4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

So this is what i did super early tsmorning in HoDs BL. We decided to take a tour of the beautiful lands in the BL. Some of the HoD wanted to be difficult and try to kill me but the same could be said for a couple of my SF servermates

In the end Team Meese/Team Dolyak proved victorious and we all parted ways to meet each other another day


None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


So this is what i did super early tsmorning in HoDs BL. We decided to take a tour of the beautiful lands in the BL. Some of the HoD wanted to be difficult and try to kill me but the same could be said for a couple of my SF servermates

In the end Team Meese/Team Dolyak proved victorious and we all parted ways to meet each other another day

Most fun I’ve had in WvW in a while. xD

HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: KTDannyCZ.2910


So this is what i did super early tsmorning in HoDs BL. We decided to take a tour of the beautiful lands in the BL. Some of the HoD wanted to be difficult and try to kill me but the same could be said for a couple of my SF servermates

In the end Team Meese/Team Dolyak proved victorious and we all parted ways to meet each other another day

Yes.. you are clearly the coolest SF

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: obastable.5231


clearly he’s on the wrong server & should transfer to hod.

because moose.


Hello Kitty Krewe
“Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare!”

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: KyoHanakaze.8145


clearly he’s on the wrong server & should transfer to hod.

because moose.



HoD/Valkyria Immortalis[VLK]
Adrienne Stormborn//Elementalist

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


To the SF thief, black human male, that shadow stepped around our BL tonight. Maybe try and stand and fight me eh? Let’s see that skill your server always boasts about, cause all I’m getting when I find one of you alone is that you’ve all practiced hard in the art of running away. ~

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


No Rose, nooooooo!

Besides, I’m the better black human. I have no problem standing literally right in front of anyone, no dodge or anyone, and fighting them. Besides, I got a sexy beard.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


No Rose, nooooooo!

Besides, I’m the better black human. I have no problem standing literally right in front of anyone, no dodge or anyone, and fighting them. Besides, I got a sexy beard.

hahaha I remember you just face tanking those three ele’s while I ran around being useless the other night. xD That was hilarious.

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


We have had a lot of good fights against that small man guild though. [Shin] I believe. Literally the only small man guild I have seen on SF. Props and shout outs to you all.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Just ran into some ZoS doing ports in the jump puzzle.

They laid me out the first time I went through, which is fine, part of the game. I missed the last jump!

The second time I skulked around the lower parts until someone jumped down for a 1v1. I repaid my death there, and then climbed up giving waves and bows to everyone I passed. It wasn’t until I reached the chest that someone attacked me again.

CoSA Blue

Also, ITT: people want formalized duels and wvw just isn’t the place for it.

Well, on the JP, i only atack if i notice target is going to be hostile(thats some neutral ground imo), you just went there on a bad time, you just cough the portal group :P.

I was the guardian that was near the cliff edge.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

Representing Os and keeping it classy BTW i dont see him laughing after we wiped them outnumbered. In fact i don’t even see him, i do see his guildy’s dead body though.


None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Dogsmack.4910


Its very rare to see HoD and NSP attacking each other,in the forums and wvw,sooo looks like its SF vs WvWvWvW.

He who angers you conquers you :-)


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: nahj.2870


To the SF thief, black human male, that shadow stepped around our BL tonight. Maybe try and stand and fight me eh? Let’s see that skill your server always boasts about, cause all I’m getting when I find one of you alone is that you’ve all practiced hard in the art of running away. ~

Thief in question here. When I get bored I like to mess with small groups. I’m sorry if you don’t find it as amusing as I do. I don’t see why you feel the need to misrepresent the situation, presenting it as a 1v1 when it was actually 3 VLK and one guardian from a guild who’s name I can’t recall at the moment while we were near the camp, and a similar situation while we were near the tower (Fought that guardian alone later a few times. If you’re reading, good fights.)

I’m not sure what it is about my play that apparently irked you so much that you decided to bring this to the forums (unless you’re the VLK thief that I downed and stomped a few times in front of your group), but if we find each other alone out there in the field I’ll be happy to fight you to the death. Of course, if you prefer grouping and PvPing with your friends that’s perfectly fine, but I primarily solo roam, and considering that you already have the numerical advantage I don’t see why the rest of the fight should be on your terms as well.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: naphack.9346


The union of european wvw forum warriors demands a score update!

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Lesson for the kiddies out there.

When you go afk – don’t do it like this.

If you’re going to block out the names, you might want to block out the names…

Now, Nausicca La Fée, Stalagta, and Varcona have their name all over your hatespeech.

Hate speech? I was the mesmer in the pic who said outplayed as the afk ranger clearly was.

The result of no sleep in 39 hours is this… a player making a random unrelated response by mixing multiple replies and fabricating something out of nothing…

8D (Note, I’m talking about myself)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Varconi.1804


After trying a 3 man single golem rush to ninja Ogrewatch we couldn’t pull it off before people noticed and had to fall back into Pangloss. 3 man Pangloss wrecking crew took out countless COSA before being overwhelmed by 20ish people.

Here is the reaction of the SF army. Keep in mind many of these poor souls had already run back from the waypoint until finally waiting for a force large enough to cover their ineptitude at killing 3 people.


XOXO Female Asura Mesmer NSP | Female Sylvari Engineer

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Detharos.3157


I was hoping after a thread lock that when I peeked in here to check out some of big bro SF’s score updates some of the drama and trolling would of watered down. How disappointing. Let’s get some basic facts straight for those who are actually genuinely confused on these topics however.

1) Sorrow’s Furnace earned its way out of tier 8. Compare the number of weeks it won by land slides on the http://mos.millenium.org/matchups/histories if you have doubts. Many of you seem to either be trolling hardcore or not understand that they could dominate with these same numbers that have put your tier 7 servers underfoot and be incapable of advancing.. simply put, it was an anomaly that tends develop in the Glicko system in the bottom tiers, not just tier 8 but also tier 9 in EU. What happens is that as tier 7-6-5 servers develop in tier 8, depending on how the move upward goes about it saps A LOT of the bottom two server’s ratings. The rating gap gets so grotesque that if the server that gets knocked down to tier 8 say, loses the first week, its ratings will fall from the 800-700 level straight from its 1000+ and will have almost no way to make that loss that occurred in a single week back even with a month+ of effort.

Then you get this thing of “Glicko 2 predictions”. What it means is that, Glicko makes an improvement projection for the winning server. Basically, if SF won enough with 400k for a few weeks, it would start to get NEGATIVE ratings with 400k+ victories because Glicko 2 makes a projection based on past performance that somehow SF is magically gonna bring in 430k+ the next week, and it punished them severely for situations like that.

Tier 8 is the Glicko Ghetto. That’s the ONLY reason SF was stuck there for so long.

Let me tell you, these numbers your seeing in tier 7 were NOT gained through transfers in the last week either. In the THIRD week of our match up with Sorrow’s Furnace and into the fourth week, they frequent triple map coverage and occasionally triple map queues against us, but when they got bored of dealing with Glicko their numbers did drop for some kind of PvE-stress break for a while, something that also helped hurt their ratings, but much more than it should have.

For months we warned both your tier, the general community and ArenaNet about what was happening in the forums. Surely you’re not ignorant to it, and the fact is you had months to be mentally prepared for what was to come from the move up from tier 8 yet so many of you are knees deep in flaming and trolling over this. If nothing else, take this from us. When we of tier 8 talk about how well a server will do, WE KNOW WHAT WE’RE KITTEN TALKING ABOUT.

Many of you barraged all our complaint threads of how if SF moved up they would only be dominated, and imagine falsely that there was some kind of tier 7 wall between tier 8 and 7 despite the fact that tier 8 scored better and fought harder against BOTH Devona’s Rest and Kaineng than tier 7 did. My point in saying this is, we know first hand what tier 7, 6, 5 and even tier 3-2 servers look like because we fought them head on for weeks-MONTHS longer than your tier ever had to. That so many of you doubted when we projected that SF would move up and dominate tier 7 in the early days is shocking, or that whoever dropped would dominate. Now look at and accept the cold reality. SF moved up, its dominating much like DH did just as we said would happen, GoM fell down and is NOT dominating but is actually ENJOYING one of the best match-ups of all tiers and continues to reflect a positive and mature tone in the forums.

I’m sorry if I sound like I’m generalizing all of tier 7 as a certain mentality, rather this post is aimed at all those trolls and dividuals who genuinely believed these myths that flowed around in your tier in ignorance. For a THIRD time, you’ve been proven wrong. Face the reality and accept it.

Also, you would do well to stop whining about 5-man groups not finding what they want. There’s SPvP for that, WvWvW, a.k.a. WORLD VS WORLD VS WORLD is, has always been, ABOUT THE HUGE CRAZY ZERG NUMBERS. That’s actually what’s supposed to make it exciting, those times where you have 30 people locked up in a keep trying to defend against 70+ invaders while lightning bolts and a fierce snow storm set the mood for an epic struggle. Fights that give you that epic feeling, even for a time that you get when you read about major battles in Tolkien’s books.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

(edited by Detharos.3157)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

Well XOXO and SPCA you guys have a rather stacked team running around on our BL right now, we had too many pugs that didnt really know what was going on in that last battle by arah to win that. Either way though good fighting

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Yes, NSP has two Anet “tagged” people who run around from time to time. I’ve talked to one of them before. It’s only an artist and his girlfriend. They aren’t giving us anything special, they are just playing on their own time. If you ask them, they’ll tell you.

There are a lot more than 2 Anet people on our server.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChrispY.2809


We have had a lot of good fights against that small man guild though. [Shin] I believe. Literally the only small man guild I have seen on SF. Props and shout outs to you all.

Thank you sir. If I could, I’d shake your hand.

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I’ve noticed alot of rude people from NSP and SF both… (not so much HoD honestly so kudos to you) i must say i’ve lost some respect for ICE and called their members out in say to stop acting like goons… but on the same hand i see XOXO, who are putting up good fights and i respect their skill as a guild, doing the same to not only ICE who was being rude but to Gore, my guild, who are urging our people to be the better person, ICE was also talking obscinities in map chat and someone from NSP who was transfered spying told the thief who he was talking about about it and they started a flame war in whisper, also showing the disrespect of NSP putting people on our server to report our movements… Lets stop all this hate, stop jumping and dancing on corpses, and stop all the obscene smack talking…

House of Gorethorium [Gore] respects any guild who can put up a great fight XOXO, NSP (guild), VLK, Os, namely are the ones i’ve seen. You must respect and honor your enemies so that they may have a chance to drink with Odin in Valhalla.

TL:DR Stop the hate, start the competition

Os <3’s you too.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Yes, NSP has two Anet “tagged” people who run around from time to time. I’ve talked to one of them before. It’s only an artist and his girlfriend. They aren’t giving us anything special, they are just playing on their own time. If you ask them, they’ll tell you.

If one of them is a mesmer we saw him yesterday outside of SM in EB….Trust me he wasn’t invulnerable, lol we tested it over and over and over and….

As far as the invulnerable golem thing? Who knows, I wasn’t in that BL when that went down, so I can’t say…But it would be pretty dumb on ANETs part to do that, so I doubt he was truly invulnerable.

To be clear, i am not implying that golem was invulnerable. I didnt see that myself, and i am pretty sure that it went down.

My point was just that it is funny to see people say that the developers helped out SF too much by moving us up in rank after we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS, and implying we dont deserve it, but are OK with developers getting a golem army going for their server and taking over an entire enemy borderland.
Hypocritical stuff like that tickles my funny bone line nothin else.

Invulnerable or not, advantage or not, if a Pug sees a developer tag you can bet your kitten he will follow em to victory.
One of the biggest hurtles of WvW is getting your server working together…. And in that regard an Anet tag >>>>> blue commander icon.

Im not going to say how developers play their game, but if they are doing it on their own time i think it is pretty silly to do it in a way that could clearly provide an advantage, if in coordination alone.

I got this one coach!

Get ready.. well listen here bub, we had no Anet golem/person today. So what’s your excuse this time?

Btw, both rushes were lead by Zos/Os and a bunch of other guilds, both days. XOXO provided the famous timewarp/taxi service.

God forbid an Anet employee have fun playing a game they work on.

Shame on you.

Dude stop defending the devs who “raised a golem army”. Obvious Anet favoritism against SF. Please tone it down Anet, there catching on.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: ChesterWing.5321


Well XOXO and SPCA you guys have a rather stacked team running around on our BL right now, we had too many pugs that didnt really know what was going on in that last battle by arah to win that. Either way though good fighting

According to my inside access NSP sources:

video of this from 2 angles: a “lagging guardian thats uploading stuff to youtube so its likely unusable” and a glass cannon thief that gets “20 fps through the whole thing cause he recording”

PS they don’t use teamspeak or any VOIP, so calling them a stacked team of 8 vs the numbers they described.. oh SF im already heating my popcorn up ^>~

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Very sorry to PAXA for not fighting you on the terms that suit you best. Please accept my deepest apologies. We will form several small super-tanky voicechat-coordinated focus-firing roaming groups and then PM you their positions around the maps (away from cap points because who cares about those anyway amirite?) See you guys out there!

If only there were some way for 5man groups to compete on an even playing field without interference. Hmmm, no. Nothing coming to mind.

I loled.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: KTDannyCZ.2910


To the SF thief, black human male, that shadow stepped around our BL tonight. Maybe try and stand and fight me eh? Let’s see that skill your server always boasts about, cause all I’m getting when I find one of you alone is that you’ve all practiced hard in the art of running away. ~

Thief in question here. When I get bored I like to mess with small groups. I’m sorry if you don’t find it as amusing as I do. I don’t see why you feel the need to misrepresent the situation, presenting it as a 1v1 when it was actually 3 VLK and one guardian from a guild who’s name I can’t recall at the moment while we were near the camp, and a similar situation while we were near the tower (Fought that guardian alone later a few times. If you’re reading, good fights.)

I’m not sure what it is about my play that apparently irked you so much that you decided to bring this to the forums (unless you’re the VLK thief that I downed and stomped a few times in front of your group), but if we find each other alone out there in the field I’ll be happy to fight you to the death. Of course, if you prefer grouping and PvPing with your friends that’s perfectly fine, but I primarily solo roam, and considering that you already have the numerical advantage I don’t see why the rest of the fight should be on your terms as well.

Sadly.. that thief was me.. i was playing pretty badly.. I did however switch to your build and i am loving it.. it just frustrates entire zergs all day

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: anthsss.1564


we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS

I don’t think you know what dominated means…

Let me just show you, with this little gem <3



4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


Posting OMW etc in the Kaineng recruitment thread is way too good.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Omne.4603


I like that our matchup gets updated 3452452 more often on mos than any other. All eyes.

I Cant Stop/ Ocularis
NSP | Os Guild Master
www.osguild.org | www.youtube.com/osthink

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: I Monk For L O V E.7528

I Monk For L O V E.7528

Well XOXO and SPCA you guys have a rather stacked team running around on our BL right now, we had too many pugs that didnt really know what was going on in that last battle by arah to win that. Either way though good fighting

According to my inside access NSP sources:

video of this from 2 angles: a “lagging guardian thats uploading stuff to youtube so its likely unusable” and a glass cannon thief that gets “20 fps through the whole thing cause he recording”

PS they don’t use teamspeak or any VOIP, so calling them a stacked team of 8 vs the numbers they described.. oh SF im already heating my popcorn up ^>~

This is a nice attempt at trolling thanks for responding to my post

None Shall Pass – Level 80 Guardian
No Yaks Shall Pass – Level 80 Thief
Sorrows Furnace – Special Tactics Assault Recon[StaR]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Kovu.7560


Just looking at the score T8 seems significantly more balanced. I feel sorry for those T8 servers getting beat up week in and week out. I’d probably ragequit. T6~7 might fluctuate a little bit, but it should work out in the end.

~ Kovu

Charr Ranger, Necromancer, Thief
Fort Aspenwood. [CREW], [TLC], [ShW], [UNIV]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: TheRatofFilth.3528


United Kingdom guild, if you’re going to camp the jumping puzzle with 8 people, you shouldn’t lose to 7, it makes you look bad.

Also, your guild is now KoS in all JPS’s for several HoD guilds, just FYI.

Wait a sec…from what I hear they are the predominate guild in SF that has been all over HoD bl. Not sure if HoD is just mad that they have pretty much sealed your fate in the match up but I find it hard to believe anything this poor SS shows (looks like 8 HoD standing over a body). And as far as making anyone looking bad they hold and take much of HoD at will. KING vs HoD and seems like KING wins.

(edited by TheRatofFilth.3528)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: frostshade.3617


Yes, NSP has two Anet “tagged” people who run around from time to time. I’ve talked to one of them before. It’s only an artist and his girlfriend. They aren’t giving us anything special, they are just playing on their own time. If you ask them, they’ll tell you.

If one of them is a mesmer we saw him yesterday outside of SM in EB….Trust me he wasn’t invulnerable, lol we tested it over and over and over and….

As far as the invulnerable golem thing? Who knows, I wasn’t in that BL when that went down, so I can’t say…But it would be pretty dumb on ANETs part to do that, so I doubt he was truly invulnerable.

To be clear, i am not implying that golem was invulnerable. I didnt see that myself, and i am pretty sure that it went down.

My point was just that it is funny to see people say that the developers helped out SF too much by moving us up in rank after we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS, and implying we dont deserve it, but are OK with developers getting a golem army going for their server and taking over an entire enemy borderland.
Hypocritical stuff like that tickles my funny bone line nothin else.

Invulnerable or not, advantage or not, if a Pug sees a developer tag you can bet your kitten he will follow em to victory.
One of the biggest hurtles of WvW is getting your server working together…. And in that regard an Anet tag >>>>> blue commander icon.

Im not going to say how developers play their game, but if they are doing it on their own time i think it is pretty silly to do it in a way that could clearly provide an advantage, if in coordination alone.

I read this and just lol golems on our server are courtesy of zos normally specially smitty the devs you see on any server are playing during their free time and can in no way alter the game the dev on our server could be on the art team for all we know.. its just a member of the dev team having fun playing the game following the commanders. So very nice kitten though irrelevant considering most servers have devs I’ve seen devs on hod and gom recently

commander frostseir(sylvari,guardian) commander frostetics(norn,ele)
Os guild

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: modDW.4187


Holy moly!! It is me, Your Big Horse.

Here is new video showcasing some of SF’s small man groups

I hope you enjoy. Or wafflez gives the burst.

-Your Big Horse

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



We earned ourselves a closed original match up thread, are we really trying to get 2 in a one week period?

@Dogskins, thanks man, I hope I faced you tonight, but I wasn’t in a condition to really remember anything honestly. It’s nice to see that kind of shoutout in this storm of kitten throwing.

Considering everyone seems to toss around subjective, anecdotal evidence about their issues with this match up…. I’ll throw in mine. While some of what I say may come off as somewhat offensive, please, give me the benefit of the doubt, and it’s only from respect that I say this…

Large group/zerg-wise: I’m not impressed. We (SF) are coming out of T8 on the recieving end of the free transfer phenomenon. I believe HoD benefited from this as well? I can’t remember right now. ET received [Agg] and [FoE] (to stay), FC received [VK] aka Reticle (on vacation they left just before we moved to T7). If you don’t know these guilds, I question how serious you are about WvW. They don’t just deserve respect, they demand it. Headbutting the [Agg] zerg that then became a Agg/TFoR/PK/W.E zerg was incredibly illuminating and forced us to reconsider a kitten LOAD about our large group/zerg tactics. Both ET and FC were affected in the same way just on the other end of it and have developed strongly as servers, much respect to my T8 brothers and sisters.

There was never a question of the SF numbers… And honestly… Our night crew isn’t that numerable. You guys (this vocal minority on the forums) knew full well what was coming. Some of you even went as far as saying it wasn’t concerning, or that saying outside of mathematics there was a reason we were in T8. Have we proven you wrong yet?

If you think our large group/zerg tactics are hard to deal with… Ask your GoM brethren how they feel about Agg. ‘Nuff said. We (SF) have a lot of work to do and we are working on that. But let’s get one thing absolutely straight, while T8/T7/and i dunno but maybe T6, are a safehaven, a sanctuary for small group tactics and the enjoyment that comes from that with the relative unpredictability of WvW (as compared to sPvP), as you ascend the ranks, you don’t learn the importance of zerg tactics, you’re force fed it. You unfortunately are yet another arena for us to understand, collaborate, and work on those. While I can’t speak for all of my server (and the kitten talking evident here) I apologize for it. We are a byproduct of the changes WvW has had recently, as such you are a victim. Can we please understand and respect this? And try to enjoy ourselves in what (hopefully) will be our short stay here in T7? I’m not interested in landslides, I’m not interested in mindless zerging. Until we get to a tier where the challenge forces the PUGs to get on a similar level as our Commanders/Organized guilds, etc, this will simply be a part of the scenery in whatever server we occupy.

With that in mind, I have only respect for both HoD and NSP. I have only hope for GoM, and even more hope and respect for my ET and FC brethren in combat. I hope we can maintain a sense of respect through our collective encounters. Do we have a population advantage here? Yes. Are we a very high population server? Yes. Do we field the numbers very high population servers do in higher tiers? No. Do we have the coverage of high tiers? No. We’re all trying to find our home. Let’s not turn that admirable pursuit into a kitten contest please.

Now there’s been a lot of kitten about groups melting, lack of skill, etc. Honestly, I’ve come across groups from both your servers (mostly in EB I’ll admit) that are a complete joke. If compared to the likes of Agg… Not even worth acknowledgement. I’ve spearheaded group wipes with fewer numbers numerous times on various borderlands. Than I’ve ran into small groups (like tonight in I believe HoD BL, honestly can’t even remember what borderland I was in) that melted my face. XOXO and some S….somethingorother…. (No disrespect, your name is just harder to remember than XOXO, your players seemed to be a similar caliber) had a group running around whatever borderland I was in and honestly god kitten Great job guys. Many great back and forth fights, and also many facerolls through us. Hills struggle anyone? (Dogsmack, maybe you were there? I can’t remember all the tags I saw tonight). You seemed tigh, coordinated, your builds were tanky as kitten I couldn’t really pick anyone out to target (other then that kitten Charr thief that’d melt me with heartseekers as some necro Boon -> Con’d me and mesmers were running confusion. Super ouch) that even seemed remotely vulnerable (uplevels excluded of course). We had a hard time organizing the PUG (plz, rebuild outer wall when their group is at inner and we have 200+ in the keep… for the sake of my sanity, plz). Great fights all around ( kitten YOU CHARR THIEF).

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Afterwards we had a warrior join our little party (at this time it wasn’t a Shin party but a sort of server mutt party <3 u guys) and we proceeded to organize duels by the windmill. Unfortunately the only one that seemed into it at the time from NSP was this particular warrior (can’t remember your name or guild, your name started with a Dra…g….something…) Mad respect and I hope to do that again my friend. Unfortunately my keyboard striking talents (you don’t even know how many times I’ve hit backspace over the course of this post) were very lacking. I hope to give you a fight deserving of your talent at a later time.

Sure, at the start when he joined there was a lil kittentalk. Whatever, comes with the territory. At the end though, there was (and hopefully continued to be after I left) respect. It’s things like this that I, members of my guild, and I would hope all of us appreciate and respect. When we had randoms come by, after letting them know what was going on, they bow’d out and continued on their path. Respect to all of you that caught us at the windmill and did that.

With the amount of mention there have been of small scale/1v1 battles, skill, etc, I’d like to then formally extend to both HoD and NSP an invitation. Let us collaborate. My account name is evident here for you, my in game character names (Mainly Razs Lighter but I do spend some time on alts [currently leveling a necro]) are available in my sig. Whisper/friend/mail/whatever me in game. I’d enjoy setting up some designated nights just for small scale/1v1/2v2/whatever around the windmill. I think many guilds on my server would also be up for it. Doesn’t matter if your guild can’t field 20, let’s just accommodate each other.

With this I hope to end all this bickering, all this kitten talk, all this angst, resentment, and overall frustration with the match up. I hope that you (especially the vocal minority here on the forums) will agree to this set up and agree to end the disrespect here on our server match up because it’s honestly not deserved across the board.

I look forward to many good battles with you all for the duration of our collective stay in T7. Much <3

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: anthsss.1564



We earned ourselves a closed original match up thread, are we really trying to get 2 in a one week period?

“blah blah blah”

if the thread is bound to be locked, why would you bother even posting that book you just wrote that nobody is ever going to read?


4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Yes, NSP has two Anet “tagged” people who run around from time to time. I’ve talked to one of them before. It’s only an artist and his girlfriend. They aren’t giving us anything special, they are just playing on their own time. If you ask them, they’ll tell you.

If one of them is a mesmer we saw him yesterday outside of SM in EB….Trust me he wasn’t invulnerable, lol we tested it over and over and over and….

As far as the invulnerable golem thing? Who knows, I wasn’t in that BL when that went down, so I can’t say…But it would be pretty dumb on ANETs part to do that, so I doubt he was truly invulnerable.

To be clear, i am not implying that golem was invulnerable. I didnt see that myself, and i am pretty sure that it went down.

My point was just that it is funny to see people say that the developers helped out SF too much by moving us up in rank after we dominated Tier 8 for MONTHS, and implying we dont deserve it, but are OK with developers getting a golem army going for their server and taking over an entire enemy borderland.
Hypocritical stuff like that tickles my funny bone line nothin else.

Invulnerable or not, advantage or not, if a Pug sees a developer tag you can bet your kitten he will follow em to victory.
One of the biggest hurtles of WvW is getting your server working together…. And in that regard an Anet tag >>>>> blue commander icon.

Im not going to say how developers play their game, but if they are doing it on their own time i think it is pretty silly to do it in a way that could clearly provide an advantage, if in coordination alone.

I agree bro, seems to me (which is what I think you are saying) is that they could play with no ANET tag on, to be honest its just gonna draw negative attention from the enemy and like you said cause everyone on the friendly team to follow that tag around if nothing else because of the novelty.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



if the thread is bound to be locked, why would you bother even posting that book you just wrote that nobody is ever going to read?

If you don’t read, you don’t appreciate, and I don’t care about you. I wasn’t saying that this is doomed to closure, I honestly hope it doesn’t. If the “blah blah blah” part blew your mind with the monumental task those few paragraphs posed to you, I apoligize.

TL:DR…. Wanna duel/small group/GvG? Msg me, let’s set it up. Windmill, southern camp, whatever BL is least active I suppose. We’ll get it set up.

While I don’t appreciate your tone or your message, you are more than welcome, as are all of you. Hopefully we can gain respect for each other in actual battle instead of this forum PvP. I look forward to fighting you.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Hey SF , just a thought. Maybe people wouldnt emote on your face if you didn’t die in the process of scampering to get back into the Saftey of your warm fuzzy zergball.

From the mouth of our lord god Irony!!!!!!

Also scampering back to zerg< the 500 rangers that stand in towers and “1” over and over…and not to mention the d/d eles they throw every buff up and ride the lightning out away from the safe tower long enough for the CD to come back up and then ride it on back to your tower…

Seems the only players you guys have that come out into the open are the brave mesmers and thieves you have….

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


Its very rare to see HoD and NSP attacking each other,in the forums and wvw,sooo looks like its SF vs WvWvWvW.

He who angers you conquers you :-)

Not sure what you’re talking about. Something I noted last page was the fact that HoD has consistently (possibly not today; haven’t checked score) kept a moderate presence in NSP BL and, for the most part, have held more of NSP territory than SF has. If NSP were able to hold off SF as well as some posters state, then I’m confused as to why they weren’t taking their BL back from HoD with their numbers.

Honestly, I was making the connection that SF, while possibly defending against NSP, has been almost entirely seemingly pushing at HoD. So… exactly what you said, except between NSP and SF, not HoD and NSP. :/

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Yes you’re correct in knowing that my guys and I don’t feel taking a tower with 20+ people is deserving of credit. And because in a half hour it will be retaken don’t feel that having taken it in the first place is worth a single thing. Before going into just bashing, re-read what I wrote and please come up with answers to my question marks. “What are you gaining by winning?” “what has (winning) actually earned any of you?” “what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”

I know this isn’t directed at me, but I’ll give this one a shot.

“What are you gaining by winning?”
Nothing more than some server ranking in a game.

“what has (winning) actually earned any of you?”
Ironically (because of the above answer), NOT server ranking LOL.

“what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”
Usually active server WvW population.

Well this begs a fourth question.
Why play then?
Because win or lose, it’s a kitten fun game!

You are from SF and I appreciate this post more than any post in the past 3 months hands down. The real answer no one on that side will ever admit. Thanks for being a glimmering sign of hope.

You play to win the game…Otherwise there is no game, in PVE do you join dungeons to spar with the bosses? Nope, its to beat the dungeon (IE: to win)…Is it our fault that ANET decided to offer no reward for winning? No. Would you rather we not keep score? Do you want a participation trophy? Would you like people to recognize your superior build/trait lines coupled with the impressive combo field group you run with?

Seriously PAXA, why is it everytime you guys post its always anti-zerg, anti-capping, anti-WvW essentially. What you have is an OPINION of how WE should be playing which is mildly hilarious, and overtly sad on your part….

But to suggest that we should all just roam in 5 man groups, ignore capping, ignore the scoring system, essentially ignore the mechanics of WvW, all becuase what? ANET set the grouping system up to accomodate 5-man teams? You really think that was their intent? Just make this massive WvW scenario and then have 10-five man teams running around PVPing each other? That just sounds silly…Essentially, what I truly believe, is that people like you that come in here saying things like this, really just want people to play YOUR style since you think that what you are doing is superior. When in fact what your doing might have some merit to the overall aspect of the game (IE: helping your server somewhat), the reality is that sitting on your BL camping a spawn “looking for a good fight to better yourself” is slightly more of a waste of time than actually capping camps and towers etc…

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Lesson for the kiddies out there.

When you go afk – don’t do it like this.

“we can farm him”…“they res him”….LULs

Man I wish I knew how to play this game before I met you guys, PAXA and XOXO you have taught us all the true nature of WvW…To kill an afk pixel, for the sake of …. Well killing a pixel….Geez and we have been doing all this stuff like capping everything in sight and defending, and escorting supply runs….Such a waste of time, we could have been getting 0-1wxp from farming afk enemies!

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Yes you’re correct in knowing that my guys and I don’t feel taking a tower with 20+ people is deserving of credit. And because in a half hour it will be retaken don’t feel that having taken it in the first place is worth a single thing. Before going into just bashing, re-read what I wrote and please come up with answers to my question marks. “What are you gaining by winning?” “what has (winning) actually earned any of you?” “what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”

I know this isn’t directed at me, but I’ll give this one a shot.

“What are you gaining by winning?”
Nothing more than some server ranking in a game.

“what has (winning) actually earned any of you?”
Ironically (because of the above answer), NOT server ranking LOL.

“what actual outcome does the scoreboard reflect?”
Usually active server WvW population.

Well this begs a fourth question.
Why play then?
Because win or lose, it’s a kitten fun game!

You are from SF and I appreciate this post more than any post in the past 3 months hands down. The real answer no one on that side will ever admit. Thanks for being a glimmering sign of hope.

You play to win the game…Otherwise there is no game, in PVE do you join dungeons to spar with the bosses? Nope, its to beat the dungeon (IE: to win)…Is it our fault that ANET decided to offer no reward for winning? No. Would you rather we not keep score? Do you want a participation trophy? Would you like people to recognize your superior build/trait lines coupled with the impressive combo field group you run with?

Seriously PAXA, why is it everytime you guys post its always anti-zerg, anti-capping, anti-WvW essentially. What you have is an OPINION of how WE should be playing which is mildly hilarious, and overtly sad on your part….

But to suggest that we should all just roam in 5 man groups, ignore capping, ignore the scoring system, essentially ignore the mechanics of WvW, all becuase what? ANET set the grouping system up to accomodate 5-man teams? You really think that was their intent? Just make this massive WvW scenario and then have 10-five man teams running around PVPing each other? That just sounds silly…Essentially, what I truly believe, is that people like you that come in here saying things like this, really just want people to play YOUR style since you think that what you are doing is superior. When in fact what your doing might have some merit to the overall aspect of the game (IE: helping your server somewhat), the reality is that sitting on your BL camping a spawn “looking for a good fight to better yourself” is slightly more of a waste of time than actually capping camps and towers etc…

The type who “play to win” a WvW match, will never understand the type that play to just have fun and test/improve their play on a personal level(and visa versa). The duelers the 5 mans, generally care much less about the scoreboard then just challenging themselves on a personal level. People on this side of the spectrum for the most part despise PVE and rarely if ever do it, so that analogy won’t work either.

Some of us enjoy both, playing for points and playing small group challenge mode. Some people don’t care if all they do is run around with 50 ppl pressing tab-1-1-1-1 and F to build rams, as long as they are on the winning team.

I say to each their own, as much as it frustrates me when all I can find is 50 ppl at once when I’m roaming, I’m not going to convince anyone to play different.

I have today had a lot more small group fights, mixed in with some zerg battles and keep takes.. This variety for me is fun.

Also, you are missing the point PAXA makes. They don’t say everyone should run 5 mans, they don’t say nobody should zerg(they specifically pointed this out numerous times BTW). They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: King Amadaeus.8619

King Amadaeus.8619

Very sorry to PAXA for not fighting you on the terms that suit you best. Please accept my deepest apologies. We will form several small super-tanky voicechat-coordinated focus-firing roaming groups and then PM you their positions around the maps (away from cap points because who cares about those anyway amirite?) See you guys out there!

If only there were some way for 5man groups to compete on an even playing field without interference. Hmmm, no. Nothing coming to mind.

PAXA believes all 3 servers in all 8 NA tiers are bad. Many in this thread seem to think Jscull is speaking about SF, he is not, he is speaking in generalities. All 3 servers in all 8 NA tiers spend their time in blobs pressing (or clicking apparently) 1 because they think that is how the game was designed. PAXA doesn’t want to fight pre-arranged 5v5 fights, we want to play in a dynamic open world pvp environment where small groups roam searching for other small groups to fight around objectives that were designed for small groups to fight over. It doesn’t need to be even numbers, it doesn’t need to be fair.

There are 13 objectives on each BL map, not including sentries, and the majority of players group up and fight at 2. Again, group size limited to 5 players, boons limited to 5 players, AoE limited to 5 players, the majority of siege can be built by 5 or fewer players, majority of actual players play in blobs of 20+.

PAXA was going to join an intramural flag football league, but after complaining the other team used all 11 players isntead of the PAXA-approved 5, “threw the ball way too much”, and kept score…They decided to play GW2 instead.

Mag Server Leader

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Lesson for the kiddies out there.

When you go afk – don’t do it like this.

“we can farm him”…“they res him”….LULs

Man I wish I knew how to play this game before I met you guys, PAXA and XOXO you have taught us all the true nature of WvW…To kill an afk pixel, for the sake of …. Well killing a pixel….Geez and we have been doing all this stuff like capping everything in sight and defending, and escorting supply runs….Such a waste of time, we could have been getting 0-1wxp from farming afk enemies!

Yeah that wxp, that’s what we care about.. Honestly I don’t get your mentality.. But obviously you don’t understand mine either.. It was a small funny moment mixed in with all kinds of crazy crap that goes on while I play this game. I’ve had so many fun epic moments in this game to remember, but one thing I never remember very long is who won what match or what the scores were.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: SilencedScream.2167


They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

I will reiterate this sentiment.
Despite my multiple posts about boycotting this week, I’ve found it very hard to stay away from WvW (I’ve played -just- WvW for about eight hours this week)… but I’ve yet to have -any- encounter with SF that had less than twenty-five.

Like a post I said earlier – I imagine that a lot of your players have skill; but amidst all the zerging, I’ve yet to be able to confirm this. I’m not looking for a 5HoD vs 1SP fight – but when my group of twelve -only- runs into 25+, skill no longer becomes a factor. It’s all about numbers.

Again (and I’m doing this for all my posts, because I don’t want this to be taken in a bad light), I’m not saying your players aren’t skillful. I’m saying that, because of your numbers, I can’t tell if they are.

Henge of Denravi – [SAS]
Duct Tape Applied [Charr Ranger]
A Roll Of Duct Tape [Human Guardian, Commander]

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


Congrats to that 3man KING group from HoD, you guys are hard little kittens to kill.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


AFK for a Month

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Entropy.4732


They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

I will reiterate this sentiment.
Despite my multiple posts about boycotting this week, I’ve found it very hard to stay away from WvW (I’ve played -just- WvW for about eight hours this week)… but I’ve yet to have -any- encounter with SF that had less than twenty-five.

Like a post I said earlier – I imagine that a lot of your players have skill; but amidst all the zerging, I’ve yet to be able to confirm this. I’m not looking for a 5HoD vs 1SP fight – but when my group of twelve -only- runs into 25+, skill no longer becomes a factor. It’s all about numbers.

Again (and I’m doing this for all my posts, because I don’t want this to be taken in a bad light), I’m not saying your players aren’t skillful. I’m saying that, because of your numbers, I can’t tell if they are.

I agree with this completely. SF’s tactics of strength by numbers gets boring fast. I’ve played a lot this week, but I gotta say I had much more fun with the GoM, HoD match up. I’m not trying to say SF are bad players, only that their tactics are dull and lead to blob zerg stalemates. GoM and HoD have a more intellectual, strategic approach to WvW, sending off small groups of 5-8 to cap camps, create distractions, hunt yaks, cap NPC’s, etc. With GoM, NSP, & HoD when Hylek or Dredge were up it seemed imperative to grab them because every extra NPC player could be the difference in the smaller, more balanced clashes. Skill use and exact placement of siege seemed to matter much more. With SF, when I notice Hylek up I’m like, “Oh… guess we COULD go cap them although it won’t really matter much.” Plus 5 v 5 fights really allow you to sense a player’s psychological approach to combat. And I do have to say that HoD and GoM rarely camped our spawn points. They always allowed us the ability to defend our keeps. Fighting SF is like fighting a giant slug that lurks on your doorstep and eats your garbage. They are always there, always a massive zerg, always camping spawn. Plus, as this thread proves, I don’t like their general attitude on the forums. Too much bluster, bragging, and trash talk. I look forward to SF’s departure from our tier so we can get back to more balanced and enjoyable WvW.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Luke.8295


They are simply frustrated they couldn’t find ANY small group action coming from SF.

I will reiterate this sentiment.
Despite my multiple posts about boycotting this week, I’ve found it very hard to stay away from WvW (I’ve played -just- WvW for about eight hours this week)… but I’ve yet to have -any- encounter with SF that had less than twenty-five.

Like a post I said earlier – I imagine that a lot of your players have skill; but amidst all the zerging, I’ve yet to be able to confirm this. I’m not looking for a 5HoD vs 1SP fight – but when my group of twelve -only- runs into 25+, skill no longer becomes a factor. It’s all about numbers.

Again (and I’m doing this for all my posts, because I don’t want this to be taken in a bad light), I’m not saying your players aren’t skillful. I’m saying that, because of your numbers, I can’t tell if they are.

I agree with this completely. SF’s tactics of strength by numbers gets boring fast. I’ve played a lot this week, but I gotta say I had much more fun with the GoM, HoD match up. I’m not trying to say SF are bad players, only that their tactics are dull and lead to blob zerg stalemates. GoM and HoD have a more intellectual, strategic approach to WvW, sending off small groups of 5-8 to cap camps, create distractions, hunt yaks, cap NPC’s, etc. With GoM, NSP, & HoD when Hylek or Dredge were up it seemed imperative to grab them because every extra NPC player could be the difference in the smaller, more balanced clashes. Skill use and exact placement of siege seemed to matter much more. With SF, when I notice Hylek up I’m like, “Oh… guess we COULD go cap them although it won’t really matter much.” Plus 5 v 5 fights really allow you to sense a player’s psychological approach to combat. And I do have to say that HoD and GoM rarely camped our spawn points. They always allowed us the ability to defend our keeps. Fighting SF is like fighting a giant slug that lurks on your doorstep and eats your garbage. They are always there, always a massive zerg, always camping spawn. Plus, as this thread proves, I don’t like their general attitude on the forums. Too much bluster, bragging, and trash talk. I look forward to SF’s departure from our tier so we can get back to more balanced and enjoyable WvW.


Anet should have just put SF in T1 and let them work their way down instead of ruining one of the most fun and balanced tiers in WvW.