[KnT] – Blackgate
3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG
[KnT] – Blackgate
ha! maybe i haven’t been paying enough attention around here… but i think that’s the first time i’ve heard that one?? lolol
With how many BG/SOR threads have been deleted I’m not surprised. There are probably a plethora of lost gems.
good job to SOR tonight on their bl! Some strong guilds
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
soooo many bags!!!!!
Yeah those Choo bags are the best. We’ve whiped each other back and forth all night even with you having twice as many people. It’s great seeing you guys out in force though, keep it classy SoR!
I started playing about two hours ago and you guys have not wiped us once while we wiped you over 10 times. I can’t speak for before that though. Great fights though!!!
If you whiped us 10 times we whiped you 20, yeah great fights glad to see you here!
Well considering I didn’t die once that would be a hard feat. Also considering you just lost your tower yet you somehow wiped us 20 times right
We are inside hills defending against JQ, gratz on the pvdoor at redlake though must’ve been tough for you
Yes since we kept wiping you nonstop you just left. It was quite sad I wanted more bags
I don’t blame you guys anyway nothing you could really do against our trebs because you guys kept getting destroyed in the open field. Good fights lol
^^^ Not sure if you saw our video against Choo or not, but you should probably think twice about what you say on the forums
I am honestly waiting for the longer than 12 minutes of footage part. We showed us wiping you more times in our video then you had minutes in your video. But it was fun fights all around It was interesting see yall fight us.
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC
It’s the same old players, IKEA on one side from BG and then the SoR guild of the week that faces them on the other.
Thank goodness everyone else on BG is so mature. I think it’s fair to say, people aren’t transferring to BG to hang out with IKEA…..bad furniture at a terrible price.
Lol why are you talking about a multi-milliondollar furniture store in a GW2 thread?
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
Also farming EA, SF, Agg, FOE, and just about any non-blue in SoR BL.
Everything started with these posts from SoR, nice try attempting to distort the truth.
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
Honestly I just like pushing yalls buttons.
Paintrainchoo.com – Conductor – TC
All pride and BS aside, who are your best fights this matchup?
I’ll play.
Why can’t we all just get along?
Ever notice it’s by a band named War?
Norn Engineer
Good fun fights in EBG tonight had a lot of fun except at SM where the lag was a horrible issue. I really hope A net gets their stuff figured out with that. Otherwise I forsee some mass exodus going on. But I just wanted to tip my hat to both our competitors. Well played guys. My favorite match ups this week are:
JQ: EMP guild
SoR: any SoR guild on BG BL during NA primetime… lol
Thanks for the fights guys, keep it classy!
Frozen Man Lvl 80 Guardian (JINX-BG)
Frozen Moo Juice Lvl 80 Warrior (JINX-BG)
Choo & Friends claim BG’s T3 Hills from iCoa in JQ BL! Nice siege SoR
The Guild v Guild invite is still open if you want to try again with even numbers.
We’ll fight before 1am EST on a work day.
I hope you guys can keep up these huge numbers day after day week after week staying up this late. We’ll see you tomorrow.
Good fights tonight, you did have it.
Actually TW was ripping it up tonight on SoR BL and they went into BG BL as well. I was running with them. Some great fights vs HB, LotD, SF, and AGG. Others as well, sorry I didnt mention you it was a very long night and zergs blend together. However there were a few memorable fights for us. I already commented on the 15-20min fight with HB and LotD in the south camp earlier but there was also a good fight on BG map where we wiped SF outside of bay, only to be hit from behind by AGG and have to turn and take them out and as we were collecting our bags and selling SF decided to come out for seconds and we had to take them out again.
A few people were recording tonight I am sure the videos will be up some time tomorrow. This is why I love T1 great epic battles.
Umberage of Death – Thief
~~~Sanctum of Rall~~~
I have to say that playing on WvW has been much fun with you guys.
Here’s a SOR guild’s perspective =)
Guild Wars 2: World vs World (HIRE Mesmer POV) Portals
Guild Wars 2: World vs World (HIRE Mesmer POV)
Hired Assassins [HIRE] SOR
I have to say that playing on WvW has been much fun with you guys.
Here’s a SOR guild’s perspective =)
Guild Wars 2: World vs World (HIRE Mesmer POV) Portals
http://youtu.be/GGdmhmEr2pcGuild Wars 2: World vs World (HIRE Mesmer POV)
Dang HIRE, I remember fighting you guys back in IoJ and all the hard fought battles we had during the later hours… Really great vids, you guys are a tough guild, glad to see you doing well
Primal Emperor of Imperial Coalition
I heard JQ is starting a mass WvW call out push on tuesday. Do tell us beforehand so we can prepare cookies for all of ya!
Commander of Blackgate
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyRsSk4l0T4
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
Also farming EA, SF, Agg, FOE, and just about any non-blue in SoR BL.
we’ve been in BG BL all night… with AGG, FOE. sooo uh….. like you are lying dude lol.
SoR will say anything to get noticed nowadays, goes to show what kind of server they are. All bark, no bite.
we do not need to brag, we will just keep showing up and fighting. bg and jq out numbers big time and thats fine, but i will keep taking the bags you all keep droppin around the bls for me!
