3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: joocheese.6314


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


Sammandar – Elementalist
Pain Train Choo [Choo] – 1st Class
Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: ritsuko.2863


SoR has an existing, decent sized Asian time-zone force, just lacked the participation, organization and structure for it. In time, I think it can become quite formidable when stacked together into a zerg ball under a single leadership. Having early morning/afternoon NA forces help out is also a huge huge plus.

We’re used to running in small squads that get rolled by enemy zerg balls.

Synapse [SYN] Sanctum of Rall

(edited by ritsuko.2863)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Obsidian.1328


These BG people got hard-ons for yaks.

They must be from New Zealand

Yeah, and I thought JQ was bad lol. Protecting supply lines is good strategy and all, but even I, a dedicated tower defender, grow weary of the constant yak-ganking on the map. Basically for me, the game has mostly devolved into a game of “Keep the yak alive on its painfully slow trek from Spirit to Dawns.”

It gets old fast.

Obsidian Sky – SoR
I troll because I care

(edited by Obsidian.1328)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Pvp.2758


Welcome to SoR – OCX. I am happy they chose the right path of looking for a new home.

SoR has made it clear they aren’t looking for bandwagon guilds to hinder their server/community.

S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


This makes me laugh. Audit me, I dare you.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


I feel that SOR is playing similar to how SOS used to play which was to ball up in huge zergs to run through their opponents.

SoR has become zergier as it went up in tiers in order to compensate for the larger enemy zergs.

I only run in small-man groups and I can tell you that it is hard to find BG and JQ players that aren’t in zergballs or won’t run back to their zerg unless they have superior numbers. That is the nature of most people regardless of server.

We’ve been forced to group up much more since being in tier 1. Especially now with the transfers that JQ and BG have gotten. They seem to clump up much more than before. The maps cater to this play style though, unfortunately. Especially with good scouting.

We had an awesome fight last night on the SoR BL. TW hit EA. EA got reinforced by Agg and FoE midway through the fight. TW then got reinforced by FEAR about two minutes after that. All in all the fight lasted about 10 minutes until all was said and done with momentum swinging both ways at different points in the fight. Many banners/abilities were spent rezzing people in that fight. That is how the game was meant to be played.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


I didn’t like it when people suggested we got gold/precursors for transferring to JQ from SBI and I have yet to hear a solid provable testimony that anyone going to BG received something similar, outside of funds that were actually spent to transfer people. If you have it, I’ll retract that statement, but don’t give a holier than thou speech based on rumors.

Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: FractalChaos.6539


On another note, how do you feel about the JQ player inside the inner wall model at bay breaking down the wall from within it? Or the other player inside the bridge model at Garrison attacking people crossing it? Is that less of a grey area?

It’s just as much of an exploit, and the people should be banned. Simple as that. Your argument is so weak (it’s not even an argument, it’s a justification) .

Think about it.

“I know it’s bugged. It’s an exploit to hide in broken geometry. But everyone else does it, so we do too…therefore, because so many people use it, it’s not an exploit anymore.”

An exploit is an exploit no matter how you rationalize it or how common it is.

I’m done with you.

People’s ignorance really pisses me off.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Art.9820


now I’m 100% convinced that some SoR posters are blinded by their self-righteousness lol

All classes

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


I didn’t like it when people suggested we got gold/precursors for transferring to JQ from SBI and I have yet to hear a solid provable testimony that anyone going to BG received something similar, outside of funds that were actually spent to transfer people. If you have it, I’ll retract that statement, but don’t give a holier than thou speech based on rumors.


This is what you want to read

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


On another note, how do you feel about the JQ player inside the inner wall model at bay breaking down the wall from within it? Or the other player inside the bridge model at Garrison attacking people crossing it? Is that less of a grey area?

It’s just as much of an exploit, and the people should be banned. Simple as that. Your argument is so weak (it’s not even an argument, it’s a justification) .

Think about it.

“I know it’s bugged. It’s an exploit to hide in broken geometry. But everyone else does it, so we do too…therefore, because so many people use it, it’s not an exploit anymore.”

An exploit is an exploit no matter how you rationalize it or how common it is.

I’m done with you.

Let the anger flow through you.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: SFShinigami.2015


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


I didn’t like it when people suggested we got gold/precursors for transferring to JQ from SBI and I have yet to hear a solid provable testimony that anyone going to BG received something similar, outside of funds that were actually spent to transfer people. If you have it, I’ll retract that statement, but don’t give a holier than thou speech based on rumors.


This is what you want to read


Jigglenaut/Numa Rar/Jakuho Raikoben/Tenel Ka Djo/Kurotsuchi Taichou [SF]/[LOVE]
All Hail CuddleStrike! Undisputed Empress of Tier 1!
Controlled by CuddleStrike!

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR.

We’re in for a couple rough weeks, but that’s nothing to us; we’ve seen darker days back in the day. As you can tell we take great pride in the solid community that we have build since launch. We’re in it for the long haul, regardless of how many times we may go up or down in the rankings. True progression for us is not ppt or tier 1, but growing and continuously improving our community; the right way, not just buying off guilds.

Speaking of which, what little respect I had for BG has probably now completely disintegrated; much the same with MERC. We all have different play styles, and so long as they follow the terms and conditions laid out by Anet, all is fair in love and war.

However, having said that, paying off guilds with thousands of gold to come join your server demonstrates how low some will go for ppt and ranking; on the part of both BG and MERC (and any others who took the bribes). It is not that the behavior displayed by BG and MERC is beneath me or the guilds in our server, this is not a holier than thou rant far from it, but I guess you could say it is more of a complete different gaming mentality and “language”.

Regardless of how despicable I may find MERC’s “soulless” move to BG, this is after all just a game, and though it causes me to gag a bit saying this, I do sincerely wish them nothing but the very best in their endeavors; however contrary they may be to our philosophy in SoR.


I didn’t like it when people suggested we got gold/precursors for transferring to JQ from SBI and I have yet to hear a solid provable testimony that anyone going to BG received something similar, outside of funds that were actually spent to transfer people. If you have it, I’ll retract that statement, but don’t give a holier than thou speech based on rumors.


This is what you want to read


I am a Nigerian Prince and I would like to transfer a sum of 1000000 Klondike bars to your account

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


It’s just as much of an exploit, and the people should be banned. Simple as that. Your argument is so weak (it’s not even an argument, it’s a justification) .

Think about it.

“I know it’s bugged. It’s an exploit to hide in broken geometry. But everyone else does it, so we do too…therefore, because so many people use it, it’s not an exploit anymore.”

Except that was not my argument. My advice is that you go back an reread what I wrote. After doing that, please quote me where I defended using a glitched model.

You are attributing a comment and argument made by someone else to me, and frankly, it is quite tiresome. Especially given that I have blatantly pointed this out to you once already. I honestly hope that you finally get it.

Once again, that entire area is accessible without hacking and ‘wall jumping’. You can simply jump there without doing anything special. (<—- Note: This is what I was defending) It is a common hiding spot, and you should check it for mesmers to be sure it isn’t used.

So yet again, I have not condoned or even hinted at that utilizing a model glitch is appropriate. The is up to ANET to decide, judge upon, and issue bans as needed. (<— Note: this is the issue you were commenting and arguing about)

Please tell me you see the disconnect now.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


“Rangers: Sadly I couldn’t find their strength in today’s large scale metagame.

Engineers: Sadly I couldn’t find their strength in today’s large scale metagame."

We did. :P Its there, you have to look, but its there.

But I agree to your overall post. The strategy and tactics in required in the “mindless zerg ball” are insane. Every single profession has a role, in fact, we use a 9 profession count. A lot of success of your night depends on how your class balance ends up on the field.

These fights are the most fun I’ve had in any game, and if you were a part of an organized team that focused on them, I think you’d agree.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860


Pinot you were one of my great friends in Blackgate but no one can deny that our first trip to T1 people stopped joining. Our 2nd trip… I stopped joining because people didn’t listen to a word I said (which is why I joined a new server). Blackgate is a hell of a good server, but they have their weaknesses.

I say this because it’s truth – SoR DOES have the best NA primetime in the game. I went to SoR because I was told this was the destination of the “core members” that left the guild. I went on, talked to people, and didn’t look back. Everyone else did and made their own guild. That is why I joined SoR (to those on Blackgate wondering). I don’t have any regrets.

People showed up way more often in T2 than they did in T1. A lot of people on Blackgate did give up. After the first matchup in T1 against JQ and SBI, in which we had the lead and everyone called us Hackgate, I felt pretty abandoned. Then we fight SoR and IoJ… and people show up and we once again have queues.

