30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Today (Monday 15th October) my guild and myself conducted Operations in Underworld Borderlands, we decided to use the culmination of a months worth of savings – 5 Omega Golems… (and about 5 Alphas)

We started at 8:00pm GMT, after building the golems etc. After we started, in 20minutes we took both Hills and Garrison back, at which point the server crashed, only UW Borderlands, and it was down for maybe 10 minutes, as soon as we got back in we checked for the Golems, none of which were there, despite enemy siege and all of the rest of ours still available to use.
After 10 minutes in from the crash, enemies had taken everything we took.

Our problem here is that we have wasted our time and money to build all of this, only to have it ripped away from us unfairly , as well as the victories we had guaranteed for our server.

We would very much appreciate the reimbursing of either the Golems or the money and materials used to build them – all of those involved with making the Golems have created support tickets, but they are more often than not overlooked, therefore here is this forum post

Thanks for reading -
Ezekiel the Adept GM of [WvW]

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Larry.8721


Good post Ezekiel,
I do hope this gets the attention of Arenanet.

I was one of the ppl in an Omega golem and having it taking away like that really was demoralizing and totally unfair.

Salayas the Elementalist.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Old Timez.5194

Old Timez.5194

Yeah i’m from Gandara and that was pretty kitten that you lost all that. What’s funny is considering how poor A-net are when it comes to these things I heavily doubt your gonna get your money back as well.

I dunno what to say dudes i’m cringing inside and disgusted about this.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: DanyK.3842


I have the operation (most of it)recorded including the DC, and some of the voice chat involved, which clearly shows the disapproval of fellow guild members. I also find it unfair, that it wasn’t cleared to us why the kick has happened, and all the money spent (and contributed) is lost.

I wasn’t in one of the golems, and I don’t want any money in return, but please have it refunded for them, because some of that was guild money, to which I have contributed.

Thank you!

Sir Dany | Twitch
110k WvW kills | Champion Legionnaire, Paragon |

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyWarrior.1879


Ah I feel sorry for you guys, it always sucks to lose things in such a way. I hope you guys get reimbursed as you ask!
On a side note; it’s wonderful to see you guys still fighting on despite the lead we have Your making some awesome fights.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Ignitus.3127


I spent 400 badges to get my omega golem so im not happy! Hope this can be resolved soon. And to the guys messaging us in game thx for the support.
Crit Nibbler

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Sky.9347


Yeah, that sucks.

At least now you know what it takes to break the server…

Sky – [tSA] – Stormbluff Isle
November 15, 2012 – The day a dream died.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

This does seem like a series of unfortunate events. But I doubt ANet will act as it would be a poor precedent for future cases.

Once you start reimbursing players for one thing, people are going to expect it for all kinds of things.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Ryujin.1908


I was apart of the event. Manning one of the Omega golems. And witnessed the whole thing, including the crash. And completely agrees with this post. Hopefully It will get the atention needed to resolve this issue.

The Following Members Used These golems. And did the hard work to obtain them

Salayas – Omega Golem
Solvinald – Omega Golem
Vailiantina – Omega Golem
Terestial – Omega Golem
Crit Nibbler – Omega Golem
Unrelent The Shade – Alpha Golem
Gribb Deatheater – Alpha Golem

//Solvinald Member of [WvW]

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Nikol.6023


by the way this is ridiculous.Arena net have to reply and fix this situation!!!u now we are costomers and we arent only for spending our money on u!!YOU have to fix it!!!

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Lil hans moleman.6083

Lil hans moleman.6083

I was also part of this event, it was very frustrating as we in the UW borderlands dont have moments of glory often, and to have all of our golems deleted was one thing, losing everything we worked for because of that was lost. Would be appreciated if you at Anet, which i have supported since the early days of GW1 could atleast refund those who purchased the golems, and change the system if they were the reason for the crashing of the server.
Lil hans Moleman

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Dante.7204


I hope you guys get back what you’ve worked for!

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Fishy.3541


I was part of the raid, but was not part of the team manning the Golems. Just as the tide was turned by the glorious aid of the golems, I was disconnected. Initially I thought nothing of it (shoddy connection), before I finally was able to get back on, and both heard and saw the aftermath. And it was not good

Thanks for the support here from our opponents.

mr. Moore of Tyrian Swag[SWAG], Underworld Ele/Guard/Warr/Necro/Ranger/Mesmer

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Epikindinos.9476


I think it will be a poor precedent if they do NOT reimburse. 30G is a lot of money (even though I’m crying for the 400badges guy). Anet should have a look and see what they can do about this. Their Crash, their responsibility.


Commander Jack Da Black/Kindinos[GRTS]
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: thihihi.9451


I hope ANet will act and refund the golems they worked so hard for.


30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Akratos.3170


We had half the map cleared and we were ready to take all the map with big zerg and 5 golems and u dc us and now 30mins later all the map is lost ….this is a great push back to our server efforts ….and i really want to see an official answear to this.
Btw did arenanet close the server or we are soooo unlucky?

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Unrelent.5734


It’s really unfair, we had sooo much fun, and then suddenly poof

Unrelent Lawbringer
Battlemaster of the UnderWorld Battalion[WvW]

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Aloer.1790


I’m one of the members in the guild (Which is awesome, If I may add) and was around when all of this happened.
I sure hope ANet raise the glove and do something to refund the guys who wasted money/badges on the golems, apparently for nothing.

Fingers crossed.

Aloer ~ Elementalist
~ Seafarer’s Rest ~

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: daniel fleming.7329

daniel fleming.7329

as a member of [FMV] and in alliance with them i also think this should be resolved with a refund. most of today ive been listening to them and how there going to set up a raid etc and to have it all taken away like that to me seems extreamly unfaire.

Deep Scar [fmv]

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Jack Pj.1248

Jack Pj.1248

Playing at the time and seeing probably the first large-scale omega siege on our server, it seems unfair for it all to be ripped away on a random restart. I agree these guys should be re-embursed as thanks to your anti-farm code, 30g is no easy thing to accumulate for most people.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Andronicus.2149


Really guys that sucks in unlimited ways …. I wasnt part of this but i am one member of this guild whos spending lots of money on gems.And after this i am thinking for not doing it again in case of fixing this problem.I always thought that my money will spent for upgrading this amazing game what still has some problems to solve…

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: aapostol.5019


The whole deal was on purpose, Anet needs our money and they will do anything to get them, nothing is that unfortunate, you’ll c that they will tell you that “we can’t do anything about it”.(we only want you money so that’s part of our deal).
I purpose that everyone should leave the game if the refund is not made.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


It sounds like a bug that the golems disappeared upon server crash.

As such, arena.net should absolutely reimburse you the lost golems.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Aisha.9713


Today (Monday 15th October) my guild and myself were supporting Ezekiel’s efforts.
Of course i want to add 2-3 thingies.
1)If u ppl of arenanet respect the money you are earning through your customers (us all) u should return the mats or gold to Ezekiel.
2)If u respect the game u made and the whole philosophy of wvw u should investigate this insident cause in my eyes and ears and i believe for lots of UW ppl,this incident looks kinda weird.
3)Something for last.If u respect ppls time,efforts and money,u should act immediattely cause this incident effected allready this week’s wvw results.

I hope that you ll answer fast,cause if our competition at wvw has these incidents,the only thing we have to do is w8 for the bugged events among 3-4 bots that camping these spots for a week trying to make some gold to support our efforts to wvw.

This is not an irony.It a real fact.At last ACT.

Theios Gattling CoGM of TSGR.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Animal Uta.6934

Animal Uta.6934

We had half the map cleared and we were ready to take all the map with big zerg and 5 golems and u dc us and now 30mins later all the map is lost ….this is a great push back to our server efforts ….and i really want to see an official answear to this.
Btw did arenanet close the server or we are soooo unlucky?

