Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


@FrouFrou & Um Abbas
I know how to unblock that and I watched it. But for most people it’s to probably to much effort. And romerise talked about how we germans “skip” that video. So I gave him an explanation why that happens.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Viking.1285


I live about 300 km from Frankfurt..

Btw nice fights sofar on AM Borderlands

[LNS]Lina Invers
Legion Night Stalker – We stalk the Night

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


I live about 300 km from Frankfurt..

Btw nice fights sofar on AM Borderlands

You’ve had some fights? This is what you looked like to us.


Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: romerise.6942


beep beep, TUP steamroller coming through… surprised you guys have stayed in zone so long… oh wait, the “guilds” on the two German servers have left… wonder why?

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: KPower.1394


Good to see how AG is dropping their complete homeland just to get 1 fort from AM, while blobbing as hell. I am sure this is it, how you wanted us to play?! Correct me if I’m wrong.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


lol nice riverside protecting you aurora guys while you capture your hills back! riverside seems to be really mad at usXD

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Pheppo.9286


I live about 300 km from Frankfurt..

Btw nice fights sofar on AM Borderlands

You’ve had some fights? This is what you looked like to us.

Muahaha …. MeepMeep … you made my day

Server: Riverside [DE]
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


Great time I had leading the chaps on reset till about 22:30 BST – alas I required to get a chinese takeaway, much to the disappointment of the guys

Had some super sized enemy forces to deal with on AM BL and was great fun, apart from a certain guild, I don’t need to name you – you know who you are, running from us, back to your lil North West Tower when you outnumbered us 2-1, was hoping for a clash. Credit though when you outnumbered the 9 of us around midnight with your mass by about 4x – you plucked up the courage to fight.

I couldn’t make my mind up with zerg to bust and smash, so I hope RS and AM felt equally loved last night. Really good challenge. A friendly note to enemy guild groups, fight more, learn more, have fun – a few run run run and half die before they you finally are forced to engage.

@ RS guild [IF] appreciate you needed the 7 ac’s in lake tower, when it was just you guys, but when you then had 60-80 sat in that tower – was really hoping for a fight. But we had a AM zerg to bust at bay – didn’t want to kittenfoot around at that tower too long so did a “ballsdeep” alas was painful but quick so we could wipe them at bay – so thanks in a way :P

To my own server, wish their was more “pug/friendly/infantry” commanders, varied between 5-15 green names following us – makes fights ahella lot harder

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Marcy.6498


Dranul, we were around 20 guys from IF in this tower and 3 ACs. Not a single IF guy and AC more. The Pug Commandor had around 12 guys who followed him.
So please stop crying like a little baby and learn to count.
But I have question to you. Why you always do the same mistake. It’s the 5th you tried to capture a tower like this and we wiped you there like we did it before . But thanks to the bufffood you left there, very gentle of you.

Every time when i read RS is blobbing and other stuff like that I’m very suprised about your stories. We dont have the man power you always talking about. I wish we had this number of people you always talking about.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Dranul, we were around 20 guys from IF in this tower and 3 ACs. Not a single IF guy and AC more. The Pug Commandor had around 12 guys who followed him.
So please stop crying like a little baby and learn to count.
But I have question to you. Why you always do the same mistake. It’s the 5th you tried to capture a tower like this and we wiped you there like we did it before . But thanks to the bufffood you left there, very gentle of you.

Every time when i read RS is blobbing and other stuff like that I’m very suprised about your stories. We dont have the man power you always talking about. I wish we had this number of people you always talking about.

Read his post again,
20 IF maybe, but you weren’t the only ones sitting in your tower, MSNG also turned up, think there was another group in there too, can’t remember the tags though.
Also, as he said, we had to get to bay so weren’t going to sit around and wear down your arrow carts but we didn’t want to just run off after getting the wall down.

P.S where were dw on reset? only saw a couple of your guys running around and you guys seem to be the only german group capable of killing anything without arrow carts or lagging the opponents to death.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


But I have question to you. Why you always do the same mistake. It’s the 5th you tried to capture a tower like this and we wiped you there like we did it before . But thanks to the bufffood you left there, very gentle of you.

Well we did have the wall down afterall, and just porting away to roll over the am zerg at bay would´ve been a lot more boring eh? IF you´ve gone through all that work to get you to fight, might as well have some fun(short lived fun, but you never know).

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Bla blah blah……..getting bored.
Never ever a Guild from AG has be beaten by any RS-Guild on even numbers………more fairy tales pls.
Dont you feel bored constantly repeat yourselves countless times?
If it were not so ridiculous I would have compassion with you.
Perhaps you should show the same ambition on the battlefield.

Greets Myrmi

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Perhaps you should show the same ambition on the battlefield.

Greets Myrmi

Perhaps you should make a presence on the battlefield other than running away.
Hiding behind your towers and ACs is not the battlefield.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


P.S where were dw on reset? only saw a couple of your guys running ….

We are almost always doing smallscale on reset, or at least were trying to
Zergs are too big for us on reset, not really that much fun.
Our guild-raid-days are sun/mon/tue/wed.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

(edited by Drizzy.1268)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


Perhaps you should show the same ambition on the battlefield.

Greets Myrmi

Perhaps you should make a presence on the battlefield other than running away.
Hiding behind your towers and ACs is not the battlefield.

LOL this from KISS, i am still laughing my kitten off, pls dont do that again it hurts;-)

Greets Myrmi

btw…….pm me ingame, we will fight you wherever you want with equal numbers

(edited by Myrmidone.4362)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


I like German Fairytale time it is interesting

There is only one enemy guild in this tier that I’ve noticed consistently for positive reasons and that is DW by far above all the rest because they have their own identity and get things done by themselves. Also they conduct themselves well and don’t seem to post fairytales like some people do.

DW have my respect… This tier use to be awesome with multiple guilds from baruch and gandara… Now its mostly farming zergers which can get boring eitherway after awhile.

Riverside use to have stronger guilds, where is the likes of DTK, Zorn, RSC, FX

Abbadon… What you lack in skill you make up for in aggression and its more respectable than ultra defensive mind set of another german server to be honest.

Although its still disappointing to see people waypoint out pre fights when they double your number in this day and age… reminds me of when people use to crash their clients to prevent death haha.

Btw IF guy, we were only running 21 (yes that’s right the TUP Zerg lol) and trust me, saw alot of blobbing and a lot of manpower and even guild groups from servers which claim they have none… Maybe you will see things from the other side if Fem Nom Nom makes a video of reset.

Marcy is because he and others have already explained it a bit… but also because we aint afraid to die in a video game LOL… we will push things we know we shouldn’t but will try regardless because waypointing out is so much fun

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Thx Wamgor, we could say the same about you.
Right now youre one of maybe 2 or 3 enemy guilds left in this matchup running solo with equal numbers and delivering good fights, which could always go either way.
Hint: if you want to find/fight us more often, were almost never on our homeland due to queues, rs-guilds always have to go to your bl or to abbadon.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Marcy.6498


@Wamgor: There is no RSC anymore. The Leader Feierabendbier dont play GW2 anymore because of personal issues.

@Twinklefairy: I read his post. There were a maximum of 40 players. Not 60-80. We dont have that much players in WvW these days. In the past we reached this number easy but on RS most people are not intrested in WvW.

IF is always running with 20-30 players. Not more. The Rest of the player are PUGs who follow the blue symbol on the map and thats it.

See you soon on the battlefield.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


. In the past we reached this number easy but on RS most people are not intrested in WvW.

Yeah right. And we lose because all these enemies we face each day are just bots…

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


You lose cause you lost many guilds and are complaining all day long.
We dont have more numbers than usual.
To the KISS guy i am still waiting;-)

Greets Myrmi

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Freya.3214


since 2 Servers are german the main discussion (based on number of posts) seems to be there: https://forum-de.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/wuvwuv/Flussufer-Lichtung-Abbadon-KW-20/first

Abaddon and (from what I heard) Riverside are mostly community-based servers wich means:
-players of the level range 1-80 on the map ( I did almost all leveling in WvW on all of my characters)
-players who aren’t in TS and/or just try to get map completion anyway
-players who dont use any buff food
-players who are very unexperienced

Every single of these points means we arent allowed to run small numbers, unless you run in your guild/friend group. I’m happy to be in a pve guild with a small wvw-core with several wvw-events per week.

While the “Omg please stop blobbing” -posts are entertaining, they just show your unawareness of the situation we are in.

If you are interested in Gvg-matches please feel invited to ask in the newer thread linked above

That Abbadon stands where it is as a low populated server compared to the other 2 in this bracket is because of our awesome commanders who mostly know each other very well and try to bring players from lion arch/pve areas into wvw by hosting events and are constantly trying to improve. (Im talking about the last months)

Here are several videos I picked from the other thread (didnt make them) to show you the other perspective: (AM,RS,AG)

Looking forward to fight you ingame

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


Thanks for the fight´s on AM Borderlands yesterday. Had a few outmanned situations which used to be very intense and in times the enemy managed to leave keeps or arrow cart range it was fun.

But there were also times where it seemed that people were only sitting in their keeps and waiting. Of course it´s a valid strategy to do that and everything, but it´s soooooooo boring, really. So special thanks to everybody who left the relatively safety of objects and fought.


missed you guy´s yesterday, would have been fun

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

(edited by draugris.9872)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@Freya Thank you for the video is always good seeing from the enemy side, i really don’t think that AM has a lower population of RS/AG i think the coverage is pretty much AM>RS>AG

For the blobing problem: ok you do you events and you rally many people much more than us, Ag runs in group of 25-30 sometimes a bit higher, but every guild group can’t really bring more than that, and we don’t stack up guild group together we have separate raid/events/whatever.
AM/RS seems to have usually on single commander with icon up where everybody goes and at that point you get a very big group that they might be pve charater but is still many more than us.
Now haveing a single commander is fine, but choosing to don’t split and just group with more and more people is still your choice, that’s why we were asking to change, and we listed many reason, one is that is skill lag, an other one is fun i don’t think you really like winning with more than double our numbers everytime, and this week when i played, everysingle time that our group lost is because a much bigger force just swarm us and we wiped(i’m not saying that you don’t skill but is hard to judge that when you have so many numbers)
Many guild on Ag play for fights and not really for points so sometimes we just go out and looking for fights, it seems that RS and AM just go for points and i mean only that you don’t engage if you don’t need to and many times i saw full group waypointing when they ratio for you wasn’t more than 2:1.
Said that, that’s my experience, you maybe running in other groups that do different things.

For the thread if you want to keep replying there, that’s great, but from AG we don’t have many German speaking people so will probably just stay here, anyways thank you for the link.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


You lose cause you lost many guilds and are complaining all day long.
We dont have more numbers than usual.
To the KISS guy i am still waiting;-)

So, it’s just a numbers game, afterall.
Thanks for confirming it from your side too.
Have fun PvDing our stuff while we wait to go for fights in Tier 5.
You also lack in coverage when you go to Tier 3, so your tactics in Tier 4 prove actually nothing rating and points-wise, skill-wise too.

As for fights, i liked one highlight yesterday of AM fighting RS [dw] guild on AM borderland.
2 groups of AM, 1 PuG based with commander and 20 and 1 ADAC guild with another 20 (non-guildies included) in order to bring down [dw] guild. Too bad that 3 VM guys had to kill me because they were so kill deprived on map that they ganked on guy who did not fight back watching the show…

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: JonSnow.5610


My loot bags in the SM lord room from RS ankittenell a different story about no AG guild wiping other guilds….

and I have only KISS to thank for that

Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?
Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Myrmidone.4362


At least i didnt told you something new, funny that you realise that after months of playing WvW:-)
Thought that this is clearly to all players, but you prove the opposite.

Greets Myrmi

btw……..as you probably know you already won a matchup against us at the past, sure it was cause of your skill and not cause of the night coverage of certain AG Guilds;-)……..legit for me but it seems that you take the whole thing way too serious think about it.

KISS still waiting;-)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


As for fights, i liked one highlight yesterday of AM fighting RS [dw] guild on AM borderland.
2 groups of AM, 1 PuG based with commander and 20 and 1 ADAC guild with another 20 (non-guildies included) in order to bring down [dw] guild.

Yeah it was a hell of a fight, most thrilling fight of the evening for me. Shoutout to everyone who participated.

And for the Records, many times i read “The Germans…” or “German servers…” Neither AM nor RS are German servers, they are German language servers which is something different. There are also people from Austria, Switzerland and other countries with german language playing on it.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Norreka.8407


Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: tygorn.7193


Had some awesome fights yesterday in eb. Still some lag but a lot less compared to last week.
AM made a beautiful sm cap when rs was trying to keep us outside. After it flipped they where still throwing rocks at us. Great moment. And made our sm cap later much easier since all the arrow carts where gone.

To RS: When AG and AM are fighting and you have a lot of numbers as well, just join in instead of building 5 arrow carts on the side. Even if you wipe it is still rewarding since lootbags drop like raindrops for everyone instead of only the people on the arrow carts.

I hope we have a lot more of these battles before the week ends!

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Tom.3487


AM <3
Thanks for bringing 70+

Anyone can beat my bags ?


Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Short Video of tonight, Am got reflected to dead

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Reztek.7805


@Freya Thank you for the video is always good seeing from the enemy side,

So you saw the AG blobs.

Ag runs in group of 25-30 sometimes a bit higher, but every guild group can’t really bring more than that, and we don’t stack up guild group together we have separate raid/events/whatever.

Oh wait, you didn’t?

And the same old story once again. No, most of the time AG is just a big running blob like any other server too. Your guild zergs, when seen alone (and alone is not that often), outnumber most enemy guild groups by 2:1 or 3:1. So wondering why some guilds team up with others is … well, funny at least. Now i could ask you the same: “Why don’t you split your guild blobs? Ain’t it boring to win just because of bigger numbers?” But that’s pointless and i guess 5/6 weeks ago it wasn’t, huh? But now the WTJ’s left AG for the next easy win …

and this week when i played, everysingle time that our group lost is because a much bigger force just swarm us and we wiped

I have no doubt that 99% of the GW2 WvWvW players will answer the same when asked why their group wiped. This really seems to be a common problem.

Said that, that’s my experience, you maybe running in other groups that do different things.

… and still experience the same as you do.


Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@Reztek video was mainly ECL that is now not with us, so that was no guild blob as you called, i think pretty much all fight with ECL in video was around fair numbers bewteen the sides aside freaking AC, if you find the mighty GUILD BLOB on our side on the video pls post the time info so i can check it i might missed.

Dawn is running alone, rddt run alone, Tup run alone,Kiss run alone, Fear runs alone, Np runs alone.
Than we have RL and HEH that have lowers numbers than the rest
This is our guild groups, nobody is stacking up guild groups, so open your eyes, Our guilds don’t move as a single blob all day, AM and RS, Tag up and never split.
If we have too much numbers we always split, and i think outside of EB you will never see a group of more than 40 Ag together right now
There is very few guild in both german server that don’t blob from what i can remember DRUCKWELLE and DTK.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: kruimeltje.5981


Well if it was just numbers i couldnt care less,but it also seems AM and RS are making a habit of only/mostly attacking AG and leaving each other alone as much as possible.Making this the 2nd week of 2vs 1.Maybe its a good idea for Anet to not have 2 German or French servers in the same tier to keep chances even for all .No doubt im going to get comments about whining and this not being true but just look at the maps when AM or RS have the manpower at night and early mornings.If this is the way wvwvw is gonna be ,its going to turn alot of people off.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@Reztek we @ TUP run with 15-25 depending on day, just take last night as the most recent example. Outmanned buff on RS BL the entire primetime, 7pm till midnight and beyond (i called it just b4 midnight so cant confirm beyond that). 5 hours of my guild plus between 5 and 15 friendlies on the entire map. Up against the 80+ man blob of Abba (hope you enjoyed us smashing you while you tried to hit SE RS garri) and RS of 60+ in a blob most of the night.

One thing that irks me, is zergs, the really big ones, the 80+ that abba constantly stick to each other like glue, Waypointing out back to spawn (more than once) before a fight with 1/4 their number. Dissappointing to say the least. In general though you roam alot more than the RS bunch.

Shame 60 guys had to ninja bay as they failed to take it with 20 defenders heh. Smooth moves with your golem pilots, waypointing out as soon as they see 1 of our tag. Your zerg wasn’t as fortunate

Some good action to be had, although for the early part of prime time the blob v blob, german on german action = you made the whole zone lag ya bastids, wipe each other quicker please sheesh.

Highlight 14 guys saying “f it!” and having some of the 80, hell we got kills, lasted ages and over half of us swam away to try to save our keep.

TUP salutes you all, we also thank you for the bags o7

Kind regards

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

If any Group want to fight, gvg style,Tuesday around 9:00Bst(10 CEST)i should have my group of people ready from 15vs15 and up i think we might be able to reach 30 not sure.
Just leave a pm here on the forum or send me a mail in game

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


I must say Respect to the guild ROLE I believe which are riverside guild?… attacking us like that with 50% – 75% our number and having a fight… Refreshing to see from a german server/guild… Besides DW don’t see it happen often especially when its not even even.

Makes me laugh and cringe at the zergers who far too often waypoint or run away and bunker in keeps instead of just play to fight like the Role guys did for fun.

/Salute for not backing down and bringing the fight to us, just wish you had a few more people so it was more fair but nice to see havoc group still exist

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Sequoia Mint.4803

Sequoia Mint.4803

TUP salutes you all, we also thank you for the bags o7

Kind regards

Das Loot!


The Big Bird
Chosen Alliance CA
Nameless Veterans NV

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


Had a mixed evening yesterday starting at AM BL. No resistance at all, we took towers we took keeps but nobody showed up. Tried RS BL but infamous queue hit us. Changed to AG BL for the rest of the evening where we found opponents, to be honest plenty of them. Unfortunately no guild groups but big and sometimes very big zergs from both servers. So we had to change our strategy here and there a bit from “Jump in and try to win” to “Jump in and try to survive” which worked out, well, at least most of the times. We also discovered a new mini game, “Snipe out the legendary bearer” which was fun, so if you own a legendary, watch out ^^.


Funny how all the accusations are the same, only the server is exchangeable. Maybe the truth is that every server blobs, every server cheats and every server hides from time to times. Imo Arenanet is very lucky that WvW players seem to be different than SPvP players. WvW players are so busy accusing each other, maybe this time would be better invested in demanding bug fixes, performance improvements and new features from Arenanet for the game mode we are all so excited about. With that said, we are all in the same boat, respect yourself, respect your enemy.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Please, have my babies Draugris.

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840



Funny how all the accusations are the same, only the server is exchangeable. Maybe the truth is that every server blobs, every server cheats and every server hides from time to times. Imo Arenanet is very lucky that WvW players seem to be different than SPvP players. WvW players are so busy accusing each other, maybe this time would be better invested in demanding bug fixes, performance improvements and new features from Arenanet for the game mode we are all so excited about. With that said, we are all in the same boat, respect yourself, respect your enemy.

At the same time, because skill lag is not a bug, but something generated by numbers hitting skills simultaneously at one place, you can ask other servers (and hope to be listened) to lower their numbers and let you have at least some fun…
WvWvW is not as easily manageable as sPVP. One change affects 100 players on map and not 8 or 5. So, it’s better to try and not abuse its mechanisms than wait for fixes that may or may not happen (due to technicla restrictions also).

btw……..as you probably know you already won a matchup against us at the past, sure it was cause of your skill and not cause of the night coverage of certain AG Guilds;-)……..legit for me but it seems that you take the whole thing way too serious think about it.

One time does not prove that night coverage did it all, Myrmidone. It was one time and our night coverage crews have been running for weeks. Not to say that they were fighting upgraded with waypoint Keeps and some 20 inside manning acs and not NPC’s, even at night.
I don’t care though if we win or lose, but like people say: let us have our fun and you can have yours. (less blobs, less skill lag and you can keep your T3 structures)

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

(edited by Karahol.9840)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@draugris Yes Wvw player are very different from spvp, for the first months i basically did Tpvp only and the amount of teaching and experience from that is immense i’m sad that normaly most of wvw player have very little skill, that’s why i think blob is bad whatever side because it break game with lag and no skill.

I know that if you Pug command is naturally that you get a zerg and with time a blob, just seems that the amount of pug commanding in Am and RS is much higher, i basically know 3 commander on Ag that they to regular pug commanding, the rest is just unknow to the most of us and many times there is no icon up, that’s why i think Ag don’t blob, and for the guild i know they don’t stack up

I don’t know it just seems that from AG side, AM and RS have a lot more people and aside from a bit on prime time and night time we don’t get close to the numbers that you run, and i mean in total on the map, probably we can’t hold in this tier anymore will see.

When it seems that i’m accusing of blobing, is just for future a simple request to split a bit more because skill lag and such plus i don’t think is fun kill 15-25 people with 50-60 , yes you get some loot but it doesn’t requide any effort, if your sure your not blobbing, no problem ignore me but just don’t lie to yourself.

Anyways Thank Druckwelle to accepted my gvg request i’ll try to make my people come 1 hour earlier and will have a nice fight

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


So, it’s better to try and not abuse its mechanisms than wait for fixes that may or may not happen (due to technicla restrictions also).

Well of course you can try that, and also you can ask people not to blob but i don´t believe that it will happen. Not as long as Arenanet makes it so rewardable and effective to do it. I guess most of the people are playing WvW for points and server rank, which is perfectly fine, and there has to be done something by game design to split up the zerg. As long as you can achieve your goal with just outnumbering the enemy, it will be done.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


Anyways Thank Druckwelle to accepted my gvg request i’ll try to make my people come 1 hour earlier and will have a nice fight

Ah nice to hear that, unfortunately due to my job i can not participate. Good Luck, i think it will be fun.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

(edited by draugris.9872)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


Well if it was just numbers i couldnt care less,but it also seems AM and RS are making a habit of only/mostly attacking AG and leaving each other alone as much as possible.Making this the 2nd week of 2vs 1.Maybe its a good idea for Anet to not have 2 German or French servers in the same tier to keep chances even for all .No doubt im going to get comments about whining and this not being true but just look at the maps when AM or RS have the manpower at night and early mornings.If this is the way wvwvw is gonna be ,its going to turn alot of people off.

Well, tbh we don’t team up, but your borderland is just a easy way to get a better tick during the night. And i think RS thinks the same. Whenever we need some more points before a pointtick our commanders say something like: “Let’s switch to Aurora we can get another 40-50 point there before tick.” As you said yourself: RS and AM hav the manpower at that time and you don’t so you are the easiest target.

One thing that irks me, is zergs, the really big ones, the 80+ that abba constantly stick to each other like glue, Waypointing out back to spawn (more than once) before a fight with 1/4 their number. Dissappointing to say the least. In general though you roam alot more than the RS bunch.

Whenever i run with a zerg we don’t avoid a fight most of the time becasue we’re afraid. Most of the time we port because we have a INC somewhere else or because we want to make an attack somewhere else. Sometimes we even stop fighting because we get the order to disengage because we have to respond to INCs. But yeah sometimes we won’t attack because the situation doesn’t look like a fight would be successful. But this mostly happens when we try to attack a tower or keep and realise that there are to many people or siege inside.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@Draugris yes blob is too effective, i know i can beat a blob of 60 with 35-40 of a good guild but for beating a group of 60 with 20-25 is much harder and for now my group doesn’t have that skill yet will keep trying of course.
if i didn’t ask to split, i couldn’t keep playing i wanted to be sure the bigs groups of 50-60 plus were a choice from that i can understand the mindset.
Playing for points is fine, game is made for that, but winning the game gives no real reward for winning or losing that’s why i don’t share the playing for points mentality.

I really hope Anet change things / introduce some real gvg so that people that play for points can play without people playing only for fights like me.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: kruimeltje.5981


You say you dont team up up but how come you always seem to attack at the same time without running into each other if its not coordinated?AM attacks say Longview, RS will attack Cliffside within 10 secs.And its not an exception it happens over and over.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


They already said what they are doing, kruimeltje.
They are playing for easy points, not for glory of the epic siege battle! So, they are hitting the guys which have no upgraded towers and no people to defend them. Easy points, easy way to go up in ratings as a server, and that’s it.

I would like to see however what would happen if Miller’s Sound gets in Tier 4 and everyone plays the same way…

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


“Too bad that 3 VM guys had to kill me because they were so kill deprived on map that they ganked on guy who did not fight back watching the show…” I thought most AG players are looking for that? Fights just to kill? And when they have the chance, they complain too? I really do not understand the AG mindset …they just want to fight, fight, fight, on open field, and are complaining if other servers are playing for points instead. Sounds boring to me, and like they would prefer to mindless slaughter other guilds or get slaughtered by them. Booooring – I like AM and RS – Style more, because more strategy is needed for that, you always have to keep in mind what is going on on the other borderlands, you have to take keeps and guard them, see where incs are and what can be attacked easily, watch out for enemy groups with scouts and so on. Takes more strategy than this simple: uh, we are a guild, we want to fight a other guild and kill them, boring, sounds more like a horde of mongols than anything else. In real life, no commander-in-chief, general or whatever would do this, just sending their soldiers out to kill something, they always try to hold what they captured and capture new cities and so on.

Abaddon dances.

(edited by TWDuke.2138)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


Well I’m not sure if Miller got the coverage to fight in t4 atm but if we make the assumption that they had the manpower then the fight would be quite big and fierce I guess. Our last 3-German-Servers-Match(AM vs MS vs DL and final scores were: AM 212 650/ DL 195 512/ MS 209 310) was quite some time ago and we(AM) had the bigger manpower but it was still quit balanced enough for some really long large scale fights and a lot of Golem-rushs etc. I would assume that in a RS vs AM vs MS matchup only very few things would flip in prime time as long as all three servers field equal numbers because everything else would be guarded with zergs. Right now we got a good example with Hills on AM BL. We struggel to kick RS out of it because it is nearly impossible to capture a t3 hill as long as the defenders got supps and have equal or higher numbers. So in a german matchup most things would flip during the night and the server with the most dedicated night shift would take the lead. And the forum would be in flames. Even in the current matchup our topics on the german forum are warzones. Believe it or not: It is more likely that a german server teams up with a EU server against another german server(and that’s really unlikely already) than that 2 german servers work together. While we enjoy fighting against each other no german server would grant another german server to be successful because of their help.