4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


So here is my question to the DH people that say they are winning because of skill…

As of right now most of your server cant take a well defended position… usually you try a few times then run off to cap an undefended… or weakly defended position… sound tactical decision sure because you can right now.

What are you going to do when you cant run off and grab an undefended position because your population advantage is gone?

Please note : I am not saying you cant ever… just many of your commanders or guild leaders try till the siege is down then they meander till we have enough to rush then they scatter to the winds and or die.

Note#2: this is what I see during my play time…

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: torridstoic.7492


Now tell me, oh masters of allocating your numbers, why is a zerg of 35+ randomly running around EB when it’s entirely green? (literally, nothing was blue or red other than Danelon, because we had just capped it. You had a massive zerg uselessly ambushing camps in EB when everything on the map was green. Yeah, that’s skill right? No numbers at all, completely and entirely skillful and tactical DH!)

Okay, next time we finish taking EB, we’ll leave so you can have it back.
Seriously, I fail to see what your issue is here. Do you want us to figure out how many people you have with you and send an even-matched force while the rest watch how fast our new keep is upgrading? Is that “skilled” play? If there is ONE point on the map that is being contested, who wouldn’t send overwhelming force?

By the way, DH. Please do keep blitzing the living crap out of your other opponents after you have a super-comfortable point lead. It will put you in another tier where you will encounter servers that have more coverage than you do. Karma’s a kitten.

Um. Most of the DR posters here seem to want DH to move up to tier 5. Would you rather we stay with you? Because the only way we’re moving up is if we win by a higher margin than what we’ve got now. Some of you are upset we’re in your tier, some are upset we’re pushing the lead in an attempt to move up. You can’t have it both ways.

Irish: I have similar concerns. My only answer is that some of our commanders have better ideas than others, and if we move up a tier, hopefully our weaker commanders (and players, like me) will learn quickly.

At The Vanguard.
Golemhaven [Van] – mesmer | guardian

(edited by torridstoic.7492)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


DR, I’m enraptured by your QQ. Tick tock, SF…

This is getting boring. HAX!1!1 subject is more interesting. Fishy things going on last night. DH garrison outer gate being at 30% and yet golems are somehow in. IOJ takes SM in 2 seconds flat while DH sits on our thumbs and wondered where our waypoint went (oh hay, wasn’t that supposed to contest at some point??). Any takers? We were all wondering, so tell me your ~pro ninja stories.

Now it’s my turn to be enraptured. If you’re fishing for how we did it, you’ll not get it from me. Go ahead and report for hax though, I’m 100% confident Anet will see it was all legit – us outsmarting you.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


And now for an incriminating screenshot of the NoQQ leader (targeted) leading a zerg. ^^


Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Um. Most of the DR posters here seem to want DH to move up to tier 5. Would you rather we stay with you? Because the only way we’re moving up is if we win by a higher margin than what we’ve got now. Some of you are upset we’re in your tier, some are upset we’re pushing the lead in an attempt to move up. You can’t have it both ways.

Irish: I have similar concerns. My only answer is that some of our commanders have better ideas than others, and if we move up a tier, hopefully our weaker commanders (and players, like me) will learn quickly.

I’m not complaining about you winning, I am complaining about the amount of we-win-through-superior-tactics-and-skill going on in this thread from DH.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


a little food for thought…if Dark Haven Moves up a tier …it will be because AR or Borlis comes down..well they have double the numbers we have…their Bankers Shift is unreal and from what ive seen thus far they would end up with a 200k lead .

and just to clarify, I never said that Dark Haven was full of Epic kick kitten players..i know it all goes both ways. But it sure seems that you folks are angry at us for no reason.

im not sure what the solution for the tiers is to be honest. its a rough deal. If we could pick up 20-30% during our bankers shift i would feel comfortable moving up to T5, as i dont think we felt overwhelmed other then that shift.

until then i think the only change we might see is Isle dropping to t7 and henge or Shiv peaks coming up. and that doesnt remedy anything sadly.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Now tell me, oh masters of allocating your numbers, why is a zerg of 35+ randomly running around EB when it’s entirely green? (literally, nothing was blue or red other than Danelon, because we had just capped it. You had a massive zerg uselessly ambushing camps in EB when everything on the map was green. Yeah, that’s skill right? No numbers at all, completely and entirely skillful and tactical DH!)

