A good idea for WvW&Possible Economy fix
inb4 “whydontyoubuysomegems”
my wallet is as broke as a malfunctioning asura gizmo prototype thing.
This actually already happens. Many guilds/friends/groups have paid for transfers in the past. If you look in the recruitment thread, you’ll see some people offering up to move and people offering to help them in the process.
are you suggesting that the higher population server would not have better ability to bribe more players to merc for them than a low population server? your plan has a major flaw and should be reworked scrapped reworked again and then put under a magnify glass to see just how small it really is
As I said in the original post, “That’s just a basic short example, theres probably things you could add to improve the idea.”
Obviously, it would be better to make the feature only available to lower populated servers. Servers with higher active players like blackgate wouldnt/shouldnt be able to hire players, unless they go up against a server of even bigger numbers. That doesnt prevent some BG players selling themselves to other servers for a match or so. Honestly theres some servers where the queue on WvW reaches real high and temporarily working for another server of lower pop that has no queue and not enough players to actually compete, might actually be a better thing to do or you just end up waiting and waiting to get in.
Another idea would be to merge lower pop servers until they have enough players that they can actually play with the real servers ;}. They could also merge a low pop server with a medium pop server to make a large server and do this for all the mid-tier servers. It would be a nice change from blackgate VS jade quarry+tarnished coast all day erryday.
Although it’s not “official”, this mercenary system is already in place. For example, it’s a well known “Forum Fact” that during Season 1, Blackgate hired a team of Russian Assassins to kill SoR while they were asleep, and clearly that worked, as SoR appears to be dead now (at least, I haven’t seen them since Season 1, so I assume SoR must be either dead or hiding).
But yeah, this idea is never going to happen. Btw, there’s already a thread about fixing the population imbalance, with a Dev involved.
im not too concerned in many scenarios it doesnt even matter. DR is a very low population server and we got promoted to silver and are currently winning our matchup. This is attributed to our superior commanders in voice chat and players switching to classes and builds the team asks for. I dont even remember what it is like to run without waterfields or stability. Tonight our 13 man team and 20 man team faced off against a 100+ player swarm of HoD guess who danced in SM lords room? not going to tell you it can all be overcome by skill because it cant. but 4-5 really good players and a commander that knows how to position his manpower can do some fun runs.