3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kronos Zek.9715

Kronos Zek.9715

helo where are my CHAR friends

did you called for CHAR? because now CHAR are here.,

THE CHARR, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND Dinklemas Littlelog 80 mesmer AR

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Sazdek.6830


They danced with us for the last 11 weeks. That’s just under half the time the game has been live. If you don’t get that… well then I guess you don’t get it.

Why is NSP still posting in this? I don’t get it….

Yeah that’s cool and all, and would be neat if >50% of the posts weren’t trolling/annoying NSP kids who dropped a tier. I can understand the attachment to T6 but I’m sure if they try hard enough they’ll be back =)

Tarnished Coast
Skaukatt – Engi
Cräsher – Warrior

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: anthsss.1564


tcmm.teamspeak3.com at 10pm EST is the TCMM meeting! Everybody be sure to show up and ask about Os, it would be hilarious to make Ronny ragequit his own “server” meeting.


3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783


so is Devona’s Rest going to be stuck in T5 forever? That cannot be a fun place to be for the WvW crowd.

yes. random question..



3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Mad Flare.1872

Mad Flare.1872

yeah it’s more fun at T6.
even though our server Borlis is winning right now, it’s more even/close match for all 3 servers.
T5 is like 90% of the time ‘go help at homeland’

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Demonik.9571


so is Devona’s Rest going to be stuck in T5 forever? That cannot be a fun place to be for the WvW crowd.

yes. random question..


Not sure how long we will be here, but it does feel like forever!
Those of us that stayed on the server who WvW still do whatever
We can…..but it’s not a fun place to be most nights/mornings.

Many alts to go with my many personalities….
8 LvL 80’s all fight for XIV on Devona’s Rest
X Korupt X Char Guardian in T3 Cult

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fxncy.2398


It is going to be nice not having to play against BP any longer, although I do love the fights I am ready for change. So long!

Kae – Maguuma
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] & Less Talkin More [Sekz]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Ayanavi.1904


So I walked into WvW today.

Everything was balanced.

And then the Fire NationBorlis Pass flashmobbed all of Darkhaven’s EB with a massive zerg + golems and instantly wiped us off the map, and erected siege fortification outside of our spawn.

Edit: Picture was taken before they finished. Now there’s like five ballista. Maybe more.
Edit2: I think they’re done setting up siege now. about 6-7 ballista, and a couple arrowcarts.


(edited by Ayanavi.1904)

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: TheFreshBrew.1958


So I walked into WvW today.

Everything was balanced.

And then (description of all hell breaking loose)

Why not, its the last day of the match-up, Dh is outmanned like we usually are this time of day and LA is filled with people and guild recruiting. BP wants some easy mode to close out the week, and we gave it to them.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


So I walked into WvW today.

Everything was balanced.

And then the Fire NationBorlis Pass flashmobbed all of Darkhaven’s EB with a massive zerg + golems and instantly wiped us off the map, and erected siege fortification outside of our spawn.

Edit: Picture was taken before they finished. Now there’s like five ballista. Maybe more.
Edit2: I think they’re done setting up siege now. about 6-7 ballista, and a couple arrowcarts.

Oh … DH Capped all their stuff back in EB, then Instead of upgrading and holding .. NO
a [Jade] Commander went at my SM with 4 Golems and made it to the lords room when we werent in EB. So we came and wiped them there, but i wasnt happy. so i built only 4 Golems and Did what you said, Now there’s a waypoint in overlook for me

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


BP always does that Thursday night, I see nothing wrong with it. It works for them and has pushed them into first on more then one occasion so why wouldn’t they do it.

Anyways, it looks as if BP will be leaving us for other servers, just wanted to throw out a GL to BP and hope you guys do just as well in T5. Its been fun facing BP, they are not the server they were months ago, so I wish you all the best.

Go bring some pain to T5, maybe one day AR will join you up in T5.

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Evilzara.6378


I’m going to miss you AR. You were not the same server we dominated couple months ago, you’ve grown a lot better. We’ve had some good times and you guys fought hard, whether it’s for second or not. I’m also going to miss my favourite guild [CHAR].

Commander Evilzara of The Black Tides [TBT]

Stormbluff Isle

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kodiack.2783




BP and AR have faced off 16 times out of 23 weeks.

Chances are this isn’t our last go at each other.



3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Actium.8765


was fun BP. Good luck in the next tier.

Character: Acium 80 Guard
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks, Commander
Guild: Legends and Myth [Myth]

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Kronos Zek.9715

Kronos Zek.9715

I’m going to miss you AR. You were not the same server we dominated couple months ago, you’ve grown a lot better. We’ve had some good times and you guys fought hard, whether it’s for second or not. I’m also going to miss my favourite guild [CHAR].

CHAR will miss BP friends too. farewell bp friends

THE CHARR, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND Dinklemas Littlelog 80 mesmer AR

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Aeros.2046


Life just won’t be the same without desperate efforts to capture the valley keep or getting trebuchets stacked inside Durios Gulch.


3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: DtC.4806


It’s like saying goodbye to our old married couple, had some fun 1v1’s with twogallants earlier today and we said our fair well to each other, hope u catch up to us in t5 in a couple weeks! Have fun stomping next match

Main: Ominous Justice (DtC)
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood

3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Dark Aidget.3879

Dark Aidget.3879

Whelp, I guess it’s time to head on out. Have fun, and stomp IoJ for us.

As for moving up, this about sums up my feelings about leaving T6…



3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: AeriaElara.4297


I just had the strangest bug occur while fighting a DH mesmer. She was attacking me (naturally) and somehow a clone of myself spawned using a mesmer’s scepter auto attack against her. Screenshots to prove I’m not crazy:


3/1 DH :: BP :: AR

in WvW

Posted by: Fxncy.2398


so is Devona’s Rest going to be stuck in T5 forever? That cannot be a fun place to be for the WvW crowd.

yes. random question..


Not sure how long we will be here, but it does feel like forever!
Those of us that stayed on the server who WvW still do whatever
We can…..but it’s not a fun place to be most nights/mornings.

Wait a week or two, Anvil Rock will switch with you

Kae – Maguuma
Brorannosaurus [Rekz] & Less Talkin More [Sekz]