5 Man Mesmer Blow up Squad.
Where is the video showing it working?
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Rough Draft, you can make changes as needed
They Basically Run Around Stacking invis and flank/sideswipe zergs easily, stuns/dazes are constant so are boons (includeing Stab & Resistance)
1st. Basic Condi Shatter Mes(condi bomber)
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQNAW8elknhG1YtawYNwtGLzGF6wFTHX9u+rHbZAUbJDA-TlSHQBA4BAQgLAQ9U/RjKB5lygAcQAOiSvBcEAKnuBhs/QAAEgZOzkZZGMexLexLexzMn5Mn5MnZpAWUZF-w2. Wells Support(more power an support)
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQJAWRncfCFrh1fCmfCEgilTjiMAWgCwsF2miq+Zz2vF-TVCHQBob/h/o+jBOCA1RJ4CV+NvHAwY0FAgDBA9uAABAQAu5Nzm3Mw4Fv4Fv4FP38m38m38mlCQPlRA-w3.Condi Invis Stacker
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQNAW7flsnhy0YpawYNwtGLvGl5KsMjAaAkTPX9wesLLA-T1SHQBmb/hAcQAAwDAgAXAAep04OKBLoSMjoMoeq/MgjAQ50NEAABYmzMZWmB33oH9oH9oNzZOzZOzZWKgJVWB-w4.Condi Boonstacker/Stuns
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQNAW7elknhS1YBawDNwtGLnGV90etfLZAkCLH62lUfHA-TVSHQBA4BAEgDCABuAAlT3gQ2fQjKBHwRAoeq/wLlfBAQAm5MTmlZw4Fv4Fv4FPzcmzcmzcmlCYRlVA-w5.Heals/Condi Support
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhEQNAW8dlknhC0YlawYNwtGLwGk5GiRIOrxNOOZAuQuB-TVSHABkv/ABXAgEV/RgDCQdKBB4BA0kyP20NMwRAIAACwMnZysMDGv4Fv4Fv4ZmzcmzcmzsUAetsC-wWith the Right Coordinated Group, you can do so seriouse Zerg Busting, and a Very Helpful Tool to main tag. with the invis stacking and boon shareing you can full boon invis bomb very well.
I think you did great putting in so much time and effort to post this. TY!
5 man warrior Minutemen squad next plz
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
Thanks for posting this. It would be nice to try out something like this.
It is rare to get 2 mesmers to play together. 5 would be impossible. They are solitary wanderers living in a world of their own illusions.
There is one glaring problem with your set up: no condi cleanse except 1x Mender’s Purity and 2x Null Field. Both have radius 240. If you force 5 mesmers to stand in a small circle right next to a blob, guess what happens.
This won’t hurt [Much]
Ring of Fire
I do not care if it is working or not. Your efforts that were put in this are praise-worthy. Thank you friend.
yeah not much condi cleanse at first glance , but if you look at the chronomancer trait line. the trait “Time Marchs On” immobilize chill and cripple are reduced. Wells cleanse conditions, distortion on signets spread to allies+self. Distortion on shatter which blocks attacks in general includeing condtions. and the 2 null fields on alacarity
pretty much sums up “Condition Cleanse” issues youll encounter. ripping boons on shatters with enough stun that you don’t have to rely on null field for ripping boons.
this build isn’t understood by the normal, “auto attack until beserker mode comes up”
wait for there bomb then heal. its not frontline…….
its a side swipe tactic, a counter to there bomb. that’s why theres mass invis……
while there moveing to 20vs20 you can take out enemy backline, no heals when they dodge back from encounter.
Like I said its a rough draft, if you want to run it or improve on it please do so.
As far as a video, not everything can be done by watch copy paste… im sorry but you need to “know” the skills and traits not just. hey look at that…. it works lets do it.
run pirate ship if you want to run around and have fun.
Run this if you REALLY wanna have fun =D
just gotta know what yer doing.
the boons “resistance” “regen” and “protection” stacked by the support class’s along with the boons stacking while invis greatly outnumber the conditions dmg even if they group together and stand in 5x necro wells of corruption. again the distortion
takes care of that, so…. theres illusinary defender. mirror on manipulation for the stealth Mesmer for swift retreat as well as portal play b4 going in.. it goes flank behind-bomb(remember your boons are stacked and portal is down)grav well null fields clone spam, which leads to stun-daze-boon rip-torment-confusion ect. they’re backline doesn’t recover. if your in trouble portal out…..
(edited by In Nox Mani.7892)
5 man warrior Minutemen squad next plz
warriors are visable =)
lol, if you wanna get really interesting all the mesmers names can go
IllI llI IlllI
or something similar, with the amount of clones and invis its really fun
lol, if you wanna get really interesting all the mesmers names can go
IllI llI IlllI
or something similar, with the amount of clones and invis its really fun
…..To confuse your allies? Your enemies can’t see your names.
yeah, we did something similar in spvp with the names.
on the funner side =)
wvw not so much.
yeah, we did something similar in spvp with the names.
on the funner side =)
wvw not so much.
Yeah I did that with my brothers in law back when the game first started, we would run the same name with 1 dif alt character. Even had my pets using the name when I was on my ranger.
run pirate ship if you want to run around and have fun.
Some people will want to kill you for saying this.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
run pirate ship if you want to run around and have fun.
Some people will want to kill you for saying this.
don’t get me wrong pirate ship build is awesome, lots of fun.
it might of sounded negative because I posted an idea that would work and got chewed apart for it, I was so buisy defending it the context made it sound negative in a certain perceptive.
Oh, I like pirate ship, but the majority of people hate it.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing