A way to keep WvW growing and fun

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: Trimula.7651


Letter to the Designers,

What you need to create is a super large center piece map. On every reset day, that super map will undergo a random make over. Around the outside of the super map will be random connection points where a server’s BL will fit into like a puzzle piece. Each server will have random BLs created on reset day that will plug into the super map. Each week can deliver many different terrain(underground component to most maps), and BL combos with many different tower, keeps, and with many lesser/major points of interest. This will provide a near-unlimited map combos, can allow more than 3 servers to engage for the week, maybe create a more balance time zones. No matter what server and time zone you are from, it fun to always to find a completive fight.
This type of design will do away with map hopping for fights-that is killing current WvW.
With all of the additional keeps, towers, supple points, points of controls, it will offer flavor for all play types.
Also add, the further your server can establish a unbroken chain of keeps/tower from your start point into the map, players will be able to WP near a battle. You can’t port into a contested WP, but a contested WP will not break a chain. Players love nothing more than being able to zone in and jump into action fast!
Feel free to add your ideas, and feedback is welcome.


A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

We need a map where the concept of capturing and holding territory comes into play. Our current maps barely have the concept. Here’s what it’s about:

Take the current EBG: The towers on the sides where the NPC camps are now block the entrance to those camps. The tower must be taken to gain access through the NPC camp into the enemy territory.

Add new “gate” targets on the major paths up to Stonemist. these gates act as a third gate to stonemist and are controlled by the last army to destroy the gate. Each gate starts under control of the side it’s on (red controls the north gate).

This ties in to what you are talking about but makes control of territory much more important to control of the map. The border towers can be easy to take and would allow your side to cut off an enemy zerg from reinforcing your keep when you retake it.

I like the waypoint chain idea but you would have to have the waypoints down the line break the chain. This way you can have a second force threaten the supply line to the front lines. Say waypoints go from your keep on the edge plate to the center objective. Your keep is 1, the objective is 3, and there’s a tower at 2. If that tower gets contested the waypoint at objective 3 would also contest. While this opens you for trolling it also provides strategic requirement to protect that second objective.

I know players love convenience but that same convenience prevents WvW from truly being a strategy game. If it’s structured like an RTS it has more depth in it.

Little red Lioka

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Wow both of your ideas are awesome in their simplicity. The biggest beneficial change I think would be to make gates invuln to player attacks. This way dumb thief trolls cannot keep a wp contested 24/7.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: Ben K.6238

Ben K.6238

Take the current EBG: The towers on the sides where the NPC camps are now block the entrance to those camps. The tower must be taken to gain access through the NPC camp into the enemy territory.

Add new “gate” targets on the major paths up to Stonemist. these gates act as a third gate to stonemist and are controlled by the last army to destroy the gate. Each gate starts under control of the side it’s on (red controls the north gate).

Really nice idea that isn’t particularly complicated to implement. I’d like to see the concept of territory stretched a lot further but for the sake of some variety, this would be a great start.

One thing the EotM layout has made clear is how versatile the WvW format could be.

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

We need a map where the concept of capturing and holding territory comes into play. Our current maps barely have the concept. Here’s what it’s about:

Take the current EBG: The towers on the sides where the NPC camps are now block the entrance to those camps. The tower must be taken to gain access through the NPC camp into the enemy territory.

Add new “gate” targets on the major paths up to Stonemist. these gates act as a third gate to stonemist and are controlled by the last army to destroy the gate. Each gate starts under control of the side it’s on (red controls the north gate).

This ties in to what you are talking about but makes control of territory much more important to control of the map. The border towers can be easy to take and would allow your side to cut off an enemy zerg from reinforcing your keep when you retake it.

I like the waypoint chain idea but you would have to have the waypoints down the line break the chain. This way you can have a second force threaten the supply line to the front lines. Say waypoints go from your keep on the edge plate to the center objective. Your keep is 1, the objective is 3, and there’s a tower at 2. If that tower gets contested the waypoint at objective 3 would also contest. While this opens you for trolling it also provides strategic requirement to protect that second objective.

I know players love convenience but that same convenience prevents WvW from truly being a strategy game. If it’s structured like an RTS it has more depth in it.

And that would totally kill solo roaming. Noty

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


There is only 1 way to make WvW more funnier: open nicknames of enemies.

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: Trimula.7651


Contested WP under the cuurent system is dumb, very dumb! A entire keep content, Keep Lord, guards, workers are all scare from one lone enemy attacking a outside guard or hitting the front gate. In real life, why would any Keep Lord order the shut down the WP, makes no sense. They need to come up with a better design.
That why I word it that way, "you will not be able to port into contested WP, but a contested WP will not break the chain of keeps/towers.
The super random center piece map surrounded by puzzble connection points for server BL to fit. This appoarch can offer near-unlimited map combos. Any new map can easily be interdue into the map generator; Center map and BLs will aways be different from week to week. Sorry for being so wordie.

A way to keep WvW growing and fun

in WvW

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

The contest rules do need to change though. Here are some conditions that could work. Contest happens when
There are 10 or more enemy players near a gate or wall when it takes damage
There is an enemy siege weapon near the gate or wall when it takes damage (1200 range)
A gate or wall takes damage from a siege weapon.
Any gate or wall takes damage while its health points are lower than 90%. (edit… chat filter bombed )

Make that set of rules and you’ll be able to prevent 1 person from contesting a keep while making it contest for a legitimate threat. Realistically a keep lord should never shut down the portal. That is done to make offense possible against a structure. Keep the WP open and you could port an entire zerg into the keep and constantly rez there. That would make attacking that keep impossible as the enemy has limitless resources.

Little red Lioka