There are of course the players like you, and some of the guilds like HB, Icoa, and KnT that showed up constantly and put their hearts out. But overall, I’d say that Blackgate isn’t notorious for showing up day in and day out fighting. There are of course the members that do, but I felt pretty abandoned by a lot of the server when I was fighting in T1. It’s why I kept saying that we weren’t ready for T1 and if that was the destination than there needed to be changes. People didn’t pay attention so Blackgate went right back down to T2. We fought everyday against SoR for nothing but kitten when we really should have been out there getting ready for T1. Very few did. So I refused to rally to the “call to arms” to fight a fight we didn’t prepare for. Drama happened, and that was the end for me on BG.

Now I stay away from politics but I hear from just about everyone that Blackgate BOUGHT guilds to come to the server and fight. Maybe that’s the future of guild wars, but imo, it’s sickening and makes me glad I left. I wanted to win on Blackgate by being the best, and winning every fight possible. Not because I farmed and paid for undevoted guilds to join in so that JQ wouldn’t win T1 and become “Buygate”.

But I ask you, and everyone that I’ve fought along side with on Blackgate. Do you really think all those people would be there right now filling up the queues if Blackgate wasn’t winning?

The thing about SoR is… and remember this is me being 100% honest… is I see people out there every day. Even people that aren’t WvW fanatics and simply just want to go out and compete. I see them more of the true definition of “never quit”. I see them out there everytime I log WvW. Some pulling long shifts even when they’re the ones telling us that it’s impossible to win. You guys may not like the forum posters “representing” SoR on here, but this server truly does have a great community and cares more about good fights than the drama filled politics.

None of this is to discredit players like yourself and the others that know who they are that are there everyday. A lot of my good friends I left behind. But for a vast majority… I didn’t see them show up when we weren’t winning.

Best of luck to you Death Dealer. See ya on the Battlefield.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: pot.6805


Score update. Had fun defending hills against FOO!


Beast mode

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: I Will Rez U.1743

I Will Rez U.1743

A bit late, but great fights yesterday on BG BL around 2pm server time! Got on and jq was attacking garri from both sides, after a couple of good fights there we managed to push you guys out and take the towers ( literally push… You guys had sooo many people!) and then we had some amazing fights at the NW camp, I believe there was a small group of EMP there amongst the zerg of other guilds and you guys still did amazing! Having a blast fighting both JQ and SoR great great fights and I hope there are more to come!

P.s- 3-5 lonely mesmerism running at you when a guild horde is patiently waiting near you is never a good thing. <3

Ixl Phoenix lxI

[XVX] Guild Leader – Blackgate – #BringBackTheBeast

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Score update. Had fun defending hills against FOO!

+220 this late in the morning for SoR. I dunno what happened SoR oceanics, but I’m loving it. Keep strong guys! I’m sure having the third server there actually competing helps quite a lot.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


For those of you keep hearing the rumors that blackgate bought the guilds from SoS and want to know the truth, please read this post:


Please stop spreading baseless rumors, thank you!

Blackgate Engineer

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Solori.6025


I would like to take donations of yak meat and yak blood to feed hungry baby quaggans..

So stop escorting them -_-

Im lookin at you merc zerg in JQ BL

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


I’m not saying that BG did or didn’t buy guilds. I really don’t know either way.

But I do know that in competitive sports, team management often pays huge sums of money to acquire high performance players.

It’s not seen as being wrong if the Yankees payroll is over 100 million dollars a year, why is it such a big deal if people fork over virtual money to get players to their side?

Honestly I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a bidding war between servers to secure all the big name guilds.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Volcanus.2756



Pinot you were one of my great friends in Blackgate but no one can deny that our first trip to T1 people stopped joining. Our 2nd trip… I stopped joining because people didn’t listen to a word I said (which is why I joined a new server). Blackgate is a hell of a good server, but they have their weaknesses.

I say this because it’s truth – SoR DOES have the best NA primetime in the game. I went to SoR because I was told this was the destination of the “core members” that left the guild. I went on, talked to people, and didn’t look back. Everyone else did and made their own guild. That is why I joined SoR (to those on Blackgate wondering). I don’t have any regrets.

People showed up way more often in T2 than they did in T1. A lot of people on Blackgate did give up. After the first matchup in T1 against JQ and SBI, in which we had the lead and everyone called us Hackgate, I felt pretty abandoned. Then we fight SoR and IoJ… and people show up and we once again have queues.

