4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


To the Charr DR Guardian Raider from [OBS] in DR BL:

Please don’t dance on my corpse when I am on my upleveled necro and it is me vs 4+ of you. Otherwise this happens. Luckily for you, my wolf doesn’t like Charr meat. Too chewy.

Keep it fun and respectful.


Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

(edited by Joey.3928)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. IoJ was attacking us all of last night.
Also, it’s pretty silly to think that any of our servers are coordinated enough to focus on just one opposing server.

Dont know if youve noticed, but DH is the powerhouse server this week, teaming up against them with DR (stronger that us on reset) Will in the end give you guys more points, thus making us in last place, where as on the other hand, taking points off of you will inturn help get us to second

For some reason IoJ wants to stay in a tier they don’t belong in. Will be funny when we both meet in a tier we belong in and DR absolutely smashes IoJ lol.

We would love to see that, wouldnt we love to see that jackie?

And im laughing at all the people giving us kitten for playing for second…

For one, DR have done this countless times before, a lot of the time when im on commanding in EB We’d be getting hit hard by dh there…then i look at our BL And its slowly turning blue, explain that? Countless times i would push greens corner in eb…only to have DR hit Ogrewatch/veloka and make us retreat back

And secondly why would we play for first in this tier? We dont have near enough coverage to get anywhere close, we know we CANT get first. Whys it bad that we want to be blue and have a change of scenery for once!? I’d like to be able to kill the grub every now and then

DR, you lot really cant bad mouth us too much, yes nearly every week we’re in 3rd by a couple thousand points, but youd have to admit our servers are fairly evenly matched… Though we do need a 3rd server like ours so there is no powerhouse server for EITHER of our servers to cower behind, i would love to see whod be the top server!!!

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Marcol.2349


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. IoJ was attacking us all of last night.
Also, it’s pretty silly to think that any of our servers are coordinated enough to focus on just one opposing server.


For some reason IoJ wants to stay in a tier they don’t belong in. Will be funny when we both meet in a tier we belong in and DR absolutely smashes IoJ lol.

but youd have to admit our servers are fairly evenly matched… Though we do need a 3rd server like ours so there is no powerhouse server for EITHER of our servers to cower behind, i would love to see whod be the top server!!!

I wrote a lengthy post about IoJ only fighting for 2nd and how pathetic that is.
How the only way IoJ and DR are even remotely at the same level in points “your nightly PvD crew” but I deleted it, cos of my disgust for lack of 80s on your server.
I should not be hitting 5 people at a time for 4-5k Mighty blows, just go PVE for a week and level your server to 80.
Then, and only then will we be close to evenly matched.

Crystal Desert – Nameless Accord [NA]
Guardian – Marqo | Necromancer – Nellie Tu

(edited by Moderator)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


I don’t know what you guys are talking about. IoJ was attacking us all of last night.
Also, it’s pretty silly to think that any of our servers are coordinated enough to focus on just one opposing server.


For some reason IoJ wants to stay in a tier they don’t belong in. Will be funny when we both meet in a tier we belong in and DR absolutely smashes IoJ lol.

but youd have to admit our servers are fairly evenly matched… Though we do need a 3rd server like ours so there is no powerhouse server for EITHER of our servers to cower behind, i would love to see whod be the top server!!!

I wrote a lengthy post about IoJ only fighting for 2nd and how pathetic that is.
How the only way IoJ and DR are even remotely at the same level in points “your nightly PvD crew” but I deleted it, cos of my disgust for lack of 80s on your server.
I should not be hitting 5 people at a time for 4-5k Mighty blows, just go PVE for a week and LEVEL YOUR SERVER TO 80.
Then, and only then will we be close to evenly matched.

Judging a server on the people that love WvW so much they want to level their alts in there? We’re not elitists, all those guys left in Janurary, whats left on our server are the guys that just want to have fun

And our ‘PvDoor crew’? You mean the the aussies (like me) on our server arent allowed to take your stuff due to YOUR lack of coverage? Give us a break…
Your server is only as strong as its weakest point…If the whole week was like reset the scores would be completely different. How do you think DH gets so far ahead? They have more numbers around the clock…coverage

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


To the Charr DR Guardian Raider from [OBS] in DR BL:

Please don’t dance on my corpse when I am on my upleveled necro and it is me vs 4+ of you. Otherwise this happens. Luckily for you, my wolf doesn’t like Charr meat. Too chewy.

Keep it fun and respectful.

Sry, I can’t take anyone named ‘Joey’ seriously =P

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


To the Charr DR Guardian Raider from [OBS] in DR BL:

Please don’t dance on my corpse when I am on my upleveled necro and it is me vs 4+ of you. Otherwise this happens. Luckily for you, my wolf doesn’t like Charr meat. Too chewy.

Keep it fun and respectful.

Sry, I can’t take anyone named ‘Joey’ seriously =P

That’s my name…so I don’t quite understand.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

We dont want alliance, we actually laugh on how they cower behind DH. IoJ, most of the time attack us when DH are attacking us too. and when DH failed in their attack attempt, IoJ back off too, i hardly seen IoJ take the fight directly to our face, instead they are just like worm that eats the leftover, if they want a fight and recognition then knock on our door when we are nt busy dealing with DH, not just capping our Right side of our map tower(QL) while DH is trying to cap our Brav. of course i dont hate opportunist, but i hope they dont press V (dodge) the fact that they are cowering. which will make this a WWvW

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

We dont want alliance, we actually laugh on how they cower behind DH. IoJ, most of the time attack us when DH are attacking us too. and when DH failed in their attack attempt, IoJ back off too, i hardly seen IoJ take the fight directly to our face, instead they are just like worm that eats the leftover, if they want a fight and recognition then knock on our door when we are nt busy dealing with DH, not just capping our Right side of our map tower(QL) while DH is trying to cap our Brav. of course i dont hate opportunist, but i hope they dont press V (dodge) the fact that they are cowering. which will make this a WWvW

That’s pretty funny, considering about an hour ago we were pressing Wildcreek, and behold who turns up and tries to do a sneaky on Veloka! Devona’s Rest! You wouldn’t happen to have been in that zerg there, would you? Because I recall us wiping you guys as you tried to run back through Pangloss… We even had enough time to make a counter attack on DH as they began pressing Anz.

I can’t comment on anything that happened after that because I had to go, but I could name a fair few more times when we’ve been pressing DH, only to have you guys start taking over our BL (ie reset night), or when we actually tried to get DH off of your backs – purposely leaving you guys alone (ie when you were defending SW tower in DH borderlands yesterday, with the DH zerg pressing it from the south).

But that’s alright – I won’t insult you guys, as I’ve still got a lot of respect for a lot of your players.

Had a really annoying run-in with ADNoQQBtsy at the south-east camp yesterday morning. We were being pressed by DH at that stage, and you guys showed up right after that haha – sadly we couldn’t rally enough numbers to make a proper push WHILST keeping the camp contested; it must have looked quite pathetic having us slowly trickling in like that. Luckily we had the outmanned buff on, so no repair bills for us!

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

We dont want alliance, we actually laugh on how they cower behind DH. IoJ, most of the time attack us when DH are attacking us too. and when DH failed in their attack attempt, IoJ back off too, i hardly seen IoJ take the fight directly to our face, instead they are just like worm that eats the leftover, if they want a fight and recognition then knock on our door when we are nt busy dealing with DH, not just capping our Right side of our map tower(QL) while DH is trying to cap our Brav. of course i dont hate opportunist, but i hope they dont press V (dodge) the fact that they are cowering. which will make this a WWvW

That’s pretty funny, considering about an hour ago we were pressing Wildcreek, and behold who turns up and tries to do a sneaky on Veloka! Devona’s Rest! You wouldn’t happen to have been in that zerg there, would you? Because I recall us wiping you guys as you tried to run back through Pangloss… We even had enough time to make a counter attack on DH as they began pressing Anz.

I can’t comment on anything that happened after that because I had to go, but I could name a fair few more times when we’ve been pressing DH, only to have you guys start taking over our BL (ie reset night), or when we actually tried to get DH off of your backs – purposely leaving you guys alone (ie when you were defending SW tower in DH borderlands yesterday, with the DH zerg pressing it from the south).

But that’s alright – I won’t insult you guys, as I’ve still got a lot of respect for a lot of your players.

Had a really annoying run-in with ADNoQQBtsy at the south-east camp yesterday morning. We were being pressed by DH at that stage, and you guys showed up right after that haha – sadly we couldn’t rally enough numbers to make a proper push WHILST keeping the camp contested; it must have looked quite pathetic having us slowly trickling in like that. Luckily we had the outmanned buff on, so no repair bills for us!

