AG vs RoF vs GH
This huge jump coming up from AG is a straight up numbers thang much more than it is a teamwork/play style change I agree there.
Last week we dropped an entire rank and Tier only by a margin of 0.14% or we would have held our position for the first time since we dived. That shows improvement.
This week the match is unbalanced, and not helped in the slightest by KISS jumping over. The way the system works doesnt account for migration like this, so we benefit, GH loses. The result is our average rating gets artificially inflated and we look far better than we are. We will suffer horribly for it next week.
This time, when the “night offensive” from AG came we were 5 people – they it seemed around… a lot, more than 30 at least. They attacked Bravost en force, but their catapults and rams were destroyed from well placed catapult and mortar fire. They split though and because we were preoccupied with Bravost, we didn’t notice Durios was under attack until the door was already too low to try to defend. Durios lost.
At Bravost – they placed 1 catapult we were unable to reach, we used the supplies and bailed when the door was under 5%. Bravost lost.
Quentin was next to fall, after using the supplies, which against 1 catapult took enough to get another round of points. Quentin lost.
However, then several people from RoF battlegound came (losing battle there too), we numbered 8(but we were all the “regulars” – meaning with brains and good builds and equips)… and with 5 arrow carts, a cannon and a bunch of newbies underneath(no offense, but to kill when alone 4 people with a cannon…), even if still outnumbered 4 to 1, there was a slaughter at Langor. After several pushes from their side, in which we lost noting, but gained quite a lot of badges, it seemed all of them evaporated from EB(my best guess is their night team is too used to PvDooring and didn’t like the PvP part), except for like 3 people that tried to defend Bravost, Quentin and Durios. Brave, but foolish act – a man must know when fighting a fight is worth it, and losing 3 times in exactly the same way isn’t. Bravost, Quentin and Durios recaptured.
And then it was 4:30am GMT and I decided it’s time for me to go to sleep, hoping enough will stay to defend. This is my recap of the evening from RoF EB point of view.
I don’t care who has left the server, just as long as I can get a good party with my guild – and with my guild they’re all good parties – I’ll be out smashing old foes and old friends alike night after night in the borderlands or battlegrounds. I don’t care if the server is down on points due to quitters this week – just makes it all the more sweet to see us roll on our on-hours.
Cheers for the extra lootbags ex GH guilds – with so many of you out there there are loads to pick up! WvW has never been so profitable! I’m having to get extra backpack space to carry all the loot this week!
Cheer up GH – and RoF, sorry you’re having to deal with this spurned lover style drama.
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.Thanks for fights this week, SoE doing a really good Job.
I am informed, that KISS, LoE could be leaving Aurora Glade in the coming week.
Also further AG guilds are moving to Blacktide,after this weeks match up.
We can all spread rumors Dis, these tactic’s are low & in my eye’s are showing us you are not finding the move to AG to be what you was looking for, if you really do miss us that much then just say so & stop beating around the bush.
If I was to leave GH I would 100% never go to AG, now that’s a fact you can spread all you like.
All the best
WvW Squad Leader
Guys can we take this back to a more pleasant note, before the thread gets locked, again….
Anyway as one sided as the score looks when GH and RoF are at their peak numbers there have been some excellent fights from ALL sides involved. A few in particular will stick in my memory for a long time. This is aside from all the handbags at dawn.
I shall also only point out what has been said above, due to the over inflated score AG will now skip a tier and is currently at the time of writing due to face Gandara and Augury Rock. That will be a tough match and likely to get us face rolled. But I’m fairly used to that in the scores. So it will be a fun match with some amusing tactics involved.
I wish GH and RoF all the best as after our inflated score we may meet again fairly soon….
I still don’t get why GH insists on cutting off our supply routes in ROF borderlands while you guys have little control over your own borderlands. Your only helping AG by cutting off our supplies. GH been doing this the entire day and I can’t see the logic behind it.
The rats who just joined AG will then abandon the ship, seeking glory elsewhere, bringing zergy numbers to the winning side again.
LoE got no intents to seek glory anywhere. We just seek the type of fights we like and currently we been getting some of them being against GH when we unfortunately could no longer get them on GH. Said it more then once, leaving was not a fast and easy decision as all of the mumble users knew. (you probably didnt because never used to see MM around until recently)
I take it drkn is not distrap? if not that 2 bitter MM players. Maybe as a guild you should speak to your mesmer that hacks into keeps as on my final night on GH he hacked into the EB Green fort and tried to port me in. When I asked Aiyubi how the guy got in he could only say he didnt know, and that it was apparently mesmer tricks. Given the keep was never breached it says alot given that the player wouldnt even tell his own guild commander how he got there
No need for me to name him as you guild already know which person this is. Was very proud of Aiyubi for not taking advantage of this.
I am informed, that TDA, BdB CHTK could be leaving gunnars hold in the coming week.
Also further GH guilds are moving to Aurora glade, after this weeks match up.
Dis, this wasnt really necessary mate. Some people I chat to have said things to me in regards to their guilds but I would never pass this on to outside people, especially on a public forum. May tell some of my guild, and infact a GH player knows of one of them simply because they were on our TS (keeping promise to run dungeons with GH player(s) ), but i trust them not to say anything because they a good person.
Wether that list of guilds is true or not is not an issue. Simple fact is there only one guild that probably will look hypocritical if they ever leave given things that been said… ALL other guilds on the server would have been thinking of what is best for THEIR players for some time. Doesnt matter if it PvE or PvP, the population just isnt very high throughout. This was great for co-ordination in WvW where we ended up knowning almost everyone that done it, but long term it was simply not self-sustainable.
And to be fair, the above comment wont even be just GH specific, there various servers it would relate to.
Anyways, Im looking forward to the day this week I can get to play properly instead of only being able to keep up mainly on the forum. Almost got my Lounge back, but having to now get xmas decorations sorted now the actually decorating is done. lol
I still don’t get why GH insists on cutting off our supply routes in ROF borderlands while you guys have little control over your own borderlands. Your only helping AG by cutting off our supplies. GH been doing this the entire day and I can’t see the logic behind it.
Logic is as follows:
1) This gives GH points and takes them off you. Increases the chance of 2nd place.
2) They could be looking for skirmish fights from you. I know that when I ran a small group outmanned everywhere I would take a camp and hope to get a small number of enemy break of from the zerg to come retake it. Can get some good fights that way if all you interested in is the fights and not the points.
(edited by Corran.4957)
Glad to hear some of you are enjoying fighting SOE, we’re having a lot of fun this week, the big fights and the small are all helping us to improve as a team and recruit new members. We’re looking forward to more, so keep it coming.
Oh, and we have high hopes for an intense Friday night finish, so don’t disappoint us!
Piken Square
Glad to hear some of you are enjoying fighting SOE, we’re having a lot of fun this week, the big fights and the small are all helping us to improve as a team and recruit new members. We’re looking forward to more, so keep it coming.
Oh, and we have high hopes for an intense Friday night finish, so don’t disappoint us!
Im hoping that GH will keep up their end of match enemy voicechats. Would be nice to speak to some of the guys and girls
Think the fight between RoF and GH be close this week so could go to the wire, and they have always been the fun matches.
Should get online in a hour or two I hope, will have to see where our people are though as I wont be making that decision tonight
If i may ask,what type of trolling were you subjected to Kiss?
Im hoping that GH will keep up their end of match enemy voicechats.
I hope so, I’m enjoying the weekly washup. Shame nobody from the other servers showed last week but usually there’s been some peeps from our previous matchups to giggle over the week’s fights.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem
If what I hear is true about the recent people who transferred over about to jump ship again… just sod off now and don’t come back. We on AG were doing very nicely and starting to build a real solid core WvW group on mumble etc. If all you want is to come over and beat a server we were already able to beat (see matchup 2 weeks ago), then just go, you aren’t welcome.
If however you’re here to stay and want to join and build that solid WvW core, by all means stay. You are welcome. I love AG for that core, really don’t want to see this server go the way I’ve seen others go.
Dear Slaught,
I have no issue with any guilds listed as leaving gunnar’s hold, be it true or false I was informed Yesterday “by people on Gunnars Hold Server” After speaking with you just a few moments ago, I apologize as it was not my intention to cause a further problem.
On that note its not actually any of my business. As I have said many times I keep myself to myself, and when on gunnars hold was accused of not being involved etc. I guess its not to everyone’s liking.
Either way the move of KISS was never meant to offend anyone. We just wanted to knock BF and OX all over the map. Which we have done plenty of. I have no idea why Nidhog posted so much jargon about KISS, he was such a nice person.
We as a community are looking for a brighter future with Aurora Glade, Nothing personal at all.
So…. when can we go out for that meal people always laugh about
Good luck on the field Slaught.
Dunno why this thread was locked but I’d like to reply to Nidoggs “RoF necro” comment =)
Might have been me one of the necros doing the massive marks.
+1708 Condition damage makes your bleeds and poison do wonders to ppl on walls =)Just look for the DAD tag on a necro next time. It’s a one man guild, so it’s either my necro or my thief you’ll see =)
Yeah, met you or someone like you a few times, Had to…strategically disengage at high speed and still nearly died due to bloody bleeding, normally its just an annoyance. Now, it had me slotting condition removals.
Still have to level my necro, so got some idea which way I want to go now :-)
btw, Im a mesmer, Im supposed to be OP, my ego is hurt now :-(
Glad to hear some of you are enjoying fighting SOE, we’re having a lot of fun this week, the big fights and the small are all helping us to improve as a team and recruit new members. We’re looking forward to more, so keep it coming.
Oh, and we have high hopes for an intense Friday night finish, so don’t disappoint us!
Im hoping that GH will keep up their end of match enemy voicechats. Would be nice to speak to some of the guys and girls
Think the fight between RoF and GH be close this week so could go to the wire, and they have always been the fun matches.Should get online in a hour or two I hope, will have to see where our people are though as I wont be making that decision tonight
Yes, will be at the same time, same place again. Both AG and RoF are welcome,
Ill repost the time at details later again, but here they are already:
Friday 21:00 British Time
Teamspeak 3
Ill add the disclaimer again: This is not meant as an attempt to recruit people, just an amiable chat to our opponents.
Not talking for anyone else than me, but I really do not have much to discuss with the former GH guilds, especially after the recent comment about my guild leaving the server (cntk), which tells me generally what to expect from such a meeting. I can positively say noone has ever inquired anyone in my guild about the near or far future of our server. Last time I went to take a dump, though, I had a long mind boggling thought about ginger-cookies, if you want to spread any more slander.
When it comes to this weeks matches, UNTY looks like a fairly organized guild. Apart from that, noone really comes to my mind.
I see some new commanders in the lakes, which is fine, and oh, I havent seen any trolling in /team since, about friday I believe, which is a great relief.
Weve had, as always some good fights, some less good ones, but were still learning
I’ve had a lot of fun this week, defending has been great, open field combat less so. It gets very tiresome when you’re up against larger numbers with more organisation (on the guild level that is), but nevertheless it’s been fun. KISS have been a major force on our borderlands, their portal bombs can be brutal at times, but they have been effective. Other notable encounters were with Unity/ZA at bay and LOE at hills.
I’ve not seen a lot of ROF though, i imagine they’re being pushed just as hard as us on their own borderlands. It’s unfortunate that we meet this week, a week when drama seems to have overshadowed fun and sportsmanship. I’m sure we’ll go up against each other again in the future and hopefully we get to give each other a good kicking.
Also, to AG: call off your thiefs! Every time i get into a fight two or three seem to pop up and have a go, i’m not sure how much longer i can afford the repairs.
[Re] Rerolled
Xericor: No one (or just me) wont speak down your success, but I wonder, how a server that got smacked down the last week ( and I played a lot the last match) even when they started an operation (or what you called this) and hardly didnt cap a single tower is able to turn about 180° and dominates that hard they can skip a tier.
Would really like to fight you again to see it by myself if you really improved that hard.
Have to correct you. We fought AG 2 times so far. The last time 2 weeks ago. AG was clearly better the second match and that although AM already improved between the matches.
On the other hand your new guilds make a really big differnece. Let’s see if you guys really skip us or if we meet again. Our match this week is really hard and we feel lonely.. so many 2on1 situations xD
[AM] – Abaddon’s Mouth
Watching the Drama Queens from Aurora and Gunnar’s is getting really old. Please take it to your unofficial forums, thanks.
This is about the game and we on RoF are fighting hard, and we can take points.
Gunnar’s held Redbriars on the RoF borderland tonight and I think it was about a 90 minute fight or more. Two walls were down, and so were the doors. We (RoF) had trebs from Bay, and so did Aurora from the island.
I’ve never seen a more determined group than Gunnar’s to hold that point. They were fighting back in to defend constantly, despite the fights in front of RedBriars. Gunnar’s got back in again, and again.
And then suddenly it all changed and we on RoF who were still there and fighting for it had a clear field, and only had to defeat the NPC’s. Of course we got it, with only the NPC’s, but of course Aurora took it from us a few minutes later.
As a three way fight it’s an incredible challenge. Against Aurora alone, it’s bed time.
Gunnar’s held Redbriars on the RoF borderland tonight and I think it was about a 90 minute fight or more. Two walls were down, and so were the doors. We (RoF) had trebs from Bay, and so did Aurora from the island.
I’ve never seen a more determined group than Gunnar’s to hold that point. They were fighting back in to defend constantly, despite the fights in front of RedBriars. Gunnar’s got back in again, and again.
And then suddenly it all changed and we on RoF who were still there and fighting for it had a clear field, and only had to defeat the NPC’s. Of course we got it, with only the NPC’s, but of course Aurora took it from us a few minutes later.
As a three way fight it’s an incredible challenge. Against Aurora alone, it’s bed time.
we had been trying to draw some attention to the map and when we got it it was a bit to much so had to hastily retreat to briar’s , didnt have much supply to do anything with so the place was left to crumble a bit.
it turned into a 3 way attack/defence , good fun and good fighting commenced with a bit of chaos blended in , after those 90 minutes though we get order to pull out to see if we could help in GH borderlands , we decided to go out with a bang and went all in on aurora but somehow we survived , then all that was left was to /wave and leave the keep to ROF , better you had it than aurora even if it was only for minutes.
Have to correct you. We fought AG 2 times so far. The last time 2 weeks ago. AG was clearly better the second match and that although AM already improved between the matches.
Now I have to correct you, we fought AG last week. An we have allready faced AG 3 times.
Im sorry, im taht precize :p
[AoR] – Angel of Revenge
Abbadons Mouth
Have to correct you. We fought AG 2 times so far. The last time 2 weeks ago. AG was clearly better the second match and that although AM already improved between the matches.
Now I have to correct you, we fought AG last week.
An we have allready faced AG 3 times.
Im sorry, im taht precize :p
Since you still don’t believe AG has improved I checked the 3 matches we had vs AM.
Here they are:
1. We lost by 85k to AM
2. We lost by 68k to AM
3. We lost by 52k to AM
Does this still not show improvement to you?
No one said you dont?
And if you click on AM, you would see that we made the other points at the other enemy server, so we were between 75k and 85k
Your statistic only said we didnt focussed you all the time. ^^
But nevermind, I think you had improved but I want to check it with my hammer
[AoR] – Angel of Revenge
Abbadons Mouth
eh. stop it..
just focus on actual matchup !
who can i kill today?
If i may ask,what type of trolling were you subjected to Kiss?
What I Karnor I said, but also those who have not moved yet have also been subjugated to whispers from players demanding to know why they are still in GH and other harassment.
Of course the more sensible players have tried to tell these troll to stop as to continue means they are more likely to join AG. But seeing that the server is half full of these trolls I do not see GH as a server progressing much. As I said before, if you have so many players refusing to work together then it is obvious you will continue losing and failing in WvW, but most of all the fun is sucked away from WvW.
That said, this week GH has been very active and have been fun fighting against them. I dont know if this is due to KISS leaving or people joining GH to fight against the Desolation guilds which joined RoF.
I dont like that AG has jumped a tier, I can see us falling back down a level the week after next probably.
My recommendation is that people on GH should move server, to any other server, as IMO it isnt what it used to be and is not friendly especially when you have conflicting views.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.
(edited by Omaris Mortuus Est.2738)
im just wondering why people do think server transfer is good thing
well.. i guess i will stay on RoF as i enjoy the comunity here
Many, very interesting things…
That’s nice sweetie. I like kittens.
Hello everyone,
As this thread has derailed in many ways, it is now closed. Please remember that this forum are meant to discuss about your current match-up in a polite way.
Thank you.