Dictator for Life
Shiverpeaks Search and Rescue [Lost]
I don’t want to go into the coordination/skills debate but it’s clear you can solve any problem in WvW with numbers. The thing is there is a point where you can’t use numbers any longer. I think it’s around tier 4.
In the meantime, why wouldn’t SF use this advantage against us?
They are using numbers, they just aren’t using them well. If the scoring continues like this, the are going to have to send more cookies to get bumped out of T7. Their predicted steamroll hasn’t materialized. They are getting the numbers bump from moving from red to green as dictated and expected by their population, however, if the scores continue like this, they will be losing points next week because the wont be able to win by enough (sound familiar). And looking at GoM’s performance, their overpowering server-mates from T8, well, simply, aren’t.
FC sent the cookies…get your troll right…
Its not a troll, Truth is you aren’t going anywhere without divine intervention the way you are scoring.
However, the difference being, we are rolling on the scoreboard whereas the T8s were not..
Your not rolling on the scoreboard.
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/15#NA - That’s rolling on the scoreboard (T5-8)
Oh sorry winning by +/-40k is a close match, thats my bad……………………………………………………………… :P
I don’t want to go into the coordination/skills debate but it’s clear you can solve any problem in WvW with numbers. The thing is there is a point where you can’t use numbers any longer. I think it’s around tier 4.
In the meantime, why wouldn’t SF use this advantage against us?
They are using numbers, they just aren’t using them well. If the scoring continues like this, the are going to have to send more cookies to get bumped out of T7. Their predicted steamroll hasn’t materialized. They are getting the numbers bump from moving from red to green as dictated and expected by their population, however, if the scores continue like this, they will be losing points next week because the wont be able to win by enough (sound familiar). And looking at GoM’s performance, their overpowering server-mates from T8, well, simply, aren’t.
FC sent the cookies…get your troll right…
Its not a troll, Truth is you aren’t going anywhere without divine intervention the way you are scoring.
“Truth be told I hope we are stuck in T7 a while, I enjoy the e-tears in forums…” Saw that or something similar several times in map chat last night…And yes for the record I said it myself at least one of those few times…So I will just take my cookies with the spilled milk you guys cry over and mash 1,2 until i need 3,4…..
Its not a troll, Truth is you aren’t going anywhere without divine intervention the way you are scoring.
Good, watching NSP squirm and struggle is far too entertaining.
However, the difference being, we are rolling on the scoreboard whereas the T8s were not..
Your not rolling on the scoreboard.
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/15#NA - That’s rolling on the scoreboard (T5-8)
This is rolling on the scoreboard.
And considering this will most likely be your strongest week.
When all the novelty of not being in tier 8 wears off.
We’ll see who’ll be ontop.
(edited by Rob.7624)
Wow, what the heck is wrong with some of you?
Somebody from [PvP] posted a video where he was clicking skills and people are making fun of him for it? Why? It’s a game. [PvP] is a casual guild full of casual players. Some of us have a gaming background and know why it’s better to use keybinds over clicking and some of us don’t. We are all striving to get better at all times. We have never, and will never kick anybody or not allow somebody in, based on their in-game skill. That’s not what we are about.EDIT: I should mention that this player has asked us why it’s better to use keybinds over clicking and we gave him some reasons. If he changes his play style, it will likely help his game after the learning curve, and if he doesn’t, we will love him just the same.
[PvP] is a guild that enjoys each others company in TS and like to do the best we can in the battlefield. We are not elitists and I for one don’t pretend to be. Like I said, our requirements to be in [PvP] don’t have a single thing to do with skill. We’ve only ever kicked people for bad attitudes and trolling.
The player that posted the video that some of you enjoy picking to pieces is a really nice guy, and I enjoy his company anytime he is with us. We aren’t all setting out to create the super elite guild that can take on the world. Some of us have a competitive gaming background, and some are playing their first MMO ever right now. I’m one of the ones playing my first MMO right now, and I’m sure I have a lot to learn (I come from competitive FPS).
I might be saying more than the guild wants me to here, but here are a few facts about [PvP] guild:
-We have no skill requirement to join.
-We always have a good time together, win or lose.
-We try our best to keep a positive attitude in our player base.
-We are not elitists, and don’t/shouldn’t pretend to be.
-I think we do pretty well on the battlefield considering our diversity (skill, play hours, commitments, etc)If your like-minded guild would ever like to GvG us, we are down for that, and I would hope that win or lose, neither side would come in here and be idiots about it. If we GvG any group, it’s going to be for the fun of it, not for kitten bragging rights.
You’re guild wants to 5v10 us? No thanks, that’s a lose/lose for us. Take your ego somewhere else, as we are a casual guild and I wouldn’t want to put our members in a place where they feel they NEED to step their game up or move to another guild… that’s just not what [PvP] is about.
We are simply about having a good time together and doing the best we can to stay organized and alive :P We lose some and we win some, but we always have a good time. I don’t want to jeopardize that.
Respectable. I guess people just like to ignore my explanations, even though the comments aren’t directed at me. It seems like PAXA is still being put into people’s insults (King Mad) no matter how many times we explain ourselves of what we are trying to say. People will read what they feel like reading and turn words! Doesn’t matter. I’m glad that you found people that you like to play with and are having fun, no matter what style of play you are doing. I just won’t understand that style.
However, the difference being, we are rolling on the scoreboard whereas the T8s were not..
Your not rolling on the scoreboard.
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/15#NA - That’s rolling on the scoreboard (T5-8)
Oh sorry winning by +/-40k is a close match, thats my bad……………………………………………………………… :P
Its too close a match if you were planning on leaving the tier any time soon. The servers in the example actually moved up.
Its not a troll, Truth is you aren’t going anywhere without divine intervention the way you are scoring.
Good, watching NSP squirm and struggle is far too entertaining.
We just squirmed you to 120 ppt. God we are awful.
We don’t care about moving up. The other servers are the ones crying and wanting us to leave. It’s plenty enjoyable watching how hard people struggle to justify their non-winning score.
We don’t care about moving up. The other servers are the ones crying and wanting us to leave. It’s plenty enjoyable watching how hard people struggle to justify their non-winning score.
And its funnier to see you try and justify why you’ve got it XD
Too early to tell.
Give it a month.
Why would we need to justify it? Even if it just boiled down to numbers, we are winning with that. So we win with our mindless zombie horde, and still have fun. Obligatory l2anti-zombie.
We don’t care about moving up. The other servers are the ones crying and wanting us to leave. It’s plenty enjoyable watching how hard people struggle to justify their non-winning score.
lol. Everything I’ve read says that you are clicking 1111112 on your unstoppable zerg train to T6 and beyond.
However, the difference being, we are rolling on the scoreboard whereas the T8s were not..
Your not rolling on the scoreboard.
http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/15#NA - That’s rolling on the scoreboard (T5-8)
Oh sorry winning by +/-40k is a close match, thats my bad……………………………………………………………… :P
Its too close a match if you were planning on leaving the tier any time soon. The servers in the example actually moved up.
Nah, we like to beat our opponents for a while….I mean we sat in T8 for months, you think we wanna bounce outta here after 1-week and let you all go back to a “nice even matchup”….
Do me a favor seriously…Look through this thread sometime and see all the people from HoD/NSP ragequitting WvW….“taking a month off” “let me know when SF moves up”… hilarious as I find those comments, taking them at face value alone, we do not have to worry with moving up…soon we will win the war of attrition to the point the scores could end up looking like they did when we were in T8….
That is the thing when talking to elitists, they do not listen to anything than their own head rattling…We have said numerous times, ET/FC weren’t always so greatly outnumbered, I am sure some of them would tell you that they lost a substantial WvW participation/population over the course of the T8 ghetto matchup….
So like I said above, if your people really are quitting, and history tells us that they are or will be…Then the score/ratings/ANET/WMDs/North Korea/ and any other worries you might have will take care of themselves….
lol. Everything I’ve read says that you are clicking 1111112 on your unstoppable zerg train to T6 and beyond.
Oh, so that’s why number 1 and 2 buttons are so worn down. Thanks for clearing that up. 1-2 Zombie horde for life.
No.This is rolling on the scoreboard.
And someone said SF wasn’t an xfer server.
It’s not a transfer server by any means, I’ve been in SF since launch and we hardly ever see new WvW guilds pop up. SF does mostly PvE, so we didn’t have a lot of players or guilds focused on WvW back when that screenshot was taken because everyone was still working on their personal story, world completion, and legendary weapons. Now that many of us are content with our PvE situation, we’ve moved on to WvW. We also don’t have droves of players in WvW doing nothing but exploration and jump puzzles like we did back then.
(edited by EnemyCrusher.7324)
I don’t want to go into the coordination/skills debate but it’s clear you can solve any problem in WvW with numbers. The thing is there is a point where you can’t use numbers any longer. I think it’s around tier 4.
In the meantime, why wouldn’t SF use this advantage against us?
If you had read some of our quotes in the other thread and likely on the beginning of this one (if you didn’t I do not blame you lol), then you would know this is exactly what we have been saying….You bringing logic and common sense into it now, likely won’t end well for you considering your servermates….
I know I personally have said a few times we have to change and evolve our tactics, but doing so likely requires a struggle to “convince” the server to evolve…But like you said truth be told, its hard to toot the “we need to keep getting better” horn a lot when you are leading like we are accustomed to.
I think the ironic thing about this and the other locked thread, is that you have countless people grumbling that we have “no skill” and “only zerg”…Then act as though they are offering “constructive criticism”…We tried to offer the same criticism at times in T8 and were met with a similar response that you (NSP/HoD as a whole) are receiving from us….
However, the difference being, we are rolling on the scoreboard whereas the T8s were not…So therefore I would have to ask myself where is this “constructive criticism” really coming from? What would you truly have to gain by making a superior enemy that much more superior by giving them valuable advice??
My guess is from the freshly wounded rears of some sore sports on your servers, and yes we (SF) know that you aren’t all bad eggs, and that only a fraction of people post on servers….But we do LOVE to see those guild tags so we know which ones need that special kind of attention in game….
Kinda funny you guys are ripping a guy for pressing 1 and 2 too much, since in the perma-downed state most of you spoiled sports find yourself in, those are the ONLY buttons you can press…
Im done with this thread. Nothing to prove. Ill go back to mashing 1 and clicking my skills. [PvP] will see the rest of SF in WvW. it’s been fun rolling with you guys and I am glad we have been able to put aside our differences as guilds. Maybe when these small 5 man super group/guilds ever reach the guild sizes we have they will remember that its not about individual players but the synergy you bring within the group. Take what you want out of our videos, but do remember when going up against guilds like TK and AGG in tier 8 that we tried to be nice. Yes we wiped, we wiped many times as a guild, we had bad nights, things didnt go right but we still had fun and never QQ about it. CoSA, KING, SEED, and the others I havent mentioned, lets kick kitten now and in the next tiers to come.
Bye bye
Sidenote: [Os] its been a pleasure wiping to your guild. See you guys in WvW
And so it was decreed that a ‘score update’ would only be shown if the server from which the submitting user originated from was currently experiencing a control spike.
May none refuse this Rule, for It is deemed most sanctioned and holy.
In Based Quag’s name, quamen.
Im done with this thread. Nothing to prove. Ill go back to mashing 1 and clicking my skills. [PvP] will see the rest of SF in WvW. it’s been fun rolling with you guys and I am glad we have been able to put aside our differences as guilds. Maybe when these small 5 man super group/guilds ever reach the guild sizes we have they will remember that its not about individual players but the synergy you bring within the group. Take what you want out of our videos, but do remember when going up against guilds like TK and AGG in tier 8 that we tried to be nice. Yes we wiped, we wiped many times as a guild, we had bad nights, things didnt go right but we still had fun and never QQ about it. CoSA, KING, SEED, and the others I havent mentioned, lets kick kitten now and in the next tiers to come.
Bye bye
Sidenote: [Os] its been a pleasure wiping to your guild. See you guys in WvW
Claims he has nothing to prove; writes a paragraph trying to prove himself and his guild.
Ah, what entertainment these forums provide.
WTB european crew, we will pay in pounds.
Hey SF, how come none of you are talking about your zerg yesterday on EB? The one that had no structure.
I was running with my guild, [AS], and we were only 7 people. We seriously screwed you guys over, repeatedly. We didn’t wipe you with only ourselves, but you guys have absolutely no structure when you got hit by us. You were like chickens with their heads cut off.
Haven’t seen any NSP talked about our unorganized zerg neither. Bad troll, please go back to school and retake it.
And so it was decreed that a ‘score update’ would only be shown if the server from which the submitting user originated from was currently experiencing a control spike.
May none refuse this Rule, for It is deemed most sanctioned and holy.
In Based Quag’s name, quamen.
That is so spot on that it’s crazy…..You can roll through pages and pages with no updates, until someone makes a golem rush then its “hey lookatme!”…..
I find it amazing that some of you can tell what everyone in zerg of 50-70 is doing. Really, you guys can tell that all of them are only using 1-2 while looking at that sea of red ppl?
When they were fighting FC i never really bothered to look what every single one of them were doing you know? Too busy fighting and stuff….
To the all you guys from [PvP] and everyone at SF, keep on fighting and having fun, this is what the game is all about.
Well, we want to make sure you know every “squirm and struggle” we go through.
Hmm, I guess we could reply in kind every time we cap something so we could share the experience, might get a little spammy though. Don’t worry though, I’m not too concerned about the gold stars next to my name when they get posted, I’ll make sure you get yours though (I know how important they are to you).
As usual, this thread has devolved into another exciting round of score/zerg talk. Since we have a few new servers, I thought it important to share a Q&A session I had a while back that helped with this problem. Hopefully this sheds new light for the HoD/SF who were not fortunate enough to participate in the last one. Thanks for reminding me, Sarsbear!
It baffles me how many people are so deeply concerned about the weekly score.
There seems to be some confusion as to what really occurs in WvW, so I provided a short Q&A session to help alleviate some of those concerns. Enjoy!
Q: What prize does the first place server get at the end of the week? A: Nothing at all… just let that sink in for a minute. That’s right, regardless of what place you finish, nothing at all changes, nor does it matter whatsoever. I suppose there’s bragging rights, but that’s a lot like bragging that you have extra chromosome’s compared to the other kids in class. Some things are worth getting excited about, and that’s just not one of them.
Q: But wait, can’t you move up to a higher tier by finishing first? A:Yes, you actually can, where you can try accomplishing the same exact thing you did in the previous tier.
Q: Hold up, that sounds like a terrible reward system. So the score only matters for who you go up against the next week, and that’s it? Not only that, but doesn’t the current system ensure that servers will fight against the same servers for weeks and months on end, regardless of who’s first? A: Precisely, but surprisingly it’s enough for people to get excited about. You have to take into account that a majority of the player base also enjoys watching paint dry and sniffing glue, so this is something they look forward to. Not quite different, but somewhat of a step up.
Q: So is there any difference of talent between the tiers? A: Overall, there is very little. You see, ArenaNet had this brilliant strategy where you could hop servers whenever you felt like it. What ended up happening was massive changes in servers rising and falling through the tiers because of entire guilds up and moving. While there are exceptions on several servers, for the most part the skill level is generally equal. You have to realize that most of the people who participate in WvW run in packs of 20+, so skill is not needed during most fights.
Q: So what really makes up the scores for each tier then? A:A combination of things, with numbers and coverage being the two most important. Having more people spread out over a 24 hour period is the key to success and is what makes up 95% of the score. Most commanders seem to think they are General Patton, and that Tuesday night WvW is the reenactment of the Allied invasion of Normandy, but it’s actually just a video game. You need to take into account that a lot of these commanders have trouble differentiating between this game and real life, so their level of skill and coordination in this game are grossly exaggerated.
Q: So you’re saying that coordination doesn’t matter when leading a zerg? A: Not at all, just that numbers and coverage are much more important. You see, commanders are a dime a dozen, and when one is not around, another one will throw up the tag and it’s business as usual. His success likely depends on how many numbers he has with him compared to what he’s facing. These maps have the complexity of a coloring book, so there’s really not a lot to leading a zerg, despite what you hear.
That’s not all, Part2 is just around the corner!
(edited by Skarloc.2569)
And so it was decreed that a ‘score update’ would only be shown if the server from which the submitting user originated from was currently experiencing a control spike.
May none refuse this Rule, for It is deemed most sanctioned and holy.
In Based Quag’s name, quamen.
That is so spot on that it’s crazy…..You can roll through pages and pages with no updates, until someone makes a golem rush then its “hey lookatme!”…..
Thou art hath put his Lord Flame Rams wurds upon’ith us in such a glory held manner.
Tis shalt be done.
Hey SF, how come none of you are talking about your zerg yesterday on EB? The one that had no structure.
I was running with my guild, [AS], and we were only 7 people. We seriously screwed you guys over, repeatedly. We didn’t wipe you with only ourselves, but you guys have absolutely no structure when you got hit by us. You were like chickens with their heads cut off.
Haven’t seen any NSP talked about our unorganized zerg neither. Bad troll, please go back to school and retake it.
What Noroz said is true though. I’ve been more level-headed than most in this thread but really your EB crew was a failiure last night. It’s bad enough when you can’t use your number advantage wisely but it’s even worse when you start losing your tower (aka Ogrewatch) to an outmanned crew.
And so it was decreed that a ‘score update’ would only be shown if the server from which the submitting user originated from was currently experiencing a control spike.
May none refuse this Rule, for It is deemed most sanctioned and holy.
In Based Quag’s name, quamen.
That is so spot on that it’s crazy…..You can roll through pages and pages with no updates, until someone makes a golem rush then its “hey lookatme!”…..
How can you even say that when a few pages back someone from SF posted a screenshot of them spike capping the entirety of EB for a few moments? Man, you post the weirdest kittens sometimes King Amadaeus lol.
How can you even say that when a few pages back someone from SF posted a screenshot of them spike capping the entirety of EB for a few moments? Man, you post the weirdest kittens sometimes King Amadaeus lol.
He was talking about that as well… Where did you see him excluding SF?
welp , while you forum – tough guys are tearing up the forums, the LONE worthless 5 man group of XOXO/tM/SPCA , took your homes. BTW thanks for the t3 Garrison with the full fridge.
P.s we peed in your freezer , enjoy!
Well done ! But I think you’re hacking. WvW has been designed for super zerg battles only. Go back to sPvP please.
Love ya <3
You should have come fee! That would have made our group a zerg of 6! There was some PvNpc and moar pvNpc!
I’d say there was pvp too , but the people we rolled on the way hurt less then the guards.
what happen SF?
Oh Heeh Oh Heeh Oh Ho
Don’t tell them.
The SF trolls will stop making themselves look bad.
The funny thing about Birdsong, is that he trolls, I mean he REALLY works at it….Little posts here and there, never of substance just of “bait”….Several people have warned SF about Os and the trolling….But I have a slight history with ol Birdy here….You see once upon a time when I bought this game my first server was none other than NSP!
And my first or second toon (honestly cant remember) was invited to be an O….I even tried out WvW back then as a noob who had spent most of his time in PVE and PVP….And do you know what I remember about my time in NSP and Os? I remember this blue tag that I thought was so cool (what a nub I know) was kind of a tough guy….I mean all he did was rage in chat all day because Devona’s Rest would roll over us like an afterthought as he led us to their zerg over and over….Eventually I left NSP due to the queue situation (meaning I didn’t like queues at all….) Bounced to ET, where I would eventually meet my soulmate, the beloved SF, whom I loved so much I paid to transfer to the week that free transfers went away or shortly thereafter.
So here is to you Commander, may your rage burn ever as bright against the mighty SF as it did against the dreaded scourge of DR……. http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/history/14#NA
what happen SF?
Oh Heeh Oh Heeh Oh Ho
Don’t tell them.
The SF trolls will stop making themselves look bad.The funny thing about Birdsong, is that he trolls, I mean he REALLY works at it….Little posts here and there, never of substance just of “bait”….Several people have warned SF about Os and the trolling….But I have a slight history with ol Birdy here….You see once upon a time when I bought this game my first server was none other than NSP!
And my first or second toon (honestly cant remember) was invited to be an O….I even tried out WvW back then as a noob who had spent most of his time in PVE and PVP….And do you know what I remember about my time in NSP and Os? I remember this blue tag that I thought was so cool (what a nub I know) was kind of a tough guy….I mean all he did was rage in chat all day because Devona’s Rest would roll over us like an afterthought as he led us to their zerg over and over….Eventually I left NSP due to the queue situation (meaning I didn’t like queues at all….) Bounced to ET, where I would eventually meet my soulmate, the beloved SF, whom I loved so much I paid to transfer to the week that free transfers went away or shortly thereafter.
So here is to you Commander, may your rage burn ever as bright against the mighty SF as it did against the dreaded scourge of DR…….
I lol’d upon reading that you band-wagoned to the winning server of that whole t8 mess.
How can you even say that when a few pages back someone from SF posted a screenshot of them spike capping the entirety of EB for a few moments? Man, you post the weirdest kittens sometimes King Amadaeus lol.
He was talking about that as well… Where did you see him excluding SF?
^ Thanks Vox…Some people only see what they want….
hello, i just wanted to say that you are all nice people ty. <3
hello, i just wanted to say that you are all nice people ty. <3
you 2!
what happen SF?
Oh Heeh Oh Heeh Oh Ho
Don’t tell them.
