28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Scooooooore update! In low res because Im poor :)


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


There is never a good excuse to cheat, ever. I’ll report anyone who does it.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


@ Psychatog ROFLAMO you report your own people for exploiting thats a joke:)) Cant Put screens shots in Fourms anyways it gets deleted .

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Junkhaus.4301


As much as it pains me to say this…props to you PRO guys this morning. Had some great fights with you (many we didn’t walk away from). Keep it up, was refreshing to fight some really tough opponents!

Also to the big guy with Twilight, you have officially been dubbed captain legendary by my guild….aka the first target we set

Hope to see y’all out there soon!

Hi, I have a Twilight. Could it be me you are talking about? I “saw” 2 identical looking [paxa] thieves come out of their dust cloud before my screen turns gray. I’ve been out there on NSP bl all night until we finally lost a fortified Hills keep, that’s when I followed PRO into AR.

I’m the max-sized norn spamming the shouts trying to stay alive in a sea of NSP. I “feared” a small group of you NSP dudes off the cliff just outside the hills keep in your BL last night, that was the highlight of my night. I’m enjoying these fights immensely.

When the zergs from [Meow] are laughing over my corpse, know that I am here laughing with you, too.

Laughing with thoughts of what he’s going to do to each and every one of you.

We love you too [PRO]! I dunno what you did to get some of us to laugh at your corpse, its in the guild code to only laugh at lvl 80s that pick on low levels, thiefs, D/D eles, and such n such frustrating people(not accusing you of anything).

I don’t care about the corpse laughing and dancing, I’ve grown a thick skin to that kind of stuff. If it makes you happy, please dance the night away as I just teleport back to spawn and run back to the fight. I don’t think I’ve done anything rude to your guild or your server mates, but you can blame me for being “frustrating” to deal with.

This is the first time I’ve heard anyone talk about “picking on the low levels.” If you bring an under 80 character to wvw be prepared to be taken out by lvl 80s. I didn’t think it was an issue, otherwise Anet would’ve made wvw differently, like add lvl restrictions or somethin. Don’t make this “picking on low lvls” an excuse, admit the real reason you enjoy celebrating my death – pixel envy.

Lacedæmon, Ädrasteia -Warriors

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

So I was just making the rounds and went into the AR jump puzzle. I hit the ground behind the waterfall and a camped ranger knocks me off the cliff instead of trying to finish me off. I come back around and jump down in the corner, behind the wall, run past the ranger only to find a guardian sitting on the rock before the root/log that leads to the vault area. He misses his chance to knock me off and so the guardian chases me. he ends up dead and the ranger sits up on the platform (where he’s dead) waiting for me to continue in the puzzle where his buddy is waiting for me. I rifle him dead. I get the first chest and on the way to get the 2nd chest when I see the 3rd guy in the water. Murdered. I come back around to get the 2nd chest but I see some guild buddies rezzing the guardian and ranger. I kill the guardian..who ended up being afk and the ranger then logs or wp’s to save himself while the rest of their guild has ran away instead of ganging up on me. I bring this up because it was too nonsensical and hilarious and wanted AR to know that they need to train or replace their puzzle watch because [LoG] really isn’t working out.

NSP’s puzzle watch is vastly superior.



28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

Well let me eloborate on what classifies as “picking on low levels”

Acceptable: pretty much any normal fight, zerg kills, taking out wandering scouts.

-Camping outstide of doors and spawn just to kill low levels but runs away from the first natural lvl80(had this happen 4 weeks ago with Dark Haven, two thiefs hid outside EB spawn and keep, promptly squished, laughed, and danced on.)
-Running straight through zergs popping invincability avoiding natural 80’s just to wail on low levels in back. You shall be pulled, imobilized, then danced and jumped on for this behavior.

Sooo no excuses, just trying to be a good sportsman. Envy? I think not, Im rolling a charr engineer, the least popular race, profession, and worst armor selection in game. Im pretty humble with what I got, I luv it all :)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Deathjester.9841


Exploit is a exploit. People get sick and tired of Servers who brag and exploit, so i guess we will see tons more coming from servers who are against it. Isnt the saying a EYE for a EYE? Well guess what ? DR has a bunch .. not a few like 2-3 more like 15+ who been exploiting for 2 weeks now. Guess its the other servers turn to exploit right back.

You are very evian-naive, if you think that we aren’t seeing it being done by the other two servers. It doesn’t take a genius to google/youtube search what program people are using and recognize it.

It does however take a truly pitiful person to actually use that program. I saw tons of lag switchers in “that other mmo”, and speedhacking, terrain hacking, you name it. This isn’t unique to GW2. This is a “people problem”. When people like you join them? It becomes an even bigger problem.

Me and my friend Creotine literally LAUGH at all the exploiting we see in MMO’s nowadays. Guess what? It is that much more satisfying when I get a BOOM HEADSHOT crit with my sniper rifle.

Don’t join them. Pity them, report them, LAUGH at them. They are in every game. They eventually get banned and go play another game.

The most hilarious (to me at least), are the ones who will use one part of a hack. Like, say “a camera mod” that allows you to do unintended things, and then these hypocrites cry about people who use “worse hacks”. Let me be honest with you…I haven’t attacked one tower in the last few weeks without being hit by an arrow cart that could only hit me with the “mod”. If you want to talk exploits? Report every player on your team who places an arrowcart when they have no visual (without the mod) of what they are firing at. They are cheating plain and simple. There are no “little white cheats”. Once you cross that line? You already lost the game. If they banned every freakin loser who used that stupid camera mod? Half of all three of our servers would be empty. Do I wish to join them? Nope. I pity them. Deep down inside they know they are pathetic. Deep down inside they know they can never truly win a game they cheat at.

-Thane Krios, Welcome to the Jungle-GNR-DR

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


No one likes a Cheater
if at any time someone on your Server uses an Exploit to cap a Keep… at that Point you know the Character of that Person… its the same a s Stealing Money from the Bank while playing Monoploy… or Lying that you dont have any “Jacks” in your Hand while playing GO Fish…

Or like the time in 2nd Grade when She said “You show me Your’s… and then i’ll Show you Mine…” but she Didnt… and that was the day i learned Girls Cant Be Trusted…

(Shakes Fist at Grade School Arch Nemesis)

But i Digress… Lets keep the game Fun and Honest


Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Darwinism.8619


Im Right… Arent I..?


Darwin Ism(HumanThief) Thin The Herd(HumanMezmer) Abuzz Kill(AsuranD/D Ele)
[PRO] World Defender

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


So … NSP spawn camping north citadel exit with ballista pushed right up to portal, while you don’t hold jack squat anywhere, are last in score and basically just sucking hard except when you get to night cap and pvedoor things. talk about new lows of lameness.

and no you still couldn’t even kill my level 29 lowbie.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

So … NSP spawn camping north citadel exit with ballista pushed right up to portal, while you don’t hold jack squat anywhere, are last in score and basically just sucking hard except when you get to night cap and pvedoor things. talk about new lows of lameness.

and no you still couldn’t even kill my level 29 lowbie.

yumad tho?

~The Wolfpack & Associates

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Fresh As I Is.6280

Fresh As I Is.6280

So … NSP spawn camping north citadel exit with ballista pushed right up to portal, while you don’t hold jack squat anywhere, are last in score and basically just sucking hard except when you get to night cap and pvedoor things. talk about new lows of lameness.

and no you still couldn’t even kill my level 29 lowbie.

So…you got wolfpacked.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Catisa.6507


So … NSP spawn camping north citadel exit with ballista pushed right up to portal, while you don’t hold jack squat anywhere, are last in score and basically just sucking hard except when you get to night cap and pvedoor things. talk about new lows of lameness.

and no you still couldn’t even kill my level 29 lowbie.

yumad tho?

~The Wolfpack & Associates

nope, just switched to my 80 and wiped you guys with half the numbers and no npcs to run and hide behind. I was just pointing out how pathetic that kind of BS is. Try defending your own borderlands maybe? or getting your server out of last place even?
Oh wait, that’s right, NSP is waiting for nighttime to come so they can PvDoor the maps back, I almost forgot, its the only thing NSP has ever been able to beat.


(edited by Catisa.6507)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

So … NSP spawn camping north citadel exit with ballista pushed right up to portal, while you don’t hold jack squat anywhere, are last in score and basically just sucking hard except when you get to night cap and pvedoor things. talk about new lows of lameness.

and no you still couldn’t even kill my level 29 lowbie.

yumad tho?

~The Wolfpack & Associates

nope, just switched to my 80 and wiped you guys with half the numbers and no npcs to run and hide behind. I was just pointing out how pathetic that kind of BS is. Try defending your own borderlands maybe? or getting your server out of last place even?
Oh wait, that’s right, NSP is waiting for nighttime to come so they can PvDoor the maps back, I almost forgot, its the only thing NSP has ever been able to beat.

Bro what’re you talking about, there was 10-15 AR that came to wipe our 6 man squad rofl. Nice try though.

We were going around capturing camps and getting kills after going through the jump puzzle. Why are you so mad that we didn’t immediately leave the camp when there were enemies that we could kill to prevent our camp from being recaptured immediately after we left? Sounds like someone can’t handle dying especially after hiding up at an invulnerable spot for such a long time.

PS: AR lost to NSP and then ‘beat’ aka came in 2nd place by 490pts over NSP last week after we’ve been bleeding guilds and manpower. Congrats man. I wish my tier 6 server reflected my personal contribution and digital prowess like yours clearly does for you. You’re livin the dream!

(edited by Reido Kyuuten.4709)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Gen.7312


This may come as news to you but 6 people is not the entire NSP wvw population

Hello I am gen, newbie necro from nsp
Niobe [ZoS]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

AR trebbing Bluelake from Hills. Back wall blown out and front wall almost down. DR comes along w/ 3 golems and attacks the front door. 2 golems and over half of the forces wiped out. The rest of DR sandwiched by 5-6 of us up near the tower lord. AR then comes along and tries to take it from all of the various orifices and gets sandwiched by us and DR from behind. AR killed off and DR thinned out—we might’ve been able to hold if we had been more careful but DR prevailed. Hilarious.

Now I understand how people deny pvdoor all the time. Time to cry pvair instead.

tl;dr: Laughs all around in mumble while defending our assless chaps tower.


(edited by Reido Kyuuten.4709)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Having fun tonight, but NSP got me laughing hard. Even numbers on their BL at the north supply camp and they spam running into citidel. Then when its down to 5 of us, they come rushing out with bout 15ish or so. Still downed/spiked half of em with our lil group..but the respawns kept coming back! Way to go to get that one camp….rofl.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

Having fun tonight, but NSP got me laughing hard. Even numbers on their BL at the north supply camp and they spam running into citidel. Then when its down to 5 of us, they come rushing out with bout 15ish or so. Still downed/spiked half of em with our lil group..but the respawns kept coming back! Way to go to get that one camp….rofl.

Same thing earlier at AR north camp w/ our 6 man NSP squad except instead of them coming down at us the whole time, we ran up to their portal and kept killing them there because they refused to come down the stairs lol. After about 20min and dozens of kills, they decided to wait for reinforcements and overrun us instead of the in and out nonsense.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: telsus.9756


AR trebbing Bluelake from Hills. Back wall blown out and front wall almost down. DR comes along w/ 3 golems and attacks the front door. 2 golems and over half of the forces wiped out. The rest of DR sandwiched by 5-6 of us up near the tower lord. AR then comes along and tries to take it from all of the various orifices and gets sandwiched by us and DR from behind. AR killed off and DR thinned out—we might’ve been able to hold if we had been more careful but DR prevailed. Hilarious.

Now I understand how people deny pvdoor all the time. Time to cry pvair instead.

tl;dr: Laughs all around in mumble while defending our assless chaps tower.


I was in one of the DR golems. This was after we found we couldn’t ninja garrison with them. We had 3 golem and Juuuust had to use em. We were laughing hard when we crashed through the gate and saw that wall down. That battle for Blue Lake was a lot of fun.

NSP and AR you guys have been both providing some great fights tonight. Its been a blast.

Trixa, Briar, Moxi and others…
Devona’s Rest

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Aowys.9420


AR trebbing Bluelake from Hills. Back wall blown out and front wall almost down. DR comes along w/ 3 golems and attacks the front door. 2 golems and over half of the forces wiped out. The rest of DR sandwiched by 5-6 of us up near the tower lord. AR then comes along and tries to take it from all of the various orifices and gets sandwiched by us and DR from behind. AR killed off and DR thinned out—we might’ve been able to hold if we had been more careful but DR prevailed. Hilarious.

Now I understand how people deny pvdoor all the time. Time to cry pvair instead.

tl;dr: Laughs all around in mumble while defending our assless chaps tower.


I was in one of the DR golems. This was after we found we couldn’t ninja garrison with them. We had 3 golem and Juuuust had to use em. We were laughing hard when we crashed through the gate and saw that wall down. That battle for Blue Lake was a lot of fun.

NSP and AR you guys have been both providing some great fights tonight. Its been a blast.

I was the one that spotted the golems at garrison and attackd them while they were waittng in the water. I kne they wouldgo somewhere.

We tried to snipe it from DR while the golems were on the gate just didt move quick . Speed and timing is importian on things lik that. beside think we only had lik 4 maybe 5 AR there. Its always fun when thee is a three way battle .


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Please do not act like DR or AR wouldn’t do this. We, from NSP, are trying to defend our land even if it takes 20+ of us just to defeat 3. We can’t see your numbers on the map so it’s strategically plausible to send a large group to retake one of our last camps. We’re not “camping” the citadel, we’re grouping and reclaiming that which is closest to us.

As for me; I have been teamed up with another d/d Ele and have been patrolling the southern part of the borderlands, picking off strays and taking abandoned camps. Been really fun. I had this one time when we were in AR borderlands and we got chased by about 10 AR guys/girls. They managed to pick of my partner and 2 of them kept chasing me: a Mesmer and another d/d Ele. I lead them into the water and just kited and tried to juke them using the central island. The Mesmer gave up but the ele eventually caught me. That chase lasted for about ten minutes. I felt so tense :P Props to whoever that was.

I had another encounter with [PRO] where my partner and I encountered an invader in the distance. He had seen us and was jumping up and down, taunting us. I told my friend that he was baiting and we should run the other way, but as soon as that came up in chat he was already riding the lightning towards the invader. I followed and tried my best to keep the 5 invaders off his tail, but more DR showed up and quickly dealt with us. Whoever that was I’m just going to say I wasn’t responsible for the engagement :P

One last congratulations to DR for almost completely dominating the WvWvW map. NSP recovered all our land apart from the eastern keep about 6 hours ago but DR prevailed and eventually took all of that back. Great play guys. Keep it up.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: brandon.6735


lol..again..we take the supply camp..3 of us there..and down teh stairs comes bout 20 of you NSP folks..ROFL. wow…u obviously got population here..why are you all camping citidel?

Please do not act like DR or AR wouldn’t do this. We, from NSP, are trying to defend our land even if it takes 20+ of us just to defeat 3. We can’t see your numbers on the map so it’s strategically plausible to send a large group to retake one of our last camps. We’re not “camping” the citadel, we’re grouping and reclaiming that which is closest to us.

I laugh at people who talk big like that guy. I have teamed with 5 or so people and taken out big zerg of DR or AR but i don’t need to come on here acting all tough b/c each side has done it.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Gratz NSP on getting your Hills back! It took you over 6 hours and a zerg of around 40 to push out 8 of us…ROFL….lawl…great fight!

Loved Wv3 tonight….keep it up.

Oh..who was the ranger commander I kept downing. He get hit he runs to the back quick boyee. lol

All good fun though, great fights. Wish DR had a night crew like you all darn it.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: hyyangoz.6195


Gratz NSP on getting your Hills back! It took you over 6 hours and a zerg of around 40 to push out 8 of us…ROFL….lawl…great fight!

Loved Wv3 tonight….keep it up.

Oh..who was the ranger commander I kept downing. He get hit he runs to the back quick boyee. lol

All good fun though, great fights. Wish DR had a night crew like you all darn it.

well gettign through that thick wall with loads of seige everywhere is challenging

here is attachment of a bug i dont know why but he should be WP out from the keep


Gandalf Teh White [Meow]- Fort Aspenwood


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Thorp.7982


Had some really fun fights with those Baltimore dudes.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kenos.8604


Gratz NSP on getting your Hills back! It took you over 6 hours and a zerg of around 40 to push out 8 of us…ROFL….lawl…great fight!

Loved Wv3 tonight….keep it up.

Oh..who was the ranger commander I kept downing. He get hit he runs to the back quick boyee. lol

All good fun though, great fights. Wish DR had a night crew like you all darn it.

That ranger would be me Dredstorm =)
Rushing into a fight and then backing out. The ranger way of commanding and getting people to jump into the fights.
Good fight tonight on NSP borderlands tonight AR.
Much respect to you all, and your bloody Omega caused us a few problems haha.

Àrcher – Level 80 Ranger, Kenzoni – Level 80 Thief
[Meow] – Guild Officer/Commander
NSP all day every day. Since early start.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


So just of now we found two AR hackers under the map in our citadel in NSP placing rams. I have SS of one. I didn’t SS the other but a Soul member has him targeted.

P.S. They are guildless and we try to report them.

DR caught the exact same group of AR trying that at our garrison. There were about 12 of them at the inner gate with rams up. Best part was there were no signs at all the Garrison was under attack.

AR has some extremely good players. They are well organized and skilled and I do not blame AR as a whole for this small groups actions, but I do hope that AR makes an effort to get that small group of people that are doing this removed from the game.

I started frapsing this at the end of the fight. When we came in the inner door was at about 20%. I guess they just knew hot to get past the outer door…

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

(edited by Laiboch.4380)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Acotje.5689


To the Meow ranger hiding in Dawn’s, thx for the fun fight
To bad we got interupted by the other guy..


Hello darkness, my old friend.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


Hi fellow NSP’ers,

Some of you may know seen or known around NSP especially low level areas, SE is currently rebuilding in NSP. I’ve already got some welcoming from Os and Meow! (Thanks for the welcoming guys). Eventually, I will start tackling WvW soon with you guys. Some of you guys might have seen me already in WvW with my alts but nonetheless, this server definitely has potential if we all put in more effort. I’ve been in NSP for a week already! Sorry for the late introduction.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


We held this for about an hour.

Look at the platform and how close the cap is.

Good job NSP,
Best keep defense ever.


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Oh and attached.
Can’t decided if this is the same Thief Commander from AoD or another.
But anyhow.

We will continue this killfest this week too.

Bird Song 1 – 0 You


Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.7624


Hi fellow NSP’ers,

Some of you may know seen or known around NSP especially low level areas, SE is currently rebuilding in NSP. I’ve already got some welcoming from Os and Meow! (Thanks for the welcoming guys). Eventually, I will start tackling WvW soon with you guys. Some of you guys might have seen me already in WvW with my alts but nonetheless, this server definitely has potential if we all put in more effort. I’ve been in NSP for a week already! Sorry for the late introduction.

And welcome!
Yes I’ve seen [SE] in WvW but none at lvl80!
:D Have fun

Commander Bird Song
Northern Shiverpeaks Night Crew
Os Guild

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Hi fellow NSP’ers,

Some of you may know seen or known around NSP especially low level areas, SE is currently rebuilding in NSP. I’ve already got some welcoming from Os and Meow! (Thanks for the welcoming guys). Eventually, I will start tackling WvW soon with you guys. Some of you guys might have seen me already in WvW with my alts but nonetheless, this server definitely has potential if we all put in more effort. I’ve been in NSP for a week already! Sorry for the late introduction.

Weird, I remember a post like this in the Kaineng forums somewhere. Sorry it didn’t work out for SE on Kaineng – good luck on NSP!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


Hi fellow NSP’ers,

Some of you may know seen or known around NSP especially low level areas, SE is currently rebuilding in NSP. I’ve already got some welcoming from Os and Meow! (Thanks for the welcoming guys). Eventually, I will start tackling WvW soon with you guys. Some of you guys might have seen me already in WvW with my alts but nonetheless, this server definitely has potential if we all put in more effort. I’ve been in NSP for a week already! Sorry for the late introduction.

And welcome!
Yes I’ve seen [SE] in WvW but none at lvl80!
:D Have fun

Thanks! Give us a few weeks, I’m sure you’ll start seeing 80’s. For now, I just want to play on my lvl 11 Necro. Time for some massive condition damage!

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


Hi fellow NSP’ers,

Some of you may know seen or known around NSP especially low level areas, SE is currently rebuilding in NSP. I’ve already got some welcoming from Os and Meow! (Thanks for the welcoming guys). Eventually, I will start tackling WvW soon with you guys. Some of you guys might have seen me already in WvW with my alts but nonetheless, this server definitely has potential if we all put in more effort. I’ve been in NSP for a week already! Sorry for the late introduction.

Weird, I remember a post like this in the Kaineng forums somewhere. Sorry it didn’t work out for SE on Kaineng – good luck on NSP!

Only a handful stayed with me unfortunetely, the rest became DE. Just another case of Mutiny in the MMO world. Sad, but nonetheless, I will get back from the bottom and be rebuilt to the top again. I look forward to fighting Kaineng in the future, for I will go hard during that week.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Only a handful stayed with me unfortunetely, the rest became DE. Just another case of Mutiny in the MMO world. Sad, but nonetheless, I will get back from the bottom and be rebuilt to the top again. I look forward to fighting Kaineng in the future, for I will go hard during that week.

I’m looking forward to the matchup. Sorry for the drama, nobody likes that. It was fun seeing the [SE] tag in green while you were here; I’m sure it’ll be just as fun to see it in red if/when we end up in the same tier. xD

Again, good luck on NSP!

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Oh crap SE came to us??? Sweeeetttt, welcome to the server guys hope your enjoying it and can’t wait to see you out in WvW in force

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Karg.2381


Oh and attached.
Can’t decided if this is the same Thief Commander from AoD or another.
But anyhow.

We will continue this killfest this week too.

Bird Song 1 – 0 You

Thief Commander from AoD – could be morningstar. He certainly likes to lead from the front.
He’s usually the 1st into the enemy zerg.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


Oh crap SE came to us??? Sweeeetttt, welcome to the server guys hope your enjoying it and can’t wait to see you out in WvW in force

Don’t get your hopes up . I don’t have the numbers like I used to in DH when we were fighting NSP. About 98% of them are still in Kaineng in their new guild. You might see a few here and there in WvW at the time being. I’m still working on converting my lovely members into hardcore WvW’ers.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Kenos.8604


To the Meow ranger hiding in Dawn’s, thx for the fun fight
To bad we got interupted by the other guy..

Haha.. lol that was me as well =D
Very fun night indeed!
Good fight, had fun there. Guardians are always a tough fight.

Àrcher – Level 80 Ranger, Kenzoni – Level 80 Thief
[Meow] – Guild Officer/Commander
NSP all day every day. Since early start.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Deria.9158


Hey DR — you’ve got a GASM mesmer exploiting to kill the Tower Lord at Anzalia’s Pass right now.

He’s ruining an otherwise fine match.

EDIT: To provide more detail, he is somehow killing the tower lord from underneath the tower where nobody can get to him. His clones are essentially beating the tower lord down slowly over time and there is nothing we can do about it at all. Pretty much all of DR seems to play fair, but you need to curb this guy. (How many Mesmers could GASM have on right now in EB?)

(edited by Deria.9158)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


DR can you please tell the mesmer you have glitched into the tower of anz tower in EB to wp back and stop attacking the guild claimer. He is actually killing it. While I know this is not something that can be done easy (I find myself stuck by accident quite often), for the sake of fair play can you get him to leave.
(after all its not like you need to use exploits to win)

Thank you,

Anvil Rock

To update, this guy is apparently in GASM guild. I cant actually see him, but someone pulled him enough to show his tag through the wall while I was typing this.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Psychatog.8246


Hey DR — you’ve got a GASM mesmer exploiting to kill the Tower Lord at Anzalia’s Pass right now.

He’s ruining an otherwise fine match.

screenie it and message both the GASM guild leader and anet

ill head there now and see if i can get a name… try not to kill the pro thief with the commander icon

ok i fraps’d the said person and ill send it to GASM’s leader….o and thanks for killing me kitten.

(edited by Psychatog.8246)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Deria.9158


screenie it and message both the GASM guild leader and anet

ill head there now and see if i can get a name… try not to kill the pro thief with the commander icon

She seems to have left.

The only identifying information I can add is that the mesmer was female, and upleveled.

I’m not sure who the guild leader of GASM is, so I’ll just post the screenshot here.


28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


DR can you please tell the mesmer you have glitched into the tower of anz tower in EB to wp back and stop attacking the guild claimer. He is actually killing it. While I know this is not something that can be done easy (I find myself stuck by accident quite often), for the sake of fair play can you get him to leave.
(after all its not like you need to use exploits to win)

Thank you,

Anvil Rock

To update, this guy is apparently in GASM guild. I cant actually see him, but someone pulled him enough to show his tag through the wall while I was typing this.

We trebbed Anz and people inside was there and then Anzalias walls upgraded to reinforced and renewed there is no glitch in this matter. As Devona we are really strict about exploiters. Please make sure there is an exploit involved before you blame people. Thank you.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Oh and attached.
Can’t decided if this is the same Thief Commander from AoD or another.
But anyhow.

We will continue this killfest this week too.

Bird Song 1 – 0 You

I can sign it for you if you want what was your name agian?

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


DR can you please tell the mesmer you have glitched into the tower of anz tower in EB to wp back and stop attacking the guild claimer. He is actually killing it. While I know this is not something that can be done easy (I find myself stuck by accident quite often), for the sake of fair play can you get him to leave.
(after all its not like you need to use exploits to win)

Thank you,

Anvil Rock

To update, this guy is apparently in GASM guild. I cant actually see him, but someone pulled him enough to show his tag through the wall while I was typing this.

We trebbed Anz and people inside was there and then Anzalias walls upgraded to reinforced and renewed there is no glitch in this matter. As Devona we are really strict about exploiters. Please make sure there is an exploit involved before you blame people. Thank you.

Unfortunately you fail to understand the issue. He was trapped under the claimer tower. A common glitch that happens when a mesmer uses phase retreat or the downed decoy move.

I chased him down as he ran into the tower (because I am a mesmer and know of portal bombs), and downed him myself for him to disappear. I thought he had alt-f4. A few minutes later I hear calls of the mesmer aiming up from underneath the claimer.

Again, I said that although its not an exploit in itself. Using a glitch to your advantage is. Which is why I asked for the guild to tell him to wp.

Unfortunately with replies like yours, it seems you condone cheaters.

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Deria.9158


We trebbed Anz and people inside was there and then Anzalias walls upgraded to reinforced and renewed there is no glitch in this matter. As Devona we are really strict about exploiters. Please make sure there is an exploit involved before you blame people. Thank you.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here. Yes, you trebb’d the walls. Yes, they were later upgraded. Who cares? What does that have to do with anything? The problem was a mesmer somehow got to an unreachable location and was killing the tower lord, solo, for about 15 minutes. I don’t think anyone can consider that anything but an exploit. There shouldn’t be any question about whether that was a right or a wrong thing to do. The mesmer should have waypointed out immediately if she was stuck — not decided to kill the tower lord solo.

Also, relax — this isn’t a personal attack on DR (or GASM for that matter). It was simply a request that you take action to curb -one- cheater (which Psychatog did immediately, so good job on that!)

As I said in my original post, DR seems to generally play very fair. Every server has a few people that will play outside the rules, though, and because names are hidden the only thing you can really do is post about them here and hope someone on the server takes action.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: bradderzh.2378


Yup. While the action of getting ones character stuck in an advantageous position may not be cheating and may be entirely accidental, if the person then uses that for gain then it is exploiting the situation. An exploit. Sploitz

Regardless it meant nothing. After trying desperately to Sheppard yaks to the tower DR show up with more guys than I had seen on our server the whole time I was in command, and preceded to destroy/zerg through everything we had spent a good few hours trying to build up.

But that’s WvW for ya. C’est la vie…

In reference to ascended items:
Nar: I love that it will take me time and money to
reach the same level I’m at right now… …said no one, ever.

(edited by bradderzh.2378)