(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Good Luck to all ^-^


Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Second win for kaineng ever!
hopefully this week’s match up even’s out a bit more

Goodluck all!

Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: WiltedBrainz.9703


I am glad to see that with what little we have, we whomped on Kaineng hard. I can’t wait until we get more ppl. GL Everyone!

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

I am SO going to have trouble getting accustomed to be in green once I’ve returned from my trip ... lol

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


yeah, it looks like we might be green for 2 weeks because T7 is balanced right now.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


100% map. Good job Kain!!


Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


OMG Kain you stealing our Zerg thunder – Joke.


(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


I dont consider it good when one server has 100% of the map.

I have a sad instead.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


I dont consider it good when one server has 100% of the map.

I have a sad instead.

I hope you guys can move out of tier 8 – honestly. You know your 2 big for it now. Were having a blast in our current match up. But if tier 7 stays as close as it looks – im not sure youll get the points to do it.
Which also makes me sad for you peeps.


(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


I dont consider it good when one server has 100% of the map.

I have a sad instead.

Its good when you are trying to make a case to move up a tier.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

(edited by Jeda.5209)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


There is no “Case”…I’m pretty sure everyone sees it’s obvious by now. The part that annoys me is I’ve been enjoying watching the T7 Match-up…and judging by what DR said last week, I’m afraid it’s gonna be unbalanced -AGAIN-. I -hate- imbalanced matches, they’re no fun for either party. All in all…I’m not really looking forward to WvW at all right now.

Note: I actually transferred to ET for the week to hang out with them and have fun instead of sitting in a Zerg constantly swarming. It was incredibly fun, the Griffon Revolution Army was formed and claimed multiple Keeps/Towers.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Jeda.5209


There is no “Case”…I’m pretty sure everyone sees it’s obvious by now. The part that annoys me is I’ve been enjoying watching the T7 Match-up…and judging by what DR said last week, I’m afraid it’s gonna be unbalanced -AGAIN-. I -hate- imbalanced matches, they’re no fun for either party. All in all…I’m not really looking forward to WvW at all right now.

Note: I actually transferred to ET for the week to hang out with them and have fun instead of sitting in a Zerg constantly swarming. It was incredibly fun, the Griffon Revolution Army was formed and claimed multiple Keeps/Towers.

Its not balance because the rankings of servers is incorrect. When it was Dev, ferg and Kain we were all not tier 8 servers, but because we were fairly balance for a while we all got stuck here until Dev finally pushed up. Then look what they did to tier 7. The rankings of the servers is causing the imbalance currently. Once the servers are in the proper tier then we should see balance, hopefully. Yes, its not fun to be on either side right now, but the only way to move to a proper tier is by showing we belong in an upper tier. Dev jumped all the way to tier 6 by dominating tier 7 in the one week they were there.

Sea of Sorrows

(Bronze Soldier)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: xcavars.5049


Iv been gone for the weekend. Whats happrning??

Xcavars[End]~Carelinne Condoin[End]~Brianna Condoin[End]~Catrice Degaspi[End]~Tiarra Ferr[End]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Kaineng owning too much

Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Can’t wait to move up tiers, this matchup is just too lob sided..

Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Can’t wait to move up tiers, this matchup is just too lob sided..

Dont get your hopes up about the next tier not being lob sided


(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


Hurry up and get bumped Kaineg

Balidor [Envy]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Hurry up and get bumped Kaineg

We’re working on it! :-)

Might not be too soon tho, looks like T7 is pretty balanced and we have some gap closing to do. We’ll see tho.

Also, saw the posts on Envy leaving FC – you guys find a new home yet?

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


Hurry up and get bumped Kaineg

We’re working on it! :-)

Might not be too soon tho, looks like T7 is pretty balanced and we have some gap closing to do. We’ll see tho.

Also, saw the posts on Envy leaving FC – you guys find a new home yet?

