9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Score right now (23:10 CET – this is near the end of euro prime time, and people slowly go to sleep)

BT: 290
SFR: 280
R: 125

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


I’ll be honest though, We havn’t done great this prime time, atually for about 2 weeks now. Sadly players on our server (Not just ours) have gotten fed up with Hacks, Exploits and other issues with wvw.

It’s sadly a little blip, and we know we need to improve to reach t1. Main focus is we stay in t3 atm, And we are doing enough to reach our goals for this week.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


I’ll be honest though, We havn’t done great this prime time, atually for about 2 weeks now. Sadly players on our server (Not just ours) have gotten fed up with Hacks, Exploits and other issues with wvw.

That’s true for many players regardless of the server. The point here is that SFR keeps demeaning other servers because “we beat everyone 20vs20 in our own prime time and you suck”. And honestly, I think many people are getting tired of that attitude, including me (I’ve been on SFR almost the entire time since release).

I play to have fun, not to dance on people’s bodies, use /laugh when I kill them etc (many Desolation players were doing this for instance).

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


I’ll be honest though, We havn’t done great this prime time, atually for about 2 weeks now. Sadly players on our server (Not just ours) have gotten fed up with Hacks, Exploits and other issues with wvw.

That’s true for many players regardless of the server. The point here is that SFR keeps demeaning other servers because “we beat everyone 20vs20 in our own prime time and you suck”. And honestly, I think many people are getting tired of that attitude, including me (I’ve been on SFR almost the entire time since release).

I play to have fun, not to dance on people’s bodies, use /laugh when I kill them etc (many Desolation players were doing this for instance).

Lighten up, It’s some banter…. Where is the fun if you can’t have some rivalry in-game.. We have the same with Kodash and we actually get along quite well and always have a good match up.

But we are still best.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


for a med pop server we sure are good.

bt – full
river – high
sfr – med

been fightin above our weight since launch


(edited by Webley.1295)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Lighten up, It’s some banter…. Where is the fun if you can’t have some rivalry in-game..

I am too old, and never was young for this, to consider things such as demeaning, belittling, dancing on corpses and typing /laugh, insulting others, egomania – to be “fun” and “entertaining” aspects of PvP in any game.

As a gentleman, my rivalry goes like this: I duel someone and kill him. I respectfully type /bow if I feel like it.

I don’t share the vision of some here in the forum who want ANet to show enemy names because “hatred is fun”.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


We honestly do not care what other servers think, We only care what’s going on in WvW. You can take what we write on the forums, with a pinch of salt or gospel, that’s your choice.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: dmae.9851


for a med pop server we sure are good.
bt – full
river – high
sfr – med
been fightin above our weight since launch

Who cares?
This doesn’t show WvWvW population just overall number of the people including thousands of PvE folks who don’t care about WvWvW.
Stop feeling superior because you got medium population.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


for a med pop server we sure are good.
bt – full
river – high
sfr – med
been fightin above our weight since launch

Who cares?
This doesn’t show WvWvW population just overall number of the people including thousands of PvE folks who don’t care about WvWvW.
Stop feeling superior because you got medium population.

we had the outmanned buff yesterday and we weren’t whining.

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Moderator)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: dDuff.3860


Today’s best moments with Riverside. Please, turn off russian comments on background if you don;t want them.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Wb15OOSgNT4#! -3:15

300 spartans alive.


(edited by dDuff.3860)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


*Want to hear something ironic?

Seafarer’s Rest is the one who is nightcapping the most in this matchup.*

You see, European “prime time” is somewhere between 5pm and 11pm. Office people work till 4pm usually. During this entire time Blacktide has the lead.

Now, SFR starts winning in points after 23hrs, with people who stay past bedtime, and also their American guilds. They keep this lead until 4-5am (all times being CET) when Russians are waking up.

So the biggest part of the CET (Central European) night is covered by SFR!

w e had the unmanned buff yesterday and we werent whining.

I joined one of the borderlands an hour ago and there was outmanned buff. We were completely outnumbered by SFR (massively) and now at midnight (CET) they finally took the Bay. I’m sure they will boast about their “prime time” superb battles and won’t mention the fact they outnumbered the enemy by far, and that this is past the prime time EU.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

(edited by Moderator)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


By 10pm we were on around 340 points. its 11 now and its about the same.

By 5am the Pvgates russians on blacktide will wake up andgo fight soem gates on an empty server, so when we all get home from work theyll have had 10-12 hours of 450+ points and no opposition.

We’ll then spend 4-5 hours kicking blacktides butt all over the map.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


By 10pm we were on around 340 points. its 11 now and its about the same.

By 5am the Pvgates russians on blacktide will wake up andgo fight soem gates on an empty server, so when we all get home from work theyll have had 10-12 hours of 450+ points and no opposition.

We’ll then spend 4-5 hours kicking blacktides butt all over the map.

Nah man. Maybe you’re talking about a different timezone, but at 11 pm CET, Blacktide was still in the lead with around 300 points per tick.

We’ve been running around SFR borderlands, waiting for your ‘primetime’ to start, and nothing happened. Either you all took a day off, or your ‘primetime’ starts when the other servers log out.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


Lets connect the dots;

1. Match-up weekend beginning, Blacktide take the lead and focus on Seafarer’s Rest objectives letting Riverside capture things unchecked. Posts start popping up that SFR is giving up in WvW.
2. Riverside closes to 15k points by end of weekend, orders given to swap full focus on Riverside. By today Riverside is 50k+ points behind. Riverside has completely given up on all accounts.
3. After troll-posts from Seafarer’s that we ignored for two days how they own us in prime-time, we swap full focus back on Seafarer’s Rest. By 23:00 CET (I took screenshots every hour, will post them up) we maintain point advantage over Seafarer’s Rest.
4. We go to bed, hope you do the honorable thing Seafarer’s and don’t night-cap us, but it’s ok if you do because what goes around XAOC comes around.
5. Until end of match-up we will be focusing on all SFR objectives, ignoring Riverside.

Not bad for Blacktide that allegedly loses 9/10 fights.

Good fights and good luck in next match-up!


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Syndic, i have to admit to something…. I haven’t really been ignoring them… Please don’t kick me?

For the rest, good post :p

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


By 10pm we were on around 340 points. its 11 now and its about the same.

That’s not true. UK time is not European time. CET is the time of most of Europe. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b0/UTC_hue4map_X_world_Robinson.png

At 23 CET, Blacktide was leading in points. So no, by your 10pm you were not on around 340, check my post above, I wrote it as I was looking at the ingame score.
23 CET is also midnight for Finland, Bulgaria, Romania. For Moscow that’s 1am.

By 5am the Pvgates russians on blacktide will wake up andgo fight soem gates on an empty server, so when we all get home from work theyll have had 10-12 hours of 450+ points and no opposition.

You mean like SFR American guilds are doing right now when Blacktide is asleep?

And don’t tell me otherwise because I’m logged in. Blacktide has unmanned buff, I check the zone and what do I see, few Blacktides vs entire SFR zerg. It’s just as much PvDoor as in the morning when Blacktide wakes up. Also few SFR (not an empty server, just less people) but Blacktide zerg.

No different, except you only complain when others do nightcapping better.

Also, new rounds, Friday night 2am (ok, technically Saturday), what is that but nightcapping?

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621


Its 11 in the UK. Thats not night capping – we’re still dealing with a blob of 40-50 germans at SM.

And you may be running around in borderlands – funny how you chose the near empty one when all the action has been in EB. Many comments tonight how blacktide and riverside are just badge dispensing machines.

Blacktide have not improved since we trounced them 2 weeks ago – only reason you’re ahead is off peak gate fighters.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


Theres few outmanned buffs going around because some servers are doing the halloween events

They are unreliable for the next couple of days

SFR seems to be picking up again in off peak times during the hours that i play (6pm-11pm Sydney time Australia). However up until last night that was always with a outmanned buff. Last night we actually had numbers, and the points reflect this

For a medium pop server its dense with plenty and good pvp’ers. Any true pvpers that like a true challenge should check out Sea Farers Rest.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


We focus mostly on the borderlands, as that’s where the Orbs are. Dunno who’s in charge of EB, and to be honest I don’t really care. You guys talk the talk, but when it’s time for action it’s all anecdotes and excuses.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


Its 11 in the UK. Thats not night capping

It’s not night capping for UK but it is for 90% of other Europeans. And that’s what people are trying to tell you. You accuse Russians of nightcapping even though they’re not, they play from their morning to their evening. So what are people in Romania or Finland supposed to do, not go to work because 1am their time is only 11pm in UK so it’s “not night capping”?

And you may be running around in borderlands – funny how you chose the near empty one when all the action has been in EB.

I see. So now borderlands don’t count for anything anymore. Only prime time UK, and only EB.

Is this going to get any more ridiculous?

Many comments tonight how blacktide and riverside are just badge dispensing machines.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you got SM just a lil bit after 23 CET. If Blacktide and Riverside are badge dispending machines, how come you couldn’t get SM until prime time ended for most of Europe?

Blacktide have not improved since we trounced them 2 weeks ago – only reason you’re ahead is off peak gate fighters.

Blacktide is better than Seafarer’s Rest. Everyone can see that by looking at the score.

Seafarer’s Rest also is much weaker now compared to Blacktide. Before, SFR could win in prime time. The entire prime time. Now, SFR does not win in prime time. They win in USA time (23 CET + ). That’s when you start getting point lead.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Well, at least you finally stopped claiming that you’ve stomped us and admitted it was more or less even, though most of the time we were leading, sometimes by only a little, sometimes by quite a bit… Until the Russians went to bed so you managed to cap some more things, grats on that :p

You had a presence in SFR borderlands, if it wasn’t properly organised, that’s your own fault /shrug

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


whats the score? has SFR taken lead yet?

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698



when can we expect you guys to put up a fight?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Webley.1295


SFR isnt doing to bad when considering BT is transfer of the week

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Dawn.3716


I couldn’t say it better myself than Ianervan did.
But I enjoy your honesty about, SFR Border didn’t have any forces in it.
At 7pm you had big forces, they were slaughtered and fled the Border,
8pm a new big force showed up.. and couldn’t handle the pressure and fled.
At 9pm third one tried to scatter us, failed miserably..
How many forces would you need?
TBH, the only strong team I’ve faced this matchup is the Riverside boys, man they hit hard.
“Primetime” was ours for the taking, you just go ahead now and nightcap some to equalize the score abit.. xaoc will sort it out in the morning.
Don’t let the door hit you in the face while we continue to the next tier.

Edit; Let’s say your right then, why would you neglect a whole Borderland if it makes you lose?
To me that sounds really stupid.
And what is this exploiting your on about? Portals?
Don’t tell me your “great medium pop server” doesn’t know about mesmer skills?

After Darkness there was Dawn. [ThUn]

(edited by Dawn.3716)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417



Haha. First of all, 10pm UK time, is not Night capping? Most of SFR are +1-2 hours ahead.
Clearly we’ve got to Xaoc, They’ve tryed to get prime time and hold us. Which you did. The score was ever changing from SFR in the lead to Blacktide. It is also true if we had a presence in SFR Borderland we would have had a good lead.
That’s just simple facts, You can’t deny it.
Futilez, Rise and XII were in Riverside today from around 6pm onwards. I was in there from Midday. The whole zone was mainly fully upgraded with alot of kittenes.
We toke Hills and Garrision from you as soon as are event started with ease.

This was @ about 8pm
This was the story from the start of our events. With Blacktide going ahead one moment and SFR going ahead another.
Futilez,Rise,XII have been attempting to get Dreaming Bay since 9pm, We got it at 10pm. The reason we didn’t go for it sooner as we wanted a decently upgraded hills to take the orb too, and the fact we were been attacked by Riverside and Blacktide all day.
Now i’ve logged off, I’m going to bed. I’m sure Blacktide are doing the same now. They’ve been up all day from the early hours morning cappin. Clearly we upset them that much they drank some extra energy drink and actually decided to fight when player were on, Bravo.
It’s funny too see Blacktide getting all excited that they’ve atually put up a fight during prime-time

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


I couldn’t say it better myself than Ianervan did.
But I enjoy your honesty about, SFR Border didn’t have any forces in it.
At 7pm you had big forces, they were slaughtered and fled the Border,
8pm a new big force showed up.. and couldn’t handle the pressure and fled.
At 9pm third one tried to scatter us, failed miserably..
How many forces would you need?
TBH, the only strong team I’ve faced this matchup is the Riverside boys, man they hit hard.
“Primetime” was ours for the taking, you just go ahead now and nightcap some to equalize the score abit.. xaoc will sort it out in the morning.
Don’t let the door hit you in the face while we continue to the next tier.

We didn’t have an organised force there. How many times do i have to say it. These were randoms and other guild members waiting to get in other borderlands. There was no organastion.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


What you do then is you ask a guild, possibly a smaller one which has still a decent grasp of tactics, to go there and get the randoms organised and/or realise that the BT presence on SFR borderlands is a threat which you should take care of, going all “oh we would’ve had you if only we had the presence on SFR” is laughable when you actually have a way of making sure there is.

I can claim we were leading most of the time because i popped open the wvw points summary quite often, sure there were times you were ahead, i’m not denying that, but for the majority of it, you were below us.
Sometimes by as little as five points, sometimes by more than 50, while when we were behind, it wasn’t really by that much in general.
Think there was once where i looked and went “wtf just happened?” looked at the map, most of the other borderlands were red, looked a bit later and there was a fairly even split of blue, red and green again and we were ahead again too.

It’s also generally a bad idea to repost deleted posts, they were deleted for a reaso, f you remove the reason, sure they might stay up, but going THIS REMOVED kinda is the same as not removing it

Edit: huh, what? it turn the number five into “kitten” o.O

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Well it’s very easy defend keeps when you build arrow carts whole morning. You even have some zombies players who sit in cannons 8 hours/day.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Capricornus.6157


Ofc I can only say Congratz to black tide (im from seafarer ) that you are winning that time.

But i also would be ashame and dishonored to have exploiter guild on server “xaoc” guild.

and i think all saw that move :

if not just look what “pro black tide” , lets call a server you takin responnsability for your guilds in server doing.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


I removed the content that it was removed for. If they do that’s purely up to ANet.

We organize battlegroups, Battlegroups go in certain maps for a week. SFR battlegroup wasn’t on, and didn’t organize an event for today. We could of probley had asked a certain guild to move there, but we were happy with the potential points we were getting. We are in no way going to catch up Blacktide, but we can get a very healthy gap on Riverside and keep our t3 spot.

Well that’s strange as when i looked we were mainly ahead 90% of the time i looked (What was quite regular) but it’s neither here nor there, I’d say it was pretty even fighting tonight overall, and the score switched many-a-times… when i happened to check we were on top.

Also, Riverside from 6pm onwards was mainly all red, Apart from bay, tower and supply camp for Blacktide, and 1 or two Supply camps ever so often for riverside. So i don’t know how you can say that it was even borderlands.

Also i maybe mistaken but haven’t Blacktide recruited a few American guilds to help them during night time?

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


We have advertised, and an American guild has expressed interest in possibly checking us out, but as far as i’m aware, we have no American presence except maybe for very few individual players.
We have a gap between EU primetime and the Russian morning

About the colours: I checked twice on the actual map, once where a very large part/most of the map (except SFR) was red, and a bit later where all borderlands (except SFR) were fairly even.
I didn’t look again later because there was nothing in the points difference which surprised me to the extent i wondered where it was going wrong

(edited by Genev.2450)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


Ofc not, I just stated if we had people in SFR we could have got a very nice lead.

Do you russians have a problem reading? ^^

There was no need, We know we can’t get Blacktide so we’ll just stay where we are, get a decent point potential and get a gap on riverside?

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: soul.8617


The majority of points BT have done (and its ordinary practice) from 00. 00 till 6-7 a.m when EU players going to sleep. So the term “nightcappers” is more suitable for them. And taking the opportunity that SF is almost empty in the morning they top the score till +650 and more.


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


We have advertised, and an American guild has expressed interest in possibly checking us out, but as far as i’m aware, we have no American presence except maybe for very few individual players.
We have a gap between EU primetime and the Russian morning

About the colours: I checked twice on the actual map, once where a very large part/most of the map (except SFR) was red, and a bit later where all borderlands (except SFR) were fairly even.
I didn’t look again later because there was nothing in the points difference which surprised me to the extent i wondered where it was going wrong

Ah, Well we have one American medium size guild.

Not much, but just to hold our own agaisnt some of the t2-t1 servers.

Anyway, I’m really off to bed now… Was good fights today… We are still the best.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Dawn.3716


And taking the opportunity that SF is almost empty in the morning they top the score till +650 and more.

Yeeah it’s awesome right!

After Darkness there was Dawn. [ThUn]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


“We know we can’t get Blacktide”
Why not challenge yourself where we’re strong? o.O
Sure, being steamrolled is no fun, but from all acounts you actually do have some decent guilds, so it’s extremely unlikely that would’ve happened.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: ethier.3417


“We know we can’t get Blacktide”
Why not challenge yourself where we’re strong? o.O
Sure, being steamrolled is no fun, but from all acounts you actually do have some decent guilds, so it’s extremely unlikely that would’ve happened.

We’ve had a few leaders take a break, A few Guilds have had rests from wvw. Futilez only started back up today as our GM and a few officers were on holiday.

Generaly, We don’t have the players to do it. We can’t fill out all our maps during prime time what i havn’t seen…. since launch.

Same thing happened to Deso, and some other servers. We’ll pick up. But i doubt in time to fight Blacktide.

Ethier 80 Necro Callous Philosophy [LaG]

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Well, when you do pick up, I’m guessing we’ll finally getting a true taste of what you’re capable of, you’re likely bound to be up against us again later, despite the whiners you seem to be in the appropriate tier…. maybe 1 lower ;p

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


The majority of points BT have done (and its ordinary practice) from 00. 00 till 6-7 a.m when EU players going to sleep. So the term “nightcappers” is more suitable for them.

No. You mixed something. That’s when SFR gains majority of points.

From 23 CET to 4am CET, SFR is nightcapping (helped by American guilds who switched to SFR). The maps quickly turn red as there’s only few opposing. Blacktide hills for example (right now after midnight) had only one person inside when huge amount of both Riverside and SFR were storming the Keep. If this isn’t PvDoor I don’t know what it is.

Some time after 4am CET, Russians start waking up (their morning time, not night).

If you want to say Blacktide has more people on during the day(light), that’s true. But nightcapping, that’s what SFR is doing. During the “prime time”, it’s more or less equal.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814



This was @ about 8pm
This was the story from the start of our events. With Blacktide going ahead one moment and SFR going ahead another.

Any result ? Maybe u begin event early today?
On map SFR for example ?

Respect for Oskure. They actions speak louder than any of u words.
I really like that guild. =)


(edited by lin.2814)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


I love the color of the www right now )

Seafarer’s – Nierae


9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


There’s no actual lead though until we go to bed

Oh, btw, soul,w eren’t you saying either we should have the lead around this hour? :p

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: soul.8617



This was @ about 8pm
This was the story from the start of our events. With Blacktide going ahead one moment and SFR going ahead another.

Any result ? Maybe u begin event early today?
On map SFR for example ?

This screen only proves that BT is losing they morning advantage against empty SF. 8 pm is the time when EU gamers reach for computer after busy day.

Respect for Oskure. They actions speak louder than any of u words.
I really like that guild. =)

This screen only proves that BT is losing their morning advantage against empty SF. 8 pm is the time when EU gamers reach for computer after a busy day.


(edited by soul.8617)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


And when the Russians are slowly leaving to go sleep…. You filthy nightcappers :p

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


There’s no actual lead though until we go to bed

Oh, btw, soul,w eren’t you saying either we should have the lead around this hour? :p


Did have some nice fights with Riverside and Blacktide. But where in the lead the last 5 or 6 hours.

Blacktide and Riverside only lost numbers the last few hours. We lost numbers to but did have a advantage the last few hours. That doesn’t change that we were in the front the whole Western EU primetime.

My guess is that Blacktide will claim they lose because they only have Russian players. ROFL )

Seafarer’s – Nierae

(edited by Leeach.3547)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


Genev.2450 ths to u guilds, BT close 4-5 hours on borders in evening-night.
I remember that was before. I think that we cant win without u . )

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Nop, you weren’t.
I logged off at 22h20 CET, and you weren’t in the lead then, it was more or less equal with us Just ahead.
I even checked because i was having a “friendly conversation” with somebody earlier in this thread (might’ve been you? kitten if i know, it was a SFR) where I explained i’ve been logging off early lately due to illness and that i’d see today if i could stay a bit later to check what the score was Right before i logged off, because, you know, stomping claims.

Lin: And we love working together with you, thank you for the support!

(edited by Genev.2450)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Leeach.3547


Nop, you weren’t.
I logged off at 22h20 CET, and you weren’t in the lead then, it was more or less equal with us Just ahead.
I even checked because i was having a “friendly conversation” with somebody earlier in this thread (might’ve been you? kitten if i know, it was a SFR) where I explained i’ve been logging off early lately due to illness and that i’d see today if i could stay a bit later to check what the score was Right before i logged off, because, you know, stomping claims.

Lin: And we love working together with you, thank you for the support!

Then you have bad eyesight. Or there may have been a short period when we lost some point and where equal to Blacktide.

Guess I will just have to take pictures of the map tomorrow to show how epic Blacktide fail in Central EU timezone.

Seafarer’s – Nierae

(edited by Leeach.3547)

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: soul.8617


The majority of points BT have done (and its ordinary practice) from 00. 00 till 6-7 a.m when EU players going to sleep. So the term “nightcappers” is more suitable for them.

No. You mixed something. That’s when SFR gains majority of points.

From 23 CET to 4am CET, SFR is nightcapping (helped by American guilds who switched to SFR). The maps quickly turn red as there’s only few opposing. Blacktide hills for example (right now after midnight) had only one person inside when huge amount of both Riverside and SFR were storming the Keep. If this isn’t PvDoor I don’t know what it is.

Some time after 4am CET, Russians start waking up (their morning time, not night).

If you want to say Blacktide has more people on during the day(light), that’s true. But nightcapping, that’s what SFR is doing. During the “prime time”, it’s more or less equal.

I draw a conclusion, why Bt is winning this week: the nighttime (against fully fortified towers and keeps and lots of enemies) is the third part of the day (against gates)