A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Hello everyone, some of you may know me, others may not. My in-game name is Saint Nisidious, and I the founder of Ábsolute ínsaníty [Áí]. What started as a goal to build a simple PvX community guild has turned into a near insane ambition to bring our server back from the ashes of its defeat. I can say, with my entire guild backing me up, that we need a structured, friendly, capable alliance built, and we have to build this from scratch.

Lately the odds have not been in our favor. There was the case with the hackers, who gave our server a horrible reputation, thus causing many people to leave, and then there are the handful of larger guilds that have left us (you know who you are, filthy traitors), thus weakening our WvW presence drastically. It seems that everyone on our server is tired of these unfair fights and disorganization but none want to do something about it.

Well, here we are, giving everyone interested an opportunity to make a name for themselves in GW2. What I’m proposing is an alliance of sorts. I’m aware that this has been done before in our server. I joined them on a few of their adventures, and it was effective. However, the way they went about it left the alliance very unstable, and it collapsed (I won’t go into detail). WE CANNOT MAKE THAT SAME MISTAKE. There will be no “leader” of this alliance that [Áí] is attempting to create. There are commanders (not just the guys with the “commander” title, either), and there are the theorycrafters (such as myself), and each of them would be working together for the benefit of our server. There is the zerg, and there are the smaller groups, both of them are of equal importance. That’s all this is about, guys. I want to see us succeed, and this is how we will do it.

If you need any more info or agree that action needs to be taken, feel free to shoot me an in-game mail at Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I look forward to your message.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Mere Image.8376

Mere Image.8376

What Nsidious is proposing is exactly what our sever needs right now, an alliance of sorts. People leaving the sever just because we had one bad run is pathetic, not too mention bad for the guild wars community as a whole. The very essence of WvW is to band together, not flee. It’s the time for us to muster our forces together and fight back, not hang our heads down in defeat. The servers should be the most active right now; there should be wait time getting into the WvW servers because everyone is doing something to help claim our server victory. I saw we all rally back and fight.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Commanders of the Reborn Empire Nation [CORE]
Level 80 Professions: Mesmer, Warrior, Thief

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


[UO] fully supports this alliance. We are dedicated to making GoM real competitor again.

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Not trying to be a downer but pretty sure Saturday was the last time many of the GoM WvW crowd gave their last effort until the next matchup. It was a great 12 hour stretch. But with the many now gone and many looking to move. The population is not in a state to support any alliance system.

Theory crafting and alliances has nothing to do with WvW. Not sure how much time you have spent in WvW since launch. Its about population, population from 3am EST until 3pm EST plain and simple. Can have the best commanders and the best strats, but unless you have a 3 map full que population at 5am the score will never be in our favor.

GoM has been a great WvW server from launch and done amazing things as the underdog and has shown many that numbers will not dictate the outcome of individual battles, but it means nothing to the scoring system in GW2 WvW.

Being commander for me has become more a job and not been fun this week. Just like those before me that have lost faith. Its not lost faith in server but in the system.

Best of luck, hopefully next week brings new life to GoM and a better matchup.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Raist, I understand exactly what you mean. However, this post’s purpose was to inform the community and receive a response from those interested. Since [UO] and [UBEC] have already responded, I’d count this as a success.

Having an alliance of guilds would mean that we have communication. Not just for this week when things are rough, but for the weeks to come. And communication has EVERYTHING to do with WvW. The server is in fine shape to START an alliance. The two guilds listed above are proof that we have a community wanting to improve.

I’m well aware that we need off peak coverage, and I’ll turn my attention to that as soon as we have established a form of cooperation and communication. You need something to build off of, and asking right now when the server is in a rough spot ensures that I will receive a response from guilds that are loyal to this server (which is one of the main things we here at [Áí] are looking for).

As for the population I agree. We need a larger player base in this server. However, that comes from server reputation (as both a strong competitor and a community). As I said before, our reputation is not what it should be, but we are here working to change that.

I appreciate your input, and I’m not claiming to know as much about WvW as you by any means, but I can see what needs to be done, and I’m doing it, for the good of the server.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arcxander.9836


Good to see you here Commander Raist, its me Jofp.

I’d like to quote this line,

“Its not lost faith in server but in the system.”

After thinking a lot, I realized that its not the players, its not the zerg, not the alliance, not the timezone or whatever. Its actually the flaws of the WvW system.

Yes. We, the remaining loyal guilds in GoM can form an alliance, its a good move. We’ve seen that before. But not until ANet fix the whole WvW system, history will only repeat itself.

Legion of Ubec [UBEC] | Gate of Madness

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I would like to point out the fact that if you wait for Anet to “fix the system” we will already be several more slots down in the rankings, which will possibly decrease server population more.
Now, if I am missing something, I’m terribly sorry, but the alliance that I saw trying to be set up beforehand failed because they didn’t give the individual guilds within them any recognition. That is why a few of those guilds left, or so they said. Furthermore, while the ones who ran it were very skilled tacticians, they had an “elitist” attitude, which by nature will turn a lot of people away.
We will be professional, friendly, and capable alliance with commanders who can not only make effective calls, but know when and how to accept another’s advice/input.
A good leader knows how to lead, a great one knows when to follow.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Waterbear.2764


Hell, I would settle for server specific forums right now. The ability to communicate, and establish a dialogue with those on your server is not exactly the easiest thing to do atm.

I wrote up a ton of guides ranging from general WvWvW info, to maps listing siege equipment drop points, maps with countersiege points. In depth guides on how to go about sieging towers, keeps and garrisons, with specific detail given to who is defending, their strength, supply, and other positions held on the map. The problem is, I have no where to put it, and quite frankly, I want to see this go somewhere where it helps my servers community.

Starting an alliance is a good idea, but a broader, and generally more beneficial thing, would be to push ANET to give us server specific forums.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Foxinstrazt.4920


Hello all, my character in game is Lina Tides, and having played with Saint and a guildy of his that is a commander today for several hours, I can completely get behind this idea. They know what they are doing, and if people would just listen instead of..well, whatever it is that they do.(Honestly, I saw our server waste three-four hours trying to take a keep. All while Yak’s Bend took what we had)

We need communication, and we need organization. This week we got screwed over in the numbers game, but with an alliance like this we will be able to recover next week.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I am absolutely astonished by the feedback given here, everyone.

I believe the best thing to do at this moment, is get the leaders of each guild on a single chat, and work from there. I have no problem inviting you onto our vent or joining one of yours for this meeting. Regardless, Tuesday night I will mail you all my guild’s vent info.

I’m ecstatic, I look forward to speaking with each of you.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arcxander.9836


The previous alliance campaign failed because the preparation time was too short. The Alliance rolled out with no strong foundations and no clear expectations of whats gonna happen. In the end, the guilds who put a lot of effort into that alliance gave up and left the server. I was one of the people who spearheaded that alliance campaign. I dont want to repeat the same mistakes. If were gonna make this alliance, we need to take our time and talk about it. and like what you’ve said, “craft the rules” of this alliance in a way that no guild is higher than the others.

Our guild already made a decision. We will stay in Gate of Madness. Were gonna help build the community in this server. We know its not gonna be easy. And We know that its not gonna happen soon.

We from Legion of Ubec [UBEC] will fully support this alliance.

Here are our contacts: Mikitchi, Disturbed, Bruchador or me Jofp.

Legion of Ubec [UBEC] | Gate of Madness

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Who ever [NEWL] is they did a hell of job tonight in Eternal. That was embarassing for Yak.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Killed by Death WvW contacts: Chino.2764, Hitnit.7504, Karnij.9257, Tristram.1426, Dirtyoldgoat.5496, Vomitory.2534, Raist.4580

Website: http://failmore.enjin.com

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

(edited by Raist.4580)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Kirrund.2654


Team [NEWL] strikes again!

Kaseira The False [NEWL]
“NEWL guys are cool guys.” -styx.7294 approved.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


[MGA] (a very small guild of friends) wants to fight for GoM.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I was wondering who was doing that work lol. I was in GoM at the time working with a SF commander to attempt to get our Garrison back. Yaks. Yaks everywhere. Lol they were NOT happy.
But certainly, this won’t be a weekend deal, I’ve already met with [SoB] and spoke with one of their leaders. Great group of guys, definitely a group of people we will have fun with. I’m aware some of you know each other, but I think a formal meeting is the first thing in order. Raist I’m gonna pick on you and volunteer your vent, as you were kind enough to post it for the server to see.
All we need before we meet up and discuss this is an agreed meeting time.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Yes, and let’s all remember that our matchups will be screwed up as long as free transfers exist, so let’s not bail on this when we have a really bad week.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Might i ask the point of an alliance when we’re already on the same server? being outside of that alliance means you’re not on the server or working for the other team, does it not? i can speak for no guild as i’m not sure mine does much WvW, but people i play with can speak for me. i’ll either help support or set up a hierarchy if/when it’s needed.

