Ability delay

Ability delay

in WvW

Posted by: ArcticRed.3068


If this has already been mentioned before then i appologise.

However since the culling patch, large scale WvW battles have become almost unplayable. I find that even setting everything to either low or off i am still having to spam a single key to get a skill to work. Yesterday during a siege it took 25 seconds for my heal to actualy work, the rest of the battle i was basicaly locked out of doing anything.

I have a high end PC and a 60meg connection, i dont experience this in any other fascet of the game where i keep all settings to the highest and still get over 100fps.

If this has already been mentioned and there is a fix in the works then please tell me, otherwise im going to have to look at the other titles coming out in the next couple of months. I sit on TS during keep sieges so i know that it isnt just me, my whole guild suffer from it, some have left WvW all together.

Ability delay

in WvW

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

It’s server side lag. It happened before the update too but now it seems to effect more/different people

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend