Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


“Too bad that 3 VM guys had to kill me because they were so kill deprived on map that they ganked on guy who did not fight back watching the show…” I thought most AG players are looking for that? Fights just to kill? And when they have the chance, they complain too? I really do not understand the AG mindset …they just want to fight, fight, fight, on open field, and are complaining if other servers are playing for points instead. Sounds boring to me, and like they would prefer to mindless slaughter other guilds or get slaughtered by them. Booooring – I like AM and RS – Style more, because more strategy is needed for that, you always have to keep in mind what is going on on the other borderlands, you have to take keeps and guard them, see where incs are and what can be attacked easily, watch out for enemy groups with scouts and so on. Takes more strategy than this simple: uh, we are a guild, we want to fight a other guild and kill them, boring, sounds more like a horde of mongols than anything else. In real life, no commander-in-chief, general or whatever would do this, just sending their soldiers out to kill something, they always try to hold what they captured and capture new cities and so on.

I was at AM BL, near RS spawn. I was watching a massive battle of enemy guilds clashing by myself and got ganked by 3 people and you base your logic on my experience??? Better take another example.

About the tactics going on, this game is not based on equality, so no. Tactics do not cover for absence of players. Ask RS to tell you if their tactics had any impact during their stay in Tier 3 or no.

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


I was not talking about tactics. And yes, of cause you get ganked, because, as you said, this game is not based on equality.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@TWDuke Yes Ag likes to fight, like to fight a fair fight, AM and RS play for points, the siege up all the way they can, freaking AC all over the place, the rush out when they have very big group that basically you can’t stop because we don’t the manpower to do it.
More strategy? are you kidding, siege is static you know the position of the siege that can or can’t be counter, THAT’S IT
You’re going to take the keep if you can defend the siege and then don’t die in lord room, there is no master plan, no mighty tactics, is just siege stuff,get stuff, keep a scout on everything, that’s it, and if you want to get stuff that is defended get more people than the one inside many more over 4:1 it becames a sure thing.

If play in blob you have no idea about synergy in a group, combo field, movement( the most important thing)

You say mindless, it’s not. Blob takes no skill, that’s mindless; trying to kill a group much bigger than you takes skill and practice.

@Double teaming as many said before me our stuff is made of paper with no siege in most of the time, they said before the tick they try to take stuff, our stuff takes less time, that’s why we get focus.

@Nauda i really hope a full German match i think Rs will win

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


Yes, more strategy, than running around and just searching for a “fair” fight. Have a problem with ACs? Improve your tactic. Siege is static, but you have to know what you can conquer, what not, how and by whom and by how many it is defend, if it is a worth wile target, position of the enemy and so on. Scouting out enemy movements, disturbing their supply lines, starting fake attacks and so on. It is much more strategic, and a little bit more realistic. There is always a master plan – opposed to just running around and looking for a group you can try to kill. Blob might not take es much skill by the single player, but by the server as a whole. Yesterday AM starved out bay on RS-borderland to take it , this is real siege and has nothing to do with who has the bigger blob, and then captured it, just to make their zerg gget away from our borderlands back to their own, this is strategy, pure strategy, like in a real strategy game. It seems you fail to grasp the concept of WvW – this is not about some 20 people bashing each others heads in for no reason, it is to capture and hold lands. If you want that, go to pvp with you guild and get an other guild to compete against you, there you have the small scale tactical fight you are looking for, with synergy , combo fields, movement, this it what spvp is meant for, but not WvW. I enjoy both, but I dont got to spvp and expect fo fight strategic, and then complain, likewise I dont join WvW and then complain about not having small scale fights and not being able to test my tiny groups skills in battle against anouther tiny group.

Abaddon dances.

(edited by TWDuke.2138)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

i’m sure that the commander of the blob know what is doing, but 90% of the people in blob they don’t know, the just attack,aoe, Pvdoor,build siege went someone drop it.

Starving for supply, scouting enemy that is basic stuff we do that all day long, you really think we don’t know strategy, what i’m saying is that there is more than that and is the real combat and is an other level of depth of the game that with blob you just do experience

@Tactic for ac, is treb, that’s it, is nothing difficult, when we can we do that, most of the time we don’t that because we simply don’t have the manpower.

Reality is you have Many more people than us and we can’t compete, no strategy or tactics can help with that, the game is design to let win the group with more people, you have many more than us, Gratz you win.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

(edited by Amelia Knox.9362)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TheGreatA.4192


I think the biggest problems lie in technical issues rather than with simply “zerging”.

As of now 60 man zergs are simply game-breaking as the game has not been desiged to handle such large scale battles. There’s a reason why there are 6 supply camps, 4 towers and 3 keeps in every map and it is so that the fights would spread out between the locations. One possibility would be to make the distances larger so that one single zerg could not run from one place to the next in time to defend a location as easily as they can now.

Even then mass-zerging only works against outmanned servers and a server of similar population with organized guild groups would definitely dominate against such tactics, which are inferior and cause issues in the game system.

The weakness of the strategy could be seen when a group of 25 to 30 Aurora Glade held 2 towers and a keep for the better part of the day at Riverside borderland, continually wiping the massive groups of Riverside and Abaddon’s Mouth and managing to cap defenseless locations due to the predictable movements of the zerg, which was always being scouted.

Much of the complaints are largely due to Aurora Glade having lost a lot of its WvW population, yet still hanging in tier 4 by a thread even though this server’s coverage doesn’t warrant them to being in this tier anymore.

Metsän Suojelija (guard)/Puun Halaaja (engi)/Pieni Musta Rotta (warrior)/Viher Rauha (necro)

(edited by TheGreatA.4192)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


i’m sure that the commander of the blob know what is doing, but 90% of the people in blob they don’t know, the just attack,aoe, Pvdoor,build siege went someone drop it.

Starving for supply, scouting enemy that is basic stuff we do that all day long, you really think we don’t know strategy, what i’m saying is that there is more than that and is the real combat and is an other level of depth of the game that with blob you just do experience

@Tactic for ac, is treb, that’s it, is nothing difficult, when we can we do that, most of the time we don’t that because we simply don’t have the manpower.

Reality is you have Many more people than us and we can’t compete, no strategy or tactics can help with that, the game is design to let win the group with more people, you have many more than us, Gratz you win.

First point: If they listen to the commander, they will know.

Second: Yes, and this is what WvW is mainly about, but still, I ve seen a lot of people in this thread complaining about that, and calling it boring, and just wanting this “real combat”(spvp again) and nothing else, and then picking on other servers that do what wvw was made for.

Third: Yes, you dont have the manpower, and that is a pity. I would prefer if AG had, now it is just unbalanced, RS overwhelming AM most of the time and both RS and AM raiding AG for easy points. But this is not AMs or RSs fault. Or AGs. And it does not make the blobstyle wrong. Imho a few people (on all servers) are looking for the wrong things in WvW, and than complain if not all players and the other servers are looking for the same.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


i’m sure that the commander of the blob know what is doing, but 90% of the people in blob they don’t know, the just attack,aoe, Pvdoor,build siege went someone drop it.

Starving for supply, scouting enemy that is basic stuff we do that all day long, you really think we don’t know strategy, what i’m saying is that there is more than that and is the real combat and is an other level of depth of the game that with blob you just do experience

@Tactic for ac, is treb, that’s it, is nothing difficult, when we can we do that, most of the time we don’t that because we simply don’t have the manpower.

Reality is you have Many more people than us and we can’t compete, no strategy or tactics can help with that, the game is design to let win the group with more people, you have many more than us, Gratz you win.

First point: If they listen to the commander, they will know.

Second: Yes, and this is what WvW is mainly about, but still, I ve seen a lot of people in this thread complaining about that, and calling it boring, and just wanting this “real combat”(spvp again) and nothing else, and then picking on other servers that do what wvw was made for.

Third: Yes, you dont have the manpower, and that is a pity. I would prefer if AG had, now it is just unbalanced, RS overwhelming AM most of the time and both RS and AM raiding AG for easy points. But this is not AMs or RSs fault. Or AGs. And it does not make the blobstyle wrong. Imho a few people (on all servers) are looking for the wrong things in WvW, and than complain if not all players and the other servers are looking for the same.

And again… Ask RS how well their strategies worked against the superior coverage servers of Tier 3 and come back to talke about WvWvW being a game of strategy.

I had the same idea for the game but soon abolished it.

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


It still is. What dont you understand? If the other server has far more manpower, this is just bad luck.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

Different people want different things from Wvw, i just asked not to blob, because it cause lag and i don’t want to counter a blob with an other blob because only skill 1 works and is not fun for any side, that’s what i said, after that many other question and anwser got posted, and the discussion went to kitten.

Has i posted many times RS/AM try to blob, and they think there is nothing wrong, ok that’s their general opinion, i said my reason why i think is wrong, that’s it, i try to reason with the enemy on why i think is wrong and why i think there is better ways to have fun and score also more points.
Someone posted here that they blobbed because they didn’t want to get wipe from our guilds because everytime they get wipe the lose more and more people and then start losing points.

I think multiple groups bring more tactics and strategy than a single blob, multiple groups requide more skill, and bigger groups of people(blob) when confronted with weaker enemy because of the simple numbers, requide no effort on the blob side.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Beri.3156


Yeah lets say split up that 60 man blob to 3 groups. Those 3 20 man groups can do way more dmg than one single blob. 1 group attack bay other group attack hills and last group can keep enemy distracted somewhere else. That way we wont have any skill lag either. When u see big blob you can coordinate with other two groups and flank them. 1 group coming from behind and other group in front of them. Boom WvW strategy 101 revealed. =)
I’m pretty sure every single guild group was newbies when this game was released. When guild group gets wiped they go through what did we do wrong ? what we could have done better etc. The way i see it pugs have that opportunity also if they want to.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


No way 20 man capture a t3 hills or bay that is defended. ANd PUG_Zergs can’t go through this “what did we do wrong” process because the players that form the zerg switch everday if not every few hours.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Beri.3156


Nauda Been there done that. Atleast in AG those pug zergs has some core players who play WvW almost daily basis. You can always tell pugs what we could have done better no1 is stopping you. There is always time to go through fights after you stop leading/ event is ending.

Awesome charr necro 66,000 kills
Aurora Glade

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Reborn.2934


first of all the riverside is the only server that i really do not want to fight

the reason is that they are playing all like ret – @rds .

why ?

1. they are setting siege bots that treb other structures for ages …. they still treb even the wall is down

2. they are using sieges everywhere . attack / defense / openfield ? everywhere !

3. they always laugh up from the dead body even they are outnumber the enemy

4. they are only be offensive when the enemy is outnumbered and they bring everything they can to fight against 5 people and capture enemy’s structure when there is nobody defense it

5. when the enemy has equal numbers they are staying behind or front of the walls and they are fighting only with siege support.

so for these reasons this week i will not play with my main char … riverside you are not the enemy that someone wants to fight .

i hope next week we have not again riverside as enemy , maybe i will stay in pve until the miracle happened

(edited by Reborn.2934)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Nauda.3678


It’s common to keep trebbing a wall although the wall is down. It prevents repair and it causes a nice distraction becasue most enemys keep watching for the open wall because they’re afraid the attackers might come. And you don’t need a bot for that just dedicated players;).

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Mefk.9167


i hope its better for AG in braket 5. And i think i missed the nice fights with Boon Control, Eclipse Gaming, Unity………

I hope your server habe a break an than you come back to Braket 4. Thx for many nice fight´s on TUP, KISS, DAWN!

Never give up pls!. We see ya on Battleground ^^.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Morbely.4051


Some RS player are fighting without siege support or behind the walls

greetings from dw DRUCKWELLE

and here you can see us fighting…


Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


I surely do not hope any fellow AG’ers are still playing WvW this week.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@TWduke. Im sorry but strategy and tactics buhahahaha. While the AM zerg and RS zerg battled over Bay for ages. My 20 man group, took hills, took 4 camps and your 2 northern towers and managed to make you waste supply in garrison.

