Toon: Karakoth – LV80 Necromancer
Guild: NP
Dunno why this thread was locked but I’d like to reply to Nidoggs “RoF necro” comment =)
Might have been me one of the necros doing the massive marks.
+1708 Condition damage makes your bleeds and poison do wonders to ppl on walls =)
Just look for the DAD tag on a necro next time. It’s a one man guild, so it’s either my necro or my thief you’ll see =)
And great fights all around. GH seems to be just as low on numbers during the weekend as RoF, but you guys have some decent ninjas. AG have alot of numbers and seem to responds fast, getting reinf from other borders just as we are about to knock down a gate. Cant say how many times we’ve been ambushed by a new zerg just as we entered gate.
RoF seems a bit empty this weekend compared to last. But hope weekdays will be our turf =)
Good luck to all fighting, no hard feelings to anyone on GH, or anywhere. If you start to stress, relax, take a breath and remember, it’s only a ride.
War Dad KISS Guardian
At Bay on the RoF borders, that was a brilliant siege/defense from both RoF and GH. Including a sneaky and inenfective attack from AG which did not go to plan.
Cleared the first wave and second wave of RoF + The AG group, but that final wave got us! Thanks for the epic fight guys!
So far this has been a great week, not point’s wise of course, we’re third overall. But the quality and frequency of engagements is higher than I’ve seen before. Great showing all around, much respect to both AG and ROF, see you in the field.
Been enjoying fights with SoE. Really enjoyable. Shame i didnt get to play today due to doing work on house still. Maybe tomorrow evening
And you may be 3rd now, but Im still debating where to put my focus through the week. Sometimes I want to hit GH due to some bitterness from people, but dont want to punish my friends still there and so think some fun in RoF may be on the cards. May or may not help you depending on the situation else where but it always a possibilty.
Think one of my fave fights so far was in bay yesterday. Was a big fight on the bridge, about 25vs30. Had a 10 man LoE group in the battle, didnt like the look of bottleneck because of the cannon usage on the outter wall, so portalled whilst the battle was on going and I jumped off the bridge.
Portal activated and LoE went through leaving the other people up there fighting. Moved out the water onto the outter wall and removed the cannon threat, then saw GH were pushing the AG forces hard and had the upper hand. At this point another of our mesmers was already on route to the bridge area and got us immediately in the fight behind the enemy for a perfect pincer movement that turned the tide back in AG favor.
Really is fun fighting against our former server because you have well and truelly formed the defensive tactics in all the weeks you been staying in the home BL. Credit where it is due there. I knew we were good on the defense but you can not truelly respect it until you been on the other side of it
fairly good fun there,Took out about 4 of Ag with oil (first time i’ve ever actually used one of those things effectively xD )
Have seen no ring of fire people all night though! where ye guys at?
Gratz to the GH people defending and attacking around bluebrair tower and bay on AG border for several hours before this post, mainly the (TDA) guild, you guys did a good job giving us good fights, thank you for that and for the fun ;-)
Salutations and keep up the fighting spirit this wvw part of the game needs it ;-)
Thank you. It was important to keep a presence on AG. We did leave the door low in Briar deliberately and two walls in Lake down to attract some attention and we got plenty of it. The battle around the trebuchets was also exciting.
We finally succumbed around 00.00am GMT to a very large and determined force.
Thanks to BDB and a guild who I embarassingly can’t pronounce ( I think it’s Arterklassen? ) we ensured a third battle on a BL, something that’s quite hard for us in terms of numbers.
I’m glad we can get on with the battles and hopefully in our case the collection of badges and loot if not points.
Respect as ever
Cheers Pdarf. We had some good fun in AG bl tonight.
Sadly we didn’t have the numbers for a serious attempt at bay.
Have seen no ring of fire people all night though! where ye guys at?
Outmanned on every single map = time to go to bed.
Props to RoF for putting up such a good defense in EB so late into the night. It wasn’t until around 5:30-6am UK time that we were finally able to take your territory in EB. Was sad to see it fall with only 2 defenders after such a great defense throughout the night, but the two that were defending used mortars and arrow carts superbly to hold us off, so hats off to those two brave souls who stood up against the AG flood
Keep on fighting GH and RoF, great to see your ‘never say die’ spirit!
