Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
Fun, fun! Out manned on all maps for the last 2 hours. No repair bills!
I had a yellow drop, but it was a lowly lvl 45
Fun, fun! Out manned on all maps for the last 2 hours. No repair bills!
I had a yellow drop, but it was a lowly lvl 45
Outmanned on all maps and highest PPT is pretty impressive.
why we outmanned on mags BL
Fun, fun! Out manned on all maps for the last 2 hours. No repair bills!
I had a yellow drop, but it was a lowly lvl 45
What? No. I’ve been talking to your commanders on DB bl, you’ve had a queue all night.
We haven’t had a queue on DB bl, YB bl, or Mag bl all night.
“Waaah we don’t have NA presence.” Right.
Fun, fun! Out manned on all maps for the last 2 hours. No repair bills!
I had a yellow drop, but it was a lowly lvl 45
What? No. I’ve been talking to your commanders on DB bl, you’ve had a queue all night.
We haven’t had a queue on DB bl, YB bl, or Mag bl all night.
“Waaah we don’t have NA presence.” Right.
I have no idea about the queue system, but I’ve had outmanned buff all night. Guildmates on other maps have reported the same.
Here, I took a screenshot for you:
Fun, fun! Out manned on all maps for the last 2 hours. No repair bills!
I had a yellow drop, but it was a lowly lvl 45
What? No. I’ve been talking to your commanders on DB bl, you’ve had a queue all night.
We haven’t had a queue on DB bl, YB bl, or Mag bl all night.
“Waaah we don’t have NA presence.” Right.
I have no idea about the queue system, but I’ve had outmanned buff all night. Guildmates on other maps have reported the same.
Here, I took a screenshot for you:
You are out manned on Yak’s BL.
You have a full queue in your own BL(or close to it), and one in EB, and i wouldn’t doubt if you had 30+ in mag at reset.
Bubônix: Engy
Server: Maguuma Guild: [PYRO]
First waypoint up in Mag BL Hill by Dragonbrand with our outmanned buff. GG.
Former [EA] DB Commander
I see Maguuma and Yaks rolled glass tonight, very nice my backstabs are loving it.
Outmanned on all maps and highest PPT is pretty impressive.
Thanks. Either our NA improved or lots of Mag/YB ragequit. Or both. Hence the leading. I remember last week we were in the last place for the first 16 hours or so.
mag and yaks to busy fighting each other to bother pushing us in hills on mags BL, so idk how other maps are.
Yep, that’s what was happening on our BL. We couldn’t take the time to clear you guys or they’d just push up.
On a sidenote I think the outmanned is wonky. We were running 30+ in Maguuma BL and we were outmanned almost the entire time.
We spent the evening huddled up in our corner of Hills hoping the massive 60+ zergs fighting over Bay didn’t come over to bother us… because we have no idea how outmanned works.
~ Kovu
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]
On a sidenote I think the outmanned is wonky. We were running 30+ in Maguuma BL and we were outmanned almost the entire time.
We spent the evening huddled up in our corner of Hills hoping the massive 60+ zergs fighting over Bay didn’t come over to bother us… because we have no idea how outmanned works.~ Kovu
In theory if we(mag) had 70 and yaks had 70 and you had 30 you’d get outmanned, if I remember correctly. 2:1 for outmanned.
Bubônix: Engy
Server: Maguuma Guild: [PYRO]
Lotsa fun in EB tonight, some pretty wicked 3-way fights in SM and down near Jerrifers vs RAM guild.
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] –
The most fun night of WvW I’ve had in a lonngggg time. Thank you Yak’s Bend for the great fights at SS camp in DB Borderlands.
PvP/WvW videos –
Fight club at DB bl by windmill come and join us
mag you disappoint me, 9 golems and no omegas, yaks has you beat with 4 omegas suicided into hills in one push.
mag you disappoint me, 9 golems and no omegas
, yaks has you beat with 4 omegas suicided into hills in one push.
It was a bad push, and more than half the zerg had to leave and go back to defend West Keep in DB bl :/
But yeah, finally got to see why EA is known for holding Hills~
Could’ve pushed DB out of Mag early on, but Yaks Bend kept us busy while DB was freely able to upgrade East Keep. By the time we kicked Yaks Bend out of our bl, DB got wp done already :<
Maguuma~ : 3
Thank you [TG] and other guild for the fun time at fight club. Looking forward to fight you guys again in the future.
Man, such fun in the EB as Mag, we have all of maybe 20 people if you round up in the whole zone and the Dragonbend zerg is like 4x our size…….. goes through WG then around to the other gate as if it mattered, they could have beaten down the front door without rams right now. We need more people at 4:30am, place is a ghost town. Im sure DB is getting bored, they have no one to fight.
I’m honestly just considering transferring out of Mag. I love it and the people, but NNK and friends make this one of the least enjoyable WvW experiences I’ve had since I started playing in January.
Great night in yaks borders, fighting [SM], [RP], [WAR] that are the tag I remember most, though even I can not explain how they got the strong central without breaking any door … luckily we could take
Fuerte de Aspenwood
I’m honestly just considering transferring out of Mag. I love it and the people, but NNK and friends make this one of the least enjoyable WvW experiences I’ve had since I started playing in January.
Welcome to T3!
If oceanic prime is the time you play, T1 and T2 might be best for you. There are few servers below those tiers that actually have a presence during that time. We oceanic Maguuma players that have been here since the start know the frustration of playing during these times, but we’re pushing though it or taking a much needed break.
You’re welcome to message me if you need any support or suggestions.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Great night in yaks borders, fighting [SM], [RP], [WAR] that are the tag I remember most, though even I can not explain how they got the strong central without breaking any door … luckily we could take
There’s no mistery about this, just perma-stealth thieves/mesmers. A very common and solid tactic used by guilds with skilled players.
5 hours. It took us 5 hours to take this from Yaks, It cost them their BL but kitten did it give us a good time trying to take it.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
5 hours. It took us 5 hours to take this from Yaks, It cost them their BL but kitten did it give us a good time trying to take it.
Fun sieges like that are a good reason not to run off and chase down some PvDoor team elsewhere even if they are stealing easier points from you. Especially considering we know what happens every night in this matchup and the end result will be the same regardless.
Dear YB,
Blue borderland is nice and warm, thank you for keeping it that way for us.
Sincerely, MAG.
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact.
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact
No, thank you for pulling all your forces off maps, and staying holed up there, while our PPT constantly touched 500. EB BL was painted green in the meanwhile. Lol!
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact
Thank you for your 3 keeps which we held for more than 2 hours?
mag you disappoint me, 9 golems and no omegas
, yaks has you beat with 4 omegas suicided into hills in one push.
It was a bad push, and more than half the zerg had to leave and go back to defend West Keep in DB bl :/
But yeah, finally got to see why EA is known for holding Hills~
Could’ve pushed DB out of Mag early on, but Yaks Bend kept us busy while DB was freely able to upgrade East Keep. By the time we kicked Yaks Bend out of our bl, DB got wp done already :<
pushing us sure, taking it we would have to see, we are proud of how we can defend hills, lastnight was abit boring because we wasn’t pushed. but we got a lot done with upgrading.
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact
So your proud you held 1 tower with your entire server in their, while we had your entire BL for 2 hrs? /clap
And to be fair, you had 6-7 arrow carts abusing “Leg Specialist” trait off warriors.
Other then that great job using broken mechanics. ;OFun fights at South camp too, 35+ BP vs 90+(using siege lol) we haven’t had a enemy server zerg fight for awhile, we were having great laughs on how many yaks does it take to wipe a BP raid, answer whole server.
actually its not the entire server.
pushing us sure, taking it we would have to see, we are proud of how we can defend hills, lastnight was abit boring because we wasn’t pushed. but we got a lot done with upgrading.
We kept Yaks Bend from upgrading west keep the whole 4-5 hours they had it. Depleted them of supply, and were able to take out their superiors they had seiged inside. I have to give Tsarazi a lot of credit for taking our keep back. He had to go to work though shortly after we took the southeast tower.
Considering that Yaks doubled the numbers you had, and if our focus was on DB instead, I think we could’ve taken it.
EA does indeed do a great job at defending Hills though.
Maguuma~ : 3
5 hours. It took us 5 hours to take this from Yaks, It cost them their BL but kitten did it give us a good time trying to take it.
Best fight I’ve had in a long time! I congratulate you on your tenacity, you really wanted that bay
Naturally Delicious [Yum]-Yak’s Bend
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact
So your proud you held 1 tower with your entire server in their, while we had your entire BL for 2 hrs? /clap
And to be fair, you had 6-7 arrow carts abusing “Leg Specialist” trait off warriors.
Other then that great job using broken mechanics. ;OFun fights at South camp too, 35+ BP vs 90+(using siege lol) we haven’t had a enemy server zerg fight for awhile, we were having great laughs on how many yaks does it take to wipe a BP raid, answer whole server.
actually its not the entire server.
So you had more than 100 people online, and still allowed us have more than 500 PPT. Thanks for the confirmation.
I dropped by EBG last night around midnight (EST) and noticed we were outmanned with YB and DB superzergs running on a rampage. That must be a first, even on normal week days our EBG is usually queued with pugs then.
I don’t know how much longer DB can keep using the “outmanned” excuse. They had a solid presence this reset from what I saw. 2nd post on the thread made me lol. So cliché.
I dropped by EBG last night around midnight (EST) and noticed we were outmanned with YB and DB superzergs running on a rampage. That must be a first, even on normal week days our EBG is usually queued with pugs then.
I don’t know how much longer DB can keep using the “outmanned” excuse. They had a solid presence this reset from what I saw. 2nd post on the thread made me lol. So cliché.
Of course you didn’t notice the screenshot I’d posted. But that’s fine, we’ve come to expect it. In the past 2 weeks, we’ve been told we have T6-worthy NA presence, as well as too much NA presence for T3 – I don’t know what to believe. Such comments have good entertainment value. I have always been of the opinion that our NA presence is not T2-worthy yet.
Thanks for the badges at NE tower in YBBL, Blood pact
So your proud you held 1 tower with your entire server in their, while we had your entire BL for 2 hrs? /clap
And to be fair, you had 6-7 arrow carts abusing “Leg Specialist” trait off warriors.
Other then that great job using broken mechanics. ;OFun fights at South camp too, 35+ BP vs 90+(using siege lol) we haven’t had a enemy server zerg fight for awhile, we were having great laughs on how many yaks does it take to wipe a BP raid, answer whole server.
actually its not the entire server.
So you had more than 100 people online, and still allowed us have more than 500 PPT. Thanks for the confirmation.
yah you are welcome bud.
Congratulations Maguma. You finally took Hills from us with a 10 golem rush with 6 defenders. ;D How much gold you waste trying to get it back since reset? I’m just curious.
Former [EA] DB Commander
actually its not the entire server.
When people lose even a 1v1 in WvW it becomes them being killed by a team of 5.
But yeah, we had two groups, doubt each one had more than 20-25 people in it. All I know is we had to spawn a merchant at the camp to open our packs for more loot.
Not at all. And there is no more culling, settings won’t affect you seeing who is there, just how detailed they look. Like I said exaggeration is akin to breathing in WvW recounts.
Whatever helps you rationalize. But better question, whose idea was it, esp if you thought you were outnumbered 3 to 1 (you weren’t), was it to go back and get wiped like 5 times….
Congratulations Maguma. You finally took Hills from us with a 10 golem rush with 6 defenders. ;D How much gold you waste trying to get it back since reset? I’m just curious.
“from us”
I find it funny that NA guilds such as yourselves take/share credit for your SEA prime times accomplishments.
Besides, the money I make off of EA loot bags is enough to keep the golems rolling in.
Where’s the usual mag posters? We haven’t past 1 page yet, and it’s been 22 hrs since reset.
Cmon start some drama already, yaks is boring to PvF and never GvG.
We seem pretty demoralized. Not many people around to be honest.
Well we enjoyed it whatever the reason.
DB cannot complain about being outnumbered though when the other two servers here face from five to ten times more outnumbering for half of each and every day in this matchup. When going into the field isn’t even an option, then you might understand true outnumbering.
Congratulations Maguma. You finally took Hills from us with a 10 golem rush with 6 defenders. ;D How much gold you waste trying to get it back since reset? I’m just curious.
we build those golems cuze we knew that if we did a long drawn out battle you will call for reinforcements and a Hill keep battle with similar numbers is simply a pain in the kitten
also i dont want to be put in the same boat as Yak or KN, not being able to take back Hill keep within 24h from you.
and dont be smug, your SEA outnumber us to take our kitten so when we outnumber you and take stuff its just part of the game
Well we enjoyed it whatever the reason.
DB cannot complain about being outnumbered though when the other two servers here face from five to ten times more outnumbering for half of each and every day in this matchup. When going into the field isn’t even an option, then you might understand true outnumbering.
We were bashed repeatedly by T2 servers (TC, Kain, FA) for 9 weeks in a row very recently. Trust me, I know the feeling and share your pain.
The new outmanned buff is awesome, by the way. It motivates you to fight aggressively when outnumbered. I wish we had it when TC/FA/Kain had slaughtered us.
Whatever helps you rationalize. But better question, whose idea was it, esp if you thought you were outnumbered 3 to 1 (you weren’t), was it to go back and get wiped like 5 times….
We did it for he challenge of course, nothing like 35+ players shaming into a zerg with superior numbers to improve our skill with coordination in large scale fights.
Problem was yaks kept using seige weapons which made us sad, still was fun though.
Far better, then trying to take a tower with the enemy abusing 50 player immobilize with arrow carts, with a broken mechanic with warriors.
There is nothing “broken” with the mechanic.
It is working as intended.
Actually Anet has hinted that the leg trait affecting carts is going to get fixed. But I’ve seen every server do it, so there are no righteous good guys here.