A response to hackers, please.

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


We’ve had several threads deleted over this matter, so let’s try and keep server names/guild names out of it entirely.

This is a matter which is causing concern to a great many people, so a response from Devs would be greatly appreciated. Any response. It’s having a detrimental effect on our enjoyment of the game, and on top of that, our faith in the developer.
Anet has a long history of following up on issues like this, but I think we’d all like to see some kind of response, if not action. In the meantime, we’re seeing more of these hackers.
I’m sure they’re well aware of the issue (with all of the complaints we’ve made and instances reported), so it’s no use going over old ground. If you have anything to add which may prompt a response, or assist with the problem, then by all means, share below.


A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Ikaros.7812


The game really needs in-game moderators that check up and act on these reports live. The current way to report these exploiters is unnecessarily complicated, time consuming, and you get better results by punching the hacker on your monitor than trying to report him.

Banana And Cookies [BC]
all is vain

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Colly.4073


I agree but they won’t respond, If they have deleted the previous threads outlining this problem they will delete this one too.

The first thread on this was perfectly legitimate and only had a few screenshots of the way the exploit was working, There was no guilds named, no characters, no flaming yet Anet deleted it and the rest that followed without a word.

Yes it’s infuriating and all Anet will achieve from this is drive people away from the game, Some I know of who have already given up and uninstalled.

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


ANET will delete any thread mentioning hacking because they do not want people to have impression that their game is prone to hacking. that’s it.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: ckjj.2038


According to your words, I’m going to think about safety about my account.

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Yuki Chuki.2457

Yuki Chuki.2457

Yeah, I’d already be more than happy if they just said something along the lines of “We’re aware of the problem and working on it”. If they just delete every single thread about this issue without any aknowledgment of the problem, it’s not very hard for one to get to the conclusion that they aren’t planing to take on this issue at all.

I’m not saying that it really is that way but that’s a at least thought that inevitably comes up for me when I see no sign whatsoever that they’re working on a solution.

(edited by Yuki Chuki.2457)

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


I know they have a history of waiting until the full solution is in hand, then wiping out offenders in one fell swoop. They dealt with bots in this way, and they were notoriously tight-lipped about it. At least in that case, they dropped us a few hints, and made sure we were aware they were dealing with it.
The worst kind of censorship is self censorship, but can we try to resist slagging devs? We don’t want any more reason to delete discussions, and it doesn’t help when we’re asking them for a solution.

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Kanenas.4906


I am still waiting for an announcement like “We have banned xxxxx number of accounts for hacking” (yes a 5 digits number) from Anet. Like the announcements they made for banning botters, and exploiters.

I really think that the reason of the delay of all the changes they have promised (craftable precursors, new legendary, new skills, balance patch, new sPvP game modes etc) is the release of the game at China. They just do not have many people to do the development fast enough, and they cannot spare stuff for real time in game moderation.

I hope that it will end soon, and we will see much better things happening in game after May and after the game goes live at China. It will be the perfect time for the people who will probably leave to try ESO, to see good content added and return.

Nobody is bad by nature

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


I have suggested about a year ago that they have a look at a few (very famous) sites that are known to distribute hacking programs for GW2; my post/thread was infracted. I mean, if they have a direct hold at all these programs people have been using rampantly, wouldn’t it be easier for them to see how it works and thus be able to better deal with it?

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


I have suggested about a year ago that they have a look at a few (very famous) sites that are known to distribute hacking programs for GW2; my post/thread was infracted. I mean, if they have a direct hold at all these programs people have been using rampantly, wouldn’t it be easier for them to see how it works and thus be able to better deal with it?

Yeah, Kolisch. That was probably their first move in dealing with this, but I can see why they wouldn’t want links to hack sites anywhere on their forum. It’s almost like free advertising for hack sites, and in the most prominent place. This discussion alone has probably had a few ____s go looking for hax already.

A response to hackers, please.

in WvW

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789



Well, they’re still here, and still no response. If you’re having grief with hackers, please feel free to add. Just try to keep Server/Guild names out of the discussion, or the thread will be deleted.