Gatekeepers of Desolation [GoD]
The topic is mainly for ANet developers and mostly their investors, however if players agree I would be happy to have their support here.
If I want to play PvE I will do it in solo offline RPGs.
If I want to play group PvE current MMO market is flooded with such kind of games.
If I want to play eSports I will play Counterstrike, LoL, SC/SC2 etc…
If I want to play WAR like PvP I have only 1 viable choice in the market – GW2 WvWvW
Why you ladies and gentlemen can not understand that simple thing?:
WvW is your jewelry, please protect it and polish it.
This is your key to success, not Living World and not sPvP attempts to became eSport.
Do not.
Beating a dead horse, please fix the Unbelievable lag right now, please Arena net pelase, Its unplayable, literrally unplayable, we are getting golem rushed as we speak, We cant do anything
Anet want you to TPvP. They do not care about WvW. As far as they are concerned WvW is like a gateway to lead you to TPvP. They intentionally killed GvG as it would most likely have become more popular than TPvP and their poor attempt at an Esport would have less players.
With the latest patch they have added TPvP like objectives to lure people there even more. Sadly all thats happening is a lot of people are leaving the game. Ive logged in once and was dissapointed, i doubt i will again unless something changes.
So Devon or anyone ?
Is the 1st answer correct ?
What arena net doesnt understand. GvG is a WAYYYY more viable esport then tpvp I’d pay to go to go watch a GvG live, anyone else?
So Devon or anyone ?
Is the 1st answer correct ?
You didn’t get a response in three hours from the department head of a multi-million sale MMO. Instantly assuming that means he doesn’t care seems a bit ridiculous.
What arena net doesnt understand. GvG is a WAYYYY more viable esport then tpvp
I’d pay to go to go watch a GvG live, anyone else?
Also, the WvW team is completely different than the PvP team. If the WvW team makes a decision, it’s not because the evil PvP devs forced them to. By the way, take a look at the history of patch notes over the last year and check which one has the most views…
(edited by NevirSayDie.6235)
What arena net doesnt understand. GvG is a WAYYYY more viable esport then tpvp
I’d pay to go to go watch a GvG live, anyone else?
Just be careful what you wish for. ANET has a history of giving people the high level of what they want, but implemented the wrong way. I’m just worried that ANET will eventually launch GvG as a PvP mode. That will be just boring. The exciting part of GvG is everyone using different armor combos, food buffs, etc. It adds much more strategy.
PvP = casual mode
WvW = hardcore mode
What arena net doesnt understand. GvG is a WAYYYY more viable esport then tpvp
I’d pay to go to go watch a GvG live, anyone else?
This 1000X, Most E-sports consist of a group of players which is basically a guild. This would be their doorway to E-sports. Make it teams of 10, 15, 20, 25, & 30 for catagories, they could even throw in a 5 man if they like. I prefer WvW over other play styles however thats not to say I wouldn’t watch the GvG matches. They are really missing the boat here, they have the market cornered currently for WvW or Mass open world PvP, and have their E-sport sitting at their finger tips with GvG if they would just open their eyes and see it.
I wish they would just do away with spvp,
spvp is like a sick pet that needs to be put down… hes not going to make it so just stop wasting medicine on it.
pve is fun and dandy, but its not the reason people keep coming back to the game. the pve folks are the first ones to quit the game once they have done the content, they get quickly bored of doing the same things.
wvwvw IS the reason people come back. the wvwvw scene is that gives life to this game, GW2 should concentrate all its resources to make wvwvw as good as possible!
I wish they would just do away with spvp,
spvp is like a sick pet that needs to be put down… hes not going to make it so just stop wasting medicine on it.
pve is fun and dandy, but its not the reason people keep coming back to the game. the pve folks are the first ones to quit the game once they have done the content, they get quickly bored of doing the same things.
wvwvw IS the reason people come back. the wvwvw scene is that gives life to this game, GW2 should concentrate all its resources to make wvwvw as good as possible!
No dont get rid of spvp, just realize it has and never will be the esport they want it to be, Guild halls, GvG and many other things revolving around GUILDS in gw2 is where their money should be made. (Plus, I dont want them to get rid of spvp cause thats where I can check out the usefulness of my builds for free ;D)
wvwvw IS the reason people come back. the wvwvw scene is that gives life to this game, GW2 should concentrate all its resources to make wvwvw as good as possible!
That would be a horrible business decision though.
I urge again that people should look for numbers and statistics that back up claims that a business decision is bad. Out of all of the patch notes over the last year, the one with the most views of all time (almost 400k) is the patch that announced the living world votes and solo queue tournament PvP mode.
From what I can tell, WvW is even more popular than before with the new bloodlust buff that encourages roaming and gives significance to contributions from small groups of players, just like the WvW community has been asking for. Maybe I’m wrong—I don’t have numbers to look at. But constantly saying stuff like “WvW needs all the resources, stop developing living world,” or, “PvP is dead, everyone likes GvG better” is kind of ridiculous without any numbers to back up those claims.
I agree with Aaron, people say its out dated ect ect ect but, DAoC is still going and has been going for what ? 13 years now ? People haven’t played it for 13 years because of the PvE. GW2 has the potential to do this and be better/more updated. Open world PvP is something people have been asking for in games for as long as I remember, every game that has attempted it failed terribly, GW2 for the most part has not failed at it (other then some of their recent patches and decisions). I know ESO will have it, GW2 has a chance to retain those players if they would just put their pride aside for awhile and listen to what the players are asking for.
WvW is lucky for now, because there’s no modern RvR type MMO alternative. So many of us are playing this game, even if every corner of it screams about PvE.
We are those who find it a waste of time to play against an AI, we want to play with humans and against humans, not for our own “glory” (sPvP rankings and such) – but for our team (guild, realm, world).
So, 1st answer is going to be more and more viable ?
There are three options:
1. They don’t read this.
2. They don’t care.
3. They are feared of answering due to so many bad criticism.
None of the points is a good sign from Devs that should care about their Community.
WvW is lucky for now, because there’s no modern RvR type MMO alternative. So many of us are playing this game, even if every corner of it screams about PvE.
We are those who find it a waste of time to play against an AI, we want to play with humans and against humans, not for our own “glory” (sPvP rankings and such) – but for our team (guild, realm, world).
I’ll never play it because of monthly subscriptions, but if what Bethesda says about ESO is true, it sounds like it will blow WvW out of the water.
wvw was always a casual gametype to anet so i guess they just wanted get rid of the hardcore players
I have been really trying to embrace he changes in WvW. I come to WvW for large scale PvP, but that is extremely broken at the moment with this Bloodlust buff.
I feel bad when I win a fight when I have the buff. My favorite game feels broken now.
I think many of us are hanging on hoping that the Bloodlust buff will get changed or removed soon. My fear is that Anet will not react soon enough and we will lose so much of our community due to frustration.
I appreciate that Anet is putting in efforts to try and improve WvW, I like the new map changes, but the buff is really hurting the portion of the WvW community who enjoys the PvP aspect of WvW.
(edited by AphoticEssance.7592)
I come to WvW for large scale PvP, but that is extremely broken at the moment with this Bloodlust buff….
I feel bad when I win a fight when I have the buff. My favorite game feels broken now.
Yup,WvW is the reason why I play GW2 at all. I get little to no thrill fighting predictable AI. And, yes, it really sucks when I lose or win a close fight. The BL Bloodlust takes away from the feeling of accomplishment.
I think many of us are hanging on hoping that the Bloodlust buff will get changed or removed soon. My fear is that Anet will not react soon enough and we will lose so much of our community due to frustration.
QFT! Anet responds far too slowly to things of high importance. Like the Titanic, it will react once it’s too late (if at all) and not turn swiftly enough.
Good post, Aphotic!
wvw was always a casual gametype to anet so i guess they just wanted get rid of the hardcore players
This. They seem to be pushing hardcore players toward sPvP by destroying the aspects of WvW that these players enjoy about WvW.
This. They seem to be pushing hardcore players toward sPvP by destroying the aspects of WvW that these players enjoy about WvW.
I hear, that if you repeat the ramblings of a jester, it will inevitably become true!
any feature that gives such a ludicrious advantage such as this does not and should never have a place in a competitive pvp zone.
As I see it, GW2 is a jack of all trades game. It has everything for everyone but isn’t meant for specialization, which is why those who prefer one form of playing occasionally but heads.
Everything in GW2 is casual. It’s really up to you to make it competitive.
To make wvw competitive it will require a very very big overhaul.
1. no 24/7 ppt.
2. wvw maps not more than 25 per map
3. smaller map sizes
4. cap on gear stats
It is pretty much impossible to balance out as it is, unless you’re in tier 1. The only solution might be to have lower map population as the tier goes lower. And a randomized map design, with a king of the hill meta.
Meaning, if you’re server’s pop is low, and you’re fighting similar tiers, having one map with one goal or two and lots of camps would probably be the way to go.
It will require redesigning the whole gw2 wvw system to make it work.
(edited by Sovereign.1093)
Wvw players take a back seat to pve and spvp players for 2 reasons. Anet wants an esport so they will do what they can to get more spvp players. If that means adding something to wvw to amused them at times then they will do it. Pve players are without a doubt the largest group. But even with the massive amount of pve content in comparison to wvw they feel the need to pull in pve players more so than trying to make the wvw players happy. While the dev teams maybe separate at a design level, they are still greatly connected above that and if the big bosses say make it happen they have to do it
As I see it, GW2 is a jack of all trades game. It has everything for everyone but isn’t meant for specialization, which is why those who prefer one form of playing occasionally but heads.
Everything in GW2 is casual. It’s really up to you to make it competitive.
To make wvw competitive it will require a very very big overhaul.
1. no 24/7 ppt.
2. wvw maps not more than 25 per map
3. smaller map sizes
4. cap on gear stats
It is pretty much impossible to balance out as it is, unless you’re in tier 1. The only solution might be to have lower map population as the tier goes lower. And a randomized map design, with a king of the hill meta.
Meaning, if you’re server’s pop is low, and you’re fighting similar tiers, having one map with one goal or two and lots of camps would probably be the way to go.
It will require redesigning the whole gw2 wvw system to make it work.
This is pretty much what gvg players want. I don’t understand y they don’t make something like it
I want real PvP. I wanna go other servers and attack when they try to kill Tequila Sunset. I wanna have blob vs blob in Dredgehaunt Cliffs or capture lions arch and gank people when they try to use mystic toilet. That would be real PvP.
I want real PvP. I wanna go other servers and attack when they try to kill Tequila Sunset. I wanna have blob vs blob in Dredgehaunt Cliffs or capture lions arch and gank people when they try to use mystic toilet. That would be real PvP.
IKR…forget that “Scarlet is invading blah, blah, blah…”
How about… “Invaders from Stormbluff Isle have entered Divinity’s Reach. They murdered the queen, destroyed all of the crafting stations and are setting up ACs! Please send help!”
How’s that for new bi-monthly LIVING WORLD content?
TES:O will have a WvW mode, might be worth keeping an eye on it. I do love the idea of EVERY class being able to use EVERY weapon type and EVERY armor type.
As for GW2, Aanet i dont think thought WvW was going to be as popular as it has become, they were expecting S/TPvP to be the key player and that WvW would be for the casuals while all the “pro” players would head for S/TPvP.
The fact they think it could become a eSport in its current state is nothing less then a joke and them wasting all this time ruining WvW to try and get people into S/TPvP is going to end up killing WvW and still having S/TPvP dead as no one likes it.
^ that won’t work much. there will be so much griefing and qq’s. Unless there are two types of map, which is pk and non – pk or have the option to have a pk on or off option per map.
I want real PvP. I wanna go other servers and attack when they try to kill Tequila Sunset. I wanna have blob vs blob in Dredgehaunt Cliffs or capture lions arch and gank people when they try to use mystic toilet. That would be real PvP.
One of the game’s inherent design goals was to make people happy to see other players. Sure, there’s a few people who miss doing ganking people who are crafting (how is that PvP again?), but most of them are just happy they don’t have to put up with stuff like that.
The topic is mainly for ANet developers and mostly their investors, however if players agree I would be happy to have their support here.
If I want to play PvE I will do it in solo offline RPGs.
If I want to play group PvE current MMO market is flooded with such kind of games.
If I want to play eSports I will play Counterstrike, LoL, SC/SC2 etc…If I want to play WAR like PvP I have only 1 viable choice in the market – GW2 WvWvW
Why you ladies and gentlemen can not understand that simple thing?:
WvW is your jewelry, please protect it and polish it.
This is your key to success, not Living World and not sPvP attempts to became eSport.
Strong post,
Wish the smart devs would step up, we seen one 10 months ago that removed the orbs buffs and posted why it was removed, he was a smart one. Clearly there was changes inside the WvW dev team thats why we are seeing so many bad choices.
(edited by Xom.9264)
So almost a week and no response, not even a sign in other posts at the forum about ANet even care for their customers
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