20 vs 20 in current sPvP map
maps are too little for that.
Would have loved to see something like this, and taking parts out of existing wvw maps to use as maps for this. Say SMC, the bloodlust area of alpine etc. Lots of nice places that could be sort of cut out and made a own map for something like this.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
4 × 5 or 5 × 4? Was gonna suggest 16 v 16 but kitten me 20 / 4 anyways
Would have loved to see something like this, and taking parts out of existing wvw maps to use as maps for this. Say SMC, the bloodlust area of alpine etc. Lots of nice places that could be sort of cut out and made a own map for something like this.
Never thought about it before but I would love it if you took the boodlust portion of the maps and made that a game type for roamers. That would be amazing. Keep the same bloodlust rules and make it king of the hill(maybe time held for bl or first to hold for 2 min and obtain it). This might discourage people from zerging. Not sure about gaining the bl buff but a 5v5v5 or up to 10v10v10 with a 15 minute time limit or something….. I would play the kitten out of that.
We haven’t even tapped 3 team small party games. If we got new game modes revolving around that for wvw or pvp I would be so happy.
(edited by TehHobNob.4687)
I’ve always thought about the new arena PVP map they introduced and removing all the structures in the map. You could have a 20v20 with zero line of sight issues on a flat surface. Or a map where you have structures moving up and down like elevators making and removing Line of Sight. It’d have to be a totally new game mode but still crazy fun ideas come from it.
I spent some time this evening browsing Revenge of the Capricorn. I feel there’s real potential for 10v10s there. Much of the terrain is flat or sloped. It doesn’t solve the amulet problem however.