22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I had a lot fun with a guy from UNTY.
Nice Duels

Why is he lying about AMOK?
Lying is a sin…

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

. Zerg is Zerg. No matter how ppl call it ;-).

Zerg = cheesing = negative connotation = new hype wiki builds without the mind to use them. [DD ele, GC/stealth thief, MC hammerbuild. imo] , the pve items used in wvw fall under that too btw.

Organized guildgroups = not a zerg, no matter the numbers. skills & professions picked to support the group.

If you get rolled by a Guildgroup? tough luck, you should ’ve ran or brough support.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Ultima.4675


I had a lot fun with a guy from UNTY.
Nice Duels

Why is he lying about AMOK?
Lying is a sin…


[AMOK] – Oida geh Scheissn

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


. Zerg is Zerg. No matter how ppl call it ;-).

Organized guildgroups = not a zerg, no matter the numbers. skills & professions picked to support the group.

If you get rolled by a Guildgroup? tough luck, you should ’ve ran or brough support.

You keep telling yourself that.

Ever heared about culling?

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: ZStefanovic.2475


“zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging”

This is what i’ve found as the most used definition of the word zerg or zerging.
In the situation of guild wars, you could define that as a bunch of pugs just rushing across the map.

Organized guilds however do not fit this description, they use specific builds and tactics to attack and defend.

And you should be aware of the fact that if you’re in WvW then you are a target, one guy may attack you or 20 its just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If you run with a small group and encounter a bigger group, you can run or fight. If you choose to fight then don’t be mad if you get wiped, regardles if its a guild or zerg you are fighting.

Former [FURY] – Farming Orr since 1802
my stream: http://twitch.tv/Para_Streaming
All names start with Para

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Shonex.5327


I had a lot fun with a guy from UNTY.
Nice Duels

Thank you again for awesome duels, was really fun

@Zumy: People have opinions yours might be different than mine so no one is actually lying

Member of: Cute But Devilish Inside [CUTE]
Ring of Fire [EU]

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: loseros.5912


I’m pretty sure also and if in any hipothetical (does this word exist in english?) situation would have been an arregement it would be unkown for BB guilds.

Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362



Greetings old friend, i think DTK gave you some nice clashes on your Borderlands today;-)
See ya next time…………………same to FURY^^.

Greets Myrmi

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: WhiskeyJack.5839


AG was pretty hectic tonight. Never done so much repairing!
@ RS…..Those trebs in refuge supply camp were a dilemma for us at Bay, shoutout to DTK & friends, really tense waiting on the inner for you to come in. We did a `300` and got you eventually.GG.
Not sure why you didn’t try to cap anything else whilst siegeing bay….kinda put all your eggs in one basket.

@ BB….the fights at hills were epic! many good fights but the highlight has to be the showdown with NUKE at north inner wall

Gunnars Hold
Furious Cookies[FURY]

(edited by WhiskeyJack.5839)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Mechro.6342


"zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging"

Thank you very much for this definition.

Assuming this definition is the truth, guilds like TUP, FURY, UNTY (and all that crowds) are exactly what professional players like me and my guildies would classify as a typical zerg.

Edit: Nuke is obviously also practising in this league.

(edited by Mechro.6342)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


“zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging”

Thank you very much for this definition.

Assuming this definition is the truth, guilds like TUP, FURY, UNTY (and all that crowds) are exactly what professional players like me and my guildies would classify as a typical zerg.

Edit: Nuke is obviously also practising in this league.

Fail Troll is fail..

Every single night TUP is against superior numbers, just ask the german horde that laid siege to bay for hours. We get stuck in and we have a whale of a time. We don’t complain, we thrive on the challenge, although turning a supply camp into fort knox not cool more ACs and Ballis than at your towers </3

Then the spanish armada attacking hills again! We had a dirty dozen, 15 tops and luckily FURY were around also to help deal with the bombardment of NUKE & the others.

Get off ya little high horse little troll. A guild group is organised and uses strategy to defeat superior numbers aka zergs.

