9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I ask of other server not to come in here and flame any of the servers in this matchup.
We know you don’t like Americans/French/Russians and whatever tactics any of us use, but there are plenty of other topics on this discussion.

This is about the Tier 1 EU matchup between our servers.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


I just realized this pairing started on 9/11. I forsee french memes in the making about this match-up.

Great fights with VS in Blacktide borderlands, enjoy the lead and have fun beating Desolation in points. We didn’t like those loudmouth news either.


9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: damonsmithies.8236


Please keep this clean. Some of us enjoy the adult discussion re this wonderful matchup

Ill start: Battle for Hills last night where CiR were pinned at the inner hills vista – god kitten I never thought we would get in there. GJ to everyone involved!

[DkR] Dark Reavers – Blacktide
Jellyfist — Ranger
Jellywar — Warrior

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: kesh.5148


Impressed with the RG turtling tactic, singlehandedly smashing our zergs whenever we look to gain ground. Seen the tactic months ago on youtube but not that large. Enjoyed yourselfs smashing us at the supply camp in BT BL over an over yesterday.

Building a EP Elementalist now an Guardian after in the hope that one of our guilds on Desolation can organise this collective approach, instead of just whinging about ‘pugs’. If not, RG transfer to Desolation!

Edit. One question though, how do you keep the Swiftness boon on yourselves after it has ran down?

(edited by kesh.5148)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Impressed with the RG turtling tactic, singlehandedly smashing our zergs whenever we look to gain ground. Seen the tactic months ago on youtube but not that large. Enjoyed yourselfs smashing us at the supply camp in BT BL over an over yesterday.

Building a EP Elementalist now an Guardian after in the hope that one of our guilds on Desolation can organise this collective approach, instead of just whinging about ‘pugs’. If not, RG transfer to Desolation!

Edit. One question though, how do you keep the Swiftness boon on yourselves after it has ran down?

What do you mean with the swiftness? Sometimes you see a swiftness buff without white borders cause it comes from another source or it bugs, no idea. Some players are using swiftness on kill food buff also.

Red Guard [RG]

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: kesh.5148


What do you mean with the swiftness? Sometimes you see a swiftness buff without white borders cause it comes from another source or it bugs, no idea. Some players are using swiftness on kill food buff also.

Thats what i meant yes, noticed the ghost pots etc, thought it maybe had something to do with the Ele + boon duration or something.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


What do you mean with the swiftness? Sometimes you see a swiftness buff without white borders cause it comes from another source or it bugs, no idea. Some players are using swiftness on kill food buff also.

Thats what i meant yes, noticed the ghost pots etc, thought it maybe had something to do with the Ele + boon duration or something.

It seems that information on increased boon durations aren’t always given to other players (especially in laggy environments). I often see that my swiftness boon only shows a few seconds, but lasts a lot longer when I’m on my mesmer, and that on my ele I have 30+ seconds and people around me show 10, but they still keep it as long as me. It’s only a visual bug as far as I can tell.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


VS in the BT Borderlands what are you building?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Shilian.5873


Just 1 question; since when desolation is an American server?

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I used the terms and names everybody else has been using/complaining about, despite being perfectly aware Desolation isn’t an American server, jsut as Blacktide isn’t a Russian server
Vizunah is a French server though :p

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ammandril.9150


Especially enjoying though fights versus VS. Today’s fights on Blacktide border’s hills were just wonderful! Looking forward to seeing more of these guys

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Vroum.2906


I used the terms and names everybody else has been using/complaining about, despite being perfectly aware Desolation isn’t an American server, jsut as Blacktide isn’t a Russian server
Vizunah is a French server though :p

You are forgetting our Belgians and Swiss Friends.

Guardian | Warrior | Elementalist on Vizunah Square

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Being Belgian myself, i could never do such a thing. :o

I’m looking forward to the weekdays, to see what will happen to the score and the fights, there’s always a difference once people get back to work and school.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


Horrendous lag this afternoon
Warning, do not stand still as lag+clipping can kill :p

(edited by romsea.8539)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


I used the terms and names everybody else has been using/complaining about, despite being perfectly aware Desolation isn’t an American server, jsut as Blacktide isn’t a Russian server
Vizunah is a French server though :p

Vizunah is a canadian/african server….

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


Come on fellow french people, don’t start sarcasm again, let’s keep this one on rail as long as we can

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


So finally Ruins move to BT or not ?

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


Now that’s a legit domination. BT hardly ever falling below 300 income
Night/morning is one thing, week-end’s afternoon and prime time is a completely different beast though !

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


Hitting wood and empty keeps during the night must be quite repetitive and unrewarding indeed.

I liked the fights vs BT in BT homemap today though

(edited by Dawg.5376)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Wothan.4673


We beat the EU bracket. We beat the game. I understand that BT doesn’t like to hear that, and I mean no disrespect to them. I wish they were as strong 2 weeks ago as they are today, because we would have loved the fight. They are late to the party. We came, we saw, we conquered

Hahaha this is the best post ever on this forum, ever… Thx Ruins to have come in EU for i can read something like this. I love you guy xD

Nahtow – [SR] Soul Reapers
Jade Quarry

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


It seems a little mean on IRON really and the rest of Desolation. I am sure they made a contribution. Interesting to get RUINs official postion though.

As for BT you can only beat whats in front of you so thats fine, we can concentrate on this match up.

BTW question to VS what servers have sucessfully defended their position as number 1?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

(edited by Snort.3698)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


(Post is a reference to NoShelter post that has been removed/deleted and was about how RUIN “won” EU bracket and is going to switch to another game. lolz)

lol dude, Blacktide was stronger than Deso even last week. What are you talking about? You didn’t beat EU bracket. You mass transferred before anyone else, and flipped the balance in your favor. Then when other servers started mass transferring suddenly it’s “ooops we can’t win anymore in EU, so let’s call it a win and flee”.

If Blacktide was in T1 last week you know what would happen? Same thing. Blacktide would prevent RUIN from nigthcapping, and Vizu would beat Desolation in other times. You would not win. But you did, thanks to slow World balancing method ANet uses, where servers can’t climb/fall as fast as their strength can rise/drop.

You know what you remind me of? Comments I read on GWGuru from Henge of Denravi. “We beat the game, cya”. And what did they do? A bunch of competitive guilds jumped on one server before other servers consolidated and did the same. Then they called it quits real fast. Such heroes.

Just admit it, even with your huge RUIN presence you can’t win EU bracket. You were not the strongest server last week, you’re not this one. And it shows, by far.

I defended RUIN many times on this forum, but frankly, after reading your psots I see why Americans don’t like you (not to mention EU people). First you switch from NA to EU to win, then now when you can’t win even in EU because someone beat you to your own game – you’re “switching to other games”.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


Now i feel bad for dedicated desolation players.
Funny story, we had american players coming to VS to warn us from their arrival as they moved to the EU bracket, a few even stayed to fight with us to help during the night and give advice coming straight from TA experience (i won’t go in detail about what they were saying …clean post all the way :p).
I guess they should have done the same for our fellow EU deso players.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: lepri.6504


I am sure sensible RUIN players are enjoying the match as much as we do. Result is not important, the Fun is.

Blacktide>>Yafes>>Asura Engineer

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Finaly desolation doing well only on blacktide bl. Because blacktide for the first time today stopped attacking desolation and attacked the french. Now we trebbin their garrison XD. Hopefully we can overtake Vizunha square.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


(Post is a reference to NoShelter post that has been removed/deleted and was about how RUIN “won” EU bracket and is going to switch to another game. lolz)

lol dude, Blacktide was stronger than Deso even last week. What are you talking about? You didn’t beat EU bracket. You mass transferred before anyone else, and flipped the balance in your favor. Then when other servers started mass transferring suddenly it’s “ooops we can’t win anymore in EU, so let’s call it a win and flee”.

If Blacktide was in T1 last week you know what would happen? Same thing. Blacktide would prevent RUIN from nigthcapping, and Vizu would beat Desolation in other times. You would not win. But you did, thanks to slow World balancing method ANet uses, where servers can’t climb/fall as fast as their strength can rise/drop.

You know what you remind me of? Comments I read on GWGuru from Henge of Denravi. “We beat the game, cya”. And what did they do? A bunch of competitive guilds jumped on one server before other servers consolidated and did the same. Then they called it quits real fast. Such heroes.

Just admit it, even with your huge RUIN presence you can’t win EU bracket. You were not the strongest server last week, you’re not this one. And it shows, by far.

I defended RUIN many times on this forum, but frankly, after reading your psots I see why Americans don’t like you (not to mention EU people). First you switch from NA to EU to win, then now when you can’t win even in EU because someone beat you to your own game – you’re “switching to other games”.

We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


Indeed, i do hope that some Ruin member will stay and keep the good fighting spirit.
All respect to them.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Scryar.2954


Ruin is the funniest guild i have ever met in a mmorpg. First they fled from the us bracket, because they didnt want to play during their primetime and explained it with being sick of nightcapping from their enemy servers. They joined a eu server and destroyed the whole eu balance (there were almost no non-europeans on our ladder) by nightcapping everything. They said they wanted competition ( i didnt believe them. in my opinion they just wanted to win without any effort) and now they got it from blacktide and their players are talking about another server change or just stopping to play guild wars. Not forgetting the self-congratulation i have read from desolation in this forum. Vizuna won the t1 matchup many times, elona, arborstone and desolation did it 1 time. But desolation was the only server which opened serveral threads a week about how great they are. The xenophobic comments from their members in this forum and their webpage complete the image i have from this guild.

So lets find a solution:
It seems Blacktide dont want you and the server is full (-)
Going back to us servers would mean you have to fight against human players. I dont think you want that (-)
Staying on Desolation would mean you have to fight against human players (-)
Ruins of Surmia seems a fine address for you. They are dominating their matchup, english speaking and at this bracket there is no nighttime presence. So you can nightcap everything and feel good by doing it. GL

WvsW smallscale & tpvp
Champion- Magus, Shadow, Illusionist, Hunter

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


RUIN did well for us, only because they faced no one. Now they are leaving when they have “challange” and now we are going to fall down many places since our night cap is non existant compared to vizunha and blacktide.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Shin.2705


We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

You had point lead 24/7 before just coz you were the only one serv that was able to cover the maps 24/7… RUIN vs Doors… Waouh, too strong…

Now that BT is here, where is Deso? This afternoon, Vizu took back the second place and Deso will only take it back coz in some few hours we will have to go to sleep and won’t cover the night like pasts weeks…

You should be more concerned about the fact that finally, against an other 24/7 server Deso don’t appear that strong, i mean look at the score 75k+ for BT and 25k+ for both Deso et Vizu…

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


And you know why Blacktide would probably beat Deso last week? Because BT itself is a “mass transferred” server. And this fact makes it all the funnier. Instead of massive amount of americans, you have a massive amount of russians.

You mean, instead of massive amount of NA people we have EU people as we’re supposed to have? How is that the same?

And of course Blacktide had transfers, every server who wants to be on top needs to have transfers, what do you expect, Blacktide to beat Deso as a Medium server?

So much for packing your queues to 40mins – 2hours just to beat T1 and know that in the end it was all about population. Congratulations

No it’s not, Blacktide is now full server, just like Desolation. Blacktide was Medium in the beginning FYI (as far as I remember) while Desolation was the initial bandwagon of many people in GW2. Population-wise, both servers are equal so please..

Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps

No. Whenever I check the map Blacktide is holding (or trying to hold) either their own side of the map, or goes for both Hills and Bay. And it has been like that since beginning.

No one buys your conspiracy theories anymore. I didn’t buy them even last week. Two servers uniting vs yours and doing that poorly? Impossible. It was obvious they are just tired of what RUIN is doing.

The reason why Desolation is doing this poorly now is because RUIN is blocked from doing their usual PvDoor, and Vizunah is finally again motivated to actually fight.

It is no secret that Desolation expected even easier victory once Arborstone was out, and it would be free for all 1v1v1. Once Desolation players saw exactly how strong Blacktide was, I’m pretty sure some of them lost motivation.

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Snort.3698


Whats the score at the moment?

How does the BT score compare to the other two added together?

It is night time for the Russians(after midnight) now has there been a change in score?

Snorth Tufmudda – The UnNamed _ThUn.
Project Blacktide 24/7 http://tinyurl.com/a3unn9b

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iomyna.4859


BT 85946
Vizu 40416
Deso 40029

BT +260
Vizu +245
Deso +190

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

Are you serious ?
Without those burgers eaters players on your server, you won’t be able to play in T1.
You owned us ? Rofl, PvDoor =/= ownage

Now, Desolation isn’t against 2 servers without activity at night anymore, let’s see if Deso will stay first this week, whith all the good players in BT and VS against you, it will be hard

Actually we held up well during the day. Also you’re forgetting you guys night cap too and use your french canadians. So please stop saying we only winnin cus of ruin

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


But Desolation has been telling Blacktide to hurry up and get to Tier 1 for ages, so they could battle us.

Why suddenly back off now?

This is like an invitation to a party where the host is the only guy that doesn’t show up.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

You had point lead 24/7 before just coz you were the only one serv that was able to cover the maps 24/7… RUIN vs Doors… Waouh, too strong…

Now that BT is here, where is Deso? This afternoon, Vizu took back the second place and Deso will only take it back coz in some few hours we will have to go to sleep and won’t cover the night like pasts weeks…

You should be more concerned about the fact that finally, against an other 24/7 server Deso don’t appear that strong, i mean look at the score 75k+ for BT and 25k+ for both Deso et Vizu…

And you guys used french canadians 2 months ago when we last faced you and you owned us. So I think we are about even….

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


Just don’t tell anyone. It is really a very evil Desolation tactic. You know, server is full. Too many bad people. That joined just because Desolation was heading up.
So the plan is to lose miserably. Drop down a few tiers so the -_- people get out. Like they did before, during Deso’s first fall. Then, just as soon as free transfers will be done for, Deso will…
I already said too much, don’t mind me.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: saVdoom.2067


And you know why Blacktide would probably beat Deso last week? Because BT itself is a “mass transferred” server. And this fact makes it all the funnier. Instead of massive amount of americans, you have a massive amount of russians.

You mean, instead of massive amount of NA people we have EU people as we’re supposed to have? How is that the same?

And of course Blacktide had transfers, every server who wants to be on top needs to have transfers, what do you expect, Blacktide to beat Deso as a Medium server?

So much for packing your queues to 40mins – 2hours just to beat T1 and know that in the end it was all about population. Congratulations

No it’s not, Blacktide is now full server, just like Desolation. Blacktide was Medium in the beginning FYI (as far as I remember) while Desolation was the initial bandwagon of many people in GW2. Population-wise, both servers are equal so please..

Thanks for proving my point. Population > Skill. So higher tiers merely mean high populations unfortunately.

Btw, Seafarer’s Rest is making their way up in T3 and maybe we’ll be able to compete at T2 (and probably lose) while being Medium Populated server.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


iiMulch I’m sorry but you are the perfect example of a desolation troll. You keep coming with the same old "arguments’ even though they have been discarded with good reasons a hundred times and more…

There never were French Canadians capping things for VS. Maybe a handfull did play on the serv, no more. They were about as important to our victories as patrol upgrades.

Also I enjoyed discovering you were one of the first to actually ask for a NA/EU lock… while it would not have helped you – for the aforementioned reason – it still is a hell of a laugh when looking at the U-turn ^^

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Dawg.5376


We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

You had point lead 24/7 before just coz you were the only one serv that was able to cover the maps 24/7… RUIN vs Doors… Waouh, too strong…

Now that BT is here, where is Deso? This afternoon, Vizu took back the second place and Deso will only take it back coz in some few hours we will have to go to sleep and won’t cover the night like pasts weeks…

You should be more concerned about the fact that finally, against an other 24/7 server Deso don’t appear that strong, i mean look at the score 75k+ for BT and 25k+ for both Deso et Vizu…

And you guys used french canadians 2 months ago when we last faced you and you owned us. So I think we are about even….

We do not, we hade a few french canadians, A FEW like <10. most of our nightcappers were french playing at night.

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


Lol blacktide borderland no blacktide fighting french and no french fighting blacktide. The french are just always attacking greenbriar and not even bothering to attack blacktide

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


We were doing really well last week against Vizunha. We proved we owned them because we had point lead 24/7. Only reason why vizunah overtake us now is because blacktide hasn’t been attacking any of their keeps and vizunha hasn’t attacked any of blacktide keep. Both servers come to greenbriar and fight us. Now when blacktide is fighting vs we took half the map.

You had point lead 24/7 before just coz you were the only one serv that was able to cover the maps 24/7… RUIN vs Doors… Waouh, too strong…

Now that BT is here, where is Deso? This afternoon, Vizu took back the second place and Deso will only take it back coz in some few hours we will have to go to sleep and won’t cover the night like pasts weeks…

You should be more concerned about the fact that finally, against an other 24/7 server Deso don’t appear that strong, i mean look at the score 75k+ for BT and 25k+ for both Deso et Vizu…

And you guys used french canadians 2 months ago when we last faced you and you owned us. So I think we are about even….

What french Canadians please?
The only Canadian guild who ever played on a D1 French Server is Armata, and they played on Arbo.

Vizunah Square is the only top server with :
- no zerg guild
- no mass transfer
We only have 1 alliance of 10 average guilds that can cover the 3 borderlands with 40 people on each map in (our) prime time. This alliance don’t go on Eternal Battlegrounds because they don’t have enough people and Commander to do so.

This is the only true story of Vizunah. Any other allegation is pure bs.

Vizunah Square

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


OUT with the French Canadian vs Americans talk! It’s been done to death and I can’t believe you guys are still going on and on about it, I generally love forum drama and even I’m getting tired of it.
We know it all at this point, if the both of you other servers can just grow up and move on about each other’s accusations already, i’m sure everybody would be very happy.
Do it, and we’ll give you a lollypop, how about that….?

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


… and i would add that we already told you so 2 month ago.
Nobody believed us though.
I guess the server has a pretty good organisation for that time (or others had a very bad one, who knows ^^)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Temporarily locking for clean up

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.1462


Hi everyone. In the interest of allowing the worlds to have a place to discuss their matches, we’re going to re-open this thread one last time. We have taken the time to clean this thread up and there was a lot to be cleaned out. These threads are for discussing WvWvW. If any further infractions are commited as those that have been cleaned, this thread will be closed and infractors will be dealt with. Thanks for your understanding

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Radamanth.9048


totally dissappointed from desolation so far.

we like totally suck these last 2 days, dunno what happened. in prime time with queues onto every map we still get our kitten handed to us.

very very sad ..

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Pryda.8257


Lol blacktide borderland no blacktide fighting french and no french fighting blacktide. The french are just always attacking greenbriar and not even bothering to attack blacktide

Open your map on the East Keep (: We have massive action against Vizunah and this is really good cause they are relentless.

Red Guard [RG]

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: spacemayu.4817


If you are in RUIN you will know that the lack of a strong RUIN presence has nothing to do with “running from a challenge”.

Ruin is tired, its officers need a rest. The WvW game is not as fun as it used to be, and saving Desolation from defeat is not Ruin’s job.

It just shows you that Deso lacks the large, strong organised guilds it needs to pull its own weight. Ruin is not Desolation; the pugs need to step up.

(edited by spacemayu.4817)

9/11 Blacktide vs Desolation vs Vizunah Square

in WvW

Posted by: Ianervan.3415


It just shows you that Deso lacks the large, strong organised guilds it needs to pull its own weight.

Wait, what happened with: “You don’t think we did proper scouting prior to our move? That’s why we didn’t move to Far Shiverpeaks.”

Unemployed people should not receive any social benefits if they are already working in an MMO.