Hello everyone,
It seems that Anet likes their Ability Lines and is currently building WvW content this way. Although interesting, the content additions do not add a lot to WvW and do not fix any of the bigger problems. With my ability line suggestions i try to work on punishing blobs and rewarding organised guilds a bit more.
Because we have to remember that there are two kind of WvW players. The ones that live for siege, defense, world pts etc. and the ones that love to fight in the open field. So far, there has not been any love for the latter. I bet we will see ram, treb or golem mastery (lol) before seeing fixes to actual problems.
With the help of new skill lines, we can start working on the blob issue (for example). Of course, there are tons of great ideas to fix the big issues in WvW but because Anet is adding content this way, i’ll try to provide solutions this way as well. Here are my ability line ideas, with argumentation. Feedback is always welcome.
All names and pts are placeholders of course.
This line is dedicated to field combat and will help organised groups/guilds to deal with skill-less and mindless blobs. Also a bit helpful for destroying enemy siege without building counter-siege.
Destroyer – You deal 25% more damage to siege weapons with normal attacks. [5 pts]
Punisher – You deal 10% extra damage to upscaled players. [10 pts]
Focused – You recieve 10% less damage from AoE attacks. [20 pts]
Finisher – You deal 25% more damage against downed enemies. [40 pts]
The line above should give organised groups a small boost. Blobs tend to run with a lot of upscales. A big problem when fighting big blobs is that there are 20 downed enemies on the ground but you can’t manage to finish them because you got 30 other enemies chasing your small groups. While the AoE limit punishes both blobs and organised groups, i believe that AoE spam (fire and forget) is way too effective in blob play. smaller groups just get demolished. This ability line also helps with that.
This line will lure casual and PvE focused players. The line will encourage usefull play in WvW.
Karmatastic – You recieve double karma for escorting and killing Dolyaks. [5 pts]
Investor – Camp, tower and keep upgrades cost you 15% less gold. [10 pts]
Pillager – You recieve 25% more gold for capturing camps and sentries. [ 15 pts]
Treasure Seeker – You recieve a big Magic Find boost in WvW [ 30 pts]
Encourages Dolyak escorting and killing, upgrade buying and camp/sentry capturing. Lots of people might invest in this line to get the MF boost. In the meantime they might do more of these useful things in WvW, giving less attention to allied blobs as well, hopefully.
Note: Reduce centaur, krait and other monster population. They are annoying and might attract farmers with this new ability line, heh.
Note 2: I still have my doubts about this ability line but it might give good discussion.
Inspiring Hero
This line will encourage solo play and reward those who already do.
Savior – Ressurecting a Supervisor, tower or keep lord) will give them Righteous Indignation for 10 seconds. [5 pts]
Sharpened Spears – Damage of nearby mercenaries is buffed by 10% in your presence. (non-stackable) [10 pts]
Protector – Camp NPC’s have 25% increased HP in your presence (non-stackable) [20 pts]
Leader of the pack – A mercenary will follow you arround. [35 pts]
Allows people who play alone or who are outmanned in the mornings, to be more effective arround small-scale objectives. Interracting with an allied mercenary leader, will spawn a mercenary at your side who follows you around till he dies. Despawns after 1 hours, which is also the cooldown before you can aquire another mercenary.
Dolyak Mastery
This line will encourage more play around Dolyaks and supply control.
Dolyak Slayer – Deal 5% more damage against enemy Dolyaks [5 pts]
Dolyak Defender – Dolyaks in your presence (900 radius) have 25% increased HP. [10 pts] (non-stackable)
Dolyak Destroyer – Deal 5% more damage against enemy Dolyaks [20 pts]
Hidden Supplies – Always recieve 10 supply when killing a Dolyak. [40 pts]
Speaks for itselfs
Trap Mastery
While having only 2 traps available doesn’t really justify having a ability line dedicated to them, i hope to see more traps in the future. Especially one that can punish blobs in some sort of way,
- Fast Fingers – Place traps twice as fast. [5 pts]
- Throw Traps – Traps are ground targeted (900 range) [10 pts]
Thanks for reading. Let me hear your thoughts.
Gandara – WvW Warrior
(edited by IDarko.4709)