Maguuma Server
Ranger and Necromancer.
(edited by Genavelle.9516)
With this whole Golem Week, we have seen a lot of complaints, criticisms, and other commentary from WvW players. Most of those threads were then merged into a single “mega feedback thread”, which not only sounds more positive, but essentially makes all of the complaints useless because nobody is going to read through all those posts, and nobody can see the initial thread titles to understand what the specific complaints are about.
This megathread now has 800 posts in it. Let me spell that out for you: Eight-Hundred posts of people complaining about an event, explaining why it’s bad, and begging Anet to please end it and listen to our suggestions for once. Yet out of this 800-post thread, plus all of the other threads that were made later and are not merged, there is not a SINGLE post from Anet addressing this issue, or responding to our complaints.
I’m not really sure how Anet can be so blind to say things like we are a very minimal part of the population, don’t exist, and continue to ignore us when we can create 800 posts about a single event. How can we make all these posts telling them why it’s bad, asking for them to stop it, and not receive even a single post acknowledging us? How many posts and threads will it take to get a response?
Plus, I want to point out that Anet has probably brought a lot of this upon themselves. I’m not a regular forum-goer, as the GW2 forums generally just make me angry and depressed, so I try to avoid them. However lately with such huge screw-ups like the guardian symbolic avenger bug, and this golem week, I have been finding myself coming to the forums more and more. I’m sure there are a lot of other WvW players who have been driven to the forums this week both out of boredom due to the Golem Event as well as just wanting to voice their opinion to Anet about the event. I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started, and I am someone who barely ever even uses this forum. So Anet and Moderators, if you want to stop seeing my face around these forums, rather than giving me infractions and probably the upcoming ban/suspension I’m facing, how about you just listen to your players and quit forcing me to come to these forums- which I don’t even want to have to be in- by fixing your game, or at the very least, stop breaking it.
(edited by Genavelle.9516)
’ You are correct! 100%+1
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I’m sure it will. But it’s stupid what’s happening in this forum and all I really want is to be able to play the game without being forced to farm all day like a zombie. Why is Anet ignoring an entire portion of their playerbase? It makes no sense to me.
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I’m sure it will. But it’s stupid what’s happening in this forum and all I really want is to be able to play the game without being forced to farm all day like a zombie. Why is Anet ignoring an entire portion of their playerbase? It makes no sense to me.
Esport you! They want you to go into pvp instead…
It is likely that Anet cannot even do a patch or end the event early as it will likely destroy golem inventories in the field worth thousands of gold. Imagine the uproar if they send out a patch and destroy a thousand golems in the process during the reset.
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I’m sure it will. But it’s stupid what’s happening in this forum and all I really want is to be able to play the game without being forced to farm all day like a zombie. Why is Anet ignoring an entire portion of their playerbase? It makes no sense to me.
Esport you! They want you to go into pvp instead…
Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy PvP from time to time….But WvW is my home in this game. PvP and PvE are what I do to take little breaks from WvW and try something different, they’re not a long-term game mode for me- or for a lot of people I know.
I can’t scout in PvP…I can’t y’know have that same experience of taking care of a keep and pride of getting it fully upgraded and then watching for enemies and calling in for help when needed. I can’t be the person who saved a keep because I was there to call for help- not in PvP.
I can’t run with my whole guild in PvP, I can’t enjoy the excitement of large-scale fights. Even if I feel like doing small group fighting, Roaming is better than PvP because trust me I just did some PvP a couple days ago and all it was was everyone zerging, keeping a group of 4-5 people together at all times so I end up dying in like 1v4s.
It is likely that Anet cannot even do a patch or end the event early as it will likely destroy golem inventories in the field worth thousands of gold. Imagine the uproar if they send out a patch and destroy a thousand golems in the process during the reset.
Lol but so many people are just using exploits to duplicate Golems for free right now anyway.
It is likely that Anet cannot even do a patch or end the event early as it will likely destroy golem inventories in the field worth thousands of gold. Imagine the uproar if they send out a patch and destroy a thousand golems in the process during the reset.
Hate to break it to ya, but Tuesdays traditionally see a patch regardless of events or not.
Those golems will poof whether there’s an emergency patch or not.
100% agreed with all of the above. I guess I’d Anet answers their whole WvW population, Mike might end up eating his words and being right about no one playing just one game mode like WvW because we will all find different games to play.
I doubt you’ll miss my $20-50 a month I spend on gems, but it adds up and I know WvW players that spend upwards of $1000 a month in gems that are considering moving on to other games due to Anet neglecting the WvW player base.
I think it good to have one thread, then 20+. there no reason why no one can’t post in the same thread. Like it or dislike it, making more then one thread for any topic just feel lazy to me. Yes I know the search feature is broken, but when they are right on the first page, zero reason, and to be honest, most threads where the same thing saying a event ruin wvw forever, which seem odd to me, but they are the better wvw players as I been told.
Still I can’t see how wvw being neglected due to not only a big update coming, as we been given some of the changes, but a new map, and who knows what else. Not sure why a event ruins it, but i guess we just need to see.
That update is not beneficial to us. They didn’t care to read in to our feedback and they’re essentially turning WvW in to EOTM because they don’t know what we want since they’re not reading this forum.
I think it good to have one thread, then 20+. there no reason why no one can’t post in the same thread. Like it or dislike it, making more then one thread for any topic just feel lazy to me. Yes I know the search feature is broken, but when they are right on the first page, zero reason, and to be honest, most threads where the same thing saying a event ruin wvw forever, which seem odd to me, but they are the better wvw players as I been told.
Still I can’t see how wvw being neglected due to not only a big update coming, as we been given some of the changes, but a new map, and who knows what else. Not sure why a event ruins it, but i guess we just need to see.
Are you primarily a PvE player?
Posting history. /nod
One thing about software especially gaming software. Until there is an actual release date, it really is just hype and vaporware. Haven’t seen a firm release date for these big wvw changes you are talking about.
In fact, I am struggling to remember the details of them, well, unless you mean HoT changes and well, that is still a certain extent vaporware. We don’t know what is going to make it to the release and what will have to be put on the backburner or shelved permanently.
I think it good to have one thread, then 20+. there no reason why no one can’t post in the same thread. Like it or dislike it, making more then one thread for any topic just feel lazy to me. Yes I know the search feature is broken, but when they are right on the first page, zero reason, and to be honest, most threads where the same thing saying a event ruin wvw forever, which seem odd to me, but they are the better wvw players as I been told.
Still I can’t see how wvw being neglected due to not only a big update coming, as we been given some of the changes, but a new map, and who knows what else. Not sure why a event ruins it, but i guess we just need to see.Are you primarily a PvE player?
i am a gw2 player, does not matter, as i can have an opinion on any of the modes I have played. I put time in wvw, I am not sure i see as many issues as other, but that where I am different, I know. I have enjoyed the event as It the first time I tried the golem. I even defended a tower from a team, as they only had two golem and a few other player, it was quite a bit of fun, and we were close to losing, when they did get in. Golem seem to have weakness which are good, mostly, they hate drops,, lol so they always are taking the long way, and it allowed me to snipe at them, and I push one off an edge before.
One thing about software especially gaming software. Until there is an actual release date, it really is just hype and vaporware. Haven’t seen a firm release date for these big wvw changes you are talking about.
In fact, I am struggling to remember the details of them, well, unless you mean HoT changes and well, that is still a certain extent vaporware. We don’t know what is going to make it to the release and what will have to be put on the backburner or shelved permanently.
What big WvW changes am I talking about? This thread is mostly talking about the forums, the lack of attention from the devs, and the current Golem event which is already in motion so idk why release dates would be relevant?
Sorry should have quoted the post I am referring to. Um, it’s about four posts above mine. Didn’t even see yours when I was writing that post.
there is a thread for the golem event already though, you even mention it, lol.
Plus the post also mention about anet lack of wvw stuff, when there are working on new map and new updates. Some I know was liked, like not costing money for upgrading, and other, some dislike, which is auto update. Other dislike the auto wp for some, though I think there a mis understanding there. Or how sentry will actually be doing their job to shut down yaks, at least really slowing them down, and how player escorting yak will speed them up
there is a thread for the golem event already though, you even mention it, lol.
Plus the post also mention about anet lack of wvw stuff, when there are working on new map and new updates. Some I know was liked, like not costing money for upgrading, and other, some dislike, which is auto update. Other dislike the auto wp for some, though I think there a mis understanding there. Or how sentry will actually be doing their job to shut down yaks, at least really slowing them down, and how player escorting yak will speed them up
Yeah the new map is indeed awesome, but they will do the wrong changes for sure and make the gam even more “Skrittable” than actually is.
there is a thread for the golem event already though, you even mention it, lol.
Plus the post also mention about anet lack of wvw stuff, when there are working on new map and new updates. Some I know was liked, like not costing money for upgrading, and other, some dislike, which is auto update. Other dislike the auto wp for some, though I think there a mis understanding there. Or how sentry will actually be doing their job to shut down yaks, at least really slowing them down, and how player escorting yak will speed them up
Oh yeah. The HoT changes. Probably won’t see that for a while. Looks like optimistically November but honestly probably next year judging from what I have been reading. The expansion doesn’t seem to be that far along right now.
I think it good to have one thread, then 20+. there no reason why no one can’t post in the same thread. Like it or dislike it, making more then one thread for any topic just feel lazy to me. Yes I know the search feature is broken, but when they are right on the first page, zero reason, and to be honest, most threads where the same thing saying a event ruin wvw forever, which seem odd to me, but they are the better wvw players as I been told.
Still I can’t see how wvw being neglected due to not only a big update coming, as we been given some of the changes, but a new map, and who knows what else. Not sure why a event ruins it, but i guess we just need to see.Are you primarily a PvE player?
i am a gw2 player, does not matter, as i can have an opinion on any of the modes I have played. I put time in wvw, I am not sure i see as many issues as other, but that where I am different, I know. I have enjoyed the event as It the first time I tried the golem. I even defended a tower from a team, as they only had two golem and a few other player, it was quite a bit of fun, and we were close to losing, when they did get in. Golem seem to have weakness which are good, mostly, they hate drops,, lol so they always are taking the long way, and it allowed me to snipe at them, and I push one off an edge before.
If the only WvW you have played is with this Golem Rush event, that’s not real WvW. If you can’t understand how WvW can feel neglected, you either have not played much WvW or have not been playing the game very long, period.
Since launch, WvW has not gotten very many updates. However in all fairness, it’s not like WvW needs the same amount of updates as PvE does- but I mean it took them 2 years to give us more than 1 commander tag color, and that was still after everyone started using tags for PvE events anyway (so who knows how much of it was really meant for WvW anyway). One big update WvW got was the EoTM map, but that turned out to be a flop since EoTM just turned into the perpetual karma train that it is, and not actually WvW.
Yes, there is the new expansion coming, but again most of that revolves around PvE. What stuff is coming to WvW seems to be generally more about siege and the new map- and most WvWers like to fight. New siege stuff is kind of cool, but again doesn’t seem to be that huge of a thing to me since I mean..3 years to add some new siege equipment/mechanics just seems a little anticlimactic. Plus as mentioned before, a lot of WvWers want to fight more than anything, and while PPT is important, it’s not the reason we play. As for the new map, there is a lot of concern right now about the design of the map ignoring current concerns of WvW players. Many servers right now are so underpopulated they can barely cover the current maps, and the new maps are going to be much, much bigger. Everyone is atleast a little worried that the new maps will become EoTM 2.0, and essentially kill off any real WvW and replace it with more karma trains.
So by saying that WvW feels neglected, it’s not because we want more stuff. We say we feel neglected because WvW bugs go unaddressed and unattended, the imbalance of servers goes unattended, the terrible rewards for playing WvW force us to play other game modes just to make the money we need to buy armor and food, and then we get told that we’re “really into pve” because we can’t afford to play WvW without it. WvW feels neglected because when they DO add things for us, they’re things that don’t make sense for WvW, they’re things targeted for the PvE farmfarmfarm mentality. WvW feels neglected because nobody seems to be interested in listening to what WvW players want (which isn’t really much. We’re not asking for more stuff, crazy new content…We just want WvW to be fixed up a little bit and work better).
Sorry should have quoted the post I am referring to. Um, it’s about four posts above mine. Didn’t even see yours when I was writing that post.
How did you not see my post? It’s the Original Post of this thread…….
Who knows, as we do not work there to know, lol. For now, I will just continue to play, and beating player in their golem, till the event is over, and use all my new rank points I earn, to be a better player Friday.
Sorry should have quoted the post I am referring to. Um, it’s about four posts above mine. Didn’t even see yours when I was writing that post.
How did you not see my post? It’s the Original Post of this thread…….
Oh I saw that post. I was referring to the "Are you a PvE player post " you made. This is what I get for glancing and not reading carefully.
Anyway, this part is not relevant to anything. I see you addressed the wvw new features topic that was the point anyway.
No need to get sidetracked on this.
It’s disturbing that no one at Anet had the foresight to see the negative effects this would produce in WvW. They don’t think things through at all it seems, the fact that prior to this event players were giving several valid reasons to not do this event or at the very least keep it down to 1-2 days, just goes to show they either do not read the forums and therefore are full of crap when they tell us they are, or they do not value our opinions at all. I wonder what their next disaster will be that could have easily been avoided by simply reading.
I have received FOUR infractions in this forum since this Golem Event started,
this will get you another so you know
I’m sure it will. But it’s stupid what’s happening in this forum and all I really want is to be able to play the game without being forced to farm all day like a zombie. Why is Anet ignoring an entire portion of their playerbase? It makes no sense to me.
Because WvWers don’t fit in with their plan to make all of GW2 ultra-casual.
I now honestly believe that they had no idea what WvW would be like when they created it.
The players make it what it is, and sadly Anet don’t like it.
Well if they went by forum posts then yes maybe they can see that this event is not a good event.. If they go by the amount of players running around in golems well it looks like a complete success since there are still golems running around everywhere.
I ran around in a few golems at reset and that was enough for me. I’ve been on foot since then but still seeing many people in golems on each server.
Well if they went by forum posts then yes maybe they can see that this event is not a good event.. If they go by the amount of players running around in golems well it looks like a complete success since there are still golems running around everywhere.
I ran around in a few golems at reset and that was enough for me. I’ve been on foot the since then but still seeing many people in golems on each server.
The problem with that is that sure, there are lots of people who need more money/levels/etc. That’s why so many people do EoTM ktrains. Right now WvW Golem Rushing is more efficient than EoTM so I’m sure there are a lot of people who came from PvE/EoTM to WvW simply because it is the most efficient Ktrain right now. Even WvW players who are doing WvW right now are probably NOT enjoying it, just figure they might as well take advantage and level some alts.
It’s disturbing that no one at Anet had the foresight to see the negative effects this would produce in WvW.
What disturbs me the most is that not long ago they made some posts looking for wvw guilds who are willing to take a dev with them. And afaik they found guilds and devs followed them for while in wvw. So you canĀ“t even say that they did not know how people play wvw.
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