I hope RS bring back their reset nights of old – the last reset was shoddy and non-existant was a shame, as we always like the good fights on reset! Here’s to hoping for more…

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Our main Goal yesterday was to fight you on open field, as you remember for sure we went all the time from northeastern gate bay to your middle keep cleaning everything^^.
Supply camp action with bay attack was just a bonus for the “friends” on the map, with almost only our people on TS, it is nearly impossible to cap bay with i think 8 ACs and 2 Ballis;-)
We enjoy fighting you a lot.
Till next time be aware of us!

Greets Myrmi

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Beri.3156


Wiping everything? i’m not so sure of that myrmi. I remeber that we drive u away from our keep with minimal losses. Well there cud have been fight where i wasn’t since i don’t play 24/7. Whenever i was playing i saw Riverside running away as fast as they could.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Great fighting yesterday on BB border, taking a tier 3 bay from BB while they outnumbered us initially (RS was on inner Garri, so BB left). Then we went to the east and took wooden hills, between those caps were the highlights of the evening, amazing fights with that massive BB zerg, I’m not quite sure if it was a guild but there were around 50 at least. On the other side of the map we had some amazing fights against [dw], [VU] and eh… [MNSG]? Anyway the fights were good and I enjoyed them, hope you guys did too.

Anyway I think it’s time for a change in matchup, we’ve been facin eachother for 3 weeks now and personally I think it’s relatively easy to predict enemy patterns, because
they have been pretty much the same over all these weeks.

We are really close together and I suppose that’s a good thing, but as you can see in the tension here on the forums, that it’s time for a change.

Happy fighting and on to a new week of intense fighting.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Theobald.5073


Yes, [VU] had a lot of fun fighting you all. It was hard, because there were a lot of good guild running around, but its great fun and challenge.
Kudos to TUP, FURY, UNITY, RED, NUKE, WvW…. You do all great work. Keep it on!

See you on the battlefield next week

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I had a lot fun with a guy from UNTY.
Nice Duels

Thank you again for awesome duels, was really fun

@Zumy: People have opinions yours might be different than mine so no one is actually lying

Dawgy, I like AMOK, we just use to bully eachother :*.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


“zerg is used in mmo games to describe force consisted of large group of lower level players (often with only basic equipment) who use numbers rather then strategy to defeat the enemy, therefore requiring no skill. This tactics is commonly known as zerging”

Thank you very much for this definition.

Assuming this definition is the truth, guilds like TUP, FURY, UNTY (and all that crowds) are exactly what professional players like me and my guildies would classify as a typical zerg.

Edit: Nuke is obviously also practising in this league.

I really hope you dont represent the opinion of your whole guild, if so i’ve just lost all my respect for it. And then having the nerve of calling yourself a ‘professional player’. A professional player knows how to pick his/hers fights, obviously the likes of you don’t, so i’d rather call you amateurs who revert to whining on the forums about everything you can possibly think of.

Picking fights in the era of culling is pretty hard, tbh :-D.
Although I dont agree with Markrau (in fact I think regarding the hour he posted, he came home after some Heidelberg Shake and was up for a little trolling), I really think that the bigger your numbers, the less skill is required from single players in the setup.
This will count more for a 40+ zerg than for a 15+ zerg but hey, its a pretty firm statement.
The bigger the number, the less individual skill is required.
I dont say they arent good tacticians (way better than I would be) or they dont know how to coordinate their teams, but what I state, is that on individual level I would outstand most 20+ setup players.
So I guess this is what Mechro was saying too, just in a less diplomatic way.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Putting electronic testicles and trolo olol apart I want to say is that I aknowledge what coordinated 15-25 teams do for their servers.
But as I play in a five man team, you will always hear me complain about zerglings, after I got roflstomped by 3 guilds in numbers of 45.

Btw: the maps are very small and In-Combat-Speed and CC limitation to 5 ppl makes kiting nearly impossible. So when the zerg spotted you while already infight, you either have Mass Invis or you will most certainly die. Not all 5, some always get away as the zerg only demands his offerings and everybody will try to leech the bag of the already downed players.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


Yesterday on BB-Map there where several epic fights and battles.

We got wipped a few times … we wipped you a few times … i think a lot of people had a really got time
And the hill fortress was like a challenge cup. But happily we where able to cap and recap the fortress just in time for the points.
Best fight in my opinion was, when we capped the hill and BB was still inside with a huge zerg and suddenly also Aurora appeared with a huge team. There where really some serious, hard and also funny battles

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Btw: the maps are very small and In-Combat-Speed and CC limitation to 5 ppl makes kiting nearly impossible. So when the zerg spotted you while already infight, you either have Mass Invis or you will most certainly die. Not all 5, some always get away as the zerg only demands his offerings and everybody will try to leech the bag of the already downed players.

If you have a guardian in your 5-man group, you can get up to 18 seconds of stability, resulting in CC being useless. So your argument is invalid, considering you just have to have one guardian in your 5-man group.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


There is no way to get immune to roots (immobilize).
A proper Zerg stacks up to 20 seconds of root on you, once you got rooted.
And all that just by clicking 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
As you keep staying snared by being infight, in the blob there will always be people with everything without cooldown and being out of combat, therefor faster than you and keeping you in combat for the next blobbers who get out of combat. So the gap keeps closing.

Please tell me more about my argument being invalid.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Beri, pls read my post and the Location.
I am not talking about bay inner keep fight, yeah there you whiped us with your ACs and Ballis thats true.
Yesterday we fought mainly TUP and FURY saw only little of UNTY, ask them they will tell you;-)

Greets Myrmi

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

The is no way to get immune to roots (immobilize).
A proper Zerg stacks up to 20 seconds of root on you, once you got rooted.
And all that just by clicking 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Please tell me more about my argument being invalid.

Any stunbreaker, blink or clever dodgeroll would make you escape or evade these roots, therefore denying or even evading all effects of these roots. I’m not saying it’s easy or without any effort to escape these zergs, but if you pick the right weapons and utilities, it’s a lot easier.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Lonny.9873


A blink won’t remove the immobilize. It will only port you to your desired position and Keep you iommobilized in place
Immobilize is classified as condition. Since stunbreaks only work against control effects, it won’t have any effect.
Without Vigor or specific traits you can only dodge two times in a row…

X Requiem X – [REQ]
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: loseros.5912


@the REQ guy complaining about zergs

I suggest you to challenge anyone to play a GvG and there you can see that actually skill is a handicap.

So when fighting in a large group, it’s important the individual skill. When you face zergs, not so much.

So it’s not about how many you are, but who and how many the enemy is.

Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

A blink won’t remove the immobilize. It will only port you to your desired position and Keep you iommobilized in place
Immobilize is classified as condition. Since stunbreaks only work against control effects, it won’t have any effect.
Without Vigor or specific traits you can only dodge two times in a row…

Binding roots are from my experience location bound, so if you blink out of it, the immobilize condition will dissapear. Also I can’t explain why I broke out of immobilize in the past, maybe because of a condition removal skill cast at exactly the same time. Finally 2 dodge rolls are usually enough to evade the initial damage and cc, including immobilize.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Slomo.1029


Yes Argwulf, you got your conditions removed. Since you play mostly Guardian you cant imagine how painful it is for other classes to have a condition remove instantly when you need it. lol

There is a counter to every spell in this game. Just try an staff ele with condition remove on regenaration. Eats trough binding roots easily.

~ Gandara

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Talking about getting added while already in a fight, so probably 2 dodge rolls are not available. Also root is the LAST condition that gets removed by conditionremoval., being bleed the first.
When 20+ ppl add you being on out of combat speed, you just will not be able to avoid all the roots. Once rooted you will get cc’ed the crap out of your kitten Tell me about the guardian build with 30 stunbreaks. I did not manage to find it yet.
And please stop trying to teach me about fighting zergs or whatsoever, giving tipps about weaponselection. I dont need it. Dont forget about culling! Once you have loaded 10 opponents, the arriving zerg wont be even remotely rendered befor you die.

Just admit your fail and stop discussing about it.

BTW: root is the common word for any immobilize. I does not only refer to binding roots from Avatar of Melandru or Ranger.

At Asterilla: you dont make any sense. I dont know if its the langage but your arguments seem to contradict themselves.
If you want to GvG, we can meet this weekend. We bring 5-8 and expect you to bring less than 10.
5vs5 would be preferred though.

Si me lo quieres contar en castellano, no te cortes. A lo mejor asi te entiendo mejor.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: WhiskeyJack.5839


Our main Goal yesterday was to fight you on open field, as you remember for sure we went all the time from northeastern gate bay to your middle keep cleaning everything^^.
Supply camp action with bay attack was just a bonus for the “friends” on the map, with almost only our people on TS, it is nearly impossible to cap bay with i think 8 ACs and 2 Ballis;-)
We enjoy fighting you a lot.
Till next time be aware of us!

Greets Myrmi

Haha! open combat? I’ll agree that Riverside ventured forth a couple of times between Bay and Garrison with a 30+ group but it was hardly openfield combat last night! For the majority of it, you sieged up and defended that supply camp as if it was one of your keeps! That being said, I enjoyed the challenge but with the numbers you had, you should of coloured the map red, instead you only had a failed cap of Bay to show for your night.

Gunnars Hold
Furious Cookies[FURY]

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Talking about getting added while already in a fight, so probably 2 dodge rolls are not available. Also root is the LAST condition that gets removed by conditionremoval., being bleed the first.
When 20+ ppl add you being on out of combat speed, you just will not be able to avoid all the roots. Once rooted you will get cc’ed the crap out of your kitten Tell me about the guardian build with 30 stunbreaks. I did not manage to find it yet.
And please stop trying to teach me about fighting zergs or whatsoever, giving tipps about weaponselection. I dont need it. Dont forget about culling! Once you have loaded 10 opponents, the arriving zerg wont be even remotely rendered befor you die.

Just admit your fail and stop discussing about it.

You have some serious attitude problems, sir, I’m just trying to be helpful and cnstructive, you on the other hand have a very offensive tone in your text. Just to show that I have enough experience in WvW, yesterday we wiped 35 people with 6
so running isnt even nessecary. I’ve got 1200 hours of WvW playtime, please don’t take this attitude or I will personally command a 30 man zerg you hate so much to hunt all REQ players down.

Let’s keep it nice an friendly on the forums here, don’t offend someone who’s trying to help you even though you’re the enemy.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Sorry, if it seems like an attitude to you, but you try to give me basic information on a matter that is not solved by positional awareness.
We have wiped all kinds of zergs too, so no big issue on that, even easier when facin EB randoms.
Honestly i never see WvW roaming far away from their zerg.

About hunting us down. Feel free to do so. I wont bother. dont forget to emote afterwards.
If you want to 5vs5 though, feel free to contact me ingame and I will see if I can arrange something. Atm our ppl are scattered anywhere but in GW2 due to the current Wv3 situation.

If now we are bragging here, I once managed to kill 3 WvW ppl on my guardian and survive 5 of them for quite an mount of time, so your ppl even invited me to a party to give me props ;-).

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Lonny.9873


A blink won’t remove the immobilize. It will only port you to your desired position and Keep you iommobilized in place
Immobilize is classified as condition. Since stunbreaks only work against control effects, it won’t have any effect.
Without Vigor or specific traits you can only dodge two times in a row…

Binding roots are from my experience location bound, so if you blink out of it, the immobilize condition will dissapear. Also I can’t explain why I broke out of immobilize in the past, maybe because of a condition removal skill cast at exactly the same time. Finally 2 dodge rolls are usually enough to evade the initial damage and cc, including immobilize.

Entange and Binding roots are bound to the location, true. But i was talking about immobilize in general.

X Requiem X – [REQ]
Sela Nox – Mesmer
Medania – Thief

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: tofukiller.9842


Just to show that I have enough experience in WvW, yesterday we wiped 35 people with 6 so running isnt even nessecary.

Just to show that I have enough experience with people talking on the internet, I demand video proof of this. Then I will bow before your WvW greatness. Else, I have nothing but your word. And you have my word, that AMOK deafeated whole servers all by ourselves!

Have a nice day.

P.S.: This does not apply to you, but some others on this thread. It is either wiped oder whipped (kinky version). Please apply.

Thanatar – Warrior of [AMOK]

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Well often you kill 35 ppl just walking in fluidly bit by bit.
It is also known, that when u fight on a team you often are not aware of the other two 5 man groups that joined the fight on different edges of the zerg. Culling FTW :-).

Also there is nothing easier then killing big numbers that are surrounded by your friendly guards or even a buffed camplord :-).

Blind,blind, root, blind, 10k crit, blind, root, blind, blind, 10k crit… :-D.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: tofukiller.9842


Well often you kill 35 ppl just walking in fluidly bit by bit.
It is also known, that when u fight on a team you often are not aware of the other two 5 man groups that joined the fight on different edges of the zerg. Culling FTW :-).

Also there is nothing easier then killing big numbers that are surrounded by your friendly guards or even a buffed camplord :-).

Blind,blind, root, blind, 10k crit, blind, root, blind, blind, 10k crit… :-D.

While I agree, that’s not exactly what I would call “wiping 35 people with 6”. ^^

Thanatar – Warrior of [AMOK]

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Lord Killer.9473

Dark Lord Killer.9473

Okay point taken, I’m proven wrong on all points.

Now let’s get back to the battlefield, I’ll make up for this defeat with 16 hours of commanding this weekend.

Always fight, never give up, always remain vigilant.

Good luck next week everyone, let’s see if differences can finally be made.

Argwulf, Human Guardian
Member of [ASA]
My heart is in the Glade, my feet are in Gandara.

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


Okay point taken, I’m proven wrong on all points.

Now let’s get back to the battlefield, I’ll make up for this defeat with 16 hours of commanding this weekend.

Always fight, never give up, always remain vigilant.

Good luck next week everyone, let’s see if differences can finally be made.

Stop being so diplomatic, that takes all the fun out of this kind of discussions :-/.


Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


As always its senseless to discuss here, everybody has his own point of view.
Also people read only what they want and once again we were hordes of players and you were only 10……
As I’ve mentioned twice already, we dont wanted to map the color red but just a little fun.
Then many more people came on the map and we started trebfire on bay because of these players.
The whole time before we moved through the map and had open fighting where we were sanwiched by bay and your garrison.
The supply camp story yes I think you’re right it was just a siege story, so after we were in the bay you wiped us there we left your Border and Baruch started the attacking of the hill.
You rather should be glad that we were not both at the same time on the map. Fun-loving next week, special greetings to TUP and FURY.

Greetings Myrmi

btw …….pls stop telling all the time that we run away, I personally have seen often enough of you doing exactly this, but I do not condemn you for it

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Krato.4729


Hey Myrmi, can I ask how many you were running with last night? We’re not very good at estimating numbers so would like clarity on how up against the odds we were.

Kratoon – TUP Officer/Warband Leader

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


REQ, let’s not act as if you play any different when you outnumber your enemy even if it’s on a smaller scale. I’m mainly a solo roamer, and I get cc’d and focused down by the 6-7 of you. If you get cc’d and focused down by 15+, it’s the same thing.

When I run in a party, we have an agreement that if we meet a single enemy, only one of us will attack (or two if it’s 2v2). That’s the best way to learn how to play this game, instead of leeching off others work and never truly knowing how good your individual ability is.

Most of us have tens of thousands of kills already so we need not be so kill hungry as to chase after a single guy unless it’s objective-based… I don’t deny your skill, just saying that the way you operate is no different from a large zerg when meeting outnumbered groups, so there is not much room to complain.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: loseros.5912


Mine is the biggest and largest. For sure.
And i’m not talking about gw

Ranger charr 80, Guardian asura 80

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


REQ, let’s not act as if you play any different when you outnumber your enemy even if it’s on a smaller scale. I’m mainly a solo roamer, and I get cc’d and focused down by the 6-7 of you. If you get cc’d and focused down by 15+, it’s the same thing.

When I run in a party, we have an agreement that if we meet a single enemy, only one of us will attack (or two if it’s 2v2). That’s the best way to learn how to play this game, instead of leeching off others work and never truly knowing how good your individual ability is.

Most of us have tens of thousands of kills already so we need not be so kill hungry as to chase after a single guy unless it’s objective-based… I don’t deny your skill, just saying that the way you operate is no different from a large zerg when meeting outnumbered groups, so there is not much room to complain.

I dont even remember the last time we were 6-7 ppl. But I get your point there.
Give race, class and guild and send 50g every week.
You will be spared.

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I dont even remember the last time we were 6-7 ppl. But I get your point there.
Give race, class and guild and send 50g every week.
You will be spared.

I get away from you no problem. Snow Leopard takes care of that. Race and class depend on the character I’m playing (I run 5 of them) but guild remains LOST. Next time we meet a 1v1 would be appreciated.

I’ve never seen you less than 6 or 7. Usually a guard around to keep the glassy mesmer, eles and thieves alive. Is a good team and it works on smaller scale, but once one of you goes down it starts the snowball effect when meeting larger groups.

I believe tankier groups are best for dealing with large numbers, because there is more room for error and more access to stability/condition removal which are essential in those cases. Damage is still more than enough by targeting and focusing enemies.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I know your Ranger.

I remember the resetnight a few weeks ago when we were ganking as three people at hole in the Wall of the AG middlekeep. You did not stop running into us (2 Mesmer and me on thief)
And the last time I saw you, you were coming to annoy and running back into your spawntower as leopard repeatedly. So NPC-CC was what saved you ;-). We were 5 btw.
I you dont want to get added by an entire party, stop charging into it when you haver your Norn-elite up repeatedly. It grants you kind of faceaggro when we meet you in open field.

Btw: we dont do thieves in our parties, besides the night at your spawntower, that was me. Also our eles are not gc :-).
The first ones to go down usually arent our gc mesmers and as you do, we usually get away of large zergs. But as culling gets worse every day, german players are experiencing lags bigtime due to internetproviders having a problem with anet-servers.

Currently we dont roam much, but the next time we meet I will wave with Twilight and you can have your 1v1. Though in my eyes, Ranger geared and traited for it, is the strongest 1vs1 class if you know the buttons :->

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

(edited by Zumy.6318)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I know your Ranger.

I remember the resetnight a few weeks ago when we were ganking as three people a hole in the Wall of the AG middlekeep.
And the last time I saw you, you were coming to annoy and running back into your spawntower. We were 5 btw.
I you dont want to get added by an entire party, stop charging into it when you haver your Norn-elite up repeatedly. It grants you kind of faceaggro when we meet you in open field.

Btw: we dont do thieves in our parties, besides the night at your spawntower, that was me. Also our eles are not gc :-).
The first ones to go down usually arent our gc mesmers and as you do, we usually get away of large zergs. But as culling gets worse every day, german players are experiencing lags bigtime due to internetproviders having a problem with anet-servers.

Currently we dont roam much, but the next time we meet I will wave with Twilight and you can have your 1v1. Though in my eyes, Ranger geared and traited for it, is the strongest 1vs1 class if you know the buttons :->

Ranger is not my main and not built for pvp purposes, it’s for scouting and is meant to stay alive in the tower and also give away the location of your server’s zerg. If I get killed by rushing 5 people and there’s nobody in the tower or following your zerg I fail at my purpose. I still won’t turn down a 1v1 of course, objectives be kitten if I can get a duel.

Since it’s objective-based play, I don’t complain if you focus down my ranger, I’m supposed to be able to escape anyway unless I get skill-lagged.

I agree the lag has been bad recently, yesterday with my warrior I went the whole day without being able to use my utility skills. Was a lot of fun trying to figure out how to kill people without using skills.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


Myrmi I would only partially know about some of the clashes… as technical issues lately have seriously limited my game time. I know when TUP gives you a answer, its as honest and accurate as can be in regard to our numbers, i just lol at some of the kitten flying around. No point lying about numbers… its all about fights at end of the day and the fun you get from them… I have alot of respect for different enemy guilds and even the pugs when they try instead of hide (obviously when they have larger number)

No need for elitism or baiting… your enemy is what makes the game as well as your allies. I know the TUP guys have some really good fights lately which im gutted ive missed out on.

Its very nice to see Riverside be more aggressive and come out to play in the open better, instead of just have reputation for siege use and upgrades (which is a bit unfair for some of your guilds) I know you guys played to your strengths and that bunkering allowed you to be in top tiers for so long against bigger servers. I hope you keep it up, as fun as some siege fights can be, open field are consistently more fun imo. Siege fights usually lead to the Major W3 issues, more lag,culling everything on top of each other…

Its also nice to see new Baruch Bay guilds emerge… before it use to be Nuke,CS, RNV (ex BB) Now Ive seen RED, Lex,Gwds, DF? more and more lately running decent number when ive been able to play.

As for Asterilla I heard Shapeco said his was bigger

Also is RSC still alive and kicking? under reconstruction or just a few people left wearing the tags? As i remember it had issues awhile back and see a Tag of RSC now and then expecting alot more to show up

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

(edited by Wamgor.9347)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I know your Ranger.

I remember the resetnight a few weeks ago when we were ganking as three people a hole in the Wall of the AG middlekeep.
And the last time I saw you, you were coming to annoy and running back into your spawntower. We were 5 btw.
I you dont want to get added by an entire party, stop charging into it when you haver your Norn-elite up repeatedly. It grants you kind of faceaggro when we meet you in open field.

Btw: we dont do thieves in our parties, besides the night at your spawntower, that was me. Also our eles are not gc :-).
The first ones to go down usually arent our gc mesmers and as you do, we usually get away of large zergs. But as culling gets worse every day, german players are experiencing lags bigtime due to internetproviders having a problem with anet-servers.

Currently we dont roam much, but the next time we meet I will wave with Twilight and you can have your 1v1. Though in my eyes, Ranger geared and traited for it, is the strongest 1vs1 class if you know the buttons :->

Ranger is not my main and not built for pvp purposes, it’s for scouting and is meant to stay alive in the tower and also give away the location of your server’s zerg. If I get killed by rushing 5 people and there’s nobody in the tower or following your zerg I fail at my purpose. I still won’t turn down a 1v1 of course, objectives be kitten if I can get a duel.

Since it’s objective-based play, I don’t complain if you focus down my ranger, I’m supposed to be able to escape anyway unless I get skill-lagged.

I agree the lag has been bad recently, yesterday with my warrior I went the whole day without being able to use my utility skills. Was a lot of fun trying to figure out how to kill people without using skills.

I feel you.
As I was a soloer 99 of my 100 reknownranks in Warhammer and am most of the time in GW2, I respect that.
Usually I just think of ppl I meet solo that they are zerglings on their way to the zerg :-).
But we always do spare ppl we know they are duelists and often stop for some 1v1 without F1-stomp. So you can get your 1v1s next time we meet :-).

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Mechro.6342


I’ve never seen you less than 6 or 7. Usually a guard around to keep the glassy mesmer, eles and thieves alive.

We usually dont run thiefes in group. We dont run glassy eles. We dont even have ’’6 or 7’’ active
members at the moment (maybe on weekend we get 6-7 online for 1-2 hours).

(edited by Mechro.6342)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I feel you.
As I was a soloer 99 of my 100 reknownranks in Warhammer and am most of the time in GW2, I respect that.
Usually I just think of ppl I meet solo that they are zerglings on their way to the zerg :-).
But we always do spare ppl we know they are duelists and often stop for some 1v1 without F1-stomp. So you can get your 1v1s next time we meet :-).

All my attempts at zerging have failed miserably so I’ve given up on it. Usually I get too drawn to the fighting, only to find out that our zerg has moved its location elsewhere while I keep fighting the 30+ Baruch Bay or Riverside players solo.

I haven’t come across your group in a while but if we meet, let’s have a fight unless there is a tower or keep to be taken.

We usually dont run thiefes in group. We dont run glassy eles. We dont even have ‘’6 or 7’’ active
members at the moment (maybe on weekend we get 6-7 online for 1-2 hours).

Weekend was when I last saw you so I went based on that. I’ve definitely seen you run thieves and had a couple of fights with a REQ thief with my ranger (which ended in a draw because of stealth on both sides).

You eles may not be glassy but they are not full bunker either from what I’ve seen. Based on the damage you were dealing I’d say you were more damage-oriented than bunker. A few days ago I dueled the most bunkeriest RS ele imaginable with a necro and it would’ve probably taken a couple of years to resolve that contest because of lack of damage on both sides.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

22/02 Aurora Glade - Baruch Bay - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Zumy.6318


I would neither call it glassy nor bunker. We try go run pretty balanced with burst coming from the mesmers.

The thieves dont run in our groupsetups. You might have met them when roaming solo or roflsquad. As soon as we are 4 ppl we usually form a decent group and in our eyes, thieves dont provide anything useful to a group that another character could not do better.
So our thieves would log to female human Guardian (Me) or Mesmer (Lonny).

Thief | Zumy [Buka]
Legendary counter: Twilight, Bolt, Incinerator, Incinerator Nr. 2, Meteorlogicus, The Dreamer