That was a fun fight =D

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


That was a fun fight =D

Not as fun on the receiving end, sadly. :’(

But still equally as hilarious!

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

We dont want alliance, we actually laugh on how they cower behind DH. IoJ, most of the time attack us when DH are attacking us too. and when DH failed in their attack attempt, IoJ back off too, i hardly seen IoJ take the fight directly to our face, instead they are just like worm that eats the leftover, if they want a fight and recognition then knock on our door when we are nt busy dealing with DH, not just capping our Right side of our map tower(QL) while DH is trying to cap our Brav. of course i dont hate opportunist, but i hope they dont press V (dodge) the fact that they are cowering. which will make this a WWvW

That’s pretty funny, considering about an hour ago we were pressing Wildcreek, and behold who turns up and tries to do a sneaky on Veloka! Devona’s Rest! You wouldn’t happen to have been in that zerg there, would you? Because I recall us wiping you guys as you tried to run back through Pangloss… We even had enough time to make a counter attack on DH as they began pressing Anz.

I can’t comment on anything that happened after that because I had to go, but I could name a fair few more times when we’ve been pressing DH, only to have you guys start taking over our BL (ie reset night), or when we actually tried to get DH off of your backs – purposely leaving you guys alone (ie when you were defending SW tower in DH borderlands yesterday, with the DH zerg pressing it from the south).

But that’s alright – I won’t insult you guys, as I’ve still got a lot of respect for a lot of your players.

Had a really annoying run-in with ADNoQQBtsy at the south-east camp yesterday morning. We were being pressed by DH at that stage, and you guys showed up right after that haha – sadly we couldn’t rally enough numbers to make a proper push WHILST keeping the camp contested; it must have looked quite pathetic having us slowly trickling in like that. Luckily we had the outmanned buff on, so no repair bills for us!

Nope, im at work. my play is based on sea/eu time experience.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Nope, im at work. my play is based on sea/eu time experience.

Maybe next time you should take that as an example before judging a WHOLE server based on your singular experiences.

I admit, the week before last we were pushing you guys a fair bit, because we knew that that’d bring us the most points whilst keeping us in second place; but since then I know that the commanders that I’ve been following have laid back away from you guys.

Also, don’t act like your server doesn’t push us whilst we’re pre-occupied with DH ourselves. It’s happened on plenty of occasions, and I’m sick of hearing that we’re the bad guys because we take your absence, or pre-occupation, as an advantage.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dream In A Dream.7213

Dream In A Dream.7213

To the Charr DR Guardian Raider from [OBS] in DR BL:

Please don’t dance on my corpse when I am on my upleveled necro and it is me vs 4+ of you. Otherwise this happens. Luckily for you, my wolf doesn’t like Charr meat. Too chewy.

Keep it fun and respectful.

Sry, I can’t take anyone named ‘Joey’ seriously =P

That’s my name…so I don’t quite understand.

Hey there Joey!

Please ignore the trolls. Always nice seeing your ranger roam in the field.

Lion of the Wind

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


So… we’ve gone from complaining about Darkhaven’s numbers to trying to form an alliance with IoJ by flinging insults at them.

So anyways!

I see DH passed us in points.

We dont want alliance, we actually laugh on how they cower behind DH. IoJ, most of the time attack us when DH are attacking us too. and when DH failed in their attack attempt, IoJ back off too, i hardly seen IoJ take the fight directly to our face, instead they are just like worm that eats the leftover, if they want a fight and recognition then knock on our door when we are nt busy dealing with DH, not just capping our Right side of our map tower(QL) while DH is trying to cap our Brav. of course i dont hate opportunist, but i hope they dont press V (dodge) the fact that they are cowering. which will make this a WWvW

That’s pretty funny, considering about an hour ago we were pressing Wildcreek, and behold who turns up and tries to do a sneaky on Veloka! Devona’s Rest! You wouldn’t happen to have been in that zerg there, would you? Because I recall us wiping you guys as you tried to run back through Pangloss… We even had enough time to make a counter attack on DH as they began pressing Anz.

