5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


This is definitely wrong to allow ingame features ( 3 and more golems , 4 and more ballista , 4 and more rams , etc ) to destroy a full upgrade keep in less than 5 minutes …

The w3 battles now are like a beep beep VS coyote battles and not epic battles where players stay and fight each other …

Fix it asap please ….

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Faunus.3647


Again a post for crying about the evil vizunah ? seriously?

This post for your lost of garrison or the lost of bay ? say me i’ll read this with pleasure.

And enjoy the fact we hadnt enought player this morning for do it on all your keep.

Commander Vizunah Square
Eternalïa [OVER]

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reduktion.5791


Use force reconnaissance on demand …

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Again a post for crying about the evil vizunah ? seriously?

This post for your lost of garrison or the lost of bay ? say me i’ll read this with pleasure.

And enjoy the fact we hadnt enought player this morning for do it on all your keep.

no . i am saying that that there is no reason to spend money for upgrades if there is the possibility to loose it (include your money) in less than 5 minutes.

give me a reason for someone to spend money for upgrades ? .

there is no reason at all …

even the extra features … port to lion’s arch and there you have everything you want and come back again ….

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


When you see white swords you have to send someone to the keep to check it out or keep a person or two at each keep you have.

I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


When you see white swords you have to send someone to the keep to check it out or keep a person or two at each keep you have.

I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

even a keep full upgraded a 10 men squad are in lord’s room n less than 5 minutes …..

i have done it and i have see it doing the enemies i our keep . how ? i said it in my first post .

even the lord’s defence is a joke . we are killing it in less than 1 minute include the poor men that tried defence with sieges.

p.s. group event champion grub is way much more difficult to kill it

(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


When you see white swords you have to send someone to the keep to check it out or keep a person or two at each keep you have.

I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

even a keep full upgraded a 10 men squad are in lord’s room n less than 5 minutes …..

i have done it and i have see it doing the enemies i our keep . how ? i said it in my first post .

even the lord’s defence is a joke . we are killing it in less 1 minute

We have epic battles everyday in T2, rarely do I see a defended keep go down in less than 5 mins. So what you are saying is you guys are getting steamrolled while defending and losing a keep in less than 5 mins?

Your doing it wrong.

They are doing it wrong;)

Edited for edited qoutes.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Gorefiend.9675


Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

We were attacking. We were able to get to garrison without being spotted so they had no idea it was coming.

D/D, Staff Elementalist

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

you must have a valuable time to organize a defense … right ?

1 second to organize the defense , port ( oups no port = contested) , run 1 second to the keep and then defense ….

][_ ( []) ][_

(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

you must a valuable time to organize a defense … right ?

1 second to organize the defense , port ( oups no port = contested) , run 1 second to the keep and then defense ….

][_ ( []) ][_

We siege up all of our keeps and make sure there is someone there to hold them off until we can get there. It is surprizing what a few can do with a few Superior AC’s.

Maybe a little diff in T2 as we usually have enough on to run defense most of the time, especially for keeps.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

you must a valuable time to organize a defense … right ?

1 second to organize the defense , port ( oups no port = contested) , run 1 second to the keep and then defense ….

][_ ( []) ][_

We siege up all of our keeps and make sure there is someone there to hold them off until we can get there. It is surprizing what a few can do with a few Superior AC’s.

Maybe a little diff in T2 as we usually have enough on to run defense most of the time, especially for keeps.

calculate please how much time and money you want to do everything you say ?

(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

you must a valuable time to organize a defense … right ?

1 second to organize the defense , port ( oups no port = contested) , run 1 second to the keep and then defense ….

][_ ( []) ][_

We siege up all of our keeps and make sure there is someone there to hold them off until we can get there. It is surprizing what a few can do with a few Superior AC’s.

Maybe a little diff in T2 as we usually have enough on to run defense most of the time, especially for keeps.

calculate please how much time and money you want to do everything you say ?

I dont understand. do you mean siege? We all make superior siege when we have spare skill points. Maybe a few gold a week. It takes me like ten minutes to make about 60 superiors. Flame rams, ac’s and ballistas are cheap, can usually buy a lot with my extra badges.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


i asked to say me how much time and money you will spend for all of these upgrades ?

because i will log soon to play i will say the answer too.

you want 4-5 hours to full upgrade 1 keep , 2 towers and stonemist , you wll spend 8 golds only for the upgrades ( exclude the superiors sieges you said ) and when you and all from your server will log off to sleep ,enemies will login and their zerg (as i said …. a small one good equipped ) will clean and destroy everything you did in ten minutes because everyone is sleeping.

happened ? yes

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


Why 2 towers, just upgrade your natural tower. Towers do flip fast and there is no sense in upgrading most of the time. Stonemist is expensive I’ll give you that.

Are you the only person that upgrades everything? Our server usually spreads it out among many or use guild funds for it. And yes we do sometimes lose them overnight, why is that a big deal.

So what I am gathering from you is you want to upgrade so while you are sleeping your keeps, towers, and SM are invincible? If there is no one on the map from your server to defend it won’t matter if they make the towers/keeps a little harder to get into. It will just take 10 mins instead of 5.

And yes, I just looked at a map update and we did lose a lot of our keeps overnight. It happens to everyone that does not have 24/7 coverage. It isn’t a big deal, we will take them back tonight and start the upgrades again. With walls and doors upgraded we only need to keep 1 or 2 there to defend while we take the rest of the map.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Bluesavanah.8562


I’m sorry but get over it, I’ve been there when we’ve took down a fully upgraded and defended hills in less than 5 minutes. Just because its T3 doesn’t mean its impregnable.

On the other hand I’ve also beaten off 5-6 golems attacking Garrison in the middle of the night with 5 people. Superior siege obliterates golems especially Arrowcarts. Very much a case of post scouts and learn to defend. Improve communications, what little night crew you have should be on TS or equivilant.

Commander, Malicious Mischief [MM] ,Gandara
[MM] recruiting currently

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


I’m sorry but get over it, I’ve been there when we’ve took down a fully upgraded and defended hills in less than 5 minutes. Just because its T3 doesn’t mean its impregnable.

On the other hand I’ve also beaten off 5-6 golems attacking Garrison in the middle of the night with 5 people. Superior siege obliterates golems especially Arrowcarts. Very much a case of post scouts and learn to defend. Improve communications, what little night crew you have should be on TS or equivilant.

Agreed. There isn’t much you can do regardless if a 40+ man zerg comes to your upgraded keep doors when you have 3 ppl on the map. They are gonna take it. If they make it slightly harder it will just take slightly longer but won’t matter.

I think OP wants fully upgraded to mean invincible until he logs on again and the keep lord to be able to wipe a 40 man zergs.

Wow Bluesavannah you guys have an awsome match going in T3 EU.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

In this game its much easier to attack than defend. A bit ankward, but nobody said that this game was very good.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: JaironKalach.4938


Again a post for crying about the evil vizunah ? seriously?

This post for your lost of garrison or the lost of bay ? say me i’ll read this with pleasure.

And enjoy the fact we hadnt enought player this morning for do it on all your keep.

no . i am saying that that there is no reason to spend money for upgrades if there is the possibility to loose it (include your money) in less than 5 minutes.

give me a reason for someone to spend money for upgrades ? .

there is no reason at all …

even the extra features … port to lion’s arch and there you have everything you want and come back again ….

Scanned down the thread and didn’t see this answer directly so I thought I would provide the answer. It’s basically an arms race. You spend more resources on defenses to force them to need to spend more resources on their attack siege. Unfortunately, people can get golems free, while you can’t get a free upgrade. Barring that, though, I believe that the outlay for all of that siege you talked about is approximately equal to the outlay for the fully upgraded keep.

I play on Maguuma
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


if arenanet devs think that the “Roadrunner” wars are better than the epics where you stand and fight … it is ok for me .

right now i only farm the enemies and loots and i am spent nothing for upgrades … in two weeks i earned ~500 badges that i need for the legentary weapon and after i will make it i will permantely log – off because …. i am not a roadrunner lover

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


if arenanet devs think that the “Roadrunner” wars are better than the epics where you stand and fight … it is ok for me .

right now i only farm the enemies and loots and i am spent nothing for upgrades … in two weeks i earned ~500 badges that i need for the legentary weapon and after i will make it i will permantely log – off because …. i am not a roadrunner lover

Then what were you complaining about in your OP? lol…

Edited to remove my rude remark.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

(edited by Ruprect.7260)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


You need time to organize defenses.
The fewer player online/on map, the longer it will take for them to arrive at contested object.
…aka less fighting, more uncontested (=boring) flipping

Thats why wall/gate HP have to rise significantly, at least for T2/T3

The longer it takes / the more siege you need…
—> the more time for defender to counter-react
= more & longer fights
—> attracts more players (zerging up)
= leaves more “strategic openings” over a longer time period on other objectives

…aka more time/reason to split zergs/forces to start going after additional objectives…

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: jkctmc.8754


I’m sorry but get over it, I’ve been there when we’ve took down a fully upgraded and defended hills in less than 5 minutes. Just because its T3 doesn’t mean its impregnable.

