3/8 NSP GoM HoD

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


good fun NSP.. this was at lake.. you guys eventually pushed us out but not before we got lots of loot but still amazing battle..

also wish i would have gotten pics at dawns.. good try there but this time we win..

keep the fun going.. you know you enjoy it too..

We do think we got more loot then you on that tower and in general last night

i would think so.. i guess i should have said all and not we.. so to include you guys too.. it was still amazing fun.. wish i could be in more battles like that win or lose.. it gets intense.. sometimes better than the quick ones where we overrun or we get overran..

and @ blazeq.. find me.. you can kill me and stand on my body and ill take a pic for you

Just look for the NOOB tag, should find a lone Char Guardian with blue armor. Hell ill probably be the only person with a NOOB tag!

Don’t know about this… I only see green NSP.

There’s a toggle in your options menu for displaying team colors.

Well I’ll be a NOOB’s n00b so there is. Thank you sir.

I didn’t know that either haha. All this time I just assumed this was how it had to be.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


good fun NSP.. this was at lake.. you guys eventually pushed us out but not before we got lots of loot but still amazing battle..

also wish i would have gotten pics at dawns.. good try there but this time we win..

keep the fun going.. you know you enjoy it too..

We do think we got more loot then you on that tower and in general last night

i would think so.. i guess i should have said all and not we.. so to include you guys too.. it was still amazing fun.. wish i could be in more battles like that win or lose.. it gets intense.. sometimes better than the quick ones where we overrun or we get overran..

and @ blazeq.. find me.. you can kill me and stand on my body and ill take a pic for you

Just look for the NOOB tag, should find a lone Char Guardian with blue armor. Hell ill probably be the only person with a NOOB tag!

Don’t know about this… I only see green NSP.

There’s a toggle in your options menu for displaying team colors.

Well I’ll be a NOOB’s n00b so there is. Thank you sir.



3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Musty.3148


lol, I sent him a PM about the setting, I wasn’t sure if he was trolling or not. Guess not

80 Elementalist/80 Mesmer/80 Guardian/80 Thief
Now Musty Britches since someone decided Shortbus Rider was offensive… [LoS] [NSP]

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Is everyone having fun? Let’s just enjoy having a decent match up while it lasts, because as the saying goes “All good things must come to an end”. Let just keep having fun in the mean time and stop with all the “We couldn’t log into the server” , “GoM has spies! ZOMG”, “Haxxorz!”, and “PvDoor is all you do” rants. They started off lighthearted and tongue in cheek but the tone seems to have mutated into some sort of abomination as of late. We are all here to have a good time and, thus far, this is the most fun I have had in WvW since all the server hopping crap started skewing server populations.

TL;DR: Keep being rockstars you magnificent animals! :-)


As a community, we really need to start ignoring these trolls. “Counter-trolling” is just a fancy word for “Troll feeding.”

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Good day! I am the bad Charr Guardian from Splat.

I don’t even know if people know/care about my guild, we are pretty small and casual, but I just feel the need to say a couple things.

@Toble, for what it’s worth I run with an average of 3-5 people a night, we like small man fights, and aside from camps would rather kill enemies than attack objectives. That said, I appreciate the larger guilds such as Os because without those larger guilds to focus on the bigger picture and keep the other large guilds busy, we would just get run down by enemy zergs constantly.

Zerging is part of the game, it always will be and I for one completely understand it. WvW is casual man’s PvP, it lets inexperienced people participate without a ton of pressure on themselves.
I also enjoy the unpredictable nature of it, and the fact that not all fights are created equal. I get annoyed from time to time getting chased down by 20 bloodthirsty people, but that just means my group has overstayed our welcome and got caught. Also let’s be honest, more often than not when my group kills 2-3 times our numbers it’s due to less experienced players or upleveled players on the other side, so advantages go both ways.

In the end this is a large scale casual PvP game mode, why does anyone have the right to tell others that their way of playing it is wrong, or makes them a noob, and so on? Everyone has their own perception of fun, and people should do what they prefer.

@PAXA, I love you guys, I don’t always agree with your philosophy, but I enjoy playing with you. I personally love when we get 10-15 people together and go bust the 30 man zergs, I mean you play with what you’re given, and if all you’re given is zergs it’s time to go kill them! Yesterday 6 of us couldn’t find any small fights to save our lives so we zerg busted GoM with some people from our server for over a half hour in the hills/fishing camp/tower area, and it was glorious.
I’ll try to get 5-6 together (Thanks Wafflez/Dravul) and kill your 5-6 more often if you prefer Henge though.

I think it’s time NSP stop infighting so much and just go kill the enemy, whichever way they prefer to do so.

Have a wonderful week!

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

(edited by Glaeser.8015)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Wonderfully said glazer, we need to stop yelling at each other and kill the enemy

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


Wonderfully said glazer, we need to stop yelling at each other and kill the enemy

Unless the enemy is me…don’t do that. :-D

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Oddithekeen.6084


Invite me Glaeser if you see me roaming by myself looking for a 1vs2

Naymas Mist , Mesmer ,(NSP)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Osif, I know it is hard to understand, but you spend half your day on forums kittening about PVDoor when there is a place that was made without PVDoor for 5-8 man small scale PvP that you refuse to take advantage of. It is called the mists if you didn’t know about it.

Also, some of our members have taken your guys alone and have killed them plenty of times. They do it with the utmost respect and take time out of our siege schedule to indulge your 1v1s that you refuse to set up and when members of Os that play hard win, you seem to never mention this. They don’t sit around and gloat about it either, they are very kindly in guild chat and say “I just had a 1v1 with that Paxa again, I won, but good fights all around”

I’m confused why my name popped up in your rant and why you’re taking shots at me specifically since I hardly ever talk about pvdoor. I’ve always said “to each their own” when it comes to what they find fun. Doesn’t mean that I will give them props for sitting on a tower shooting cannons instead of having an actual fight, and I will occasionally poke fun at them for it.
The only time I’ve ever talked about Os was when you decided to insult us on the forums for ganking a fight club, and acted like a bitter little child.
I also think it’s clear that we do give compliments when it is deserved. Jscull even took the time to compliment some Os on the forums, seems like you decided to ignore that part.
I have nothing but respect for Aiden and Dragear, and I’m sure there are other decent players in Os as well. Just like any large guild though, the majority of Os don’t know how to PvP. It’s just a fact. Many of you are bad. Hell, I’d be impressed if any guild of 200+ individuals were skilled as a majority. There’s nothing wrong with it either, numbers in this game accomplishes Anet’s design for WvW, and it’s needed.
I’ve stated plenty of times why we don’t sPvP. I’m getting a little tired of stating over and over again why, so I’ll just sum it up as it’s boring as kitten. Oh, and we enjoy wiping guilds like Os who outnumber us 3-1 most of the time after running their mouths at us. Lol Anths, what a generic e-tough guy.

You may never speak on outnumbering. Welcome to PAXA on a nightly basis. Flipping camps, killin’ noobs.

Oh the glory!

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Good day! I am the bad Charr Guardian from Splat.

I don’t even know if people know/care about my guild, we are pretty small and casual, but I just feel the need to say a couple things.

@Toble, for what it’s worth I run with an average of 3-5 people a night, we like small man fights, and aside from camps would rather kill enemies than attack objectives. That said, I appreciate the larger guilds such as Os because without those larger guilds to focus on the bigger picture and keep the other large guilds busy, we would just get run down by enemy zergs constantly.

Zerging is part of the game, it always will be and I for one completely understand it. WvW is casual man’s PvP, it lets inexperienced people participate without a ton of pressure on themselves.
I also enjoy the unpredictable nature of it, and the fact that not all fights are created equal. I get annoyed from time to time getting chased down by 20 bloodthirsty people, but that just means my group has overstayed our welcome and got caught. Also let’s be honest, more often than not when my group kills 2-3 times our numbers it’s due to less experienced players or upleveled players on the other side, so advantages go both ways.

In the end this is a large scale casual PvP game mode, why does anyone have the right to tell others that their way of playing it is wrong, or makes them a noob, and so on? Everyone has their own perception of fun, and people should do what they prefer.

@PAXA, I love you guys, I don’t always agree with your philosophy, but I enjoy playing with you. I personally love when we get 10-15 people together and go bust the 30 man zergs, I mean you play with what you’re given, and if all you’re given is zergs it’s time to go kill them! Yesterday 6 of us couldn’t find any small fights to save our lives so we zerg busted GoM with some people from our server for over a half hour in the hills/fishing camp/tower area, and it was glorious.
I’ll try to get 5-6 together (Thanks Wafflez/Dravul) and kill your 5-6 more often if you prefer Henge though.

I think it’s time NSP stop infighting so much and just go kill the enemy, whichever way they prefer to do so.

Have a wonderful week!

I <3 Wafflez.

But yeah, I agree with stopping the infighting, but PAXA is no longer on NSP.


Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


I probably need to take back my earlier statement. No one needs to feed the trolls, they are already self sustaining.

Time for someone to make the next thread:

NSP vs NSP vs NSP: Forum Battle Round 2

(“Ronny VS Paxa VS Os and the rest” doesn’t have the same ring to it.)

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


I like PAXA , I’m saddened that they moved to HoD. They certainly try to get under the skin of the bigger guilds they fight. They also have some skilled players so its not like they kitten talk and can’t back it up.

But in this instance I think they are wrong, Os is a pretty solid wvw guild, even though they refer to the smaller guilds as pugs. Which might come across as offensive to the little teams doing thier best for NSP. Maybe that’s where the friction starts I’m not sure.

Toble take this from me a troll at heart. He’s trying to troll you into making killing them more important then the WvW objectives. Which is a smart move to get into your enemies head , so they push with there anger instead of a clear head.

Nobody thinks of Os as a guild of baddies so I’m not sure why you’d feel the need to explain that much to an Obv trollol comment.

:) Well that’s okay, the post was more for others to debunk the “Commander tryouts” and the like.

It also makes him look stupid for not knowing what Pvdoor means.

Pug means pick up groups. Os when we are not organized are considered pugs as well when they are alone. It’s not derogatory really, it just means they aren’t in vent and aren’t organized with a larger group. Everyone seems to think we have this high and mighty opinion of ourselves. Personally that opinion was by other people putting us in the high and mighty view. We cherish our pugs and need them for this server to survive!

Also, we may have fun killing PAXA on the side, but when our commanders call us back, fun-killing is over, back to work!

And PAXA is serious about not liking us. Dunno what it is, but it was hate at first name-calling when I asked them kindly not to break up a fight club one day and they called me a care bear. Since then, the love of Os has grown and grown!

<3 I just had extra time on my hands and put it to good use.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Glaeser.8015


Good day! I am the bad Charr Guardian from Splat.

I don’t even know if people know/care about my guild, we are pretty small and casual, but I just feel the need to say a couple things.

@Toble, for what it’s worth I run with an average of 3-5 people a night, we like small man fights, and aside from camps would rather kill enemies than attack objectives. That said, I appreciate the larger guilds such as Os because without those larger guilds to focus on the bigger picture and keep the other large guilds busy, we would just get run down by enemy zergs constantly.

Zerging is part of the game, it always will be and I for one completely understand it. WvW is casual man’s PvP, it lets inexperienced people participate without a ton of pressure on themselves.
I also enjoy the unpredictable nature of it, and the fact that not all fights are created equal. I get annoyed from time to time getting chased down by 20 bloodthirsty people, but that just means my group has overstayed our welcome and got caught. Also let’s be honest, more often than not when my group kills 2-3 times our numbers it’s due to less experienced players or upleveled players on the other side, so advantages go both ways.

In the end this is a large scale casual PvP game mode, why does anyone have the right to tell others that their way of playing it is wrong, or makes them a noob, and so on? Everyone has their own perception of fun, and people should do what they prefer.

@PAXA, I love you guys, I don’t always agree with your philosophy, but I enjoy playing with you. I personally love when we get 10-15 people together and go bust the 30 man zergs, I mean you play with what you’re given, and if all you’re given is zergs it’s time to go kill them! Yesterday 6 of us couldn’t find any small fights to save our lives so we zerg busted GoM with some people from our server for over a half hour in the hills/fishing camp/tower area, and it was glorious.
I’ll try to get 5-6 together (Thanks Wafflez/Dravul) and kill your 5-6 more often if you prefer Henge though.

I think it’s time NSP stop infighting so much and just go kill the enemy, whichever way they prefer to do so.

Have a wonderful week!

I <3 Wafflez.

But yeah, I agree with stopping the infighting, but PAXA is no longer on NSP.


Fair enough, I guess until (if) they come back they’re fair game! Funny video btw.

Glaezer – [Splt] [Holy] – NSP
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut

(edited by Glaeser.8015)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


@ toble.. i agree alot with what you say.. but to me.. i consider PVDoor not so much undefended but there are not enough defenders to resist your force.. where there really isn’t much of a fight.. sure some defenders would abandon ship but sometimes i dont.. so come get your loot prize with your cap..lol

and as for small scale fights.. well you cant run your wvw build in spvp which is why alot of people go to wvw looking for small scale and 1 v 1.. wish anet would do something about this so people could have duels with their wvw builds without hurting the wvw populace.

ive dueled some PAXA 1 v 1 who were solo roaming.. 1 was a sylvari mesmer which was a long fight and i barely won in the end.. ive also 1 v 1 i think a guardian from Os which was very tough fight.. unfortunately it was in the eb jp and the guardian attacked me first after i ran past but it was still fun.. but it was at the beginning too so i guess it was no big deal anyway

:o I try not to attack people in JPs so wasn’t me! They are making custom arenas for that, so soon we can have GVGs and such! It will be nice.

I understand what PAXA is doing and have never had a problem with it. They apparently don’t like actual WvW though and therefore hate us because we like actual WvW or something like that.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


People who say go to spvp clearly haven’t played spvp, so I’ll break it down for them.

Its not 5v5 or 8v8. Its 2v1, maybe 3v3 occasionally, and the goal is not to kill players, its to stand in a ring the longest. So the best builds are ones that can keep people out of the ring and live a long time. It is also under a different ruleset than WvW, so certain classes and builds are completely useless there. And finally the gear selection is nowhere near what it is in WvW, which makes getting certain stats impossible.

Also, the only person in our group who can really be considered a bunker is me, the full support guardian. The other people just know how to use abilities to stop incoming damage. And none of us run a “kite and run” build, it would be worthless to our group.

We come to WvW to fight players. To do that we usually have to run around and take camps and sentries and hammer on tower gates and occasionally build siege. None of us like doing these things, we do it just to get you guys out of your towers. And in response, you guys usually throw out 3-4 times our numbers to deal with it.

Do you know how sad it is to run around a few hours a night and find groups of 20+ much more easily than another group of 5? Its so sad we had to transfer to another server just so we could fight our own guild and friends.

The only SPvP I have done has been to do 1v1s, so you are right, I don’t know. What I do know is that you can’t complain about large zergs in a large zerg world.

Also there are plenty of times you have to kill people with 3-4 times their numbers, you you really can not speak on that subject. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5IwBHzDk-8&edit=vd

I’m sure a good portion of your time is spent killing under geared or under levelled players as well.

No one ever told you what you do is unacceptable, so who are you to tell us that doing what was meant to be done in WvW is?

No one has ever had a problem with your little 5 man. People think your attitudes suck, but no one has told you what you are doing is wrong, that is, up until you wanted to call out larger guilds for “PvDooring” and the like.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


You may never speak on outnumbering. Welcome to PAXA on a nightly basis. Flipping camps, killin’ noobs.

Oh the glory!

And if he killed one or some of us I would have been very impressed! We never stated that we don’t kill when we have more numbers. Why should we not kill solo roamers when they’re perfectly content with killing us if the situation was reversed? We hit larger numbers just as fast as we hit the smaller. You can ask Awakened from [PHZE] who ran with us last night what we did to a much larger Os group. He seemed to enjoy it.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Good day! I am the bad Charr Guardian from Splat.

I don’t even know if people know/care about my guild, we are pretty small and casual, but I just feel the need to say a couple things.

@Toble, for what it’s worth I run with an average of 3-5 people a night, we like small man fights, and aside from camps would rather kill enemies than attack objectives. That said, I appreciate the larger guilds such as Os because without those larger guilds to focus on the bigger picture and keep the other large guilds busy, we would just get run down by enemy zergs constantly.

Zerging is part of the game, it always will be and I for one completely understand it. WvW is casual man’s PvP, it lets inexperienced people participate without a ton of pressure on themselves.
I also enjoy the unpredictable nature of it, and the fact that not all fights are created equal. I get annoyed from time to time getting chased down by 20 bloodthirsty people, but that just means my group has overstayed our welcome and got caught. Also let’s be honest, more often than not when my group kills 2-3 times our numbers it’s due to less experienced players or upleveled players on the other side, so advantages go both ways.

In the end this is a large scale casual PvP game mode, why does anyone have the right to tell others that their way of playing it is wrong, or makes them a noob, and so on? Everyone has their own perception of fun, and people should do what they prefer.

@PAXA, I love you guys, I don’t always agree with your philosophy, but I enjoy playing with you. I personally love when we get 10-15 people together and go bust the 30 man zergs, I mean you play with what you’re given, and if all you’re given is zergs it’s time to go kill them! Yesterday 6 of us couldn’t find any small fights to save our lives so we zerg busted GoM with some people from our server for over a half hour in the hills/fishing camp/tower area, and it was glorious.
I’ll try to get 5-6 together (Thanks Wafflez/Dravul) and kill your 5-6 more often if you prefer Henge though.

I think it’s time NSP stop infighting so much and just go kill the enemy, whichever way they prefer to do so.

Have a wonderful week!

I <3 Wafflez.

But yeah, I agree with stopping the infighting, but PAXA is no longer on NSP.


Fair enough, I guess until (if) they come back they’re fair game! Funny video btw.

Thanks, I’ve been holding onto the clip for a rainy day, felt it was a good time to put it up.


Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


You may never speak on outnumbering. Welcome to PAXA on a nightly basis. Flipping camps, killin’ noobs.

Oh the glory!

And if he killed one or some of us I would have been very impressed! We never stated that we don’t kill when we have more numbers. Why should we not kill solo roamers when they’re perfectly content with killing us if the situation was reversed? We hit larger numbers just as fast as we hit the smaller. You can ask Awakened from [PHZE] who ran with us last night what we did to a much larger Os group. He seemed to enjoy it.

Then you can’t complain when we kill you with 20+

Because by your logic, when the situation is reversed, you would do the same.

So quit complaining already.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


Work time over, time to actually play! WHEEEE!!!

I love PvForums.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


@ toble.. i agree alot with what you say.. but to me.. i consider PVDoor not so much undefended but there are not enough defenders to resist your force.. where there really isn’t much of a fight.. sure some defenders would abandon ship but sometimes i dont.. so come get your loot prize with your cap..lol

and as for small scale fights.. well you cant run your wvw build in spvp which is why alot of people go to wvw looking for small scale and 1 v 1.. wish anet would do something about this so people could have duels with their wvw builds without hurting the wvw populace.

ive dueled some PAXA 1 v 1 who were solo roaming.. 1 was a sylvari mesmer which was a long fight and i barely won in the end.. ive also 1 v 1 i think a guardian from Os which was very tough fight.. unfortunately it was in the eb jp and the guardian attacked me first after i ran past but it was still fun.. but it was at the beginning too so i guess it was no big deal anyway

:o I try not to attack people in JPs so wasn’t me! They are making custom arenas for that, so soon we can have GVGs and such! It will be nice.

I understand what PAXA is doing and have never had a problem with it. They apparently don’t like actual WvW though and therefore hate us because we like actual WvW or something like that.

No I dont like people running with 15 around them calling themselves good when they kill 3-4 people. Toble, funny, you have never actually come to find us with anything less than 10. Here’s what none of you [Os] folks ever admit….you will not compete nightly with us fair or even as Osif says….fairish numbers. Because of that reason ALONE you will find no respect from our camp.

Trolling was developed by the WoW creators who allowed 8 year olds to pvp and get away with killing people with 3 buttons. Stealth, Nuke, Stealth. Thus trolling. Unfortunately all the real pvpers have mostly left this game and we’re are left with what every mmo for the last 7 years has been left with after 6 months…carebear zergers. Pvp started in open world settings…not warfronts, so telling us to go back to instance based pvp isn’t where we are from amigo. The only difference is that Anet allows your 30 man protection of just that….having 30. Where I am from, our 8 would have S M O K E D your 30 guys in a 1 minute fight. Anet doesn’t want that because YOU will all leave if we did that on a nightly basis. Cheers…the finance team at ANet favor you baddies.


3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Then you can’t complain when we kill you with 20+

Because by your logic, when the situation is reversed, you would do the same.

So quit complaining already.

Since you seem to be infatuated with me specifically for some reason even though it’s Jscull making comments about your guild before you brought me into this, point out one of my many complaints about being zerged. I’d love to see them. The only problem I have with zergs are the individuals that gloat about killing 5 with 30. Not to mention any names, but there have been some from AR, BP, and NSP as well.

And to respond to the whole “PAXA is serious about not liking Os” comment, lawl. I don’t hold your word to represent your entire guild, you shouldn’t hold Jscull’s words to represent all of PAXA.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I run in a small group and have ran into PAXA and enjoy fighting you guys. However:
“Here’s what none of you [Os] folks ever admit….you will not compete nightly with us fair or even as Osif says….fairish numbers. Because of that reason ALONE you will find no respect from our camp.”

We have challenged you to group fights, you were the ones who declined. We don’t run around in large numbers to find you guys to fight, we run around in large numbers to do WvW objectives, objectives that might have us fight a large zerg. When your 5 man teams run into us, we didn’t plan it, it just happens.

You’ve said that Os uses things such as cannons vice going out and fight fairly, Me and Draegar have ran into situations with 4 of us and 4 of you and you guys constantly run back to spawn, is it legit? yeah. you are using what the game provides just as we are.

Lastly to the comment about taking us on 3v1, is it possible for PAXA, I won’t say it’s impossible, a well timed sneak attack you can wipe out numbers much larger than yourself. So far though, that isn’t the case.


3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: pita spoon.5708

pita spoon.5708

@ toble.. i agree alot with what you say.. but to me.. i consider PVDoor not so much undefended but there are not enough defenders to resist your force.. where there really isn’t much of a fight.. sure some defenders would abandon ship but sometimes i dont.. so come get your loot prize with your cap..lol

and as for small scale fights.. well you cant run your wvw build in spvp which is why alot of people go to wvw looking for small scale and 1 v 1.. wish anet would do something about this so people could have duels with their wvw builds without hurting the wvw populace.

ive dueled some PAXA 1 v 1 who were solo roaming.. 1 was a sylvari mesmer which was a long fight and i barely won in the end.. ive also 1 v 1 i think a guardian from Os which was very tough fight.. unfortunately it was in the eb jp and the guardian attacked me first after i ran past but it was still fun.. but it was at the beginning too so i guess it was no big deal anyway

:o I try not to attack people in JPs so wasn’t me! They are making custom arenas for that, so soon we can have GVGs and such! It will be nice.

I understand what PAXA is doing and have never had a problem with it. They apparently don’t like actual WvW though and therefore hate us because we like actual WvW or something like that.

i heard about those arenas.. hopefully that happens soon.. also heard about possible dueling or will that be in the custom arenas?? either way will be fun and then maybe we can have some kind of peaceful fight nite..lol.. peaceful

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Let’s ask tootsie.

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


I run in a small group and have ran into PAXA and enjoy fighting you guys. However:
“Here’s what none of you [Os] folks ever admit….you will not compete nightly with us fair or even as Osif says….fairish numbers. Because of that reason ALONE you will find no respect from our camp.”

We have challenged you to group fights, you were the ones who declined. We don’t run around in large numbers to find you guys to fight, we run around in large numbers to do WvW objectives, objectives that might have us fight a large zerg. When your 5 man teams run into us, we didn’t plan it, it just happens.

You’ve said that Os uses things such as cannons vice going out and fight fairly, Me and Draegar have ran into situations with 4 of us and 4 of you and you guys constantly run back to spawn, is it legit? yeah. you are using what the game provides just as we are.

Lastly to the comment about taking us on 3v1, is it possible for PAXA, I won’t say it’s impossible, a well timed sneak attack you can wipe out numbers much larger than yourself. So far though, that isn’t the case.

I did make a comment to this, but then I thought better of it to get into the whole arguing about something that neither side has proof of. Well, unless our 1 guy that does fraps maybe got it on tape! Aiden was part of that 3-1 situation I mentioned (I think that’s what you mean by 3v1, not an actual 3v1?). While it wasn’t all Os, it was an Os commander who lead the overextending charge to our spawn with plenty of Os there. Maybe he remembers the situation I’m talking about. Either way, it was a fun fight.

As to the whole 4v4 thing, I guess I wasn’t there because I don’t remember it.

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Sarsbear.3469


People who say go to spvp clearly haven’t played spvp, so I’ll break it down for them.

Its not 5v5 or 8v8. Its 2v1, maybe 3v3 occasionally, and the goal is not to kill players, its to stand in a ring the longest. So the best builds are ones that can keep people out of the ring and live a long time. It is also under a different ruleset than WvW, so certain classes and builds are completely useless there. And finally the gear selection is nowhere near what it is in WvW, which makes getting certain stats impossible.

Also, the only person in our group who can really be considered a bunker is me, the full support guardian. The other people just know how to use abilities to stop incoming damage. And none of us run a “kite and run” build, it would be worthless to our group.

We come to WvW to fight players. To do that we usually have to run around and take camps and sentries and hammer on tower gates and occasionally build siege. None of us like doing these things, we do it just to get you guys out of your towers. And in response, you guys usually throw out 3-4 times our numbers to deal with it.

Do you know how sad it is to run around a few hours a night and find groups of 20+ much more easily than another group of 5? Its so sad we had to transfer to another server just so we could fight our own guild and friends.

The only SPvP I have done has been to do 1v1s, so you are right, I don’t know. What I do know is that you can’t complain about large zergs in a large zerg world.

Also there are plenty of times you have to kill people with 3-4 times their numbers, you you really can not speak on that subject. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5IwBHzDk-8&edit=vd

I’m sure a good portion of your time is spent killing under geared or under levelled players as well.

No one ever told you what you do is unacceptable, so who are you to tell us that doing what was meant to be done in WvW is?

No one has ever had a problem with your little 5 man. People think your attitudes suck, but no one has told you what you are doing is wrong, that is, up until you wanted to call out larger guilds for “PvDooring” and the like.

I don’t believe I said anything about how you play. I also know there have been people calling us out for not “helping the server” or some nonsense.

My complaint stems from the fact that there are entire servers that can’t put a group of 10 or less players together that want to pvp. I’ve been pvping in games for 10 years now, and in no other has there been such a complete lack of opposition. There are literally 100’s of players in the borderlands, and we go entire nights without a fight against close numbers.

The things we have to do just to get people to come out from behind a gate are absurd.

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Scotoma.1259


Hello people new to the game/forums wanted to say been having alot of fun in WvW some of the best pvp action ive played in a long time. I am on the GoM side and if youd like to see some footage from the last week or so check it out here

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Cassini.6275


I don’t post here often but I would just like to express my thanks to NSP and HoD for some wonderful battle over the past week, It’s been well fought and hopefully we have more to come, Watch out for me, Im the fabulous pink haired Char Thief sticking it to your rear end.

Cássini – Lvl 80 Char Theif
Gate Of Madness.
Trebuchet Enthusiast.

(edited by Cassini.6275)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: titanlectro.5029


Holy cow HoD! I don’t know where you got the super army, but you have earned my respect. Now stop giving everything that you took to NSP!

Gate of Madness | Leader – Phoenix Ascendant [ASH]
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is my Trahearne’s story

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Holy cow HoD! I don’t know where you got the super army, but you have earned my respect. Now stop giving everything that you took to NSP!

That’s NSP’s commission for helping them.

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


Hello people new to the game/forums wanted to say been having alot of fun in WvW some of the best pvp action ive played in a long time. I am on the GoM side and if youd like to see some footage from the last week or so check it out here

I saw me! And i wasnt dead! Although i was just running up a hill. Hard to get killed doing that.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Tootsie.5217


A big round of applaud for all who keep getting up and back on that battlefield every kitten day.
Would also like to welcome our old neighbour HoD back to the field.
Keep those badges coming!

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


It just occurred to me, we mustn’t of properly welcomed you NSP guys to tier 7. So here it is.

Welcome to Tier 7, dont forget to enjoy your stay and please, if you can, leave your qq at the door.

Seriously Nsp, you cry foul at everything and gloat at the smallest of things, stop it. HoD can get kittened on all week and i dont hear a single peep out of them. Instead they try harder and do better.

( yeah thats right, i payed HoD a complement, people who know me, amiright?)

Please don’t assume the the entirety of NSP is like this. Every server has this problem in some shape or form.

agreed with this.. its a game so lets have fun playing it..

as for HoD.. they are a small wvw populated server that plays their kitten off.. most are very tough players as they have to play outmanned alot..

Hey thanks for the compliments guys, that means a lot. We do try really hard with what we have, and I’m always very proud of what we manage to pull off. GoM and NSP have made for fun opponents this week, and I have seen many players with some awesome skill throughout our fights.

It’s been a good week. ~

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: dunnberry.2964


Can we get a score update please? Can’t get on for another day or so

Borlis Pass
Asuran Engineer (Lost)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: atomicjellybean.5389


Wonderful night, we were just able to show everyone that we weren’t dead yet awesome job defending eb GoM, the fight at langor went on and on! To NSP, darn you for coming in and stealing our glory xD we wanted to be the ones who capped out GoM bl completely, not half hod half NSP >.<, overall good fights and defense from everyone, hopefully we can have more nights like this!

Owner of PHAZE {PHZE}
Commander Atomicjellybean
Henge of Denravi

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Wonderful night, we were just able to show everyone that we weren’t dead yet awesome job defending eb GoM, the fight at langor went on and on! To NSP, darn you for coming in and stealing our glory xD we wanted to be the ones who capped out GoM bl completely, not half hod half NSP >.<, overall good fights and defense from everyone, hopefully we can have more nights like this!

That’s the HoD I like to see! Well, not all up in our territory of course, but it’s good to see you guys up and kicking outside of your usual weekend surge.

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Debois Guilbert.6413

Debois Guilbert.6413

Wonderful night, we were just able to show everyone that we weren’t dead yet awesome job defending eb GoM, the fight at langor went on and on! To NSP, darn you for coming in and stealing our glory xD we wanted to be the ones who capped out GoM bl completely, not half hod half NSP >.<, overall good fights and defense from everyone, hopefully we can have more nights like this!

Thought we were ready at our garrison, but nice job HoD. From tonight:

Going out in a blaze of glory. At least I took a few down with me. I guess it’s true, you can’t take it with you when you die.


Altoholic Luciana Delaluna, Ranger
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] – Gate of Madness
“This space intentionally left blank.” ~ Zork

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Can we get a score update please? Can’t get on for another day or so

You can always get the scores here:

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: kurath.9406


It was a fun day for Henge. We knew our night crew (or gaping lack thereof) would not be able to hold off the retaliation, but after our successful GT ninja of NSP garrison earlier in the day with ~10 people, it was a totally different experience steamrolling into GoM garrison with something like 100 people. Still, we had all 3 garrisons within the day which is something we don’t often achieve.

Props to the leaders of our big guilds for getting their guilds to haul some kitten tonight and make a point – albeit a short lived one. And props to our buddies over at GoM for letting us know they’ve been cutting us some slack this week.

Genesis Theory [GT] – HoD

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Shiver.5903


HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.

Yours truly,


I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.

That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.


3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


:To HoD.. thanks for all the badges at lake. Finally pushed us out.. good fight last night was nice to see that many red for once

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.

Yours truly,


I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.

That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.

Enough of the play for 2nd talk, I had enough of it in the NSP-AR-BP threads when that was going on.

Truth of the matter is people take what they can take. Most of us here just looking for some fun and stuff to kill. We try one thing if we get smashed or just overwhelmed in numbers, we try something else. I cant count the number of times this week Ive seen NSP rolling one side of HoD eb, while GoM rolls the other, not trying to attack Nsp at all. I know points matter and people want to win, but unless the march update changes something to where winning matters I don’t see it changing much. And really I hope it doesn’t. In the lower brackets so much of winning is purely a numbers game and coverage holes. I’d hate to see people start getting awards for that.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


@ toble.. i agree alot with what you say.. but to me.. i consider PVDoor not so much undefended but there are not enough defenders to resist your force.. where there really isn’t much of a fight.. sure some defenders would abandon ship but sometimes i dont.. so come get your loot prize with your cap..lol

and as for small scale fights.. well you cant run your wvw build in spvp which is why alot of people go to wvw looking for small scale and 1 v 1.. wish anet would do something about this so people could have duels with their wvw builds without hurting the wvw populace.

ive dueled some PAXA 1 v 1 who were solo roaming.. 1 was a sylvari mesmer which was a long fight and i barely won in the end.. ive also 1 v 1 i think a guardian from Os which was very tough fight.. unfortunately it was in the eb jp and the guardian attacked me first after i ran past but it was still fun.. but it was at the beginning too so i guess it was no big deal anyway

:o I try not to attack people in JPs so wasn’t me! They are making custom arenas for that, so soon we can have GVGs and such! It will be nice.

I understand what PAXA is doing and have never had a problem with it. They apparently don’t like actual WvW though and therefore hate us because we like actual WvW or something like that.

No I dont like people running with 15 around them calling themselves good when they kill 3-4 people. Toble, funny, you have never actually come to find us with anything less than 10. Here’s what none of you [Os] folks ever admit….you will not compete nightly with us fair or even as Osif says….fairish numbers. Because of that reason ALONE you will find no respect from our camp.

Trolling was developed by the WoW creators who allowed 8 year olds to pvp and get away with killing people with 3 buttons. Stealth, Nuke, Stealth. Thus trolling. Unfortunately all the real pvpers have mostly left this game and we’re are left with what every mmo for the last 7 years has been left with after 6 months…carebear zergers. Pvp started in open world settings…not warfronts, so telling us to go back to instance based pvp isn’t where we are from amigo. The only difference is that Anet allows your 30 man protection of just that….having 30. Where I am from, our 8 would have S M O K E D your 30 guys in a 1 minute fight. Anet doesn’t want that because YOU will all leave if we did that on a nightly basis. Cheers…the finance team at ANet favor you baddies.

We run that large because you need that many to take objectives and fight larger zergs.

Yet again, if you want a fight club to prove yourselves, go for it. Other than that, we will continue playing WvW the way it’s meant to be played. We are not going to go out of our way, break up our groups to go 5v5 camp flipping when we have towers to take. You guys really are just trying to distract us from our major objectives.

You play your way, we will play ours. The 1v1’s and 5v5s are open to you if you want, all you have to do it ask. Other than that, wait for custom arenas, then if you are still in WvW and crying about people actually playing WvW, then you really just like crying on forums about people playing the game as intended.

And yes, we are good at WvW. We take objectives, command every day and try to keep the server involved as best we can. I would say that along with a few other guilds on this server, we play very well in WvW and you guys seem to be the only ones not liking it.

Also, Anet didn’t make this game for you. People made this game with the challenge of 30+ people working together at once since there are dozens of games with 5-10 man pvp situations. Anet isn’t going to tailor something already found in another section of the game as well as in other games. They made something new that we are playing correctly and doing well at playing correctly.

As you said about the numbers thing, if the situation was reversed, you would to. Not to mention, you do.

There are plenty of nights you kill solo or duo roamers with groups of 5, so please, leave the numbers game out of this, you play it too. Don’t make me link the video again.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

(edited by Toble.2968)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Toble.2968


HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.

Yours truly,


I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.

That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.

Enough of the play for 2nd talk, I had enough of it in the NSP-AR-BP threads when that was going on.

Truth of the matter is people take what they can take. Most of us here just looking for some fun and stuff to kill. We try one thing if we get smashed or just overwhelmed in numbers, we try something else. I cant count the number of times this week Ive seen NSP rolling one side of HoD eb, while GoM rolls the other, not trying to attack Nsp at all. I know points matter and people want to win, but unless the march update changes something to where winning matters I don’t see it changing much. And really I hope it doesn’t. In the lower brackets so much of winning is purely a numbers game and coverage holes. I’d hate to see people start getting awards for that.

Well, you guys did start to push into our borderlands.

We didn’t like that very much and thought your forces would still be as large as they were when you were attacking.

D: Sorry, but points that aren’t GOMs are the best type of points.

Teal haired, Bifrost wearing, heal pooping, dot placing, noob.
| Epidemic
| Drenched

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Wryscher.1432


HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.

Yours truly,


I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.

That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.

Enough of the play for 2nd talk, I had enough of it in the NSP-AR-BP threads when that was going on.

Truth of the matter is people take what they can take. Most of us here just looking for some fun and stuff to kill. We try one thing if we get smashed or just overwhelmed in numbers, we try something else. I cant count the number of times this week Ive seen NSP rolling one side of HoD eb, while GoM rolls the other, not trying to attack Nsp at all. I know points matter and people want to win, but unless the march update changes something to where winning matters I don’t see it changing much. And really I hope it doesn’t. In the lower brackets so much of winning is purely a numbers game and coverage holes. I’d hate to see people start getting awards for that.

Well, you guys did start to push into our borderlands.

We didn’t like that very much and thought your forces would still be as large as they were when you were attacking.

D: Sorry, but points that aren’t GOMs are the best type of points.

Oh I agree, stabbing nsp heads is much more fun then stabbing HoD heads.

The whole play for second thing just always annoyed me. Just say what you really mean. Can you please stop attacking us. I know we spent all week killing you and getting as many points off you as we could, but now the week is almost over. So be some swell chaps and try to distract the other server for us so we can win.

[Sane]-Order of the Insane Disorder
Melanessa-Necromancer Cymaniel-Scrapper
Minikata-Guardian Shadyne-Elementalist -FA-

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


HoD, you succeeded at getting our attention.
So for a few moments, we redirected our focus to you.
That’s what we call a BACKLASH. Action, reaction.

Yours truly,


I guess old habits die hard, and you went back to allowing the server with a strong lead to rack more free points. Maybe it was not your goal, but that is what you achieved all night long. Playing for 2nd place.

That’s sad, come on, play for 1st and lets have a healthy matchup.

Enough of the play for 2nd talk, I had enough of it in the NSP-AR-BP threads when that was going on.

Truth of the matter is people take what they can take. Most of us here just looking for some fun and stuff to kill. We try one thing if we get smashed or just overwhelmed in numbers, we try something else. I cant count the number of times this week Ive seen NSP rolling one side of HoD eb, while GoM rolls the other, not trying to attack Nsp at all. I know points matter and people want to win, but unless the march update changes something to where winning matters I don’t see it changing much. And really I hope it doesn’t. In the lower brackets so much of winning is purely a numbers game and coverage holes. I’d hate to see people start getting awards for that.

Well, you guys did start to push into our borderlands.

We didn’t like that very much and thought your forces would still be as large as they were when you were attacking.

D: Sorry, but points that aren’t GOMs are the best type of points.

Oh I agree, stabbing nsp heads is much more fun then stabbing HoD heads.

The whole play for second thing just always annoyed me. Just say what you really mean. Can you please stop attacking us. I know we spent all week killing you and getting as many points off you as we could, but now the week is almost over. So be some swell chaps and try to distract the other server for us so we can win.

Simply put… lol… that is all <3

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Spets the MilkBandit.9031

Spets the MilkBandit.9031

WoW, GoM. If that was one person funding all the golems i applaud you for your dedication to your server.
I was with a team of 10-15 in GoM BL when i got a call that there are 15+ golems in SM
By the time we got there you were in lord room. i basically exploded after a few AC hits on the golems.
Shame We killed them all then they left sm (well not all but the vast majority, i think maybe a few omegas escaped)
I counted 3 Omegas and 15ish alphas? but id love to hear the real number!
Thank you for the fun morning GoM (no sarcasm),

Smitry / Spets
Zealots of Shiverpeak [ZoS] Commander
Northern Shiverpeaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: osif.8673


Toble, I think it is pretty funny how you keep mentioning 1v1s since none of us care about them and are built for group situations. Yes, they are fun but you act like we ask everyone for 1v1s and don’t think you’re good unless you 1v1 haha. 5v5s on the other hand, since it looks like you’re offering we would love to see you out there with one of those!

Miller Time – 80 Sylvari Mesmer
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Tobs, I don’t like that you come on the forums beating your own drum about how your 30 help the server with keep doors…. And yet you don’t even HAVE a drum to beat about other players… Because you don’t fight them unless youre on siege or have a keep door to run into. What you do takes numbers only and less everything else- skill, focus, organization. It’s incredible, in a real pvp environment your 200 person guild minus the few good players we have come across who we have mentioned would be laughed right off the server. Trolling isn’t my goal, making you and robert eat kitten for the crap and slander of other nsp’ers you throw on here daily little girl… Is.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


Score is 10 hours old on Millennium. Anyone have an update for us lowly workers?

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

3/8 NSP GoM HoD

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Wonderful night, we were just able to show everyone that we weren’t dead yet awesome job defending eb GoM, the fight at langor went on and on! To NSP, darn you for coming in and stealing our glory xD we wanted to be the ones who capped out GoM bl completely, not half hod half NSP >.<, overall good fights and defense from everyone, hopefully we can have more nights like this!

Thought we were ready at our garrison, but nice job HoD. From tonight:

Going out in a blaze of glory. At least I took a few down with me. I guess it’s true, you can’t take it with you when you die.

Fortunately, I was on the far ballista and had a chance to grab my bags before the flip. That lord room fight alone was worth 38 badges. So many Henge, so little time…