This is the first weekend I’ve spent a significant amount of time in WvW and I have to say I do feel ever so slightly outgunned where AG are concerned. Not seen a single RoF person even in their own Borderlands. Starting to think AG ate you all
It’s a nice challenge though and I do love how well coordinated the AG zergs are. I’ve just taken to raiding supply camps and caravans now. Think it might be time to hop over into AG borderlands and start making a nuisance of myself
Also, is it frowned upon to attack people trying to complete jumping puzzles? I threw a guy from a ledge and he fell to his death. I felt bad
Where have you been? i spend also some significant ammount of time in WvW and there was lot of RoF players Actually it was quite fine.
The only issue is AG got everything green every morning .. so they getting some crazy points. And since they also upgrage everything during the night it takes significant ammount of time to take it back.
At this point i believe going directly AG borderland doesnt make any sense as there is everything fully upgraded.
The only chance right now how to make troubles to AG is dont fight RoF vs GH and only focus on AG. Because its pretty clear right now, we allone can´t defeat it.
And since zerg is following commanders i think the only possible way is that our ROF and GH commanders just make some deal where they dont go for our borderlands and instead go for AG. Lets say ROF can attack their side, while GH will attack other side. Only that way AG will lost some of their keeps and towers… they can´t defend against two servers at once.. but they can do it easily.. if we attack each other..
well, anyway thats not going to happend because it will require some diplomation skills and communication between GH and ROF commanders.
But hey.. anyway.. we still have good fights !
I’ve been playing quite late in the evening, so I must have just somehow missed all the RoF players. I never went too far north in RoF borderlands for fear of being swallowed by RoF and AG zergs, so that might also be why.
I think an alliance between RoF and GH would be really fun. Would make things more interesting for AG too. But yes, would be nightmare to implement as many players simply won’t be aware of the alliance and will attack anything with a red name tag.
I wouldn’t mind an alliance between RoF and GH, because i got really bored in EB yesterday everything being green and all..
I’ve been playing quite late in the evening, so I must have just somehow missed all the RoF players. I never went too far north in RoF borderlands for fear of being swallowed by RoF and AG zergs, so that might also be why.
I think an alliance between RoF and GH would be really fun. Would make things more interesting for AG too. But yes, would be nightmare to implement as many players simply won’t be aware of the alliance and will attack anything with a red name tag.
In game like GW2 in WvW system, these alliances betweens servers will never be 100% correct.
BUT THEY ARE POSSIBLE. At the end it is only about commanders. Because what do we have in WvW lakes?
1) organized groups and big organized guilds. For them = they can take care about themselfs. But they are minority. like maybe 30%? of course higher servers have more.
2) average pug player or small groups. These are 70% and they are always or in most cases following COMMANDERS.
Co if commanders will make deal between themselfs and split roles. Then players will follow them. If you see. Just imagine this situation.
GH commanders will never ever go to ROF borderlands.
ROF commanders will never ever go GH borderland
GH commanders will only attack left side of AG borderlands and only left side of EB.
ROF commanders will only attack right side of AG borderlands and only right side of EB.
So – in this scenario. if commanders will do this – then zerg will follow. Of course there will be small groups, small guilds etc ignoring this.. but at the end, they will not have that big impact. They will probably only be annoying but not able to do much without support of commanders.
For AG that would mean they will be attacked on THEIR borderland from two sides at once. Even with full upgrades it would be hard for them to defend against two servers.
For us GH and ROF it would be easier to defend our own borderlands against only AG who anyway will have lot of problems at their own borderlands..
and how to arrange this? Commanders are key. .they can speak with each other even in betwen servers they are able to communicate.. If commanders will do it.. people will follow..
but i think Commanders are sometimes just to blind and zerg as well.. they dont care sometimes about upgrading and instead they move for new points of capture to fast.. leaving our battlergounds not upgraded and not defended.
I wouldn’t mind an alliance between RoF and GH, because i got really bored in EB yesterday everything being green and all..
Not like an alliance would help if both servers are sleeping anyway…
I never thought the day would come but have to say I can actually see some merit in what Aragiel says. It could actually breathe some life into what looks like being a ‘one horse race’ atm so it could be an interesting experiment.