On the other hand I’ve also beaten off 5-6 golems attacking Garrison in the middle of the night with 5 people. Superior siege obliterates golems especially Arrowcarts. Very much a case of post scouts and learn to defend. Improve communications, what little night crew you have should be on TS or equivilant.

I think OP wants fully upgraded to mean invincible until he logs on again and the keep lord to be able to wipe a 40 man zergs.

Wow, holy exaggeration batman. I havn’t seen anyone ever suggest something be invincible. <laughs>

I for one refuse to travel with the Zerg, PvDooring because 9 times out of 10 we take keeps that have no defenders, and when there are defenders, and counter siege, the commanders go for easier targets.

More often than not, a fully upgraded keep isn’t touched until everyone has gone to sleep. We take SM often in 5 minutes, especially now you can take 15 Golems to it, without getting orange swords.

I can’t possibly believe that is fun for you. I want to fight players, not something that has no potential to give me a challenge.

Renno – Stonegard – Aece
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


The bigger problem is the alert system change. Anywhere T3 and down there are too many periods with not enough manpower to keep scouts and defenders at every tower. A 20 person zerg (yes that is a zerg at lower tiers) can rampage around pretty easily taking whatever locations are suitably unmanned, which will always be some just due to numbers.

The old 5+ orange sword system helped immensely for these tiers, as if you only had 15-20 people on a map, they could all see where they needed to defend, and people actually fought each other, instead of playing musical keep trading.

If 25+ works at the top, great, then keep it for there, but they need to make it so on less populated maps, it detects the lower numbers and sets the bar lower at what triggers orange swords.

It’s silly to pretend that organizing defenses is the same with 20 players as with 60 or 80, or whatever the cap is now on a full server.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Ruprect.7260


The bigger problem is the alert system change. Anywhere T3 and down there are too many periods with not enough manpower to keep scouts and defenders at every tower. A 20 person zerg (yes that is a zerg at lower tiers) can rampage around pretty easily taking whatever locations are suitably unmanned, which will always be some just due to numbers.

The old 5+ orange sword system helped immensely for these tiers, as if you only had 15-20 people on a map, they could all see where they needed to defend, and people actually fought each other, instead of playing musical keep trading.

If 25+ works at the top, great, then keep it for there, but they need to make it so on less populated maps, it detects the lower numbers and sets the bar lower at what triggers orange swords.

It’s silly to pretend that organizing defenses is the same with 20 players as with 60 or 80, or whatever the cap is now on a full server.

I agree about the alert system, maybe make it 15 instead of 25, but 5 was too low, it was impossible to ninja a tower with a small group. But it really isn’t that hard to look at the map and see white swords and send someone out to check it out, even in the lower tiers. If the zergs are that small no one is getting through the doors in <5 mins. We took 2 keeps last night with about 20-24 of us because no orange swords (which sucked because we wanted swords as we were the distraction for the bigger group going to take garrison), we used 4 flame rams, it took about 5 mins to get the outer reinforced doors down. Golems are a different story, yeah we did it in like 2 minutes with 3 golems at the other keep and defenders were still able to get there to slow us down at inner.

Ruprect – [DIS] Dissentient
[TC] Tarnished Coast

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Daeqar.8965


There’s really no replacement for manpower. Even if keeps were beefed up more, all it does is buy defenders slightly more time to react. If you don’t defend or are heavily outnumbered, it’s just a matter of time no matter what.

If you do have the manpower, it becomes all about scouting and proper reaction. Keep scouts in certain areas of the map on key assets. Tail giant zergs and keep tabs on where they go. Then, have organized defenders that can react. A swiftness buffing group can generally run anywhere they need to go on the map within 2 minutes or so if they are organized, react appropriately, and don’t stupidly put themselves badly out of position.

And even if attackers get through all the doors and walls, they still have to defeat what should be an equivalent force on the other side.

If anything, when you put adequate people into the equation on both sides, some places are actually too easily defended. Fully upgraded objectives loaded up with siege weapons can become too difficult to wear down even with just a handful of defenders manning the siege.

One thing that sometimes appears unbalanced is the power of mega-zergs…50-60 people and having so much supply they can flash build 5 superior rams on each door. They can melt through so fast and protect themselves with sheer numbers just by stacking that there is either not time to respond or nothing that manned counter siege can do about it. However, it’s not that hard to scout a giant zerg and either fight it or instead attack 2 or 3 targets while they focus on one. Also, lets say they flash build 5 + 5 superior rams and take a garrison or something…it takes a pretty long time to resupply that many people with that much supply before they can repeat the process on something else – especially if you use some supply denial tactics.

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

When you see white swords you have to send someone to the keep to check it out or keep a person or two at each keep you have.

I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

It is possible. I have lead an attack that got into the lord room in SM in 2 mins. Each gate took less that 30 seconds

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: FractalChaos.6539


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

There’s the problem. You can’t. The game balance is tilted horribly towards the attackers during sieges. Assume you have 50 invaders in your land, with 30 defenders on the map.

Anything those 50 invaders want to take is going to fall, and there isn’t a kitten thing you can do about it.

1- Siege weaponry cap renders it highly innefectual against massive armies.

2- Line-of-sight favors the attackers. It’s easier to AoE the TOP OF THE WALL from outside than it is for me, standing on top of the wall staring right at them, to use any ranged or AoE attacks.

3- Poor collision detection allows the enemy to turn your gates into death traps. Try to repair them with all that supply you have stocked up. You’ll get knocked off the gate by catapults, or else stunned, poisoned, fried, and knocked into a fresh open grave by a perfect storm of AoE.

50% of the time, I hear a call to defend. The other 50% of the time I hear “Ah let ’em have it…”

People’s ignorance really pisses me off.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


I have never seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 mins unless there was no one there to defend. l2defend/scout.

I have seen a fully upgraded keep go down in less than 5 minutes. Garrison: Outer water gate down in ~1 minute, inner gate down in 10 seconds. captured a minute later.

Undefended maybe. Why u no defend.

There’s the problem. You can’t. The game balance is tilted horribly towards the attackers during sieges. Assume you have 50 invaders in your land, with 30 defenders on the map.

Anything those 50 invaders want to take is going to fall, and there isn’t a kitten thing you can do about it.

1- Siege weaponry cap renders it highly innefectual against massive armies.

2- Line-of-sight favors the attackers. It’s easier to AoE the TOP OF THE WALL from outside than it is for me, standing on top of the wall staring right at them, to use any ranged or AoE attacks.

3- Poor collision detection allows the enemy to turn your gates into death traps. Try to repair them with all that supply you have stocked up. You’ll get knocked off the gate by catapults, or else stunned, poisoned, fried, and knocked into a fresh open grave by a perfect storm of AoE.

50% of the time, I hear a call to defend. The other 50% of the time I hear “Ah let ’em have it…”

All those times I’ve seen 5-10 defenders destroy the siege being used to attack a keep by a zerg of 20-30, and them then backing off because they had no siege/supply left. I guess… Didn’t happen, right?


5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esprit Dumort.3109

Esprit Dumort.3109

A few Superior Rams or a half dozen Golems with Time Warp, and Reinforced Door melt like butter.

Even if you have 8-10 guys on the inside defending, waiting for reinforcements, the enemy will likely break through before you have time to rally.

Keeps are expensive to upgrade, they should not fall like a house of cards because the enemy essentially bought their victory with a ton of siege. Give Keeps Fortified Doors, or give the Reinforced Doors more health to make it truly a target worth holding / taking.

Yeah yeah, all you white knights coming in saying “scout”, “have players there”, “get siege up”, etc… that’s not the point. Even some of the best sieged up Keeps can fall in minutes without an army to spike DPS on a Golem or Superior Ram rush.

Never having played in T1 or T2, I can say that T3 and lower, people have started to not even bother with upgrades (more of the T3 ups) because it’s a waste of gold to upgrade something that takes hours, with siege, and lose it in minutes.

Jessamine [SNOW]

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


A few Superior Rams or a half dozen Golems with Time Warp, and Reinforced Door melt like butter.

Even if you have 8-10 guys on the inside defending, waiting for reinforcements, the enemy will likely break through before you have time to rally.

Keeps are expensive to upgrade, they should not fall like a house of cards because the enemy essentially bought their victory with a ton of siege. Give Keeps Fortified Doors, or give the Reinforced Doors more health to make it truly a target worth holding / taking.

Yeah yeah, all you white knights coming in saying “scout”, “have players there”, “get siege up”, etc… that’s not the point. Even some of the best sieged up Keeps can fall in minutes without an army to spike DPS on a Golem or Superior Ram rush.

Never having played in T1 or T2, I can say that T3 and lower, people have started to not even bother with upgrades (more of the T3 ups) because it’s a waste of gold to upgrade something that takes hours, with siege, and lose it in minutes.

I more consider the issue to be that servers need to learn not to overextend. If they’re. taking territory that they cannot defend, they can’t defend it.

Making it take longer for upgraded keeps to fall would only make PvDoor that much more prevalent. It’s already enough of a problem without people having to start sitting on siege smacking a door for 20+ minutes.


5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Esprit Dumort.3109

Esprit Dumort.3109

I more consider the issue to be that servers need to learn not to overextend. If they’re. taking territory that they cannot defend, they can’t defend it.

Making it take longer for upgraded keeps to fall would only make PvDoor that much more prevalent. It’s already enough of a problem without people having to start sitting on siege smacking a door for 20+ minutes.

I agree, the PvD aspect is rather sleep-inducing anymore. But shredding a Reinforced door in a minute I still feel as an issue that needs to be addressed.

I hate to make allusions to real life battles, but typically it’s a battle between two forces, not a 3-versus match. Say you commit 90% of your forces to repelling an equal sized enemy from a tower, or one of your Borderland Keeps, while you own Garrison. The third opponent could take advantage of this (relatively often occurrence) and take a fully supplied and upgraded Garrison before you can convince your randoms to defend against a 2 versus 1 essentially.

Obviously any possible solutions I would offer for this are going to be torn down or just told ’that’s life’, but… perhaps an Emergency Repair feature where you can commit X supply to add additional protection to your door, to get a fighting chance for your forces to come to aid against a golem rush.

At the moment, it seems your window is a few minutes to take a tower or keep before it becomes a protracted siege, that the defenders invariably win in an evenly matched battle. You either knock down the door with a ton of siege (e.g. 4+ rams) or your chances of failure skyrocket in a couple minutes past initial engagement. Gank or go home.

Jessamine [SNOW]

(edited by Esprit Dumort.3109)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Bluesavanah.8562


I’ll add to my earlier comments, the only place that needs anything changing is Garrison, the stupid T1 gate at inner from the water gate needs to be fixed.

WvW was designed as a money sink, it can eat huge amounts of your gold if you are willing to do so.

Playing on the same server as you Esprit and I know why our T3 stuff falls despite the best efforts of the few who play at night. It would not matter one way or the other if the walls and doors were twice as thick. At certain times there is simply not enough coverage.

On the subject of no upgrades on thats a different matter, its always been that way if certain people have taken a break then the upgrades wont get done. I personnaly was spending upto 60g a week on siege and upgrades until I decided I wanted an ascended backpiece, so I took a break.

People shouldn’t give up on upgrading if you hold a keep for 20 out of every 24 hours thats a ton of points for your server. Its demoralizing to start from scratch again after its lost but it’s just a fact of life.

Commander, Malicious Mischief [MM] ,Gandara
[MM] recruiting currently

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Your reinforced gates will only melt that fast if no one is defending. A couple of Superior ACs and a Cata behind the gate does wonders in slowing down rushes. Ventrillo/Teamspeak/Mumble also helps with calling for backup.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Edragor.9164


Actually, you have the advantage as long as you have some siege set up for defence OR enough supply/manpower to set up some fast counter siege…

….BUT who sets up siege – over and over again – only to find the objective be taken away under 5 minutes?!

I defended lots of towers solo and could stall enemy mostly long enough via arrow carts to enable some more reinforcements to arrive.
Sometimes for hours even under repeated heavy pressure through enemy.
…but as soon as I dared to leave the tower some minutes unprotected – to get nearby supply camp back or make some snack in RL – tower was either gone or walls/doors too far down.
Keep lord isnt really stalling the attackers either.

…and not even talking about golems … xD

Fast caps are wrong!
Nothing wrong about ninja-attacks, but in addition to very “brittle walls & doors” they get too imbalanced.
Because the whole ninja-attacks idea is about getting a headstart on the attack in the first place ..but shouldnt be a free-ride to a uncontested cap.
(…hiding mesmer & thieves are fine)

Especially not, if we are talking about groups smaller 10…
You want to take a tower solo?
Thats fine, but then consider yourself “working” some hours for it…

(edited by Edragor.9164)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


yesterday morning riverside zerg won Guinness World Record capturing a keep with 3 golems.