The SF trolls will stop making themselves look bad.The funny thing about Birdsong, is that he trolls, I mean he REALLY works at it….Little posts here and there, never of substance just of “bait”….Several people have warned SF about Os and the trolling….But I have a slight history with ol Birdy here….You see once upon a time when I bought this game my first server was none other than NSP!
And my first or second toon (honestly cant remember) was invited to be an O….I even tried out WvW back then as a noob who had spent most of his time in PVE and PVP….And do you know what I remember about my time in NSP and Os? I remember this blue tag that I thought was so cool (what a nub I know) was kind of a tough guy….I mean all he did was rage in chat all day because Devona’s Rest would roll over us like an afterthought as he led us to their zerg over and over….Eventually I left NSP due to the queue situation (meaning I didn’t like queues at all….) Bounced to ET, where I would eventually meet my soulmate, the beloved SF, whom I loved so much I paid to transfer to the week that free transfers went away or shortly thereafter.
So here is to you Commander, may your rage burn ever as bright against the mighty SF as it did against the dreaded scourge of DR…….
I lol’d upon reading that you band-wagoned to the winning server of that whole t8 mess.
Yep I never have really tried to hide the fact that I was ex-ET….It is pretty much known to anyone in T8….ET was all but dead in WvW, the guild I was in was playing (wvw) less and less. I did not want to move up to a higher tier and get back into the queue lock…And I knew some of SF having fought them for a while, and respected a lot of their players and hated some others (mainly cause they killed me some)….Also the talk of the time was how they were moving on out of T8 and I thought well win/win, I get on an active WvW server, and get to avoid fighting against my ex-servermates and guild….But that did not happen lol, so I ended up doing both and had some good times with good friends on both servers….In fact, the guild I was in back then ended up bailing on ET too, you know them as MEND in HoD.
And also I hope you can respect the fact that I answered your comment with a legitimate statement rather than getting all elitist….Like I said I have nothing to hide about where I have been….But I would like to add, I came over not real early, but fairly early on in the matchup, so while I did jump to a better situation, I also experienced life on both sides of the fence and it was boring for both, win or lose…
A little video over the last couple nights! Fun fights out there! This one is small group battles vs. even-greater numbers and added vent snippets that I found funny. Hope you enjoy it between all the bickering here!
The funny thing about Birdsong, is that he trolls, I mean he REALLY works at it….Little posts here and there, never of substance just of “bait”….Several people have warned SF about Os and the trolling….But I have a slight history with ol Birdy here….You see once upon a time when I bought this game my first server was none other than NSP!
And my first or second toon (honestly cant remember) was invited to be an O….I even tried out WvW back then as a noob who had spent most of his time in PVE and PVP….And do you know what I remember about my time in NSP and Os? I remember this blue tag that I thought was so cool (what a nub I know) was kind of a tough guy….I mean all he did was rage in chat all day because Devona’s Rest would roll over us like an afterthought as he led us to their zerg over and over….Eventually I left NSP due to the queue situation (meaning I didn’t like queues at all….) Bounced to ET, where I would eventually meet my soulmate, the beloved SF, whom I loved so much I paid to transfer to the week that free transfers went away or shortly thereafter.
So here is to you Commander, may your rage burn ever as bright against the mighty SF as it did against the dreaded scourge of DR…….
NSP had queues? NSP players, please line up and laugh.
I also know all the Os night crew that have been in the guild, personally and have run with us for more than a week or even just joined for the day.
Do you know why?
Here. I have attached a screenshot of Os roster during the time when I command.
Os being a Primetime guild, all the Asia and Euro players being very close since we literally become a 5man guild.
I would have noticed an extra chap in there.
I have no idea who you are.
Also no records of you on our compulsory forums.
That and why would I “rage” in chat. We have a vent you know.
I do believe your story is fabricated my friend.
Good try.
Obviously you put more effort into trolling than I ever will.
Mildly ironic.
I hope you have something delightful brewing in your troll pot.
Because this was, even though elaborate, mildly disappointing.
You have not impressed me.
You’re fired.
Oh and PPS.
I’m not a troll. Thats just me being me.
(edited by Rob.7624)
NSP had queues? NSP players, please line up and laugh.
Well if he was NSP at launch and then ended up on ET, he might be part of the massive TL-led exodus so he would’ve experienced the queues that followed that mega zerg around.
But then that was back before week-long matches started, which is the last time I remember us having real queues outside of reset night.
Oh you silly NSP guilds, if you really didn’t want trolling in response to your trolling you could have just said so, the reports for infractions were unnecessary. That being said, I hereby accept defeat (to dissuade banning), and grant you the plunder of the forums, and everything that comes with being the amazingly capable forum warriors that you are. Enjoy.
NSP had queues? NSP players, please line up and laugh.
Well if he was NSP at launch and then ended up on ET, he might be part of the massive TL-led exodus so he would’ve experienced the queues that followed that mega zerg around.
But then that was back before week-long matches started, which is the last time I remember us having real queues outside of reset night.
Yeh and hes talking about when we fought Devonas.
In tier 6, after we lost most of our WvW guilds.
Even when we were in tier 5. I don’t really remember seeing a queue time.
Nevermind when I command!
Lucky if there are 20 people in one map.
what happen SF?
Oh Heeh Oh Heeh Oh Ho
Don’t tell them.
The SF trolls will stop making themselves look bad.The funny thing about Birdsong, is that he trolls, I mean he REALLY works at it….Little posts here and there, never of substance just of “bait”….Several people have warned SF about Os and the trolling….But I have a slight history with ol Birdy here….You see once upon a time when I bought this game my first server was none other than NSP!
And my first or second toon (honestly cant remember) was invited to be an O….I even tried out WvW back then as a noob who had spent most of his time in PVE and PVP….And do you know what I remember about my time in NSP and Os? I remember this blue tag that I thought was so cool (what a nub I know) was kind of a tough guy….I mean all he did was rage in chat all day because Devona’s Rest would roll over us like an afterthought as he led us to their zerg over and over….Eventually I left NSP due to the queue situation (meaning I didn’t like queues at all….) Bounced to ET, where I would eventually meet my soulmate, the beloved SF, whom I loved so much I paid to transfer to the week that free transfers went away or shortly thereafter.
So here is to you Commander, may your rage burn ever as bright against the mighty SF as it did against the dreaded scourge of DR…….
LMBO another guy that knows about the hidden history.
Holy moly!! It is me, Your Big Horse.
Here is new video showcasing some of SF’s small man groups
I hope you enjoy. Or wafflez gives the burst.
-Your Big Horse
Holy cow these forums move too fast! I feel like I’m posting about month’s old news now. Oh well, nice video!
This thread is epic, I can barely keep up with all the postings. I kind of miss the good ol’ days of Os vs PAXA though, way more interesting than zerg this scoreboard that.
Hey SF, how come none of you are talking about your zerg yesterday on EB? The one that had no structure.
I was running with my guild, [AS], and we were only 7 people. We seriously screwed you guys over, repeatedly. We didn’t wipe you with only ourselves, but you guys have absolutely no structure when you got hit by us. You were like chickens with their heads cut off.
Haven’t seen any NSP talked about our unorganized zerg neither. Bad troll, please go back to school and retake it.
It’s not a troll, it’s a statement of fact. We completely split your zerg and made you run with your tail between your legs.
Oh you silly NSP guilds, if you really didn’t want trolling in response to your trolling you could have just said so, the reports for infractions were unnecessary. That being said, I hereby accept defeat (to dissuade banning), and grant you the plunder of the forums, and everything that comes with being the amazingly capable forum warriors that you are. Enjoy
I got infracted for saying I wanted a cookie.
Can you beat that?
I got infracted for saying I wanted a cookie.
Can you beat that?
Did you get infracted or just deleted? That was one my infracted posts too (offering of said cookie). Sadness, I guess it’s going both ways.
I started to play in WvW when DR stomped us ironically. Never been queued except for 5 to 10 minutes for EB on reset night.
When people say we have queues I cringe. because it’s just terribly false. I would LOVE to have at least occasionnal queues but no…NSP had learned to live with the outmanned buff, not queues.
I got infracted for saying I wanted a cookie.
Can you beat that?Did you get infracted or just deleted? That was one my infracted posts too
. Sadness, I guess it’s going both ways.
Oh no you’re quite right
Moderator Note:
Hello, your posting is derailing and likely to encourage other users to post off topic as well, thus your post has been removed.
Cookies be offtopic.
Unless they are..
..Cookies of war?!?!?!
Cookies of war are ontopic.
And you know you want to try one.
This thread is epic, I can barely keep up with all the postings. I kind of miss the good ol’ days of Os vs PAXA though, way more interesting than zerg this scoreboard that.
No kidding.
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