I can’t comment on anything that happened after that because I had to go, but I could name a fair few more times when we’ve been pressing DH, only to have you guys start taking over our BL (ie reset night), or when we actually tried to get DH off of your backs – purposely leaving you guys alone (ie when you were defending SW tower in DH borderlands yesterday, with the DH zerg pressing it from the south).

But that’s alright – I won’t insult you guys, as I’ve still got a lot of respect for a lot of your players.

Had a really annoying run-in with ADNoQQBtsy at the south-east camp yesterday morning. We were being pressed by DH at that stage, and you guys showed up right after that haha – sadly we couldn’t rally enough numbers to make a proper push WHILST keeping the camp contested; it must have looked quite pathetic having us slowly trickling in like that. Luckily we had the outmanned buff on, so no repair bills for us!

I was the one leading the group into pangaloss.. I had no intention of going for veloka or ogrewatch, you guys just don’t understand the concept of leaving umberglade alone, so every once in a while I go camp pangloss with 10-15 people for 15 mins until ioj comes with a 40 man zerg.

Tarnished Coast

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


I was the one leading the group into pangaloss.. I had no intention of going for veloka or ogrewatch, you guys just don’t understand the concept of leaving umberglade alone, so every once in a while I go camp pangloss with 10-15 people for 15 mins until ioj comes with a 40 man zerg.

Are you sure? Because I downed a commander that was aiming a catapault at Veloka’s front wall. That doesn’t sound like camping Pangloss to me. :S

Edit: I’m also fairly certain we had the outmanned buff on us… But that could have been due to DH’s numbers.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


I was the one leading the group into pangaloss.. I had no intention of going for veloka or ogrewatch, you guys just don’t understand the concept of leaving umberglade alone, so every once in a while I go camp pangloss with 10-15 people for 15 mins until ioj comes with a 40 man zerg.

Are you sure? Because I downed a commander that was aiming a catapault at Veloka’s front wall. That doesn’t sound like camping Pangloss to me. :S

Edit: I’m also fairly certain we had the outmanned buff on us… But that could have been due to DH’s numbers.

There you go, If i could count, there are more time when you guys actually cap umberglade rather than us capping ur pang. and i am sure i only hve 2 times trying to siege veloka thats because we are annoyed by how u always attack us when we are fighting DH.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Im sorry, what were people saying about DH and IoJ ganging up on DR?

Seems to me like the weakest server is coppin the flogging here…

I mean, we’re far in 3rd and have come last nearly every week! Talk about being worms eating up the scraps, eat up DR


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


Im sorry, what were people saying about DH and IoJ ganging up on DR?

Seems to me like the weakest server is coppin the flogging here…

I mean, we’re far in 3rd and have come last nearly every week! Talk about being worms eating up the scraps, eat up DR

look in the picture we have people hitting DH BL not just yours , i can post a picture later when u only attack DRBL when completely leaving DHBL untouched, and look at EB, u still cap our our side. u can say we focus you if we dont have people on DH BL. at least look at the picture before you post it.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


That was a fun fight =D

Not as fun on the receiving end, sadly. :’(

But still equally as hilarious!

Well, it was fun in that it was challenging. There was a lot of pressure on me, personally, in that fight a few times. You just got caught in a bad death cycle where people couldn’t get back from respawn fast enough to gather for a proper push and people had to trickle in to keep the camp contested.

We appreciate the fighting spirit there. Most would have just given up and let the camp slide.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


So… from “Evil IoJ, how dare they not join us in our crusade against DH!” to “Oh those IoJ, so insignificant…”

Really, I can’t see how any of that is going to help the DR server unless if you actually want to goad them into giving us a proper double teaming.

And now for some actually serious subject matter…

…our beloved bovinic feline seems depressed! For mysterious reasons, Charrcat has taken a liking to fishnet tops and very tight pants, as well as a collar, though I’m certain he’s always been wearing that. There isn’t any evidence whatsoever about what brought about this change of behaviour, but I can say with absolute confidence that clearly this was IoJ’s plan all along! For shame!


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


To the Charr DR Guardian Raider from [OBS] in DR BL:

Please don’t dance on my corpse when I am on my upleveled necro and it is me vs 4+ of you. Otherwise this happens. Luckily for you, my wolf doesn’t like Charr meat. Too chewy.

Keep it fun and respectful.

Sry, I can’t take anyone named ‘Joey’ seriously =P

That’s my name…so I don’t quite understand.

Hey there Joey!

Please ignore the trolls. Always nice seeing your ranger roam in the field.

Lion of the Wind

Hey! Thanks


I haven’t seen you guys in awhile. Happy WvWing!

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


look in the picture we have people hitting DH BL not just yours , i can post a picture later when u only attack DRBL when completely leaving DHBL untouched, and look at EB, u still cap our our side. u can say we focus you if we dont have people on DH BL. at least look at the picture before you post it.

Seriously? Our whole borderland has been overtaken by DH and DR, and you’re complaining that we’ve flipped ONE camp in your third of the map… Hahaha, I’m starting to think that you’re just trolling.

You may as well post that picture now if you want – it doesn’t make any difference. The point remains that you’re a hypocrite – the evidence is clearly there.

Either way, I’m done with this argument. It’s gotten to the ridiculous point of “hurr who gangs up on who, more than the other team”. Every team does it, and every team attempts to exploit the other teams’ weaknesses.

Well, it was fun in that it was challenging. There was a lot of pressure on me, personally, in that fight a few times. You just got caught in a bad death cycle where people couldn’t get back from respawn fast enough to gather for a proper push and people had to trickle in to keep the camp contested.

We appreciate the fighting spirit there. Most would have just given up and let the camp slide.

Haha, yeah. I was that stupid Asuran mesmer that kept running right in the middle popping my clone burst, whilst trying to keep my invulnerability and stealth up for as long as possible.

But dare I say it… I hate how much AoE you guys have! :P

…our beloved bovinic feline seems depressed!

Noooo… Charrcat :’(

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

(edited by nyckolag.2394)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Im sorry, what were people saying about DH and IoJ ganging up on DR?

Seems to me like the weakest server is coppin the flogging here…

I mean, we’re far in 3rd and have come last nearly every week! Talk about being worms eating up the scraps, eat up DR

look in the picture we have people hitting DH BL not just yours , i can post a picture later when u only attack DRBL when completely leaving DHBL untouched, and look at EB, u still cap our our side. u can say we focus you if we dont have people on DH BL. at least look at the picture before you post it.

Wasnt talking about anyone focusing anyone…read the post before you reply

Simply pointing out, DH is decimating our borderlands, DR sends guys to our map to take what ever points they can after DH has flipped them…like dont focus on DH in EB or their borderlands or anything, just lay into the little guy whilst hes down then wonder why we do the same back to you…

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Im sorry, what were people saying about DH and IoJ ganging up on DR?

Seems to me like the weakest server is coppin the flogging here…

I mean, we’re far in 3rd and have come last nearly every week! Talk about being worms eating up the scraps, eat up DR

look in the picture we have people hitting DH BL not just yours , i can post a picture later when u only attack DRBL when completely leaving DHBL untouched, and look at EB, u still cap our our side. u can say we focus you if we dont have people on DH BL. at least look at the picture before you post it.

Wasnt talking about anyone focusing anyone…read the post before you reply

Simply pointing out, DH is decimating our borderlands, DR sends guys to our map to take what ever points they can after DH has flipped them…like dont focus on DH in EB or their borderlands or anything, just lay into the little guy whilst hes down then wonder why we do the same back to you…

The only reason we run in IoJ borderlands a lot is because it’s easiest for DR to build stacks there on the coyotes. ;-D

Everyone gets double-teamed from time to time.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


I’m going to be honest with you, the reason why we’re helping DH get rid of you is… well… you kind of creep us out. It wouldn’t be so bad if you just did it in the keeps, but no, you just have to do your weird tongue action in public too…

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


I’m going to be honest with you, the reason why we’re helping DH get rid of you is… well… you kind of creep us out. It wouldn’t be so bad if you just did it in the keeps, but no, you just have to do your weird tongue action in public too…

But…but what if i limit it to EB only?

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


Kind of glad to see ioj and dr zerging together, giving DH a challenge! (because lets face it, you couldn’t do it alone :P)

ROFL funny watching you all go for the vista!

(edited by fost.9167)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: CrazyCanuck.4265


giving DH a challenge! (because lets face it, you couldn’t do it alone :P)

What a joke. Really living up to the challenge with that 100ppt right now. And IoJ isnt even in your map. Sadly due to coverage DR will most likely not stay in first for the majority of the week, but at least we will continue to smash your primetime

Tarnished Coast

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


The 3 way for the keep was the most fun ive had in a while!
DH getting trapped between the 2 south gates after we capped it gave me a good laugh

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


You know I would have been inclined to agree except just saw some of IOJ teleport into lords room in our BL

edit: was ioj

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sleepless.1906


The 3 way for the keep was the most fun ive had in a while!
DH getting trapped between the 2 south gates after we capped it gave me a good laugh

I agree lol. I was one of the ones who got trapped inside. We were all like “What? How did DR upgrade that fast?” Then we’re like “OMG ITS IOJ”

Also, I think what fost is referring to us that situation. We were about to take the keep back when suddenly IoJ stormed us, then DR ignored the keep and tried to camp our spawn point. If that’s not getting zerged by two servers, then I don’t know what is.

Still, its all in good fun – lets keep it civil, people.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


Eh it was a fun sandwhich anyway! and it was funny to see mass DR jumping to vista then IOJ jumping

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Hello DH. this is your BP friend.

What happend ? we want to drop a tier and get rid of those who double team us all the time and we were planning to replace you in tier 6 but now you’re doing bad and our plan got ruined. come on DH push harder

Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Just the usual 20 golem push on SM as you guys took lowlands!

Another good laugh tonight.

Loving the matchup atm


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


Im sorry, what were people saying about DH and IoJ ganging up on DR?

Seems to me like the weakest server is coppin the flogging here…

I mean, we’re far in 3rd and have come last nearly every week! Talk about being worms eating up the scraps, eat up DR

look in the picture we have people hitting DH BL not just yours , i can post a picture later when u only attack DRBL when completely leaving DHBL untouched, and look at EB, u still cap our our side. u can say we focus you if we dont have people on DH BL. at least look at the picture before you post it.

the reason IoJ left your borderlands alone was solely due to the fact we had our entire forces in EB and in our home borderlands. DR has an outrageous amount of numbers showing this week allowing DR to field multiple zergs at each map, and IoJ hardly has anyone on during the day as usual. And you call taking a camp in EB capping your side? Camp’s can be soloed, I highly doubt we were making a push on your corner.


(edited by MrFluffy.9307)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


Hello DH. this is your BP friend.

What happend ? we want to drop a tier and get rid of those who double team us all the time and we were planning to replace you in tier 6 but now you’re doing bad and our plan got ruined. come on DH push harder

this is your BP friend.

BP friend.


Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Shockingly, the DR have managed to snatch the lead again, though just barely!

Will Darkhaven start bringing out pictures of outmanned DH surrounded by a horde of ravenous Devona’s Rest with unusual siege placement? Will the IoJ finally unveil their secret plan? Will half of the DR playerbase be hospitalized at the end of the week for sleep deprivation if they can manage to keep the maps being painted green overnight?


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


Shockingly, the DR have managed to snatch the lead again, though just barely!

Will Darkhaven start bringing out pictures of outmanned DH surrounded by a horde of ravenous Devona’s Rest with unusual siege placement? Will the IoJ finally unveil their secret plan? Will half of the DR playerbase be hospitalized at the end of the week for sleep deprivation if they can manage to keep the maps being painted green overnight?

Interesting. Word has it that an off-peak hour guild moved to DR and that is helping to stem the loss of PPT overnight? We already knew that DR had competitive numbers during NA prime since we’ve won reset nights and quite a few evenings already.

Coverage is everything.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Shockingly, the DR have managed to snatch the lead again, though just barely!

Will Darkhaven start bringing out pictures of outmanned DH surrounded by a horde of ravenous Devona’s Rest with unusual siege placement? Will the IoJ finally unveil their secret plan? Will half of the DR playerbase be hospitalized at the end of the week for sleep deprivation if they can manage to keep the maps being painted green overnight?

Interesting. Word has it that an off-peak hour guild moved to DR and that is helping to stem the loss of PPT overnight? We already knew that DR had competitive numbers during NA prime since we’ve won reset nights and quite a few evenings already.

Coverage is everything.

Rather, I suspect it has something to do with the free trial that is happening this weekend.

Oh, and no we don’t have coverage. We were out manned for about 12h straight yesterday in both EB and DRBL, and yet the massive DH zergs completely failed to capitalize.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


A short movie on condition necro. Going for entertainment. Probably failing.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


When defending our own borderlands I can hardly remember a time when the other two servers were actively fighting eachother and ignoring us. Its what happens in your own BLs, you get double teamed.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: FishEB.2043


Had a lot of fun in DH borderlands last night. Capped Hills twice then Bay and southern towers before sleep. Lots of epic fights at Hills. <3

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


Peeked into the Eternal Battleground and there I noticed that things were pretty dire for the DR. We were down to a tower and VK, with the keep under constant attack by DH.

Unlike some of the pugs where we get to have giggles at golems being built on the walls, superior rams built under oil, and other unique siege placement, this DH swarm seemed intent on doing it by the book, starting off with a good amount of rams on the north outer gate and taking care to decimate our defensive siege. Fortunately for us, a bunch of general DR had ensured VK was well sieged up, and while the swarm charged against Inner East, our defenders managed to barely hold them at bay. The outer gate was repaired and redestroyed several times, the DH not being fond of our pairing attempts. Near the end of it, while I and a small force ensured that DH couldn’t trickle through the outer gate, we noticed that curiously the enemy was somehow building up siege.

I really must congratulate DH on using mesmer portals to get supplies into our keep, though luckily it wasn’t enough, and we managed to eradicate the swarm, with the east gate looking in really bad shape.

…and then they built trebuchets.

As rocks bashed against our northeast walls, we managed to direct our own artillery fire onto Bravost, though a breach was soon open, and again DH piled in. While they were busy trying to take out our gates, we were still busy taking out their trebuchets. They even had a couple cleverly hidden on a reverse slope to the south of Bravost, though it wasn’t clever enough.

Soon Darkhaven’s resolve seemed to slowly disappear, and so did our outmanned buff, though they continued to persistently build catapults and trebuchets, as well as multiple ballista to try to kill our precious artillery.

And then, after a fierce battle of several hours, the siege was lifted, and DR victoriously regained our lost towers, all while grumbling at the mess DH left behind.

The DR may have lost the lead, but it’s only by the slimmest of margins, and whatever it is that we’re doing to keep this war so close, I hope we can manage to keep it up.


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


Okay, to all that IOj that I argue with, I’m gonna stop it, there’s already enough of forum warrior as it is so we don’t need other one.

For once DR is quite strong against the DH zombie horde that come wave by wave, Zerg by Zerg . They breach water gate once, north gate twice or so, and northeast wall time to time., and I still remember that the inner gate fall to almost 25% cos of golems and stuff ,luckily we have a pair of trebber that communicates, lot of siege kamikazi that throw their lives just to reduce enemy cata or treb hp by just 5%, group of consistent supply runner, some scouts and some people who are clever enough to Agro a the champ grub and lead it to DH Zerg to waste their time and some more who I failed to mention here.

What make us win that battle is our perseverance and the never gave up attitude. I saw one of our guys died for like 20 times or even more and still keep coming back. I won’t mention his name. Then again some of us probably are still awake because then caffeine that we drank is still holding us. But we had fun, that’s the most important thing I guess.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

SotD decided to try and ninja DR Bay and got the outter wall down by 50% before we were forced into the camp where we had an epic fight against a zerg….. yes a DR zerg against about 14 of us. Fight lasted for about 40 mins. Yes DR held ud back but overall it was fun…… DDLG i belive it was, was there giving us a great fight. Hats off to you.

Also any IoJ or DR commanders, if a Flame ram was put over your dead body, that was me. Just pulling a Rager, thats all


Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


This is an exciting week so far! with A-net pushing the reset back further into the bankers shift We were really caught with our pants down because of our lack of coverage..and if i can be honest i think alot of folks are starting to lose a lil interest in the matching. Then take into consideration that the other two servers are teaming up on us and i think we might actually have a challenge on our hands.

This has made things fun again! ….lets rock.

Jaxx of Grim

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Aeneasx.1589


Nice duel Pnoy female mesmer in EB just now.

backstabd 22222222222222 finish
Sylvari Rouge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kalkz.5297


Hello DH. this is your BP friend.

What happend ? we want to drop a tier and get rid of those who double team us all the time and we were planning to replace you in tier 6 but now you’re doing bad and our plan got ruined. come on DH push harder

this is your BP friend.

BP friend.


Borlis Pass Commander Kalkz [BS]
Original Former of Borlis Savers
Leader Of : http://youtube.com/kaotichq

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kiromana.9875


Your character is adorable. That is all.