I heard JQ is starting a mass WvW call out push on tuesday.
I’m not au fait with the plans of the major guilds, but it has been awfully quiet here on JQ WvW (at least in my time zone).
I heard JQ is starting a mass WvW call out push on tuesday.
I’m not au fait with the plans of the major guilds, but it has been awfully quiet here on JQ WvW (at least in my time zone).
Go try EB, some good fights going on in there
Dah kitten is going on, why did we get ported to these servers?
No but seriously, wtf just happened??
DW JQ, we got GOM!
Someone must refresh millenium
JQ cannot take this anymore! we changed tier!
FA is cheating man, in 5 minutes they go from 58k to 120k!
Tier predictions for next week all got thrown out the kittening window XD
That was a great 5 mins of pure hilarity.
Score Update!
Also we just took SoR Valley in EB.
well apparently i am the only one in SoR that anyone can attack. i am by greenlake and there is 30 jq chasin me lol
also any precursor droped off me there i want a cut
A video of the weird happenings. (Check it in a few minutes if it’s not up yet)
Hired Assassins [HIRE] SOR
Here’s Kiltor being killed and ressed repeatedly…. by the friendly enemy servers?
A guy was constantly ressing a guild claimer so we couldn’t flip a keep -_- and he was on our own team. wtf.
A guy was constantly ressing a guild claimer so we couldn’t flip a keep -_- and he was on our own team. wtf.
he was not from our server, but was still green
it was a bug from the crash
dont worry its been recorded with account name n guild name and sent to ANet
I dont blame any guild or server from this matchup for the actions of 1 person, the fights have been great
lets keep them up
Screenshot Score.
Last night we had a nice fight on JQ lands, if theres only one think i didnt like about it. Was that Daniels Guy ( wanna assume a BG spy ) that was on an Alt on JQ map stealing the golems to destroy them by BG.
some people will call it a smart move i call it a cheap shot.
(edited by Macondo.4827)
Well seems I have to pray to stay on right server when I log. Now it’s not WvWvW it’s war of the worlds xD
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
Score Update!
Also we just took SoR Valley in EB.
Beware of the splinters! Let me know if those doors gave you any trouble.
A guy was constantly ressing a guild claimer so we couldn’t flip a keep -_- and he was on our own team. wtf.
he was not from our server, but was still green
it was a bug from the crash
dont worry its been recorded with account name n guild name and sent to ANet
I dont blame any guild or server from this matchup for the actions of 1 person, the fights have been great
lets keep them up
I was sad we were trying to zerg the grub in the alternate match! but it was friendly
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
soooo many bags!!!!!
Yeah those Choo bags are the best. We’ve whiped each other back and forth all night even with you having twice as many people. It’s great seeing you guys out in force though, keep it classy SoR!
I started playing about two hours ago and you guys have not wiped us once while we wiped you over 10 times. I can’t speak for before that though. Great fights though!!!
If you whiped us 10 times we whiped you 20, yeah great fights glad to see you here!
all i can say is from 8:30 to 11:00 (eastern GMT -5)
The pain train maybe wiped like 4 times. but we wiped so many of you guy’s the JQ garrison was epic, we did get wiped by JQ but it was funny when the wall wont down on top of BG attackers <3 bags.
thanks for the fun JQ and BG.
I predict this thread will exceed 700 posts before the end of the match.
I have a feeling that this week isn’t going to live up to your lofty expectations.
We have beaten the internet.
Mar Steadfast G, Silent Intrigue T, Mar Fidget Engi, Mar Fierce W, Silent Awe M
In GW2 since BWE1 ~ ~ ~ Guild leader of Legio Romana [LR], too
The testosterone in this thread is off the charts…now I know what it must be like in congress.
some people will call it a smart move i call it a cheap shot.
If they’re happy to spend money to move their main accts, its only a small stretch to move their alts to lol.
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
Also farming EA, SF, Agg, FOE, and just about any non-blue in SoR BL.
we’ve been in BG BL all night… with AGG, FOE. sooo uh….. like you are lying dude lol.
SoR will say anything to get noticed nowadays, goes to show what kind of server they are. All bark, no bite.
Ironic comment coming from you…
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
Also farming EA, SF, Agg, FOE, and just about any non-blue in SoR BL.
we’ve been in BG BL all night… with AGG, FOE. sooo uh….. like you are lying dude lol.
SoR will say anything to get noticed nowadays, goes to show what kind of server they are. All bark, no bite.
Ironic comment coming from you…
Irony confimed
Blackgatewvw.com – Website Administrator
1st Generation War Council Leader
Message to all poor SoR members: Farming iCoa, ruins of JQ BL.
Also farming EA, SF, Agg, FOE, and just about any non-blue in SoR BL.
we’ve been in BG BL all night… with AGG, FOE. sooo uh….. like you are lying dude lol.
SoR will say anything to get noticed nowadays, goes to show what kind of server they are. All bark, no bite.
Ironic comment coming from you…
this thread is hilarious. 2 gs precursors in 2 days)