…beware the unicorns.
(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)
But none of this takes the person into account because at this level people are largely interchangeable. If you can follow someone and mash buttons you are 80% as effective as anyone would be in the same role.
On the other hand, small group direct pvp combat offers a wealth of complexity due to the timing, precision, and communication needed. Small choices you may not even know you made can be the difference between winning and losing.
Drop two 40 person zergs on top of each other and you’re not concentrating on the intricacies of the battle as much as you are with a smaller scale fight. There isn’t timing, there is only hoping. You simply cannot account for 40 people at once, and they’re certainly not accounting for you. It’s attack-that-area-of-people-and-hope-your-zerg-is-better-at-zerging-than-their-zerg.
(God I wish we could put up consistent 40 man zergs vs. 40 man zergs.)
Smaller scale you pay attention to the individuals. Ikittenv5, (edit: wtf? that’s: in a five-v-five that got bleeped out…?) for example, I’m watching each person I’m fighting. I’m assessing what classes they are and who I need to keep constant tabs on (Thief invising up running to me; the Mesmer moving irregularly… because losing the real one in the crowd sucks; D/D Ele channeling Churning Earth; Warrior switching to Hammer; etc.), seeing who’s healing when, who’s dodging when, who’s revealed from stealth, who’s channeling, who’s on me and who’s on my teammates, who’s low on life on their team and who’s low on my team, who’s downed and who’s reviving… and then all those things for myself included. You simply don’t do that in large scale fights. It doesn’t work that way.
That’s why smaller fights are so much fun, and why it gets frustrating when the game can sometimes react slower than you. Hairsbreadth moments make all the difference.
(edited by Fizzlepip.5218)
That still makes no sense to me.
The 40 number was just arbitrary, so just think of it hypothetically. Now, everything being equal, you are just adding more variables into the equation. I think mathematically, and I just dont see how it can make it more simple.
How I would structure a 40 person zerg:
It is split into parties, with 5 people each. Specific party composition is also important, but a different topic (as a guideline though, each unit is self-sustaining). Each of those five are doing exactly what you are saying. In other games, the numbers change, but its the same basic idea (I used this in EvE, but that was with hundreds of players, so it was a bit different). The only difference is, they are coordinating with eight other teams who are doing exactly the same thing.
Each unit has the same possibilities of a 5 vs 5, with the major exception that the battle has eight other units that are coordinating alongside them. It takes much more effort to properly pull off. Of course, that also means that proportionally less people will be able to do so, meaning that you are less likely to find “good fights.” That is because a truly skilled group of 40 will be much, much harder to compose than a skilled group of 5 and will require much more structure, practice, and communication. So, it could be said that such efforts are not truly needed, per se, but the possibility is certainly there.
It requires all the same things as the single group, just times seven, basically. edit: This is, of course, all things being equal like I said (skill, etc).
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
I have not lied about anything so you would be the one who is trying to “ramp things up”. First you tell me that we play in a different time zone and my point was that if you don’t have anyone to fight then you should transfer to a time when people are on that can fight you since you have self-proclaimed to be a PvP god in one form or another. You probably would beat me in a 1v1 b/c my build is setup to assist my teammates to accumulate points and win the week and not be a 1v1 build. Oh and who said WvW was about objectives…i don’t know…hmmm….World vs. World (WvW) is PvP combat that involves hundred of players. Three huge teams —each representing a server, or world—battle for control over objectives on four massive maps in week-long matches.
This was copied and pasted from the guildwars2.com website explaining WvW. It’s much more than this description, but is the essence of the game part called WvW.
Secondly, I asked you a simple question and you cannot answer it. Finally, why can’t anyone on this forum understand your position on WvW? I guess we are all stupid and you are the omniscient one? Sounds like you are a thief and should try another class and maybe, just maybe, you would have a little fun or if you have fun more of it. You are probably kitten they are trying to fix culling and will call it a nerf.
My stupid kitten is done here and with this forum. What a waste of time. Good luck all!
How I would structure a 40 person zerg:
It is split into parties, with 5 people each. Specific party composition is also important, but a different topic (as a guideline though, each unit is self-sustaining). Each of those five are doing exactly what you are saying. In other games, the numbers change, but its the same basic idea (I used this in EvE, but that was with hundreds of players, so it was a bit different). The only difference is, they are coordinating with eight other teams who are doing exactly the same thing.
I don’t want to bust your chops on this one, but that zerg would fail to a disorganized-but-for-the-fact-that-we’re-all-stacked-together zerg that spams AoEs. Trust me. I’ve tried commanding the former but come to realize it’s simply less effective. Because sure, you could be coordinating in your 5 man group, but beyond that you’re just spamming instead of concentrating on the intricacies that I mentioned.
So yeah, there are infinitely more variables. But those variables don’t matter. It’s basically: stick together, spam skills, blast into water fields, spam skills, revive downed, spam skills, spam skills, spam skills, etc.
…Although I guess part of the problem is how we perceive zergs. I’m here talking about 1) a mass of people encountering another mass and acting as a current WvW meta acts vs. 2) Darkhaven’s history of zergs breaking down to skirmish in 1s and 2s spread out over a large battlefield.
1 beats 2 on the field every time. Every time.
When I get caught solo, which only happens when I’m running to get on a cannon somewhere, when I dodge I often times don’t dodge anything at all. But, when I’m in a 40v40 battle when I dodge I often dodge like 5-10 attacks. Thus, clearly, there is more skill involved in the 40v40 fights.
Well, didn’t find any of these guilds tonight, even though I spent time in every map. I did see a lot of MoRt though. A lot.
I don’t want to bust your chops on this one, but that zerg would fail to a disorganized-but-for-the-fact-that-we’re-all-stacked-together zerg that spams AoEs. Trust me. I’ve tried commanding the former but come to realize it’s simply less effective. Because sure, you could be coordinating in your 5 man group, but beyond that you’re just spamming instead of concentrating on the intricacies that I mentioned.
No chops busted, as I have done this in previous games very successfully. I wouldnt disagree that its not “necessary,” as you can bring down pretty much any opponent with numbers alone (at least in these tiers, higher tiers may be different). After enough practice, the commanding, decision making, etc turns into habit for both you and your crew. This takes a lot of time and effort though, which seems to rise exponentially (not linearly) with each added member. And it could be argued that its not entirely necessary in GW2, however, that wasnt my point. My point was that the opportunity/possibility exists, not that it isnt feasible because its “too hard,” which runs counter-intuitive to the idea that it requires less skill. You are right that it will typically devolve, but thats why I said it takes a lot of practice, and definitely commitment from everyone involved. This also involves the skills of a leader to keep his/her crew motivated over extended periods of time. By “extended periods of time,” I mean months and even years.
So yeah, there are infinitely more variables. But those variables don’t matter. It’s basically: stick together, spam skills, blast into water fields, spam skills, revive downed, spam skills, spam skills, spam skills, etc.
While that is “basically” it, the same rings true for any size group. When facing equal numbers, at any scale, the amount of coordination and skill of each force will determine who is the victor. Basic example is one group who knows how to portal kite, and the other who is just spamming skills. With a large group, you can have enough mesmers to do this as much as needed with little downtime. This tactic alone would likely net you a victory, even if just added to the repertoire of spammage. Going further along this line of thinking, you start adding in units that do group stealth/flanks, along with mass stealthed jaguar charges from the rangers on single targets, etc. and you start getting some very interesting possibilities. Obviously, these are just off the top of my head, we are only limited by the game system and our imagination (and skill/coordination).
My point though was that it takes more effort, skill, dedication, and practice to coordinate more and more players (especially from the leaders), which we both seem to agree with (unless I am misunderstanding you). I think we both might also agree that since there are no groups like this (at least in our tier), that it isnt entirely necessary given the amount of time and effort it would require. But, the option is there regardless of how difficult it might be.
…Although I guess part of the problem is how we perceive zergs. I’m here talking about 1) a mass of people encountering another mass and acting as a current WvW meta acts vs. 2) Darkhaven’s history of zergs breaking down to skirmish in 1s and 2s spread out over a large battlefield.
I am thinking of it in general terms, based on other games I have played in, as well as some that I lead very large crews/guilds/corps in. To me, zerg just pretty much equals “large group.” So, I do think we are looking at it quite differently. I gave up that role several years ago, as I didnt have the time to dedicate to it in any game.
Plus, I got tired of drama. If you have ever been a guild leader, especially of a large group of people, you know what Im talking about with that.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Also since you have said we have a lack of focus on points for the week I’d disagree. Does murdering enemy players by the hundreds as they are trying to reinforce one of their defense points while someone from our server takes it not PTFO? Is sneaking into a bay keep while the other two servers fight over it, then killing everyone inside not PTFO? If you think those aren’t PTFO then maybe you should research some strategic strategies; and avoid using strategies like ‘Xerxes at Thermopylae’
Thats great and all, but I was only responding to what Gab said. And Gab made it pretty clear s/he doesnt care about points. The only thing that could have even been close to interpreted as a blanket statement was when I said it may be connected to the low point tally. The word “may” being the operative term there.
All of those things can help the server. Not sure what your point is? Maybe you misunderstood the conversation?
Either way, Ill keep an eye out for for those guilds.
It’s kind of hard t be in WvW without contributing in some way. I guess I should say that I will never go out of my way (having fun) to earn points, because I frankly feel it’s pointless working for score when you can’t really affect it in the larger picture, and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
Well … you could say that if you tried harder for points, your score would go up and you might rise a tier or two instead of dropping to tier 6. Then instead of being upset at Darkhaven zergs you could be fighting all those super-amazing-awesome squads in Blackgate or Rall.
It’s kind of hard t be in WvW without contributing in some way. I guess I should say that I will never go out of my way (having fun) to earn points, because I frankly feel it’s pointless working for score when you can’t really affect it in the larger picture, and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
For the most part, I agree about the contribution. Especially when holding choke points, etc. That wasnt really what we were talking about though. Basically, it all came from you saying you didnt approve of those who solely try to earn points, which was probably just a language thing. You also said that the main objective was “fun,” but in WvW it really is about points, just like in hockey it is about goals. “Having fun,” especially in a video game, is pretty much a given since those who do not have fun probably arent playing. Its just a comment that struck me, and apparently several others, as an odd thing to say. Especially with what was perceived (by me) to be an insulting way, as if playing the game as it is intended is wrong and we should feel bad about it.
And like I said, this is a game of points! It just is what it is. If a large majority of your server has no interest in points, then it may reflect in the point tally. Nothing about individual skill, or who wins the battles. WvW is about who wins the “war of the week” and that is done through capturing objectives. It doesnt matter how this win is rewarded in regards to the avenues taken to win.
There is nothing gained or lost from the individual fights either, really (beyond loot bags or repair bills). Just the satisfaction of victory or learning experience of defeat. People from both sides understand this, I would think!
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
Well … you could say that if you tried harder for points, your score would go up and you might rise a tier or two instead of dropping to tier 6. Then instead of being upset at Darkhaven zergs you could be fighting all those super-amazing-awesome squads in Blackgate or Rall.
Do you think the zergs are small and far between in the upper tiers? Have you even faced Kaineng? Maguuma? This must be the dumbest post in this thread, just wow. I welcome tier drops. Tier 7 would be even better.
As I said earlier, I am not here to dictate how Darkhaven should play this game. I am simply saying that people who sacrifice fun in favor of points are playing the game wrong, because ultimately games are meant to be entertaining. I fully realize that for some people fun == points, I have been a part of such guilds too. Previously, I enjoyed capturing stuff, commanding etc immensely.
But after a while losing by 300k points every week for week upon week upon week gets tiresome, and you realize that you are just living on borrowed time, that eventually a 50-man zerg will show up and sweep across your BL, and that there is nothing you can do about it. So I tried to find fun elsewhere in WvW. For me that fun came through the good fights. Even though we knew we would be curb stomped by Ehmry Bay, we welcomed them into T5 with open arms because we knew they had some really fun 10-15 man groups who could bring new and interesting tactics to the table, who we had, or could form, good relationships that fostered friendship. I even transferred my alt account to Ehmry Bay after the match up ended to play with these guys.
We welcome most people to roam with us, provided they can hold their own, and many of these people actually choose to drift away from the whole caring for points and commanding, because they find what we do more fun. It’s my genuine belief that if more people stopped caring so much for points and instead tried to have fun on the battlefield, they could get a lot more out of WvW than they can currently.
Well, didn’t find any of these guilds tonight, even though I spent time in every map. I did see a lot of MoRt though. A lot.
I was in IoJ skirmishing around Arah’s and Bay while the zerg took DB. Had a ton of fights 2 v up to 5. Was a good night for small scale for me. Sorry we didn’t meet up. (Was roughly 6-8pm pst)
Was just trying to give you guys a good defense at NW tower in DR BL….but DH just wasn’t having it; not this night.
Suddenly people start coming in while gates & walls are still up. Sorry, couldn’t get very good pictures or a video because it all happened so fast.
Picture 1: Warrior is the first to no-clip into the tower.
Picture 2: Same warrior has to back off because me and the NPCs are wailing on her.
Picture 3, 4 & 5: Mesmer dropped a portal that has the rest of their forces come in.
Picture 6: Rofl.
So I just heard about this now. Should have figured you guys would jump on an opportunity to make us look bad.
I will be the first to admit that I am the warrior in the picture. Ive been a commander for 4 months and in WvW since I started. With a pretty good rep.
I have never encountered this in all my time in WvW. First time I get yanked into the tower I was in complete shock to be honest and ran up the ramp and jumped out.
Then it happened again and I was pretty kitten because in my mind, I figured it was a guardian or npc using the GS 5 skill to yank me in. I attempted to find said Guardian and almsot died, then jumped off the wall.
After that I didnt go anywhere near the gate for fear of it happening again. We thought it was you guys pulling some kitten but I come to find out later its an issue with just that tower.
Idk how the mesmer port bomb happened? Pretty sure that gate went down before or during the process anyway.
I will be the first to admit when I am in the wrong. It makes us look horrible when something like this happens. But there isn’t much we can do to prevent it if we simply don’t know about it.
Furthermore, I don’t care much for BURN, but in their defense, some of those guys were with us for the first time that night and never WvW so this was an oddity to them as well.
Our sincerest apologies and I can promise, now that I know, it won’t happen again.
Haven’t gone through these forums in a while, but wanted to stop by and say hi to all the DH peeps that still remember me…. If there are any left XD hope things are going well for DH!
last episide of guild of our lifes: derk haven about to secure oil rig contract, btu sister date of isle of jambo mak pressur of debonas rest five pregnants in dispute with [rise] guild millionare
boop <3
last episide of guild of our lifes: derk haven about to secure oil rig contract, btu sister date of isle of jambo mak pressur of debonas rest five pregnants in dispute with [rise] guild millionare
Lol you are the bestest at making videos Jezri! Many hugs!!!
Well, I was about to foster a healthy disliking of Darkhaven (It’s all those points you have and those shiny keeps. I suppose I’m a little jealous.) but…
As my guild was busy trying to make a dent in Darkhaven territory, I was busy scouting around and spotted a Darkhaven guardian fighting an IoJ. Was perfectly happy to watch them kill each other but the IoJ elementalist began to turn tail and run. Being an opportunist, I naturally charged into kill the IoJ, and then a strange thing happened.
…the Darkhavener bowed to me.
Confused, I saluted, and decided to let him live for the moment, or at least heal up before I tried attacking, and then a pair of IoJ popped up, and the strange guardian from some Abyss guild charged in. Not caring much for unfair fights, even if it lead to a hated enemy’s death, I carefully jumped in as well (and felt some delight that at least I’d be killing an enemy I hated even more… thieves.).
I did nick him a bit, but somehow, at the end, two IoJ were lying dead, and certain to scream about DH and DR’s secret alliance, and I was left staring at my enemy as we saluted to each other.
Sadly any attempts to communicate with him failed, so I was left with displaying my hostile intent with several /threatens and some warning shots from my staff. He seemed saddened that I still wanted to fight, but I made sure it was as fair of a fight as possible, full health, no interruptions.
Annoyingly I died in a close fight, though I’m sure I’ll kill him next time. (I got a tad too confident. Didn’t bother using all of the abilities I had at my disposal until it was too late.)
It is a pity I never got a hold of him. He is a worthy adversary, and too polite. I feel bad when I’m fighting polite people. (Blighter even cried after he killed me. We’re enemies, you frelling friendly Darkhavener!)
last episide of guild of our lifes: derk haven about to secure oil rig contract, btu sister date of isle of jambo mak pressur of debonas rest five pregnants in dispute with [rise] guild millionare
I am feeling both awe, and extreme jealousy at how awesome your guys group is, and would dearly wish to latch onto you guys like a leech to see if your epicness would rub off on me.
Wait, not leech, I mean… ehm…
and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
Well ... you could say that if you tried harder for points, your score would go up and you might rise a tier or two instead of dropping to tier 6. Then instead of being upset at Darkhaven zergs you could be fighting all those super-amazing-awesome squads in Blackgate or Rall.
Do you think the zergs are small and far between in the upper tiers? Have you even faced Kaineng? Maguuma? This must be the dumbest post in this thread, just wow. I welcome tier drops. Tier 7 would be even better.
*rolls eyes* Okay then. Far be it from me to intrude on your rock-solid worldview. And good news! Keep this up and you’ll hit tier 7 in a couple weeks. Lucky.
and there is nothing gained or lost depending ono the outcome of the week.
Well … you could say that if you tried harder for points, your score would go up and you might rise a tier or two instead of dropping to tier 6. Then instead of being upset at Darkhaven zergs you could be fighting all those super-amazing-awesome squads in Blackgate or Rall.
Do you think the zergs are small and far between in the upper tiers? Have you even faced Kaineng? Maguuma? This must be the dumbest post in this thread, just wow. I welcome tier drops. Tier 7 would be even better.
rolls eyes Okay then. Far be it from me to intrude on your rock-solid worldview. And good news! Keep this up and you’ll hit tier 7 in a couple weeks. Lucky.
My worldview is based on having played in every tier, and both on EU and US.
Thanks for understanding!
torridstoic us kaineng/dr players have been everywhere pretty much so we know how bad or good it is and where. So chill :P and just play the game guise. There is always gona be a winner and a loser so there is no point in fighting each other for the same issues in every tier thread.
torridstoic us kaineng/dr players have been everywhere pretty much so we know how bad or good it is and where. So chill :P and just play the game guise. There is always gona be a winner and a loser so there is no point in fighting each other for the same issues in every tier thread.
That was basically my point, but it seems Gab is trying to pick a fight with every person who has posted in this thread. I made a civil post and was called a moron.
Every person here is probably better, and definitely more experienced, than I am at WvW. I spend a lot of time lying on the ground. But I do understand basic game mechanics, and I’ve had experience in a lot of other games with similarities. If you don’t like following the game “success” guidelines (nothing wrong with that) and have a problem with everyone who plays the game differently than you do (might be a problem), maybe you’re playing the wrong game.
edit: On another note, anyone at that threeway battle at IoJ BL Bluelake tonight, that was a great fight. Cheers.
(edited by torridstoic.7492)
I found my face going numb trying to wade through all this word zerging, or the cocaine is setting in.
Ether way blah blah blah QQ QQ. 7pm-11ishpm eastern time ill be roaming around in the middle of the RioT 10000 man zerg(-000) looking to touch all your bad places. Stahhp all the kitten and kitten kitten you’re kitten kitten, and come play!
Can’t promise we will be gentle, but afterwords you might enjoy it.
I found my face going numb trying to wade through all this word zerging, or the cocaine is setting in.
Ether way blah blah blah QQ QQ. 7pm-11ishpm eastern time ill be roaming around in the middle of the RioT 10000 man zerg(-000) looking to touch all your bad places. Stahhp all the kitten and kitten kitten you’re kitten kitten, and come play!
Can’t promise we will be gentle, but afterwords you might enjoy it.
I love RioT just as much as I love MYRO. i even started the Myro fan club, only 43,218.5 members so far
Kitteh, you crack me up. Servers, let’s relax on here and have some fun kitten
Last night the SM 3 way fights were a blast, moar please!!
ADQQSTY versus IoJ BL defense on reset night (3/22)
well, its nice to see the fighting calming down and people wanting to get down to business! So lets rock and roll! As a side note someone in wvw “on DH” reported my name…so its gone from BoatsandHoes to Vojaxx!
Looking forward to racking up some points today!
Well, I was about to foster a healthy disliking of Darkhaven (It’s all those points you have and those shiny keeps. I suppose I’m a little jealous.) but…
As my guild was busy trying to make a dent in Darkhaven territory, I was busy scouting around and spotted a Darkhaven guardian fighting an IoJ. Was perfectly happy to watch them kill each other but the IoJ elementalist began to turn tail and run. Being an opportunist, I naturally charged into kill the IoJ, and then a strange thing happened.
…the Darkhavener bowed to me.
Confused, I saluted, and decided to let him live for the moment, or at least heal up before I tried attacking, and then a pair of IoJ popped up, and the strange guardian from some Abyss guild charged in. Not caring much for unfair fights, even if it lead to a hated enemy’s death, I carefully jumped in as well (and felt some delight that at least I’d be killing an enemy I hated even more… thieves.).
I did nick him a bit, but somehow, at the end, two IoJ were lying dead, and certain to scream about DH and DR’s secret alliance, and I was left staring at my enemy as we saluted to each other.
Sadly any attempts to communicate with him failed, so I was left with displaying my hostile intent with several /threatens and some warning shots from my staff. He seemed saddened that I still wanted to fight, but I made sure it was as fair of a fight as possible, full health, no interruptions.
Annoyingly I died in a close fight, though I’m sure I’ll kill him next time. (I got a tad too confident. Didn’t bother using all of the abilities I had at my disposal until it was too late.)
It is a pity I never got a hold of him. He is a worthy adversary, and too polite. I feel bad when I’m fighting polite people. (Blighter even cried after he killed me. We’re enemies, you frelling friendly Darkhavener!)
lol cool, I’m in Abyss so I’ll ask around who it was and tell him about this thread.
Abyss is a small selective guild and the people there are super friendly. I certainly enjoy running directly at zergs sometimes when outnumbered for the heck of it with my ele’s fiery sword. Perhaps it’s a habit some in our guild developed, as we can always rely on the other members to be revived if we get back downed.
As for people talking about numbers, I’ve often had more fun fighting DR than others, your heart seems to be more into it and you like to rush forward – taking your keep a few days ago was much harder than we expected. But frankly AR could do more damage to us with smaller teams: Today when taking Quentin we were on equal numbers: You flanked in from the wrong side to defend, against the tower wall and all packed together; we squished you all to death within 20 seconds. There is a definitive lack of strategy there, it has nothing to do with numbers.
Anyway Cheers.
Update significantly improves gameplay. Adjust your settings to match your computers capabilities and finally be able to see enemies actual numbers and see them from a distance.
New WvW armor cost is quite affordable also.
Very happy atm and glad I took my computer to work today do a little stealth wvw
ADQQSTY versus IoJ BL defense on reset night (3/22)
Leg hugs
Great video — that was a fun night. Lots of boopin’s of the mans.
Fightclub Update
When: Thursday, 8pm-1am NA primetime
Where: South camp of chosen borderland
Around 10-15ish participants already interested in DH. Any takers from DR and IoJ? We’ll be stuck together in this tier for a few weeks so might as well do some regular fightclubs once a week. :>
Mail me in-game/forums and I’ll let you know details!
Lol, now you can really see the size of these zergs. Some impressive numbers fielded tonight which I’m sure was a lot of folks interested in the WvW update coming back.
Fightclub Update
When: Thursday, 8pm-1am NA primetime
Where: South camp of chosen borderlandAround 10-15ish participants already interested in DH. Any takers from DR and IoJ? We’ll be stuck together in this tier for a few weeks so might as well do some regular fightclubs once a week. :>
Mail me in-game/forums and I’ll let you know details!
NA has several timezones btw so maybe use “server” time or otherwise narrow it down some.
Thanks to the dh and IoJ who came out in small forces to DR BL the last 2 nights.
Given, all of you just added to my badge pile. I still recognize that you’re ‘trying’ and that is a great start!
Yours arrogantly,
best ranger in gw2.
snipped, sadly
Great post. I’ll ask around if Xill doesn’t figure it out. Good to know a Guard can hold his/her own against Eles and Thieves and be classy through it all.
New WvW armor cost is quite affordable also.
Gar! Where’s the armor at?!
Fightclub Update
When: Thursday, 8pm-1am NA primetime
Where: South camp of chosen borderlandAround 10-15ish participants already interested in DH. Any takers from DR and IoJ? We’ll be stuck together in this tier for a few weeks so might as well do some regular fightclubs once a week. :>
Mail me in-game/forums and I’ll let you know details!
NA has several timezones btw so maybe use “server” time or otherwise narrow it down some.
Oops my bad, 8pm-1am EST! Spread the word!
Holy cow. The population in WvW tonight is exceptional. Not sure I’ve seen zergs this size… ever.
@pixieish eheheh I enjoyed reading your encounter
I had a really similar one with a DH female norn guardian…
I decided to stirr up a beehive and went to DH borderlands to take over some blue (it MAY have been IOJ borderlands, not 100% sure).
IOJ held a camp, and as I tried taking it, a DH norn jumped in… Naturally, I attacked her but saw her running around a nearby house. I had my defenses up and rdy so I knew I could escape if she decided to attack again, so I went for the camp… After killing all guards, a green circle (DR) came up. I saw her slowly creeping around the house so I waved…. then she waved back and revealed herself. Then it became fun….
I tried telling her to take the camp instead of me, but she wanted to let me take it. Before I could, 1-2 IOJ came… who we (with cooperation) promptly killed haha. We killed a dolyak as well. After taking the camp, we ran side-by-side (in combat mode haha), taking camps. Next one was hers of course. We both tried to communicate through /emote but it only showed up as “gesture”. I tried partying her but couldn’t.
When we saw another IOJ dolyak, we started killing it and another DR joined us commenting “Lol I like the cooperation.”. All of us then (2 DR and 1 DH) took a camp…and unfortunately… I had to go at that points. I wish I could have stayed… but ah well…. maybe I meet her again some other time
This is how I felt as we were wiping that massive DH zerg outside DR BL Hills keep.
This is how I felt as we were wiping that massive DH zerg outside DR BL Hills keep.
Lol. I really feel that either DR and IoJ, or DH doesn’t belong in this tier. You can push in both DRBL and IoJBL with massive zergs, while at the same time having ~20 people defending your own, all the while you are holding Stonemist and your entire corner in EB.
This is how I felt as we were wiping that massive DH zerg outside DR BL Hills keep.
Charrcat glad cullings over.
So many cat treats!
Well, never did see that mysterious friendly guardian again, though I’ve had a… not so friendly encounter with Darkhaven this afternoon. This time, I managed to rally up a small army with me, with the intent of making those borderlands a little less blue. I was especially unamused that while IoJ’s breakout tower was only reinforced walls and gates, with no siege, the tower facing our spawn was fully upgraded and brimming with siege, as if mocking us for DR’s inability to make our presence known in the Darkhaven’s homeland.
Honestly, I thought we’d have to just skirt around that tower and go after the weaker southwest one, but I decided to give the breakout a go and see what would happen.
Turned out it provoked a rather lengthy battle, with a sufficient amount of DH showing up to build a plethora of arrowcarts, getting rid of not only our breakout siege, but the supplementary catapults I tossed down in hopes of getting that wall down in a hurry.
Luckily a pair of trebuchets managed to finish the job that our catapults started, but that battle really didn’t go smoothly at all for us. Granted, I didn’t expect it to go smoothly in the first place, but still, one tower down, and a weaker tower to go, right?
Annoyingly I think I absolutely bungled up by taking way too long to attack that tower, while I yanked our forces around south looking for a camp that didn’t have a buffed supervisor guarding it, since when I finally lead our forces into trying to take that seemingly easier tower, Darkhaven were mounting a daunting defense, complete with a trebuchet to take out my catapults right when I thought we were making headway.
After that, well, I was relieved of command given how I was taking too long to get anything accomplished, and I was a tad discouraged, so I’m not too sure how our offensive turned out after I slinked off to mope over a cold drink of milk.
I blame your imposing keeps with their waypoints. We really do need to do something about that.
Great to see DH’s “weekday player dropoff”
We have downtime during the week, they said, we wont have that many people then, they said.
Compared to the top tier servers, no, its not that many, but in our tier, you guys are outnumbering us 3:1
As you can see in the second pic…the term ‘Zerg’ Definatly describes your server…running into legendary gaurds and all.
(edited by KinkyGiraffe.4123)
Chalk it up to fairweather DH players in wvw i guess… i for one have never ever seen us with this many ppl out in the BLs.
Although the biggest zerg i’ve seen from any server in this match up was IoJs around 3pm pst. They were reclaiming their BL and man in was massive. I was impressed with their presence!
Great to see DH’s “weekday player dropoff”
Uh, there was also this update thing today, so I heard. There are tons of people I’ve never seen before.
DR and IoJ had some awesome zergs a couple hours ago – I thought we were outnumbered a couple times in EB.
Great to see DH’s “weekday player dropoff”
Uh, there was also this update thing today, so I heard. There are tons of people I’ve never seen before.
DR and IoJ had some awesome zergs a couple hours ago – I thought we were outnumbered a couple times in EB.
Those were the largest numbers I have ever seen. DR seemed to field just as many fighters as we did, and in some cases even more. It was a lot of fun, but I much prefer small groups to these type of zergs.
Anyways, got a picture of a fun little skirmish at the Bay keep. I -think- it was in DH, but I may be wrong.
Had a blast in DR’s borderlands tonight. I’m so happy culling is over. The fights between garrison and the west keep back and forth were a great time!
Hahaha, thanks DH for the tombstone. After trying to sneak into your hills and failing, I stuck around even though no one was left alive inside.
Chalk it up to fairweather DH players in wvw i guess… i for one have never ever seen us with this many ppl out in the BLs.
Although the biggest zerg i’ve seen from any server in this match up was IoJs around 3pm pst. They were reclaiming their BL and man in was massive. I was impressed with their presence!
I have to say the same thing. DH almost never had these numbers against AR/BP and the GoM/HoD fights. There are alot of new players in our ranks that are normal in PvE. Most od the screenshots i seen of DH had guild tags i never seen in wvw before DR came down
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