4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kiromana.9875


tSK, TSK, [AD], tsk tsk!! I thought we were friends!

They probably knew it was you.

Pretty sure they’re just kittenty people.

Thats Interpreter, our Public Relations officer. Unfortunately he thought we said ‘Pubic Relations Officer’ and we haven’t been able to convince him otherwise. Sry =P

Okay, how about the person that followed up after he had run off?



4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Maybe he was just a little annoyed that you chased him across half the map?

The fact that you chased him across half the map with 4 people only to get wiped is actually kind of sort of deserving of something.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kiromana.9875


Maybe he was just a little annoyed that you chased him across half the map?

The fact that you chased him across half the map with 4 people only to get wiped is actually kind of sort of deserving of something.

So close. You almost got me to make a serious reply to you, Gab. Better luck next time.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


tSK, TSK, [AD], tsk tsk!! I thought we were friends!

They probably knew it was you.

Pretty sure they’re just kittenty people.

Thats Interpreter, our Public Relations officer. Unfortunately he thought we said ‘Pubic Relations Officer’ and we haven’t been able to convince him otherwise. Sry =P

In his defense, he does get tired easily, and we’ve heard that Darkhaveners make suitable cushions, and really, who would want to sit on that dirty ground?

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Phlogus.2371


Put some glitter in those tears next time those plain tears are weak.

Phlogustus Male Char DD Ele
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Noice.8730



Noice – Lvl 80 Elementalist
Noice To Meet Ya – Lvl 80 Guardian

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Interpretor.3091


As [AD]‘s Public Relations Officer, I’ll have you know that I work very hard to keep the peace between other guilds on other servers.!

That being said, the screenshot above this post is blasphemy!

I’ll have you know that every time I teabag an individual or dance on a corpse I ALWAYS make sure that I am directly over said person.

As you can see in the above picture, this is not that case. The photo was obviously photoshopped.

Good day,
Interpretor [AD] Warrior.


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


Had some fun this weekend. Missed out on reset though. Highlights:

- 3 man squad (Duyyy and Crixus/VP(sp?)) in DHBL for WvW in the 7am-10am time slot. At one point we built 3 golems and rushed and took bay with under 10 people. Managed to be pests keeping much of that map blue with small numbers. Took it a 2nd time with same small crew and treb from SW tower. Ran through busted walls, dropped inner, and came out to find a handful of IoJ past inner gate trying to down us for the cap. I am looking forward to more VP showing up, as they are really clever with small group ops.

-Had a lot of fun with Darkwolvess in EB at Durios off and on all weekend. That DH zerg out there is never ending. Managed to flank/pincher them a few times. The only thing that slowed that DH zerg down was massed siege.

-NE tower action Sun night in DHBL. Had all DDLG group practicing tactics and took down NE doors. Capped but DH zerged hard, knocked down paper doors. Fought a holding action on high bridge against many many (did I say many?) DH, when noQQ rolled up on DH for the victory just as we were going down in Lords Room.

-Hats off to the downed engineer near NW tower that pulled me to his corpse and blew me off the cliff for the win. Never saw that coming. Nice play.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


I’ll have you know that every time I teabag an individual or dance on a corpse I ALWAYS make sure that I am directly over said person.

As you can see in the above picture, this is not that case. The photo was obviously photoshopped.

Good day,
Interpretor [AD] Warrior.

Given that you cannot find your own butt with both hands, a map, AND a large neon sign I would say the likelihood of you being able to find the enemies face with your balls is remote.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Dynnen.6405


I knew that post would summon The Attic, lol

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


Interpretor .. apparently all warriors bring to wvw is corpse sitting :PP

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Attic.1562


Basically. I have a lot of leftover hate for the warrior; the class never lived up to my expectations since they nerfed the weapon swap sigils in uh, BW3 I think.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: fost.9167


I’m still playing it, hammering around raging at other classes

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MethaneGas.8357


Fun times at DH BL being all transformed into animals and running around… but certain DH players didn’t have much humour so they were swiftly brought to their graves :P
Been fun seeing IOJ on the map too, we didn’t wanna touch anything red, cuz as long as it isn’t green, fine by us (our small group).

