AG vs RoF vs GH 7/12/2012
GH and AG have a weird way of fighting out feuds since you both seem to prefer targetting our borderlands. GH decided to snipe bay while we were fighting AG then basically gave the keep to AG…
It wasn’t intended, i assure you. We saw an opportunity to take bay and were not in a position to hold it against AG at the south and you guys at the north. Instead, we tried to hide in the back and watch you guys fight it out.
Also, to everyone fighting at bay on the GH borderlands. Great job all around, it was a fantastic fight.
[Re] Rerolled
Nice fighting on the GH borderlands.
@RoF: what the hell are you feeding your necromancers? didnt get the guild tag of those lads but their conditions HURT, very well done. Also seen one of your guildless necros use a very handy method to solo camps, we got into a bit of a fight since we were both trying to solo the same camp, neither of us managed to kill the other.
@AG Lords Of England, reduced to attempts to camp the puzzle and your commander running to the invulnerable spot in vale in a 1v1. Still, have never seen you so active in Gunnars Borderlands before.
@Gunnars Hold: There are still KISS members in our server, while some openly admit to spying(though I havent seen them sabotage anything to be fair) the majority either doesnt know if they want to move or doesnt want to move for various reasons, some didnt even know they were supposed to be in AG.
Please dont give them any grief over what the AG KISS say and do.
GH and AG have a weird way of fighting out feuds since you both seem to prefer targetting our borderlands. GH decided to snipe bay while we were fighting AG then basically gave the keep to AG…
Bay was a diversion meant to keep both AG and RoF away while we took our golems to your garrison, but that attempt went awry due to our mistakes and one lucky defender who spotted us much too soon.
If we were to team up with anyone against the other server, it would be RoF against AG, not the other way around – at least after 1am, when AG seems to wake up while we both drop down in activity.
In regard to the part of KISS staying on GH, i’ve already sent an open invitation to anyone in KISS forums, and i’d love to see the ‘GH-KISS’ to join other guilds rather than keep the old tag, if they are not moving over to AG.
Well said Corran, I never knew this side.. of Nid. But this is the last thing to be said of it from me.
I had plenty of fun killing Ziggy Black [OX] and [BF] trolls on gunnars "which would be one of the reasons we moved server. The rest of the reasons are just falling in place as is. I hope everyone is having fun! be all and end all.
And no you wouldnt seen us this active in GH boarders because as I said 5-6weeks ago on mumble. We are not willing to sit in keeps for hours doing nothing.
And so you chose to do very little at all in not anything rather than moving then right?
As for the point of sitting behind walls with the arrow carts up, what else should we do? we are helplessly outnumbered most nights, you come around claiming that you would teach GH a lesson (More towards KISS) 10v40 is not very even numbers. Must be lovely to have numbers like you have on AG. Hes attitude is hardly as bad as that Disaproval chap.
Btw, i really had fun slaughtering you the other night in Vale camp when you would not 1v1 and kept running into the safety of the Invulnerable point. Good game lad, got many pics of that
10 and 40 are both even numbers
Sea of Sorrows
Was great fun in AG borderlands this evening :P farming Bluevale and hold off AG at Redlake, and very much outmanned but was awesome fun
– you eventually took it, with a mesmer portal, bloody kittens :P hehe
Saw some familiar guild tags LoE among AG at the Redlake siege ^^ good fun
Lol. I was in stitches with how many of you it took to eventually kill me. I was actually busy chatting with a few people whilst that was happening
And I choose to move, I kept trying to play since the point of that meeting but NOTHING changed. No one was willing to go to other boardlands. TDA did a bit but other then them all seemed happy with their safe homezone. What am I meant to do? Just quit the game rather then go somewhere where we can play how we want?
Oh and I dont rely on a zerg. It was you that zerged LoE
We went of on our own, 9 people, to Hills. Managed to breach the outter but then about 30 of you came along if not more. If only had that response in other boardlands I would have stayed on gunnars.
