4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Kingzook.1620


I hate getting involved in another tier’s matchups, but I can’t help but remember it wasn’t even 3 months ago when TC gave SoR so much heat and hate for recruiting and then complaining how they ruined the matchup and how SoR was the bad guy.

Ok I will bite. We didn’t give them heat for recruiting. Well most didn’t, what most people were upset about is they gamed the system to stay in tier 2 as to be able to continue farming.

yo bro, do you know how hard it is to move to tier 1?

it takes a lot of time, and if BG, SOR, and JQ mix and match who wins or loses, almost forever

so what i am getting at is, the argument could be made that TC is gaming the systems to farm the other two servers also

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


dang .. have to wait another week for us to drop tier….. can TC/FA 2v1 us next week pls….. ?

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Is sad that WM doesn’t think their enormous numbers give their zerg enough of an advantage and have to resort to using zoom hacks.

Every night it’s the same Elementalist (using dragons tooth) and Engineer (using grenades) doing it.

Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


dang .. have to wait another week for us to drop tier….. can TC/FA 2v1 us next week pls….. ?

How can we produce such quality drama if we’re working together?

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Ubi.4136


Yeah, not looking forward to the new reset time. Assuming the servers don’t actually reset till about 15 after, I might make it home in time to avoid the ques. Otherwise, I guess I could (*gasp) go PVE.

Lost in the Maguuma [TC]
Te Nosce [TC]

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Alodar.5794


We at TSL would like to thank both Kaineng and Fort Aspenwood for the last weeks worth of fights. We’ve had some fantastic battles against large numbers from both servers.

We look forward to another week of quality fights against both of you.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


How can we produce such quality drama if we’re working together?

Working together doesn’t divide the blame as much it multiplies the devastation of the mistake.

And when I mess up, it’s SPECTACULAR!

Edit: Which is another reason I do the roamy loney thing so much.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Fighting over anzai was awesome. >3< Great fight FA and K

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Thet.7153


You guys realise TC doesn’t operate as a collective hive mind, right? Conversely, I won’t say that everyone on FA goes onto other servers’ forums and knowingly takes WvW guides that do not belong to them and links them to their server buddies thinking they’re oh-so-smart and oh-so-sneaky!

I don’t know if TC operates as a collective hive mind, nor do I care, but you do have a 2 page thread with 43 responses dedicated to trying to take NNK from Dragonbrand on your server’s website from back when TC was in T3 that was just recently refreshed with conversation since DB might enter T2 at some point.


cog in the wheel for the Tarnished Coast
did you call me a PUG, I am Militia.

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


Collective hive mind? For the Swarm!

Tellin’ ya, cutest crackling EVER.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: JudgeD.5673


You sure TC doesn’t have a hive mind? They all seem a little focused if you ask me. :P

Pic related:


The Robertsons – Julie, Lyana, Adrian, and Lewis
Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


New commander for this upcoming matchup!


Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


New commander for this upcoming matchup!

Recommending TC commander.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Ruq.5396


New commander for this upcoming matchup!

Recommending TC commander.

What about GW2 Kitty? GW2 Kitty can Command TC!

Commander Ruq
Guild Leader, Commander – Dissentient [DIS]
Tarnished Coast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


Scrooge, we gotta do Scrooge!

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Huygens.4075


New commander for this upcoming matchup!

Recommending TC commander.

What about GW2 Kitty? GW2 Kitty can Command TC!

Kitty is merely a tool in our illuminati free mason conspiracy to purchase enough guilds to bring TC into T1 where after we will buy out JQ and begin a program of forced gold farming to dominate markets on all servers so we can build up a stockpile of gems and fake the moon landing.

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


JMy personal view is that coverage wars is what makes PPT trivial and meaningless, and I think having your key competitive metric in WvW as trivial and meaningless is bad for long term health of the game.


PPT is all about coverage. Skill becomes defined not by your game tactics or strategies, who took what tower, how a group maneuvered on the field, but by how well you can attract more players. Most Fort Aspenwood players that I know do not find enjoyment in that type of game. The ones who do left Fort Aspenwood.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


We at TSL would like to thank both Kaineng and Fort Aspenwood for the last weeks worth of fights. We’ve had some fantastic battles against large numbers from both servers.

We look forward to another week of quality fights against both of you.

Not sure if you can publicly say but any idea what map you guys are on? Always enjoy fighting you guys.

Also wanted to give a shout out to the KA scout that was sitting outside of Astralholme in jaguar form last night. I was the BT necro who came up as an ice elemental before getting called away.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


I hate getting involved in another tier’s matchups, but I can’t help but remember it wasn’t even 3 months ago when TC gave SoR so much heat and hate for recruiting and then complaining how they ruined the matchup and how SoR was the bad guy.

Ok I will bite. We didn’t give them heat for recruiting. Well most didn’t, what most people were upset about is they gamed the system to stay in tier 2 as to be able to continue farming.

yo bro, do you know how hard it is to move to tier 1?

it takes a lot of time, and if BG, SOR, and JQ mix and match who wins or loses, almost forever

so what i am getting at is, the argument could be made that TC is gaming the systems to farm the other two servers also

I hate writing in detail… maybe I should try to remedy that so I stop having to make several posts on the same topic. SoR gamed the system. This is something they admitted too. The reason they gave was they wanted more time in T2 to practice with the new guilds before moving to T1. Now, you can either agree with that, or disagree. Most of TC obviously didn’t like it, I myself was sort of meh towards it. I generally try to look at things from different point of views. I even get why FA is upset. Now, T1 has a good lead on T2, so if in a few weeks we start to no show to simply stay where we are, I myself will throw my hands in the air and call foul as I am sure you will too.

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Inprognito.9487


Ooo if we’re doing cartoons then this is definitely Kain’s commander


Talons [BT]
http://www.Monstrosadus.com – Monstrosadus now on spotify!

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


GW2 Kitty cares not for coverage or PPT. GW2 Kitty is all about fun.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


But on that note, big shout outs to KN. When you guys are on your game, you are seriously on and quite frankly scare me. To FA great fights all over. Specially BT. Everytime I am in a BL or EB and I see a BT zerg I call it out and map chat fills up with “oh craps”. You guys got some serious game. All sides had numerous glory moments this weekittenep it up!

Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Alodar.5794


We at TSL would like to thank both Kaineng and Fort Aspenwood for the last weeks worth of fights. We’ve had some fantastic battles against large numbers from both servers.

We look forward to another week of quality fights against both of you.

Not sure if you can publicly say but any idea what map you guys are on? Always enjoy fighting you guys.

Also wanted to give a shout out to the KA scout that was sitting outside of Astralholme in jaguar form last night. I was the BT necro who came up as an ice elemental before getting called away.

Not sure where we will focus most this coming week. With the Queue reset times being adjusted, it really messes with our ability to be on at reset.

Many of us have expressed an interest to play more in the EB borderlands as well.

We won’t be hard to find.

Madember – Level 80 Elementalist
Madamber – Level 80 Guardian
Guild Leader of TSL (www.shadowlegion.net)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


PiNK’s Mascot



Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

(edited by Kreaven.3172)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Oh one last thing before I go (wow I posted a lot this morning)…

FA is doing a charity pledge drive for the Boston bombings this coming reset week. You can find all the details here:


But I just wanted to bump it here and encourage everyone from all servers to participate. As much as we get caught up in it, this is still just a game and the world goes on regardless of our petty squabbles here. I for one am thankful that I get to enjoy this game and read these forums with relative comfort, knowing that not everyone is as fortunate. Cheers all =)

This is awesome Nibbles!

Great job on this!


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Niko.8901


The difference is that the IoJ guilds came to us. We didn’t approach them. I’m not too familiar with how KN got theirs…but the reason for this drama (at least my understanding) is that it became quite apparent (from quite a few posts now) that TC will gladly cripple other servers to make their server even bigger for that precious win.

Totally 100% not propaganda. Unvarnished truth!

Every word is gol…


Or do I need to smite you again?

EDIT: I dunno..my point still stands. We didn’t ask them to come :P

Pickle, I have a proposition for you… bring Corey and the rest of [Corp] to TC and I’ll give you…

Zerging isn’t our thing. So, no.

And that’s why you are awesome ^^ Zerging does get old sometimes. It’s nice to see some 3-5 man groups still running around making things happen and having fun.

See you guys on the field.

Otto Maggic ~Toasty
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


PiNK’s Mascot


We have our Officers perform this live before any guild event.


Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

(edited by Ketharius.9018)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Kreaven.3172


PiNK’s Mascot

We have our Officers perform this live before any guild event.


Commander Ravana Mace[CERN] – 80 Ranger
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Coinin.2590


JMy personal view is that coverage wars is what makes PPT trivial and meaningless, and I think having your key competitive metric in WvW as trivial and meaningless is bad for long term health of the game.


PPT is all about coverage. Skill becomes defined not by your game tactics or strategies, who took what tower, how a group maneuvered on the field, but by how well you can attract more players. Most Fort Aspenwood players that I know do not find enjoyment in that type of game. The ones who do left Fort Aspenwood.

I would generally agree…except for the fact that at 8pm server time…which i would consider near prime time since its still not a bad time for half of the US, and the east coast can still easily play then, we were facing off against like 75 FA at our spawn tower, then suddenly they vanished, and we flipped the entire map of KBL. That had 0 to do with coverage issues of overnight coverage stuff, one guild group left for guild missions and the rest kinda just meandered off. While you can chalk some of it up to coverage if it makes you feel better….when a map is literally handed (we took all the keeps and towers with only seeing like 15 defenders the entire time) at 8pm server time, its got nothing to do with coverage and more bad management of where defenders should be.

Coinin Mypocket 80 Necromancer

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

As I have posted far too many times in other threads, the “big loser” in the Reset Change is NA. Regardless of Server.

TC might or might not have the best coverage to benefit from it, but many of our Guilds’ “Weekly Reset Events” have been completely destroyed by this. Many Commanders that won’t be able to get on. Many players that won’t bother to sit in 5-7 hour queues.

TC has been in last after Reset and in first and finished in the opposite position by the end of the week, so the change I don’t think will really impact final scores.

I just hate how they ruined one of the best and most popular weekly events in GW2 for all of NA.


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Chaba.5410


That had 0 to do with coverage issues of overnight coverage stuff, one guild group left for guild missions and the rest kinda just meandered off. While you can chalk some of it up to coverage if it makes you feel better….when a map is literally handed (we took all the keeps and towers with only seeing like 15 defenders the entire time) at 8pm server time, its got nothing to do with coverage and more bad management of where defenders should be.

That’s coverage right there.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: nibbles.2408


Oh one last thing before I go (wow I posted a lot this morning)…

FA is doing a charity pledge drive for the Boston bombings this coming reset week. You can find all the details here:


But I just wanted to bump it here and encourage everyone from all servers to participate. As much as we get caught up in it, this is still just a game and the world goes on regardless of our petty squabbles here. I for one am thankful that I get to enjoy this game and read these forums with relative comfort, knowing that not everyone is as fortunate. Cheers all =)

This is awesome Nibbles!

Great job on this!

I can’t take credit for this, just passing along the word =)

Wechlas [Echo]
Charr Ranger
Fort Aspenwood (www.fort-aspenwood.com)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


I think these weekly match up threads would go a lot better if people began to accept the fact that different servers, for the most part focus on different things.

TC for instance, and I apologize if my assumption is wrong, loves to look at the overall PPT and base that upon their standing in WvW. They love capping camps/towers/keeps within the last 5 minutes if it adds to their server’s overall PPT. This is a generalization and I am sure does not encompass the entire server, but this is just my opinion as a third party.

For FA, having been here since mid to late January, I can tell you that the majority of guilds on the server are in it for the fights. We love open field combat and we love going head to head against groups and guilds on over servers. Each individual fight is a contest in itself and that is entirely what we live for. To be completely honest, the biggest punishment for us is to be in a BL and to go against outmanned opponents head to head. And before some of the haters comment, BT is a heavy east coast weighted group so around 11pm ET our numbers typically fall off due to work/school commitments the next day on weekdays.

I have KA a ton of credit. They’ve managed to stay out of the whole forum warrior battles here in this week’s thread. I honestly am not sure what they focus is on but have seen posts that have implied there are some that love great fights and others that are disappointed by their recent PPT.

Overall, and I know it will take a great deal of time to accomplish, if our servers can just accept the simple fact that groups and individuals focus in on other acepts of WvW to get their “gold medal” (or participation award), these threads would be a hell of a lot more constructive and interactive.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Pervin.5036


Not sure where we will focus most this coming week. With the Queue reset times being adjusted, it really messes with our ability to be on at reset.

Many of us have expressed an interest to play more in the EB borderlands as well.

We won’t be hard to find.

If I do any commanding this week, don’t be surprised if I seek you guys out. I honestly enjoy fighting against you and think TSL pushes up to get that much better.

[HB] Commander Skarlack – Necro

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Shrouded.6450


People just got to stop about the overgeneralization really. TC has every playstyle, some loves to fight. Others loves the metagame, we welcome them all and some of our commanders try their hardest for each playstyle to work together. We don’t mock how they play and I hope it’s the same way for Kain and FA as well.

(edited by Shrouded.6450)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


Setting up in the opposing server’s spawn tower with siege out the wazoo is now termed as open field fight now is it?


Everyone is going to see different situations through their own lens.

I care that i had fun in the game and on the forums (tsk tsk) too this week.

If it’s all about the fights and not the ppt why the QQ?

Still gonna get all the fights you want no?

Meega Kweesta

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Rackhir Tanelorn.9123

Oh one last thing before I go (wow I posted a lot this morning)…

FA is doing a charity pledge drive for the Boston bombings this coming reset week. You can find all the details here:


But I just wanted to bump it here and encourage everyone from all servers to participate. As much as we get caught up in it, this is still just a game and the world goes on regardless of our petty squabbles here. I for one am thankful that I get to enjoy this game and read these forums with relative comfort, knowing that not everyone is as fortunate. Cheers all =)

This is awesome Nibbles!

Great job on this!

I can’t take credit for this, just passing along the word =)

Then thanks for sharing!

This is definitely something worth passing along =)


4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Mif.3471


Been a big week for a little Mif


Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

(edited by Mif.3471)

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


As the week draws to a close…

KN – thanks for all the fights, it seems you guys are going through some trying times in terms of population and perhaps burnout, sorry if im presumptuous. All the best and hope you guys work it out and come back redoubled in strength.

And kudos for keeping it classy in the threads

FA – Always nice to see guild groups tearing it up out there, forcing us to respond to with rally calls for organization of our own. Kudos.

May your lootbags be full and much fun be had

TC – Welcome to our new friends from far afield, i hope you like the place, it can get a little run down at times, but we try.

Dont mind the poop on the doormat, getting to that shortly

Have fun ALL during reset!

Remember it’s 2 hours earlier.

Meega Kweesta

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


For FA, having been here since mid to late January, I can tell you that the majority of guilds on the server are in it for the fights. We love open field combat and we love going head to head against groups and guilds on over servers. Each individual fight is a contest in itself and that is entirely what we live for. To be completely honest, the biggest punishment for us is to be in a BL and to go against outmanned opponents head to head. And before some of the haters comment, BT is a heavy east coast weighted group so around 11pm ET our numbers typically fall off due to work/school commitments the next day on weekdays.

I keep reading that FA is in it for the fights yet every time I see an FA invader, it’s his backside because him and his zerg are running away from open field combat. Go figure.

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: PaulV.3245


“I keep reading that FA is in it for the fights yet every time I see an FA invader, it’s his backside because him and his zerg are running away from open field combat. Go figure.”

Gotta nice video of an HL guild member workin ya’ll DiS in 1v1s.. wanna see ?

EDIT: I know u do, so heres the link

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Haldunius.7864


For FA, having been here since mid to late January, I can tell you that the majority of guilds on the server are in it for the fights. We love open field combat and we love going head to head against groups and guilds on over servers. Each individual fight is a contest in itself and that is entirely what we live for. To be completely honest, the biggest punishment for us is to be in a BL and to go against outmanned opponents head to head. And before some of the haters comment, BT is a heavy east coast weighted group so around 11pm ET our numbers typically fall off due to work/school commitments the next day on weekdays.

I keep reading that FA is in it for the fights yet every time I see an FA invader, it’s his backside because him and his zerg are running away from open field combat. Go figure.

Customary GvG offer for you then mister.

FA Mesmo – [VK]
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Expunge.4926


What time is server time?

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Rawr.5930


Server time is PST i believe.

In game options also allows you to display server time too.

Meega Kweesta

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Faeryll.1673


You sure TC doesn’t have a hive mind? They all seem a little focused if you ask me. :P

Pic related:

By TC logic that is 30 KN vs only 10 TC. kitten KN zerg!

4/12 TC/FA/Kain Week 6

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.3406


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, it will be closed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way. You can find a reminder on these rules here.