4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


Yes you’re correct in knowing that my guys and I don’t feel taking a tower with 20+ people is deserving of credit. And because in a half hour it will be retaken don’t feel that having taken it in the first place is worth a single thing. Before going into just bashing, re-read what I wrote and please come up with answers to my question marks. “What are you gaining by winning?” “what has (winning) actually earned any of you?” “what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”

I know this isn’t directed at me, but I’ll give this one a shot.

“What are you gaining by winning?”
Nothing more than some server ranking in a game.

“what has (winning) actually earned any of you?”
Ironically (because of the above answer), NOT server ranking LOL.

“what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”
Usually active server WvW population.

Well this begs a fourth question.
Why play then?
Because win or lose, it’s a kitten fun game!

You are from SF and I appreciate this post more than any post in the past 3 months hands down. The real answer no one on that side will ever admit. Thanks for being a glimmering sign of hope.

You play to win the game…Otherwise there is no game, in PVE do you join dungeons to spar with the bosses? Nope, its to beat the dungeon (IE: to win)…Is it our fault that ANET decided to offer no reward for winning? No. Would you rather we not keep score? Do you want a participation trophy? Would you like people to recognize your superior build/trait lines coupled with the impressive combo field group you run with?

Seriously PAXA, why is it everytime you guys post its always anti-zerg, anti-capping, anti-WvW essentially. What you have is an OPINION of how WE should be playing which is mildly hilarious, and overtly sad on your part….

But to suggest that we should all just roam in 5 man groups, ignore capping, ignore the scoring system, essentially ignore the mechanics of WvW, all becuase what? ANET set the grouping system up to accomodate 5-man teams? You really think that was their intent? Just make this massive WvW scenario and then have 10-five man teams running around PVPing each other? That just sounds silly…Essentially, what I truly believe, is that people like you that come in here saying things like this, really just want people to play YOUR style since you think that what you are doing is superior. When in fact what your doing might have some merit to the overall aspect of the game (IE: helping your server somewhat), the reality is that sitting on your BL camping a spawn “looking for a good fight to better yourself” is slightly more of a waste of time than actually capping camps and towers etc…

After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

I will reiterate this sentiment.
Despite my multiple posts about boycotting this week, I’ve found it very hard to stay away from WvW (I’ve played -just- WvW for about eight hours this week)… but I’ve yet to have -any- encounter with SF that had less than twenty-five.

Like a post I said earlier – I imagine that a lot of your players have skill; but amidst all the zerging, I’ve yet to be able to confirm this. I’m not looking for a 5HoD vs 1SP fight – but when my group of twelve -only- runs into 25+, skill no longer becomes a factor. It’s all about numbers.

Again (and I’m doing this for all my posts, because I don’t want this to be taken in a bad light), I’m not saying your players aren’t skillful. I’m saying that, because of your numbers, I can’t tell if they are.

I agree with this completely. SF’s tactics of strength by numbers gets boring fast. I’ve played a lot this week, but I gotta say I had much more fun with the GoM, HoD match up. I’m not trying to say SF are bad players, only that their tactics are dull and lead to blob zerg stalemates. GoM and HoD have a more intellectual, strategic approach to WvW, sending off small groups of 5-8 to cap camps, create distractions, hunt yaks, cap NPC’s, etc. With GoM, NSP, & HoD when Hylek or Dredge were up it seemed imperative to grab them because every extra NPC player could be the difference in the smaller, more balanced clashes. Skill use and exact placement of siege seemed to matter much more. With SF, when I notice Hylek up I’m like, “Oh… guess we COULD go cap them although it won’t really matter much.” Plus 5 v 5 fights really allow you to sense a player’s psychological approach to combat. And I do have to say that HoD and GoM rarely camped our spawn points. They always allowed us the ability to defend our keeps. Fighting SF is like fighting a giant slug that lurks on your doorstep and eats your garbage. They are always there, always a massive zerg, always camping spawn. Plus, as this thread proves, I don’t like their general attitude on the forums. Too much bluster, bragging, and trash talk. I look forward to SF’s departure from our tier so we can get back to more balanced and enjoyable WvW.


Anet should have just put SF in T1 and let them work their way down instead of ruining one of the most fun and balanced tiers in WvW.

That would however go against the system, anet created.
Matchups are decided by points. That can not change. However, giving SF +2k points does not change anything with the fundamental problem of T8. ET ans FC would still have 500 points and GOM would be trapped in the Glicko Ghetto, while IOJ would take the green spot in T7.
What do you want to accomplish by that?
There was no way to preserve your little T7 matchup either way besides messing with the system VERY badly. Fixing T8 would have dropped GOM either way.

Just fixing whats broken(FC’s and ET’s ridiculously low points in this case) and letting the system rearrange itself was the most logical thing to do.
And I am pretty sure, the bragging of you T7 guys about how SF would lose either way, motivated ANet into some “what if…” kind of thinking, so they just went ahead and kicked SF into T7 to see whether you guys can live up to your words.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

(edited by naphack.9346)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Its very rare to see HoD and NSP attacking each other,in the forums and wvw,sooo looks like its SF vs WvWvWvW.

He who angers you conquers you :-)

SF runs on negative energy…The more you troll us the harder we push in game….Keep the emotes and the troll postings coming please…SERIOUSLY we need that fuel!!!!!

Not even joking/trolling a lil bit either….Keep it up, our motivation is sky high right now.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

After trying a 3 man single golem rush to ninja Ogrewatch we couldn’t pull it off before people noticed and had to fall back into Pangloss. 3 man Pangloss wrecking crew took out countless COSA before being overwhelmed by 20ish people.

Here is the reaction of the SF army. Keep in mind many of these poor souls had already run back from the waypoint until finally waiting for a force large enough to cover their ineptitude at killing 3 people.

Yep SF invented emoting, standard forum kitten….Also I see that legendary Mesmer Krem!

