4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


A whole new week.

This tier seems extremely balanced. Looks like first place can go any way at this point.

Good luck!


.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Moleless.1462


If only CD could hold those numbers past reset night. The sad truth is that we will only have about 30% of those guys playing regularly throughout the week.

Admiral Beau
TC Commander
we need to pretect are big keep

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Shady.8365


Time for another great week =D

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Yohimbe.1876


What an intense night! Thanks everyone for some great battles, see you on the field.

Chay Darkhaven – SBI
Leader of The Ethereal Guard

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Outside of CD ressing a mesmer through gate at around 6 or so rest of the night was fun. Please dont use exploits like that. Ruins the fun.

See you all tomorrow. Had a lot of fun on SoS borderland tonight. Let’s keep it clean in game and forums for the rest of the week.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: MountainPanda.5831


Let’s fight!! -chews on bamboo-

(edited by MountainPanda.5831)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Update for those interested.


level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


Yeah, not surprised to see that score. CD started falling apart around 830PDT. We lost SMC and there was a SBI zerg flipping camps in our BL, it seemed like there were 2 SBI zergs at times :P

Kudos to my fellow CD players. I think we did well in holding what we could and taking back when we could, but we just couldn’t keep up with the SBI zerg ball.

I think SBI should go for SoS! CD is no threat

That is unless SBI is just fighting for second…. hehehe…

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

(edited by stinkypants.8419)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


I’d actually be interested to see if CD and SBI tried to team up for a week against SoS.

.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Update for those interested.


level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Yams.6082


I’m guessing the guilds that were rumoured to be leaving actually followed through. CD usually manages to take the lead (ahead of SBI) reset weekend.

Yams One/Two/Three/Four/Five/Six

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


@ CD players that saved their garrison few minutes ago. Nice JoB!. We didn’t have enough to kill the lord fast enough and take out the ballistas. Then all your map ported to garrison using wp once the event expired. Keep up the good fight!

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

(edited by Luvpie.8350)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Marquiz.7625


I’m guessing the guilds that were rumoured to be leaving actually followed through. CD usually manages to take the lead (ahead of SBI) reset weekend.

Well, its not a rumor, its true. But that said, we will continue fighting!

Home: Crystal Desert
Guild: [KöMÉ] §Strength, Honour & Duty§

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Moriquendi.4209


Other than having just watched CD res a dead mesmer from the (MOON) guild from inside the gate at bay, the reset has been great so far. Looking forward to the rest of the week and fights to come!

(edited by Moriquendi.4209)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Haymaker.8924


Honestly, this is a matchup I even have fun losing in. I hope it stays this way for a long time.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

The fights will be more interesting after April. At the moment SBA farming is dominating the scene.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


The fights will be more interesting after April. At the moment SBA farming is dominating the scene.

there will be farm event every month or 2, can’t use that as a reliable excuse. What if SAB is updated? Then we wait until end of June? Then birthday celebration, halloween, new pve map, wintersday …

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Update for those interested.


level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Johje Holan.4607

Johje Holan.4607

I’d actually be interested to see if CD and SBI tried to team up for a week against SoS.

I wish it could happen but it won’t. I’ve been trying to get people to do it forever. They don’t want to.

Even worse, people always go after the weaker opponent. Like now; for some reason we are conquering CD BL instead of pressuring SoS. I saw that and just logged out to do something else. And CD tends to attack us more than SoS.

Edit: Although it may be good. Maybe CD needs to go down a tier after the loss of guilds. And maybe Ehmry Bay deserves to come up and give it a try here.

(edited by Johje Holan.4607)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


Some spy is planting over 50+ siege in our lowlands.

Good going guys, nice to see you spend 50 dollars and hours and hous out of your day to do that…

.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Azavin.2018


We’ve been sieged capped for over 20 hours. Pretty pathetic. The server knows who it is. Let’s play nice.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: declan.3968


the player’s name uses an i , if you wanted to block him.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


So, here i was guiding the wife through EB JP & her not being good at JP’s things take awhile….now 6am, thanks for killing us near the end CD, very cool of you.

Have a nice day Good fights all round. keep it up guys.

level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Confucius saying ‘Those that can’t fight camp JP dark room.’

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Confucius saying ‘Those that can’t fight camp JP dark room.’

Can i recruit Confucius ;D <3

sidenote, i can fight, but was on lowbies & was group ganked

level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Necro.6432


I’d actually be interested to see if CD and SBI tried to team up for a week against SoS.

I wish it could happen but it won’t. I’ve been trying to get people to do it forever. They don’t want to.

Even worse, people always go after the weaker opponent. Like now; for some reason we are conquering CD BL instead of pressuring SoS. I saw that and just logged out to do something else. And CD tends to attack us more than SoS.

Edit: Although it may be good. Maybe CD needs to go down a tier after the loss of guilds. And maybe Ehmry Bay deserves to come up and give it a try here.

Your 3 keeps will be lost

Daeronz | TDS Leader | WvW Commander

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


We’ve been sieged capped for over 20 hours. Pretty pathetic. The server knows who it is. Let’s play nice.

A troll also decided to siege cap us in eternal as well. There is a really simple solution to the problem though. Build golems….lots and lots of golems. We built so many people were randomly finding empty golems across the entire map.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

(edited by Gorefiend.9675)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


This is a good matchup with a number of skilled individuals/teams on all servers. As with all WvW the match PPT has more to do with numbers/coverage than any particular skill.

I am enjoying the match and IMHO, the PPT spread can be explained as follows;

As a server with a strong Oceanic presence, we ( SoS) get the advantage of reset falling saturday morning Australian time. The first few frantic hours a good chunk of our combined forces are going at it , during this period SBI/CD do very well PPT wise.

Around 9 hrs after reset a good percentage of NA players are logging off while SoS still has a lot of Oceanic/SEA presence, myself included. The period 9-12 hrs after reset we (SoS) gain a lot of PPT.

I log around 14 hrs after reset but SBI seems to push back hard in the period 14-24hrs after reset. Day two is very similar to first day after reset.

Grats all who turn out for wvwvw, this is a fine game, see you on the battlefield.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Hey [Top] and [Top] commander: [FEAR] and friends are leaving the south camp on SoS BL, you guys can have it now. =)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: problematic.9623


Lol! I’ll pass that along.

Phun – Guardian
I renounce my hibernation and return.
Sea of Sorrows survivor – Currently on Blackgate

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Not sure what the SBI zerg at long view was doing but they were wiped by a smaller group of CD after they kept doing weird stacking maneuvers. Then went into the skrit camp where they tried to funnel us and we pinched them from both sides.

Fun stuff.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Bikazig.2496


That darn CD Thief! Stay away from our keep! /fistshake

Stormbluff Isle
Zarlk level 80 Ranger
Descendants of Honor [DH]

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Setun.4368


Confucius saying ‘Those that can’t fight camp JP dark room.’


4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


I am enjoying the match and IMHO, the PPT spread can be explained as follows;

This is pretty much the thing. During NA (and to an extent, EU, given that none of us have a huge EU presence), the three worlds are largely well-matched. Heck, SoS has come into reset for the last two weeks and has been behind for the first few hours, during NA. However, especially with the departure of CD Oceanic/SEA guilds to TC, there’s less of a response to after NA dies down. Thus, the scores are what they are, but if I were CD or SBI, I would not feel hard done by my own performance.

Hey [Top] and [Top] commander: [FEAR] and friends are leaving the south camp on SoS BL, you guys can have it now. =)

Bah, I miss out on a night of WvW and I miss out on sitting bags! Kidding anyway, but there are far more defensible camps. I can’t exactly blame the [ToP] guys and gals though – they’re not exactly huge and a bunch of them were levelling alts last time I checked.

Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Update for those interested.


level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Update for those interested.

99,000 bottles of beer on the wall?

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Toggles.1783


Confucius saying ‘Those that can’t fight camp JP dark room.’

Confucius saying ‘Those who don’t JP camp mass zerg together.’ ;-)

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


Logged in this morning to find this. It almost brought a tear to my eye, then I remembered I had to leave for work.


Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Xephyron.4702


Logged in this morning to find this. It almost brought a tear to my eye, then I remembered I had to leave for work.

Looks like T3 and T4 are in similar situation.

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Seren.6850


I am enjoying the match and IMHO, the PPT spread can be explained as follows;

This is pretty much the thing. During NA (and to an extent, EU, given that none of us have a huge EU presence), the three worlds are largely well-matched. Heck, SoS has come into reset for the last two weeks and has been behind for the first few hours, during NA. However, especially with the departure of CD Oceanic/SEA guilds to TC, there’s less of a response to after NA dies down. Thus, the scores are what they are, but if I were CD or SBI, I would not feel hard done by my own performance.

Hey [Top] and [Top] commander: [FEAR] and friends are leaving the south camp on SoS BL, you guys can have it now. =)

Bah, I miss out on a night of WvW and I miss out on sitting bags! Kidding anyway, but there are far more defensible camps. I can’t exactly blame the [ToP] guys and gals though – they’re not exactly huge and a bunch of them were levelling alts last time I checked.

kind of annoyed I missed out on this too. We could have had some fun indeed

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: JakobGW.5730


Bah, I miss out on a night of WvW and I miss out on sitting bags! Kidding anyway, but there are far more defensible camps. I can’t exactly blame the [ToP] guys and gals though – they’re not exactly huge and a bunch of them were levelling alts last time I checked.

Our guild has 11 total members, 4 of which actually log into WvW on our server. There were 5 of us total at the camp, (“[FEAR] and friends”), and the [ToP] commander and his zerg tried taking the camp around 4 times. The fights were quite fun and we managed to defend the camp each time. Then, they just gave up and we didn’t see them again. =/

kind of annoyed I missed out on this too. We could have had some fun indeed

We roam every night. Look for us on any BL map. We are typcially a havoc group of 2 – 7 total. Find us!

Also, I’m curious. Last night on CD BL around 10:15 Central there was an SBI zerg ball around the Northwest tower and supply camp. They appeared to move really well, stacking up on demand and sharing buffs. However, we were all very curious what they were doing. They would ball up, run to the tower, leave, ball up, run North, ball up, run South, etc. Havoc groups, ours included, started picking off the stragglers until their numbers got smaller and smaller and our zerg eventually showed up. They then ran to the skritt and got wiped.

So it begs the question: what were you guys doing up there?

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Second night in a row the wife spent awhile in EB JP determined to finish it (now 4:30am) , yet again CD takes the cake and kills her near the end…repeatedly

If she jumps on tomorrow night, that won’t be happening, if you’re in the way & start a fight, you die.



level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Toggles.1783


Good thing siege isn’t allowed in the JP anymore. =P

Level 80: Elementalist Engineer Guardian Mesmer Ranger Thief Warrior

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Jermz.4613


Second night in a row the wife spent awhile in EB JP determined to finish it (now 4:30am) , yet again CD takes the cake and kills her near the end…repeatedly

If she jumps on tomorrow night, that won’t be happening, if you’re in the way & start a fight, you die.


You should only really be trying to do the EB JP if we have control. Otherwise it’s just annoying without a team.

Sea of Sorrows ~ gw2-seaofsorrows.com
[HLX] Helix Leader ~ http://helix.venturegamers.com

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Ghedoriah.4290


Or just do the easy thing – cap the enemy keeps first so they can’t put anyone into the jumping puzzle. Doing it any other way is just making it needlessly complicated.

Sea of Sorrows

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Or just do the easy thing – cap the enemy keeps first so they can’t put anyone into the jumping puzzle. Doing it any other way is just making it needlessly complicated.

It’s not easy bein’ greeeeeen. (Couldn’t resist)

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Grieve.1432


Great fights tonight on SoS BL. My guild is still out there having fun right now. Keep sending your zergs.

South of Heaven [SoH] – Crystal Desert
Grieve Logdan (Human War) | Rifte Torin (Charr Thief)
Feylicia Logdan (Human Mes) | Elias Foralli (Asura Guard)

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


SO SBI, how does it feels to be beaten off SMC by an outmanned server with just 8 people?

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Steezy.2905


SO SBI, how does it feels to be beaten off SMC by an outmanned server with just 8 people?

That was too fun. :P

Of course, what came next was not. :/

~Crystal Desert~

4/12 SoS - SBI - CD

in WvW

Posted by: Eternalight.4708


Second night in a row the wife spent awhile in EB JP determined to finish it (now 4:30am) , yet again CD takes the cake and kills her near the end…repeatedly

If she jumps on tomorrow night, that won’t be happening, if you’re in the way & start a fight, you die.


You should only really be trying to do the EB JP if we have control. Otherwise it’s just annoying without a team.

Yeah, i know, it’s just the time that she can get on, which may not be ideal given the time & within the realms of us owning the map, but, you’re in the JP to do just that, the JP then get back out into the battles as quickly as possible.

Yes you can fight in the JP’s in WvW but when you know that’s what people are trying to do or anything actually Vistas & whatnot, do you just go all out to stop them? Call me soft but i don’t. However i will defend myself if it turns into a lil skirmish of which i’m more than happy to snag a badge or die trying, either way it’s all good.

I’m actually enjoying the fact that the wife is getting into WvW, she enjoys it & i might add is going to upgrade her machine to handle it better & wanting me to do the same…hows that for being lucky? She’s a keeper.

I just got home so, going to get some dinner then maybe come have a bit of fun

See ya’ll out on the battlefield!

level 80 Thief – Home Sweet [Home] – Black Lion Mercenary Corps [MERC] ~ Sea of Sorrows