3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: DKNS.2135


It looks like all the real guilds from SOS are moving to SOR, I can’t wait to watch them beat BG down and send them back to T2, and all the bandwagon SOS guilds to another server. It’s already started with FOE and AGG being to afraid of Tsym and the rest and jumping ship. Who is going to be next!?!

All the real SoS guilds are moving to SoR?

all the bandwagon SoS guilds are moving to another server?

SoR have OCX, TSym, and maybe 1 other guild coming (sorry if i have forgotten others), meanwhile BG have ND, AOI and MERC and neither are moving.

Oh my poor JQ, how you love spreading lies.

Cirus, why bother replying to people like these? Its obvious people like em don’t know one bit about other servers. Their primary strategy lies in rushing off to a stacked server, spamming autoattacks using their warrior in zergs and then acting all tough on the forums. Also, do note the “Tsym and the rest”; indicating no idea about AFS. Ignore them; we don’t have to stoop to their level.

Also, the Flawless logic where
SoS guilds to BG → Bandwagon guilds
SoS guilds to SoR → Real guilds

BG LA Best LA !!!

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Chewablesleeptablet.3185


Why xfer to any server other than JQ? JQ will never die because of the mass amount of bandwagoners and frequent guild recruiting. JQ loves to recruit when they don’t get first place for a week.

If you don’t like a challenge then join JQ . There is no server cap and it just takes a few cof runs to get the gold.

JQ rushed to get all the guilds in before server transfers were pay just to get overwhelming numbers and 24/7 coverage.

Yah lets all xfer to JQ , its our safest bet for a win every week and PvDooring for life.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Asian timezone update


Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Asian timezone update

They are talking about programming in guild chat. They are clearly altering the game client. EMP HACKERS!!!

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


"I said the general nature of the competition during the

time I’m on is very JQ vs. BG."
“Between BG and SoR or JQ and SoR?”
“At the moment, SoR does not enough coverage in certain

timezones to beat JQ & have no other choice other than

reduce BG’s ppt during Oceanic/Sea. If and when SoR gains

enough assurance to help reduce JQ’s ppt during these

timezones, the scores will be much more closer. BG will

have a lot more breathing space & everyone will be on

their toes."

“If your goal is to convince me to accept that amount of data as being sufficient grounds to form an actual opinion then yes I’d say you’re wasting your time.”

Actually I was replying to some baseless comments from BG players like the ones above and you decided to respond…
It is funny you find the data provided insufficient and yet by responding you decide to defend your fellow BG’s making comments like the ones above, without any data whatsoever…
The choices and actions that we take define us, we live in a world of denial, and we don’t know what the truth is anymore.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Shinji.2063


Why do JQ and SOR talk about bandwagoners as if they are bad. I guess they dont count as bandwagoners (is that even a word lol) if they go to your server, just if they go to others.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


Everybody in here like “I’ve been 2v1’d….bandwagoners….”

When I’m over here going, “I got the munchies….”

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: urzen.7096


Why do JQ and SOR talk about bandwagoners as if they are bad. I guess they dont count as bandwagoners (is that even a word lol) if they go to your server, just if they go to others.

Its only bandwagoning if you join the winners.

Sanctum of Rall

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: kevinskyrider.3271


@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

A few people want BG out of t1, but why? Are you not having fun? I am for sure. Some of the most fun fights have been in this matchup thanks to SoR & JQ bringing the paintrain. That 3-way in JQ bay 2 days ago, the garri fights, epic lord room of Hills, and many more. Yes, the overall population has dropped the past few days, but that doesn’t mean BG is dead.

All 3 of our servers have a tight community that has been playing together for months, with new additions. We won’t be going anywhere.


(edited by kevinskyrider.3271)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Rinoa.8915


It’s definitely been a fun past few days Good luck to all

Elementalist of [MYTH]
Jade Quarry

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Avenge.1478


If you think my guild is talking about exploiting in guild chat, then I’m awfully sorry for you. Those people were not even in WvW. We had maybe ~15 people in WvW last night and we were either helping out in EB casually, or running around with TSym and seeing how they play. If we were exploiting, you would know.

~ [DN] Digital Nemesis ~ Tarnished Coast ~
Commander Guardian of Rall :: Norn Guardian
Commander Getting Hammered :: Charr Warrior

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Sphere.2076


Its a numbers game and some poeple dont understand that maybe 10% is skill based on the rare occasion fights are equal. Once ESO starts to pick up WvWvW will rebalance again. I just hope the ESO people have learn from the problems we face in wvw.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Mohmohchan.4120


@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

A few people want BG out of t1, but why? Are you not having fun? I am for sure. Some of the most fun fights have been in this matchup thanks to SoR & JQ bringing the paintrain. That 3-way in JQ bay 2 days ago, the garri fights, epic lord room of Hills, and many more. Yes, the overall population has dropped the past few days, but that doesn’t mean BG is dead.

All 3 of our servers have a tight community that has been playing together for months, with new additions. We won’t be going anywhere.

What did your community do with FOE and Agg? If you have a tight community they won’t leave no matter what. Win or lose, its about the community. Moral lesson: Don’t fkin pay guilds to transfer, do not buy any guilds. Don’t even show them gold.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Its a numbers game and some poeple dont understand that maybe 10% is skill based on the rare occasion fights are equal. Once ESO starts to pick up WvWvW will rebalance again. I just hope the ESO people have learn from the problems we face in wvw.

I’m afraid the dip we see from ESO will only be temporary. Not the place for the discussion here, but it will be interesting to watch what happens. The thing GW2 has going for it is that the game is free to play. It’s so easy to come back and pick it up again.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497



@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

Thank you, all my respect for you. I will when my forum options become available again.
Everyone, I wonder if this a known bug where at times it shows only a permalink used for copy and paste instead of the regular edit, quote and report options.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: kevinskyrider.3271


@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

A few people want BG out of t1, but why? Are you not having fun? I am for sure. Some of the most fun fights have been in this matchup thanks to SoR & JQ bringing the paintrain. That 3-way in JQ bay 2 days ago, the garri fights, epic lord room of Hills, and many more. Yes, the overall population has dropped the past few days, but that doesn’t mean BG is dead.

All 3 of our servers have a tight community that has been playing together for months, with new additions. We won’t be going anywhere.

What did your community do with FOE and Agg? If you have a tight community they won’t leave no matter what. Win or lose, its about the community. Moral lesson: Don’t fkin pay guilds to transfer, do not buy any guilds. Don’t even show them gold.

All your questions/accusations have been answered many times already. (& even to you I think). Seesee, even we can help each other out respectfully when in doubt!

Rainbows & Unicorns!


(edited by kevinskyrider.3271)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: BenL.5312


Well, I personally won’t mind if BG goes down to T2, although there have been loads of great fights so far with JQ and SoR. Having a change of scenery and matchups might freshen things up abit and revitalize the stagnation.

Being from BG myself, I do find that there is a lack of consistency in terms of player turnout in WvW. Coverage is great on some days and other days, there is a lack of presence and we tick at mediocre values. This isn’t really what I would call T1 coverage and seems to show a lack of drive/hunger to win.

If BG wants to stay competitive in T1, then it needs to start looking at it’s strategy carefully and what it can do to alleviate the pressure and reliance placed on the major guilds in the various timezones.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215


Score Update!

Enjoy All!


The LOVE asura <3

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497



Score Update!

Enjoy All!

If you ever leave BG come to SoR, love your spirit

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: WRod.3856


@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

A few people want BG out of t1, but why? Are you not having fun? I am for sure. Some of the most fun fights have been in this matchup thanks to SoR & JQ bringing the paintrain. That 3-way in JQ bay 2 days ago, the garri fights, epic lord room of Hills, and many more. Yes, the overall population has dropped the past few days, but that doesn’t mean BG is dead.

All 3 of our servers have a tight community that has been playing together for months, with new additions. We won’t be going anywhere.

What did your community do with FOE and Agg? If you have a tight community they won’t leave no matter what. Win or lose, its about the community. Moral lesson: Don’t fkin pay guilds to transfer, do not buy any guilds. Don’t even show them gold.

Wait, you really think BG paid those server hoppers gold to tranfer? Ha.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: wish.3102


Wait, you really think BG paid those server hoppers gold to tranfer? Ha.

Only JQ is rich enough to pay for transfers. BTW, we’re still recruiting for the midnight→8am EST time shift, contact anyone from JQ to receive your 1500 gold if you’re interested.

Jade Quarry. RNG/THF/GRD/WAR

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: hex.3218



@ Zen
Obviously the intentions of my post were misinterpreted, so I have deleted it. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Hope ya understand& unquote me.

Thank you, all my respect for you. I will when my forum options become available again.
Everyone, I wonder if this a known bug where at times it shows only a permalink used for copy and paste instead of the regular edit, quote and report options.

It has to do with secure content filter thingamajiggy. You know how when it asks you if you want to view all content on the page? You have to click yes. Had the same issue a few days back. If it doesn’t prompt you, clear your cache and try again.

Worked for me.

Calm Little Buddy

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


“If your goal is to convince me to accept that amount of data as being sufficient grounds to form an actual opinion then yes I’d say you’re wasting your time.”

Actually I was replying to some baseless comments from BG players like the ones above and you decided to respond…
It is funny you find the data provided insufficient and yet by responding you decide to defend your fellow BG’s making comments like the ones above, without any data whatsoever…
The choices and actions that we take define us, we live in a world of denial, and we don’t know what the truth is anymore.

I’m not saying that I think the BG people whining about 2v1s are right in their claims. I cannot know for sure either way but I think there’s another entirely plausible explanation: In a three way fight such as this, the 1st and 3rd place teams both have equal incentive to attack the 2nd place team whenever and wherever they can. Both 1st and 3rd stand to gain more from fighting the 2nd place team than they do each other. That doesn’t mean that 1st and 3rd will never fight it just means that they will both work equally hard to pull points from 2nd. Thus it often feels like we’re being 2v1’d intentionally. If people used their critical thinking skills they’d realize it’s just a rational strategy being employed by rational human beings.

I also think it’s a silly waste of time to complain about losing. I think we should either try to figure out a way to counter what we’re seeing or accept the defeat.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Israel.7056


What did your community do with FOE and Agg? If you have a tight community they won’t leave no matter what. Win or lose, its about the community. Moral lesson: Don’t fkin pay guilds to transfer, do not buy any guilds. Don’t even show them gold.

Win or lose it’s about the community to you. That’s what you value most not everyone is like you.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Asian timezone update

They are talking about programming in guild chat. They are clearly altering the game client. EMP HACKERS!!!

lol we were talking about what we work we do

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


Why xfer to any server other than JQ? JQ will never die because of the mass amount of bandwagoners and frequent guild recruiting. JQ loves to recruit when they don’t get first place for a week.

If you don’t like a challenge then join JQ . There is no server cap and it just takes a few cof runs to get the gold.

JQ rushed to get all the guilds in before server transfers were pay just to get overwhelming numbers and 24/7 coverage.

Yah lets all xfer to JQ , its our safest bet for a win every week and PvDooring for life.

You know what, you are so right! We at JQ PvD at all hours. I particularly love it when I can take a team and auto attack down gates on teams. True story, I think I have some Fraps footage that I still have to cut. Maybe I can make a montage of it. Those of you who have ran with me or ran against me know this to be true. I love me some PvD! The best one was when we auto attacked down watergate garrison a while back ago. That, my friends, was absolutely hilarious and during NA prime.

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: scootshoot.6583


Why do JQ and SOR talk about bandwagoners as if they are bad. I guess they dont count as bandwagoners (is that even a word lol) if they go to your server, just if they go to others.

No idea but it’s pretty hilarious if this the news from Guildcenter is/was true….bandwagoners that were essentially bribed by BG.

We are also hearing rumors swirling of MERC and ND following them to Blackgate with several guilds throwing into the kitty together to help fund the transfer for some of the transferring guilds; transfers to Blackgate are going for 35 gold per person.


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Waage.2047


I hope we get to go to tier 2 agian. Now that FoE and AGG is gone we do not have the massive coverage we used to and with the reinforcements to SoR we are low on numbers so i can’t wait.

I do hope both FA, TC and Kenig have gotten better numbers so they can beat us more consistent, but over all they are way more fun then this crowd. All you see in there 1 thread is QQ and kitten waving.

In Tier 2 i had a blast doing random things and i was impressed by there small scale army’s. My only fear is that we are to big now and they can not beat us and that would be sad, but here is hoping that tier 2 have grown larger and they can beat us because that would be fun.

[RK] – Guild Leader and awesome Warrior – BG

(edited by Waage.2047)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Thundar.3910


Phase 2 Initiated:

Bravo. Alpha. Eleven. Tango.

I repeat

Bravo. Alpha. Eleven. Tango.


Keep Calm and Conquer
When you are out numbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option-you must attack

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Man, the news I got.

I heard all these guilds are leaving JQ. I woudln’t mind seeing them bumped into T2.

Hey, there is some more news. Did you all hear about the SoR guilds leaving.

Man, since these guilds are leaving these servers, these servers must not have as tight a community as they claim.

See how easy that is.

As far as Agg and FoE, they stated they didn’t like the play in T1. It wasn’t server. Get your facts straight.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Grithan Soulforge.5726

Grithan Soulforge.5726

Holy Kitten,

I never appreciated until now how tasty BGs tears are in this forum and amazed they are able to be produced at such quantity! My hats off to SoR for using their extensive history with BG and their superior skill at drama milking BG. JQ simply can’t compete.

[BfB] Grithan/Trigan – JQ

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Burl.9567


Phase 2 Initiated:

Bravo. Alpha. Eleven. Tango.

I repeat

Bravo. Alpha. Eleven. Tango.


Roger Roger

Confirmation Code: 1. Lima. Romeo. Sierra. 2. Lima. Tango. Whiskey. Zulu. 5. 3.

(edited by Burl.9567)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: CuddleStrike.8215



Score Update!

Enjoy All!

If you ever leave BG come to SoR, love your spirit

Thank you very much!

And just for you! Another score update before I log for the night!
Have good fights all!

And to those lovely people in EBG JP who decided to rp as animals and/or frolic with me…. much LOVE!


The LOVE asura <3

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Lecter.7486


Man, the news I got.

I heard all these guilds are leaving JQ. I woudln’t mind seeing them bumped into T2.

Hey, there is some more news. Did you all hear about the SoR guilds leaving.

Man, since these guilds are leaving these servers, these servers must not have as tight a community as they claim.

See how easy that is.

As far as Agg and FoE, they stated they didn’t like the play in T1. It wasn’t server. Get your facts straight.

Are people seriously still talking about this?.. Drop it.

Skwisgaar Skwiigelf 80 war <tsfr>

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: BenL.5312


Never ceases to amaze me at the kind of drama that occurs in this thread. Makes for some good entertainment with all the accusations, perceived rivalries and hatred between servers and guilds.

A few months down the road or when a new game comes out, nobody will ever remember all this nonsense. So to people from all the 3 servers spewing vitriolic, get a life cause you’re just perpetuating a vicious cycle.

[VoTF] www.votf-online.net

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Jedbacca.6297


No, keep this going, people love hearing themselves talk or read their own text. ::gets popcorn::

Minister Jed/Jedsus Saves GM of Strike Force[SF]
www.strikeforceguild.com – JQ SINCE 1836!
Guild of United Soviet Quarry www.jadequarry.com

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Lecter.7486


No, keep this going, people love hearing themselves talk or read their own text. ::gets popcorn::


Skwisgaar Skwiigelf 80 war <tsfr>

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: David.4821


Wait.. You mean FoE and Agg left after their 30 minute stint? :O

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Rhaegus.8924


Score update. BG pushed us hard 20mins before this screenshot was taken, then all of a sudden they all vansihed…. ?


3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Score update. BG pushed us hard 20mins before this screenshot was taken, then all of a sudden they all vansihed…. ?

They Vanished?!?! Must be another stealth mechanic! Nerf quick!

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


Holy Kitten,

I never appreciated until now how tasty BGs tears are in this forum and amazed they are able to be produced at such quantity! My hats off to SoR for using their extensive history with BG and their superior skill at drama milking BG. JQ simply can’t compete.

The BG tears are so extensive that at times we actually had to stop milking the tears in t2 for days on end.

[TW]Tempest Wolves

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


Score update. BG pushed us hard 20mins before this screenshot was taken, then all of a sudden they all vansihed…. ?

Possibly a final push by SEA before slipping off to bed. It’s their nighty-night time.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Rhaegus.8924


Score update. BG pushed us hard 20mins before this screenshot was taken, then all of a sudden they all vansihed…. ?

Possibly a final push by SEA before slipping off to bed. It’s their nighty-night time.

It contained a lot of MERC indeed, that’s probably the answer. :-)

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Eliteseraph.4970


All I know is that after coming back to GW2 after a 3month break, SoR went from being ranked in the middle of the pack to being in tier 1. It’s been a bit of a shock to me, but I’ve been playing steadily for around 3-4 weeks now, and every time I’m in WvW we have to fight tooth and nail for every scrap of territory we can get.

As far as I can tell, there is no mass conspiracy to double team anyone. JQ doesn’t need to ally with either of the other servers since they have so many people and so much coverage of all hours. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise except for using it as an excuse.

BG seems to attack anyone anywhere as far as I can tell. I haven’t been able to figure out if they have any strategy or not.

My home server of SoR struggles during the off hours(which I primarily play) and we often have the outmanned buff. In the three weeks that I’ve been back in GW2 I’ve never once heard or seen any indication of some kind of conspiracy or team up to keep BG down.

We do often attack BG while I’m on, but that’s because we often simply can’t handle the sheer zerg power of JQ. Whatever we take gets zerged back down within minutes. It’s like punching water, or digging in loose sand.

People are just reading more into the situation than is actually there. The simple truth is that JQs numbers dictate the flow of every battle, every week. Until Anet comes up with a scoring system that scales based on population instead of absolute numbers, whatever server has the most people will always win, and always unbalance the three-way dynamic of WvW.

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Lecter.7486


Well yes and no. Its kind of a double edged sword. If a low pop server got put in with a high or two, that could and would be miserable for them. No way it would work with a tier system.

Skwisgaar Skwiigelf 80 war <tsfr>

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.8497


Score update. BG pushed us hard 20mins before this screenshot was taken, then all of a sudden they all vansihed…. ?

I thought it was a fluke, thanks for clarifying that. Honestly, I might be wrong but unless something changes BG has only 2 options at the moment either to burn themselves out trying to keep up or drop to 3rd place and eventually T2.
I understand somewhat the frustration especially for those that were looking forward to stomp SoR because of some old history but in the end drama and trolling does not help with the server’s image especially when you start losing.

Most importantly is to remember there is grace in defeat and if that’s the case may as well go out in style.

Grand Emperor Of Common Sense

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


No, keep this going, people love hearing themselves talk or read their own text. ::gets popcorn::

Speaking of which do you guys ever do voice overs for some of the posters here? It’s even more fun to have a voice go along with each of the posters and use that all through the writings.

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Liquid.9672


No, keep this going, people love hearing themselves talk or read their own text. ::gets popcorn::

Speaking of which do you guys ever do voice overs for some of the posters here? It’s even more fun to have a voice go along with each of the posters and use that all through the writings.

I do sometimes. For example, I read Jed’s posts in the voice of Cookie Monster. It just works.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Wotah.2975


No, keep this going, people love hearing themselves talk or read their own text. ::gets popcorn::

Speaking of which do you guys ever do voice overs for some of the posters here? It’s even more fun to have a voice go along with each of the posters and use that all through the writings.

I do sometimes. For example, I read Jed’s posts in the voice of Cookie Monster. It just works.

Oh nice, and somewhat accurate!

Wotah, Brutaler [SICK]/[SG]
Plague/Shadow Gypsies
Jade Quarry

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: renmei.3102


Lets not count BG out so fast, who knows what is going behind the scenes among their wvw guilds is temporary or permanent. Only when they get crushed 2 weeks in a row and dropping points fast will I call them imploded. They might just take SOR’s spot of lacking coverage but still be a solid 3rd putting up a good fight or they might bounce back.