There are of course the players like you, and some of the guilds like HB, Icoa, and KnT that showed up constantly and put their hearts out. But overall, I’d say that Blackgate isn’t notorious for showing up day in and day out fighting. There are of course the members that do, but I felt pretty abandoned by a lot of the server when I was fighting in T1. It’s why I kept saying that we weren’t ready for T1 and if that was the destination than there needed to be changes. People didn’t pay attention so Blackgate went right back down to T2. We fought everyday against SoR for nothing but kitten when we really should have been out there getting ready for T1. Very few did. So I refused to rally to the “call to arms” to fight a fight we didn’t prepare for. Drama happened, and that was the end for me on BG.

Now I stay away from politics but I hear from just about everyone that Blackgate BOUGHT guilds to come to the server and fight. Maybe that’s the future of guild wars, but imo, it’s sickening and makes me glad I left. I wanted to win on Blackgate by being the best, and winning every fight possible. Not because I farmed and paid for undevoted guilds to join in so that JQ wouldn’t win T1 and become “Buygate”.

But I ask you, and everyone that I’ve fought along side with on Blackgate. Do you really think all those people would be there right now filling up the queues if Blackgate wasn’t winning?

The thing about SoR is… and remember this is me being 100% honest… is I see people out there every day. Even people that aren’t WvW fanatics and simply just want to go out and compete. I see them more of the true definition of “never quit”. I see them out there everytime I log WvW. Some pulling long shifts even when they’re the ones telling us that it’s impossible to win. You guys may not like the forum posters “representing” SoR on here, but this server truly does have a great community and cares more about good fights than the drama filled politics.

None of this is to discredit players like yourself and the others that know who they are that are there everyday. A lot of my good friends I left behind. But for a vast majority… I didn’t see them show up when we weren’t winning.

Best of luck to you Death Dealer. See ya on the Battlefield.

Now I stay away from politics too, but…
The irony is killing me.
Last thing, get the information right about the situation of guilds coming to blackgate. These guilds chose us first and foremost. I do not know the full story. So I can not post about it. I suggest taking the same route.

Damage Inc. [DI]
Isle of Janthir

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Great speech by Indo; anyone who knows him knows that these speeches are not necessarily planned, but spoken from his heart and soul. Though corny and cheesy at times, his speeches do in many respects represent what we are all about in SoR…

Cheesy corn?


3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: joocheese.6314


I’m not saying that BG did or didn’t buy guilds. I really don’t know either way.

But I do know that in competitive sports, team management often pays huge sums of money to acquire high performance players.

It’s not seen as being wrong if the Yankees payroll is over 100 million dollars a year, why is it such a big deal if people fork over virtual money to get players to their side?

Honestly I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a bidding war between servers to secure all the big name guilds.

For the simple fact that not all of us play the same way. Never said it was wrong, just find it despicable, that’s all

Sammandar – Elementalist
Pain Train Choo [Choo] – 1st Class
Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203



Pinot you were one of my great friends in Blackgate but no one can deny that our first trip to T1 people stopped joining. Our 2nd trip… I stopped joining because people didn’t listen to a word I said (which is why I joined a new server). Blackgate is a hell of a good server, but they have their weaknesses.

I say this because it’s truth – SoR DOES have the best NA primetime in the game. I went to SoR because I was told this was the destination of the “core members” that left the guild. I went on, talked to people, and didn’t look back. Everyone else did and made their own guild. That is why I joined SoR (to those on Blackgate wondering). I don’t have any regrets.

People showed up way more often in T2 than they did in T1. A lot of people on Blackgate did give up. After the first matchup in T1 against JQ and SBI, in which we had the lead and everyone called us Hackgate, I felt pretty abandoned. Then we fight SoR and IoJ… and people show up and we once again have queues.

There are of course the players like you, and some of the guilds like HB, Icoa, and KnT that showed up constantly and put their hearts out. But overall, I’d say that Blackgate isn’t notorious for showing up day in and day out fighting. There are of course the members that do, but I felt pretty abandoned by a lot of the server when I was fighting in T1. It’s why I kept saying that we weren’t ready for T1 and if that was the destination than there needed to be changes. People didn’t pay attention so Blackgate went right back down to T2. We fought everyday against SoR for nothing but kitten when we really should have been out there getting ready for T1. Very few did. So I refused to rally to the “call to arms” to fight a fight we didn’t prepare for. Drama happened, and that was the end for me on BG.

Now I stay away from politics but I hear from just about everyone that Blackgate BOUGHT guilds to come to the server and fight. Maybe that’s the future of guild wars, but imo, it’s sickening and makes me glad I left. I wanted to win on Blackgate by being the best, and winning every fight possible. Not because I farmed and paid for undevoted guilds to join in so that JQ wouldn’t win T1 and become “Buygate”.