Please don’t hurt/hunt us!

(Laughing at each other so hard, totally forgot to take screenshots at DH’s north camp!!!)

ahhaha I have one too! Unfortunately not any of the north camp I’ll ask the others if they took some. Fun times

….the elite team


Necro, Ele, Mesmer, Guardian and Warrior, DR[OHai]
YouTube Channel

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


When our guys see you swindler, they go pretty ape xD Some are just kill and move on, and some aren’t.

Haha i can tell, trust me! It’s pretty fun i can almost see the tunnel vision myself. Makes it very exciting for me, i can tell you that much

My favorite actually is the OBS pistol thief though, that guy will follow me around like paparazzi!

Always a good time with you AD guys, keep it up.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


I dont know what time 7am server time is, because i have mine set to pst. ..but when the scores reset at 3pst we were much softer then we are at 5pst..thats what i was saying.

but as every dark haven’er has learned by now. Ole Gab will find something to say about every post lol.

..surprisingly, No lip flapping about the two of you trying to team up on us though. I hope the alliance between DR and IoJ works out though because its nice to have a challenge. ive been fallin asleep at the keys far too much the past couple weeks.

Is that why we’ve been trampling over you in the open field these past couple of weeks? Well get some coffee man! As far as the ‘double teaming’ I would say that I’ve killed more DH than I have IoJ, but IoJ just can’t put out the numbers DH can =P

Be gentle. It’s not easy being a signet warrior.

yet another one of gabs accurate statements…..im a Tele-Churn Ele Asura With Bright teal hair.

in regards to getting beat on the open field. Ive been running around on my lvl 20 guardian the past couple nights. also an asura with bright Teal hair so perhaps thats what youre referring to

if youre lookin for a fight, We’ll be in your camp talking dirty to your dolyak….it sure does have purty lips…

Jaxx of Grim.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Rogue Physicist.5476

Rogue Physicist.5476

Good fights in IoJ BL to the DR [TBE] thief and ele.

Those were great fights! It’s too bad we could only get one full fight that wasn’t interrupted by one of our servers.

Veithe [TBE]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


Good fights in IoJ BL to the DR [TBE] thief and ele.

Those were great fights! It’s too bad we could only get one full fight that wasn’t interrupted by one of our servers.

Yea! We were looking for you two. I totally underestimated you guys when I was on my lower level necro. That was me who got pretty much insta killed like an idiot at astral when I charged you two. Then I switched to my ranger.

I’m sure I’ll see you again this week

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802


http://i.imgur.com/lkCP10s.jpg – A picture says a thousand words… I think this one says “Darkhaven’s superior and amazing tactics.”

http://i.imgur.com/Y4pz3Yu.jpg – Darkhaven using 4 trebs on a paper tower that we just took (the fourth treb is out of sight). The funny part is, we took all four trebs out anyway!

http://i.imgur.com/vklDQnV.jpg – Darkhaven’s 50+ zerg is craving 2-6 badges! Grub style! Dem tactics!

http://i.imgur.com/nLKe3KL.jpg – The king of amazing seige placement strikes again.. Nicely done, but I think it should have been just a bit closer!

http://i.imgur.com/Eh2C8BJ.jpg – THE SHIVERS treb spot broke down SM’s wall

http://i.imgur.com/PmhBRXI.jpg – Darkhaven using FIVE catas on a PAPER wall! (inb4 reinforced, it upgraded after they built all five catas)

http://i.imgur.com/sKlowxK.jpg – Badge farming the zerglings lol (this was a 50+ zerg. After they realized that they can’t autoattack an upgraded door down, they moved to QL because the gate was paper and easier to autoattack. This leads me to my next picture…)

http://i.imgur.com/pXoOlEY.jpg – Teamwork, coordination, and skill…. Right?