Nope, lol

Balidor [Envy]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: iMusica.5764


Hahaha xD That was a good fight in EB when Eredon and Ferg decided to attack SM, the overlook, and the ferg keep at the SAME TIME! To be honest you had me worried cause I was the only commander in EB at the time and had little forces xD Was great guys! I really did have fun. Keep it up:)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Hahaha xD That was a good fight in EB when Eredon and Ferg decided to attack SM, the overlook, and the ferg keep at the SAME TIME! To be honest you had me worried cause I was the only commander in EB at the time and had little forces xD Was great guys! I really did have fun. Keep it up:)

Last night was crazy like that too (or is that what you’re talking about?)! We’d lose stuff to FC, only to get it back, then turn around and ET was knocking on the door. Hoo!

Kinda makes me think how closely we’d all be matched if Kaineng didn’t have the numbers advantage atm. Fun week!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

yeah, it looks like we might be green for 2 weeks because T7 is balanced right now.

I’d hope HoD would take their time and actually try to rank up and hold their spot in Tier 7 while SF drop down to Tier 8. Becasue personally, I have something that I wanted to settle with HoD myself xD

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: TheSchryvers.6540


Flappybob i thank you for the amusing fight from the other perspective watching most of us try to take you out of that tower in the least efficient way possible. I always shake my head when i see a cat being hit by something in a tower and people still insist on building another one next to or in the same location as the one being hit gets destroyed. Or decide that auto attacking a wall will make it go down faster ( Im surprised no rams were placed next to the wall )What can I say besides I hope most of the people in that fight learn something from it and please enjoy the loot bags complimentary of kain, you guys earned it.

Ps. I was the mesmer that pulled a few of you off the wall from the lords room about a minute and a half into you guys holding back the zerg and gave you guys the bow’s you all deserved after you each when down.

Mina Angwin – Level 80 Mesmer
" Whats this PVE you speak of "

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


I always shake my head when i see a cat being hit by something in a tower and people still insist on building another one next to or in the same location as the one being hit gets destroyed.

happens during at least 75% of my ventures into wvw (or similar silly things). and its seriously not because of ignorance the majority of the time; im a good person and actually talk to pugs about the strategies when i see these things going on.

i really wonder if other tiers are any different… havent hopped around.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


So Flappybob here from ET, just giving a shout out to our good friends in Kaineng!
My guild Mend just managed to hold Wildcreek in the heart of Kaineng lands for long over an hour with about 8 people!

I feel like the holiday is wrong right now, personally I feel like it is thanksgiving right now

Glad to see that good fights can still be found. Tactics and discipline make a huge difference, as those Kaineng folks who were around when we got pounded weekly by DR learned quickly. There’s nothing better than facing overwhelming odds and making the baddies pay dearly for every inch they gain!

Great job, guys!

Edit: Props to you Mend guys. It’s always fun to square off against you.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


:p It’s been fun being on ET and smacking around my fellow Kainites. Being on the other side, I do think a lot of us need to work on individual skill though…but one problem is definitely the number of under-levels. The one other thing I’ve noticed while hanging out on ET is how absurdly rude a lot of Kainites are being, and how pompously inappropriate. In the time I’ve been here on ET there’ve been -numerous- times where there is -NO ONE- in LA, where Kaineng outnumbers us 10 to 1 and we have -everyone- from -every map- there to fight them. You aren’t superior, you aren’t “Better” than them, you’re more numerous. I know not everyone is acting the same way, and not everyone is acting inappropriately, but laughing or dancing on the dead bodies of people you outnumber like 5 or 10 to 1 while they managed to -hold and kill- most of your people is just disgraceful.

I would like to ask any of our Commanders, PUGs, anyone who reads this to watch for those people who are acting like twits and speak up. No more bragging about beating them, no more dancing on dead bodies, just remember who and what we are. We are Kaineng. We are awesome. And most importantly, we are good people. The opinions of Kaineng folks on ET are -horrid- at the moment because of how people are treating them, and I personally believe that it’s an earned disgust just from what I’ve seen on ET the last few days.

Note: I will be returning to Kaineng eventually, just server hopping until Kaineng’s out of Tier 8.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Not that I’m endorsing that type of behavior, Storm – it’s embarrassing tbh. However, Kaineng has been the whipping dog for so long that folks are getting drunk off winning. I remember how irritated I got at DR when one of their 40-man zergs killed me solo and they acted like idiots.

Nothing against DR either (there are a ton of great players on that server), but they did seem to have a fair amount of knuckleheads. C’mon, Kaineng, let’s not become “those guys”. Don’t forget our roots and what it feels like to be on the receiving end of tough odds.

ET and FC, my hat is off to you guys. This week has been fun, and the score really doesn’t indicate how tight most of the non-PvDoor fights really are.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: WiltedBrainz.9703


I thank you StormWolf for taking the time to notice the labors we endure while taking objectives. I see this type of behavior constantly from all ppl. We did a nice sneak attack on SM tonight, and managed to show that we can take these big keeps. So in closing, to the ones from OREO and DARK guild who think you are leet by outnumbering us by 10-1 odds, and dancing on our corpses when we pwnd your huge zergs all week with minimal numbers, I feel sad for you. But to those of you in Kaineng who /bow us after our brief ownership of SM tonight. I applaud you for your sportsman like conduct. Hope to see more battles with even numbers in the future, and more fun.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Can’t wait to get back to Ferg. Left for a bit because there was a lot of PvE stuff I couldn’t get done because of the pop. Also playing WvW on a much larger server made me realize how bad my build was, and how to improve myself.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


Yesterday (24/12), kaineng zerg, ET borderlands, Gods word supply camp: was an honor fighting you guys, thanks so much for all the glorious badges of honor and how 1/2 your zerg stood and watched in awe as I [NERD] and another Terran by the name of unazaran [TAC] (sorry if mispelled) duo’d you all…was very fun and taught me a valuable lesson with my D/D ele, was the most fun i had….also, ty una for sacrificing yourself when more showed up to let me get away and recover, i owe you one <3 :P Merry Christmas all (typing from smartphone atm….lol)

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Demonknightx.4210


Lucky i wasn’t there roost, Abyssaldemon 1 of the commander’s from [De]Kaineng server old friend. I’m the Norn Warrior wearing all pink armor with a hammer lol.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Great fight to all the Fergs and ET that took back SM, great to see you guys fighting hard!

And Welcome to Guild WM (Warmachine) to kaineng.

Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Current scores so far.


Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


And Welcome to Guild WM (Warmachine) to kaineng.

Although not unexpected, the Warmachine [WM] Announcement is certainly significant.


(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


And Welcome to Guild WM (Warmachine) to kaineng.

Although not unexpected, the Warmachine [WM] Announcement is certainly significant.


Welcome aboard, WM! Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


this ferg was turrible. Who’s ever guild he is on i feel bad for yah cus all he does was spam pistolwhip and spam the shadowstep skill on sword. Killed him 2 times but just wanted to throw it out there since it made me feel bad for all the good thief players out there.


(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


I love your screenshot because 99% of the time that’s all what you did. was hide behind fully upgraded guards. You didn’t kill me, you assisted. Good job. You didn’t even wanna come out and do an open duel. How sad. Keep saying things to make you feel better. Keep crying because those 2 times, you didnt’ even do anything. You just came in and KSed from a general.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: shunobee.6907


Wanted to express my respect for the Fergies that took SM tonight; even managed to hold it against Kain for a bit. That was amazing.

[mend] – Eredon Terrace

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


I love your screenshot because 99% of the time that’s all what you did. was hide behind fully upgraded guards. You didn’t kill me, you assisted. Good job. You didn’t even wanna come out and do an open duel. How sad. Keep saying things to make you feel better. Keep crying because those 2 times, you didnt’ even do anything. You just came in and KSed from a general.

i used skills on 2 different weapons lawl you just used the same 2 skills. Plus if you didnt notice i didnt even move most the time cus i was talkin to someone. Oh and i killed you the guards just used immobilize so you couldnt get away with the sword 2 skill since you ran out of init spamin pistol whip on me.

Bro your auto attack was pistol whip lmfao and i you came in to attack you when you were pistolwhip spaming the dolyak and the guard immbolied you and i killed you when you tried to run off. When i killed sentry and you came i was attacking you and when i hit you, you instantly used the sword 2 skill to shadow step then stealthed and ran off. You did this everytime. So you are lucky you can spam perma stuns and run around and stealth from the first hit you took.

Oh and one more thing the guards arnt upgraded. It was never an open duel when you ran off the first hit and only attacked when i was responding to my pms lawl. Good try tho.

(edited by Mosharn.8357)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Mosharn.8357


Wanted to express my respect for the Fergies that took SM tonight; even managed to hold it against Kain for a bit. That was amazing.

Where you in the zerg that took wildcreek? I needed those trebs for a faster take >.>

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: bladie.5084


I love your screenshot because 99% of the time that’s all what you did. was hide behind fully upgraded guards. You didn’t kill me, you assisted. Good job. You didn’t even wanna come out and do an open duel. How sad. Keep saying things to make you feel better. Keep crying because those 2 times, you didnt’ even do anything. You just came in and KSed from a general.

i used skills on 2 different weapons lawl you just used the same 2 skills. Plus if you didnt notice i didnt even move most the time cus i was talkin to someone. Oh and i killed you the guards just used immobilize so you couldnt get away with the sword 2 skill since you ran out of init spamin pistol whip on me.

Bro your auto attack was pistol whip lmfao and i you came in to attack you when you were pistolwhip spaming the dolyak and the guard immbolied you and i killed you when you tried to run off. When i killed sentry and you came i was attacking you and when i hit you, you instantly used the sword 2 skill to shadow step then stealthed and ran off. You did this everytime. So you are lucky you can spam perma stuns and run around and stealth from the first hit you took.

Oh and one more thing the guards arnt upgraded. It was never an open duel when you ran off the first hit and only attacked when i was responding to my pms lawl. Good try tho.

Lol nice try. All you did was stomped me when the general killed me. You weren’t even close to me. Are you claiming that your warrior is as mobile as my thief? Cuz the last time i checked, you were at least 1500+ range away from me. Regarding the Dolyaks, i was trolling at first to get you to fight (obviously you did because once again you only go out there when i have a handicap). Obv I came back srs mode and killed the dolyak. As soon as the guards and dolyaks disappeared, you ran (once again).

Tbh I don’t even know why you’re posting on the forums when you’re full of lies and your stories are so inconsistent. People pming you? I saw you’re screenshot of you hiding behind the upgraded generals and there was no pms whatsoever. Half the battle was at supply camps fully upgraded and hyleks, some took place between our valley and langor and the ending took place at langor’s Sentry. The sentry was the only one that you actually for ONCE out of 30 times? came out and even then you ended up running to langor.

You’re right I did run away and had to recover from when we were at sentry. But that was because by then the sentry respawned and it was you w/ sentry vs me.
I can’t believe you honestly think you stand a chance against me when most of the time you hid behind npcs/towers.

If you were pming someone while we were dueling then how come everytime I’m engaged in battle, you’d run out and meet me in battle? and how come your SS has no pms in it?

Lets be real though, If you honestly thought you can beat me, you should accept my challenge. But you denied it saying you had better things to do. Such as, spending the next 40+ mins arguing w/ me and posting kitten like this on forums.

BE real, stop being fake.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Air.6452


Seems like there is a lot of tension between ET and Kain this week.

Why all the hate?

Chody – Leader of We Came To Dance GW2
Crystal Desert
We Came To Dance [WCTD]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: omnislash.7106


Seems like there is a lot of tension between ET and Kain this week.

Why all the hate?

Nope, just between 2 people…

Ktyz [CNB]

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Seems like there is a lot of tension between ET and Kain this week.

Why all the hate?

Actually, I was thinking the exact opposite, crazy as it sounds. When FC took Mist yesterday and we were fighting to take it back, I was running supply for our siege at the inner keep. Happened to run past the north side of Mist, saw a solo guy from [Mend] on a cata shooting the north wall. Very ballsy! I stood there next to him for like 2min, cheering him on.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Flappybob.1950


That ballsy man was Thundernight! And he is our super tank/pride and joy! We love him to death, and I’m making sure he reads this at this very moment!

Commander Admiral Lord Flappy – [Mend]
Isle of Janthir

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


That ballsy man was Thundernight! And he is our super tank/pride and joy! We love him to death, and I’m making sure he reads this at this very moment!

LOL awesome. Not sure if he saw me cheering for him or not – he was pretty intent on shooting that dang wall. After we took SM back, I recall seeing posts in map chat saying “holy crap! ET is already hitting Mist with catas!”

Pretty sure that was him – hope he was able to get away when the Kain swarm came out after him. That dude needs a legendary!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Leogolas.6941


With that kind of balls who needs a legendary .
Mosharn and baldie , meet up somewhere and duel your hearts out. No need to engage in Fourm posts war when you can just fight it out in the game.

[TSA] The Stuffed Animals
~We Are Deadly When Required~

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


Seems like there is a lot of tension between ET and Kain this week.

Why all the hate?

You should have seen our drama with the devonas

The hate is really tame atm

im actually kinda missing the drama. It used to be like a reality TV show. It was amusing as much as it was stupid.

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Welcome WM, it’s nice to see your faces again.

Now if you would like to include a English translation to your Korean like I do with Chinese, we’ll love you more

PS: that Smiling post on the GW2Guru sure was intended to frame us, but good job, none of the claims are true.

“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

(edited by Chaster Sharpshooter.3640)

(21/12) Kaineng / Ferguson / Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Hey guys. I was the dredge outfit wearing ranger leading the groups in the early morning that capped AB, Garrison and various towers. I put it out there that I received countless reports of “AB wall jumpers” even narrowed down to detail of guild tag and what not when we were defending AB. However rather sorting through a bunch of heresay, posts of “lol u must 0f didznt mezmer sweep!” or filing a bunch of reports with screenshots and posting rants and rage, I am just going to plead with everyone here, regardless of server.

All three of our servers current size balances aside have all at one point or many past and yet continuing; known and braved facing some pretty ridiculous odds. We all know the pain and hardship that is undertaken facing servers that outnumber you on fronts from 2x-8x your population in some battles. I’d like to think that having been through such hardships has crafted a certain spirit of sportsmanship on all sides.

With this said without accusing anyone or pointing fingers: “unintended tricks”; jumping from cliffs to bypass Garrison gates, using teleport skills to go through certain walls/water gates,etc. These exploits, if you will, offer nothing good to the battle. The pleasant feeling from a hard fought victory being tainted with the use of cheating, people will have to waste time camping certain areas to prevent wall climbers, stuff like that is not helping make WvW more fun for anyone. Most major guilds including my own do not condone such actions and are prepared to warn/kick guild members for trying abusing such things. I’m asking that all guilds that do not yet have a statement on these matters take a similar stance, regardless of server.

I’m also asking that those of you who may have participated in battles where such tactics were used, whether they were unintentionally discovered or directly endorsed would encourage the individuals on your server that you know to use such tricks to stop. Let’s all do ourselves a favor and save ourselves useless drama by discouraging/continuing to discourage such activities. Keep it clean, keep it fun. The gates and walls are there to be destroyed, not jumped past. Kudos to you if you can do it in a way that is both legit and sneaky.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)