If 7 Golems and the zerg it creates are too much for the server to handle then Anet should put a limit on, and tell us how many can be unpacked.

I think Eze should get refunded and he can distribute it to all the guys who lost out.

20 Golems next time XD

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Abbot.5109


Truly a gamebreaker, at least the gold should be returned. I hope for the best! Its stuff likes this that realy ruins the game experience.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


That sucks guys, but I don’t think it will happen. Being that multiple times when WvWvW servers crash or we get that “Auto Update” on WvWvW servers, we loose about everything we did , it seems mostly random at times. One update we still have everything but nothing is tied to the orginal deployer. Or in your case as has happened to my guild, the reset just whipes all siege equipment.

While your 1 time bout cost you 30g, I have no doubt all guilds have felt some number close to that. If my guild was to add up all the times (in prior guilds and now) that we lost items in resets, it probably would be close to your 30g. In that alone I am just saying, if all of us haven’t seen a dime back from all these resets, well… sadly I doubt you will.

Dont’ take this as well… “if they get we get” post, it’s just a fact in every MMO’s excisitance, if they did do this, there would be a cry for.. “well it happened to us!” in other ways. Personally if dev does read this and has a way to fix it, I suggest they just do so and del this thread and be done with it. I wish you all the best thou, but your not the first and surly won’t be the last.


Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Avatara.1042


I spent 400 badges to get my omega golem so im not happy! Hope this can be resolved soon. And to the guys messaging us in game thx for the support.
Crit Nibbler

400 badges…

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Immolator.5640


That sucks guys, but I don’t think it will happen. Being that multiple times when WvWvW servers crash or we get that “Auto Update” on WvWvW servers, we loose about everything we did , it seems mostly random at times. One update we still have everything but nothing is tied to the orginal deployer. Or in your case as has happened to my guild, the reset just whipes all siege equipment.

While your 1 time bout cost you 30g, I have no doubt all guilds have felt some number close to that. If my guild was to add up all the times (in prior guilds and now) that we lost items in resets, it probably would be close to your 30g. In that alone I am just saying, if all of us haven’t seen a dime back from all these resets, well… sadly I doubt you will.

Dont’ take this as well… “if they get we get” post, it’s just a fact in every MMO’s excisitance, if they did do this, there would be a cry for.. “well it happened to us!” in other ways. Personally if dev does read this and has a way to fix it, I suggest they just do so and del this thread and be done with it. I wish you all the best thou, but your not the first and surly won’t be the last.


Well this is not the first time, before this we have had raids with 3 Omegas each, so 15g + another 15g plus that one with 2 we did (10g) = 40g then our 30g one, 70g, so yknow (btw we dont care about those ones as much, didnt lose them like that per say just saying this isnt a one off we did it once we cry thing) … its the fact that we lost so much in one sitting, that we worked hard for, for a random incident, not even an update like you said, no warning, nothing, zilch.

Thnx for feedback everyone btw.

Ezekiel the Adept

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
All Is Vain https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/gf-left-me-coz-of-ladderboard/

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: pigasosaek.5078


so any answer from dev’s?

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: ohac.8720


I do understand and yes, I hope something positive comes out of this.

All my best,


Tracker Maximous, Guardious Maximous, Arcanious Maximous, [DH] DragonHorn Officer

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Anet doesn’t care. In fact, whole their office is laughing right now: “such great way of sinking gold! We should make those crashes more often”. True story.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: RussianGuy.4052


This is Bulls indeed. I think They should give you your money back.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Dibrom.6408


Anet reply or fix things? Not likely.

Sorry for your loss.

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Valiantina.7128


Here is a vid of what hapened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N72Fx_XTF1Y
crash at 16m40sec.

Prayin for anet to fix this for us and for the entire comunity on the Underworld server,
this truly was something for the entire server to enjoy after getting beaten all day in our borderlands.

thanks everyone in this post supporting us and those that sent us mails in game.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Evalana.5480


That bites… I’m sorry to hear that happened to you … Hope there is a swift resolution!

Indecisive Eva – Maguuma – [GS] Gun Squad
Looking for Guards, Warriors, & Mesmers!
Apply today at: http://tinyurl.com/gunsquad

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


Sorry guys, but ANet have stated many times in customer service threads that they do not have the ability to reimburse items/gold/whatever. They have plans to implement an account rollback feature (not character specific) soon but that is all.

If you really want a response from ANet then you need to raise a ticket with them.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Ignitus.3127


Ok so here is my response from the support team about my lost 400 badges


Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars 2 Support Team. We would like to be able to offer refunds or exchanges for purchases, but at this time we’re unable to make these kinds of adjustments to characters. For the foreseeable future, all in-game purchases such as those made with Karma, gold, or dungeon rewards are final, so please be extra cautious when making these types of purchases. I’m sorry that there’s not more that we can do in this case. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.


[GM] Zowa
Guild Wars Support Team
Now how can i be extra cautious if a issue/bug there end causes a server crash? Or maybe there didnt liek the fact we had 5 omega golems? inwhich case it needs to be limited. I spent 400 badges and this is not acceptable weeks of work down the drain becuase of no fault of my own. not to mention the golems my guildies lost also!!!!

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Silly lie.
There’s a “redeem code” function in gem store, so there must be codes for gems. If Anet really wanted to compensate the loss – they would just generate a code and gave it to you. But they didn’t. Now, send them more cupcakes and write a post on reddit about how awesome they are.

Also, I found it unbelievable to developers actually be unable generate items. How then they tested stuff? Farming for legendary and killing each other for badges? Riiiight…

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Luna.9640


sorry to heart it guys :/ i know you’re working very hard.

Bad news is that we had similar situations loosing Siege equipment and Dungeon Tokens due to downtime and Bugged Dungeons and Anet’s Support Answer was : You will not get refunded

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Jack Pj.1248

Jack Pj.1248

We would like to be able to offer refunds or exchanges for purchases, but at this time we’re unable to make these kinds of adjustments to characters. For the foreseeable future, all in-game purchases such as those made with Karma, gold, or dungeon rewards are final

This is just a blatant lie, there is NO way that the devs cannot edit inventories or even give them a gem-redeem code.

" so please be extra cautious when making these types of purchases" Are you kidding me? By saying this, Anet are trying to tell us that this is something we should EXPECT to happen? Random crashes that take away over 30g of stuff?

Worst customer support reply I have ever seen, they are just lieing to you and effectively saying “Well, you should have guessed this would happen, should be more careful next time”

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Clever.7918


I really feel for you guys on this one. That is not a cheap investment. It’s pretty lame that it happened. ANET resetting servers randomly is the problem. Need any kinds of heads up before it happens, even if it’s an hour or 2.


30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: ziblu.8734


Thats really sad to read. After all the hard work all the players have been through it has ended in that way. This is not any of the players fault so there should be some kind of compensation to those who lost all what they worked for these last days.

When the moment of triumph comes, the server goes down. I can imagine the frustration the players went through. That event could helped lots of players morlale on the server to join in.

Duran Fearlock

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Tzash.5748


Also, I found it unbelievable to developers actually be unable generate items. How then they tested stuff? Farming for legendary and killing each other for badges?

Developers are not customer service staff.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: DKP.4196


It was unfortunate that this happened, but it is unlikely you will get any money back. Reasons being:

1. It singles out certain players of getting favored by Anet. Which would be unfair to those that werent. It will anger a much greater part of the community.

2. People may take advantage of this, and try to get free stuff from Anet.

3. What stops ever player in your guild from parading around saying Anet gave back 30g. If you were given back 30g, it would be very unprofessional from the receiver and the giver to parade around their prize/present. And yes, you will parade that fact around, or someone will and yes it is a gift from Anet as they dont need to give back any of the 30g. It was never in the terms and conditions when you agreed to create your accounts.