The Art of Roaming [gank]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!

I’m totally going to sell all of DH’s amazing WvWvW tactics to DR!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!

I’m totally going to sell all of DH’s amazing WvWvW tactics to DR!

I know the tactic.
Hint: when you dont have [Outmanned] and can pop 2 orange sword in 1 map.

Guess what the tactic is..

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sobiech.9613


http://i.imgur.com/pXoOlEY.jpg – Teamwork, coordination, and skill…. Right?

@Fang Battle Scar – But we luv you!!

Reine Tovar [HoTR] – Mesmer
Aerika [HoTR] – Necromancer

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kiromana.9875


I know the tactic.
Hint: when you dont have [Outmanned] and can pop 2 orange sword in 1 map.

Guess what the tactic is..

It must not be crying, because it’s working terribly for you guys.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!

I’m totally going to sell all of DH’s amazing WvWvW tactics to DR!

I know the tactic.
Hint: when you dont have [Outmanned] and can pop 2 orange sword in 1 map.

Guess what the tactic is..

I said secrets, that’s not a secret!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: MrFluffy.9307


love how DR says we play for second…



4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


love how DR says we play for second…

I LOVE it when they say we do, always a good laugh

DH storming us in EB, DH and DR borderlands their respective colours…but where is DR? Oh, capping our borderlands again, suprise!

This was after we gave up on DH’s bloody keep, that thing is impossible!!!


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Derelyk.2719



http://i.imgur.com/lkCP10s.jpg – A picture says a thousand words… I think this one says “Darkhaven’s superior and amazing tactics.”

http://i.imgur.com/Y4pz3Yu.jpg – Darkhaven using 4 trebs on a paper tower that we just took (the fourth treb is out of sight). The funny part is, we took all four trebs out anyway!

http://i.imgur.com/vklDQnV.jpg – Darkhaven’s 50+ zerg is craving 2-6 badges! Grub style! Dem tactics!

http://i.imgur.com/nLKe3KL.jpg – The king of amazing seige placement strikes again.. Nicely done, but I think it should have been just a bit closer!

http://i.imgur.com/Eh2C8BJ.jpg – THE SHIVERS treb spot broke down SM’s wall

http://i.imgur.com/PmhBRXI.jpg – Darkhaven using FIVE catas on a PAPER wall! (inb4 reinforced, it upgraded after they built all five catas)

http://i.imgur.com/sKlowxK.jpg – Badge farming the zerglings lol (this was a 50+ zerg. After they realized that they can’t autoattack an upgraded door down, they moved to QL because the gate was paper and easier to autoattack. This leads me to my next picture…)

http://i.imgur.com/pXoOlEY.jpg – Teamwork, coordination, and skill…. Right?


i see your gloves got damaged, you should have them repaired.

Lizsy Borden (wvw): Darkhaven

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Elementalist Owner.7802

Elementalist Owner.7802

i see your gloves got damaged, you should have them repaired.

Only if you pay for it >:(

The Art of Roaming [gank]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


I love how this thread become another map of WvWvW, it keep me from being bored reading a “gg wp forum” while at work, but of course we need to keep it civilised, not being the neighbour thread which got locked.

Also to IoJers showing their ss of how DR playing for second place, look its just one of that day when we attack you, or are you saying tat we should not even attack u? yesterday IoJ 20 gold(golem) rush to DR side, what should we consider that? a friendly hug? and im not here to argue with u guys, after all this matter is always subjective, since we dont play 24/7 so we didnt know the whole cycle. For example: DR NA player would launch an assault on IoJ and since IoJ prolly have minimal NA player, those NA player report to their Oceanic player that DR attack them, of course then naturally IoJ would be angry and launch an assault to DR, meanwhile when DR oceanic player logs in, they receive a report that iOj attacks them and the reaction will be “wtf ioj playing for second” without knowing what events occured before that, etc2.

Let me say something, an MMORPG or any competitive game without QQing is the same as eating a Tuna sandwich without its tuna, its plain and tasteless.

@swindler hoo, share the secret~

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


Maybe he was just a little annoyed that you chased him across half the map?

The fact that you chased him across half the map with 4 people only to get wiped is actually kind of sort of deserving of something.

So close. You almost got me to make a serious reply to you, Gab. Better luck next time.

I am sure without Gab around in this thread u guys wont refresh the page on this thread every hour or so.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


last episide guild of our lifes: isle of jambo host great jingle of christmas feast when bring a derk haven and debona’s rest guest to big roasted bird feast. a murderd man of fat and jolly, santa, wreck disorder to holiday of everyone. and so, a police or batman needed to deliver world children in happy and joy and present before debona’s rest labor in pregnants

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


Solo Elementalist … on DR

BTW, did not know that Sword/Ax and Long Bow was such a popular warrior spec

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

(edited by Sepsis.1564)

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Partunu.9845


@Krelkain – That video was horrible. You let Charcat DIE! Monsters! ( side note : Charcat said he had a video coming a week or so ago. Glad it was finally posted. ) And to IOJ… You got sooooo lucky I wasn’t there for the moral support. Just wait until I find you lurking around my yaks. I am so going to emote you ( from a relatively safe distance. )

Partipack – DR Engineer

Partipack – DR engineer
[Zoo] Zerg Of One

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: lordjack.3547


I love how DR take SM, but we take all their BL


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


@Krelkain – That video was horrible. You let Charcat DIE! Monsters! ( side note : Charcat said he had a video coming a week or so ago. Glad it was finally posted. )

Partipack – DR Engineer

Leg hugs

We’re both pretty bad at video games.

He’ll be sending me more photage soon to make another video being worser at video games. He was likely referring to that photage, too. It’s just that much worser.

I did the snow battling one first because overall it was less meaty to handle.

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

love how DR says we play for second…


We were JUST talking about this on TeamSpeak. How IoJ goes for DH this ONE time so that they can forever refute ANY claims of always going for second.

Get real please. No one is going to buy that bullkitten.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

I love how DR take SM, but we take all their BL

Maybe it’s because the DR pugs actually wanted to take Stonemist, not fight Zoomhacks and invulnerable siege trying to defend DRBL against the 80+ DH horde?

You know… Playing for fun?

Enjoy your WXP though, I’ll be sure to target you karma trainers for some easy kills.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


love how DR says we play for second…


We were JUST talking about this on TeamSpeak. How IoJ goes for DH this ONE time so that they can forever refute ANY claims of always going for second.

Get real please. No one is going to buy that bullkitten.

Have you not been looking at DH’s borderlands at all this week? Counter Barrier and his guild HARD have spent their whole time in there flipping stuff (and defending our BL from you guys), myself and other commanders have hit DH’s Corner hard in EB multiple times

So actually we can refute ANY claims of ‘ALWAYS’ playing for second. Think about it, if we were playing for second, do you lot REALLY think youd be that close behind DH and us be so far behind? The only reason DH isnt so far ahead at the moment is because we’ve both been hitting them hard (pun not intended) instead of fighting over eachothers points the whole week.

Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


I personally dont care if we drop tier because we lack of coverage or stuff. we dont force to stay on a tier that we dont belong, wheres the fun of that? all we gonna think is how to get 2nd place and stuff.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

Hi all

I am the GM of VP, a guild that transferred at the weekend to DR looking for better fights, and that is certainly what we have been having so far.

You will hopefully see us a lot more on the battlefield once we get a handle on how DH and IoJ operate normally, but for now we are just learning our new surroundings and having a little fun with new friends.

We don’t normally post on the forums so if you need to contact me for anything, a whisper in game would be best.

Good luck to DH and IoJ and I hope that we prove to be a worthy addition to DR’s ranks in the coming weeks.


GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mein.5076


Hi all

I am the GM of VP, a guild that transferred at the weekend to DR looking for better fights, and that is certainly what we have been having so far.

You will hopefully see us a lot more on the battlefield once we get a handle on how DH and IoJ operate normally, but for now we are just learning our new surroundings and having a little fun with new friends.

We don’t normally post on the forums so if you need to contact me for anything, a whisper in game would be best.

Good luck to DH and IoJ and I hope that we prove to be a worthy addition to DR’s ranks in the coming weeks.


yo comrades, are u the in the same guild as the Crixus guy or sthg? i remember him sayin that ur guild is transfering here which is cool, but no matter what tactic is if zoomhaven is using invul cata spot then /shrug., anyway, which timezone are u guys rolling?

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Snow Ghost.6817

Snow Ghost.6817

Hi all

I am the GM of VP, a guild that transferred at the weekend to DR looking for better fights, and that is certainly what we have been having so far.

You will hopefully see us a lot more on the battlefield once we get a handle on how DH and IoJ operate normally, but for now we are just learning our new surroundings and having a little fun with new friends.

We don’t normally post on the forums so if you need to contact me for anything, a whisper in game would be best.

Good luck to DH and IoJ and I hope that we prove to be a worthy addition to DR’s ranks in the coming weeks.


yo comrades, are u the in the same guild as the Crixus guy or sthg? i remember him sayin that ur guild is transfering here which is cool, but no matter what tactic is if zoomhaven is using invul cata spot then /shrug., anyway, which timezone are u guys rolling?

Hi Mein. Yeah, Crixus is one of us, a good one too. We are mostly NA but I am EU and just pull shifts till stupid o’clock normally.

Not seen anyone use any of the invul spots yet, but it’s up to the devs to fix I guess. We don’t worry about it if it happens. We just go hit them somewhere else instead.

GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


Lovely night by IoJ, Great job guys!


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Kiromana.9875


43 minutes later…


4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: KinkyGiraffe.4123


43 minutes later…

Yes, gj PvDooring your stuff back whilst we hit DR’s bl


Mr(s) Starkk

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


43 minutes later…

Yes, gj PvDooring your stuff back whilst we hit DR’s bl

So, I’m guessing all of the towers and keeps that you took in EB in your screenshot were highly contested because, if not, you’d be coming across as a hypocritical kittenbag.

But, I’m pretty sure that’s not the case.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Raine Akrune.8416

Raine Akrune.8416

These are a tad late but here’s a collection of screenshots taken by one of our members during a night long siege where we held off 3x-4x our numbers from both DH and IoJ, DH of course being more prominent since we were in their borderlands. You guys made us work real hard and we had a lot of fun that night, thanks for keeping it interesting all through the evening.


Sorry for the links but there’s to many for one attachment and this forum is fighting tooth and nail against image codes =/

Asuran Master Thief/Charr Paladin Extraordinaire
Khan of The Burning Eden [TBE]

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


lol all this Name calling from Devona makes me laugh. lets see “zoom haven” “immune cata haven” “only wins from zerg haven” “pvdoor Haven”

you guys are like angry chics that got dumped lol… We beat you even numbers…we cheat…., We beat you when we are out manned……but we had a million people on other maps, Its always something.

After a while it stops being " the feisty server" and starts becoming " The kitteny one"

lets just put away the kitten measuring sticks and have some fun.


Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

lol all this Name calling from Devona makes me laugh. lets see “zoom haven” “immune cata haven” “only wins from zerg haven” “pvdoor Haven”

you guys are like angry chics that got dumped lol… We beat you even numbers…we cheat…., We beat you when we are out manned……but we had a million people on other maps, Its always something.

After a while it stops being " the feisty server" and starts becoming " The kitteny one"

lets just put away the kitten measuring sticks and have some fun.


When you cheat to win I am not having fun. Also, you consistently cheat even though you outnumbers us two to one.

When I walk over GRIM signet warriors I am not having fun either.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe