4/5 HoD/NSP/SF
No way, another “go to sPvP” comment?! Never heard that one before!
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
People complain about large groups running around all the time. like SvenskNavi said, it’s a war zone. It’s not a coliseum style fight. That’s like Confederates looking at the Union and saying “Lol, You had more people in your zerg, gg noobs”. It’s about objectives. So long as you maintain and acquire those objectives, It doesn’t matter if you did it with 5 people or 50. Points are points, wins are wins. I think people lost track of this important fact.
People play for different reasons. I personally play to have good fights and if you prefer to play so that your server has a bigger number on the score sheet at the end of the week then that is your choice.
As for winning, that depends on what your goal is. If you consider that a win then it is your choice too, however I don’t consider “winning” to be who has the best coverage in order to ensure the most points at the end of the week.
What I consider to be a win is overcoming a challenge due to my ability and focus. Therefore, I win most days when I wvw.
“I smell like pomegranate.”
News flash – WvW isn’t about showing how skilled you are by running as small of numbers as you can. It’s World vs World. If you want to prove yourself in a 5v5, there’s a feature in the game called sPvP for that. WvW is designed around large group fights.
That’s funny, because there is no raid mechanic. You can be in 5 man groups and boons/attacks are limited to 5 people. This would indicate that you’re not supposed to run around in 30 man zergs all the time.
I think you forgot about squads?
Squads are not a raid mechanic. They do not grant any type of benefit to large group organization. Have you ever played another MMO to compare this game to?
“I smell like pomegranate.”
People complain about large groups running around all the time. like SvenskNavi said, it’s a war zone. It’s not a coliseum style fight. That’s like Confederates looking at the Union and saying “Lol, You had more people in your zerg, gg noobs”. It’s about objectives. So long as you maintain and acquire those objectives, It doesn’t matter if you did it with 5 people or 50. Points are points, wins are wins. I think people lost track of this important fact.
I’m pretty sure the inability to field as many people as effectively as SF is known as a personal problem. Whining isn’t going to solve your personal problems.
And no, i’m not SF.
Pretty sure you have it wrong too. WvW is about fun. Many people don’t even care about the points and just play to kill. Hey, if you are a casual gamer and like the mindlessness of a zerg and running over things, all the power to you! Having fun in a video game is important. But the people coming on here to gloat about their zergs when any 9 year old can do what they are doing (and most likely are part of it)… maybe you need a reality check.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
News flash – WvW isn’t about showing how skilled you are by running as small of numbers as you can. It’s World vs World. If you want to prove yourself in a 5v5, there’s a feature in the game called sPvP for that. WvW is designed around large group fights.
That’s funny, because there is no raid mechanic. You can be in 5 man groups and boons/attacks are limited to 5 people. This would indicate that you’re not supposed to run around in 30 man zergs all the time.
I think you forgot about squads?
Squads are not a raid mechanic. They do not grant any type of benefit to large group organization. Have you ever played another MMO to compare this game to?
So please tell me, oh enlightened one, for what purpose were squads created? Just because they don’t function exactly the same way as WoW’s raid system, doesn’t mean they weren’t designed for large group activity.
squads let a commander put a poi on the map, see how much siege the people around him have, and erm … talk in bright yellow text.
you can’t even see where your squad is on the map.
it’s a pretty useless mechanic, though the yellow text is nice.
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
News flash – WvW isn’t about showing how skilled you are by running as small of numbers as you can. It’s World vs World. If you want to prove yourself in a 5v5, there’s a feature in the game called sPvP for that. WvW is designed around large group fights.
That’s funny, because there is no raid mechanic. You can be in 5 man groups and boons/attacks are limited to 5 people. This would indicate that you’re not supposed to run around in 30 man zergs all the time.
I think you forgot about squads?
Squads are not a raid mechanic. They do not grant any type of benefit to large group organization. Have you ever played another MMO to compare this game to?
So please tell me, oh enlightened one, for what purpose were squads created? Just because they don’t function exactly the same way as WoW’s raid system, doesn’t mean they weren’t designed for large group activity.
You didn’t answer my question. Have you ever played another MMO to compare it to? If so, which ones?
“I smell like pomegranate.”
There are absolutely zero excusses of why we are winning other then good players and tactics. You can start pointing out numbers, zergs, etc. I’ll tell you what, as a commander, we have been working together very well and using tactics. Whether it be a well placed zerg or golem rukitten’s all part of the game and tactics. Our strategies are working and I’m proud to take part in these battles.
-Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
You bring a Zerg to the gates of a keep. When that doesn’t work you run around and around the keep like headless chickens.
When that doesn’t work you bring in twice the numbers and a score of golems. But do you bother to clear siege first? Nope, you just charge them all in under heavy fire. Sure you take the keep, but only due to overwhelming numerical superiority. And you end up wit a bunch of half dead golems.
That’s not skill, or tactics. You should fire your commanders. Anyone in charge of that should fall on their sword.
Pretty sure you have it wrong too. WvW is about fun. Many people don’t even care about the points and just play to kill. Hey, if you are a casual gamer and like the mindlessness of a zerg and running over things, all the power to you! Having fun in a video game is important. But the people coming on here to gloat about their zergs when any 9 year old can do what they are doing (and most likely are part of it)… maybe you need a reality check.
I’m pretty sure the “casual gamers” aren’t the ones in here complaining that there are large “noob” zergs vs “high skill” small groups. I agree that fun is the most important factor when it comes to WvW. My comment wasn’t about fun or not. It was about Zerg or Non-Zerg play styles being irrelevant to the overall objectives of WvW. Silly comments like “needing a reality check” are just that.
There are absolutely zero excusses of why we are winning other then good players and tactics. You can start pointing out numbers, zergs, etc. I’ll tell you what, as a commander, we have been working together very well and using tactics. Whether it be a well placed zerg or golem rukitten’s all part of the game and tactics. Our strategies are working and I’m proud to take part in these battles.
-Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
You bring a Zerg to the gates of a keep. When that doesn’t work you run around and around the keep like headless chickens.
When that doesn’t work you bring in twice the numbers and a score of golems. But do you bother to clear siege first? Nope, you just charge them all in under heavy fire. Sure you take the keep, but only due to overwhelming numerical superiority. And you end up wit a bunch of half dead golems.
That’s not skill, or tactics. You should fire your commanders. Anyone in charge of that should fall on their sword.
I"m in SF BL son….not EB…….. And that’s easy to stop….put 2 arrow carts up on your gates…problem solved.
Sorrow’s Furnace
PAXA’s 5man group with the 3 guards is pretty nasty.
Seventh Legion [VII]
There are absolutely zero excusses of why we are winning other then good players and tactics. You can start pointing out numbers, zergs, etc. I’ll tell you what, as a commander, we have been working together very well and using tactics. Whether it be a well placed zerg or golem rukitten’s all part of the game and tactics. Our strategies are working and I’m proud to take part in these battles.
-Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
You bring a Zerg to the gates of a keep. When that doesn’t work you run around and around the keep like headless chickens.
When that doesn’t work you bring in twice the numbers and a score of golems. But do you bother to clear siege first? Nope, you just charge them all in under heavy fire. Sure you take the keep, but only due to overwhelming numerical superiority. And you end up wit a bunch of half dead golems.
That’s not skill, or tactics. You should fire your commanders. Anyone in charge of that should fall on their sword.
I"m in SF BL son….not EB…….. And that’s easy to stop….put 2 arrow carts up on your gates…problem solved.
Lol at thinking 2 arrow carts will stop a dozen golems and 100 players.
They obviously grow good product in the fields of SF.
ITT: Elitist pricks who think their way of having fun is the “right” way of having fun.
This means you, SF, HoD, and NSP.
“All SF has is numbers, no skill. All SF does is zerg, zerg, zerg.” “NSP/HoD only have 10-15 players group”. I’m just surprised how you had more people than us at that SM wall for hours and never got through, hell you can even spawn camp us in your BL if you feel like it.
Yes, these pictures only show HoD, but they’re the only of the two that I remembered screenshotting.
Dont get me wrong, im not against zergs or anything, but we’ve dealt with FC/ET telling us about numbers for weeks and you guys just followed their tradition, then so will we. Enjoy the screenshots.
P.S. Can’t wait to see ET in T7
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli
I am currently a member of the [PvP] guild from SF.