Such is the way things are done anywhere on the net, and in many cases IRL. The truth always hurts but somebody needs to drop the bomb or we will all believe in a lie that would most likely not happen.

Id like to believe Anet would pay back the loss’s but its unlikely. Also, to add to this you already used the golems to capture things. Some people only get to use the Golem for 1 capture, or it might even be destroyed before a capture or just destroyed because of a lack of supplies. You got your reward of 30g from the xp + karma from the captures, and the kills. The 30g was spent on that. Very unfortunate outcome for the investment but that is what you got. This is the simple truth.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Extrema.9184


I wasn’t there myself, but i also contributed to the guild bank for this. Anet really can’t continu with this nonsense when people are losing money/time when it’s not their fault!

I wonder how the developers would feel if their bank would have a crash and their paycheck was gone for that month, and the bank was like “Whoopsy, suck it up!”.

Grtz Dark Vadar
Proud member of WvW

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Halo.8976


Unlike imaginary world, you can sue banks for that kind of BS. Oh, wait…

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: ziblu.8734


It was unfortunate that this happened, but it is unlikely you will get any money back. Reasons being:

1. It singles out certain players of getting favored by Anet. Which would be unfair to those that werent. It will anger a much greater part of the community.

2. People may take advantage of this, and try to get free stuff from Anet.

3. What stops ever player in your guild from parading around saying Anet gave back 30g. If you were given back 30g, it would be very unprofessional from the receiver and the giver to parade around their prize/present. And yes, you will parade that fact around, or someone will and yes it is a gift from Anet as they dont need to give back any of the 30g. It was never in the terms and conditions when you agreed to create your accounts.

Such is the way things are done anywhere on the net, and in many cases IRL. The truth always hurts but somebody needs to drop the bomb or we will all believe in a lie that would most likely not happen.

Id like to believe Anet would pay back the loss’s but its unlikely. Also, to add to this you already used the golems to capture things. Some people only get to use the Golem for 1 capture, or it might even be destroyed before a capture or just destroyed because of a lack of supplies. You got your reward of 30g from the xp + karma from the captures, and the kills. The 30g was spent on that. Very unfortunate outcome for the investment but that is what you got. This is the simple truth.

True, but I dont agree on your last point. Loosing the golems due to supplies or dmg is one thing(I mean their controlers fault),but loosing them to a crash is another thing. If these players were able to keep up with them and taking all the map with the zerge, it would have been much more karma and XP. As lots have stated, its not their fault.

Duran Fearlock

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046

I guess people should start setting up bots to farm gold, or start buying gold trough third parties then? or maybe switch servers with your guilds to farm random unpopulated servers ? Since exploits are the way to go these days.

But it’s good to know that if you run into a group of golems, the best thing to do is have everyone on the server stand in the same spot and spam large effect skills so the server crashes.

GG A-net, maybe stay in beta for another 1/2 year before releasing a game you boasted to not release untill it works flawlessly.

[sorry this crap happened]
Personal note: I’m having more fun complaining on the forum then playing the game atm.

54 infractions and counting because a moderator doesn’t understand a joke when he/she sees it.

30g+ of money and time lost unfairly (Underworld Server)

in WvW

Posted by: Inconceivable.7823


Im not on your server or the ones fighting you but wanted to say that I feel bad for you guys. That really sucks.

AN was sold to me by some people as “different than other companies”…but I’m not a GW1 player so I don’t have any super loyalty. So far for me personally, the more and more AN reacts and doesn’t react to certain things, I’m becoming less and less happy with them. I really like the game and still continue playing but a story like this gets added to the pile and at some point the pile gets high enough that you say “hey this is just a game and I’m deciding not to play it any more and go somewhere else”…which usually means, I will not buy or play GW3 and whatever else AN might be working on. That’s just how these things work….

Which is sad because I had hoped that AN would be different that other gaming companies but I also believed in the Tooth Fairy once…