(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
25th June Patch Notes
Arcane Wave: This skill now hits 5 targets instead of 6.
Signet of Air: This skill is now a stun breaker. Cooldown increased to 30s.
Lightning Flash: This skill is no longer a stun breaker. Damage increased by 50%. Cooldown reduced to 40s.
Cleansing Fire: This skill is no longer a stun breaker. Decreased recharge to 40s.
Glyph of Elemental Power: This skill is now a stun breaker.
Gust: This skill now passes through enemies striking multiple foes in a line.
Windborne speed: Reduced aftercast by .2 seconds.
Chain Lightning: Reduced the aftercast by .1 seconds.
Static Field: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
Eruption: Reduced the cast time of this skill from 1.8s to 1.2s.
Unsteady Ground: Increased duration from 9s to 10s.
Shockwave: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
Lava Font: Reduced the cast time from .36 seconds to .2 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .34 seconds to .2 seconds.
Meteor Shower: Reduced the cast time from 4.2 seconds to 3.8 seconds.
Water Blast: Reduced the aftercast by .1 seconds. Increased the size of the effect to more accuratly show the area healed.
Geyser: Reduced cast time from 1.1 seconds to .6 seconds. Reduced aftercast from .25 seconds to .2 seconds.
Frozen Ground: Reduced the cast time from .36 seconds to .2 seconds. Reduced the aftercast from .34 seconds to .2 seconds.
Healing Rain: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
Gale: Reduced aftercast by .4 seconds.
Flamewall: Reduced cast time from 1.1 seconds to .6 seconds. Reduced aftercast from .25 seconds to .2 seconds.
Freezing Gust: Reduced the aftercast by .35 seconds.
Tornado: Cooldown reduced to 150 seconds.
Phoenix: Doubled the velocity. Added an unblockable skill fact.
Glyph of Elemental Power: Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds.
Stoning: Reduced weakness duration to 2 seconds.
Lightning Touch: Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds.
Meteor Shower: Increased the size of the area that each meteor strikes.
Magma Orb: Damage increased by 33%.
Detonate on ice wall: chill 2s – > 3s
Forked Lightning improved from .3 -> .4
Electrocute .8 – > 1.2, Recharge 5 s – > 12 s, now applies 5 stacks of vulnerbility for 6 s
Murky water recharge reduced from 45 to 40.
Air Magic
Arcane Lightning: This trait now grants a non-stacking 10% bonus critical damage for 15 seconds after using an arcane utility skill.
Grounded: This trait has been merged into Tempest Defense.
Tempest Defense: Internal cooldown reduced from 90 seconds to 60 seconds. Damage to stunned and knocked down enemies is increased by 20%.
New grandmaster trait – Fresh Air: Critical strikes will now recharge Air Attunement. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.
Windborne Dagger: Movement speed in combat is increased by 15% for the main-hand, 10% for the off-hand, with 25% total for both.
Obsidian Focus: Toughness is increased while channeling from 170 at level 80 to 300 at level 80.
Salt Stone: This trait has been merged into Stone Splinters.
Stone Splinters: Moved to Adept. This trait now deals 5% bonus damage to bleeding opponents and increases outgoing bleeding duration by 20%.
Rock Solid: This trait has been moved to the master tier.
New grandmaster trait – Diamond Skin: 10% of your total toughness is converted into condition damage.
*Lava Tomb: This trait’s internal cooldown has been reduced to 10 seconds, damage from the lava font is increased by 33%. Damage dealt while in the downed state is increased by 33%.
Persisting Flame: Updated this trait to also allow Blast finishers you do to give Fury(10s) as well as might.
Bountiful Power: Damage increase per boon on the elementalist has been reduced from 2% to 1%.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Jump Shot: Increased the radius of the second attack from 120 to 240.
Jump Shot: Decreased the after-cast on this skill so that other skills can chain off of it more easily.
Jump Shot: Cleaned up the movement on this skill so that it will more accurately move to the target location.
Tool Kit: Smack and Whack now each apply 2 stacks of Vulnerability instead of 1 stack.
Rocket Boots: Now shoots you forward and doesn’t CC you. Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds. No longer a stun breaker.
Rumble: This ability now breaks stuns. Added 1s of stability.
Static Shield: The Static Shield buff is now removed if you cancel this skill. The buff is no longer removed if when you block a melee atttack. The stun duration has been reduced from 2s to 1s.
Throw Shield: Projectiles from this skill no longer passes through walls.
Blowtorch: Aftercast reduced from .65s to .4s.
Fix a bug that allowed Engineers to execute back to back heals by using the underwater transition.
Elixir X: Reduced Cooldown to 105 seconds.
Fire Ice Mortar cooldown reduced to 20 seconds.
Launch Personal Battering Ram: Recharge reduced to 15s.
Personal Battering Ram: Recharge reduced to 25s.
Analyze: Recharge reduced to 30s.
Throw Napalm: Increased burn duration to 5s.
Harpoon Turret Toolbelt: Decreased cooldown to 10s Increased damage by 25%.
Rifle Turret Toolbelt: Increased damage by 33%.
Rocket Turret Toolbelt: Decreased cooldown to 30s.
Elixir U: This ability now functions correctly with Potent Elixirs.
Elixir R: This skill is no longer a stun breaker.
Super Speed: This skill now breaks stuns.
Throw Junk: Reduced weakness duration to 1 second.
Acidic Coating: This trait now applies blind instead of poison to the target for 3 seconds, on a 10 second recharge.
Backpack Regenerator: This trait has been reworded so that it doesn’t imply that it adds the regeneration boon.
Acidic Elixirs: This trait now removes a boon when they land in addition to dealing damage.
Autodefense Bomb Dispenser: The internal cooldown of this trait has been reduced to 30 seconds.
Knee Shot: This trait has been merged with Sitting Duck.
Sitting Duck: Inflicting immobilize on an enemy also cripples them for 5 seconds and applies 5 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 5 seconds.
Fireforged Trigger: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
Juggernaut: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Coated Bullets: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Napalm Specialist: This trait has been moved to the Grandmaster tier. Burns that you apply are increased by 33% duration.
New grandmaster trait – Modified Ammunition: Damage is increased by 2% per condition on the target, when wielding a pistol or rifle.
Stabilized Armor: Damage is reduced by 20% when you are knocked down or stunned.
Elite Supplies: This trait now improves Mortar range.
Always prepared: This trait now only drops bandages when the engineer is downed (10 second cooldown). Damage while downed is increased by 25%.
Packaged Stimulants: This trait now improves effectiveness of the thrown medkit by 25%.
Scope: Critical chance is increased by 10% when the distance to the target is greater than 600.
Leg Mods: Crippled, chilled, and immobilized are reduced by 33% duration.
Armor Mods: This trait will now grant aegis for 5 seconds when critically hit. This effect has a 25 second internal cooldown.
Inertial Converter: This trait now functions with the underwater versions of Toss Elixir B and Toss Elixir H.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Wrathful Strike: Increased the Might duration from 3s to 5s.
Signet of Judgement: This ability now breaks stuns. Increased cooldown to 30s.
Shield of the Avenger: Command: This ability now breaks stuns.
Shield of the Avenger: Command: Reduced weakness duration to 4 seconds.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.
Signet of Mercy: Reduced cooldown to 150s.
Bane Signet: Reduced cooldown to 40s.
Purifying Blast skill fact damage amounts fixed.
Refraction cast time went from 1.3 to .5 seconds.
Tome of Wrath: Zealot’s Fervor Quickness duration increased to 5 seconds.
Sanctuary: Fixed a bug where Consecrated ground was also reducing the cast time of this skill.
Virtue of Justice: Updated the skill fact to correctly display the actual burning duration when the skill is activated.
Pure of Heart: This trait now heals for its base amount +25% benefit from healing power, up from 10%.
Blind Exposure: Vulnerability caused by this trait has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
Radiant Fire: This trait now grants 20% bonus to burning duration, in addition to reducing torch skill recharge by 20%. Fixed the description text to indicate the accurate recharge reduction.
Glacial Heart: This trait now applies 5 seconds of chill on crit with a 100% proc rate up from 4 seconds on a 50% rate. This effect’s recharge has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30.
Mace of Justice: This trait now grants up to 250 healing power while wielding a mace.
Shielded Mind: Courage now breaks stun for up to five allies when activated, instead of just the guardian.
Wrathful Spirits: This trait now increases damage dealt by spirits by 50%, up from 10%.
Scepter Power: This trait has been increased from 5% bonus damage to 10% bonus damage.
Zealous Blade: This trait has been merged with Greatsword Power and is now labeled as a Tier 2 trait.
New Grandmaster- Kindled Zeal: 10% of your power is converted into condition damage.
Mind Spike: Reduced base damage by 20%. This skill does an additional 50% damage to targets with no boons.
Mind Stab: Aftercast reduced by .4s.
Illusionary Counter: This skill damage has been reduced to 25% of what it was. It now applies 3 stacks of Torment for 8 seconds.
Magic Bullet: Reduced the afterast by .2 seconds.
Into the Void: This skill now has a 1 second recharge before it can be used after placing Temporal Curtain.
Siren’s call: Bleed duration for player: 2s to 1s; Bleed duration for clones: 2s to 1s
Signet of Illusions: Clones and Phantasms will now gain the passive effect of this signet when they are created, rather than a few moments after creation.
Feigned surge: Damage increased from .6 to .8
Illusionary Leap: Fixed an exploit that allowed for more clone generation than intended.
Signet of Midnight. Increased Blind Duration to 5s. Decreased cooldown to 30s.
Illusion of Life: Fixed a bug so that Far-Reaching Manipulations no longer reduces the cast time of this skill.
Prismatic Understanding: This trait now pulses once every second while stealthed.
Bountiful Interruption: This trait has been moved to the Master tier. In addition to granting a random boon on interrupt, this trait will also grant 5 stacks of might.
Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been moved to the Grandmaster tier. In addition to inflicting a random condition, this trait will also apply a 2 second immobilize when interrupting an enemy.
Halting Strike: Damage dealt when interrupting enemies has been increased by 500%.
Protected Mantras: This trait now grants up to 400 toughness while channeling, up from 250.
Furious Interruption: This trait now grants 3 seconds of quickness when interrupting a foe. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds.
Imbued Diversion: This trait now allows Diversion to daze 5 targets, up from 3. In addition, the daze radius has been increased to 360, up from 240.
Malicious Sorcery: This trait grants up to 200 condition damage while wielding a scepter (based on level), up from 50.
Compounding Celerity: Movement speed per active illusion has been increased to 10%, allowing for 30% movement speed when three illusions are active.
Shattering Conditions: This trait now removes one condition from all allies around the mesmer.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Putrid Curse: Increased Poison duration from 2s to 4s.
Necrotic Bite: Increased Life force gain from 4 to 6.
Corrupt Boon: Reduced the maximum amount of boons converted to 5.
Spectral Wall: Normalized the amount of protection gained to 7s for allies. Replaced the Vulnerability with a 1s fear when enemies try to cross the wall. Added 4% life force gain on hit.
Wail of Doom: Added an unblockable skill fact.
Well of Power: This ability now breaks stuns. Added 1s of stability. Cooldown reduced to 50 seconds.
Well of Corruption: Reduced cooldown to 40 seconds.
Well of Darkness: Reduced cooldown to 50 seconds.
Well of Suffering: Reduced cooldown to 35 seconds.
Unholy Feast: This ability now removes 1 boon from each target hit.
Spectral Armor: Reduced the recharge to 60s.
Signet of Spite: Now applies 2 stacks of bleeding for 10s, blind for 5s, Cripple for 10s, Poison for 10s, 5 stacks of vulnerability for 10s, and weakness for 10s. Recharge reduced to 60s.
Death Shroud: No longer removes the Spectral Armor buff.
Death Shroud: No longer removes the Spectral Walk buff.
Signet of Undeath: Increased cast time to 3s.
Locust Swarm: Increased the radius to 210. Increased animation size to better reflect it’s attack area.
Grim Specter: This ability can now be cast while moving.
Rigor Mortis: This ability is now instant.
Necrotic Grasp: Increased projectile velocity by 10%.
Consume Conditions: This skill now consumes Torment.
Putrid Mark: This ability will now transfer Blind to enemies it strikes, instead of missing.
Deathly Swarm: Increased projectile velocity by 30%.
Crimson Tide – Bleed duration 5s – 6s
Deadly catch – Cripple duration 3s – 6 s
Wicked spiral – Vuln duration 6s – 10s per hit
Deadly feast: Duration of feast, 6s – 8s
Death shroud: New ability #5 – Dark Binding: You tether all enemies within a 600 range, constantly dealing Torment to them over time. At the end of the cast, Dark Binding immobilizes all affected enemies still within the radius.
Underwater life blast: Decreased cast time and reduced aftercast
Bone Fiend and Shadow Fiend now regenerate outside of combat.
Ghastly Claws: Increased Life Force gain from 8 to 10.
Feast of Corruption: Increased Life Force gain from 2/condition to 3/condition.
Necrotic Grasp: Increased Life Force gain from 3 to 4.
Shadow Fiend Haunt: Blind Duration increased to 5s.
Plague: Reduced weakness duration to 1 second.
Well of Corruption: Reduced the duration of weakness when corrupting might to 5 seconds.
Corrupt Boon: Reduced the duration of weakness when corrupting might to 5 seconds.
Feast: Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds.
Enfeebling Blood: Reduced weakness duration to 6 seconds.
Dark Path: Fixed a bug where the chill duration did not match the tooltip..
Reaper’s Touch: Fixed a bug so that it now applies the Vulnerability before the damage. Updated the tooltip to state the correct amount of Vulnerability.
Doom: This ability now lists the damage it deals to enemy targets.
Grim Specter: This skill is now unblockable.
Blood Magic
Dagger Mastery: This trait now grants a 20% recharge reduction.
Withering Precision: You apply 5 seconds of weakness on critical hits. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.
Death Magic
Death Shiver: Vulnerability applied every 3 seconds while in Death Shroud has been increased to 3 stacks for 10 seconds, up from 1 stack.
Death Nova: Minions now deal damage when death nova triggers.
Soul Reaping
Speed of Shadows: This trait now increases movement speed by 25% while in death shroud.
Decaying Swarm: This trait has been removed.
Near to Death: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
New Grandmaster trait – Deathly Perception: You have a 50% greater critical chance while in Death Shroud.
Signet Power: This trait has been merged with Signet Mastery.
Signet Mastery: This trait now recharges signets 20% faster and grants 3 stacks of might for 10 seconds on signet use.
Axe Training: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
New Grandmaster trait – Dhuumfire: Inflict burning to opponents for 4 seconds on critical hit. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
“Protect Me”: This ability now breaks stuns.
Splitblade: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .4 seconds to .2 seconds.
Path of Scars: Now pulls enemies on the return flight.
Long Range Shot: Reduced the aftercast on this skill from .5 seconds to .25 seconds. Increased arrow speed by 15%
Rapid Fire: Reduced initial cast time by .4 seconds. Increased arrow speed by 15%
Point Blank Shot: Increased arrow speed by 15%
Barrage: Increased cripple duration by 50%.
Muddy Terrain: Decreased the duration from 20s->10s. Increased cripple duration per pulse from 1s->2s. Decreased the cooldown from 30s->25s.
Lightning reflexes: travel distance has been halved underwater.
Man o war: 18 base recharge to 25
Counterstrike: 15 base recharge to 20
Swirling strike: .6 to .8
Crossfire: Range decreased to 900.
Poison Volley: Range decreased to 900
Quick Shot: Range decreased to 900. Damage increased by 14%.
Crippling Shot: Range decreased to 900. Damage increased by 14%.
Concussion shot: Range decreased to 900. Damage increased by 14%. Reduced the aftercast by .25 seconds.
Spirit activated skill range increased from 180 to 240 (360 when traited)
Call Lightning: Increased damage by 150%.
Solar Flare: Decreased the cast time from 1.7s to .5s.
Winter’s Bite: Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds. Fixed a bug so that it now chills for the 3s (as listed in the tooltip) instead of 2s.
Enfeebling Roar: Reduced weakness duration to 8 seconds.
Armor Fish: Bite: Reduced damage by 50%.
Bird: Slash: Increased damage by 15%.
Eagle: Lacerating Slash: Reduced damage by 50%.
Raven: Blinding Slash: Reduced damage by 34%.
Canine: Bite: Reduced damage by 27%.
Devourer: Twin Darts: Reduced damage by 20%.
Drake: Bite: Reduced damage by 27%.
Drake: Lightning Breath: Reduced damage by 17%.
Feline: Maul: Reduced damage by 50%.
Jaguar: Stalking: Critical chance increase while in stealth reduced to 25%.
Jellyfish: Tentacle Slash: Increased damage by 50%.
Jellyfish Blue: Chilling Whirl: Decreased damage by 33%.
Moa: Peck: Reduced damage by 7%.
Pig: Jab: Reduced damage by 25%.
Shark: Bite: Increased damage by 10%.
Spider: Spit: Increased damage by 10%.
Instinctual Bond: This trait has been swapped with Zephyr’s Speed. Quickness increased to 3s.
Stability Training: This trait now causes the pet to ignore the incoming crowd control skill as well as granting stability. This has a 10 second internal recharge.
Keen Edge: This trait now activates when you strike a target that is below 50% health, instead of when your health reaches 75%.
Beastmasters Might: This trait now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds.
Spotter: This trait has been increased from 70 precision to 150.
Nature Magic
Vigorous Spirits: This trait has been merged with Spiritual Knowledge.
Spiritual Knowledge: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
Evasive Purity: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
New Grandmaster trait – Nature’s Voice: Shouts apply 10 seconds of regeneration and swiftness to allies in a 360 radius.
Companion’s Might: This trait now grants 5 seconds of might to your pet, up from 1 second.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Lotus Strike: Poison duration increased form 2s to 4s.
Shadow Trap: Increased recharge to 45 seconds.
Destroy Shadow Trap: This ability now teleports the thief back to the trap location when it is destroyed. Added range skill facts. This skill now breaks stuns.
Shadow Pursuit: This ability now grants fury and 10 stacks of might for 5 seconds along with stealth when used to teleport to the enemy who triggered Shadow Trap. This ability now breaks stuns.
Death Blossom: Now costs 4 initiative.
Body Shot: Aftercast reduced by .4s. Decreased Vuln duratrion to 3s. Increaased to 10 stacks fo Vuln.
Pistol Whip: Decreased the time between the sstun and the sword flurry.
Scorpion Wire: Decreased aftercast by .2 seconds. Reduced cooldown to 20s.
Signet of Malice: Increased the base heal by 33% of the passive ability.
Steal: Recharge reduced to 35.
Cluster Bomb range set to 900 from 1200.
Larcenous Strike: Initiative cost increased to 2.
Nine tail strike: 3 initiative to 5
Shadow assault: 5 initiative to 7
The ripper: 5 seconds of bleed – > 7 s of bleed
Deadly Strike: Weakness duration 4s – 5 s, damage increased from 1 to 1.2
Skale Venom: Replaced Weakness with Torment.
Dancing Dagger: Reduced initiative cost to 3.
Shadow Return (infiltrator strike toggle): This skill is no longer a stun breaker.
Withdraw: Travel distance cut in half underwater to match the land distance.
Deadly Strike: Reduced weakness duration to 3 seconds.
Crippling Strike: This ability no long applies weakness.
Rusty Scrap Strike: Reduced weakness duration to 8 seconds.
Throw Scale: Reduced weakness duration to 6 seconds.
Assassin’s Retreat: This trait now grants 10 seconds of swiftness when you kill a foe. This effect has a 5 second internal cooldown.
Pain Response: This cooldown of this effect has been reduced from 45 seconds to 30.
Hard to Catch: The cooldown of this effect has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30.
Critical Strikes
Furious Retaliation: This trait now grants 10 seconds of fury when striking a target that is below 50% health. This effect can only occur once every 30 seconds.
Signets of Power: This 5 stacks of might that this trait grants has been increased to 10 seconds.
Deadly Arts
Corrosive Traps. This trait now 5 stacks of vulnerability for 8 seconds, up from 5.
Sundering strikes: Vulnerability caused by this trait has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
Panic Strike: This trait’s cooldown has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30.
Lotus Poison: Increased weakness duration to 4 seconds, but it can only apply once every 20 seconds per target.
Shadow Arts
Last Refuge: The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 90 seconds to 60.
Slowed Pulse: The effect of this trait now occurs if you have 2 or more stacks of bleeding.
Shadow Protector: This trait has been changed to apply 10 seconds of regeneration when you stealth them. This effect will not occur if the ally already has regeneration on them.
Merciful Ambush: This trait now grants 2 seconds of stealth to you and your ally when beginning a revive.
Long Reach: This trait now increases the range of Steal to 1500, up from 1200.
Ricochet: The chance to bounce for this trait has been increased from 25% to 50%.
Sleight of Hand: In addition to dazing your target, this trait now reduces the recharge of Steal by an additional 20%.
Instinctual Response: This trait now properly blinds enemies struck by the feathers. Increased radius from 120 to 180.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
Tremor: Increased projectile velocity by 33%.
Axe Chain: Moved the damage more towards the end of the chain without reducing overall DPS.
Chop: Reduced damage by 9%
Double Chop: Reduced damage by 12%.
Triple Chop: Reduced damage of the first two hits by 20%. Increased the damage on the final hit by 75%
Final Thrust: This skill has been moved to slot #3. Now does more damage and extra damage vs foes below 50%.
Hamstring: This skill has been moved to the end of the skill chain. Cripple reduced to 1s.
Savage Leap: This skill now applies 3s of cripple.
Leg Specialist: This trait now has an internal cooldown of 5 seconds.
Skull Crack: Increased stun duration from 1,1.5,2 to 1,2,3; Increased damage by 50%.
Endure Pain: Recharge reduced from 90 to 60.
Stomp: This ability now breaks stuns. Added 1s of stability. Reduced cooldown to 45 seconds.
Dolyak Signet: This is now an instant Stun Breaker.
Bolas: Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
Kick: Doubled the damage.
Berserkers Stance: Increased recharge to 60 seconds. Reduced duration to 4 seconds. This stance now reduces incoming condition duration by 100%, so only modified conditions can get through.
Balanced Stance: This now also applies siwftness.
Dual Strike: Aftercast Reduced from .5s to .25s.
Whirling Axe: Aftercast reduced by .2 seconds.
Rush: Aftercast reduced by .2 seconds. Transition between the run and swing portion smoothed out for hitting moving targets.
Hammer Shock: Reduced the aftercast by .4 seconds.
Staggering Blow: Reduced the aftercast by .25 seconds.
Backbreaker: Reduced the aftercast by .25 seconds.
Crushing blow: Reduced the aftercast by .2 seconds.
Brutal Shot(rifle): Reduced the aftercast by .3 seconds.
Healing Signet: 20s->15s
Mending: 25s->20s
drenaline Surge: 30s -> 25s
Rampage: Reduced cooldown to 150 seconds.
Brutal shot(speargun) now adds 5 stacks of Vulnerability, up from1. Duration of Vulnerability applied changed from 15 seconds to 5.
Knot shot’s recharge has been reduced from 25 to 15.
Untraited Longbow range updated to 1000 from 900.
Riposte: If you block an attack from range, it no longer cancels the blocking.
Whirling Axe: Increased damage by 50%.
Fierce Blow: Reduced weakness duration to 4 seconds.
Pulverize: Reduced weakness duration to 4 seconds.
Deep Strike: This trait now scales with level rather than granting a flat bonus.
Furious Speed: Gain 10 seconds of swiftness on critical hits. This effect can only occur once every 15 seconds.
Opportunist: This trait grants 10 seconds of fury when you immobilize a target. This effect can only occur once every 10 seconds.
Furious: This trait has been updated to indicate that triple adrenaline is rewarded on critical attacks.
Last Chance: This trait’s recharge has been reduced to 45 seconds, down from 60.
Defy Pain. The cooldown of this trait has been reduced from 90 seconds to 60. This trait will have a 4 second duration, 5 seconds when traited with Sure-Footed.
Vigorous Return: This trait now grants an additional 100% endurance when you rally.
Sundering Mace: Fixed a bug causing this trait to apply weakness on mace critical strikes.
Embrace the Pain. This trait has been merged into a new Master tier trait Cleansing Ire.
Cleansing Ire: New Master tier trait with the following effects. Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent.
Shield Master: This trait has been moved to Adept tier.
Warrior’s Sprint: Movement speed has been increased from 10% to 25%.
Sharpened Axes: This trait also reduces axe skills by 20% in addition to increasing adrenaline with axe critical hits.
Vigorous Focus. This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
Destruction of the Empowered: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Heightened Focus: This trait has been moved into the Grandmaster tier and grants 5%, 10%, and 15% critical chance based on adrenaline level.
Physical Training: This trait has been moved to the Master tier.
Dual Wielding: This trait has been moved to the Adept tier.
Berserker’s Power: This trait has been moved into the Grandmaster tier. Damage bonus has been increased to 5%, 10%, and 15% based on adrenaline level.
Berserker’s Might: This trait now passively builds 2 strikes of adrenaline every three seconds, while they are in combat.
Distracting Strikes: This trait now applies 4 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds upon interrupting an enemy.
Burning Arrows: This trait now reduces the recharge of longbow abilities by 20% in addition to dealing 10% bonus damage against burning foes.
Desperate Power: The threshold of this trait has been increased, dealing 20% additional damage while you are below 50% health instead of below 25%.
Empower Allies: This trait has been increased to 150 points of power.
(edited by Fuzzion.2504)
I think just linking this would be adequate next time
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
Archeage = Farmville with PK
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
No its confirmed
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
No its confirmed
links ?
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
No its confirmed
links ?
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
No, it isn’t confirmed.
a reddit post implies this patch note was posted on a Polish site as a format of txt file-
Im happy for my dnd ele. How about you guys?
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
No its confirmed
links ?
The author of this reddit post stated clearly that the so called patch note isn’t confirmed.
this is still unofficial right ? could be a troll note…
No its confirmed
links ?
Hmm, still don’t see it says anywhere these are confirmed notes.
Boomstin.3460 XxNoahxX.7813
The author of this reddit post stated clearly that the so called patch note isn’t confirmed.
Hmm, still don’t see it says anywhere these are confirmed notes.
I never once said these are confirmed patch notes, a user above wanted a link so I gave him a link.
Fuzzion.2504 is the one that said these are confirmed, again not me
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
(edited by MasterYoda.8563)
I now know my second class will be a warrior
I dont think its real and if yes, patch should be 25th not 28th
And even if the date is correct I dont believe its real because ANet wrote they want Torment to mesmer, dont see that.
They talked about condition removals, and I know that mesmer lack of condition removals, and I miss those in patch notes too.
I dont think its real and if yes, patch should be 25th not 28th
And even if the date is correct I dont believe its real because ANet wrote they want Torment to mesmer, dont see that.
They talked about condition removals, and I know that mesmer lack of condition removals, and I miss those in patch notes too.
Why 25th?
I dont think its real and if yes, patch should be 25th not 28th
And even if the date is correct I dont believe its real because ANet wrote they want Torment to mesmer, dont see that.
They talked about condition removals, and I know that mesmer lack of condition removals, and I miss those in patch notes too.Why 25th?
Because the Sky Pirate update
June 25, 2013
Chaos has come to Lion’s Arch and the culprits responsible for the mayhem have holed up in their hideout! Inspector Ellen Kiel spearheaded the investigation into the murder, and she’s now gathering teams of deputies to capture the perpetrator. Better sharpen your weapons and skills—this criminal promises to be a slippery eel!
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet
Good point, i will make the amendments
I dont think its real and if yes, patch should be 25th not 28th
And even if the date is correct I dont believe its real because ANet wrote they want Torment to mesmer, dont see that.
They talked about condition removals, and I know that mesmer lack of condition removals, and I miss those in patch notes too.
Well, there’s is Torment for Mesmer.
“Illusionary Counter: This skill damage has been reduced to 25% of what it was. It now applies 3 stacks of Torment for 8 seconds.”
Looks somewhat legit to me and it could just as well be alpha patch notes. I think they were leaked 2 weeks ago, so even in the case it is legit a lot of things has probably changed since then.
Shadow step no longer breaks stun. This was a core in my build. Probably not anymore. Gonna have to theorycraft some stuff to see if there are other better benefits.
I hope it is legit. I love my staff ele. But always feel slow and clunky. No huge changes there, but hopefully all the time trimming on a bunch of the skills will smooth it out, and make it feel like i don’t spend half my time just standing there. If they are true anyway.
Some of the thief changes might make me sad though. Who ever thought shaving 30 seconds off a trait reset time would make the trait worse.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
(edited by Wryscher.1432)
Aww my poor necro and his weakness build
Pretty big nerf to a defensive skill for ele’s now that lightning flash doesn’t break stun. It was huge for staff ele survivability that a little less clunkiness on skills isn’t going to make up for in the long run.
Also cleansing fire is now a worthless ability to slot. The only reason it was useful before was for the stun break.
Also cleansing fire is now a worthless ability to slot. The only reason it was useful before was for the stun break.
Hope they read our posts and prevent this change b4 patch day
Also cleansing fire is now a worthless ability to slot. The only reason it was useful before was for the stun break.
Yeah im not sure how to feel about that. Honestly i think when running cantrips survivability is too high. You cant die, unless out numbered or you feel like dying. Well i shouldn’t say cant, it was just hard. Could stroll through Zergs and not really care to much about it.
So while it is a big nerf, ill have to play with it and see how it feels.
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-
Poor Rangers…
I find it hilarious that cleansing fire no longer does what it’s name says it does. I’m also sad that now I may need a replacement for that slot…
Im happy for my dnd ele. How about you guys?
We lost two stunbreakers (cleansing fire and lightning flash) which is a real bummer, but they did both have their cooldowns reduced quite a bit. I’ll probably keep using them both. Other than that, is there anything else that directly affects D/D in the patch? There’s a lot to wade through.
Also cleansing fire is now a worthless ability to slot. The only reason it was useful before was for the stun break.
It cures three conditions, which means it will get you out of immobilize, which is often far more dangerous (and common) (and long lasting) than stun.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.
I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
Warrior still…… duh…..
(hoping warrior get torment too….)
Ele is hit too much. Cleansing fire does not give stun break ? Signet of air now stun breaker …
What trickery is this….
(edited by deviller.9135)
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
It’s a great PvE weapon. It’s absolutely invaluable in high level fractals.
It’s also the only ranged weapon guardians have. :-/ Very glad they added the speed increase. It really needed that.
Warrior still…… duh…..
(hoping warrior get torment too….)
Ele is hit too much. Cleansing fire does not give stun break ? Signet of air now stun breaker …
What trickery is this….
Yeah moving those stunbreakers to the utilities they did is just…odd. I understand wanting to move them, but those are lame places to move them to.
Im happy for my dnd ele. How about you guys?
We lost two stunbreakers (cleansing fire and lightning flash) which is a real bummer, but they did both have their cooldowns reduced quite a bit. I’ll probably keep using them both. Other than that, is there anything else that directly affects D/D in the patch? There’s a lot to wade through.
I have discussed this matter with the one the top pvp ele players and he says at the moment, dnd bunker with the usual 0/10/0/30/30 is the way to go. He however says it is to early to know from these leaked patch if they are going into wvw or pvp or both.
Well if this is true, I guess the ItV complainers get their wish. Shame, it is great against thieves, but guess that is why it will change. Also, torment? Please, just no. It would be kind of funny to nerf confusion to hell and then add that.
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
It’s a great PvE weapon. It’s absolutely invaluable in high level fractals.
It’s also the only ranged weapon guardians have. :-/ Very glad they added the speed increase. It really needed that.
How many End Game (WvW) guardians do you know think this is a viable weapon?…
“Prismatic Understanding: This trait now pulses once every second while stealthed.”
What does “pulse” mean in this context? A new boon is given every second?
“Prismatic Understanding: This trait now pulses once every second while stealthed.”
What does “pulse” mean in this context? A new boon is given every second?
It will apply a random boon (from the ones in the pool) every single sec in sthealt.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
My Ele is very happy…
My Ranger is retiring from GW2…
My Necro was gathering dust at the TP doing all my buying and selling, got the vac out and now shes all hopeful about abit of WvW. Poor sad creature’s never been past Queensland, too dangerous for her…
My other 5 characters are not too fussed by anything really…
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
It’s a great PvE weapon. It’s absolutely invaluable in high level fractals.
It’s also the only ranged weapon guardians have. :-/ Very glad they added the speed increase. It really needed that.
How many End Game (WvW) guardians do you know think this is a viable weapon?…
Oh, none. It’s worthless in WvW. :P Totally agreed on that point.
For the “End Game” Fractals and Dungeons, it’s still invaluable. I do WvW and PvE (sometimes), so I still use a scepter fairly regularly.
(edited by Hickeroar.9734)
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
It’s a great PvE weapon. It’s absolutely invaluable in high level fractals.
It’s also the only ranged weapon guardians have. :-/ Very glad they added the speed increase. It really needed that.
How many End Game (WvW) guardians do you know think this is a viable weapon?…
Oh, none. It’s worthless in WvW. :P Totally agreed on that point.
I know, when will the devs pull their sandwiches out of the soup and realize Guardians need a real range weapon…
Orb of Wrath: Increased the projectile speed of this skill by 30%.
Chains of Light: This ability now deals a small amount of damage.I want to know what Dev really likes the Scepter? I mean cmon who really uses it?
It’s a great PvE weapon. It’s absolutely invaluable in high level fractals.
It’s also the only ranged weapon guardians have. :-/ Very glad they added the speed increase. It really needed that.
How many End Game (WvW) guardians do you know think this is a viable weapon?…
Oh, none. It’s worthless in WvW. :P Totally agreed on that point.
I know
, when will the devs pull their sandwiches out of the soup and realize Guardians need a real range weapon…
I would love for guardians to get rifle or at least longbow skills.
No fix for bouncing attacks?
No OOC swiftness for Mesmers?
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Anyone know what “Aftercast” is?