So yes, I like AG numbers as they let me do other things that I find enjoyable instead of being inside an owned keep all the time.
And remember to put them pictures up on your wall, it be a collectors item! Though I am regularly out on my own I dont do that often. Only when Im trolling people that zerging me and too slow to actually immobliise/stun etc
Lol. I was in stitches with how many of you it took to eventually kill me. I was actually busy chatting with a few people whilst that was happening
and i quote:
“1vs1? Since when has 1vs1 been running back to the camp like a little babyto pull every guard onto the enemy?
I will take a 1vs1 anyday even half naked as i was. Just wont fight against a coward that runs to the npc’s.”
This works exactly the same, You ran like a coward to Invulnerable bit hypocritical there is it not? and before you say “Lol i was trolling” We were having a 1v1 you were not playing games, you ran off like the coward you are :P
oh and the others that joined in i called over when you clearly did not want to 1v1 with me obviously.
The situation so far this weekend shows exactly why wholesale transfer of large WvW guild must be further restricted and soon. We can figure out for ourselves what the matchups are going to be each week and big guilds are simply moving to “the server that will win”.
The people of RoF don’t care what the drama is between AG and GH, but we are getting a little tired of the obvious double teaming that we’ve seen a couple of times already this weekend.
Quite frankly, dealing with the AG night cap team is bad enough.
The situation so far this weekend shows exactly why wholesale transfer of large WvW guild must be further restricted and soon. We can figure out for ourselves what the matchups are going to be each week and big guilds are simply moving to “the server that will win”.
The people of RoF don’t care what the drama is between AG and GH, but we are getting a little tired of the obvious double teaming that we’ve seen a couple of times already this weekend.
Quite frankly, dealing with the AG night cap team is bad enough.
Bullkitten dude. GH and RoF are double teaming AG. Tonight we had 695 points per tick and both RoF and GH go around taking our supply camps, not focusing on each other at all. I even saw a GH on the opposite side of the map to where a RoF guy was scouted doing nothing about the RoF player.
The situation so far this weekend shows exactly why wholesale transfer of large WvW guild must be further restricted and soon. We can figure out for ourselves what the matchups are going to be each week and big guilds are simply moving to “the server that will win”.
The people of RoF don’t care what the drama is between AG and GH, but we are getting a little tired of the obvious double teaming that we’ve seen a couple of times already this weekend.
Quite frankly, dealing with the AG night cap team is bad enough.
Bullkitten dude. GH and RoF are double teaming AG. Tonight we had 695 points per tick and both RoF and GH go around taking our supply camps, not focusing on each other at all. I even saw a GH on the opposite side of the map to where a RoF guy was scouted doing nothing about the RoF player.
We could easily say that AG and RoF are teaming against us.. considering we had RoF and AG on our garrison in EB yesterday night , and a few other times before and after. Durious in EB about 11pm last night we had an AG group and a small party of RoF focusing on us on the bridge, no conflict between them.
Bullkitten dude. GH and RoF are double teaming AG. Tonight we had 695 points per tick and both RoF and GH go around taking our supply camps
You have a +695 per tick and the other 2 servers have nothing for each other to hit, but we’re “double teaming” you. Oh boy, poor you.
We on RoF got most of our borderlands back this morning because we started on the camps, and then moved fast with rams once we had some supply. Of course, your North American guildies showed up en masse once they were done reaming the GH borderland.
So every server thinks that the other two are ganging up on them? Amazing. XD
Saphnabylni | Alyquia | Hrafn Halldorsson | Roshanai Abbasi | Aghrama Steamfur
Got some nice fights yesterday. Especiatelly epic fight for AG fully upgraded Tower! Thats was quite nice.
Altought i find funny that everyday in the morning its everything green… wel.. lets go to work
“Only traitors and spies are ‘enemies who become allies’ in a real war, if you compare a server to a country, or only those who would sell their own mother if it meant cutting their own losses, if you compare a server to an alliance – you might want to watch your similes.”
Ok, but if we can say, one week period is a ‘war’ and the next one is another, and then we check the history … well, anyone vs. anyone, sometimes anyone vs. themselves
So let`s say … like history
To be fair the only reason AG doing good is they out number both ROF and GH. There only doing what we would do if it was us and that’s to take all.
But I have seen GH trying to hit us (ROF) but for only AG to come along behind and hit them or take what they took of us. It seems to me that GH would come to us then take care of their own map. There map was part green with a few red at one point.
I did see at one time a few AG and GH together and not fighting each other, maybe they was dancing with each other at one point till we turn up and all had a fight with each other. To be fair we had that with Whiteside at one time as we all got bored and started to dance but 5 mins later we all started to fight and we kill whiteside.
This is only a game and there for all to have fun.
We did try to take our stuff back a few times but knew will lose it but hey was doing for fun to see how long we keep it. Some of us where happy and had fun.
We even love how a 2 AG try to take Garrsion back of us but got killed by the Guards and 5 attack one of our Towers but we kill them. At woodhaven they was trying to put a cat up and left one to defend it but we took him and cat out. The other AG turn up to find no cat and we kill them.
I do believe some AG believe we give up and left wvw, even a few GH turn up to take our camps but died for it. Also seen one GH attack the Guards at Garrsion when AG own it and he died.
Mind you if AG did leave us alone then both GH and ROF could fight each other but then AG would get bored. AG only playing there game how they see it, just like we would.
Lets see how the week go and who can get 2nd place.
As it stand in next week fight with ROF will be Jade Sea
and Underworld if it stays like that.
We can only learn and will are doing that. Numbers make a differences and if we had the same numbers as AG then it be a even game but its not.
So ya remember its only a game and lets have fun and not get upset over it.
Ohh that reminds me, we had a good game of cards in Citadel while drinking coffee with cookies. I lost but hey not a lot to do when you got AG running about the map lolz
@Talon Silverhawk
+1 for you sir. Finally a person who understands that we all are just doing what anyone would do in this game, attack anything that’s not your colour :p It is sad though that GH and ROF cant field a night team like us as during the day you are formidable foes, but next week we will be out of your hair so you can enjoy, hopefully, a more balanced match For this week though i think if you focus on the fight for second and just completely ignore green on the scoreboard it would be alot more fun as both GH and ROF are very close atm and it could be an exciting fight to the very end between you two
And here I was thinking that wvwvw/pvp was all about fighting other players, guess I was wrong…. AGAIN..
But please, don’t let me spoil your fun fighting noble npc’s.
Good job AG. You can pat yourselves on the back.
And no you wouldnt seen us this active in GH boarders because as I said 5-6weeks ago on mumble. We are not willing to sit in keeps for hours doing nothing. LoE attack ENEMY boardlands in general. Not sit safely behind reinforced walls with 40 arrow carts. As such this week you will see us in GH and RoF, and only in AG when we are really needed. I guess again, this is the old age causing memory loss, but it was at the time I informed you we were thinking about leaving the server because 95% seeemed happy to sit in GH bl or wait in the queue to get there in Lions Arch.
First off, in my own experience, GH has been on the offensive 90% of the time. To the point it hurt our cause. Defense has in my opinion always been our weak point. That said I’m actually glad to see some change lately. People build defensive siege and upgrade towers.
Secondly, you don’t need the whole server (read zerg) with you to start attacking another borderland. I’m sure LoE has enough members to ninja a tower or a keep? If you are outnumbered but manage to capture a tower, then it could be sound strategy to – I don’t know, sit behind the walls with 40 arrow carts?
not so subtle hostility towards KISS
What the kitten do you expect? The first time they left was done in good graces on both sides. This time they leave to join the next weeks direct enemy server (which stomped us in points a week before I might add), saying they are going to teach the trolls of Gunnar’s a lesson. And that it should somehow motivate us? Again what did you expect?