But I ask you, and everyone that I’ve fought along side with on Blackgate. Do you really think all those people would be there right now filling up the queues if Blackgate wasn’t winning?

The thing about SoR is… and remember this is me being 100% honest… is I see people out there every day. Even people that aren’t WvW fanatics and simply just want to go out and compete. I see them more of the true definition of “never quit”. I see them out there everytime I log WvW. Some pulling long shifts even when they’re the ones telling us that it’s impossible to win. You guys may not like the forum posters “representing” SoR on here, but this server truly does have a great community and cares more about good fights than the drama filled politics.

None of this is to discredit players like yourself and the others that know who they are that are there everyday. A lot of my good friends I left behind. But for a vast majority… I didn’t see them show up when we weren’t winning.

Best of luck to you Death Dealer. See ya on the Battlefield.

Now I stay away from politics too, but…
The irony is killing me.
Last thing, get the information right about the situation of guilds coming to blackgate. These guilds chose us first and foremost. I do not know the full story. So I can not post about it. I suggest taking the same route.

I’m not killing you.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: JaredKincade.9761


LOL I knew you’d chime in. That’s the first thing I thought of when I read that too. ha ha

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203



Pinot you were one of my great friends in Blackgate but no one can deny that our first trip to T1 people stopped joining. Our 2nd trip… I stopped joining because people didn’t listen to a word I said (which is why I joined a new server). Blackgate is a hell of a good server, but they have their weaknesses.

I say this because it’s truth – SoR DOES have the best NA primetime in the game. I went to SoR because I was told this was the destination of the “core members” that left the guild. I went on, talked to people, and didn’t look back. Everyone else did and made their own guild. That is why I joined SoR (to those on Blackgate wondering). I don’t have any regrets.

People showed up way more often in T2 than they did in T1. A lot of people on Blackgate did give up. After the first matchup in T1 against JQ and SBI, in which we had the lead and everyone called us Hackgate, I felt pretty abandoned. Then we fight SoR and IoJ… and people show up and we once again have queues.

There are of course the players like you, and some of the guilds like HB, Icoa, and KnT that showed up constantly and put their hearts out. But overall, I’d say that Blackgate isn’t notorious for showing up day in and day out fighting. There are of course the members that do, but I felt pretty abandoned by a lot of the server when I was fighting in T1. It’s why I kept saying that we weren’t ready for T1 and if that was the destination than there needed to be changes. People didn’t pay attention so Blackgate went right back down to T2. We fought everyday against SoR for nothing but kitten when we really should have been out there getting ready for T1. Very few did. So I refused to rally to the “call to arms” to fight a fight we didn’t prepare for. Drama happened, and that was the end for me on BG.

Now I stay away from politics but I hear from just about everyone that Blackgate BOUGHT guilds to come to the server and fight. Maybe that’s the future of guild wars, but imo, it’s sickening and makes me glad I left. I wanted to win on Blackgate by being the best, and winning every fight possible. Not because I farmed and paid for undevoted guilds to join in so that JQ wouldn’t win T1 and become “Buygate”.

But I ask you, and everyone that I’ve fought along side with on Blackgate. Do you really think all those people would be there right now filling up the queues if Blackgate wasn’t winning?

The thing about SoR is… and remember this is me being 100% honest… is I see people out there every day. Even people that aren’t WvW fanatics and simply just want to go out and compete. I see them more of the true definition of “never quit”. I see them out there everytime I log WvW. Some pulling long shifts even when they’re the ones telling us that it’s impossible to win. You guys may not like the forum posters “representing” SoR on here, but this server truly does have a great community and cares more about good fights than the drama filled politics.

None of this is to discredit players like yourself and the others that know who they are that are there everyday. A lot of my good friends I left behind. But for a vast majority… I didn’t see them show up when we weren’t winning.

Best of luck to you Death Dealer. See ya on the Battlefield.

You’ve always had your head buried in the sand.

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


Score update. Had fun defending hills against FOO!

+220 this late in the morning for SoR. I dunno what happened SoR oceanics, but I’m loving it. Keep strong guys! I’m sure having the third server there actually competing helps quite a lot.

I don’t know what to say about this other than I am glad for all three servers that there seems to be competition all hours of the day to day! Awesome stuff.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Willywho.9460


Blackgate never bought guilds, It simply helped with the costs of a few guilds that decided on their own that Blackgate is where they wanted to go. It is no different than when SoR and JQ got all their transfers, just now it costs gold which they needed some help with.