At early morning and in only 50 seconds they captured the T3 eternal keep with 3 golems and a zerg of 50 people against 5 defenders ….

@Riverside. you are the perfect unskilled siege tool

@ Arenanet if you think that 50 seconds is enough time to push the panic button and organize the defense , then YOU ARE TERRIBLE WRONG and change the name of WvWvW to ….


(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


yesterday morning riverside zerg won Guinness World Record capturing a keep with 3 golems.

At early morning and in only 50 seconds they captured the T3 eternal keep with 3 golems and a zerg of 50 people against 5 defenders ….

At early morning and in only 50 seconds they captured the T3 eternal keep with 3 golems and a zerg of 50 people against 5 defenders ….

At early morning

Nuff said?

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Nuff said?

i dont know exactly the meaning of this expression , but if you comment me about the early morning i have to say that i had online guildies in pve maps and many www friends at other maps .

the problem was that many of them they had no time to respawn at eternal to help the defense , just in time …. after my death at outer gate i re-spawned at first wp and i started communicating, then i had to wait the others to come . after 20 -30 seconds they came ( loading screens and release of the fight in pve and www map take some time ) and we started to go as a team to the t3 keep. at stairs of the T3 keep the keep changed owner ……

50 seconds is extremely low time to chat or communicate and create a valid defense .

correct me if i am wrong

p.s. i know very well the time because of the timer for the waypoint …. the timer had 2 minutes left …. !!!!!

(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


Defense is a full-time job. If you are in another zone or doing PvE while you wait for the call, you aren’t defending.

For key objectives like the Garrison, you need defenders there all the time (especially somebody to watch the water gate), and you need siege already built with people keeping it all refreshed.

For towers and keeps you can often get by having patrollers run a circuit between a small number of them, checking for enemies at each and refreshing siege.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


Defense is a full-time job. If you are in another zone or doing PvE while you wait for the call, you aren’t defending.

For key objectives like the Garrison, you need defenders there all the time (especially somebody to watch the water gate), and you need siege already built with people keeping it all refreshed.

For towers and keeps you can often get by having patrollers run a circuit between a small number of them, checking for enemies at each and refreshing siege.


i hope you are not a developer . if you are i see the end to www soon ….. !!!

note . i have full time job in air-force …. i don’t want more jobs in a video game but fun

(edited by Reborn.2934)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


My point is that it’s quite normal in EU at least to have little to no players in WvW in early mornings, except for some servers, and in cases like that those morning cappers are generally very prepared to take T3 keeps incredibly fast.

I also agree with the notion “If you’re not on the map, you’re not defending”. There should be enough time from start to cap for the defenders to get there, from anywehre on that map , but that is from start, and means scoutin and reporting should be properly organised. On top of that, remember that swords now take 30 seconds to show up, so you should take that in account when saying that you know the time because of the timer – add 30 seconds.

(edited by Genev.2450)

5 minutes to capture a full upgrade keep ?

in WvW

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


You cannot wait until you are already being attacked, then decide to organize a defense. I’m sorry if this isn’t the answer you wanted to hear, but if you’re in the air force then you should already know this.

Defense is all about preparation.

If you don’t have enough players (or enough dedicated players) to defend full-time, it might work to pre-organize your defenders, getting them all into a common voice chat channel, then turn them loose to do PvE or whatever until they are needed. But they need to be organized in advance, and ready to drop whatever they’re doing at a moment’s notice.

And you need at least some of your defenders already waiting and watching, so that they can call for reinforcement the moment they see enemies approaching. If you wait until you see swords on the map, it may be too late (especially if your waypoints become contested). You have 30 seconds to teleport as many defenders as you can, free. Find a way to take advantage of this window.

You don’t have to assume 100% of this burden yourself (and your server shouldn’t expect you to). Take turns with other people; set up some kind of rotation.

Being able to defend well is part of being able to play well in WvW. Defense is the thing that slows enemy attacks down. If you are worried about groups of 10 taking fully upgraded objectives in minutes flat, you have two options: position defenders to prevent it, or organize your offense to do exactly the same thing to them.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

(edited by Snowreap.5174)