9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Less smacktalking more smacking edition.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Besides the talk about some players cheating I really have no clue about why they did close the old one.

Anyway Seafarer’s are looking forward to vaporizing Riverside and Blacktides from 20:00-23:30 Gmt +1. We did actually have a queue last night around those hours Just like the old days.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

(edited by Leeach.3547)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Likely due to nightcap rage, and bring it, I dare you!

You’ve also put the wrong date, Scrib /cough

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: kant.3682


We had +480 @ 3 am GMT and now +15 They got us during the night rolleyes

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


We had +480 @ 3 am GMT and now +15 They got us during the night rolleyes

The only fun thing to do during the night is to run around Solo with a 30 player Enemy Zerg train behind you because they have nothing better to do.

They are giving me the NightWillies

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


Probably because there were accusations of cheating and hacking being flung around which is against anets user agreement. Especially with blanket statements aimed at specific guilds. I have noticed a lot of threads like that get locked as they serve no purpose.

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Likely due to nightcap rage, and bring it, I dare you!

You’ve also put the wrong date, Scrib /cough

Oh kitten I missed a one.

Not editing it, so my carelessness will be saved for posterity.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Cunnart.6519


Time travel you must be cheating :P

ThUn-Black Tide EU
An american abroad.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Darkeh.4539


Wrong topic name dude.

Seafarer’s Rest – Riverside – Blacktide: Revenge of the Doors !

They actully think they can play to….. You sure as hell are showing those doors who is boss !

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Don’t mess with The Doors.


Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Time travel you must be cheating :P

But all players from Seafarer’s know that all the players from Blacktide are cheating. They teleport and hack the game. Hell they even all use bots to do night zergs. I even heard from someone that they hacking into another battleground to Steal points from Darkhaven. I am pretty sure most of them aren’t even human just some Chinese AI programs. Wait wait I am actually sure they are all aliens. They are coming to steal the Earth.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Wrong topic name dude.

Seafarer’s Rest – Riverside – Blacktide: Revenge of the Doors !

They actully think they can play to….. You sure as hell are showing those doors who is boss !

Doors are serious business. Sometimes, there’s a catapult behind them!

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Wrong topic name dude.

Seafarer’s Rest – Riverside – Blacktide: Revenge of the Doors !

They actully think they can play to….. You sure as hell are showing those doors who is boss !

Doors are serious business. Sometimes, there’s a catapult behind them!


Well a funny story. I where trying to take a tower early this morning with like 3 other players from Seafarer’s. In the beginning there are 2 Players from Blacktide inside and we are doing fine. Then after a short time more and more Blacktide players arrive and they just all run inside the tower. At this point I am thinking that we might consider running since they are like 8-9 players inside and we are seriously outnumbered. But I stay a few minutes more with the other bloodthirsty Seafarer’s players and still more Blacktide members run into the tower. At some point when there is 15 Blacktide players inside they finally notices that they have superior numbers and decided to wipe us out in 4 sec. Those few intense minutes did really give me a big laugh
Anyway good fighting tonight.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


Lol something strange happened during a RoS capture too.
We were fighting Vabbi, and taking back our tower. We were like 7-8 guys, no Orange swords.
Now, we’re breaking down a door and then a vabbi just comes running in (from north, even though they have garrison, We were hitting Dawns). A few seconds later another one runs inside. Because we were few, we didn’t manage to stop them. We had only 1 ram up and seeing them run in 1 after another every 20-30 secs or so we didn’t dare put a second down. After the 15th time this happened, Like really 15 guys ran in 1 by 1, we thought we were screwed. But what actually happened was, the vabbi saw there was no one else besides them, they would just portal out!
When the gate was almost down, there WAS 1 guy who had the guts to stay, but the moment he tried to repair, we got him down and he logged off when we broke the door.

If only they had the guts to stay in the tower lol. Afraid of dying even once.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Mura.8471


Well, yesterday we had a great fight in inner bay keep. All 3 servers within fire range was fun. Blacktide defending against both Riverside and SFR. Where SFR came out victorious eventually. Riverside managed to cap in between tho. To bad I didn’t see most of the people I was hitting, but I enjoyed the loot

The Fourth Legion [IV]
Boneblack Brigade [BONE]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

And then SFR lost everything durning morning cap by Blacktide, and fights must “start” again for us against fully upgraded stuff :p

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Triffek.9268



We had same situation when we fighted against Desolation, and nobody from our server cried. So please, more dignity!!

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Well a funny story. I where trying to take a tower early this morning with like 3 other players from Seafarer’s. In the beginning there are 2 Players from Blacktide inside and we are doing fine. Then after a short time more and more Blacktide players arrive and they just all run inside the tower. At this point I am thinking that we might consider running since they are like 8-9 players inside and we are seriously outnumbered. But I stay a few minutes more with the other bloodthirsty Seafarer’s players and still more Blacktide members run into the tower. At some point when there is 15 Blacktide players inside they finally notices that they have superior numbers and decided to wipe us out in 4 sec. Those few intense minutes did really give me a big laugh
Anyway good fighting tonight.

You will see more and more of this across all servers.

You knew there’s 4 of you attacking, but all they knew was they can SEE few enemies, but there could be 30 others they could not see.

That’s why you wait few minutes to see what’s going on. I died more than once when I see one person standing still (thinking it’s AFK) and I jump on it, and suddenly realize there’s 30 people around me. Or I see few people and think “ok let’s help allies” only to suddenly realize how many enemies there are. Too late to escape death, of course.
The problem here is that hesitation can lead to deaths as well. You can’t always wait few minutes to make a better estimate of enemy numbers, because your allies could die, or enemy could run away.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Another picture of how the Blacktide Night/morning train can turn the www map blue. We did have a good fight last night and like always Seafarer’s did end up on the top.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Xaoc early morning crew is totally not carrying the server…totally!
All the efforts of SFR from Monday and Tuesday evening…and then this happens…again.

Well, we look forward to 18:00 CET when we will have to re-take all the keeps that Xaoc PVD crew upgraded.

The life on SFR is never boring

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Xaoc early morning crew is totally not carrying the server…totally!
All the efforts of SFR from Monday and Tuesday evening…and then this happens…again.

Well, we look forward to 18:00 CET when we will have to re-take all the keeps that Xaoc PVD crew upgraded.

The life on SFR is never boring

If that annoys you, then wait until you face off against an actual nightcapping server.

There’s a reason all top tier servers are trying to recruit American guilds, you know.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


We faced Arborstone. They nightcapped, but they were also GOOD! The difference between Xaoc and MoS is… immeasurable .

Ah well, you just need to understand that us SFR have a huge frustration with not being able to do anything against such tactics.

What bothers me the most is that new guilds on BT, like yours, get all high and mighty, when you actually benefit from fully upgraded keeps when you log in. All you do is defend during prime time, while medium sized server like us do the uphill battle.

This is why SFR is so proud of winning in prime time, you need to understand that also.

Am just a bit ticked off, in case you didnt notice

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Xaoc early morning crew is totally not carrying the server…totally!
All the efforts of SFR from Monday and Tuesday evening…and then this happens…again.

Well, we look forward to 18:00 CET when we will have to re-take all the keeps that Xaoc PVD crew upgraded.

The life on SFR is never boring

If that annoys you, then wait until you face off against an actual nightcapping server.

There’s a reason all top tier servers are trying to recruit American guilds, you know.

We did fight Arborstone last week. Say hallo to French people from around the world . Really hope we get to fight two western Europe primetime servers next week.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


You can imagine our great lulz in CIR, DkR and ThUn when we slap an entire borderland in evening, then pretty much right when we start logging off for work everyone crawls out of the woodwork and starts capping stuff.

Still, all’s fair in love and war they say. Thanks to our russian comrades, we can log off every night with a smile knowing that what comes around goes around.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


When playing Arbor i saw a strong 24h server, you could see they were good at all times of day and im guessing the servers above them are the same.
They dont rate their skill vs doors.

BT are in for such a shock

I think you deserve to be there but i honestly think your smugness is going to be gone after a single day of T2
Riverside was like you early on. Look what happened to them, they are now a normal server playing at normal times of day. High tiers broke them

I think the high tier hurt SFR badly also (i shouldve added this) but we didnt get there from player vs door.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Yes T2 definately hurt us . We were also unlucky to fight Arborstone, imo the best WvW server all-around.

But we’re slowly gathering momentum again…

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


Getting t2 without a night time team is pretty good

Its just hard to remember that when your getting beaten badly


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


The current tier2 matchup for next week seems to be:
- Desolation
- Far Shiverpeaks
- Blacktide

Of these servers, we’ve already fought Desolation. They’ve got a powerful evening/nightforce. Maybe we can beat them this time around, since last week our guilds hadn’t transfered completely yet.

I don’t really know anything about Far Shiverpeaks. I heard they also had a fair amount of timezone coverage, so we’ll see what they can do.

It seems Seafarer’s and Riverside will stay in this tier next week, and you’ll get to fight against Kodash. Kodash and Blacktide will be switching places, so to speak.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


Well we love Kodash
I wonder if Riverside will wake up a bit i think those 2 have a proper rivalry going on.

I think Deso got a bunch of new guys btw. After Ruin joined a lot of people either returned or started Wvw again so they are stronger than your last match up.

FS was the best server out there for primetime but they had a small night crew hence the relegation. They were top tier for a long time fighting 24 h servers. No idea what has happened now but that could mean you and deso fighting over the night and having painful primetime


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



We had same situation when we fighted against Desolation, and nobody from our server cried. So please, more dignity!!

Desolation are a whole standard above these guys, I wouldn’t compare the two. We faced some serious fights last week from Desolation. I am sure there are some adequate guilds on SF but they are propably in a different borderland.

It says it all that Desolation are in a tier above Seafarers.

Seafarers are only close to Riverside because we were worried about the Germans and priortised them yesterday. Some of those riverside guilds have showed some good moves btw, well played to you.

This week my biggest worry is getting bigger bags so I can hold all the loot (Mirdo where are my bags btw).

As for carrying other guilds, there is a nice level of communication and cooperation between the many guilds on cooperation on Blacktide. This is build on mutual respect. it is a perfect advert for international cooperation!

let the scores have the final word.


Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Im am sure SFR ( without a PvD crew ) got to T2 by sucking…

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Im am sure SFR ( without a PvD crew ) got to T2 by sucking…

How did they leave it?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


Same as you will

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: dmae.9851


Another picture of how the Blacktide Night/morning train can turn the www map blue. We did have a good fight last night and like always Seafarer’s did end up on the top.

You can’t win only by nighcapping, you need to be able to hold stuff as well.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: dDuff.3860


We faced Arborstone. They nightcapped, but they were also GOOD! The difference between Xaoc and MoS is… immeasurable .

Ah well, you just need to understand that us SFR have a huge frustration with not being able to do anything against such tactics.

What bothers me the most is that new guilds on BT, like yours, get all high and mighty, when you actually benefit from fully upgraded keeps when you log in. All you do is defend during prime time, while medium sized server like us do the uphill battle.

This is why SFR is so proud of winning in prime time, you need to understand that also.

Am just a bit ticked off, in case you didnt notice

Srsly, stop kidding people with all these words about “winning in prime time”. There was no day, that you got the lead before 20:00 gmt+0, when russian prime time is over. Well this is a matter of time, but still you have never won in prime time yet.
I’m kinda mad, I know. But these silly comments drive me mad.
SfR and RS, are not giving such challenge that desolation was. Actually deso was not that good at their prime too, but with RUIN in afterprime it was really good combination of force, i wish Blacktide could have something like this.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: iHaukka.2815


So you are saying we got the whole map because you were busy defending your Hills keep against Germans?
Oh yeah, we took the the hills too.

Its just not fun to read some ppl saying we are nothing eventhough we have succesfully capped the whole map during the past evenings. And Im talking about Blacktide border, before Blacktide went to sleep (Xaoc).

ps. Desolation stills remembers the pain.

One does simply walk into keeps

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


Another picture of how the Blacktide Night/morning train can turn the www map blue. We did have a good fight last night and like always Seafarer’s did end up on the top.

You can’t win only by nighcapping, you need to be able to hold stuff as well.

From what I heard, the Blacktide guilds didn’t really care about Seafarer’s Rest, because they were behind by a lot of total points. They’re mostly focusing on Riverside.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Thudda.4392


everyone is having time differences and i dont see any point just keep repeating who actually nightcapped who. Anyways had some fun fights yesterday and sfr border hills when we were trying to cap it. I think it lasted almost an hour and we almost wiped some times but finally got it back.

[FD] Thudda @ Seafarer’s Rest

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


I think the pvd stuff is just something everyone has to accept but converting your server pride to smack talk because of winning in that manner is kinda silly
Bring on T2 for you guys. Bet half of you vanish off the forums pretty quickly :P


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Funny that Desolation and Blacktide both got spanked by us before getting a massive influx of guilds from different time-zones. And you guys want to discuss about prime-time? Plz.

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Considering the Blacktide influx was primetime EU (and we could use a couple more guilds for better coverage in primetime)….
When you spanked BT before, they had next to no primetime, you might want to remember that when you’re boasting

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

SFR sure does seem butt hurt. Maybe it’s because they couldn’t take back their keep last night when only about 20 BT were holding it. They also seem very boastful for a server that is currently losing. I also like that they keep posting pictures of a high score from our off peak hours, pretty sweet score. You also boast about beating BT previously, before the server had more people, congrats but then isn’t now.

Bro, i’m really happy for you, and i’ll let you finish. But let me transfer to a server where i’ll have morning/night cappers so i’ll login and just defend fully upgraded stuff so i’ll actually have a chance to do okish in w3.

Besides i did not know 11pm CET was not prime-time ? oO You guys sure to go sleep early.

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Grok.6714


They sleep early because Xaoc is not hand-holding them at that time.

SFR Forum Warrior Academy

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


this match will be win by Xaoc because they have 6 hours without any enemies on battlefield, put the Xaoc on SFR and other 2 servers would be at 40k points actually.
BTW I really don’t care who win.
Last two prime time in UE we hold most of the map, so for me is fun fighting against italian irish polish and german and some late night Russian too.

sUk Clan

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Vice.5247


I find it hillarious when ppl from servers like blacktide or any other nightcapping server really think they’re good players. Good entertainment to read this.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Logged on to see if anything was happening.
Leading in points, nobody of our guild in WvW and apparently nobody of the enemy servers around either…. Guess i’ll have to do some coursework, kitten you -_-

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Sacrx.6721


So out of this match up. Which server is least in primetime riverside?

Red Guard – Ultimate Dominator World First 25/6/13
if carlsberg played Guardian.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


I think the pvd stuff is just something everyone has to accept but converting your server pride to smack talk because of winning in that manner is kinda silly
Bring on T2 for you guys. Bet half of you vanish off the forums pretty quickly :P

And when you guys go down a tier you will all be still here?

btw Fort Rannik in the tier below have night cappers, og noes, oh noes.

/dramatic waving of hands and rushing about hither and thither

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



Funny that Desolation and Blacktide both got spanked by us before getting a massive influx of guilds from different time-zones. And you guys want to discuss about prime-time? Plz.

Get more butthurt.

Committee was an obnoxiously loud troll guild in Warhammer Online, and I see things haven’t changed a bit.

Why so mad brah?

No worries we are not doing any WvW so we will not farm you again.

I still love the committee, hey Veles.

Get over to Blacktide, leave those worthless lootbags behind, they are not up to your standards.

@sarcx sorry mate dont quite know what you asking, is it when is riversides primetime?

@Grox Simple question, what is Prime Time?

Finally what is the score at the moment, I hope to have a plush keep to put my feet up in this evening, something with a mountain view perhaps?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


For anyone having problems with that in any post:

This is the adress to this thread

That is how you can change it so you are able to see the first page, though it does mean you won’t immediatly see the newest post of course