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

I was hoping after a thread lock that when I peeked in here to check out some of big bro SF’s score updates some of the drama and trolling would of watered down. How disappointing. Let’s get some basic facts straight for those who are actually genuinely confused on these topics however.

1) Sorrow’s Furnace earned its way out of tier 8. Compare the number of weeks it won by land slides on the http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/histories if you have doubts. Many of you seem to either be trolling hardcore or not understand that they could dominate with these same numbers that have put your tier 7 servers underfoot and be incapable of advancing.. simply put, it was an anomaly that tends develop in the Glicko system in the bottom tiers, not just tier 8 but also tier 9 in EU. What happens is that as tier 7-6-5 servers develop in tier 8, depending on how the move upward goes about it saps A LOT of the bottom two server’s ratings. The rating gap gets so grotesque that if the server that gets knocked down to tier 8 say, loses the first week, its ratings will fall from the 800-700 level straight from its 1000+ and will have almost no way to make that loss that occurred in a single week back even with a month+ of effort.

Then you get this thing of “Glicko 2 predictions”. What it means is that, Glicko makes an improvement projection for the winning server. Basically, if SF won enough with 400k for a few weeks, it would start to get NEGATIVE ratings with 400k+ victories because Glicko 2 makes a projection based on past performance that somehow SF is magically gonna bring in 430k+ the next week, and it punished them severely for situations like that.

Tier 8 is the Glicko Ghetto. That’s the ONLY reason SF was stuck there for so long.

Let me tell you, these numbers your seeing in tier 7 were NOT gained through transfers in the last week either. In the THIRD week of our match up with Sorrow’s Furnace and into the fourth week, they frequent triple map coverage and occasionally triple map queues against us, but when they got bored of dealing with Glicko their numbers did drop for some kind of PvE-stress break for a while, something that also helped hurt their ratings, but much more than it should have.

For months we warned both your tier, the general community and ArenaNet about what was happening in the forums. Surely you’re not ignorant to it, and the fact is you had months to be mentally prepared for what was to come from the move up from tier 8 yet so many of you are knees deep in flaming and trolling over this. If nothing else, take this from us. When we of tier 8 talk about how well a server will do, WE KNOW WHAT WE’RE KITTEN TALKING ABOUT.

Many of you barraged all our complaint threads of how if SF moved up they would only be dominated, and imagine falsely that there was some kind of tier 7 wall between tier 8 and 7 despite the fact that tier 7 scored better and fought harder against BOTH Devona’s Rest and Kaineng than tier 7 did. My point in saying this is, we know first hand what tier 7, 6, 5 and even tier 3-2 servers look like because we fought them head on for weeks-MONTHS longer than your tier ever had too. That so many of you doubted when we projected that SF would move up and dominate tier 7 in the early days is shocking, or that whoever dropped would dominate. Now look at and accept the cold reality. SF moved up, its dominating much like DH did just as we said would happen, GoM fell down and is NOT dominating but is actually ENJOYING one of the best match-ups of all tiers and continues to reflect a positive and mature tone in the forums.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m generalizing all of tier 7 as a certain mentality, rather this post is aimed at all those trolls and dividuals who genuinely believed these myths that flowed around in your tier in ignorance. For a THIRD time, you’ve been proven wrong. Face the reality and accept it.

Also, you would do well to stop whining about 5-man groups not finding what they want. There’s SPvP for that, WvWvW, a.k.a. WORLD VS WORLD VS WORLD is, has always been, ABOUT THE HUGE CRAZY ZERG NUMBERS. That’s actually what’s supposed to make it exciting, those times where you have 30 people locked up in a keep trying to defend against 70+ invaders while lightning bolts and a fierce snow storm set the mood for an epic struggle. Fights that give you that epic feeling, even for a time that you get when you read about major battles in Tolkien’s books.


Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

I will reiterate this sentiment.
Despite my multiple posts about boycotting this week, I’ve found it very hard to stay away from WvW (I’ve played -just- WvW for about eight hours this week)… but I’ve yet to have -any- encounter with SF that had less than twenty-five.

Like a post I said earlier – I imagine that a lot of your players have skill; but amidst all the zerging, I’ve yet to be able to confirm this. I’m not looking for a 5HoD vs 1SP fight – but when my group of twelve -only- runs into 25+, skill no longer becomes a factor. It’s all about numbers.

Again (and I’m doing this for all my posts, because I don’t want this to be taken in a bad light), I’m not saying your players aren’t skillful. I’m saying that, because of your numbers, I can’t tell if they are.

I agree with this completely. SF’s tactics of strength by numbers gets boring fast. I’ve played a lot this week, but I gotta say I had much more fun with the GoM, HoD match up. I’m not trying to say SF are bad players, only that their tactics are dull and lead to blob zerg stalemates. GoM and HoD have a more intellectual, strategic approach to WvW, sending off small groups of 5-8 to cap camps, create distractions, hunt yaks, cap NPC’s, etc. With GoM, NSP, & HoD when Hylek or Dredge were up it seemed imperative to grab them because every extra NPC player could be the difference in the smaller, more balanced clashes. Skill use and exact placement of siege seemed to matter much more. With SF, when I notice Hylek up I’m like, “Oh… guess we COULD go cap them although it won’t really matter much.” Plus 5 v 5 fights really allow you to sense a player’s psychological approach to combat. And I do have to say that HoD and GoM rarely camped our spawn points. They always allowed us the ability to defend our keeps. Fighting SF is like fighting a giant slug that lurks on your doorstep and eats your garbage. They are always there, always a massive zerg, always camping spawn. Plus, as this thread proves, I don’t like their general attitude on the forums. Too much bluster, bragging, and trash talk. I look forward to SF’s departure from our tier so we can get back to more balanced and enjoyable WvW.


Anet should have just put SF in T1 and let them work their way down instead of ruining one of the most fun and balanced tiers in WvW.

That would however go against the system, anet created.
Matchups are decided by points. That can not change. However, giving SF +2k points does not change anything with the fundamental problem of T8. ET ans FC would still have 500 points and GOM would be trapped in the Glicko Ghetto, while IOJ would take the green spot in T7.
What do you want to accomplish by that?
There was no way to preserve your little T7 matchup either way besides messing with the system VERY badly. Fixing T8 would have dropped GOM either way.

Just fixing whats broken(FC’s and ET’s ridiculously low points in this case) and letting the system rearrange itself was the most logical thing to do.
And I am pretty sure, the bragging of you T7 guys about how SF would lose either way, motivated ANet into some “what if…” kind of thinking, so they just went ahead and kicked SF into T7 to see whether you guys can live up to your words.

Anet should pay more attention to server populations, they shunted them up, it should have probably been a little further to some of the other servers who actually have a very high population instead of making T7 the same as T8 for the next 3-4 weeks (or however long it takes to move SF up)

And please get a grip with this “see if you guys can live up to your words” there is no skill to this, it just purely being out numbered. If you had only enough players to defend 1 BL and you were attacked with higher numbers of opposing forces in 3 different BL’s, you would be fighting a losing battle. So even if you managed to defend your keep/tower/camp you would lose 2.

GoM/NSP/HoD had similar populations, (possibly slightly higher than that of ED/FC) You move GoM into T8 what do you get? a fairly balanced match up. You move SF into T7 what do you get? the same as T8 has been for months.

Leaving things as they were was not the right thing to do, but now both HoD & NSP have to sit and wait for SF to move up before its even worth playing WvW again.

I would say that HoD & NSP could fight it out for 2nd place, but that is irrelevant as its more like 2nd place is given to the Server who SF decide not to Zerg.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
—->I didn’t watch the whole video, but did he need to switch, I mean did he burn all his CDs to the point where a weapon switch was warranted?
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
—> Again did he need to use other keys? I mean was he struggling to the extent that he failed cause he only used one skill?
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
—>Again I didnt watch the video, but did someone in his group need a heal? Did he need a heal? (Altruistic healing and all)
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
—>Maybe the front line pushed too far? Maybe he placed it poorly? Maybe god forbid he hit the wrong key.
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
—>Terribly form we all know you do not need a mouse to play this game, I am sure you even play without one since using one in no way aids gameplay.
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
—>See answer to point 2, unlike you I do not feel a need for redundancy.
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
—>Forum counters that claim WvW is best experienced in 5-man roaming groups that ignore the mechanics of the entire scoring system for the sake of “getting better”. When getting better is a somewhat moot point if one never intends on taking part in something in which applying that “getting better” would be useful. IE: Sure you have honed your skills, but only for the sake of honing skills….I can sharpen a pocket knife to a razor’s edge, but if I set it on my mantle and never use it??? What was the point of sharpening it in the first place? Oh yeah cause it was “fun”…
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.
—>I am borderline offended by PVP’s neutral stance in these forums, but they are a fun bunch that keeps to themselves and I believe in live and let live…So for you to even question them on that point is really…sad…I mean truly, epic, sad….

I have tried to answer your points/questions in a serious manner, so maybe you can gleen some insight to our (SF not PVP guild) side of the discussion….Again I didnt really watch all of the video, maybe the guy is a terrible player….But in reality if I remember right he posted the video to show some footage of the action taking place, not to have someone who has provided no footage to critique his gameplay.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


All I read here is whining. Either get some balls(just ask the Yaks for advice, if you wanna learn how to ball up against superior numbers. From what I heard, they take great pride in their defense) or go to PvE, which will serve three purposes:
1) You get to have some fun, even if the mobs outnumber you, too!
2) SF will move up faster
3) less whining on the forums

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


All I read here is whining. Either get some balls(just ask the Yaks for advice, if you wanna learn how to ball up against superior numbers. From what I heard, they take great pride in their defense) or go to PvE, which will serve three purposes:
1) You get to have some fun, even if the mobs outnumber you, too!
2) SF will move up faster
3) less whining on the forums

A classic “I can’t think of any intelegent to counter your well put arguement so i’ll just tell you to stop whining” post

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: bigsal.7061


After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

AWW QQ little jscull.
Your being farmed and now your feelings are hurt. Its not by superior numbers that thats happening to you its because your skill level isnt where it needs to be to puy up any type of real fight.
The 2 t8 servers gave more fight than you guys. My guild LoD runs 3-5 man roaming groups non stop and for the last 2 days have farmed PAXA with somewhat ease with usually one or 2 less peeps.
You guys are like the kids that play wiffleball all day and then complain real baseball sucks because its above your skill lvl and you suck at it.
Im pretty sure ONLY little 5 man fights is not what anet had in mind for WvW try spvp.
If thats not for you then maybe this game isnt for you. Keep up the QQ though, we feed on your tears.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

AWW QQ little baby.
Your being farmed and now your feelings are hurt. Its not by superior numbers that thats happening to you its because your skill level isnt where it needs to be to puy up any type of real fight.
The 2 t8 servers gave more fight than you guys. My guild LoD runs 3-5 man roaming groups non stop and for the last 2 days have farmed PAXA with somewhat ease with usually one or 2 less peeps.
You guys are like the kids that play wiffleball all day and then complain real baseball sucks because its above your skill lvl and you suck at it.
Im pretty sure ONLY little 5 man fights is not what anet had in mind for WvW try spvp.
If thats not for you then maybe this game isnt for you. Keep up the QQ though, we feed on your tears.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


-Eredon Terrace / with Agg and FOE this is appropriate. (without Agg or FOE 24th)

-False, we were 23rd before Agg & FoE came here, while fergs were 24th…

also, @Population dips/Medium = not to worry, Arenanet increased server capacity a bit to deal with a network problem temporary (of which post has now been edited) so not to worry that people have “Left”.

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Btw, what’s the record on closed threads in one week? just curious…

@Luke: I’d gladly counter arguments, if there were any to begin with.
All you did was say
“Anet did this, Anet did that”
“Move SF to another tier but leave T7 as it is” <- how is that supposed to happen anyway? Put JQ to T8?
“They are more than us, so why should we bother trying anyway”
“SF is full of scrubs and idiots, they only got the numbers!”

Anet can not simply ignore the system, they put into place, that’s something, you need to understand. Servers had to fight their way through weaker tiers from the beginning and other servers had to sit through thrashings from the beginning. That’s the reality of WvW and it has always been that way. There is no way to make “fixed” matches. Matches will arrange themselves over time, so if you do not intend on playing a matchup, please do us a favor and do not blame Anet for your lack of fighting spirit.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS

I don’t think you know what dominated means…

Let me just show you, with this little gem <3

My how times have changed.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS

I don’t think you know what dominated means…

Let me just show you, with this little gem <3

My how times have changed.

Speaking of those times a-changing…How about a score update people before the thread gets locked up tight…

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


I’m sorry that HoD and NSP have to deal with SF. Spawn camping? Really? With any luck they’ll zerg-ball their way through t7 and get to a place where this tactic is not going to work – provoking them to start their “whining posts”

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


-Eredon Terrace / with Agg and FOE this is appropriate. (without Agg or FOE 24th)

-False, we were 23rd before Agg & FoE came here, while fergs were 24th…

And I told myself I’d leave this thread to our T7 associates … Frankly, roostapro, you gents were 23rd for -say- a few weeks, pre Agg/FoE. Do you think that would’ve lasted
much longer, sans transfers? I’d like to think both of our servers realize that our previous populations were a good bit more even. (No, I don’t hold that against your server. Obviously, you had more luck on the draw, and that’s fine by me.)

As for T7. The best -and indeed only – advice I could offer (RE: SF) is sheer bloody-minded persistence. And no, I won’t say that’s an easy thing, when you’re dealing with their Swarm in your house. Hell, we had to wage a nigh-constant guerrilla war and that only worked at certain times of the day. Good luck, and I hope things balance out for you all.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Anet can not simply ignore the system, they put into place, that’s something, you need to understand. Servers had to fight their way through weaker tiers from the beginning and other servers had to sit through thrashings from the beginning. That’s the reality of WvW and it has always been that way. There is no way to make “fixed” matches. Matches will arrange themselves over time, so if you do not intend on playing a matchup, please do us a favor and do not blame Anet for your lack of fighting spirit.

Except that’s not quite true. Anet can adjust the system in any way they see fit. In fact, the only reason SF moved up a tier is because Anet made such an adjustment. With the final scores from last week (without adjustments) SF finished the week losing 30.5 rank points to fall to 957.680 (behind GoM’s 1020.609). However, prior to the new matchups being calculated, Anet made an adjustment (I believe they added 300 rank points to each of ET and FC) which caused SF to move into T7. Quite literally, Anet moved SF out of T8 and into T7, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t make any other move they so choose if they deem it to be in the best interest of the game.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


I’m sorry that HoD and NSP have to deal with SF. Spawn camping? Really? With any luck they’ll zerg-ball their way through t7 and get to a place where this tactic is not going to work – provoking them to start their “whining posts”

Meh. I’m getting the sinking feel SF’s intentionally pushing HoD to T8 before they score T6.

Joke’s on them – the more they zerg-ball and dominate our tier, the more they have to work later because of the Glicko system. If they don’t dominate in higher tiers, they’ll get stuck in the same standstill-hellhole that they were in before, just in a different tier.

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I’m sorry that HoD and NSP have to deal with SF. Spawn camping? Really? With any luck they’ll zerg-ball their way through t7 and get to a place where this tactic is not going to work – provoking them to start their “whining posts”

Honestly, I’ve never seen SF spawn camp, and wouldn’t see any reason to complain about it if they did. There’s 3 exits to spawn, 4 maps to play, and 2 servers to contain. SF has never come close to being able to cover even half of that. Anyone who gets spawn camp killed more than once has only themselves to blame.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sevenred.3890


I don’t mind SF too much. I mean, they clearly will win any matchups vs HoD and us but I still like figthing them. My main issue is that repelling SF takes so much of our ressources that we can’t even think about HoD. That hylek camp? Pff, clearly too far from our front line.

Good fightings with SF in EB yesterday. We traded towers a couple of time. That type of fighting is really straining and not really what we like to do but heh….gotta do what you gotta do…

Sevenred, Sylvari Thief
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I’m sorry that HoD and NSP have to deal with SF. Spawn camping? Really? With any luck they’ll zerg-ball their way through t7 and get to a place where this tactic is not going to work – provoking them to start their “whining posts”

Meh. I’m getting the sinking feel SF’s intentionally pushing HoD to T8 before they score T6.

Joke’s on them – the more they zerg-ball and dominate our tier, the more they have to work later because of the Glicko system. If they don’t dominate in higher tiers, they’ll get stuck in the same standstill-hellhole that they were in before, just in a different tier.

I’ve seen claims that there was a meaningful exodus from HoD in terms of WvW players, is that true? Even if it is the case, it seems unlikely anyone new is going to be pushed down to T8 unless one of the servers there jumps out to a big lead. HoD is still 90 points up on GoM right now, and a quick estimate says it would take more than SF doubling up HoD’s score this week to bridge a meaningful amount of that gap.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Kanthar Turambar.9164

Kanthar Turambar.9164

I’m sorry that HoD and NSP have to deal with SF. Spawn camping? Really? With any luck they’ll zerg-ball their way through t7 and get to a place where this tactic is not going to work – provoking them to start their “whining posts”

Meh. I’m getting the sinking feel SF’s intentionally pushing HoD to T8 before they score T6.