Okay, next time we finish taking EB, we’ll leave so you can have it back.
Seriously, I fail to see what your issue is here. Do you want us to figure out how many people you have with you and send an even-matched force while the rest watch how fast our new keep is upgrading? Is that “skilled” play? If there is ONE point on the map that is being contested, who wouldn’t send overwhelming force?

By the way, DH. Please do keep blitzing the living crap out of your other opponents after you have a super-comfortable point lead. It will put you in another tier where you will encounter servers that have more coverage than you do. Karma’s a kitten.

Um. Most of the DR posters here seem to want DH to move up to tier 5. Would you rather we stay with you? Because the only way we’re moving up is if we win by a higher margin than what we’ve got now. Some of you are upset we’re in your tier, some are upset we’re pushing the lead in an attempt to move up. You can’t have it both ways.

Irish: I have similar concerns. My only answer is that some of our commanders have better ideas than others, and if we move up a tier, hopefully our weaker commanders (and players, like me) will learn quickly.

I’m not sure how you can fail to see the issue. It’s when DH claims they’re super skilled and they’re winning because of that – that we get eyeroll on DR and IoJ. That’s the issue. Nobody likes to be beaten by superior numbers. That’s the issue. Maybe when you’re on the receiving end one day, you’ll get it. Who knows.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

a little food for thought…if Dark Haven Moves up a tier …it will be because AR or Borlis comes down..well they have double the numbers we have…their Bankers Shift is unreal and from what ive seen thus far they would end up with a 200k lead .

and just to clarify, I never said that Dark Haven was full of Epic kick kitten players..i know it all goes both ways. But it sure seems that you folks are angry at us for no reason.

im not sure what the solution for the tiers is to be honest. its a rough deal. If we could pick up 20-30% during our bankers shift i would feel comfortable moving up to T5, as i dont think we felt overwhelmed other then that shift.

until then i think the only change we might see is Isle dropping to t7 and henge or Shiv peaks coming up. and that doesnt remedy anything sadly.

IoJ and DR needs to move down to T7 where we belong, whereas SF and HoD needs to move up here. SF has massive numbers and HoD was medium last week which netted them a lot of new players.

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


a little food for thought…if Dark Haven Moves up a tier …it will be because AR or Borlis comes down..well they have double the numbers we have…their Bankers Shift is unreal and from what ive seen thus far they would end up with a 200k lead .

and just to clarify, I never said that Dark Haven was full of Epic kick kitten players..i know it all goes both ways. But it sure seems that you folks are angry at us for no reason.

im not sure what the solution for the tiers is to be honest. its a rough deal. If we could pick up 20-30% during our bankers shift i would feel comfortable moving up to T5, as i dont think we felt overwhelmed other then that shift.

until then i think the only change we might see is Isle dropping to t7 and henge or Shiv peaks coming up. and that doesnt remedy anything sadly.

We’ll get along fine just as long as you don’t have people claiming that your victories are not being enabled by coverage and population disparities. Check our history with EB. They destroyed us on the scoreboard, but we got along great with them since they didn’t have dipkittens posting that they were winning based purely on skill.

The scoreboard is largely a function of coverage. Keep in mind that DR won reset night on points this week. Things might be relatively balanced on reset night but after that if any one server has a coverage advantage they will snowball the score since while they have no competition they will rack up huge PPTs and when the enemy population returns they face an uphill battle against upgraded keeps with defensive siege already in place.

That is the reality of the WvW scoreboard. Same goes when DR was crushing servers because of our population advantage.

Oh, and this tier will change in a few weeks if Sorrow’s Furnace continues to dominate the tier below us.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


My only gripe with DH is the few people that say its all skill… if we worked harder or were better players we could win and numbers have nothing to do with it.

I will politely disagree with Hyjaxxx, the worst Bolis pass did to us was about a 60k pt win and we have gained back players since the patch. Hell when they quit fighting EBay completely to push us out of the tier they only beat us by 40k.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Sorrow’s Furnace is on its way up and they are pretty solid. Once they settle into their proper tier and not be stuck in the mire that is t8, we should have a fairly even fight on our hands.

Hey Oozo, i totally know what you guys are doing. I play for the kill too, i used to be on DB only a month or so ago but i got bored at higher tiers with massive zergs & Ques for BLs.
When i see your members about during the day (same for OINK) its small man roaming and that’s when i engage them and we have had good fights.

When i solo, about half the time i end of dying due to 10+ ppl. It sucks, and in my head ill say, “ kitten i just got zerged.” But reality is, i put myself there to get killed so i shouldn’t complain. Know what im saying?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


When i solo, about half the time i end of dying due to 10+ ppl. It sucks, and in my head ill say, kitten i just got zerged." But reality is, i put myself there to get killed so i shouldn’t complain. Know what im saying?

Yeah, man. It’s a valid point. We know it sucks for a 5-man when we run over them with 15. However, I will maintain that there is a big difference between someone who only runs with 30+ compared to someone who runs with 10-15, 5, or solo.

I especially love the heroes who overextend and die when chasing you because they have 30 friendlies at their backs. It’s amazing how much “courage” people gain when they have a huge number advantage. I have a visceral dislike for people like that and I love it when we are able to stick it up their kitten.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

(edited by Oozo.7856)

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Creepy Silent.9801

Creepy Silent.9801

Sorrow’s Furnace is on its way up and they are pretty solid. Once they settle into their proper tier and not be stuck in the mire that is t8, we should have a fairly even fight on our hands.

Hey Oozo, i totally know what you guys are doing. I play for the kill too, i used to be on DB only a month or so ago but i got bored at higher tiers with massive zergs & Ques for BLs.
When i see your members about during the day (same for OINK) its small man roaming and that’s when i engage them and we have had good fights.

When i solo, about half the time i end of dying due to 10+ ppl. It sucks, and in my head ill say, kitten i just got zerged." But reality is, i put myself there to get killed so i shouldn’t complain. Know what im saying?


Also what’s been ticking me off from my own server is people making us up to be some invincible super elite alpha bravo force that is unbeatable and unkillable. I’m all about the good fights and letting the actions speak louder than words, and people got to understand just because one person from DR/ADQQSTy is talking smack, doesn’t mean we all are. Oozo responds only if people instigate smack talk, but seeing some of our own guys bragging just for the sake of bragging makes my heart heavy.

Anonymous Defender[AD][BSty]
Ehmry Bay
Tug Life

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Oozo.7856


It’s well-documented that you have to be a borderline narcissist with psychopathic tendencies to want to run in a smaller group.

[Anonymous Defender] on Youtube
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


DR, I’m enraptured by your QQ. Tick tock, SF…

This is getting boring. HAX!1!1 subject is more interesting. Fishy things going on last night. DH garrison outer gate being at 30% and yet golems are somehow in. IOJ takes SM in 2 seconds flat while DH sits on our thumbs and wondered where our waypoint went (oh hay, wasn’t that supposed to contest at some point??). Any takers? We were all wondering, so tell me your ~pro ninja stories.

Haha, I think I know what you’re talking about with the IoJ flip of SM.

We first attempted to steal SM off you DH guys with a few golems, but you stopped us abruptly as soon as we broke through the inner gate and tried to storm the Lord’s Room. I quickly saw that this wasn’t going anywhere; so, being the nifty mesmer that I am, went around the corner and hid behind a wall. Surprisingly lucky for me, DH didn’t seem to care about any potential mesmers and neglected to do a proper sweep.

Thanks for that quick flip of SM!

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: melodey.4652


DR, I’m enraptured by your QQ. Tick tock, SF…

This is getting boring. HAX!1!1 subject is more interesting. Fishy things going on last night. DH garrison outer gate being at 30% and yet golems are somehow in. IOJ takes SM in 2 seconds flat while DH sits on our thumbs and wondered where our waypoint went (oh hay, wasn’t that supposed to contest at some point??). Any takers? We were all wondering, so tell me your ~pro ninja stories.

Haha, I think I know what you’re talking about with the IoJ flip of SM.

We first attempted to steal SM off you DH guys with a few golems, but you stopped us abruptly as soon as we broke through the inner gate and tried to storm the Lord’s Room. I quickly saw that this wasn’t going anywhere; so, being the nifty mesmer that I am, went around the corner and hid behind a wall. Surprisingly lucky for me, DH didn’t seem to care about any potential mesmers and neglected to do a proper sweep.

Thanks for that quick flip of SM!

Nice job IOJ, good portal surprise

Yak Slappin’ Bunker- roamin n stuffs [PD] [Duck]
all classes 80, who is the cheesiest of them all?
gw2 dress-up barbie is the real endgame

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: nyckolag.2394


Nice job IOJ, good portal surprise

Although sadly we didn’t have the numbers to hold it from your wrath.

Fellblade is best blade.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Ok, so I’m just going to throw this out there because I’m tired of hearing it. I REALLY don’t know where ya’ll got the idea we said we’re winning through superior tactics or skill. Like really, where did it come from? I think we’re just tired of hearing how bad we suck. We’re winning because of superior coverage + larger turnout for NA primetime we all know it, so quitchakittenen. There then. I settled it, stop using that as an argument.

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Ok, so I’m just going to throw this out there because I’m tired of hearing it. I REALLY don’t know where ya’ll got the idea we said we’re winning through superior tactics or skill. Like really, where did it come from? I think we’re just tired of hearing how bad we suck. We’re winning because of superior coverage + larger turnout for NA primetime we all know it, so quitchakittenen. There then. I settled it, stop using that as an argument.

Have you spent any time reading this thread?

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


This is hilarious, there’s like five of us holding the SW camp in DH, repeated attempts of equal number failed on their side. So, typical DH style, you attack five people with 20. I laughed as you killed me. sigh DH is so predictable.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


To the mesmer/engi combo in BSTY : Confusion 0_o

Yikes that was brutal!
(No condition removal for me so i run around doing nothing with 10 stacks haha!)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Tots.3056


Cmon dh, this is the problem with zerging everywhere.

5 man fully upgraded garrison full supply, 6 man garrison with waypoint during primetime, and 4 man hills just now while you were zerging our SW tower. Quit zerging and start scouting!!


Collecting Loot [Bags]
Guild Leader

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


lol this darkhaven zerg is terrible

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


PD is supposed to be a roaming guild right?

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: torridstoic.7492


Chicken or egg. DH is mad because DR players are saying we all suck and win purely through numbers. DR is mad because DH is saying we win through skill and numbers are a byproduct. Which came first? I don’t remember, and it doesn’t really matter. One provokes the other and we end up with this crappy circle of hate from everyone. I can’t be the only one here who is sick of seeing the same crap daily, so here’s an idea.
DH: We have superior numbers. Admit it.
DR: Numbers, while a significant advantage, are probably not the only reason DH is winning. Yes, coverage is huge. We know this! We lost to AR and BP for that same reason! DH has good players and bad players, same as every single server. Stop antagonizing.

This is hilarious, there’s like five of us holding the SW camp in DH, repeated attempts of equal number failed on their side. So, typical DH style, you attack five people with 20. I laughed as you killed me. sigh DH is so predictable.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. You think that crap will solve anything? The only possible response to this is anger. Thanks for contributing.
By the way, the amount of negative comments I’ve heard from IOJ people is far less than the amount I’ve heard from DR, and they’ve been playing with us for longer than you have. Something to think about.

At The Vanguard.
Golemhaven [Van] – mesmer | guardian

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Ace bringing heat! Who else want some?

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


Sorry about that last fight I had no idea a zerg was behind us:/

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


Numbers are an issue, but not the only reason DR can’t pull ahead. If you look at reset, DR had lead most of the evening. Then coordination fell apart. I’m new to DR, but in my week here, I do find a lot of resistance toward learning from someone else. We need to open our minds to new ideas more.

DH don’t use many tactics, and why should they? Its faster and easier to just mass swarm everything. Not knocking you for it, just stating the facts. Frankly, I see very little actual tactics from any of the servers here. Not to say I see none, just not very often.

Guys calling each other out and making yourself sound good, is will just create a negative attitude toward your server. Appreciate your enemy for they do well, and find ways to counter. Stop coming to forums to try winning a battle you already lost…save it for the field.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Who else loves the broken state of WvW?

Run from pvp in a pvp zone..

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


It’s getting boring people, come feed us some badges

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Windmoor.9834


I would say, no. WvW isn’t about PvP. If you think about it, there is no reason to kill anyone, other then to cap an objective. I don’t understand why people keep trying to force every to think WvW is about PvP. Pv kitten omething that happens in WvW, but has no real purpose.

*is something…not sure why its “kittening” that part.

Don’t fear the unknown, CONQUER IT!!!

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


I died to cannons talking crap =/

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


Canon 1, Emerge 0

Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


I would say, no. WvW isn’t about PvP. If you think about it, there is no reason to kill anyone, other then to cap an objective. I don’t understand why people keep trying to force every to think WvW is about PvP. Pv kitten omething that happens in WvW, but has no real purpose.

*is something…not sure why its “kittening” that part.


ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Almostfaceman.1804


Chicken or egg. DH is mad because DR players are saying we all suck and win purely through numbers. DR is mad because DH is saying we win through skill and numbers are a byproduct. Which came first? I don’t remember, and it doesn’t really matter. One provokes the other and we end up with this crappy circle of hate from everyone. I can’t be the only one here who is sick of seeing the same crap daily, so here’s an idea.
DH: We have superior numbers. Admit it.
DR: Numbers, while a significant advantage, are probably not the only reason DH is winning. Yes, coverage is huge. We know this! We lost to AR and BP for that same reason! DH has good players and bad players, same as every single server. Stop antagonizing.

This is hilarious, there’s like five of us holding the SW camp in DH, repeated attempts of equal number failed on their side. So, typical DH style, you attack five people with 20. I laughed as you killed me. sigh DH is so predictable.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. You think that crap will solve anything? The only possible response to this is anger. Thanks for contributing.
By the way, the amount of negative comments I’ve heard from IOJ people is far less than the amount I’ve heard from DR, and they’ve been playing with us for longer than you have. Something to think about.

Hey, I’m the one getting stomped by the silly exaggerated DH response. I have the right to point it out. Keeps things in perspective, so they can’t brag about it later. Because they do.

They’re sitting pretty on first place, while we’re stuck in second. This breeds frustration.

Why would I be concerned about their anger? They’re already stomping us as it is as much as they can.

Look, nobody is saying that Every Single Player at DH is the Devil. But clearly, the zerg mentality is dominant. Which is cool as long as it’s acknowledged that’s why you’re winning. Our numbers drop off, your numbers stay constant, you push, we can’t respond with equal force. We lose points.

It would be nice on all sides, if we used some good sportsmanship and knocked it off exploiting the coverage issues until Anet fixed them. But, I know, that’s only in a perfect world.

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


It’s getting boring people, come feed us some badges

Spike …..

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Where’s the karma train? Chooo choooo


ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Emerge.9640


@ ile of J. Good call chasing 4 across the entire map, you lost position on east keep.

ROAM | Oink | TLP

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

PD is supposed to be a roaming guild right?

We take objectives and get points for DH just like any other guild out there. We help where we’re needed be it walkin yaks or wiping zergs (I’d like to think I’m pretty boss at the former).

If you define roaming as walking around with the sole purpose of fighting other small groups, then no, we’re not a roaming guild. If you define it as a guild that does all sorts of WvW things not with the main force for the benefit of the server, then yes, we’re a roaming guild.

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Sepsis.1564


PD is supposed to be a roaming guild right?

We take objectives and get points for DH just like any other guild out there. We help where we’re needed be it walkin yaks or wiping zergs (I’d like to think I’m pretty boss at the former).

If you define roaming as walking around with the sole purpose of fighting other small groups, then no, we’re not a roaming guild. If you define it as a guild that does all sorts of WvW things not with the main force for the benefit of the server, then yes, we’re a roaming guild.

So PD is playing for the “Greater Good” of DH?

Elementalist Warrior Mesmer
Bush Hog [OINK] Devona’s Rest

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Acelerion.6820


What’s it called when you chase someone out of a supply camp after 3 failed attempts. Chase them to spawn instead of capping the supply. Set up trebs, multiple ballistae, and arrow carts. Then get picked off 10 at a time from behind all while never capping the supply. Not directed at PD specifically.

I can’t begin to count how many times we get chased off an objective and instead of capping it the zerg follows, gets extended and picked apart, and never gets what they came for.

People hide behind this “for the realm” try hard facade when really all they want is to zerg people over for that sweet wxp.

OINK – Devona’s Rest
http://www.youtube.com/user/Axcelerion?feature=watch – Small group videos

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gazden.5479


What’s it called when you chase someone out of a supply camp after 3 failed attempts. Chase them to spawn instead of capping the supply. Set up trebs, multiple ballistae, and arrow carts. Then get picked off 10 at a time from behind all while never capping the supply. Not directed at PD specifically.

I can’t begin to count how many times we get chased off an objective and instead of capping it the zerg follows, gets extended and picked apart, and never gets what they came for.

People hide behind this “for the realm” try hard facade when really all they want is to zerg people over for that sweet wxp.


Gaz – Ranger/Mesmer/Guard
http://youtu.be/86abmB_7wNI <— Solo WvW Ranger

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: urbanevil.7145


@ ile of J. Good call chasing 4 across the entire map, you lost position on east keep.

We were telling them not to chase lmao, i called u guys out when u moved up our flank. I KNEW IT WAS COMING! Well played tho, to the victor goes the spoils! I busted out the golem for primetime lol.


IOJ-Raganarkz – 80 Asura Thief [HARD]
IOJ-Bouttobuffitup – 80 Norn Guard[HARD]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Cactus.2710


By the way, the amount of negative comments I’ve heard from IOJ people is far less than the amount I’ve heard from DR, and they’ve been playing with us for longer than you have. Something to think about.

Something else to think about. Count the number of people from DR here in this thread who fit your description and tell us if you had to use more than the fingers of one hand to do it.

D/D Thief who prefers mobility to stealth … so yeah, I die a lot
Stormbluff Isle [AoD]

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


last episide guild of our lifes: debona’s rest of temptation as join an interweb cult: BRONY. isle of jambo send consulting therapeutics derk haven to cure equestrials brainwashing and fight horse lover organization BRONY, but shock to discover as cure debona’s rest they is loving to homoman against god and marriage also.

Jezri | [NoQQ] Earmentalist & Guardkat
[NoQQ] Videos
Devona’s Rest

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

Ok, so I’m just going to throw this out there because I’m tired of hearing it. I REALLY don’t know where ya’ll got the idea we said we’re winning through superior tactics or skill. Like really, where did it come from? I think we’re just tired of hearing how bad we suck. We’re winning because of superior coverage + larger turnout for NA primetime we all know it, so quitchakittenen. There then. I settled it, stop using that as an argument.

This thread was perfectly fine. It had just hit its second page with minimal trash talking, and then this dude comes along.

at the end of the day i dont think population has all that much to do with whats going on in this tier atm. I think that Devona and Isle both just have a hard time with proper distribution of troops and end up on the short end of the stick because of it.

Which resulted in a kitten storm, because apparently telling him that +465 potential can never be achieved without population disparities makes him sad panda and hurts his insidiez :<

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: pixieish.9627


[jezri]Give me ear rubs![/jezri]

Not fair! I keep missing out on all those fun fights. :c

Reiseiji, Guardian, Fabulous Spec
Kaschen, Engi, Nerfed Spec
Devona’s Refugee, recently arrived to F.Aspenwood

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


First and foremost, I didn’t deny we have more people, I was just saying that when you do have bigger numbers than us you are failing at making points.

What was this tonight with DR huge zerg around your keep? You guys take Durios and leave it undefended. Meanwhile IoJ is taking all your borderland. You should have separated the zerg in 2 and defended your stuff instead of annoying SM and alerting every darkhavener on the server.

We were outnumberred by Bp but we were never humiliated because we focused on defence and quick sneaky captures. Even if we knew we were losing we made it as close as a fight as it could be.

If it’s just numbers of players at work why are you guys even playing this game?

As for skill there is obviously good and bad players on all sides. But when half your zerg runs away you are not leaving much chance to the people fighting, specially if you are only just slightly outnumbered (I’ve seen a few times).

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Gab Superstar.4059

Gab Superstar.4059

First and foremost, I didn’t deny we have more people, I was just saying that when you do have bigger numbers than us you are failing at making points.

We smashed you on reset, did we not? I don’t think we are failing at making points.

What was this tonight with DR huge zerg around your keep? You guys take Durios and leave it undefended. Meanwhile IoJ is taking all your borderland. You should have separated the zerg in 2 and defended your stuff instead of annoying SM and alerting every darkhavener on the server.

You do realize most people will play where it’s fun to play right? You are never going to be able to force pugs to swap maps just because it’s what’s best for the server.

We were outnumberred by Bp but we were never humiliated because we focused on defence and quick sneaky captures. Even if we knew we were losing we made it as close as a fight as it could be.

You do realize we played against BP right? I am actually playing against BP right now on my secondary account. You can skip the bullkitten about how you are outmanned, because trust me, I know. As of right now you have a ton more people in EB than BP does, and that has been the case for this entire week. Weren’t the weekdays supposed to be weak for DH?

If it’s just numbers of players at work why are you guys even playing this game?


As for skill there is obviously good and bad players on all sides. But when half your zerg runs away you are not leaving much chance to the people fighting, specially if you are only just slightly outnumbered (I’ve seen a few times).

What are you even trying to say with this? I am missing the point. Do you want me to bring up every anecdotal evidence of how DH runs away and gets curbstomped at every turn?

Very Good Detectives [VGD]
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Lepew.7890


Was fun last night with DH and DR fighting over who would control IoJ’s Garrison and Hills. Thanks for the good fights DH.

McDingus – DDLG guild – Stormbluff Isle