3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: neonreaper.4805


I wouldn’t mind an experimental week of three Eternal Borderlands maps with each map having a different color setup. I’d also suggest a rotation of alpine, desert, and triple EB. Thanks for giving us some attention either way!

[BE] Pumpkin / Rhinox3 / Reyn Time / Pale
Fort Aspenwood

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


Why not just 3 maps layed out like EB with a team in each corner, but instead have EB, ABL and DBL.

Removing home borderland concept might help stop those “runaway” match ups where the strongest pop can hold an entire map against 1 enemy, there would be a second enemy presence to deal with, helping the flow of combat and in turn potentially making it harder for the server with more population.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

(edited by sephiroth.4217)

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043



3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Nidome.1365


I really try to avoid going to EB unless I absolutely have to – borders are much more fun.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


I’m not a fan of EBG at all. It plays very differently from the borders and isn’t something I’m all that interested in.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


It doesnt really matter if people are fans of EB or not because the overall design (ie 3 keeps in a triangle with something interesting in the center) is pretty much the only way to fix WvW permanently as it would allow map scaling by population in each matchup. With 3 static different borders we’re essentially stuck with a system that cant be fixed.

But I digress, let’s see where the pairs take us.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: joneirikb.7506


@ sephiroth.4217

Agreed (no big surprise, I know).

@ Dawdler.8521

Agreed (Again, no bit surprise).

This might sound silly, but one of the primary reasons I’d love to see a Dynamic Map system, is to let it create copies of whatever map is Queue’d. Finally we could actually see what maps really is the most popular.

4 copies of EBG and 1 ABG with 1 DBG ? Ok, then we certainly would know.

Instead of being stuck with 3 identical maps, we saw what happened with this when so many put Desert BL for hate right away. A system like this would let us play the map we wanted.

Elrik Noj (Norn Guardian, Kaineng [SIN][Owls])
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Sich.7103


EBG sucks, it’s even far worse that the new DBL for me. I love the “home” concept, and this is back with the WP change.
I’m on Piken, #1 on EU, and execpt at reset we always have at least 1 map without queue to play on. No need to have only EB and scale map number with players online.
Just stop stacking EB and all will be fine.
And about 4 different map… Well.. We will all stack on EB and ABL ? Because EOTM map suck really… And ABL is far better than DBL even with the new change.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Tiny Doom.4380

Tiny Doom.4380

EBG has always been the dumping ground for WvW. A place to be avoided if possible. The last thing WvW needs is more EBG.

Four different maps would be interesting, though. Forget “balance” and go for “variety”. Probably can’t have both.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Yuffi.2430


If you have 3 different home maps then you’ll get QQ over one map being easier to defend or attack, so the only way to ensure the map you get doesn’t affect the scoring is to run the matches over 3 weeks so everyone gets each map, and no one has an advantage overall.

In the interest of fairness I’d rather stick with one week matches and the same map – even though I like the idea that different themed home maps could give each team a unique feel.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Puck.9612


4 different maps really wouldn’t fix anything though. EBG and alpine would still see the most play, leaving EotM and the DBL to be k-trained by the larger server.
And opening up bl’s in instances doesn’t work because people won’t want to invest time and effort defending and upgrading a bl that is going to disappear right after prime time.
But yeah…. we definitely don’t need 4 EBG’s.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624



+1. 4 3 sided maps.

I don’t mind the OP’s idea that much but it might get stale as well like ABL did, so would prefer variety.


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: jamesdolla.3954


More Airship strikes and cloaking waters on other maps! yay! just what the doctor ordered.

Native Maguuman

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Sich.7103


don’t bring eotm map in WvW !!
And eotm is not a “home” map, it’s a 3 side map… I want to play at “home”, this is what is ABL, and DBL is close to that with the recent change. But eotm is not, really not a home border map !

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Loosmaster.8263


4 different maps really wouldn’t fix anything though. EBG and alpine would still see the most play, leaving EotM and the DBL to be k-trained by the larger server.
And opening up bl’s in instances doesn’t work because people won’t want to invest time and effort defending and upgrading a bl that is going to disappear right after prime time.
But yeah…. we definitely don’t need 4 EBG’s.

The 4 map idea would be a good Beta test. Give enough diversity to different play styles. The biggest drawback is implementation time as they’re going to have to add HoT mechanics to the EotM map. But it would make a good map rotation scenario.

The Ktrain portion may be under control depending on how we go forward with World linking.

Tacktical Killers [TK]
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PM me here or ING.

(edited by Loosmaster.8263)

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Flamealchemist.2681


Erm no replicating the eb over three time will help who? The people who are stuck in queue to get into eb?
just because you love eb doesn’t means everyone has to play it in all maps. Believe it or not, there are people who love borderland more than eb and from personal experience, it usually takes me months before I even step into eb. Im in bl either sieging stuff up or roaming. Ninety eight percent of my wvw time has been spent in bl.

Of course when alpine was there. =p

3 EB maps instead of 1 EB + 3 BL

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


They tried it with DBL and the keep WPs remember? And it didn’t fly.

L’enfer, c’est les autres