Dont see you mentioning north cliff of bay. LoE trebs setup. And in open field slaughtering GH who had double our numbers in that location. But i guess again, that is to do with old age and memory lapse.
Don’t see you mentioning the siege of Bay. All walls and gates down, KISS, Unity and LoE pouring down on about 15-20 of us and not only did we hold out for about 2 hours wihtout any supplies, but in the and we pushed you out and right into Vale.
I would just like to point out that we were at least half a dozen different guilds, and that this was definitely made possible by inter guild cooperation. (The one that apparently does not exist on our server)
Every side has it’s successes and every side does not boast with its defeats
I would also like to attract your attention to the situation in EB last night around eight. We had been pushed back to our spawn by AG and RoF and apart from a dozen people of these two servers skirmishing, both of them insisted on keeping us pinned in. Now I’m not saying that this is not fair or anything, its just that it does once again not make for an interesting week. We do not have anywhere near the man power to hold our line against both of you and this makes for rather one sided battles.
Nevertheless, these battles will be fought and I’ll do my best to take as much of your people (and lootbags) with me before I go down.
After the Battle of Dreaming Bay AG were reduced to killing dolyaks, attacking supply camps and camping the jumping puzzle. Your new friends must be proud
As for the attacks on Nid, he is one of the nicest, most level headed people I have met in this game, his loyalty and belief in our community is something some people will never understand simply because their idea of a community is a place where they can call the shots.
Gunnar’s Hold
And here I was thinking that wvwvw/pvp was all about fighting other players, guess I was wrong…. AGAIN..
WvW weekly score has nothing to do with killing other players, although an awful lot of that will happen along the way. You win your weekly matchup by taking and HOLDING the points on the map. Killing a single guy roaming an enemy map doesn’t do a thing for the weekly score for my server, and it’s just silly to tell us that we’re double teaming the leading server based on that.
If you want pure player kill I suggest you go try sPvP.
To the Gunnars Hold players cheering and laughing with me during your capture of Hills just few minutes ago, thanks, hope you enjoyed it as much as i did pulling and pushing you guys off the ledge! lol
That said, thanks for fun fights so far and keep them coming
And here I was thinking that wvwvw/pvp was all about fighting other players, guess I was wrong…. AGAIN..
WvW weekly score has nothing to do with killing other players, although an awful lot of that will happen along the way. You win your weekly matchup by taking and HOLDING the points on the map. Killing a single guy roaming an enemy map doesn’t do a thing for the weekly score for my server, and it’s just silly to tell us that we’re double teaming the leading server based on that.
If you want pure player kill I suggest you go try sPvP.
I only speak from my point of view, but I know for a fact that myself any many other GH players no longer care about the score. It is plainly obvious that the winners of a match up are determined “out of hours” and by raw numbers.
For many of us, wvw is now simply about finding and having good fights. And with the exception of a few notable guilds (FURY for example) our roaming groups can easily hold our own vs 1.5 to 2 times our numbers. Heck… I killed 3 aura players friday night, solo on my lvl 20 thief!
TLDR – screw the points and winning, it means nothing, we will continue to farm your zergs, thanks for the bags!
WvW weekly score has nothing to do with killing other players, although an awful lot of that will happen along the way. You win your weekly matchup by taking and HOLDING the points on the map. Killing a single guy roaming an enemy map doesn’t do a thing for the weekly score for my server, and it’s just silly to tell us that we’re double teaming the leading server based on that.
If you want pure player kill I suggest you go try sPvP.
I’ll simply return the favor then, if you want to PvE stuff, stay out of the wvw zones.
Bullkitten dude. GH and RoF are double teaming AG. Tonight we had 695 points per tick and both RoF and GH go around taking our supply camps
You have a +695 per tick and the other 2 servers have nothing for each other to hit, but we’re “double teaming” you. Oh boy, poor you.
We on RoF got most of our borderlands back this morning because we started on the camps, and then moved fast with rams once we had some supply. Of course, your North American guildies showed up en masse once they were done reaming the GH borderland.