Alliances, and 2v1 are all great in theory, but it all depends what you wish to achieve.
Ratings are based on maths and are 3 way battles. Servers are scored AvB and AvC.
There comes a time when attacking the leader becomes less important than picking up points against the 2nd/3rd place.
Regardless of diplomacy, the match will always finish 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
I wouldn’t mind an alliance between RoF and GH, because i got really bored in EB yesterday everything being green and all..
Not like an alliance would help if both servers are sleeping anyway…
good point, but then giving them more pressure during day can turn it back and also dont forget if we get more freedom during the day, we might also upgrade our own borderlands much more, leaving it much easier to defend for some nonsleepers.
How many people do you thik AG has at night? i guess could be 30-40 ppl max. Thats possible to hold off if you have fully upgrade keep and at least 5-10 defeders + resources.
Also they have easy time, because they dont need to care about their own borderlands.. as it is nicely green and fully upgraded. If two servers manage to take it down during the day, they will need to recap their own world as first.. giving us more time
Well one problem is that Commanders from different borderlands dont comunicate. What we need is official forums for each server. So request for alliances may be put there.
And of course. How many players read official forums? Thats the second problem.
So please everybody who read this topic (RoF or GH) tell about it at your server. Dont attack each other. And maybe, maybe if this reads a lot of players there will not be needed some alliance. And we send AG to lower bracket.
I never thought the day would come but have to say I can actually see some merit in what Aragiel says. It could actually breathe some life into what looks like being a ‘one horse race’ atm so it could be an interesting experiment.
Thank you.
As experiment, it sounds good, but well, Hule has a point as well. Its not up to us, its up to Commanders and they probably dont even read the forums (or only some of them). I have no idea if they are speaking to each other in between borderlands by whispers or if they have each other in their friendlist and trying to split roles. I guess they mostly just put the mark on themselfs and go for objective zerging. At least thats my experience from last few days.. and i found only few ones that really care about upgrading, defense and long term run. ¨
@Xericor.9103 Balance. Nothing else. Looking at AG score you got 3x more then GH and ROF. Meaning we are not worthly opponents for you. And you are not really challenged to fight. I can imagine how easy is to sit on your stable positions and only defend where is needed.
The point of 3 sided battle is that at one point if one is too strong. other two are helping each other to point where the power is equall and then someone else becoming “the stronger one”.
Ergo.. i like when someone is saying: “enemy of my enemy, is my friend”
Well, it was just an idea from me guys.. As i said.. its up to commanders. They took the role of leaders. Its up to them how they do it and what they do to achieve victory.
What we can do from our side, is to tell them.. and if they will be up to this.. it can be interesting..
I think people underestimade COMMANDERS. And they are really key of the battle. Its their own victory if the server is doing good.. And its mostly their issue if the server is not doing well.
But speaking about Commanders, most people think they are only the ones to follow with blue mark. Well, they not. They should be commanders, leaders, diplomats all in one person.
(edited by Aragiel.6132)
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.
Thanks for fights this week, SoE doing a really good Job.
Like I say, a 2v1 sounds good, IF the battle would end 1st and 2nd place. But it doesnt. It ends 1/2/3.
If 2 servers united, one of them would still end in 3rd place, and their score would be LOSS v A, LOSS v B. The worst possible outcome.
In such an alliance, the first server to stab the other in the back would be guarenteed 2nd place.
And yeah, this week for me (as an AG) was been boring due to the unbalance. I feel for you guys.
Still don’t get why guilds would hop to a server to only win by nightcapping and outnumbering their opponents 3:1. I think for most guilds loyal to Rof its more about the fights, tactics etc then about zerging or playing PvDoor an entire night and run into like 3 defenders.
What I like about Rof is that we try to make the best of the situation we have now instead of trying to join a server that already has its WvW community and just be the 20th guild to transfer to it.
I think most of rof is already targetting AG as we don’t really have a choice when they even outnumber us on our BL’s. The fact GH always comes in to attack our BL’s when AG is there makes an alliance between us doubtfull at best.
In such an alliance, the first server to stab the other in the back would be guarenteed 2nd place.
