28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


What really confuses me is one says the whole server is full of hackers the other says 8-10 people. Now lets consider at any given moment AR can field around 200 Wv3 players on 4 maps. The majority are either on ARBL or EB(where I am about 90% of the time), how am I supposed to know what the other players on the maps are doing if 1. They are not announcing it 2. I’m not there.

So I guess the first question would be is it 8-10 people out of a population of probably 300+ players or all 300+, or maybe like 150 or so. Because if it’s 8-10 players you can’t say AR as a whole is some vast hacking server with a cover up conspiracy because it’s ridiculous.

I have only seen 8-10 people that are committing the exploit, but I have seen 20+ sitting at the door waiting for them to get in. Those extra people are not exploiting themselves per say, but they are just as guilty as the people that are exploiting directly. Taking advantage of the exploit is the same as doing it yourself.

Again the difference between Us and many AR is: We all left the map when we found out someone had exploited into bay. AR sticks around and takes advantage of it.

But its kind of irrelevant now isn’t it. We are progressing and you are still going to be in the same bracket.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Laiboch.4380


I love the excuses. We only do it because……. Sad.

And anyone from any server can say that people from their server have never done this? Riiiiiggggggtttt……

Excuses made by AR:

Yes we had a Mesmer hiding in your Garrison for 24 hours that ported us in.. Not that we actually ever took your Garrison, but we had one there…

Those 8 guys that just magically appeared at your inner gate were actually there hiding the whole time.

AR players didn’t cheat to get into hills they used a Way point that wasn’t there. Perhaps the Dev’s felt so bad for AR they gave them their own special Short Bus er I mean Way Point just for them.

I would venture to say that no less than 8 exploited Keeps and 3 attempts at exploiting Garrison all by AR is a bit more of an issue than someone standing at spawn with the invuln buff. However if that’s the best you can come up with all I can say is LOL.

Trying to use that to justify their members blatant hacking and exploiting is sad. That’s like a 2 year old tattling on their older sibling for taking a cookie after they were busted taking their parents car and ramming it though the house. What a joke.

I hope the good players on AR find a new home where their quality and skill will be appreciated. I have a great deal of respect for many AR guilds that I have encountered they were tough as nails and never quit.

Zoe Pain [GASM]
DB Night Crew

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

And yes you took SM twice, but at what price? As we can see, you lost most of your others points just to hold SM.

Trying to take SM over and over prolly did cost you more then anything AR could have done.

People keep parroting this as some sort of “fact” but it’s so easily shown to be a joke.

Since the multiple captures of SM, NSP’s portion of total points has increased from around 21.5% to 23.3%. That is to say, since those attacks which people keep saying were extremely costly, we’ve had an 8% improvement in our portion of the total score.

Remember, prior to those attack, GoM had overtaken NSP in the rankings. The current projection has NSP 13 points ahead of GoM. We’ve gone from a projected loss of over 60 rank points to just 51 as of 4 hours ago. With the score rates, that should end on the better side of 50.

Those SM flips did far more good for NSP than any possible harm.

This mindless zerg of a thread probably also fails to realize that the potential points only trigger every 15min (aka when the timer hits 0:00). So depending on when SM was taken and when we got other outposts back, we’d probably still come out ahead during the time we had SM.

tldr: The points lost were probably regained within the next 30-45min.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

Alright TDME, I don’t mind that you wont duel me in the NSP BL. I also don’t mind that I ripped one of your thieves apart in like 3 seconds. Its kinda lame though that multiple of you laugh.
Or maybe you did feel like dueling and thought it was over once I destroyed that thief. I’m gonna go with that and give you guys the benefit of the doubt.

It is worth remembering that not everyone values “Duels” or “Small Group Tactics”. Unfortunately they are as often biased against as zergs are, which I have always found to be silly. Every aspect is needed in Wv3…But just don’t be surprised when people don’t -want- to 1v1 or such…after all, not everyone’s going to be any good. Won’t lie, if I thought I was bad or less skilled in comparison to others, I would probably never duel and always run in groups. Luckily, I love a challenge even though I don’t think I’m “Better” than most people, I know I’m pretty good despite the lag and never using a mouse. :p I can at least hold my own!

1v1 is for spvp. Nobody should care that you can beat someone with lesser gear and/or food than you.

Also at this point in the game, Arenanet’s ‘balance’ is garbage so unless you’re basically fighting someone of the same profession, it probably still means nothing when max geared.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


1v1 is for spvp. Nobody should care that you can beat someone with lesser gear and/or food than you.

1v1s improve your individual skill. Win/Lose/Draw it does not matter, what matters is learning from the fight the best possible ways to counter the Profession you are fighting against. Simply being able to last an extra 10 seconds against a Thief can be the difference between winning or losing a group fight.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

1v1 is for spvp. Nobody should care that you can beat someone with lesser gear and/or food than you.

1v1s improve your individual skill. Win/Lose/Draw it does not matter, what matters is learning from the fight the best possible ways to counter the Profession you are fighting against. Simply being able to last an extra 10 seconds against a Thief can be the difference between winning or losing a group fight.

Yeah, it’s just called knowing your and your opponent’s profession/build. Instead of waiting around and trying to bait someone to 1v1 you with uneven gear, you might as well just jump into a spvp game for 30min everyday and get your daily and learn from that. Aside from the bunker guardians, most builds used in pvp match their wvw counterparts since eles/engis/necros are already tanky/bunker in wvw also.

tldr: Let’s not pretend that calling people out for 1v1 on threads is about boosting someone’s skills.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: StormWolf.7645


…1v1 is sPvP uses different rules and mechanics than 1v1 in WvW. You understand a build better facing it using the proper mechanics. Most of the time when I’m doing 1v1s it’s myself and a couple people from my server chilling with a couple people on the other server and taking turns. I use 1v1 in WvW as a method of improving newer player’s skills, and it works very well. It was part of the reason for my original Server Swap, to be able to “Duel” members of the Guild and help them better learn to fight Guardians and Thieves.

If that isn’t what -YOU- do, then that’s cool…but to say that it’s not the purpose of 1v1s is far too all-consuming. I won’t claim everyone does and should use it for improving skills…some people just like to feel superior to others so they 1v1 for the ego-boost. Others 1v1 because they were attacked by 1 other person and just don’t want to die. :p

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


You guys act like its hard to get exotic gear. But at the same time coming into wvw without maxing out your character is just suicide. Although the reason people still do that is the slowly vanishing idea of ‘exp trains’. If you don’t make any money and just go farming you can have an exotic nearly everyday. Admittedly that thief was very squishy, but I don’t know if its from glass cannon spec or green/blue gear. Also knowing other classes is excessively important. You can stop a mug/backstab thief by one simple dodge, same with mesmer shatter.
My problem was with the /laugh x 2. A bit kitten imo.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Keyba.9570


Well..as this fun and dratimatic week comes to an end..I’ll say DR, enjoy the next tier and good luck. NSP, im certain we will be seeing you again.

Revenant is life

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Well..as this fun and dratimatic week comes to an end..I’ll say DR, enjoy the next tier and good luck. NSP, im certain we will be seeing you again.

The new T6 matchup is DH/AR/NSP so yeah, you’ll be seeing NSP as soon as reset hits.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Dear PAXA; thanks for having some fun with us this last night.

Miss Winters,
Guild With No [NAME].

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Reido Kyuuten.4709

Reido Kyuuten.4709

…1v1 is sPvP uses different rules and mechanics than 1v1 in WvW. You understand a build better facing it using the proper mechanics. Most of the time when I’m doing 1v1s it’s myself and a couple people from my server chilling with a couple people on the other server and taking turns. I use 1v1 in WvW as a method of improving newer player’s skills, and it works very well. It was part of the reason for my original Server Swap, to be able to “Duel” members of the Guild and help them better learn to fight Guardians and Thieves.

If that isn’t what -YOU- do, then that’s cool…but to say that it’s not the purpose of 1v1s is far too all-consuming. I won’t claim everyone does and should use it for improving skills…some people just like to feel superior to others so they 1v1 for the ego-boost. Others 1v1 because they were attacked by 1 other person and just don’t want to die. :p

When you go to pvp you can just set your skills/traits/gear to match your pve stuff and join an empty room to 1v1. There are at least a handful of 1v1 rooms with 6+ people in them going on at once. If a random joins, they usually get murdered if they interfere, just watch, or leave. No need to change servers just to ‘train’.

And your version of 1v1 ‘training’ isn’t what I was calling out. It was the people calling for 1v1’s against specific people for the actual ego boost even though it means nothing. Those individuals could take it to pvp and 1v1 there if they feel like it’s their skill and not equipment that is superior. And this is still disregarding the fact that some classes are better suited for 1v1 combat while others do much better when covered by groups/zergs (ie glass cannon warriors) because of Arenanet’s hilariously slow approach to balancing anything. Also, thief stealth culling is not an issue in pvp.

(edited by Reido Kyuuten.4709)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


Haha yeah I never fear diving in a zerg. Same guy lol.

Love seeing people with this same mindset. :p Only thing funner than diving head first into a zerg is doing so and surviving. While commanding I very quickly learned that PUGs will not charge…unless they see the Commander icon in the middle of the enemy. I always have the expectation of ending up dead, but with the hope of victory for the group. Longer I can keep attention on myself with my full-tank Guardian build, the more likely my allies are to be taking down more enemies. Of course I have the same kind of mindset with small groups too, just for different reasons. There I figure that if I hold the attention of a Zerg my allies can escape or at least kill off some of the enemy. Mainly because as a Tank Build I have very very little “Escape-ability”. XD Once everything’s in CD I’m screwed.

I’m always amazed at how many people are afraid to die in a team-based video game. There are often situations where I find I can help my team more by dying than I can by trying to stay alive. Being a hated thief (even though I don’t use CND/BS much) I often draw lots of fire and can sometimes get three, four, or even a half dozen enemy to chase me away from the rest of my group, giving them time to recover or kill whomever they happen to be fighting themselves. I can let go with Daggerstorm in an enemy zerg that does lots of damage and creates a lot of interrupts before I die. If I’m closer to my spawn than the enemy is to his the odds of being useful can swing to me even if I die, as long as I do enough damage first.

Staying alive is overrated.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


“There was a [Meow] guardian next to you that popped “Save Yourself!” really early in the fight. One of our necros almost immediately corrupted it and then spread it. It had an absolutely huge impact on that fight.”

I was the nsp guardian you’re talking about. I like the name drop thanks. Now if you could just get on to posting the video you have of yourselves 1v4’ing me, and having trouble killing me by myself earlier in the night. I’m full glass cannon and it took 4 of you. Cause I know you have the video of it it was the hammer guardian that couldn’t do any damage by himself.

Also the necro had less to do with your win all though it was a smart play. The fact that you had us bottle necked at the archway to spiritholme is what helped you win. It is the same way I beat 25 DR pugs with 6 other people a few nights ago.

Having line of sight and people rushing around a corner into a group of players waiting for them while they funnel in like unorganized groups so often do is not very impressive.


That hammer guardian that hardly does any damage, did he have Juggernaut or a Candy Cane? And who builds glass cannon and complains about dying? You would think that the one that builds glass cannon would expect to get stomped. Were you expecting to win in that 4v1 let alone drop anyone?
Also Oozo doesn’t record those at all. His hard drive is pretty small so he doesn’t record useless crap.

At no point was I complaining that I died. I was making a point that I find you lacking skill for having to 4v1 a glass cannon guardian. You couldn’t even do enough damage to kill me solololololololololol? My build wasn’t made for survivability and it took four of you a minute to kill me. Plus you stood there and watched as I cast a 5s heal from tome elite skill. I mean pro guardian cc right there.

Everyone knows you edit the videos to only show when you guys do well. As far as I know if you’re recording you probably have a large hard drive to store hours of video play because I’m pretty sure unless you’re staging it its impossible to know when to turn on the video to capture.

(edited by dagne.8542)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


“There was a [Meow] guardian next to you that popped “Save Yourself!” really early in the fight. One of our necros almost immediately corrupted it and then spread it. It had an absolutely huge impact on that fight.”

I was the nsp guardian you’re talking about. I like the name drop thanks. Now if you could just get on to posting the video you have of yourselves 1v4’ing me, and having trouble killing me by myself earlier in the night. I’m full glass cannon and it took 4 of you. Cause I know you have the video of it it was the hammer guardian that couldn’t do any damage by himself.

Also the necro had less to do with your win all though it was a smart play. The fact that you had us bottle necked at the archway to spiritholme is what helped you win. It is the same way I beat 25 DR pugs with 6 other people a few nights ago.

Having line of sight and people rushing around a corner into a group of players waiting for them while they funnel in like unorganized groups so often do is not very impressive.


That hammer guardian that hardly does any damage, did he have Juggernaut or a Candy Cane? And who builds glass cannon and complains about dying? You would think that the one that builds glass cannon would expect to get stomped. Were you expecting to win in that 4v1 let alone drop anyone?
Also Oozo doesn’t record those at all. His hard drive is pretty small so he doesn’t record useless crap.

At no point was I complaining that I died. I was making a point that I find you lacking skill for having to 4v1 a glass cannon guardian. You couldn’t even do enough damage to kill me solololololololololol?

We don’t blow CDs and big moves to kill a single person who is going to die from just being autoattacked. Not understanding this is probably one of the reasons why you fail.

Furthermore, my guardian has 15K HP but it’s going to take you a good bit of time to kill me if shelter and renewed focus are up. Grow up.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


That is funny. Did I just read on a forum to “grow up”? How about you start by not replying back since you’re such a grown up.

Actually it would take me little time to kill you solo. Because you’re playing hammer and every bit of your cc is easily avoidable and your utilities are bad.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


My utilities are bad? Something is wrong with your brain.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Stfu this match is over so stop babbling and get to fighting and let the thread die!

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


No it is actually called an opinion and I’m entitled to say what I like about your utilities. If it bothers you no need to get upset about it. Just be the grown up that you are so obviously trying hard to be and live with the fact that I think you’re bad.

28/12 DR/NSP/AR Part Deux

in WvW

Posted by: dagne.8542


Stfu this match is over so stop babbling and get to fighting and let the thread die!

I would but I’m bored and I can’t play gw right now. This guy seems to want to make some point so I’m waiting for him to get it out.

Plus I’m just giving him what he wants. I mean isn’t that what any person who makes videos of themselves playing a video game wants? Some attention that is.

(edited by dagne.8542)