(edited by Steelo.4597)
3 points on how i'd like my balance
No this is a terrible idea
I like my balance like I like my partners. Readily available for shenanigans and in even doses spread out over a period of years.
Tarnished Coast: Bringing the Butter to you (no pants allowed)
Currently toughness doesn’t have enough effect vs power based damage and the lower end healing doesn’t heal enough.
On the condi end, I think too many non-condi builds spam too many condis and cleanses are still hard to come by for some professions. I would like to see in general less passive cleansing and increased active cleansing, so that players can have more control over when to cleanse and what to cleanse as well as make the game less dumbed down and more active combat focused.
CC is still a bit over the top in mid and large group vs group. Not sure how to balance this without breaking small scale balance.
Healing on the low end, with low healing power, needs to be a bit more effective. There is not enough plainly distinguishable difference between having 0 healing power and lets say 400ish healing power, so why waste the stat slot ? And if you go for high healing power you sacrifice a great deal in all the other areas, unlike when going for DPS stats, due to available stat / rune combos, you can still be very tanky and do decent damage, but you can’t have a very high healing power / effectiveness and do decent damage, plus then you are missing toughness / vitality, so you get insta downed, healing won’t help when you’re dirtnapping.
Toughness has a huge effect on power-based damage. The problem is ANet doesn’t know how to implement power-based damage, because they keep giving people access to static +power bonuses and 25 might. Make it come from scaling bonuses, and all the problems vanish entirely.
Boons are wildly over-accessible and negate pretty much any incentive to pick a build other than a hybrid/new-stat allocation with durability runes and passive defenses.
If you run 2k armor versus 3k armor against a thief or scaling-oriented class, you’ll get even bigger damage reduction than than 50% because of how damage modifiers are applied.
I love the pace of WvW – there’s a huge amount of diversity in builds, whereas in sPvP the forcefully-slower pace has resulted in only a very few select, often cheesy builds working to any extent at all. Right now I will say that condition application (almost entirely in the form of immob, burning, and confusion), boon application, and CC are too easy to come by from most elite specs, and the new gear options are straight up mathematically imbalanced. Pre-HoT balance was almost flawless in WvW. Now we’re really far from it (although still not as kittenPvP).
I like my balance like I like my partners. Readily available for shenanigans and in even doses spread out over a period of years.
LOL – love this comment.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)