How obvious do I need to make the sarcasm? I mean really, read it again and tell me it isn’t obvious.
RoF, we definatly arent teaming up with AG against you. Nor are we teaming up with RoF against AG.
Wouldnt work anyhow, both RoF and GH do fine when awake, its when we need to get sleep and wake up to AG having capped everything.
Thats the nature of WvW, dont get me wrong. But its very good to see Gunnars Hold defeat the people that left us saying we were kitten at fighting.
Gunnars lost 2 pug guilds before this matchup. That, in it self, is no big deal, at least nuch such a big deal as you try to make out of it. Since I joined this server, Ive still missed the pleasure to see these 2 guilds make any sort of difference out in the lakes. Yes, I know they had 2 commanders (pug.herders), which is fine. But, when facing any organized opposition (aka not another zerg), I have yet to see they manage to stand their ground. Add that they bring together maybe 20 members, on a good evening, it really is not such a great deal. Weve lost better more numerous and more important guilds. Might I add to the trolling-part, that one of these 2 guilds, presumably was the reason GH lost maybe the 2-3 better, organized guilds on the server? So please, if you want to troll said guilds, I will do nothing to stop it.
GH didnt need those 2 guilds more than we need any 20 extra PUGS. Actually, you can double that number and do it again, and then you can add in 2-3 actually organized guilds (running around on mumble cross-discussion the definition of a puggie is NOT organized). Thats what the server needs. And AG is doing exactly the same that german zergver did last week. Dont even rememver the name of it. I remember AG, because when we fought them last time, I remember them melting quite quick and handsom to any organization. Very subtle and quick ressers they have though. I guess that classifies as a positive sidenote. These are my thoughts about the latest drama in w3, and If I read them myself, I would probably not spend 1 second to think about it, because quite frankly, the path of pug guilds does really interest me just as much as the famous paint-drying watch.
All of us in KISS were quite surprised on reset, never have we seen so many GH players online and working together building siege and pushing on the enemy. WE thought it was great, but we also wondered why didnt you do this before???
As for being outmanned, I was on a second account which is still on GH, and I decided to fight against AG KISS, and I can tell you I really pissed off Dis. Was late last night when KISS were attacking Cliffside, I think there were only around 5 GH players there defending but only two of us doing the most to hold them back, and all it took was one catapult and an arrow cart.
Yes we lost Cliffside in the end, but managed to hold them back for quite some time.
It’s not always about the numbers but how you play and the strategy you use. We on KISS have tried so many times to point that out whilst we were on GH, some listened but a lot didnt.
And as for respecting people on your server, we got very little on GH, hence the move to AG who have welcomed us with open arms.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
There are slightly more GH people online then would otherwise be the case, but not that many more then is normal for us, our overal numbers are actually lower than normal, the remaining guilds only have a few more on though.. When KISS was on Gunnars Hold you often took a borderland for yourself, considering your size, that made sense. That also meant you didnt have eyes on a lot of the other players.
None of the KISS members spend time in the Community mumble, Disaproval did at first but stopped later. Considering the hassle of being on two comms with large groups of people AND commanding, that isnt surpising.
Its just that now that KISS is on the other side you will see the rest of Gunnars working together because they are right there in front of you.
When KISS came back from Ehmry Bay they were welcomed back, some had their doubts about your sincerity when your leader said ‘Gunnars Hold is the only place for us in the EU’, I was not one of those.
When your leader told us about trolls we actually send people with you to find out who those trolls where. Turned out they were people who trolled both KISS and the rest of Gunnars.
Most of our community did respect you, apparantly not enough for your tastes. We had trolls, but few that targetted KISS more then they did all of us. Of the ones that did that at least one claims to have followed you due to how succesfull the trolling was, that one isnt who he claims he is btw, he claimed to be the leader of Book but isnt. I have little love for Book’s leader but wouldnt want anyone’s reputation to get slandered by impersonation.
As for the strategy, KISS was the largest guild we had, most other guilds had to find tactics and strategy to counter larger numbers. TDA/BdB/Cry Havoc(keep forgetting the tag) for example became very efficient in move fast, hit hard. Gunnars also became very adapt at using defensive siege.
As someone who has run with KISS as well as being a part of the GH forums and mumble I ask you where you(KISS) have pointed out your advice that got ignored by so many. I havent heard that advice on the WvW meetings, nor read about it in the forums, or in /Team or heard it on your Teamspeak when I relayed between KISS and other guilds.
This is a genuine question, if you did advice us, it somewhere got lost I fear. If that is one of the reasons for losing a guild I’d rather find out about this oversight then start losing more guilds to it.
Thank you for defending the tower, sounds fun. Losing stuff late at night is something we have accepted will happen in this match up( and to be fair, GH does their share of nightcapping)
(edited by Nidhogg.2950)
Pugs didnt even listen to the basics
Stick together
Dont run away when you see more than 10 enemy invaders
Dont attack the gate
Dont attack pve creature in wvw
Dont contest the map
Dont run ahead of the group
Dont chase
One time when we were attacking bay, was mostly a pug group but was a commander, coincidentally it was the last time we fought AG, a similar size AG zerg jumped out to fight us, and literally half the group ran away with their tails between their legs! They ran like hell and didnt even glance back to see the rest of us get steamrolled.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
I dont share your experience with pugs but I know that many commanders do, I have met quite a few new people in WvW so perhaps thats the reason.
Pugs will be pugs, in fact, Im frequently one myself.
But I actually meant your advice to our community, not just the pugs around your group.
Pugs didnt even listen to the basics
Stick together
Dont run away when you see more than 10 enemy invaders
Dont attack the gate
Dont attack pve creature in wvw
Dont contest the map
Dont run ahead of the group
Dont chaseOne time when we were attacking bay, was mostly a pug group but was a commander, coincidentally it was the last time we fought AG, a similar size AG zerg jumped out to fight us, and literally half the group ran away with their tails between their legs! They ran like hell and didnt even glance back to see the rest of us get steamrolled.
I mean its not like every server has these people.
Word to the wise on AG. Don’t come to rely on the former GH guilds, they obviously have a track record of defecting not just to any server, but the enemy server, when times are hard.
Good luck.
Word to the wise on AG. Don’t come to rely on the former GH guilds, they obviously have a track record of defecting not just to any server, but the enemy server, when times are hard.
Good luck.
We don’t rely on them anyway. As great as it is to have them playing for us, we’ve been improving as a server for a few weeks now! We were absolutely out manned for months and plummeted down the rankings but as of late we have really pulled together! The commanders are doing their best to bring players together (not just guilds, but pugs too), teaching them the basics, working on strategies and practicing techniques etc so that we can cooperate as a server!
If KISS chose to leave us after this match it will only change numbers, not the quality of the players we have who have been here for months trying to bring us back up in the rankings.
I sincerely hope KISS choose to stay with us, we welcome any guild regardless of size that can operate for the good of a server without having to be told what to do, that has always being the great thing about guilds such as UNTY, Ispy and FURY, not to mention all the guilds that are growing in numbers and becoming ever more present in WvW!
I’m sure they will teach us plenty of things to help us along the way regardless of how long they want to stay with us!
As for everyone talking about numbers and double teaming, why bother? There’s always going to be servers with higher number of players, but its always quality over quantity! There is no double teaming going on between any servers, I think everyone’s just trying to fight smartly at the moment and utilizing other servers attacks as distractions for their own! There have been plenty of times when we have held back from pushing further into other borderlands because while ever the other 2 servers focused on each other, they weren’t pounding on us!
One last shout out to the 5-6 man GH team on AG border yesterday afternoon ish who just kept pushing us out of the redwater supply camp, great work! That guardian in the CoF gear from OX was a beast, I was extremely impressed how often he threw himself into crowds and just mowed people down! /salute!