So GJ on the strategy of of losing practically everything in zone due to blobbing up in bay – which btw you lost (to that uber strategy).

You can say all you like about high intenstity, adrenaline fueled, fast paced, live and die moments fighting the masses, outnumbered 3 or 4 to 1 as Boring… While also saying, the placement of ACs and trebs and counter trebs as exciting and thrilling – you do your thing we’ll do ours. We are obviously playing different games.

Btw can you make a video, just like TUP does. But can you show me the exciting playstyle of strategy. The thrilling nature of placement of siege. The live and die moments… Instead of a typical TUP “boring” video of action and teamwork.

I eagerly await your “exciting” video…

Kind Regards TUP

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


I never said our strategy is a good one, darling. Congrats on your strategy this time – you finally started to cap things instead of just looking for battles, and well, this seems like a great strategy. And yes, TUP videos seem boring to me.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Viking.1285


Oh you are so pro dranul please teach us, we want to be as good as you are.

[LNS]Lina Invers
Legion Night Stalker – We stalk the Night

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


And congrats on losing your homelands completely.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


I surely do not hope any fellow AG’ers are still playing WvW this week.

Sure we are. We are playing Troll Wars.
Troll RS and AM zergs of 30 that came on our BL for a walk during dead hours… Watch out for suicidal bombers, fellow opponents!

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


Oh you are so pro dranul please teach us, we want to be as good as you are.

Maybe you would improve if you actually tried to fight something rather than turning tail and running as soon as you see a red name.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Twinklefairy.6739


dw, teach your countrymen how to fight, it’s kind of pathetic.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@TWduke: Points win prizes. Whatever floats your boat sweetheart.

@Viking: Ironic name tbh as you certainly don’t have either the fighting spirit or skill of vikings You get nightmares at the thought of actually engaging ppl you only outnumber by 50% … run away more makes for such an exciting night for you i’m sure.

Just for you fine folks – some more zzz boring zzz omgosh fights.

o7 to all the guys who play for fun.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Viking.1285


Oh you are so pro dranul please teach us, we want to be as good as you are.

Maybe you would improve if you actually tried to fight something rather than turning tail and running as soon as you see a red name.

I dont know who you are fighting but I got plenty of bags tonight and we never ran away

[LNS]Lina Invers
Legion Night Stalker – We stalk the Night

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Headless.3718


Most of the posts from the AG-players in this thread sound like THIS to me.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


@Dranul Exactly what Ive been saying all along..finally someone who understands.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


Oh, could you please give me a time tag for the video so I can skip right to the exciting parts?

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Dranul.2094


@Viking – to quote you “we never ran away” while that might be the case from the night just passed (no proof either way as I wasn’t able to get on). In this next clip (you can all watch – no music copyright kitten from your respective countries) Would love to know the reasoning behind having 50% + more than your foes, yet “running” away.

Dranul – Guild Leader – The Unlikely Plan [TUP]
Aurora Glade EU

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Viking.1285


@Viking – to quote you “we never ran away” while that might be the case from the night just passed (no proof either way as I wasn’t able to get on). In this next clip (you can all watch – no music copyright kitten from your respective countries) Would love to know the reasoning behind having 50% + more than your foes, yet “running” away.

you realize that the enemy zerg seems ALWAYS bigger than your own group. If that was on the reset night I actually was there. But we were in a Guildraid about 20 + some randoms. If you would´ve seen this situation from our perspective it was exactly the other way round. You were more and had the better position. So we retreated back and waited for you to come to us.

And now really? what is your problem? do you searching for every single fight where a AM zerg is retreating because the leader thinks he is in a inferior position?

[LNS]Lina Invers
Legion Night Stalker – We stalk the Night

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Sequoia Mint.4803

Sequoia Mint.4803

LOL Atleast this guy finally admitted that they do run away even if his sense of numbers is skewed

The Big Bird
Chosen Alliance CA
Nameless Veterans NV

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: TWDuke.2138


well then – run faster. or do something to get points.

Abaddon dances.

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Wamgor.9347


I do enjoy some good old fashioned german story telling its mildly amusing I must say.

lol Since when as the lower ground been the better postion?

DW… I don’t know if you guys will be raiding on wed evening or not… but who should I pm to tell you which bl we will be on? Not GvG, just WvW in same zone so chances of good fight are much higher… because no offense you guys are in a different league to the rest in this tier and I wonder why that is… oh yes because you operate independently and love to fight. Such a Alien concept to most

Kind Regards TUP

Raid Leader/Officer
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: JonSnow.5610


Have you ever considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, AG doesn’t really care about the points anymore? Due to all the people leaving and we are too high up the tier?

Honestly both RS & AM seem to me like they don’t want to fight for some reason, even though they have the numbers to beat us. Unless you have 7 billion arrow carts to back you up.

Many that live deserve death, and some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?
Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment. Even the very wise can not see all ends

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: draugris.9872


3. they always laugh up from the dead body even they are outnumber the enemy

Unfortunately bad behavior is something that seems to be server independent. On sunday for example i experienced the same with a gigantic zerg from AG. Also many other things you wrote like staying in keeps even in equal or greater numbers i saw with both AG and AM. So everything is dependent on your personal point of view i guess.

dw, teach your countrymen how to fight, it’s kind of pathetic.

Well, everybody has a different understanding what fun is. For some people it is the open field and for some it is controlling objects. So the only thing that is important is to adapt your strategy to the actions of the enemy as you only have control over your own actions and not about somebody else´s, be it friend or foe.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


DW… I don’t know if you guys will be raiding on wed evening or not… but who should I pm to tell you which bl we will be on?

You can pm me. Would be nice, seems like our last chance to meet in this matchup
Pm me before 18.45 cest plz, due to queues.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MRA.4758


And again… Ask RS how well their strategies worked against the superior coverage servers of Tier 3 and come back to talke about WvWvW being a game of strategy.

Actually, when we are even in the strength of our forces, RS strategies work quite well in T3. I think we have already demonstrated time and again that we are a serious opponent for those teams, may it be in the open field or during sieges.

That we cannot compete with T3 in terms of points is, as you already noted, mainly a matter of coverage. And outside of the weekends, RS does not have the capabilities cover all 24 hours. That is the reason why you will see us sent back to T4 again and again.

Having said that, I suggest just accepting (and loving or hating) the game for what it is, and not getting frustrated since things can get so severely unbalanced at times. In a global context, balanced coverage is an intractable problem, period. After all, there are hundreds of threads and thousands of posts in these forums and I haven’t seen a single reasonable suggestion of how to deal with it.

Personally, I take my satisfaction from the fine display of our server at times when we are at evenly numbered in forces with our opponents. Who cares for the points anyways, they are just a proxy to determine the next match-up.


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Blue.7256


Big thanks to DW for good fights yesterday on AG BL. Few nice clashes on the north camp. Even with all the pug when the fights were getting longer skill lag was fine, so it still was fun. Cheers.

[RL] Bluel
Royal Legion – Polish MMORPG Guild

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Drizzy.1268


Yes, the fights vs you [RL] were the good ones yesterday.
The 3-way-clash outside of bay was way to big, same with the numbers abbadon did put in inner hills.

[BNF] – Bitte Nicht Füttern

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Karahol.9840


Having said that, I suggest just accepting (and loving or hating) the game for what it is, and not getting frustrated since things can get so severely unbalanced at times. In a global context, balanced coverage is an intractable problem, period. After all, there are hundreds of threads and thousands of posts in these forums and I haven’t seen a single reasonable suggestion of how to deal with it.

Personally, I take my satisfaction from the fine display of our server at times when we are at evenly numbered in forces with our opponents.

This game is played by players and is formed in a way by them.
Coverage issues is one factor that imbalances the game; players playing it safe to win points against outnumbered opponents all week long is another one, more serious for me and it’s the players’ choice.

Who cares for the points anyways, they are just a proxy to determine the next match-up.

Maybe you should read some posts above and you ’ll get the answer.

Aurora Glade’s [Emergency Heroes]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@Bots i don’t think riverside is using bots they just very dedicated player that don’t get bored gratz to them.

@Siege madness arrow cart all over the place, Anet fault, but yeah maybe if you the arrow cart to inside keep and tower it will be great, i think the open field one if they are not for defending like a treb or something is pretty overkill

@Focus on point and Pvdoor to victory if is fun for you what i have to say, keep up, but don’t say superior strategy that’s bullkitten

@Mefk will keep the fight, there is a lot of baddies to kill

@Morbely Yes Druckwelle doesn’t run, Best guild in RS, will see you tonight for the gvg BTW my people sign up in the thread on our forum or will kill you all ( /commander-dictator off )

@TWDuke Tup video 10/10, i hope i see some video from RS

@Viking i think the numbers there were pretty even both side, if you want to fight in a better position that’s fine(arrow cart range), but you will get call out if you ran from open field

@MRA i’m sure that Rs when is playing for points is good, for open field aside DW and DTK we never felt any threat aside from much bigger numbers, on equal numbers most RS are made of pure paper armor. I love to do some more even fights that’s why i ask for a gvg or even an organized battle bewteen garrison to bay if want, i think it will be a great for everybody and a learning experience for some.

@Zorn I like that you attacked us even if you had less people than us, atlest some RS is doing that, and nice dueling in spvp with a Zorn elementalist this morning, ranger beastmaster op, see you around.

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


@Bots i don’t think riverside is using bots they just very dedicated player that don’t get bored gratz to them.

I´ll have to disagree, it´s either that they at the very least use autohotkey script, or are just bored out of their minds…i don´t see any other reason to be trebbing your own towers.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

oh their own towers that change things lol

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Mabaara Hia.7153

Mabaara Hia.7153

I´ll have to disagree, it´s either that they at the very least use autohotkey script, or are just bored out of their minds…i don´t see any other reason to be trebbing your own towers.

you really do not know why??

here is a clue:
if you want to find out weather or not a certain spot is useful as treb position, you try it while the tower/garrison/bay or else is yours. That way someone can stand inside and give you exact data where you hit etc.
Found tons of new and very creative spots that way

Toula – Nekro
Meleea – Ele
- Riverside -

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Sequoia Mint.4803

Sequoia Mint.4803

oh is that what you all are doing instead of fighting me….. well now i know .

The Big Bird
Chosen Alliance CA
Nameless Veterans NV

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: MRA.4758


i’m sure that Rs when is playing for points is good, for open field aside DW and DTK we never felt any threat aside from much bigger numbers, on equal numbers most RS are made of pure paper armor.

Then let me offer you my congratulations for either your self-confidence, your courage, your luck, or your selective perception.

But I agree with your assessment that [dw] displays some awesome team tactics in the open field. (I never personally witnessed [DTK] in the open field, but they are experienced enough that I understand that you should feel threatened.)


IGN: Peavy (Asuran Engineer)
Tyrian Intelligence Agency [TIA]
Dies for Riverside on a regular basis, since the betas

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Strang.8170


I´ll have to disagree, it´s either that they at the very least use autohotkey script, or are just bored out of their minds…i don´t see any other reason to be trebbing your own towers.

you really do not know why??

here is a clue:
if you want to find out weather or not a certain spot is useful as treb position, you try it while the tower/garrison/bay or else is yours. That way someone can stand inside and give you exact data where you hit etc.
Found tons of new and very creative spots that way

Yes, i´m sure it requires rigorous testing of dozens of shots without anyone being near to tower to see them, shooter not knowing if they even hit because there´s no numbers or any practical way to tell if the splash damage hits.

Dr.Strang E – Nameless veterans (NV) – Gandara (EU)
[ ex- Piken Square (EU), ex- Aurora Glade (EU) ]

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Amelia Knox.9362

Amelia Knox.9362

@MRA lol, i’m telling my experience, if they are other guild that they strong on RS let me know i love to fight them, i didn’t find other

Thank you Dw Gvg we[Wall] lost 3-2 for them close every time for us, hope to do it again when i get a bit more experience on my guys, GG Re soon

[Dawn] Gandara
Guild Leader