as of right now still on the center floor there in the main circle. After fighting to push your people off the JP there. Unlike all my associates who left, the few that stayed and I fought to the last. I propose 10 silver pieces to the first person to snap a screenie of said carcass and post it here. I’ll then PM you asking where to send it. More to do with my curiosity of how I appear to you other servers that anything else.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Well I for one am going to miss DR and IoJ. It’s been fun getting intimate with you party people. IoJ, Im still baffled as to how you guys field so many lowbies… Lowbies everywhere in WvW. And DR… There were times when you would be straight push overs, and then suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere you come back in a steroid and Redbull fueled rage and take over everything… All in all it’s been fun. Shout outs to AD/QQ/Sty, RegA, and SoCo for putting up some good fights. IoJ, the only guild i can recall off the top of my head is MoW because of them annoying thieves always running around trying to poke me…
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