That’s right folks , I’m talking about defending! Defending the borderlands in WvW (running yaks, buying upgrades, siege up, etc.) is the least profitable and most expensive way to play GW2. If you do your job right as a defender, you go through loads of gold on siege and upgrades, waste time chasing small groups of roamers, and get little to no reward for it. On top of that you may even spend time sitting and waiting for things to happen so that you will be able to alert the zerg when it does. Offensive play rewards you with decent loot drops, champ bags, dragonite, and a lot of WxP. The WxP for defending even SM is equal to that of taking a single camp! On top of that you get no champ loot and dragonite for all your hard work. At the end of the day your are left bitter, broke, and feeling like you wasted your time.
As it stands WvW rewards are unbalanced and need a change. My suggestions:
1) Allow the people that purchase an upgrade to receive a percentage of the cost back to them per tick the item is owned. For example, if they spend 75 silver upgrading a keep they gain 10% -20% of it back to them per tick the item is owned. After they reach their base amount it keeps returning it back to the upgrader as profit so they can make money by upgrading and keeping it for long periods of time. This encourages more people to upgrade and gives a reason for those that do to defend it.
2)Give people that earn the Successful Defense event completion award a chest equal to the award they would have gotten for taking it every time they earn it. Also up the WxP for the defense events so defenders can actually level up. This may need a little tweaking since a champ bag and dragonite bag every 3 minutes you defend a keep ( if you get the successful defense award which you don’t get that often) may be a little OP but it gives rewards to defenders that match that to those taking things. Making it more rewarding to defend then taking also encourages more people to defend and hold onto stuff then to let it go and just retake.
3) Finally, I think they should give a reward chest to all people that WvW that week. The reward can be small but there should be some reward based on ranking that encourages people to try and earn first outside of the tournaments. 10 gold for first place and 250 badges of honor for first, 7 gold and 200 badges for 2nd and 5 gold and 150 for 3rd is my suggestion. This gives just something to reward people that play WvW all year round. Also adding their upgrading returns to their end of the week chest would be a easier idea then giving them gold every tick. With these changes I think that WvW will take a small step into becoming more balanced.