And in regards to Raven Paradox, everything you say when it comes to Blackgate in T1 in the passed, I disregard, because you were never zoned into WvW when we were in T1, you sat in guild/map chat’s and complained that we shouldn’t be in T1 instead of helping on the battlefield.

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: joocheese.6314


now I’m 100% convinced that some SoR posters are blinded by their self-righteousness lol

Then either you completely misunderstand us or we are failing to accurately convey our gaming philosophy. We are obviously on opposite ends of the gaming spectrum.

Some will do anything to win, others have more of a philosophy which guides what they are willing and not willing to do to win; in some cases winning is not even the ultimate goal. It is not so much a matter of right or wrong, high or low, but of taste, gaming philosophy and style.

We are not better or holier, but just different than you. We care more about how we win than just just winning by any means necessary. Hopefully that explains who we are a bit better and clearer.


Sammandar – Elementalist
Pain Train Choo [Choo] – 1st Class
Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Beldar.6234


Special thanks to Choo for the excellent fight at BG Bay. They pushed in, camped out in the Lord’s room for about 10 minutes while BG fought to prie them out of there. Really fun fight.

Let’s keep it up all. Been one heck of a weekend, and hope it stays the same the rest of the week.

Grats to SoR for getting OCX. See you on the field of battle.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


I’m not saying that BG did or didn’t buy guilds. I really don’t know either way.

But I do know that in competitive sports, team management often pays huge sums of money to acquire high performance players.

It’s not seen as being wrong if the Yankees payroll is over 100 million dollars a year, why is it such a big deal if people fork over virtual money to get players to their side?

Honestly I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a bidding war between servers to secure all the big name guilds.

Actually there is a big difference, competitive professional sports while entertaining for the viewers it is a business for the people involved in it. They spend real money from profits to bring in even more money. This is just a game and some players choose to spend real money for the bragging rights only.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Blade.9317


Why is it that every time Blackgate makes it to T1 we are the victims of a baseless smear campaign of some sort? Ok, we get it, we are Blackgate, we all wear black hats and we all are villains. Now lets dispense with all this pointless nonsense and get out there and have some fun.

[ICoa] Feisty Brat, Mesmer

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: joocheese.6314


I apologize for making accusations without full proof to back up my arguments. I should have been more thorough in my research before posting. I read the responses to my post (link included), and if I offended anyone I truly am sorry, there’s nothing that I hate more than baseless arguments, especially if I’m the one doing it.

If the gold raised was for transfer cost only then I see no issue, however, if gold was given as payment/bribe, then my choice words are for them. We are innocent until proven guilty, yes even you MERC :-p

Regardless, I do wish the very best for those who transferred over to BG; may you die countless times by our swords


P.S. pls forgive my spelling, typing on a kindle in the hospital while your wife is in labor makes for some interesting sentence structure… it’s a girl.

Sammandar – Elementalist
Pain Train Choo [Choo] – 1st Class
Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: muekung.2518


Hey [Merc] guy, Are you still selling popcorn ?

I’m running out of popcorn now.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


I apologize for making accusations without full proof to back up my arguments. I should have been more thorough in my research before posting. I read the responses to my post (link included), and if I offended anyone I truly am sorry, there’s nothing that I hate more than baseless arguments, especially if I’m the one doing it.

If the gold raised was for transfer cost only then I see no issue, however, if gold was given as payment/bribe, then my choice words are for them. We are innocent until proven guilty, yes even you MERC :-p

Regardless, I do wish the very best for those who transferred over to BG; may you die countless times by our swords


P.S. pls forgive my spelling, typing on a kindle in the hospital while your wife is in labor makes for some interesting sentence structure… it’s a girl.


P.S. Keep up the good work we need more fighting for SoR

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Raven Paradox.1860

Raven Paradox.1860

Blackgate never bought guilds, It simply helped with the costs of a few guilds that decided on their own that Blackgate is where they wanted to go. It is no different than when SoR and JQ got all their transfers, just now it costs gold which they needed some help with.

And in regards to Raven Paradox, everything you say when it comes to Blackgate in T1 in the passed, I disregard, because you were never zoned into WvW when we were in T1, you sat in guild/map chat’s and complained that we shouldn’t be in T1 instead of helping on the battlefield.

Actually I was there for 3 weeks when we fought SBI and JQ and people left. I was also there from time to time when BG entered the tier it didn’t belong in. The end result? You all got demolished. Sad you forgot so easily. Please don’t get me confused with the moron Irony, who never even played the game during my time in Blackgate.

I’m not here for the BG vs SoR crap. I’ll leave that to Riven. All I know is BG is full of a lot of people that like to stop showing up when they start losing.

(edited by Raven Paradox.1860)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Proumbro.1376


P.S. pls forgive my spelling, typing on a kindle in the hospital while your wife is in labor makes for some interesting sentence structure… it’s a girl.



Congrats again ^^

Shiro No Shinigami – Necro
“Life is a beautiful lie, and I am a painful truth.”

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Phoenix.7069


Special thanks to Choo for the excellent fight at BG Bay. They pushed in, camped out in the Lord’s room for about 10 minutes while BG fought to prie them out of there. Really fun fight.

Let’s keep it up all. Been one heck of a weekend, and hope it stays the same the rest of the week.

Grats to SoR for getting OCX. See you on the field of battle.

That was a terrific fight, Blackgate just kept pouring into Bay until we could hold them no longer.

Avis – Sylvari Ranger
Ävia – Asura Thief
Overseer of Hired Assassins – Sanctum Of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Ardon.4105


I feel that SOR is playing similar to how SOS used to play which was to ball up in huge zergs to run through their opponents.

SoR has become zergier as it went up in tiers in order to compensate for the larger enemy zergs.

I only run in small-man groups and I can tell you that it is hard to find BG and JQ players that aren’t in zergballs or won’t run back to their zerg unless they have superior numbers. That is the nature of most people regardless of server.

I know it’s hard to find good fights being surrounded by such huge guilds on all three servers. What guild are you in? There are a couple of great roaming teams on BG that could keep an eye out for you guys.

[Agg] Rendon Argos (Charrgos) – Guardian
Server Traversing Nomad

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


Actually there is a big difference, competitive professional sports while entertaining for the viewers it is a business for the people involved in it. They spend real money from profits to bring in even more money. This is just a game and some players choose to spend real money for the bragging rights only.

The transfer cost is in gems not in any real world currency. It’s possible to buy gems with in-game gold. There are a lot of very rich people in this game at this point. Therefore it’s not necessarily the case that players would be spending real money to purchase transfers for themselves or others. When I transferred back to BG from Maguuma it cost me 1800 gems. Outside of holidays and special events and whatnot that’s usually something like 30 gold and 30 gold isn’t that much money at this point in the game. It seems entirely plausible that entire guilds could’ve been paid for with nothing more than in-game gold.

But as to whether there is a difference between the morality in the business realm versus the recreational realm, I suppose it’s a matter of opinion. To me all I see is that people will expend resources to be successful at whatever venture they’re currently engaged in. I personally find no fault with people paying guilds to transfer to their server.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: joocheese.6314


P.S. pls forgive my spelling, typing on a kindle in the hospital while your wife is in labor makes for some interesting sentence structure… it’s a girl.



Congrats again ^^

Haha thanks!
pls let James and Tytos know that I’ll be out of commission for a couple of days. After that I’ll be back on the train again lol

Sammandar – Elementalist
Pain Train Choo [Choo] – 1st Class
Sanctum of Rall

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Irony.5203


Blackgate never bought guilds, It simply helped with the costs of a few guilds that decided on their own that Blackgate is where they wanted to go. It is no different than when SoR and JQ got all their transfers, just now it costs gold which they needed some help with.

And in regards to Raven Paradox, everything you say when it comes to Blackgate in T1 in the passed, I disregard, because you were never zoned into WvW when we were in T1, you sat in guild/map chat’s and complained that we shouldn’t be in T1 instead of helping on the battlefield.

Actually I was there for 3 weeks when we fought SBI and JQ and people left. I was also there from time to time when BG entered the tier it didn’t belong in. The end result? You all got demolished. Sad you forgot so easily. Please don’t get me confused with the moron Irony, who never even played the game during my time in Blackgate.

I’m not here for the BG vs SoR crap. I’ll leave that to Riven. All I know is BG is full of a lot of people that like to stop showing up when they start losing.

If I’ve never played the game I wonder how I got full gear, map completion and over 500 hours of gameplay all while trying to build a community and help people in and out of the game.

I’m one guy and I don’t even have a guild. I go into WvW whenever I get a chance and when I’m not stuck dealing with x problem or y meeting.

All you have ever done is complained about how so and so group sucks, or how you need more time to farm, or why nobody listens to you when you are complaining.