Contrary to what many believe, we had given up the “zerg” mentality right before we moved up a tier. I can tell you that after a number of tier 1 guilds transferred over to the opposing servers and face rolling us countless times, we had to step back and rethink on how we were doing things. We do not simply win by running head first into our opposing team and “swing” “swing” away, AoE anything and everything in sight. We learned from our mistakes going up against these tier 1 guilds and got stronger as a guild. We redid our builds, we held tactical practices, we even got stronger as a server. It’s not just a bunch of portal bombs as many of you think. We had major drama against other guilds on SF but when we moved up a tier, we put it all behind us and began working together. We do not bash other players on forums, we take all name calling and bashings with a grain of salt. We learn from our mistakes and continue to grow as a guild, as a server. We look foward to seeing you all in the battle field, friend or foe alike and hope you have as much fun in WvW as we do.
Server: Sorrows Furnace
Guild: [PvP] Players Killing Players
Yes, it is a fairly useless mechanic. But it’s still a mechanic, which has WvW specific features. Meaning at least one of it’s uses is for in WvW. I think the fact that you can’t see all the players all over the map even in a squad would even hint that it’s not meant to be a largely scattered group of 50 players.
Aza, my post clearly points out one such system that you are requesting. However, my intention in mentioning it isn’t to bring to fact the features that it implements, but rather that ArenaNet decided to do things differently than Blizzard. Of course they made stuff stick to your immediate 5 person party – can you imagine all the stacked buffs going around if they made it so 50 people could stack buffs on all 49 other people in the area?
To everyone saying that they play for fun and not seriously – That’s all great. However, you have to consider whether WvW is actually built to be the way you want to play. If you want to play one way, and another server wants to play another way, you can’t just complain because they don’t play for the reason you’re playing. A little bit of unnoticed information, but WvW comes with server rankings, and a score. If you don’t want to care about that and just want to play for fun, that’s fine. But because it has some of those competitive features, people are going to play as so. If that means running in a 40 man group, then it means running in a 40 man group. But Sorrow’s Furnace is going to play in recognition that there is a points system, and a ladder. They’re not going to ignore that just because you don’t care that there is. WvW wasn’t built around showing off your individual skill. That’s what PvP is for. WvW is large scale combat, between full servers. So if you don’t like that, don’t complain about SF – they didn’t design it, they’re just playing it to spec.
So far fights have been decent.. VLK is pretty good… came across some GOYW guild or something like that i think from NSP.. those few are a sorry guild.. they don’t even belong in T8 let a lone t7 lol No wonder NSP is whining about our numbers they cant kill anything
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist
I’m pretty sure the “casual gamers” aren’t the ones in here complaining that there are large “noob” zergs vs “high skill” small groups. I agree that fun is the most important factor when it comes to WvW. My comment wasn’t about fun or not. It was about Zerg or Non-Zerg play styles being irrelevant to the overall objectives of WvW. Silly comments like “needing a reality check” are just that.
I’m not gonna go and generalize a select few people on SF to represent SF as a whole, but those select few people that think that having a larger population throughout the day = more skilled than the other servers do need a reality check. Or at least back up their smack talk with some walk in a situation that actually shows some semblance of skill.
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
Here, lets save some forum space and do some predictions. SF – will zerg their way to T5 – there is nothing in T6 atm to match their numbers, and then get destroyed by EBay and BP – I hope you like Sekz for breakfast SF, because you are going to meet them soon enough. HoD looks to be taking a page from AR and will ride 2nd place until the see an opening to move up. NSP will end up somewhere – no real way to tell until Anet actually releases the new ranking points after their score fudging last week.
Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
I’ve been staying up way too late with this new matchup. It’s just too much fun to sleep.
Keep up all the good fights,
Snarfica [PvP]Just out of curiosity how many wvw players in [PvP]? its been the only tag ive noticed so far (there are many of you) .
I’ll keep you guessing :P It’s probably less than you think.
I know we’re hard to capture in a screenshot to count, because we usually don’t stray from position much, but try and grab a screenshot and count us when you catch us out of position, or wipe us (those two usually go hand and hand). I’m going to make you work for it
Try to count
“All SF has is numbers, no skill. All SF does is zerg, zerg, zerg.” “NSP/HoD only have 10-15 players group”. I’m just surprised how you had more people than us at that SM wall for hours and never got through, hell you can even spawn camp us in your BL if you feel like it.
Yes, these pictures only show HoD, but they’re the only of the two that I remembered screenshotting.
Dont get me wrong, im not against zergs or anything, but we’ve dealt with FC/ET telling us about numbers for weeks and you guys just followed their tradition, then so will we. Enjoy the screenshots.
P.S. Can’t wait to see ET in T7
I see more green dots than HoD in all those pics…
You don’t have to, we run about 30 guildies average everynight
Server: Sorrows Furnace
Guild: [PvP] Players Killing Players
(edited by xxDARKMATTERxx.2930)
WvW is about winning, you guys.
1/3rd winning, 2/3 QQing…really we should be ashamed, not like this didnt happen with ET/FC at first…We will let you guys vent, shame on us for taking up for ourselves and arguing points that you made.
Please continue.
As an SF member I’m very proud at what we are accomplishing, even after all the trash talk and put downs. We are holding our own and it’s a challenge. There are absolutely zero excusses of why we are winning other then good players and tactics. You can start pointing out numbers, zergs, etc. I’ll tell you what, as a commander, we have been working together very well and using tactics. Whether it be a well placed zerg or golem rukitten’s all part of the game and tactics. Our strategies are working and I’m proud to take part in these battles.
However, SF, we have to stop trash talking and mocking our enemies (dancing on corpses). If a couple members on NSP or HoD want toi troll and talk smack, let them. Every server has their trollers and they always make the server look bad. I apologize for any SF trash talker, I have no control who plays on my server. But I try to make the best of it. Lets continue kicking butt in WvW SF!!!
-Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
As an NSP player I have seen not one single player from SF with any skill, you guys keep saying how skilled you guys are. I just dont see it. What I do see is Zerg , zerg and moar zergz.
P.s big norn commander from gore. Yes that was me you bumped into south of your garrison. Please tell me your experimenting with a new build or traits or that was your alt…. If that was you coming at me with this “good players/tactics”nonsence you speak of. Then you should probably rethink a few things.
I guess you were never around around when 5 of us held off against your zerg time and time…..and TIME again. Don’t be mad, your statements are generalizations and irrelevant. If all we did is zerg why haven’t you stopped us yet? Zergs are easy to stop if you know they are coming, but you haven’t. So, come to SF BL, I’m the human in white robes. I’ll be waiting…..
We’ve been in SF BL all the afternoon, killing many of your commanders with only… 3 of us.
That was funny.
It’s just sad commanders don’t drop more money. We would have become rich !
All I know is we are small man grouping out here in NSP BL and all we come across is dead bodies or people running….from you favorite White Trash Hero
got temp banned on your main account so you’re posting on an alt?
thought that was against the rules.
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”
Stop the Violence… Especially you Marnoll you’re a commander of my guild please represent us accordingly, i understand you made a friendly post and someone flamed it but like a trap no need to be goaded in, To everyone else it’s a competition and we have our different styles of play, strategy, and ways to have fun. Let the scoreboard do the talking and GFs everyone.
-Sorrow’s Furnace WvW/tPvP
Congratulations to SF for finally moving out of the black hole known as tier 8
It seems you are doing well. Perhaps one day I will meet my old friends on the battlefield.
..Or maybe someday I’ll see you at a table in a restaurant in France. Perhaps we will both be with our future families. We’d smile and wave but go our separate ways.
+1 point if you catch that reference
Oh people. How can you be so ignorant of WvW?
Of course, the zerg has the higher skilled players, just because they have more, so the likelihood of a having a gem is higher, though among all the other players, it’ll go unnoticed.
This is so blatantly wrong as to be comical. Ask anyone on any server who the best players are you will find that those people are almost exclusively in small groups. Zergs require the least amount of skill and skilled players who enjoy getting better and testing their skill avoid them the majority of the time.
If you do in fact believe this I can assume you lack any real pvp skill and are still living in a WvW zerg bubble.
SF has been really annoying by the size of their zergs but at least my loot bags this week have at least quadrupled with outmanned and players who can’t handle themself outside 3:1 odds.
I’ve been staying up way too late with this new matchup. It’s just too much fun to sleep.
Keep up all the good fights,
Snarfica [PvP]
You the same Snarf from DAoC?
Just look for the black bearded human.
As an SF member I’m very proud at what we are accomplishing, even after all the trash talk and put downs. We are holding our own and it’s a challenge. There are absolutely zero excusses of why we are winning other then good players and tactics. You can start pointing out numbers, zergs, etc. I’ll tell you what, as a commander, we have been working together very well and using tactics. Whether it be a well placed zerg or golem rukitten’s all part of the game and tactics. Our strategies are working and I’m proud to take part in these battles.
However, SF, we have to stop trash talking and mocking our enemies (dancing on corpses). If a couple members on NSP or HoD want to troll and talk smack, let them. Every server has their trollers and they always make the server look bad. I apologize for any SF trash talker, I have no control who plays on my server. But I try to make the best of it. Lets continue kicking butt in WvW SF!!!
-Marnoll Whitefyre [Gore]
Much respect
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Congratulations to SF for finally moving out of the black hole known as tier 8
It seems you are doing well. Perhaps one day I will meet my old friends on the battlefield.
..Or maybe someday I’ll see you at a table in a restaurant in France. Perhaps we will both be with our future families. We’d smile and wave but go our separate ways.
+1 point if you catch that reference
Queensdale come back to me at SF We have breakout events that we need to 2 man
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
I would also like to say as i zerg and i roam/small group i have noticed your guy’s zergs melt pretty easy but I’ve had a couple good fights with you guys. One of the XOXO mesmers i cant come close to 1v1ing as you are too tanky >:( so i have to wait for another to kill you. Also a PAXA warrior that i saw melting two of my fellow servermates before i jumped in to save them, props to you.
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
Oh people. How can you be so ignorant of WvW?
Of course, the zerg has the higher skilled players, just because they have more, so the likelihood of a having a gem is higher, though among all the other players, it’ll go unnoticed.
This is so blatantly wrong as to be comical. Ask anyone on any server who the best players are you will find that those people are almost exclusively in small groups. Zergs require the least amount of skill and skilled players who enjoy getting better and testing their skill avoid them the majority of the time.
If you do in fact believe this I can assume you lack any real pvp skill and are still living in a WvW zerg bubble.
SF has been really annoying by the size of their zergs but at least my loot bags this week have at least quadrupled with outmanned and players who can’t handle themself outside 3:1 odds.
Good god…this man speaks truth. Anyone that runs (consistently) primarily in zergs forfeits their ability to learn to play in intense, skillful, and self-testing scenarios. Period. I know everyone else says zergs have their uses…fine…I’m not changing my opinion on that matter, but factually running in zergs slows your learning process of becoming a true bad kitten WAY DOWN!
Oh people. How can you be so ignorant of WvW?
Of course, the zerg has the higher skilled players, just because they have more, so the likelihood of a having a gem is higher, though among all the other players, it’ll go unnoticed.
This is so blatantly wrong as to be comical. Ask anyone on any server who the best players are you will find that those people are almost exclusively in small groups. Zergs require the least amount of skill and skilled players who enjoy getting better and testing their skill avoid them the majority of the time.
If you do in fact believe this I can assume you lack any real pvp skill and are still living in a WvW zerg bubble.
SF has been really annoying by the size of their zergs but at least my loot bags this week have at least quadrupled with outmanned and players who can’t handle themself outside 3:1 odds.
I can name a group on SF who I know well as an example of this. The KING guild.
I would also like to say as i zerg and i roam/small group i have noticed your guy’s zergs melt pretty easy but I’ve had a couple good fights with you guys. One of the XOXO mesmers i cant come close to 1v1ing as you are too tanky >:( so i have to wait for another to kill you. Also a PAXA warrior that i saw melting two of my fellow servermates before i jumped in to save them, props to you.
You better bring more then 1 more.. you’ll need it.
Score Update
SF Still Looking Solid
Lots of good fight out here tonight.
Illusions Of The Abyss [DARK] GM
Congratulations to SF for finally moving out of the black hole known as tier 8
It seems you are doing well. Perhaps one day I will meet my old friends on the battlefield.
..Or maybe someday I’ll see you at a table in a restaurant in France. Perhaps we will both be with our future families. We’d smile and wave but go our separate ways.
+1 point if you catch that reference
Queensdale come back to me at SF
We have breakout events that we need to 2 man
Heheheh, good times. “Where the hell is everyone who started this breakout?!”
Maybe I’ll come visit SF for a week or two soon. That is, if I could get my hands on enough gold to transfer!
I would also like to say as i zerg and i roam/small group i have noticed your guy’s zergs melt pretty easy but I’ve had a couple good fights with you guys. One of the XOXO mesmers i cant come close to 1v1ing as you are too tanky >:( so i have to wait for another to kill you. Also a PAXA warrior that i saw melting two of my fellow servermates before i jumped in to save them, props to you.
You better bring more then 1 more.. you’ll need it.
Nah i only needed one other to see the dead body on the ground :o
And Queensdale i can help with the server transfer
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
You make a video of a guild zerg going against the entire NSP wvw pop and claim servers have even numbers? Honestly? You are delusional. The vast majority of the time SF has zergs that equal the entire wvw population of all of NSP on each map sometimes multiple zergs that large on 1 map.
Losing to a zerg is cool but the spam jumping on corpses and emoting after running from 2v1 and 3v1 fights to a zerg which is happening nonstop is a joke. I am done with WvW for now let SF pvdoor even more if that makes them feel superior.
Again, smack talk aside… I’m impressed with both NSP and HoD. Let’s stop the trolling people. All of t7 is giving this their all, and I for one am really enjoying it.
Sorrow’s Furnace
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
You make a video of a guild zerg going against the entire NSP wvw pop and claim servers have even numbers? Honestly? You are delusional. The vast majority of the time SF has zergs that equal the entire wvw population of all of NSP on each map sometimes multiple zergs that large on 1 map.
Losing to a zerg is cool but the spam jumping on corpses and emoting after running from 2v1 and 3v1 fights to a zerg which is happening nonstop is a joke. I am done with WvW for now let SF pvdoor even more if that makes them feel superior.
It’s also an impressive display of “skill” where he spends the entire video standing in one spot mashing 1 and clicking his skills.
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
You make a video of a guild zerg going against the entire NSP wvw pop and claim servers have even numbers? Honestly? You are delusional. The vast majority of the time SF has zergs that equal the entire wvw population of all of NSP on each map sometimes multiple zergs that large on 1 map.
Losing to a zerg is cool but the spam jumping on corpses and emoting after running from 2v1 and 3v1 fights to a zerg which is happening nonstop is a joke. I am done with WvW for now let SF pvdoor even more if that makes them feel superior.
It’s also an impressive display of “skill” where he spends the entire video standing in one spot mashing 1 and clicking his skills.
i wouldn’t knock the portal bombing of 5 people with 20 that was mind blowing. Best part was in his video about equal sized fights at no point was there ever an even number fight.
Come on guys, some of you were posting the score 1 hour after the match started, by that time we had less points, and less income, still you were making fun of us. After we make a comeback and hold our ground, points magically mean nothing, and we suck. Chill out, WvW is about large scales battles, if you’re after duels go Spvp. Also NSP had a massive zerg Friday, Saturday.
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
You make a video of a guild zerg going against the entire NSP wvw pop and claim servers have even numbers? Honestly? You are delusional. The vast majority of the time SF has zergs that equal the entire wvw population of all of NSP on each map sometimes multiple zergs that large on 1 map.
Losing to a zerg is cool but the spam jumping on corpses and emoting after running from 2v1 and 3v1 fights to a zerg which is happening nonstop is a joke. I am done with WvW for now let SF pvdoor even more if that makes them feel superior.
Dang Varconi, you didn’t even have to make your post about skilled players… this guy just proved you right. A picture is worth a thousand words… in this case a video is worth a million.
Good taste in music though!
Not Just A Goodtime – 80 Asura Warrior
(edited by osif.8673)
I been hearing that some of you think SF is the only one with bigger amounts of players, But I will post some videos of what we go up against, in some cases it may seem to you when you are playing that the zerg is huge but that might be not peak times for oyu, but saying that your server do not have this “big zerg”. Well here is a vid from yesterday. Please lets just be positive and focus on what you can do for your server rather than sit here and start forum wars over nothing.
You make a video of a guild zerg going against the entire NSP wvw pop and claim servers have even numbers? Honestly? You are delusional. The vast majority of the time SF has zergs that equal the entire wvw population of all of NSP on each map sometimes multiple zergs that large on 1 map.
Losing to a zerg is cool but the spam jumping on corpses and emoting after running from 2v1 and 3v1 fights to a zerg which is happening nonstop is a joke. I am done with WvW for now let SF pvdoor even more if that makes them feel superior.
Exactly what I was thinking…
Charr Guardian & many alts
I am the donut
The kitten is strong in our threads, why cant we all just get along and go kill each other in WvW, regardless of how we are killing each other
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]