And thats could be also interesting to see but before it will happend the fights could be interesting
well.. anyway this is not for this matchup .. time is running and i dont see this happening quickly.. so maybe just for future..
I think most of rof is already targetting AG as we don’t really have a choice when they even outnumber us on our BL’s. The fact GH always comes in to attack our BL’s when AG is there makes an alliance between us doubtfull at best.
As i said.. before.. its of course doubtfull, because you can´t control everything. The key is to use commanders and by that limit “zerging” in zones we dont need. But that doesnt mean there will be noone fighting.
It just mean that some people will really ignore it. For example if there is no commander at GH borderlands, i can imagine, random players will not spend their time there and instead they will go different borderlands where they will find a Commander.
Also you got good point. RoF is a nice server to play WvW to be honest. We dont have big WvW guilds but we have some that are worth to mention and also some small scale group saboteurs that are pretty strong.
At this point i think what our server offten need is to focus more on our defense and upgrades. Sometimes i see we are leaving too quickly and leaving our towers and keeps undefended without upgrades.. if we can improve this one, i think it will help us in long run.
For AG that would mean they will be attacked on THEIR borderland from two sides at once. Even with full upgrades it would be hard for them to defend against two servers.
For us GH and ROF it would be easier to defend our own borderlands against only AG who anyway will have lot of problems at their own borderlands..
rofl, go for it. AG have more than enough numbers to defend their upgraded BL and at the same time send a sizeable force to attack one of the enemy BLs, meaning unless the attacked server wants to start losing stuff wholesale they will have to respond by sending their zerg back to defend their BL.
End result, you no longer have a combined force to make a difference.
Face it, both GH and RoF have lost this round :P
BTW: I agree this unbalanced battle is quite boring most of the time.
(edited by I Karnor I.1823)
I think, RoF dont have large WvW groups. And former sPvP players are joining WvW now. Talking about you Aragiel:-D
So I think RoF will have bright future. Just look at Unredworld and Dzagonur last week.
As more and more guild will transfer to better WvW servers, more better WvW guilds will transfer to lower servers because of queue.
Hey no problem if 10 ppl are connecting. But what about 50? 10 connect instantly and the rest will be placed in queue.
I just want to say thanks to the AG nightcapping-crew, gives me some nice XP boosts for my alts when we get most of our stuff back.
The only issue is AG got everything green every morning .. so they getting some crazy points. And since they also upgrage everything during the night it takes significant ammount of time to take it back.
That’s a huge problem!!!
Yesterday night at 1 AM italian (midnight in UK) we had reconquer almost all our (rof) border. Now at 1 PM (12 AM in UK) we have a camp and a tower… in all the four maps!!!!
Face it, both GH and RoF have lost this round :P
Thats clear from day one i think. The question is.. how to learn from it.. and what to do next in order to improve. I allready said that above.. any kind of alliance will not be here soon as it is highly depending on Commanders.. and thats not going to happend tomorrow.. so yea.. for you – you will win this round. For us.. we will get stronger hopefully next time.
Im sorry, but my soul is sPvP oriented. I like WvW too but my main focus will stay in sPvP thats for sure. But its also true i have spend some serious time in WvW lately so .. who know..
my ranger is now getting equipment fast so maybe .. maybe..
of course an issue but still / its our problem that we dont upgrade our keeps enough. Im pretty sure there are people fighting at nights too.. but if they dont have resources and upgraded keeps – they can´t hold it that long.
Also our people need to learn do not take supply from keeps and towers unless its under attack and there is no way to get the supply from other sources.
Wow, gratulations to AG for dominating this match.
but seriously, are the enemies that weak or do you got “buffed” by some guilds joining your server? Please dont be offended, but we fought you last week and this isnt comparable
Wish you luck in T5(seems like you skip T6 at the moment) if you should join ^^
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.Thanks for fights this week, SoE doing a really good Job.
With all due respect mate, you have no real reason to say anything. We can all see you are trying to stir things up. And if anyone over here in GH will take your word you would be wrong. When they announce it i will believe it. But in the meantime best not really try to annoy GH, because we can all clearly see you are “attempting” as you put it, to demoralize or even gloat about a single bit of information you may have heard.
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.
This trolling is rather beneath you. Or more accurately, until I read this I believed so.
Wow, gratulations to AG for dominating this match.
but seriously, are the enemies that weak or do you got “buffed” by some guilds joining your server? Please dont be offended, but we fought you last week and this isnt comparable
Wish you luck in T5(seems like you skip T6 at the moment) if you should join ^^BR
We already won before to both RoF and GH even without our new guilds, maybe now that KISS and LoE joined AG we can compare with your numbers in the future.
AG will rise up in tiers until another server has stronger night/morning server coverage, aka pretty soon. The rats who just joined AG will then abandon the ship, seeking glory elsewhere, bringing zergy numbers to the winning side again.
You can lose in t7 because of not enough people in X timezone but people forget that unless you’re the top1 server, you will be beaten yet again because of something, in any tier. Even if AG gets boosted by even more guilds hopping there, at some point – and probably soon – you will be stopped by a yet ‘stronger’ world and stomped just as you were stomped earlier.
Wow, gratulations to AG for dominating this match.
but seriously, are the enemies that weak or do you got “buffed” by some guilds joining your server? Please dont be offended, but we fought you last week and this isnt comparable
Wish you luck in T5(seems like you skip T6 at the moment) if you should join ^^BR
Hey, last week we’ve been doing a lot of organizing in the server, more people are starting to use our server mumble. We’ve also recieved 3 WvW guild on AG this week, KISS & LoE from GH and VAR from WSR. Have to agree that this week is a bit boring and we’re looking forward to next week. But there is still nice battles in WvW during the evening Keep it up guys!!
Face it, both GH and RoF have lost this round :P
Thats clear from day one i think
<snip>. The question is.. how to learn from it.. and what to do next in order to improve.
so yea.. for you – you will win this round. For us.. we will get stronger hopefully next time.
I hope you do learn from it and I don’t mean to be sarcastic or antagonistic.
Those of us that enjoy WvW need all the servers to be comparably strong so we can have good battles, not the whitewashes we see all too often.
There’s been a lot of sniping in this and the previous closed thread but that’s just human nature. I look forward to the time when the servers are balanced and the sniping turns to appreciation of each others successes and how they perform in failure.
Thats what i thought, thanks for the information MartyParty.
Because you got stomped so far, but now it makes some sense for me. Lets see how long these guilds are entertainend by farming low tiers.
The rats who just joined AG will then abandon the ship, seeking glory elsewhere
lol, you sound so bitter.
I said this before and will say it again.
KISS did not leave GH purely because of the lack of coordinated or determined WvW guilds. Nor did it leave purely due to unhealthy number of trolls on GH.
GW2 is not just about WvW Our guild is not full of WvW only players.
It got really boring looking across Malchor’s Leap and the Cursed Shore, amongst other areas, to see many places such as Balthazar’s and Arah constantly contested. Boring struggling to form good dungeon groups.
Since being on AG we have regularly been able to get to Arah/Balt and form good dungeon groups consisting of pugs, not just our members. Our coordinator was about to setup a guild run on Balt before we left GH but that got postponed till we got to AG, however the run has been postponed every time since joining AG due to the fact that Balt had already been taken care of by the AG community.
Yes AG has got good WvW guilds but from a PvE perspective, the server is very healthy.
Do I care if you or the other whiners believe me? Not really.
BTW: since coming to AG we have noticed a healthy lack of trolls, so you can keep GH. I wish all the good players left on GH in whatever guild the best of luck and hope the server turns round for all of you.
Whilst I agree with some points made in this thread, it is unfair to think AG’s building success is down to simply other Guilds jumping to us.
We have been making good progress with our coummity site, getting people involved and working together. UNITY’s open mic night – inviting every www player to join them on a community mumble – has gone a good way to proving this.
People talk of our night caps, and the graphes from MOS dont lie, we do have a good night cap team, but often UNITY events start at 11pm, rolling through to 2am, 3am. This added to the open mic communication makes for an effective fighting force on a late evening/early morn. Not simply numbers, but good teamwork
So Xericor your complete gamestyle changed during the last 5 days from ground on?
Sorry, I just remember UNITY so far…
MOS graphes dont lie, thats so true. If you take a look on your history you will see what everyone here speaks about. Its okay, I dont care if there are some guilds jumping on your server, maybe the next time it gets more interesting fighting you.
Nope. I never claimed 5 days. I never claimed any time frame.
And I can only speak for the last 3 weeks since I became involved on the AG community site. But in those 3 weeks I have seen advancements in teamwork and coordination, and two server wide Operations (of which I helped plan).
I am also big on numbers and have all the graphs and tables and charts. I have also spoke negatively about AG and the last 6 weeks, where we bounced between 18 and 19 positions.
This week we are set to jump by 3 places, and hopefully the week after that, settle into middle Tier 6.
Based on the last 6 weeks, and the future predictions for the next two. Something has to have changed (either in our own server, or all the enemy servers we have played). Its crazy to expect every other server to have changed, therfore it must be AG that have changed and improved. And this has to have happened recently, as like we agree the MOS graphes dont lie
Krosan.2890: Still don’t get why guilds would hop to a server to only win by nightcapping and outnumbering their opponents 3:1. I think for most guilds loyal to Rof its more about the fights, tactics etc then about zerging or playing PvDoor an entire night and run into like 3 defenders. ~
In this match up I agree, but in T5 we will be facing similar opponents with night teams and similar numbers.
As has been mentioned, some fantastic fighting from GH this week, nice to see some of the PvE guilds out and about finally.
I’m in two minds about rumours of other guilds moving, part of me hopes they come join us on AG, and part of me hopes they can keep going on GH.
I suppose the best analogy is that of a footballer switching from his home team. He’ll support the home team but still devote 100% for the team he is playing with.
Whilst I agree with some points made in this thread, it is unfair to think AG’s building success is down to simply other Guilds jumping to us.
We have been making good progress with our coummity site, getting people involved and working together. UNITY’s open mic night – inviting every www player to join them on a community mumble – has gone a good way to proving this.
People talk of our night caps, and the graphes from MOS dont lie, we do have a good night cap team, but often UNITY events start at 11pm, rolling through to 2am, 3am. This added to the open mic communication makes for an effective fighting force on a late evening/early morn. Not simply numbers, but good teamwork
Don’t think any1 want to mow down your Server teamwork or whatnot, but the fact that every morning all is painted green and upgraded isn’t really completely related to the fact that you guys play better from 00:00 to 5:00 ain’t it? ^^
The thing about Aurora Glade is that no matter which guilds join us or leave us, there’s always going to be the same core group which made it possible to hang in there from the beginning so I’m not too worried.
Our server may fall down a tier or two but these same people are not going to stop playing because of that, because we already fell to the bottom of the rankings and didn’t stop playing.
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.Thanks for fights this week, SoE doing a really good Job.
I’ll base a reaction to any news on facts, not rumours. That said, however, given that the said guilds have not made announcement publicly about plans to move it leaves 3 scenarios really:
1) They have agreed to move and told you privately but with freedom to post about it openly. If this were the case I’d be disappointed, of course, but moreover I’d be very suprised indeed. I think I know those guys better than to think they would let anyone other than themselves make an announcement.
2) They have agreed to move and told you privately, and your post is without their knowledge or consent. This would only show why you have eroded the trust and faith people had in you when you were on GH. Even the 2nd time round some of us were more than prepared to let the past be the past and welcome you back. I don’t think that would happen again after this post.
3) They have not agreed, or told you anything of the sort. If that’s the case then more so than in case 2 you are simply stirring things up. Good riddance for that possibility.
I’ll wait until we hear formally, thanks.
(edited by Jupitus.4352)
And thats the same with RoF. Many have left RoF and transfered to other server because of “crapy” WvW on RoF. But hey, actualy we aren’t so bad because our core players are still on RoF and they dont plan to change server.
Xericor: No one (or just me) wont speak down your success, but I wonder, how a server that got smacked down the last week ( and I played a lot the last match) even when they started an operation (or what you called this) and hardly didnt cap a single tower is able to turn about 180° and dominates that hard they can skip a tier.
Would really like to fight you again to see it by myself if you really improved that hard.
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