3/8 - Underworld - Drakkar - Abaddon
solid matchup
btw.. desert sun still looking for some nice guild vs guild fights like every week.
btw.. desert sun still looking for some nice guild vs guild fights like every week.drop me a pm or whisper me ingame to arrange some nice fights.
btw.. desert sun still looking for some nice guild vs guild fights like every week.drop me a pm or whisper me ingame to arrange some nice fights.cheers
Driver of Death Days
Yeah, great matchup so far… very tight game.
Ps. what is it with Germans and making videos? xD Entertaining stuff to watch though, too bad I don’t understand the language. :P
If you go back 2 months, we’d get stomped by your realms, UW made so much progress.. it’s still a bit hard to believe even in a higher tier we are currently leading, but the lead is so tight, it can change quickly.
Enjoying this matchup a lot so far.
Keep up the great job guys! And remember that someone does not simple golem rush Underworld’s Garrison!
-Typhons Bane
Keep up the great job guys! And remember that someone does not simple golem rush Underworld’s Garrison!
Except RoS that is :p
Ruins of Surmia
Keep up the great job guys! And remember that someone does not simple golem rush Underworld’s Garrison!
Except RoS that is :p
I think we learned our lessons back then so now it should be harder to do a golem siege like that. And our keeps have held some serious attacks from both servers, even simultaneously, so Im more than happy about Underworld
And btw AM and DL, do you still have bad laggs from time to time? I suppose some germans have some problems at the moment.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Now you guys can teach WSR and BT, The keeps are falling like raindrops, so much that I even got tired of it after 2 days and i’m taking a day off now lol.
Ruins of Surmia
Now you guys can teach WSR and BT, The keeps are falling like raindrops, so much that I even got tired of it after 2 days and i’m taking a day off now lol.
Now you know how we felt with you <3<3<3
PS. Sorry for DL and AM for this thread drifting into friendly boasting.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Well the other thread died before it even started , no one posting
Ruins of Surmia
Well, you have made 1 out of 4 replies in this post, so I suppose you can say almost same about this thread.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Whatever it takes to keep the topic alive, right? I don’t think a lot of Germans will be posting here anyway, I kinda miss the more talkative ones at Dzagonur
But it’s been a great matchup, there’s plenty of action going on and we’ve had a lot of serious attempts on our keeps. I’m happy we’re doing a good job of defending them so far. I wish I wouldn’t need to see that Siegerazer so often though :P
The only thing that’s impressive in that video is the fact that they are not from the same guild, its random people following exact words of commander which is awesome. I haven’t been video recording this week. But I will and I will post it here for the germans
and off-topic: Hello to [Dex] and why are you not in Underworld yet? :P
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
The roughly 35G transfer fee might be playing a part in that. :P
@Paavotar, that might be why I’m having trouble stomping them lol.. everytime I kill a German I need to stomp him like 4 times before he’s actually dead. >_<
Yes come to RoS, you only have to pay 10g Instead!
Ruins of Surmia
Underworld got a lot of players which we’re missing on AM… that’s what the weekend learned me, but it’s better then fighting against those huge FR servers. I’m still curious what’s happening during the week.
We’re currently having a lot of lag issues, that started after the last patch. noone knows exactly what causes the problem, but we all hope for a solution in the near future.
see you on battlefield
Actually sorry manudio, we honestly are stronger during week. lol
@Ilesyt: Meh 35gold…excuses!
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
Underworld server is so much fun at the moment, we’re rising up very quickly and it’s very exciting. Every higher tier we enter seems to be getting more fun with new challenges and stronger opponents! Having great fun fighting you germans
Officer of the WvW guild – Swords of Underworld [SWD]
We are waiting for you UW
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Sharing a story that Paavotar wrote on our guildforums (hope you dont mind I did this,). It was pretty funny.
So there we were, Frussy shouting something bout golems and kitten. So what the heck, lets do it and we did.
We made 3 golems by carrying supplies from our border, to not alert them. Then we started siegerazer to hit their Briar tower with some randoms. At the same time we started to move golems through orchard river to the lake and from there to Garrison.
At Garrison we waited with golems while a strike team got the guards down and builded a superior ballista to take out the outer and inner oil and cannons. After half way done we decided to port the golems in. With a help of a superior ram and time warps (also thanks for SWD for bringing extra two mesmers) the gate melted under the pressure.
We then portaled golems up to inner gate which is basically paper and I threw one basic ram here and we started swinging. We got through, killed lord and couple unsuspecting Abaddons hanging around the bank. Ring was up and we were standing inside, keeping the invaders out and when it finally reached the full we cheered. Our tactical mission which we didn’t honestly think we could pull off at prime time actually worked.
After this is got even more interesting. We had full supplies in Garrison so we decided to make two trebs in there and start to treb Bay. The enemy defenders were already bombarding garrison with their trebs so we had to make haste. What they didn’t expect was us to move the golems to Hills while they were thinking about Bay and Garrison.
We moved the golems to lake and from lake to Hills gate. More superior rams and we started to take out the gate. We got the first gate pretty fast open, but on second gate there was trouble. Couple invaders got inside and they started to pour oil on us. We decided to stay on our goal and keep the golem arms swinging on that gate. And we being lucky a mesmer got his Timewarp out of cooldown and we got that last couple percents out with frenzy.
We got in, we rushed the lord. We swinged so hard and furios that my keyboard moaned from the pain. With couple Timewarps we got the lord down pretty efficiently, but then it happened.
The waypoint opened. Hills was not contested anymore. Nor it was going to be because none of us was hitting Gate or any structural part of it. They kept waypointing themselves in to Hills, a hole lot of them. We were overwhelmed by their superior numbers and put down. But kitten was a nice try and we almost did it.
I like to thank all of the participiants for following the orders so precisly and giving advices and working as a team. Im pretty dam proud and tired now.
See you on the battlefield tomorrow!
GuM Commander
We are waiting for you UW
It will be interesting to face Far Shiverpeaks again, hopefully we won’t have to fight for Bay all day every week again (you either sieging up Briar or Vale..). :P
Because that’s like literally the first thing I think of when I think about FS, everyday the same battle, the same tactics.. and at that time we couldn’t do anything agains’t it because of our lack of numbers, that issue should be solved now though. UW has grown a lot.
Oh yeah that one…:/
Our side of the story(less epic):
Our defense force just finished taking all camps and so we decided to get some free supps with the outbreak event on UW and take the tower and we forgot to guard the keeps. We we’re half way through the gate of the tower as we realised that we lost garrison. So we rushed back to our BL and ran to Hills(I was the first one at hills and told the others the timer teleport timer)(so that single Necro who stood in the lord room->that was me). You killed me so all i could do was telling the others the port timer and lord HP and as the lord dropped down a second player from our defense arrived and stopped the capping process. The timer hit zero and the others were able to teleport in just in time.
So we made a mistake and paid for it:/
(edited by Nauda.3678)
Just now epic fight for SM castle was finished, 3 zergs mowed each other down for like 40 mins inside SM, and whole operation took a little more than two hours (UW point of view). Brilliant leadership for APE (not sure though) commander Nimodem (i hope he dont mind) and unyelding resolve form zerglings allowed us to be victorious despite dire circumstances.
(and i hope i didnt made too many mistakes in that sentence)
Nice fights on our homelands vs SPGR and SAS from underworld.
Unfortunately we’ve only been 18 peeps this evening on our event
Alright so now we are officialy calling out SPGR and SAS out for a Guild vs Guild.
Since we now know that you have the numbers to battle us, we are excited to meet
you on the battlefield for some good mannered 15v15 / 20v20 / 25v25
Driver of Death Days
Hello DSun Sadly I need to inform you that we are a casual guild. Not a WvW Guild.
Saying that, we do have a hardcore WvW group in our Guild, which unfortunately only has an awesome event(as you noticed/felt) on Tuesdays. Hell, our main commander doesn’t even login half the week.
I do propose that next time we meet as servers, on a Tuesday we will be happy to fight a GvG with you guys.
With Respect
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
Loot bags, loot bags everywhere!
So it was you who operated that AC/… gz on lootbags
Loot bags, loot bags everywhere!
So it was you who operated that AC/… gz on lootbags
Jup, made it to get rid of Abbadons siege.
I apologize to the guy that I overruled, but I wasn’t sure he was hitting the right spot.
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
Hello DSun
Sadly I need to inform you that we are a casual guild. Not a WvW Guild.
Saying that, we do have a hardcore WvW group in our Guild, which unfortunately only has an awesome event(as you noticed/felt) on Tuesdays. Hell, our main commander doesn’t even login half the week.
I do propose that next time we meet as servers, on a Tuesday we will be happy to fight a GvG with you guys.With Respect
I highly doubt that this will happen in the near future due to the fact that underworld still rising up while drakkar drops in the brackets. if we ever meet again we will do this!
Driver of Death Days
Well, its not like we are going to go away x) If we do meet again, we will fight. Hopefully then we will be more WvW hardcore players that we will be able to do more than 3-4 events a week.
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
gl next week and I hope we keep in touch. preferable add me ingame.
Driver of Death Days