Good riddance

Irony Torzung – [US] Blackgate
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Blade.9317


Score update brought to you by Feisty:


[ICoa] Feisty Brat, Mesmer

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: WoDan.4079


There needs to be balance in each tier to get the most out of wvw, and JQ has set the bar for what tier 1 coverage needs to be. BG has accepted that challenge, and now it appears we are able to (for the time being) maintain tier 1 coverage. The current scores seem pretty close, and the fights have certainly been epic, so all three servers should be enjoying tier 1 this week.

For those who only care about the fights, no worries. Worst-case scenario you will drop a tier, and find great fights in the next one. Of course, the hard-core gvg guilds will still have to server-hop to find the fights they want, but that’s nothing new.

I enjoy wvw for what it is regardless of the tier. The only exception is when the tier balance is too far out of whack…in which case you have to suck it up until things get better or make some server changes. That’s the game we bought, and for all its flaws it’s still the best MMORPG pvp action that I know of right now.

So…no need for finger pointing, etc. We are all just trying to improve our gaming experience based on our personal preferences.

Bottom-line: it’s all good! Now can we all just eat some cookies and get along?

Dread Rogue / Native Blackgate’ian

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Willywho.9460


Blackgate never bought guilds, It simply helped with the costs of a few guilds that decided on their own that Blackgate is where they wanted to go. It is no different than when SoR and JQ got all their transfers, just now it costs gold which they needed some help with.

And in regards to Raven Paradox, everything you say when it comes to Blackgate in T1 in the passed, I disregard, because you were never zoned into WvW when we were in T1, you sat in guild/map chat’s and complained that we shouldn’t be in T1 instead of helping on the battlefield.

Actually I was there for 3 weeks when we fought SBI and JQ and people left. I was also there from time to time when BG entered the tier it didn’t belong in. The end result? You all got demolished. Sad you forgot so easily. Please don’t get me confused with the moron Irony, who never even played the game during my time in Blackgate.

I’m not here for the BG vs SoR crap. I’ll leave that to Riven. All I know is BG is full of a lot of people that like to stop showing up when they start losing.

We never got demolished in T1, We lost, but we always fought hard.

How can you say Blackgate doesn’t fight when we are loosing, when no other server has been booted out of T1 multiple times just to fight our way back into it.

Someone that bailed on a server when they were having a hard time to join a server that was striving at the time has no room to talk about any of this stuff. * Cough Raven Cough *

Blackgate , The server you bailed on, continues to fight on and is currently whooping your kitten and winning T1, haters ganna hate.

PS. Sorry to SoR for gaining such a negative nancy in Raven Paradox.

I Decoy I
Blackgate Original

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


If I’ve never played the game I wonder how I got full gear, map completion and over 500 hours of gameplay

What is the reward for map completion? I think it would have to be a legendary for me to even consider stepping outside of WvW to do it. Err, or were you referring to just the WvW maps? I have that as well, but more by accident than design.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: covenn.7165


We never got demolished in T1, We lost, but we always fought hard.

See, I understand what you are saying and agree with the philosophy behind it. There are those, however, that believe the only important thing is the scoreboard and by their standard, you did indeed get demolished. To each their own I guess. I would rather play with people like you though that don’t worry about meaningless scores.

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: rmBossa.4621


I feel that SOR is playing similar to how SOS used to play which was to ball up in huge zergs to run through their opponents.

SoR has become zergier as it went up in tiers in order to compensate for the larger enemy zergs.

I only run in small-man groups and I can tell you that it is hard to find BG and JQ players that aren’t in zergballs or won’t run back to their zerg unless they have superior numbers. That is the nature of most people regardless of server.

We’ve been forced to group up much more since being in tier 1. Especially now with the transfers that JQ and BG have gotten. They seem to clump up much more than before. The maps cater to this play style though, unfortunately. Especially with good scouting.

We had an awesome fight last night on the SoR BL. TW hit EA. EA got reinforced by Agg and FoE midway through the fight. TW then got reinforced by FEAR about two minutes after that. All in all the fight lasted about 10 minutes until all was said and done with momentum swinging both ways at different points in the fight. Many banners/abilities were spent rezzing people in that fight. That is how the game was meant to be played.

I was there for that! it was awesome. The best part was it occurred in a location that seldom sees action, right ontop of that huge rock arch just south of the centaur camp in NE boarderland. Epic.

Though Id agree SoR def seems zergier, I dont think its to compete with enemy zergs but due to dropping in numbers/coverage you tend to naturally group up. Especially on a home BL.

That ultra- zerg shattered my universe/ cpu

(edited by rmBossa.4621)