one thing GoM hasn’t lost is our honor and dignity. lets keep it that way.
Korvus Mindbend

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Might I ask…. how you expect to communicate with other guilds on this server strategically without an alliance? Map and team chat are great and all, but we can do better.
As far as being “outside that alliance” I’m not quite sure what you mean. Any guilds, or even the individual players, such as Foxinstrazt.4920, who are interested in forming a line of communication with other like minded guilds (or individuals) will have taken the initiative to read this thread, as I and my guildies have gone through several different zones on several different occasions and asked for support here.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Yes, and let’s all remember that our matchups will be screwed up as long as free transfers exist, so let’s not bail on this when we have a really bad week.

I’m not as naive to think that we’re going to always have guilds that fit well into this idea, but the ones that are here now are hopefully here to stay. When things get rough, we’ll remind each other that it would only be worse without this alliance. lol good point, though.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Woobie.9716


MMDS, a small but growing guild, is interested. iNsidious, we spoke last night. Well work through the vent issues.

Just realized…. was that a vent server last night? Cause we were stupidly trying to connect with Mumble.

Anyway, we want to fight. Were a small guild but quite capable- we just need some server unity.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

HAHA! Yes, it was a vent server. xD

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


Love the interest this has garnered. [Áí] is fun to run with, and we showed last night that even when we are losing we can quickly take half the map back with some quick tactics, with a very small group of people.

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: rokalot.5412


[KBD]will try and help in any way. We are by no means a large guild but do our best to be organized in WvW.

What is the first step in gaining communication when players from GoM enter a WvW map? Use a certain voicechat, IRC channel, something else?

Can offer a ventrilo or mumble server for use or can setup a IRC chat channel like another guild did for GoM at launch. We are also willing to join other guilds communication setups whether voice or forums or whatever.

Passing out now from too much candy corn, but Tommorow night, tuesday [KBD] will make contact one way or the other.

What he said ^^^^^^^

We need a 100 person dedicated WvW vent server with lobby, war room, guild rep. channel and a decent admin.

Will buy if needed and nobody has one already. Let me know.

Rokalot [ROM] -Thief- Gates of Madness
-Ravens of Memory-

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Grumpdogg.6910


Your guild is good because it uses fancy letters.

“I swung a sword, I swung a sword again, oh look I swung a sword again!”
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

[KBD]will try and help in any way. We are by no means a large guild but do our best to be organized in WvW.

What is the first step in gaining communication when players from GoM enter a WvW map? Use a certain voicechat, IRC channel, something else?

Can offer a ventrilo or mumble server for use or can setup a IRC chat channel like another guild did for GoM at launch. We are also willing to join other guilds communication setups whether voice or forums or whatever.

Passing out now from too much candy corn, but Tommorow night, tuesday [KBD] will make contact one way or the other.

What he said ^^^^^^^

We need a 100 person dedicated WvW vent server with lobby, war room, guild rep. channel and a decent admin.

Will buy if needed and nobody has one already. Let me know.

I agree, and thank you for the offer. However. We’re getting a bit ahead of ourselves, let’s try to keep an even head and not add too much to our plate here. Getting all of the “leaders” of each guild on one vent/ts/mumble is our first step. I realize that we have work, families, and such to deal with.

Can we plan for a meeting this coming Friday?

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Osskil.1029


I play at odd times. About 5:30 to 7:30 PM CST, then about 11PM til’ 2AM on weekdays. Then on weekends I am on at random hours during the day, and I play from about 11PM until 4AM Friday/Saturday.

Lord Osskilian – Mesmer
Sanctum of Rall – [Choo]

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Count [BB] in for this. I’ll send you an in-game message later.

We’re a bunch of locals and are heavily invested in guild upgrades, so we’ve got no interest in switching servers.

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Now what time Friday night? And we could do it again on Saturday for those who can’t be there then.

Also made a quick website


Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

(edited by Raist.4580)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arcxander.9836


Friday night? thats WvW reset already… how about thursday 8am-10am EST

Legion of Ubec [UBEC] | Gate of Madness

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Spetrix.3859


Hello GoM,

I wanted to say that I admire your efforts to organize this. We set up something similar on Yaks and it’s been working pretty well.

Some advice on how we got it rolling was that we setup a free 1000 person mumble and have slotted so that guilds can have their own private mumble channel within the server. We’ve been heavily advertising it in /team & /map chat (very big group effort) and it’s been gathering momentum and we had over 100+ people in WvW last week.

If you guys want any advice or pointers from our own experiences, feel free to message me

Spetrix l 80 Sylvari Thief l Yak’s Bend
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


Thursday will work, and we can do it again Friday and Saturday until we have a good idea of which guild and players are going to try to make this organized and what system we use for communication.

No offense but Yak’s is pretty bad 5 of us have taken towers from 30+ players

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arcxander.9836


Ayt spread the word!!


Please post your guild info there! Naw!
I’d say we use that website above together with this thread as our communication atm.

Legion of Ubec [UBEC] | Gate of Madness

(edited by Arcxander.9836)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Evel.4782


I am Mojak, leader of Infernal Empire [IE]. We are a very casual guild that is allied with two other guilds [SOK] and [RAID]. We typically run multiple groups on Friday nights from 8pm EST to ~1am EST and then we are pretty sporadic throughout the week. We often live in the GoM Borderlands and you might see command-esk responses from Lunchmunny [SOK] or myself Mojak [IE] with our movements and objectives. We like to separate ourselves from the herd (zerg), but definitely come together when major keeps/towers (or even supply camps) need to be protected.

However, forgive me if I am not excited at this prospects as we’ve been on the server since day one and have seen numerous alliances come and go while we have remained strong with our tight knit group. I cannot tell you how many website/forums I have signed up for alliances only for them to dissipate in a week or twos time. We are more than willing to work with other guilds/groups within the borderland we’ve chosen for the night and you are more than willing to send me a message if you have any questions about our objectives although we are pretty vocal about our movements in /t or /m chat.

Well met – Mojak

Mojak, Leader of Infernal Empire
Gate of Madness Server

(edited by Evel.4782)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

First thing everyone here needs to realize is that we do not want to rush this. Do not give this idea a premeditated completion date, that is probably a huge reason it has failed before. We need to do this right. Yes, we can have 3 different set times for a meeting. I am mostly a night player, online between 8pm – 5am EST. These past few days (and this weekend) I have a break from work, so I can be on anytime. Lets try for a meeting tonight. Anytime, doesn’t matter. Or early tomorrow morning.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Nsidiously iNsane.8195

Nsidiously iNsane.8195

I will be online tonight from 7pm EST – 4 AM EST. I will also contact the others who have yet to post here and inform them of the meeting. Message me in game @ Nsidiously iNsane.8195.

Art of Stealth [AoS]- Gate of Madness
Saint Nsidious (Warrior)-Insidious Xx (Necromancer)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Dairius Stillgard.1953

Dairius Stillgard.1953

Harbingerrs is interested in this alliance but as for a meeting this evening I can’t do have other obligations this evening Friday evening or this weekend for that I can do
Kaargoth Soulbrand

Commander Kaargoth Soulbrand/LvL 80 Ranger GoM
Harbingerrs Of Tyria guild leader

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


GoM need serious help.

Took down the website until there is more involvement. This might be a long process.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia

(edited by Raist.4580)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Spetrix.3859


Raist, not sure why the Yak’s is pretty bad comment was even necessary. I’ll just say that not many of our serious players have been in WvW this week. I’ll disconnect from the thread now. Best of luck to your alliance

Spetrix l 80 Sylvari Thief l Yak’s Bend
Grawls Gone Wild (GGW)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: styx.7294


Agreed with Spetrix on the Yak’s comment. Bad form, Raist, bad form.

Gate of Madness

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Arlandino.7513


Zerging the crap out of anything that is taken within 5 seconds and then proceeding to spawn camp is bad form. Can’t even finish a good 1v1 in the wilderness without 4 or 5 more showing up.

I hold absolutely no respect for any of Yak’s

(edited by Arlandino.7513)

A Plea From [Áí] For The Gates Of Madness Server

in WvW

Posted by: Raist.4580


LOL, sorry if my eyes see 5-8 players wipe 30+ in open combat. Its called CC locking, having heals, and aoe rezs. Should never happen. It’s embarassing.

Raist Delirium | [KBD] Killed by Death | Tarnished Coast
Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia