2nd League MvM ???

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Suxen.8574


Have you any information about the 2nd League MvM?

Any data?


Suxen [OdS] – thief in Baruch Bay [ES] – Spain

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


The leagues might be a once a year event or nothing at all. Most folks did not really want a season 2 as per the community poll.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The leagues might be a once a year event or nothing at all. Most folks did not really want a season 2 as per the community poll.

I would not take much notice of that…

Majority of players on this forum have a negative attitude and will vote no to anything.

Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

So hopefully there will be a league season 2, just need a few tweaks, better rewards, a handicapping system so its competitive and the achievements need tweaking a little.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

PvE achievement hunters.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

PvE achievement hunters.

What about weeks 5-7? There were still a lot more players playing WvW then than there are now. By then everyone had there achievements.

No players liked the competitive element and felt the outcome could be influenced by them playing.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Sometimes I don’t know if I buy new shoes for myself, or so that I have a new box house for my cat.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

I can a make an instance that looks like a fancy game of pong without a paddle, promise everyone rewards, tie a bunch of achievement points to it, watch it fill up for couple weeks and call it a success. It means nothing if they don’t stay after the carrot has been given. What are the numbers in WvW after season compared to before?

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


The leagues might be a once a year event or nothing at all. Most folks did not really want a season 2 as per the community poll.

I would not take much notice of that…

Majority of players on this forum have a negative attitude and will vote no to anything.

Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

So hopefully there will be a league season 2, just need a few tweaks, better rewards, a handicapping system so its competitive and the achievements need tweaking a little.

While there may have been more players in WvW (PvE achievement hunter players) during the season, there are much fewer players now than there were before we had the first WvW season. If ANet considers losing population a success, then I guess they got it right.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Meglobob.8620


The reason there are less players playing WvW now is after season 1, where they overdosed on WvW, they went on a WvW break. Pretty much all of them said they would be back for Season 2.

Chances are a lot will be back 4.2.14 to play EOTM…

Going back to same old match ups after season 1 was kinda boring after the excitement of the league…

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


The leagues might be a once a year event or nothing at all. Most folks did not really want a season 2 as per the community poll.

I would not take much notice of that…

Majority of players on this forum have a negative attitude and will vote no to anything.

Devon said its was a success and players in WvW reached levels not seen since game launch for the entire 7 week period.

So hopefully there will be a league season 2, just need a few tweaks, better rewards, a handicapping system so its competitive and the achievements need tweaking a little.

While there may have been more players in WvW (PvE achievement hunter players) during the season, there are much fewer players now than there were before we had the first WvW season. If ANet considers losing population a success, then I guess they got it right.

This hits the mark. The league killed interest in many players, and WvW doesn’t offer enough to keep the PvE crowd around. Inaction and misguided updates slowly drivesoff a bit of the dedicated, WvW-playing base each time while temporarily attracting “new blood” that boost numbers momentarily but don’t stick around.

Hopefully EOTM is the answer.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Cassocaster.4576


Does EotM really start tomorrow with the new build? I am sure there’s a related thread but I couldn’t find it.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


On Augury Rock, the more the season went on, the less people we had. Leagues might have been fun for people standing a chance, they were just plain bad/destroying for servers at the bottom of their league…

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


The reason there are less players playing WvW now is after season 1, where they overdosed on WvW, they went on a WvW break. Pretty much all of them said they would be back for Season 2.

Chances are a lot will be back 4.2.14 to play EOTM…

Going back to same old match ups after season 1 was kinda boring after the excitement of the league…

I agree completely with everything stated in this post.

Leagues was a change of scenery. Tier 1 perspective, it allowed servers from tier 2 to see how they “matched up” against a tier 1 server. I am sure some loved it and others hated it, however a change of scenery is a good thing.

Hopefully they can keep the pve players coming into WvW though. It would be a beautiful game if everyone had 24/7 queues.

Now its all about longevity and endurance.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


IF Devon feels it was a success, then I’m losing a lot of hope for WvW’s future. Leagues killed a lot of interest in WvW. A lot of players do not appreciate or want a prolonged battle. If anything, players have been asking for shorter duration matches that don’t even last a week. Not a 7 week long season.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

2nd League MvM ???

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


IF Devon feels it was a success, then I’m losing a lot of hope for WvW’s future. Leagues killed a lot of interest in WvW. A lot of players do not appreciate or want a prolonged battle. If anything, players have been asking for shorter duration matches that don’t even last a week. Not a 7 week long season.

In bronze leagues, the league was a success. It brought out a lot of people and re-energized the servers.

Not quite sure you’re qualified to speak for players.

Gate of Madness