7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: willwill.9318


As a member of ET , we are spawn camping the 5th and 6th place server.

I am sure nobody would mind a ninja “reset” monday night

www.the-darkhand.com <DDH>

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: bluescape.9176


WvW is supposed to go to two week cycles. Really that’s a good cycle to actually get a nice return on your defensive/offensive investments as well as actually reap the rewards on your benefits. If you reset all the servers then everyone else would get cheated simply because your opponents aren’t trying. If you only reset your current set of three, then you’d be back at their spawn camping them again within a day.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Fugly.5287


looks like fundamental design flaw to me

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Snorcha.7586


looks like fundamental design flaw to me

agreed, great game.. poorly implemented… Also, this undermanned buff… WTF is that… more xp?? – How can I get XP when I’m being spawned camped????

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: GaiusJuliusCasear.7253


WvW is ruining the game.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


bout the only thing I would change is the undermanned buff. +toughness, +health, +anything to make it semi fair.

I am on SBI one of the top servers so I never really see the undermanned buff but in its current state it is all but useless when you do have it and I feel sorry for the servers that have to put up with it right now.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Squishei.5810


I agree with Syphen, the undermanned buff should be helping the lower population into the battlegrounds, not providing them with bonuses should they be able to do anything. If anything I wouldn’t mind if the orb and undermanned buffs were switched around.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Aedgyth.4790


I would have been totally against this until a few days ago – I think a 3-4 day format would almost have the intensity of the 24 hours, with a lot of the strategy of the longer matches. Is there one current week long match where the outcome has not already been more or less decided ? It seems almost pointless (and to some cruel http://i.imgur.com/uOesd.jpg ) to continue with this for the rest of the week.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I would have been totally against this until a few days ago – I think a 3-4 day format would almost have the intensity of the 24 hours, with a lot of the strategy of the longer matches. Is there one current week long match where the outcome has not already been more or less decided ? It seems almost pointless (and to some cruel http://i.imgur.com/uOesd.jpg ) to continue with this for the rest of the week.

holy crap that much seige at a spawn point is ridiculous

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


Did A-net really think all the hardcore guilds wouldn’t join all the same servers? The fundamental flaw was allowing free transfers for so long.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Did A-net really think all the hardcore guilds wouldn’t join all the same servers? The fundamental flaw was allowing free transfers for so long.

all the hardcore guilds planned on rolling on the same servers long before the game launched. Free transfers had nothing to do with it.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Gankfest.4965


WvW is supposed to go to two week cycles.

Yes it is, but I don’t see a 2 week cycle working anytime soon; or a 1 week cycle for that matter. I’m not going to go into every little detail, but for starters population is a huge issue for WvWvW atm. As well as the matchmaking system.

Something needs to be done about the transfer system first to get the servers evened out, but as of now I think 3 day cycles would be prime. Because 2 weeks of this would just be really boring.

Gankfest™ ~ <PRX> ~ JQ
80 ~ Thief/Guardian

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


WvW is supposed to go to two week cycles.

Something needs to be done about the transfer system first to get the servers evened out, but as of now I think 3 day cycles would be prime. Because 2 weeks of this would just be really boring.

Can’t really do anything about the pop imbalance except force guilds to move and that is not really fair to the guilds. Free transfers aren’t the problem

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Aletheides.5693


The system will balance itself out after a few weeks due to worlds moving up and down the rankings to face worlds with similar results.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Paladin.5268


WvW is supposed to go to two week cycles. Really that’s a good cycle to actually get a nice return on your defensive/offensive investments as well as actually reap the rewards on your benefits. If you reset all the servers then everyone else would get cheated simply because your opponents aren’t trying. If you only reset your current set of three, then you’d be back at their spawn camping them again within a day.

Not trying? I guess your one of the few “hardcore” players with a very narrow mindset. IoJ was trying as hard as we could, but we have our own server issues, such as no real over night presence. It is not anyone’s fault, as several of our guilds took towers and keeps, claimed them, and dumped a large amount of coin into upgrades and siege equipment to defend, only to find it all gone once we had to get to sleep and lose it 5-6 hours later during that time.

Please do not come here telling any server “we are not trying” when you have no clue what our guilds are trying hard to achieve on IoJ. We all want to have a fun time, being mean and condescending doesn’t help.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

The system will balance itself out after a few weeks due to worlds moving up and down the rankings to face worlds with similar results.

This. You Gankhead-Zergfester types will just have to cool your jets while the servers get matched up. Let me also be the one to assure you that the people who are stuck in their spawn spots are no happier than you are.

If you really want a challenge, move back to the smaller servers for free, while you still can.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: Slamz.5376


The only design flaw I see is failure in the queue systems: broken queues making some people wait too long even in a short queue; lack of information on which server has a queue; lack of information on which worlds within a server have a queue; lack of information over our place in the queue.

Arenenet holds some foreseeable blame here too. All of their “stress tests” were held during business hours. I doubt they got as much stress as they needed. BWE’s were the better test but that was only 3 days here and there.

They probably could have seen a lot more issues if they’d let beta run for just 1 week straight at any point.

Camelot Unchained – from the makers of DAOC
A game that’s 100% WvW

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


Please please fix this 7 day thing. You devs ruined Isle of Janthir and Sea of Sorrows. Good job. Job well done. If the devs dont put a stop to this matchup my guild is transfering to another server. Isle of Janthir and Sea of Sorrows will be pure PvE servers because the WvW guilds are going to leave. Ok ,we only have like 3 lol.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: tbox.2307


The system will balance itself out after a few weeks due to worlds moving up and down the rankings to face worlds with similar results.

This. You Gankhead-Zergfester types will just have to cool your jets while the servers get matched up. Let me also be the one to assure you that the people who are stuck in their spawn spots are no happier than you are.

If you really want a challenge, move back to the smaller servers for free, while you still can.

We are less happy then they are. Erredon Terrace guilds don’t care about unfair fights. They may kitten like this thread but SoS and IoJ people are just going to transfer now.

7 day fights were fun..Now change it to 4 days please

in WvW

Posted by: CardboardBox.6087


The system will balance itself out after a few weeks due to worlds moving up and down the rankings to face worlds with similar results.

This. You Gankhead-Zergfester types will just have to cool your jets while the servers get matched up. Let me also be the one to assure you that the people who are stuck in their spawn spots are no happier than you are.

If you really want a challenge, move back to the smaller servers for free, while you still can.

Yeah? And then what happens we come up against SB, JQ and HoD? Don’t flatter yourself…the guild alliances and organization isn’t to beat up on lower ranked servers. Its to be competitive against the top tier servers.