Word to the wise on AG. Don’t come to rely on the former GH guilds, they obviously have a track record of defecting not just to any server, but the enemy server, when times are hard.
Good luck.
To be fair to LoE, they had already mentioned they were thinking of leaving weeks ago.
They will have their own reasons for choosing AG.
(edited by Nidhogg.2950)
RoF, we definatly arent teaming up with AG against you. Nor are we teaming up with RoF against AG.
Wouldnt work anyhow, both RoF and GH do fine when awake, its when we need to get sleep and wake up to AG having capped everything.
Thats the nature of WvW, don’t get me wrong. But its very good to see Gunnars Hold defeat the people that left us saying we were kitten at fighting.
This is no fault of AG/ROF this is a daily occurrence over the past 3 months. Which is the main reason we left for good, Hoping the good wvw, guilds find a new home on any server.
Word to the wise on AG. Don’t come to rely on the former GH guilds, they obviously have a track record of defecting not just to any server, but the enemy server, when times are hard.
Good luck.
To be fair to LoE, they had already mentioned they were thinking of leaving weeks ago.
They will have their own reasons for choosing AG.
Nid, as you taken a more respectable tone now, so will I.
LoE moved to AG for various reasons.
1) Some of our players had friends there
2) Some of our players actually started there, for instance a friend of mine from back in DAoC. When I got in touch with him he came over to join us, but always said that AG was a nice active server.
3) One of our officers had AG in mind. My pick back all them weeks ago was Piken , after just 2 days fighting them. We would have been welcomed there from the people I was chatting with, however they got a massive influx of players that has mixed their community up and also caused constant queues in all boarderlands. As such I took that server off the cards.
3b) I didnt want to go to a server well up the ranks either which limited the choices a little. Rather put work in moving up the ranks as I had been trying to do with GH.
4) Kiss moved there, and later at night our few players online likes to run with them. Wasnt a deciding factor but one taken into account.
5) PvE – We had word there was a lot move pve activity there. And so far it been shown to be so. For instance, you can pretty much get obsidian shards when you want because the temple isnt contested 24/7. On GH you be lucky if you could get it once a month, and that was only at a pre-set event time because after that it immediately got lost..
Now I must admit the switch happened very quickly from the time the decision was made. Literally within 24hrs of our guild leader going, “Decision made it seems, lets do it”. I had proposed the move for the coming friday however with the xmas event starting we were worried about server stability affecting the transfers.
Also we considered the affect on gunnars. Do we stay when we know we are leaving and affect the WvW results for a week, or do we just make the move. I considered that moving right away was probably the better option because we knew that outside of GH boarder there be very little fighting anyways therefore anything we did would affect the result even if only a bit.
And Nid, ALL SERVERS are enemy servers. Because you always have a chance to face them as populations change etc. LoE did not make this decision on a whim, we considered it for a long time and have lots of posts in relation to pros and cons. This is the first time we moved server in this time and stuck with GH through all the bad times, continuing to put in alot of effort. However eventually it wasnt any fun… and considering there are multiple commanders (Uroo, slaughterer etc) that didnt want to run their tag due to the abuse they recieved from doing so then staying for the community begun to be less of an issue, especially with many parts of it discussing if GH remains the right place for them.
So far I enjoyed my time on AG. Though I did enjoy grouping with Ghostie today to do some PvE dungeons. There are a number of GH players I will still play with in this manner infact so that I dont lose touch. This time of year makes it hard to have a big impact on the new server due to people going away for the holidays etc but in time Im sure I get a name on this server too for the crazy moves that I pull off against the foes. Least I was nice and didnt call an army into bay behind you when i could have
Nid, as you taken a more respectable tone now, so will I.
No, I just posted my opinion. That my latest post was more pleasing to you doesnt change my attitude.
I got told you made some personal attacks, cant find them in this thread so might be moderated, or hopefully, you yourself editted them. Dont think that insults are responsible for me ‘being more respectful’.