3/1 - 3/8: TC/DB/Maguuma
Wee, outmanned on our own borderlands
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
We just got most of our guild (6 people) to go take NE tower on our map. By the time we brought supply back there were about 40 TC on our door and maybe around 20 Mag on the map altogether. Let me know what to do there because you sound like a pretty brilliant tactician.
You could try killing them.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
We just got most of our guild (6 people) to go take NE tower on our map. By the time we brought supply back there were about 40 TC on our door and maybe around 20 Mag on the map altogether. Let me know what to do there because you sound like a pretty brilliant tactician.
You could try killing them.
When he says there were 20 Mag on the map, what he means there were 5 vs 40 and the other 15 elsewhere. We downed a buttload of you but those odds just don’t win. Let us know if you have more brilliant ideas, though.
Thanks to the downed state, small groups downing players in much larger groups means absolutely nothing. Yay!
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Well that’s not a brilliant idea at all. My good man, are you being facetious?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
hands over a cookie
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Yeah but it slows them down a great deal if they only have rams. Two carts can save the garrison water gate by buying additional time for instance. Two carts on any gate with a gap pretty much rules out all but the most coordinated ram assaults which is pretty helpful no?
And I was joking because really the whole “yuo atuo attak gates kitten #8221; thing is so old by now that I wanted to have some fun with it.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Edit: actually maybe there were one or two ballis in there as well, come to think of it.
Yeah but it slows them down a great deal if they only have rams. Two carts can save the garrison water gate by buying additional time for instance. Two carts on any gate with a gap pretty much rules out all but the most coordinated ram assaults which is pretty helpful no?
Carts? No. Cannons? Yes.
Let’s say this isn’t the Garrison, let’s say this is SW or a northern tower, where you only have one chance and buying time means nothing. Those two arrow carts may take down the rams and operators but 30-33 people attacking the gate will melt it.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Depends on how many rams they bring. 2 arrow carts won’t save a gate from 4 superior rams and 80 people autoattacking the gate.
Hell, 2 arrow carts wouldn’t be able to stop the 80 players full stop, and if there isn’t a largish zergbreaker guild on the way, the best you could do is delay for another point tick.
Plus depending on the location of the arrow carts, they can be taken out as well.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Where’s the choke point? We’re talking about arrow carts on a gate (and the only gates with a choke point that I am aware of is Garrison watergate and the southern gate of East Keep). And we are talking about 35 players, not 15. Why are the numbers just getting lower and lower…?
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Edit: actually maybe there were one or two ballis in there as well, come to think of it.
Not enough to stop an organized push from 35-40 Invaders.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
Pffft hahahha Dear PiNK member, the Militia is a lot stronger than you believe. The militia puts in the long hours. Guilds showing up is just a bonus.
Love, the Militia.
Hence the second part I wrote.
“Don’t get me wrong, without our militia, we would not have stayed in T2 for as long as we did. The militia is our core, what helps us so much, they are invaluable. Mad respect to them and all the effort they put in towards helping us, it is NOT ignored.”
I guess when I said “us” you thought I meant PiNK, I actually meant us as in TC, our server. You guys are awesome, but it’s harder to organize the militia as militia since it lacks key tools like a VOIP and other means of communicating.
[FUNK] Squad
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Where’s the choke point? We’re talking about arrow carts on a gate (and the only gates with a choke point that I am aware of is Garrison watergate and the southern gate of East Keep). And we are talking about 35 players, not 15. Why are the numbers just getting lower and lower…?
No they’ve had only 15 players inside with 30 or more of us hammering outside. Lol, it wasn’t pretty.
The choke point, for example could be the hole in the wall if gate wasn’t used … If gate was used, take the NE tower, the gate itself becomes the choke, with you guys up top by the supply … Or over the bridge before the lords room.
Depends on how many rams they bring. 2 arrow carts won’t save a gate from 4 superior rams and 80 people autoattacking the gate.
Hell, 2 arrow carts wouldn’t be able to stop the 80 players full stop, and if there isn’t a largish zergbreaker guild on the way, the best you could do is delay for another point tick.
Plus depending on the location of the arrow carts, they can be taken out as well.
Thank you for your input. Please see:
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
Not trying to be snobby, I was just pointing out I’ve said the exact same thing.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If two arrow carts stop a zerg that zerg is filled with terrible players.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Where’s the choke point? We’re talking about arrow carts on a gate (and the only gates with a choke point that I am aware of is Garrison watergate and the southern gate of East Keep). And we are talking about 35 players, not 15. Why are the numbers just getting lower and lower…?
No they’ve had only 15 players inside with 30 or more of us hammering outside. Lol, it wasn’t pretty.
The choke point, for example could be the hole in the wall if gate wasn’t used … If gate was used, take the NE tower, the gate itself becomes the choke, with you guys up top by the supply … Or over the bridge before the lords room.
15v30+ is not what we’re talking about. It’s two arrow carts vs 35 players. Holy moly.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If two arrow carts stop a zerg that zerg is filled with terrible players.
I guess that’s why he brought it up. It probably stops TC zergs.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
Is that a joke? Because if you put the carts out of range where people can’t aoe them so easily, that lessens the range of the operator on the cart (we know what happens if you put them in range). So if said 80 people fan out and just flash build catas, they can not only destroy the gate/wall and arrows carts, but avoid constant fire too. Edit: But even if they don’t build siege and just continue to auto attack, simply fanning out, strafing, and dodging will defuse any arrow cart damage in the secs it’ll take you to headbang gate open.
And who is afraid of arrow cart fire except for glass cannons when you’re in a group of apparently 80? There’s bound to be a support class or ten floating about.
It was a joke!
(TC doesn’t auto attack doors with 80+ people ever. Maybe 35 but never 80. Oh and we tend to use siege.)
The point still stands. Two arrow carts don’t mean a thing to 35 players.
Actually HB on BG does this. Two ACs, 15 players, a choke point, and endless slaughter. The brats :p
Where’s the choke point? We’re talking about arrow carts on a gate (and the only gates with a choke point that I am aware of is Garrison watergate and the southern gate of East Keep). And we are talking about 35 players, not 15. Why are the numbers just getting lower and lower…?
No they’ve had only 15 players inside with 30 or more of us hammering outside. Lol, it wasn’t pretty.
The choke point, for example could be the hole in the wall if gate wasn’t used … If gate was used, take the NE tower, the gate itself becomes the choke, with you guys up top by the supply … Or over the bridge before the lords room.
15v30+ is not what we’re talking about. It’s two arrow carts vs 35 players. Holy moly.
I guess my point was that I’ve seen them use minimal siege and still hold off significant numbers vs their numbers simply by using ACs placed strategically and holding the choke. Certainly if you only have two folks inside manning those ACs it won’t deter a determined zerg.
What I find more disheartening, is having tons of siege in place and then nobody comes and yeah, wipe. I cry a little after sometimes spending hours running supply to siege up a place and we lose it.
If two arrow carts stop a zerg that zerg is filled with terrible players.
I guess that’s why he brought it up. It probably stops TC zergs.
Yep, and we’re working on fixing it!
[FUNK] Squad
I guess my point was that I’ve seen them use minimal siege and still hold off significant numbers vs their numbers simply by using ACs placed strategically and holding the choke. Certainly if you only have two folks inside manning those ACs it won’t deter a determined zerg.
What I find more disheartening, is having tons of siege in place and then nobody comes and yeah, wipe. I cry a little after sometimes spending hours running supply to siege up a place and we lose it.
Being outnumbered 2:1 is not “significant”. Choke points are not the issue, we all know how to hold them and no one was talking about them.
Certainly if you only have two folks inside manning those ACs it won’t deter a determined zerg.
This is simply the point we are making. In an outer wall/gate attack, while the defensive team is heavily outnumbered, you rarely have the use of choke points, ballistas, or catapaults (because it’ll take too long to build with little man power and a gate already at 75%). Point is, there is rarely much that will stop 35 players from taking down a gate with 5 people trying to stop them. This is when we fight in the lord room and hope people get here or go to the next tower/camp.
All this sounds like complaining about being outnumbered, which I’m not doing. But lots of people seem to underestimate the power of numbers in this game and offer half-baked solutions. Just having a friendly conversation about why they do not work.
It’s obvious the only option is to turn cannons into movable, deply-able siege.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
(edited by GuardianOMS.8067)
Those in green realise it as do those in blue and red, perhaps trying to be goofy which came of well while being stomped doesnt wear as well while stomping.
You know, that makes sense. However, from my recollection of the initial exchanges of pleasantries, it actually started before the reset. I fault you, sir, only because you are too kind.
“Hopeless? Why, very well!
But a man does not fight merely to win!”
It’s obvious the only option is to turn cannons into movable, deply-able siege.
I’d personally like to see them on those poor supply toting dolyaks
I know you’re listening, Mods. Please make this happen as an April Fool’s joke. TIA.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
I’m pretty sure we have less than 80 people in all of WvW right now, so yeah, something is wrong on our end.
i quit when our big guilds like kitten tanked our last fight with fa and db so we could go back to t4 where we do not belong pretty sure that week in t4 killed our morale good job guys
Go! Go, Tarnish Coasters!
Kaineng misses you and Commander Lohan. We send our best cheer leading team to raise your fighting spirit.
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
I’m pretty sure we have less than 80 people in all of WvW right now, so yeah, something is wrong on our end.
i quit when our big guilds like kitten tanked our last fight with fa and db so we could go back to t4 where we do not belong pretty sure that week in t4 killed our morale good job guys
What big guilds tanked fa and db?
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
I believe we do have a MOON guild on TC They’re incredibly hard workers and are instrumental in controlling supply as well as fighting.
If you cannot stop a 80+ person zerg auto attacking doors something is clearly wrong on your end. (2 arrow carts.)
I’m pretty sure we have less than 80 people in all of WvW right now, so yeah, something is wrong on our end.
i quit when our big guilds like kitten tanked our last fight with fa and db so we could go back to t4 where we do not belong pretty sure that week in t4 killed our morale good job guys
What big guilds tanked fa and db?
did you miss the commanders in map chat telling people not to take stuff for the last 2 days of the match?
Specify which ones.
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
I believe we do have a MOON guild on TC
They’re incredibly hard workers and are instrumental in controlling supply as well as fighting.
Could be my mistake. Last I heard they’re in BG, but I also see them in the Tumbler party. Maybe they’re truely TC. I can’t wait to be in a tier where everyone has their own cheer leading squad.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Specify which ones.
d*erp and some members of the legion alliance
Specify which ones.
d*erp and some members of the legion alliance
More specific.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
Specify which ones.
d*erp and some members of the legion alliance
More specific.
That tsarazi kitten
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
I believe we do have a MOON guild on TC
They’re incredibly hard workers and are instrumental in controlling supply as well as fighting.
Could be my mistake. Last I heard they’re in BG, but I also see them in the Tumbler party. Maybe they’re truely TC. I can’t wait to be in a tier where everyone has their own cheer leading squad.
It’s probably another MOON guild too …. Several guilds can have the same acronym.
My bad Iris … I didn’t check out the video until just now. …. That’s awesome!
Yes, next match we are together that will be each servers mission … Cheerleading video brilliant idea!
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Specify which ones.
d*erp and some members of the legion alliance
More specific.
That tsarazi kitten
That it?
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
Go! Go, Tarnish Coasters!
Kaineng misses you and Commander Lohan. We send our best cheer leading team to raise your fighting spirit.
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
that is good RP
PINK is the new Black
Tarnished Coast (via Tyranny)
Winning may create boredom, but it doesn’t kill morale…
Specify which ones.
d*erp and some members of the legion alliance
More specific.
lol go ask around in chat i wasnt the only one there
Winning may create boredom, but it doesn’t kill morale…
boredom kills morale
I don’t think so, and even if it did, these people should have been overjoyed to come back to T3. Where were they? By the way I must have missed these commanders telling people not to taking stuff even though I WvW every night :\ I must have also missed out on my guild ever using any of their icons.
I don’t think so, and even if it did, these people should have been overjoyed to come back to T3. Where were they? By the way I must have missed these commanders telling people not to taking stuff even though I WvW every night :\ I must have also missed out on my guild ever using any of their icons.
you must have might want to ask around about it like i said i’m not the only person who saw it
I don’t think so, and even if it did, these people should have been overjoyed to come back to T3. Where were they? By the way I must have missed these commanders telling people not to taking stuff even though I WvW every night :\ I must have also missed out on my guild ever using any of their icons.
you must have might want to ask around about it like i said i’m not the only person who saw it
So a nameless commander told you not to attack stuff? You don’t need to follow someone who happened to spend 100g on a little blue thing. We’re back in T3 anyway so I guess he failed. Guess I’m missing the point of your complaint.
Go! Go, Tarnish Coasters!
Kaineng misses you and Commander Lohan. We send our best cheer leading team to raise your fighting spirit.
[snipped vid]
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
LOL. That was hysterical! Thanks, you guys. Also, the TC guild is [MOON], all caps.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
P.S.: BG has their own Sailor [Moon] team. Perhaps, it’s time for TC to have one, too. Don’t you agree
I believe we do have a MOON guild on TC
They’re incredibly hard workers and are instrumental in controlling supply as well as fighting.
Could be my mistake. Last I heard they’re in BG, but I also see them in the Tumbler party. Maybe they’re truely TC. I can’t wait to be in a tier where everyone has their own cheer leading squad.
It’s probably another MOON guild too …. Several guilds can have the same acronym.
My bad Iris … I didn’t check out the video until just now. …. That’s awesome!
Yes, next match we are together that will be each servers mission … Cheerleading video
brilliant idea!
The two MOON guilds are unrelated. The TC one has nothing to do with sailor moon (sorry to disappoint). I’ve been apart of guilds where they’ve seen others from other guilds with the same names in overflow and gone o.O who the heck are you? lol
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
R.I.P. Cliffside Dancy Party
March 2nd, 2013
9:30 – 9:33 PM
You were beautiful
But you ended in a massacre ;_;
(props to SM, that hurt like hell)