Joke’s on them – the more they zerg-ball and dominate our tier, the more they have to work later because of the Glicko system. If they don’t dominate in higher tiers, they’ll get stuck in the same standstill-hellhole that they were in before, just in a different tier.

What did poor HoD ever do to them

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Anet can not simply ignore the system, they put into place, that’s something, you need to understand. Servers had to fight their way through weaker tiers from the beginning and other servers had to sit through thrashings from the beginning. That’s the reality of WvW and it has always been that way. There is no way to make “fixed” matches. Matches will arrange themselves over time, so if you do not intend on playing a matchup, please do us a favor and do not blame Anet for your lack of fighting spirit.

Except that’s not quite true. Anet can adjust the system in any way they see fit. In fact, the only reason SF moved up a tier is because Anet made such an adjustment. With the final scores from last week (without adjustments) SF finished the week losing 30.5 rank points to fall to 957.680 (behind GoM’s 1020.609). However, prior to the new matchups being calculated, Anet made an adjustment (I believe they added 300 rank points to each of ET and FC) which caused SF to move into T7. Quite literally, Anet moved SF out of T8 and into T7, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t make any other move they so choose if they deem it to be in the best interest of the game.

My point exactly – a little more thought from Anet would have gone a long way. Or alternatively another adjustment now they have seen the impact of this one. (I’m all for learning by doing)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Anet can not simply ignore the system, they put into place, that’s something, you need to understand. Servers had to fight their way through weaker tiers from the beginning and other servers had to sit through thrashings from the beginning. That’s the reality of WvW and it has always been that way. There is no way to make “fixed” matches. Matches will arrange themselves over time, so if you do not intend on playing a matchup, please do us a favor and do not blame Anet for your lack of fighting spirit.

Except that’s not quite true. Anet can adjust the system in any way they see fit. In fact, the only reason SF moved up a tier is because Anet made such an adjustment. With the final scores from last week (without adjustments) SF finished the week losing 30.5 rank points to fall to 957.680 (behind GoM’s 1020.609). However, prior to the new matchups being calculated, Anet made an adjustment (I believe they added 300 rank points to each of ET and FC) which caused SF to move into T7. Quite literally, Anet moved SF out of T8 and into T7, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t make any other move they so choose if they deem it to be in the best interest of the game.

They did not change the system as it is. They just made the most minimal adjustment to it which would solve the issue and push SF out of T8.
If you read closely, he demanded something like “move SF to a higher tier, no matter what”, which, honestly, is just a change to the whole system.
Adding points to SF, so they get moved to t6 would have done nothing, as I stated in the post which got criticized so sharply by him.
GOM would have dropped to T8 and been stuck there forever due to ET and SF still having 500 points, IOJ would have dropped to T7 and possibly done the same to you, SF does right now. Maybe, maybe not, do not know about that one.
But no matter what, that guy basically said “our matchup was fine, so why change it?” without realizing, the only way to keep that matchup while getting SF out of T8 would have been swapping a server from above T7 with SF. Now let’s think for a moment. If you were in a T6 server…
And suddenly got moved to a T8 server…
Because some kid in a T7 server deemed it necessary to keep their matchup at all costs…
How would you feel?
SF rising will send some ripples through the system and loosen up some stale matchups. In what way is that bad? It’s a big opportunity! Get out there, get as many points as possible and once SF kicks the behinds of the T6 guys, your server gets to move up!
Show some spirit!
no guts, no glory!

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS

I don’t think you know what dominated means…

Let me just show you, with this little gem <3

My how times have changed.

Speaking of those times a-changing…How about a score update people before the thread gets locked up tight…

I think I can squeeze one in before I have to head off to work myself.


Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

AWW QQ little jscull.
Your being farmed and now your feelings are hurt. Its not by superior numbers that thats happening to you its because your skill level isnt where it needs to be to puy up any type of real fight.
The 2 t8 servers gave more fight than you guys. My guild LoD runs 3-5 man roaming groups non stop and for the last 2 days have farmed PAXA with somewhat ease with usually one or 2 less peeps.
You guys are like the kids that play wiffleball all day and then complain real baseball sucks because its above your skill lvl and you suck at it.
Im pretty sure ONLY little 5 man fights is not what anet had in mind for WvW try spvp.
If thats not for you then maybe this game isnt for you. Keep up the QQ though, we feed on your tears.

2 things here sir bigsal, Daoc and WAR had huge maps with takeable keeps and capture points…Doesn’t mean the entirety of the population only knew how to run with 55 people on their hips because Mythic allowed for those 55 people to be smoked in 1 minute or less by a group of 8 guys who actually knew to (see the above) change weapons/use their entire line of abilities/where to put the right abilities at the right time. (Took a little more thought than pressing 1, putting up empower with no enemies left, and a wall of relfection where it cannot do it’s job of reflecting because its behind everyone).

Anet allows us to smoke 5, put 10 people in the downed state….Stomp 2, and have 8 return to life from a mosquito that someone breathed on and died. Yea, you’re right SF is a bunch of people willing to learn how to “play wvw the way it’s meant to be played”.

I’m gonna laugh this right to the hardcore trophy wall.


(edited by Jscull.2514)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


If you run into 55 with 5 guys, you are supposed to die…
I don’t see any argument for you being able to win against such odds without heavy terrain advantage.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Anet can not simply ignore the system, they put into place, that’s something, you need to understand. Servers had to fight their way through weaker tiers from the beginning and other servers had to sit through thrashings from the beginning. That’s the reality of WvW and it has always been that way. There is no way to make “fixed” matches. Matches will arrange themselves over time, so if you do not intend on playing a matchup, please do us a favor and do not blame Anet for your lack of fighting spirit.

Except that’s not quite true. Anet can adjust the system in any way they see fit. In fact, the only reason SF moved up a tier is because Anet made such an adjustment. With the final scores from last week (without adjustments) SF finished the week losing 30.5 rank points to fall to 957.680 (behind GoM’s 1020.609). However, prior to the new matchups being calculated, Anet made an adjustment (I believe they added 300 rank points to each of ET and FC) which caused SF to move into T7. Quite literally, Anet moved SF out of T8 and into T7, and there’s no reason why they couldn’t make any other move they so choose if they deem it to be in the best interest of the game.

They did not change the system as it is. They just made the most minimal adjustment to it which would solve the issue and push SF out of T8.
If you read closely, he demanded something like “move SF to a higher tier, no matter what”, which, honestly, is just a change to the whole system.
Adding points to SF, so they get moved to t6 would have done nothing, as I stated in the post which got criticized so sharply by him.
GOM would have dropped to T8 and been stuck there forever due to ET and SF still having 500 points, IOJ would have dropped to T7 and possibly done the same to you, SF does right now. Maybe, maybe not, do not know about that one.
But no matter what, that guy basically said “our matchup was fine, so why change it?” without realizing, the only way to keep that matchup while getting SF out of T8 would have been swapping a server from above T7 with SF. Now let’s think for a moment. If you were in a T6 server…
And suddenly got moved to a T8 server…
Because some kid in a T7 server deemed it necessary to keep their matchup at all costs…
How would you feel?
SF rising will send some ripples through the system and loosen up some stale matchups. In what way is that bad? It’s a big opportunity! Get out there, get as many points as possible and once SF kicks the behinds of the T6 guys, your server gets to move up!
Show some spirit!
no guts, no glory!

Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Advent.6193


Meh. I’m getting the sinking feel SF’s intentionally pushing HoD to T8 before they score T6.

Joke’s on them – the more they zerg-ball and dominate our tier, the more they have to work later because of the Glicko system. If they don’t dominate in higher tiers, they’ll get stuck in the same standstill-hellhole that they were in before, just in a different tier.

Regarding your first point:
That’s not merely intuition, that’s pretty true. It goes back to a half-jesting comment started in the pre-shift T8 thread. Said comment indicates that the “plan,” as it were, is to eventually swap all the T8 folks into T7. Then eventually above. Go figure, us/ET/SF actually ended up (somewhat) respecting one another. Talk about your battlefield pen-pals …

As for your second point:
This is a fair assessment, and one I would hope SF keeps in mind. From what I can tell, it seems that anything past T6 becomes exponentially harder to manage, domination-wise. Not to mention, one always has to adjust their plans to account for their server’s “fairweather” WvWers, who’ll run like rabbits at the first sign of their server dropping from 1st place.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Jscull.2514


If you run into 55 with 5 guys, you are supposed to die…
I don’t see any argument for you being able to win against such odds without heavy terrain advantage.

Nor should we put 15 of the 55 in the downed state….but we do.


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Darek.1836


Remember when T7 said they were gonna roll SF, lol

Sharks With Lazers [PEW]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: yanoch.7051


Update since it as been requested.

SF : 134 558 +145
NSP : 94 314 +300
HoD : 87 063 +250

Everybody are welcome to NSP we didn’t had much transfer if none 2 weeks ago.

Heiann – NSP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. Until a permanent fix to the rating system is found, no further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

(edited by Manoa.5897)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


Remember when T7 said they were gonna roll SF, lol

Seems from the scores in T8, you should be – oh I don’t know – doing some WvWvW instead of being a forum jockey? How’s that third place treating you?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: roostapro.9827


And I told myself I’d leave this thread to our T7 associates … Frankly, roostapro, you gents were 23rd for -say- a few weeks, pre Agg/FoE. Do you think that would’ve lasted
much longer?


[I just wanted to correct a mistake that was false, with or without Agg & FoE, we were 23rd for quite sometime, we held our own against both servers, but read below.]

though you are forgetting 1 thing.
score/rankings don’t matter, WvWvW was created for the fun & Enjoyment, win or Lose, Eredon Terrace doesn’t care, as long as we get the fun we want then that is all that matters.
If we move up, so be it, If we move down, so be it, just as long as tiers stay competitive & Even then we are happy. (Basically put, we aren’t aiming for high tiers, we have been there once, and it wasn’t nice, we are aiming for anything that grants “Fun” which Tier 8 is now, even & very very very fun)

I shall now leave this thread to the dedicated servers that it was created for, Tier 7 (NSP, HoD & SF).

Eredon Terrace – Voladeir Roost (Ele)|Roosta (War)|Error Occurred (Gua)|Àneskâ Necrötiâ (Nec)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Sororita.3465


Remember when T7 said they were gonna roll SF, lol

Well you can hardly call SF a T8 server, cant really call any T8 server that anymore. How are those higher tier transfers going?

Commander Starlight Honeybuns[BUNS]
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


Remember when T7 said they were gonna roll SF, lol

Well you can hardly call SF a T8 server, cant really call any T8 server that anymore. How are those higher tier transfers going?

GoM, I miss you. Can we be friends again?
You can have SM! I won’t try to take it anymore, I swear. <3

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Darkothe.1253


GoM still has the mad love for our HoD and NSP pals. We miss you too.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS

I don’t think you know what dominated means…

Let me just show you, with this little gem <3

My how times have changed.

Speaking of those times a-changing…How about a score update people before the thread gets locked up tight…

I think I can squeeze one in before I have to head off to work myself.

Much appreciated.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

They didn’t move any problem. It’s not like you guys got 400 less points than SF and SF just can’t make progress anymore by beating you.
WHen will you learn, the problem was not the matchup being a landslide victory for SF but the problem was SF actually LOSING point for beating the living daylight out of ET and FC.
If SF simply beat ET and SF while steadily gaining points, ANet would not have cared in the slightest.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

They didn’t move any problem. It’s not like you guys got 400 less points than SF and SF just can’t make progress anymore by beating you.
WHen will you learn, the problem was not the matchup being a landslide victory for SF but the problem was SF actually LOSING point for beating the living daylight out of ET and FC.
If SF simply beat ET and SF while steadily gaining points, ANet would not have cared in the slightest.

You don’t think the same thing is going to happen?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

Hell yeah we got bored….There were times we would log into the game, everything be green on EB, and nothing be contested and maybe only have like 5 people on the map just running around doing dailys etc.

It was unbelievably boring….But heres the thing, if we wanted to move out of T8 we had to hold every single thing we could for as long as we could…You see someone already explained this once, but essentially the higher your score week in week out…Well the higher you need to keep scoring if you want to build rating…It created a vicious cycle on T8, which was that we had to try and blow up the score week in and week out, which made it no fun for anyone.

Instead of helping remedy the situation by posting about it, all we got was 50 million people in Tiers 1-7 complaining about our threads, that complained about the problem….

Not speaking to anyone here in particular, but THERE WERE people in T7 saying they were gonna roll/stomp/own us if they moved us out of T8. Now (assumption incoming) I am sure some of those people are the same ones saying “get SF into T6 and away from us, its no fun etc etc”….

How FUN do you think it was for ET/FC??? How fun do you think it was for them when ANET intervened after 3 months of ROFLstomping to give them free server transfers, and then for them to have to on one hand: beg for help, and on the other realize that if that help worked, then SF would be prolonged for a stay in T8 due to the aforementioned rating (flawed) system. You see, what do you think would have happened in glicko if after 2 months of 200k plus wins, that margin tightned a bit? I will tell you what, SF would have dropped significantly in the ratings, all because ANET messed with the system….

I did not get my degree in Glicko-ology like some people on this forum, but I can tell you the true crime committed by ANET was not boosting the ratings to move us out of T8…It was 1: ignoring the problem in T8 for so long after admitting that free transfers compounded said problem, and 2: implementing free transfers to T8 knowing full-well it would further promote the cycle to continue…

THAT is the real reason they HAD to adjust the system….So you all can lay the ownness of the situation at the feet of those that are truly responsible, we just play the game against the teams they lay in front of us.

Lastly, and I say this with as much respect/motivation as possible…ET/FC were much more heavily outmanned than you people and they last MONTHS (3 or so) against us, sure they complained but who wouldnt given the situation….It hasn’t even been ONE WEEK yet and you guys are breaking the forums with complaints….

Again, respectfully as possible in light of the suggestion: man the kitten up, and do something about it, stop relying on ANET to fix your problems, ANET fixing problems in the past has led to this current situation!!!

Mag Server Leader

(edited by King Amadaeus.8619)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Bimbosito.7546


Congrats to that 3man KING group from HoD, you guys are hard little kittens to kill.

May i ask, which classes? I’m just wondering who of our guild was it! Cheers.

Proud member of [KING]
The Dread Phantom 80 Mesmer
Sorrow’s Furnace

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Silk.8302


Yes you’re correct in knowing that my guys and I don’t feel taking a tower with 20+ people is deserving of credit. And because in a half hour it will be retaken don’t feel that having taken it in the first place is worth a single thing. Before going into just bashing, re-read what I wrote and please come up with answers to my question marks. “What are you gaining by winning?” “what has (winning) actually earned any of you?” “what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”

I know this isn’t directed at me, but I’ll give this one a shot.

“What are you gaining by winning?”
Nothing more than some server ranking in a game.

“what has (winning) actually earned any of you?”
Ironically (because of the above answer), NOT server ranking LOL.

“what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”
Usually active server WvW population.

Well this begs a fourth question.
Why play then?
Because win or lose, it’s a kitten fun game!

You are from SF and I appreciate this post more than any post in the past 3 months hands down. The real answer no one on that side will ever admit. Thanks for being a glimmering sign of hope.

You play to win the game…Otherwise there is no game, in PVE do you join dungeons to spar with the bosses? Nope, its to beat the dungeon (IE: to win)…Is it our fault that ANET decided to offer no reward for winning? No. Would you rather we not keep score? Do you want a participation trophy? Would you like people to recognize your superior build/trait lines coupled with the impressive combo field group you run with?

Seriously PAXA, why is it everytime you guys post its always anti-zerg, anti-capping, anti-WvW essentially. What you have is an OPINION of how WE should be playing which is mildly hilarious, and overtly sad on your part….

But to suggest that we should all just roam in 5 man groups, ignore capping, ignore the scoring system, essentially ignore the mechanics of WvW, all becuase what? ANET set the grouping system up to accomodate 5-man teams? You really think that was their intent? Just make this massive WvW scenario and then have 10-five man teams running around PVPing each other? That just sounds silly…Essentially, what I truly believe, is that people like you that come in here saying things like this, really just want people to play YOUR style since you think that what you are doing is superior. When in fact what your doing might have some merit to the overall aspect of the game (IE: helping your server somewhat), the reality is that sitting on your BL camping a spawn “looking for a good fight to better yourself” is slightly more of a waste of time than actually capping camps and towers etc…

After further review, the call on the field stands…….NSP and HoD can now use the Norn Pink Guardian from PvP’s video as a full depiction of what SF teams will bring to the battlefield.
1. In a 10 minute fight switching to a second set of weapons never
2. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
3. Using buffs like (Empower) with one enemy left in a battle for the first time
4. Putting wall of reflection behind the front line of their team
5. Clicking on their abilities (with their mouse)
6. Spamming 1 (we all knew that anyways)
7. Forum explanations about how SF "works together and now has learned new skills as a server implemented by all on the battlefield
8. Finally, posting a video of 20 rolling maybe 10? Portal bombing and wiping half their own force, and the infamous “let’s all have fun” tag thrown out for everyone’s enjoyment.

SF has used a full time out with the challenge, 1st and 10 PAXA. (WHISTLE)

Hey man sorry we are a casual guild, and I am sorry that you feel so threatened that you had to go on about my friend’s gameplay and say hes doing it wrong. cool stuff not only that but you seem to think lol everyone does this as a server.

Server|Fort Aspenwood
Guild|Players Killing Players[PVP]
IGN|Sammy Eli

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

They didn’t move any problem. It’s not like you guys got 400 less points than SF and SF just can’t make progress anymore by beating you.
WHen will you learn, the problem was not the matchup being a landslide victory for SF but the problem was SF actually LOSING point for beating the living daylight out of ET and FC.
If SF simply beat ET and SF while steadily gaining points, ANet would not have cared in the slightest.

You don’t think the same thing is going to happen?

They need to leech 100 to 140 points off you. They need to beat both of you back to ~1000 points and reach around 1.2k points. Should take them around 3 -4 weeks, if the current point spread stays as it is and IOJ doesn’t move towards them :>

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

Hell yeah we got bored….There were times we would log into the game, everything be green on EB, and nothing be contested and maybe only have like 5 people on the map just running around doing dailys etc.

It was unbelievably boring….But heres the thing, if we wanted to move out of T8 we had to hold every single thing we could for as long as we could…You see someone already explained this once, but essentially the higher your score week in week out…Well the higher you need to keep scoring if you want to build rating…It created a vicious cycle on T8, which was that we had to try and blow up the score week in and week out, which made it no fun for anyone.

Instead of helping remedy the situation by posting about it, all we got was 50 million people in Tiers 1-7 complaining about our threads, that complained about the problem….

Not speaking to anyone here in particular, but THERE WERE people in T7 saying they were gonna roll/stomp/own us if they moved us out of T8. Now (assumption incoming) I am sure some of those people are the same ones saying “get SF into T6 and away from us, its no fun etc etc”….

How FUN do you think it was for ET/FC??? How fun do you think it was for them when ANET intervened after 3 months of ROFLstomping to give them free server transfers, and then for them to have to on one hand: beg for help, and on the other realize that if that help worked, then SF would be prolonged for a stay in T8 due to the aforementioned rating (flawed) system. You see, what do you think would have happened in glicko if after 2 months of 200k plus wins, that margin tightned a bit? I will tell you what, SF would have dropped significantly in the ratings, all because ANET messed with the system….

I did not get my degree in Glicko-ology like some people on this forum, but I can tell you the true crime committed by ANET was not boosting the ratings to move us out of T8…It was 1: ignoring the problem in T8 for so long after admitting that free transfers compounded said problem, and 2: implementing free transfers to T8 knowing full-well it would further promote the cycle to continue…

THAT is the real reason they HAD to adjust the system….So you all can lay the ownness of the situation at the feet of those that are truly responsible, we just play the game against the teams they lay in front of us.

Lastly, and I say this with as much respect/motivation as possible…ET/FC were much more heavily outmanned than you people and they last MONTHS (3 or so) against us, sure they complained but who wouldnt given the situation….It hasn’t even been ONE WEEK yet and you guys are breaking the forums with complaints….

Again, respectfully as possible in light of the suggestion: man the kitten up, and do something about it, stop relying on ANET to fix your problems, ANET fixing problems in the past has led to this current situation!!!

No-one is disputing that something had to be changed, that is not the issue, but like I have said before they have now just moved the problem to T7. It wasn’t fair on ET/FC so why is it fair on HoD/NSP?

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Manoa.5897


Oh they didn’t “change” the system they “adjusted” it ah I see now!

I don’t think anyone for a minute was suggesting you move a guild from T1-6 into Tier 8, but moving SF up high enough to give them some competition is sure the right thing to do for all parties concerned, and move everyone else down one place.

Nothankyouverymuch. ANet did what they had to do to help the Glicko Ghetto and close the gap between T8 and T7. It’s a bandaid fix until they come up with a permanent solution to the entire ranking system. No further rating adjustments should be made unless another Glicko Ghetto issue is seen in one of the tiers. And sorry, T7 just doesn’t seem to be experiencing Glicko Ghetto right now. Now if we find ourselves stuck in this tier for an extended period of time and are winning by large margins for the majority of the time, then let’s talk.

To make further rating adjustments to just SF just because you’re unhappy we’re here is unfair to the other servers in the ladder and robs us of the opportunity to learn/grow as a server. The Glicko Ghetto is resolved (for now)…the rest of our rating progression should be on our own steam.

Didn’t you get bored of dominating underpopulated servers in T8? dont get me wrong I take nothing away from you guys you show up to WvW in force week in week out and that deserves respect but surely you would like some competition in terms of numbers? all Anet seem to have done is “moved the problem” it isn’t a fix of any sorts not even short term. SF are still in exactly the same position as before, but HoD and NSP are now in the position of ET and FC.

Yes, we did get bored dominating underpopulated servers in T8. Hence why we’re seeing a WvW resurgence on our server now that we’re in T7 and are seeing a LOT of names that we haven’t seen in a long time.

But you guys are by no means “underpopulated” and are nowhere near the position that ET and FC were when we were in T8. We were winning by 200K margins (on average) in that tier. That is not happening here. You guys are more of a challenge than pre-server transfer ET and FC and are FAR more populated. Also, and your ratings are not beaten so down into the dirt like ET and FC, so I hightly doubt your scores will be a huge rating drag for whoever ends up in the first place spot. This ain’t no Glicko Ghetto.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Congrats to that 3man KING group from HoD, you guys are hard little kittens to kill.

May i ask, which classes? I’m just wondering who of our guild was it! Cheers.

Oops, KING’s on SF, not HoD..my bad.

it was a mesmer, a guardian and a thief.. and I think an ele tagging along at times.

it was a bit hard to keep track of things, that mesmer is a clone factory.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks